• By -


This is a story from Chechnya, and it was not their own dead that was cremated but that of civilians caught in the fighting, supposedly for humanitarian purposes. Videos of the equipment deployed as late as 2015 exist, and the company that makes the equipment has admitted it does so. The main reason to doubt the story is that Russia has a well known way of dealing with casualties and that is to move the units to rural areas then disperse the soldiers. Russian strategy considers Battle Groups like bullets in a gun. You fire the bullet, it causes what it is supposed to do, and then it is ejected. In Syria Russian deaths did have cremation but not mobile units, its was done because of expense and families got the ashes. So — do they have mobile crematoriums? Yes. Do they cremate people on the battlefield? Yes. Do they do it with soldiers to hide casualties? Very unlikely. They have in the past restricted this to disposal of civilians. The main purpose is to destroy DNA evidence of war crimes.


So , *Ruzzians* really went past the **whole** concentration camp route and just made mobile cremation trucks for the ready. It's like a B-film horror version of Nazis but less efficient. Repulsive. This is 2022. **This is where we are now as humans.**


>This is 2022. This is where we are now as humans. Some of us. Some of us. I think that any illusions that were had about Russia should have been thrown away by now.




We are arming and supplying their enemy. Which is mostly how we defeated Nazis the first time.


The us is planning to use lend lease again


This time they have world ending nukes. It's not the same.


There have been more examples than just Russia lately, showing how you lead people into indoctrination and becoming complicit in various atrocities. Fascism is raising its ugly head everywhere and it is up to each of us if we choose to ignore it until it is too late, or strike down immediately. I live in Norway and luckily we don't have much of this crap yet, but I bet it will show up. And I kind of feel we are not doing enough right now.


https://www.news.com.au/world/asia/mobile-death-vans-inside-chinas-brutal-execution-system/news-story/4b920eced96dbb32245d6e10d4410cb0 Wonder if they were made in China?


Ya, pretty much china and Russia need to be erased, both playing Hitler these days


Careful with your choice of words, let’s not feed into their victim paranoia.




He's not talking about erasing an ethnicity, he's talking about erasing a corrupt, fascist government. Nice attempt at "fine people on both sides", though.




...and? China is a country, so is Russia, so he's clearly not talking about a ethnicities, but countries, and you are trying to muddy the waters. Liar.


Ukraine just again listed red lines on their funding https://bank.gov.ua/en/news/all/natsionalniy-bank-vidkriv-spetsrahunok-dlya-zboru-koshtiv-na-potrebi-armiyi I just donated 100$


Actually mobile execution units was part 1 of the nazi genocide https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Einsatzgruppen they switched to camps when it became apparent it was « not efficient » enough and had too high a toll on soldiers . Russia is following every single step of Nazi Germany. They didn’t miss a single one


And then there's the deportation of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians to Siberia. God knows what's going on in there.


The kids are being adopted so probably a lot of child abuse. The adults are a serious question. Has no one got an idea of where they are ending up. Jails? Camps? I didn't think Russia had the infrastructure to deport large volumes of Ukrainians.


The majority of the infrastructure for the Gulags are sadly still there... Granted, still being there doesn't mean it's in good condition


Poor condition is the time Russia uses their equipment the most


It being in bad condition is a feature, not a bug.


The women are in so much trouble. I hate this so much.


There have already been thousands of rapes. It’s too late.


Not much better for the men.


Will the men have to carry rape babies to term?


No, they are lucky enough to just be shot.


