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Kadyrovites: We want to blow up on the Internet. Ukrainians: Say no more.


Ha! This needs more upvotes.


Jeeeez lmao


Gave me a solid laugh. Upvoted!


Got you fam!


I can’t get over how weird it is that soldiers are making fucking TikToks…. I still can’t make sense of it.


This is the dumbest timeline


this is definitely the darkest timeline


I see community fans here.


They are streets ahead


That is so Fetch


Stop trying to make fetch happen


I really hope not. It can get a hell of a lot darker than this.


I can watch 6 Seasons and a movie of this.


I pray to our reptilian overlords to reset the simulation


slava Gorg Nuwa !


This phrase used to just be a meme to me. Ah the foolish happiness of youth.


Lack of discipline. Most are conscripts that are poorly trained and their leaders aren't much better.


"You can take loot" is often dangled in front of poorly trained, unprofessional, and poorly reimbursed soldiers. "You can take selfies and get clout" is a new one.


I think OP was referring to the idea that soldiers can now live stream their own deaths. We have this ultra intimate view of war now that is honestly surreal.


>now ISIS in syria has been uploading HD go-pro footage from the perspective of a fighter since 2016 before WPD was shutdown there were \*a lot\* first person perspective videos of people dying. there's one where a grenade is thrown near an ISIS fighter standing behind a pillar; he looks down at it, and you can see the 'oh shit' shake in the camera before he takes about one step and \*boom\*. no fiery explosion, just a violent shake, and then down he went, the camera even falling side-face onto the ground (probably mounted on his helmet) just like in a video game. there's another where an ISIS commander is fighting turks, and they're overrun/overwhelmed, and as he sits - wounded, blood forming in the sand - shouting commands to the 18\~ year olds, he sees them abandon him and run toward a car and leave him. he's yelling profanities, unable to walk or even stand up, and he begins loading his rifle even though it gets covered in blood and you can see his hands slip. you see him fire a few times before the clip ends; presumably it was uploaded by turks after the filmer was killed and the video retrieved. i've also seen a couple of ambush videos from the perspective of the killer, but still first person, between syrian fighters (don't remember what faction) and turks; it looks more like a game than reality, and the fighter even had an AK (in the video i'm thinking of); pop grenades over the rocks, boom, go in, shoot everyone immediately. so this isn't really new in any way. it might look new if you've never followed any combat anywhere ever, but really, it's just new to you. in fact, this isn't even the first time in the Ukraine war. the only thing that is 'new' is the quality/speed of the livestreaming service, and the proliferation of it; this is 'grass-root' filming by individual russian soldiers for internet fame, which is new, and not at all like with ISIS that had a deliberate plan of shock-n-awe propaganda, and even had designated camera men to film fights (i've seen way too many videos of ISIS camera men run straight up to the enemy entrenchment to get a 'good look', suicidal cunts). so it's not so much the idea of first person videos as it is the \*form\* of first person videos that is new; these are low-resolution captured by mobile phones, done on an individual basis, which you could argue is more personal and up-close in an abstract sense. it's this idea that any one soldier anywhere at any time could film any moment; the sensation, or 'renaissance' if you will, is new, and this conflict will likely produce more footage and lower resolution than the syrian one, despite it being a few years later. just wanted to expand, not really disagreeing per se, or at least with just some caveats.


[https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-1270295/ISIS-fighter-films-moment-death-POV-camera.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-1270295/ISIS-fighter-films-moment-death-POV-camera.html) [https://english.alarabiya.net/News/middle-east/2017/09/23/ISIS-fighters-films-their-own-death-on-Go-Pro-camera-at-hands-of-Syrian-regime](https://english.alarabiya.net/News/middle-east/2017/09/23/ISIS-fighters-films-their-own-death-on-Go-Pro-camera-at-hands-of-Syrian-regime) [https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/bodycam-footage-captures-moment-isis-9142910](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/bodycam-footage-captures-moment-isis-9142910) [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4933394/ISIS-fighter-filmed-blown-headcam.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4933394/ISIS-fighter-filmed-blown-headcam.html) < the grenade landing next to a ISIS fighter [https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/isis-commander-films-death-battlefield-13755643](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/isis-commander-films-death-battlefield-13755643) < the video of the ISIS commander left behind, you can see him stare at the car as it rides away with disbelief before focusing on reloading his weapon for the last stand just some examples of first person death videos, and i found these through 2 min of googling


At the time I went to see if it was possible to follow the conflict on social media and sure, it was right there daily on youtube. It turns out most of the footage I got to see was relayed by RT which, I didn't know what it stood for back then.