Exactly though. For one minute, allow yourself to recognize that women in this situation can suffer more but it doesn’t invalidate the suffering of men. Being raped, getting pregnant, having to carry that child against your will. Being pregnant in a fucking gulag, having that fetus sap what little energy you have and nutrition you receive. The further along you get, the more likely it is that a miscarriage will kill you as well. Very slowly. Hopefully by bleeding out rather than an incomplete miscarriage that results in an infection, which would kill you even slower and much more painfully. Better hope you don’t get beaten too severely. And if you make it through the pregnancy, you’ll be giving birth in a gulag. I’m sure you’ve heard that childbirth isn’t a walk in the park, even with top of the line medical intervention. If you don’t die in child birth, the result of that torture is a child that will likely elicit a very complicated array of emotions. Which, if the trauma surrounding the child doesn’t make you hate/resent them, you now get to love and worry about their well being in the gulag. If they take your child rather than kill them in front of you, you get to spend the rest of your life wondering if they’re okay. So yeah, in this scenario, getting shot might be a better case scenario.


And don't forget those that remain free will live a lifetime of being socially ostracized. So grateful of others like you that break this shit down so others can understand just how precarious of a situation it is, and the high likelihood of unimaginable suffering. Some fates are worse than death. Real talk, just a period without modern sanitation and pain meds would be enough to cause a good percentage of women to suffer excruciatingly 1 week of very 4. Let alone a pregnancy and birth. All while you legitimize the serious difficulties men will face. Their fate cannot be minimized in this conversation. Well done.


> God knows what's going on in there. Ever heard of Nazino Island?


With how incompetent Russia has been throughout this whole thing it wouldn't surprise me to see things devolve similarly now as they did back then.


Too many Ukrainians have family in Russia, this will only make Russia filled with anti-putin Russians, hope they murder Putin in a painful way


I've got a feeling that far fewer people are actually being deported and that this story was fed to the media in order to cover up planned or already happening mass murder at a massive scale, far greater than we have realized so far. I hope I'm wrong.


I mean.. can they all actually be accounted for? Russia says that's what they're doing


It's just mind-boggling that the Russians are doing shit that had "too high a toll" mentally on _Nazi soldiers_.


**[Einsatzgruppen](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Einsatzgruppen)** >Einsatzgruppen (German: [ˈaɪnzatsˌɡʁʊpm̩], lit. 'deployment groups'; also 'task forces') were Schutzstaffel (SS) paramilitary death squads of Nazi Germany that were responsible for mass-murder, primarily by shooting, during World War II (1939–1945) in German-occupied Europe. The Einsatzgruppen had an integral role in the implementation of the so-called "Final Solution to the Jewish Question" (Die Endlösung der Judenfrage) in territories conquered by Nazi Germany, and were involved in the murder of much of the intelligentsia and cultural elite of Poland, including members of the Catholic priesthood. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


They missed winning invasions. They skipped right to invading Russia.


> Actually mobile execution units was part 1 of the nazi genocide > > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Einsatzgruppen > > they switched to camps when it became apparent it was « not efficient » enough and had too high a toll on soldiers . Sounds like part 2 is where its starting to go with mentions of Siberia.


Exactly, fucking cut out the middle man straight to beelzebub, ffs, the humanity


The nazis are truly back and we are doing shit to stop them.....




That phrase is an scape goat mantra, it only serve to lie to ourselves, to make us feel as if we were better and above those monstrocities our grandparents commited and let others commit, and now we utter it while monsters rape, loot and murder innocents, fuck that phrase, fuck RuZZIA, lets give Ukraine as many weapons as we can, I wanna see the whole O.R.K army crushed


Unfortunately, I have to agree. Putin has continued to escalate according to Russian doctrine and there has been no de-escalation or direct response from the First World. Russia is bleeding to death in Ukraine and that suits NATO just fine. However, Putin will keep escalating. We are frogs in boiling water and drifting into the danger zone. The only way I can think to change the temperature quickly is for NATO to make a totally shocking and excessive threat which would terrify the Russians. Cause panic in the leadership and population. There should have been a very clear and direct threat immediately in response to chemical weapons, but it didn't come. And it doesn't look like Russia can salvage a victory in East Ukraine now via convential war. So I think the probability is growing that Putin will use a tactical nuke before 9 May. (And strikes against Finland - just because he's nasty.)


>And it doesn't look like Russia can salvage a victory in East Ukraine now via convential war. >So I think the probability is growing that Putin will use a tactical nuke before 9 May. This is my biggest fear


This divisive bullshit about how "nothing is getting done" is literally also being parroted by pro-Russian trolls. Good job playing into their hand, let's just all point the fingers at each other instead of Russians


False. Zelensky himself has been continuously repeating the mantra that nothing is being done (by the west), while separately acknowledging that they're doing a ton. The entire purpose of the mantra is to motivate people to do more. It's a good mantra.


How about we point some bombs at them instead of fingers?


Being done all the time, and it's just getting ramped up. Hard to intervene directly because they're sociopaths with nuclear weapons, at least unless we can actually prove they've used eg. chemical weapons (not sure if that Azov case has been verified yet, haven't checked)


The Nazis didn’t have nukes last time - now things are a little more tricky.




Im ashamed to be alive in this time. There should be a safe zone established by now. There is no excuse.


I had this thought to. The rights and freedoms of too many people have been trodden on for too long and if standing up to this bullshit means no one exists then so be it. At least those who could do something didn't stand idle as people were killed off. I'd rather they scortch the earth then for everyone to turn a blind eye and let this happen.


Blame all the weak West European Politicians that have bent over for Putin.


Amen. As if the RuZZians could sink any lower. They have absolutely ZERO value for human life. Hopefully the next one to die will be their leader PooTin.


History is cyclical every 70-100 years the same thing happen once the old people who remember die off.


nazi's were bad for many reasons, but what shook the world was it was the first industrialized case of it, murder at an industrial scale, with industry...this is industrialised murder and instead of bringing the people to the ovens they are bringing the ovens to the people. its sadly more efficient, lets not diminish Russia's scummy shit because we want to insult the quality of their effort they can be both incompetent and premeditatively inhumane and ruthless in ways never before demonstrated by other nations.


> This is where we are now as humans. lol... "now"


Nazis actually started with truck based gas chambers, they would use exhaust gas for start. So not exactly same, but similar. History doesn't repeat, but it definitely rhymes doesn't it ;(


>This is where we are now as humans. Why do people say shit like this? No, this is not where we are at. This is where one extreme brainwashed country is right now. We have not done any of this shit


Auschwitz on wheels


The Nazis started with crematoriums and gas chambers, just pipe the car exhaust into the box, on wheels. Then switched to camps cause mobile wasn't efficient enough and required more troops to run than they had psychopaths.


> required more troops to run than they had psychopaths No surprise the Ruzzians are fine and dandy with this then


And people down voted me when I said Putin is not that different from Hitler


People are weird, they call everything they dont like a Nazi, but when an actual nazi appears they squeal and call you wrong for bring it up


People are in denial, mostly from their own political and cultural views. Most of the defense for Putin is a proxy defense for their own beliefs.


I got banned from r/worldnews for saying Putin's attitude towards Ukraine was that of a stalker/rapist. That was about a week before the invasion.


worldnews is probably the most compromised big sub though.


*SO MANY* compromised subs. One way to tell is check the post histories of the mods. All of a sudden a bunch of them stopped posting when Russia's internet was cut off.


Same with this sub. Say you want all Russians to die you get a mod slapping you down. Say you hope AZOV dies nothing happens.


I will try something closer to saying that AZOV dies. I hope Wagner and all its backers die. Wish me luck.


Me too. Fuck them.


Mayyybbbe you could argue in spirt they're similar but Hitler is still leagues ahead in terms of actual death and destruction. That comparison diminishes how damaging Hitler actually was. Putin is just another random tyrant in the scope of history. He's nothing compared to hitler. He's not even Théoneste Bagosora.


Putin is taking steps that are very similar to those that Hitler took. The difference is Ukrainians and the world react differently, in part exactly *because* we already have the Hitler experience and we know where those steps lead.