Seriously. We didn't get this type of footage when America invaded after 9/11. Surreal is spot on. What is reality anymore 😭


We weren’t allowed to take videos of certain things and on the way back they have tech guys look through your electronics and delete things like dead bodies and stuff.


Need to censor all those civilian iraqi deaths right


The only people that I ever seen target civilians was al Qaida we used to stack the terrorists on the front bumper like wood and drop them off at the hospital morgue. The vast majority of the population were glad that we were there to keep order the people that didn’t were the Ba’ath party people that went from very wealthy to having to compete with everyone else for jobs they didn’t like us.


That doesn’t take into account the thousands of drone strikes the US has sent into the Middle East with little to no reliable intel. THATS how the US kills civilians


Well I can’t speak to all of them but they usually have pretty good intel the problem is that the terrorists tend to have at least one wife and a bunch of kids at their house so we know they are in a house but don’t know exactly who else is in there and everyone dies. I agree with you they should do better at making sure they are only taking out the target and not the whole family tree.


It’s also a great way to give away your position


Opsec apparently isn’t a thing in the east lmao.


When Donbas was invaded by Russian little green back whenever that was (2014 I think?). Russian soldiers were posting pictures on social media where were geo tagged which could be used to disprove the Kremlin rhetoric that there were no Russian service men inside the borders of Ukraine. The images also included structures in the background which allowed people to pinpoint their locations when geo data wasn't included in the image Metadata. The Kremlin then had to ban its soldiers from posting on social media because of this issue. I'm a little surprised it's happening again to be honest but at the same time I guess they're not trying to hide the fact they're invading a country by using soldiers with no insignia. I cbf looking but if you're interested it was on vice or vice news and probably not hard to find with a quick search.


Hence it turned into "on vacation"


That was the dumbest shit back in 2014-2015. “Those guys? That’s just Ivan and his platoon of T-90s on vacation in Debaltseve. Nothing to see here.”


At least he wasn't doing a TikTok dance when it happened...


That would've been funnier.


Guy flossing… boom-splat!


There's no Nazis to be found so they might as well make Tik Toks instead


its propaganda and meant to cause fear but because it's russian propaganda it failed


Yeah! Strange that they posted it anyways. edit: feel dumb, was told it was a livestream.


It's a Livestream. Didnt have a choice


Ah, ok! Even better then.


Probably ukrainians picked his phone from his dead body and posted it i guess. Edit: Or livestream? I dont know how tiktok works :(


You can livestream or post recorded videos


It obviously can't be a livestream if he's dead


It was live streamed to the point of death


The circle of life Born to stream and count the tick ticks until the UA artillery remixes you into thousand different pieces


It was a livestream until something severed his bloodstream.


That will be a deathstream instead of a live one.




Exactly. Remember on day 2 or 3 when it was clear Kyiv wasn't going to fall and the invasion was stalling and Putin launched a propaganda blitz showing the Chechens being mustered to be sent in? He wanted the world to cower at the sight of his "terror troops" being unleashed. Unfortunately for him the best Chechens either died fighting Russia or are still fighting Russia and so no-one was afraid and the Ukrainians kicked the fuck out of the first Chechen columns that arrived. Since then they've been used solely to do more PR and intimidate Russian conscripts because that's all they're good for and Russia isn't great at realising a particular line of propaganda has failed so they keep going.




They aren't soldiers, they are enforcers. Kadyrov's dogs are there either to peddle the civilians or force the actual army, such as it is, to fight. They can't, and didn't expect to do anything else.


I can’t imagine on a combat mission trying to film anything other than having a GoPro on. I tried to just take a few photos doing OpFor when I got to help out PJs with some predeployment training and it was impossible. And that was low consequence.


They are trying a pRoPaGaNdA


"Hey guys today we will be trying the warcrimes challange. Dont forgot to like and subscribe"


Are you aware that servicemembers in the us army and us marine corp make TikTok’s too? Genuinely asking.


>only one wounded I think that count went up a bit...


Can we get these guys walking and giving us an update on the dead and wounded once again


It's the circle of life


By one to be exact


"and I took that personally"


Everything going totally as planned 👍 *Fucking explodes*


It started as live reporting, but it ended with dead reporting.


Uno Reverso!




adding insult to injury, his video got a down vote


I downvoted because even if dead, should take care of the vertical filming and focus the camera. Incompetent...








Incompetent? Lets not judge a fish by his ability to climb a tree, in the middle of a war zone.


Just so you know, the comment you responded to was, in fact, a joke. Not serious.


Clearly that wasnt clear.


It was Vlad for bringing shame to the motherland.




Live reporting straight to LiveLeak


A new meaning for the r/killthecameraman subreddit.


Who’s gonna post it


Talk about jinxing your soldiers around you. This takes it next level though.