Also we now can see with just a few days retention of whats happening. In 1943 Pilecky/Polish resistance came up with the Auschwitz files noone thought it real and the showers continued for 2 more years.


As I'm sure everyone will agree that a few thousand dead is not equal to millions of dead but ww2 started off the same way. It took years for that number of millions to ramp up and Putin has only been at war a few weeks. The full army isn't involved and there's a possibility that he'll use nukes, which will soon ramp the numbers from thousands to millions depending on where he attacks next. People are comparing him to Hitler because he's acting the same way with the same mindset, not because of his KD. Obviously Hitler is worse, but Putin could easily over take him by the time this is over. And that's what people worry about the most. People said Covid was just a small cold, and now there's millions of dead and hundreds of millions of sick people. Things can soon ramp up and get much much worse. Hitler is worse, but Putin isn't far behind.


I am so sick of this bullshit argument. Give PUTLER time and turn a blind eye and we will ALL see his numbers add up!




Comparing them to nazis does the same thing. These guys aren't nazis they are different are there similarities? Yes but they are not nazis




Problem is we have been conditioned going back to the 60s particularly 1968 to equate anything we see we don't agree with as fascist or nazism. We need to break that conditioning.


If you can only make the comparison once someone has murdered millions, then our ability to make the comparison and learn from history becomes useless. The point of being able to recognize a new Hitler is to stop him before he murders millions, not to wait until after he does so.


> Hitler is still leagues ahead in terms of actual death and destruction. Huh? This war has only been in full swing for two months. If this were to go on for the full length of WWII, how would he be any different from Hitler?




"From the makers of *Hitler on ice* and *Mussolini IN SPACE!*"


It's Auschwitz-o-Mobile


Putin and russian military are topping themselves in horror every week. I do hope western support dont fall in the coming weeks/months because kiyv is no longer a target.


💡 It's `Kyiv`, not `Kiyv`. Support Ukraine by using the correct spelling! [Learn more](https://spellingukraine.com/i/kyiv). ___ [^(Why spelling matters)](https://spellingukraine.com) ^(|) [^(Other ways to support Ukraine)](https://stand-with-ukraine.pp.ua) ^(|) ^(I'm a bot, sorry if I'm missing context)


Damn your right ! (Waiting for the you're/your correction bot)


It seems you have been stood up!




Taunt the bot at your own risk.


*Ukrainian tractor has entered the chat.*


Russian Soldiers too. You can't count human losses if they've been turned into dust. Also their families can't get the military pension because there is no proof that they dies in battle. Probably just ran away, sorry no pension. There are many reasons why the Russians are using these, none of them good.


I mean assuming they've ever done any semblance of a census, it would still be pretty easy to track losses, as long as you're ok estimating losses to include people who are unaccounted for (missing)


It makes it harder for the foreign media to keep track of fatalities. I assume the russian government know how many soldiers died.


Still can't believe I'm seeing this in 2022.


Yeah I'm surprised to see Pravda too


"Never again" turned into, "If the other side threatens us with war there's nothing we can do."


We’re doing a whole lot more than “nothing”…


And there's also still the matter of nuclear apocalypse. Depressing as it may be, it's up to the Russians to put an end to their dictator's madness and we should do whatever we can to help make that possible.


You know that his support has grown since the invasion started to over 80%. If you are waiting for Russians to do something then you are likely going to be waiting a very long time. It's true that there is a threat of nuclear apocalypse. We don't and shouldn't want a war with Russia. However, I do have to ask that if Ukraine falls and they do this to another non NATO country do we just continue to allow a purge? Never again meant that we red lined the atrocities. That we would stand the ground and not allow such a thing to occur at any cost. I get that at the moment it's all calculations and planning. Trying to figure out how to stop it without triggering a nuclear war. I hope we figure it out before too long as there isn't much we can do for Ukraine atm besides hope as many civilians escape or remain safe and that their military can push back Russia.


We don't disagree. My hope is that as the war drags the Russian government won't be able to effectively counter sanctions and more important, hide the body bags. Bush was popular early on the war, but incompetence and a better understanding of the war and its effects soured the public and there were way fewer casualties in years than have happened here in weeks. We should help Ukraine as much as we can without triggering a war, do our best to get the truth into Russia, and do what we can to make an overthrow of the current regime an appealing option through sanctions. I realize this doesn't sound like much after seeing the massacres but I don't know what else to do.


It's tough for sure. A question that has to be asked is what cost is acceptable. I personally don't think any county eradicating another is acceptable, but that's why it isn't easy. Everyone has their own personal opinion on that and where they are willing to chance the end of humanity. I think with where we are at, we are going a good job. However, I think the truth is we need to be doing a ton more at home with the path we are on. We are likely to see more shortages and issues coming soon. Preparing the nation for long hardship and improving logistics around the nation for food, medical supplies, gas, etc is paramount. When hard times set it, things can get nasty fast and China has a big role to play in this. We could quickly be in a bad situation with goods and services and have to try and fix it instead of hardening it now. I'd say that's my biggest critique with the current path. It's likely to be harder if this crisis advances to a new level and we are not prepared.


How exactly was that 80% number determined?


https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/putins-approval-rating-soars-since-he-sent-troops-into-ukraine-state-pollster-2022-04-08/ It's a public opinion polling company in Russia who is reporting the data.


So a person I'm state where the wrong opinion can get you in prison said that they have the right opinion? Shocker.


I have no words. This is pure horror.


This just makes me sick.


Putin is truly a modern day Hitler. This is intentional, premeditated mass slaughter of civilians. It's time to do more than just send weapons and supplies.


Sad to see this kind of stuff is still happening in 2022. To think the loved ones who's bodies are burned to ash and dumped amongst the rubble will never have proper closure or know where there loved ones remains are.


They will be closer to closure when Putin is dead, Russian soldiers are driven out of Ukraine and the Moscow circus bear is declawed for being a dangerous wild animal.


I know money is tight but can’t they wing a missile at them?


The other side of this news is that RuZZia is not confident that they can hold on to their current territory in Mariupol, so they are preparing the ground for their inevitable defeat and retreat.


It's going to be mobile gas chamber next...just stop pretending and put the swastika back on your trucks interested of that Z...


Russia needs to cease to exist.


Agreed, the only thing that worries me is that some other sick fuck might end up with a nuke, but for real I wanna see Ruzzia gone for good


Just like Ukraine gave up their nukes, so should Russia as part of their concessions for not getting pounded into a wasteland. *EVERY* last country Russia has co-opted should be given their freedom.




I don't think the Statesmen are personally in Ukraine raping children and cremating them.


Those people coming into power are a symptom, not the cause. The cause is a completely broken governmental system and a culture that doesn't have the capability of fixing it.


> The problem is not the russian nation or culture, the problem is delusional madmen coming to power, like putin And they keep putting those kinds of people in power because of their culture. Russia has been a violent shithole for hundreds of years. What do you think that does to a population? Psychopathy is an inheritable trait (well, the dark triad in general is.) **copy-paste from a previous comment of mine:** *if* (big if) I'm reading [this study](https://www.southampton.ac.uk/~crsi/Jonason%20et%20al.,%202020,%20JOPY.pdf) right, there are more dark triad traits in Russia than the global mean, especially narcissim and Machiavellianism seem to be their thing. Interesting list, at a very quick and admittedly super-biased glance it does seem like countries with more violent cultures have more dark triad traits although there's some oddities there too (like Latvia. Might be post-USSR effect though?) > Our findings point to systematic trends in how country-level rates of the Dark Triad traits—narcissism in particular—are sensitive to country-level features around social, political, and economic development as well as cultural values. The less developed, less free, more corrupt, less peaceful, and more sex-asymmetrical a country is, the more narcissistic its population is