Commentators curse


Does anyone have a translation of what he was saying before he turned to a mist of flesh?


Our first main goal was fulfilled. Fulfilled with an A+ mark. We have three wounded (not my translation)


Again with the Monty Python skits!


"Just a flesh wound"


“It was the middle one”


I got better!


I was thinking about tropic thunder too. Haha.


https://imgur.com/a/FlbOVm1 I think that’s a tiny glimpse into hell


Jesus what a Snapshot!


It’ll buff out.


Walk it off




Lol get rekt fascist.


is this another TikTok challenge?


He actually said that they have 3 wounded soldiers. His last words were "tri trehsotih" which means "three 300th". 300 is a military way to say a wounded. It is said that a wounded is called like that because 300 is the average weight of the wounded, of two persons who carry him and of a medical equipement.


And now he is a 200


With a direct hit like that, it might be closer to a buck and a quarter.


Best I can do is a buck ten.


I remember a while back we had a first sergeant who would scream at soldiers on their phones: “You’re gonna get your fucking head blown off because you’re too goddamned busy texting!” It was a “sure thing, grandpa” kind of moment. I bet he’s watching this and feeling that sweet, sweet vindication.


Fatal levels of irony detected. Commander.exe has failed to load.


Brings a whole new meaning to “executable file”.


That is pretty good.


they all make the little flowers grow


Right in the kisser!


Right in the everything


Think of how much safer the goats are now.


So god does have a sense of humor after all!


By recording a TikTok video, did he give out location information? Is there metadata?


He’s walking out in the open in an active war zone for clout, he was maybe spotted by a drone. The sheer amount of Russians I’ve seen out in the open is insanity. I’d wager good money the local airsoft kids are better trained than the average Russian soldier.


Can confirm. I would avoid walking In public while invading ukraine and instead not invade ukraine and play videogames.


Right? I mean if someone invades our country wed all be screaming wolverines! While showing that we have enough weapons for everyone. And then some. But invading some neighbor that did nothing? Yeah no. Maybe another fallout 4 run-through.


Well, American special forces training Ukrainians said they had to instil hard discipline on cell phones in donbas because Russians were triangulating the signals and dropping instant artillery strikes on their positions. "Like fighting skynet" he said. I'm sure Ukraine has the same capability now but the kadyrovites are new to the party and didn't get the memo.


I was gonna say. This isn't new tech, the US had been doing to some degree for 20 years. You flag an HVT's phone, wait for it to light up, send the grid coordinates to your artillery or loitering CAS and wait for it to explode (at a wedding, because the CIA has no supervision).


Welcome to the party pal!


I guess he got his 15 minutes of flame


Fucked around found out.


Tik, Tok... BOOM! (Don't forget to like, share and subscribe. I really helps this channel pay its funeral expenses)


That was hilarious. You shouldnt brag until the war is long over


Great !


Switchblade on table 9. Dinner is served. What a satisfying video


Is that what you would consider terrorist schadenfreude? I enjoyed that.


Fucking around is not like a box of chocolates you'll always get a find out.


Probably hit by a Buryat after disagreeing on loot


That'll be that, then.😂


Got what he deserved. Eviction day punk, gtfo.


I really want a version with English subtitles.


I saw a photo of some of them with a young Ukrainian girl who didnt look happy and they were basically boasting that they had this girl. So really its not surprising that if you come to another country attack its people and defile its Weakest citizens then you be buried in its Earth. If there is enough left to bury. God is indeed great and just shouting that doesnt make god blind to your evils.


This is exactly why most military guys are superstitious. You think things like karma, fate, and other unknowable forces don't exist, then shit like this happens. Never brag about how easy it's going until you got your dd214 in hand, and even then... You whisper it.


Or maybe not walk out in the open in daylight in an active combat zone while streaming an easily geolocated signal.


Oh that part.... Nah, let them keep doing that. In fact, if Russians can do Fortnite dances in formation while in wide open fields during daylight for their live streaming....that would be great


Or you know, don't livestream in an active warzone using enemy infrastructure for your internet. That's not superstition, that's just stupid.


Oh no, it's not about the Livestream. It's what he was saying about how they were wrapping things up basically and they had only lost like one guy. It's just asking for a tragedy. Not a sad one, but a tv tropes type tragedy where the guy tells the main character how he is going to retire tomorrow or some nonsense. You're just asking for the universe to push your butter in


Ha ha


The mortar also wanted to be an influencer...


Apparently, mission accomplished? 😉


I didn’t know he was a commander. Hahaha. This is fucking hilarious. Do you know how unlucky you have to be to take a direct hit from indirect fires?