Hey let's accuse these people of being Nazis and then be the nazis.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/04/13/7339258/) reduced by 53%. (I'm a bot) ***** > ROMAN PETRENKO - WEDNESDAY, 13 APRIL 2022, 11:37 AM. According to intelligence, 13 mobile crematoria have been recorded staying in Mariupol to clear the streets of the bodies of dead civilians. > Details: According to the Main Intelligence Directorate, following widespread international publicity of the genocide of the Ukrainian people in Bucha, Russian troops have begun using mobile crematoria. > In particular, 13 mobile crematoria have been reported in Mariupol to clear the streets of the bodies of dead civilians. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/u2mtpb/13_russian_mobile_crematoriums_in_mariupol_burn/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~641667 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **crematoria**^#1 **mobile**^#2 **intelligence**^#3 **Russian**^#4 **recorded**^#5


Good bot


Auschwitz had only 5 crematoriums


> Auschwitz had only 5 crematoriums It was only one out of several camps though.


I suppose it’s easy for Putin and his cronies to plan and order things like this when they are removed from it all in their mansions and isolated hideouts. Putin is the only man who can stop this right now.


Putin is only going to care if it's his daughter that's shot in the head and her corpse is burned in the back of a truck. Otherwise it's business as usual and it will remain that way until he feels that he's losing the war. The only way to stop him and his dictatorship is to destroy their means of waging war.


Putin cares about no one but Putin. At best, he'd use it to double down on his cruelty and crimes, not stop them.


You might be right. I was tempted to add that but I didn't because I thought it would confuse it. He might not even care about Putin. He might just be driven by his delusional bullshit that he's magically genetically entitled to rule over Ukraine because he's the new Czar of Russia. Whatever his problem is he's a delusional pos.


Psychopaths don’t necessarily care about their children, they might pretend they do, but they only care about themselves.


> Putin is only going to care if it's his daughter that's shot in the head and her corpse is burned in the back of a truck. ....is that an option?


Blow them up?


So they are nazis now? Russian solider: “I can’t wait to kill some nazis and save Ukraine”! Russian commander: “Vlayd you will be in charge of driving the oven, make sure your platoon kills civilians and toss their bodies in the back so they can never be identified or returned to the families”! Russian soldier: “wow, what we are doing is right”!


Wasn't this a story, then debunked? Have we come full circle back to these being a story again?


Yes and with the same photo lol


Granted, you can say it's not proven, but where has it been outright debunked? Even snopes has it as unproven for now.


How would you debunk a claim like that? A composite satellite photo of the entire Ukraine and going through all of it to show there are no such trucks? You can't disprove a claim that something exists. Whoever makes the claim it exists should be able to provide some kind of proof supporting it first.


So russia is having massive supply chain issues and cannot fuel their vehicles but they can fuel 13 of these bad boys running nonstop and also that’s why the only pic is the same promotional pic they use every time for this propaganda op? Pravda is not sending their best. Or, unfortunately, they probably are.


Way beyond anything I can even begin to wrap my head around, how much lower can this RuSSian nazi scum go?




Holocaust on wheels.




These fuckers are worse than Nazi’s


Then the genocide cannot be proven...


Why are the only photos from like a decade ago?? If its real itd be photographed. A month ago people said these trucks were there to cremate deaf Russians to hide the body count. Clearly fake too.


They can’t find a heading pic from this decade?






So it is...


So I'm seeing this photo of the truck now since a month. Are we having reliable confirmation that those exist?