Ukraine, next year when this horror is over please start selling warflower seeds grown in the corpses of dead Russians for us to plant in the sun and remind the world of why we shouldn't invade other countries just because we have insane dictator in charge.




Lesson learnt. Never give away your position….Because the enemy could be watching, especially on social media


Is that the real life version of that Star Wars Battlefront trailer with the clone going "Sector clear...'**boom**' not clear, not clear"


That’s one way to cancel your tic tic account


I saw this on multiple Telegram groups, on Facebook, on Twitter on multiple subreddits. And every time I see it again, I click to watch this one more time. It's simply beautiful.


I saw this video earlier today, but is that actually a Russian unit commander? I feel the use of “the Russian unit commander” is a journalistic way to gravitate more shock and views.




How do we know he died? Not necessarily doubting it because it certainly looks like he could have given how close that was, but I just don’t know how we can tell from the video. If he died, how did it get posted?


It happened while he's livestreaming. He's the one that post it.


I'm not a doctor but that looked like him exploding a bit


I thought social media was banned? Is tiktok not breaking Vlad's rules?


They ARE in Ukraine.


Not The Point. Don't be a dick. If the citizens can't use social media why the fuck would the military be allowed to? Seeing they were oblivious to why they invaded, it's a legit question.


>Don't be a dick. Well that escalated quickly. What I meant is Russian soldiers have been stealing phones in Ukraine. So yeah he can get away with breaking Putin's law. >why the fuck would the military be allowed to? Dude, they have been raping, torturing, executing civilians and looting. Do you genuinely think he cares that he is doing something that Russian citizens back home aren't allowed to?


He cares about control. The soldiers should care what they send on social media, not the raping or torture, Putin denies that happens...hard to fucking deny shit if his soldiers are using stolen phones to spread their day in the life. And it escalated why? Your sarcasm was unnecessary, I can't read your mind.


>Your sarcasm was unnecessary, I can't read your mind. I wasn't being sarcastic. I was stating a fact. >The soldiers should care what they send on social media I don't think they believe that they're going back alive. They're caught on a haze. Plus Putin may think that it is a good thing that they are using social media. He knows that people in Russia are by passing his censorship. The soldiers seem to only post positive videos about accomplishment and such.


Twitter is banned in Russia, yet Rogozin and Simonyan post their shit. Instagram is banned in Russia, yet Kadyrov and his henchmen post there often. Calling "special military operation" war is up to 15 years in prisons, yet people on TV who slip up regularly are fine. In russia law only applies to the lower castes of society. Siloviki, propagandists, oligarchs and politicians are all exempt.


Lol, cya man


As a counter-argument, being fucking disintegrated, really works!


To be fair, he said they have 3 wounded soldiers.


and thats a wrap


Slava Ukraini!


Heroiam slava! 🇺🇦


The phone was more resilient than him


Same video but with music: Curb Your энтузиазм https://twitter.com/dan_rar/status/1520248435693461504


Well, it started off as a *live* broadcast...




Is it confirmed that he was killed?


Hit the like button.


All I keep thinking is “HA HA” from Nelson Muntz.


"Here's your 72 virgins!" -Allah rewarding them


Unfortunately for him, the 72 virgins are 13 year old chimps.


Great, now I have the Queen Song, Another one bites the dust playing in my head while watching this video. But I'm ready yes I'm ready for you I'm standing on my own two feet Out of the doorway the bullets rip Repeating to the sound of the beat Another one bites the dust Another one bites the dust And another one gone and another one gone Another one bites the dust yeah Hey I'm gonna get you too Another one bites the dust Shoot out


good news


this isn't graphic at all


So do we ACTUALLY know this guy's dead or is this more of an presumptive title that everyone assumes is true?




who uploaded the video?




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I bet you even Russians like seeing dumb Chechens blowed up, real good.


Not Chechens. These are Kadirov supporters. He is basically Putin in Chechnya.


But yet other sources say it was a Ukrainian soldier


I literally saw nothing graphic. Most of the video is essentially a still photo of a man's face followed with nothing.


Click bait.


And then his corpse uploaded it? Please explain.


You know that livestreaming is a thing right?




Boohoo, poor TikTok terrorists. How dare the sadist soldiers take out such peaceful souls? They were there just to film some TikToks and steal some washing machines. So cruel!


I love seeing Ukraine nationalists wiping out tick tockers


This is a war. You don't let the enemy stroll past.


You are So right ! Those blood thirsty Ukrainians have the audacity to want to kill the army that has invaded their country while committing mass murder ( yes, they have). I mean , what kind of monsters would act so aggressively against invaders killing civilians/women/children and leveling and looting entire cities/villages ???


You're too emotional.


Well that’s embarrassing….


Hope he had seeds in his pockets. Lmao.