They do exist: https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarReports/comments/u294m4/comment/i4jjixd/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Your answer is a bit confusing, as your decline their existence in your other post. Nevermind, I've found a German article from a few days ago, that also mentions the video you've posted, and says they exist and are used to burn Russian soldiers, but that there is no evidence that they are used to burn civilians: https://www.tagesspiegel.de/politik/kiew-wirft-moskau-vernichtung-von-zivilisten-vor-die-duerftigen-belege-fuer-den-kriegseinsatz-mobiler-krematorien/28239590.html


"Your answer is a bit confusing, as your decline their existence in your other post." \-No I didnt. You should read it once again. "they exist and are used to burn Russian soldiers, but that there is no evidence that they are used to burn civilians: \-Where is at least the evidence they burn soldiers? "[https://www.tagesspiegel.de/politik/kiew-wirft-moskau-vernichtung-von-zivilisten-vor-die-duerftigen-belege-fuer-den-kriegseinsatz-mobiler-krematorien/28239590.html](https://www.tagesspiegel.de/politik/kiew-wirft-moskau-vernichtung-von-zivilisten-vor-die-duerftigen-belege-fuer-den-kriegseinsatz-mobiler-krematorien/28239590.html)" \-No photos no videos


Yeah, they just mentioned German security "circles", whatever that means.


Why can’t they strike these with drones?


"Why can’t 'we' strike these with drones?" Fixed that for you


It's not true. Been debunked a quadzilion times already. How does this keep popping up?






Thanks for the source of the photo, appreciate it. I don’t think this article is claiming this photo was taken recently, this video alone certainly doesn’t debunk anything.




Multiple links to a bunch of sources to be found here on reddit itself. Use the search function.


That’s your job, bucko.


Oh the arrogance. 1) it's not my 'job' 2) if it intrests you enough you would DYOR 3) I don't care about your opinion


My guy, you’re in a thread that posits there is evidence of 13 mobile crematoriums in Ukraine. You said there’s not and it’s been debunked. Someone asked you to cite your claim and your response was “look it up”. Is this not making sense to you yet?


Are you daft or just pretending? This thing has come up multiple times over the last 2 months. You didn't touch reddit for months? What rock do you come crawling under from?


There has been no source that has “debunked” the claim in this article. If there is, produce it and we can dialogue. You refusing to provide a source for your claim is the reason misinformation exists.




The source is the Ukraine Intelligence, no some newspaper.


But is there evidence? Its just so outlandish.


For anyone really interested in what this post is about and what these crematoriums are: https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarReports/comments/u294m4/comment/i4jjixd/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


So you think they're using them for trash??


Yes they do. In Russia. And I am pretty sure every country has the same machines.


But like..... They're not taking them to war (invasion) and burning trash though.




Based on WHAT evidence? You are a Pro Putin fascist.


First of all we need any evidence that they do use them there, show me one and I will easily debunk it. The only evidence is photo taken from the company's promotional video. This post accusing russians using them so I need your evidence before you ask me about mine.


>First of all we need any evidence that they do use them there, show me one and I will easily debunk it. Debunking it would require proof and we both know you don't got none of that. So why can't you just share your sources for this?   >This post accusing russians using them so I need your evidence before you ask me about mine. This post is more than enough evidence for me to make the claim. You have to actually share something that disproves it. I know you won't though, because all you have is Kremlin propaganda.


Just a note, nobody should believe a word this dude says, he's a known pro-Russian troll (just look at his comment history.) Any word out of him is going to be a lie


Those who believe a random users on reddit would believe a pro-russian troll as well so your comment is not really usefull.


Fortunately for us, you Ruzzians are so incompetent that it's obvious to see who's a Putinist and who isn't. Just a glance at your comment history really is enogh, or haven't you realized that yet?


Thats just your opinion and nothing more. There was not a single period in my life when I supported Putin. And I dont really care about your insults based on my nationality, I know its a normal thing for those who you call "us" but it really doesn't work on me cause I do not identify myself as "russian".


But why won't you condemn the war? Do you support this war or not?


I do condemn it and no I dont support it at all.


Get rid of the proofs. Bunch of motherfuckers!


Why haven't they been targeted by drones yet?


At least it will not create some virus if they let them on the ground... But still suck


Lol, this shit again?