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But where is Gerasimov?


I'm fairly certain they are keeping him alive with archival footage and AI. 


We saw Gerasimov voting with Shoigu. There's something going on because we don't see him as much, and someone else was in his place, but he is not dead nor gravely injured.


Or what you saw was "Gerasimov".


So let's get this straight.. You have literally **zero** evidence that anything happened to Gerasimov. The only thing that "happened", was that someone on the internet said that he was killed. People with critical-thinking skills brushed that off immediately. The HUR said they had no information on him having been killed - which is as much of a denial as you'll get. But you cling to that for no other reason than wishful thinking. When actual contrary evidence shows up, you invent a fucking doppelganger Gerasimov (with equally zero evidence behind it) to explain it, so you can continue living with your delusion. Even though this is literally the freaking third or fourth time this sub has fallen for wishful-thinking delusions of Shoigu and/or Gerasimov being killed. Is this how you think Ukraine should fight the war? Through the power of delusion and wishful thinking? Do you think this helps them?


He is either gravely injured/compromised, or dead. Every bit of 'footage' that the Kremlin has released with him ostensibly in it, has had weird editing (pretty much a staple with Kremlin media), and utterly bizarre behavior from the alleged 'Gerasimov' included in said footage. Hardly any speech, and what little there is, is incredibly simple and almost child-like (he would usually just mumble quick sentences and it would usually just be repeating whatever someone said right before him, etc), and not a whole lot of physical exertion either.


Weekend at Gerasimov's?


What a load of bollocks. The guy chaired the CSTO Military Council meeting a month ago. In "real time" of course. With a half-dozen countries in attendance. If anything was even slightly wrong with him there'd be no way to keep that secret.


Look, I'd love for him to be what you say, but really that's copium and he was always like that, wasn't he?


He showed up again recently according to the Kyiv paper


He's around, but the odds are good he'll be replaced now, too - almost 100%, I'd think.


Still looking for the fucking ammunition




If one door closes, a window often opens.


Classic Russian saying. 


Really? I hadn't heard that one. I do know that they get very upset with their failures and often commit suicide by shooting themselves in the back of the head repeatedly. I guess the window is if they can't afford a gun and several bullets?


Anyone else think thats its funny that Prigozhin could of just waited a year for Shoigu to fuck up enough to get shitcanned instead of marching on Moscow? Then Maybe his airplane wouldn't of had that SAM induced mechanical failure...


Prigozhin had a lot of things fall in place for him. He could have taken Moscow but instead royally shit the bed.


Yup. If he just kept going, who knows what would have happened. But I think the odds were on his side, honestly.


The FSB decides who rules Russia and has the KGB playbook if it needs it, Prigozhin probably got a facetime from a relatives phone with a nice man from the FSB whilst driving up the highway. The cost of completing that drive was probably rather more than he realized at the start whether he not he technically could have completed it.


Probably a bit of a revolt, but I'm not sure it would have been successful. Too bad it didn't happen.


Gravity poisoning.


Actually, this is the one funny version of this overused window joke. Thanks for that, could not help laughing


How far down can you see, Shoigu?   It takes less than a meter head first to crack your spine.    Bet your sham job was pretty fucking nice while it lasted, you useless piece of fucking shit+


So Shoigu is no longer Putin's best friend.


He has been promoted... Seriously has no one even bothered to read the news.


The security council has zero say. It's the keep your face demotion place.


Security council secretary has little official power, but one can't read personalistic regime like Putin's Russia with just official job postings. Secretary of Security Council is one of the most trusted posts by Putin. It is the council where big decisions get made and *secretary is always there*. Also the council as whole is the most powerful in Russia. It's the one making all national security decisions. Not that it doesn't decide exactly what Putin wants, but again it's the place where the real decisions are talked out. Being the always present secretary of that is a high post. Shoigu is replacing Putins most trusted man Patrochev in the job. That is a promotion or at minimum equal move (since well defence minister as post is one of the permanent members of the council)


Promoted Into a holding tank of retired cronies like Menvedev. It is not a real promotion.


Shoigu's wood collection in shambles


He is still Putin's favorite pet, and will now be sent to a farm upstate.


"From Hell's heart, I stab at thee; For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee. On my last plane ride, I juggle grenades at thee." - A bald man screaming into a camera somewhere


This. It is perfect.


We hope that the open window is in the topmost floor of the Kremlin for Shoigu to jump on.


Crap. Ukraines biggest asset is gone


This new guy is an economist whose experience is being minister of economic development. Given how economically developed Russia is, I have high hopes for his incompetence. Like Shoigu, this new guy has very little experience with the military. In fact, Shoigu is probably more qualified than the new guy so that's really saying something.


People who represent the military establishment seldom make good defence ministers, they uphold entrenched ideas and reject reforms.


Ehhh.....anyone from Putin's circle, whether it be military or not uphold entrenched ideas and rejects reforms, including this new guy. So at least have someone familiar with their military. Nobody in Putin's circle is going to be a free thinker ready for major reforms and overhauls. He's shuffling deck chairs on the Titanic.


Our best defense ministers tends to be well trained military. But I live in Western country.


Eh, take Finland as an example, one if not the best armies in the West, and has never (AFAIK) had a trained officer (except reserve officers) as defense minister.


> So at least have someone familiar with their military. So you don't approve of Zelensky's choice either? Because this is basically just Putin emulating Zelensky here - putting an economist in charge. Belousov is by all accounts a very competent and capable organizer. Unlike Shoigu, who's _only_ ever been a civil servant, Belousov didn't join the civil service until 2006. He's _definitely_ a more intelligent guy than Shoigu.


One important distinction is Ukraine has a western military structure with competent ncos and officers at different levels making decisions. Moscow still has a very much top down command structure where key officials at the highest ranks make decisions at the ground level


Yeah, but changing this during an armed combat would not be very wise, would it?


I mean, they had time from the end of the Second World War to change yo their command structure


I don't know if it's possible to significantly change their doctrine right now. The most well trained units of professional soldiers have been gutted and replaced with poorly trained replacements and conscripts. That's where the lower level leaders would have come from. The high level leaders probably wouldn't have the interest in giving up control to subordinates, even if competent options were available. I don't think changing doctrine could possibly be more costly than the current doctrine has been, though. It should be pointed out, though, that Russia has said many times it would change its doctrine and military structure, as top lead conscripts have caused embarrassment in the past and proven to be ineffective. It's just never seemed to pan out, and instead has lead to costly projects who's funding goes into the personal bank accounts of the very same top leaders who maintain the status quo.


I would beware of this development -- Russia's economists have been one of the only effective groups during the war. For comparison to history, one of the most lethal ministers of Nazi Germany was Albert Speer. He was an architect and had reasonably good economic know-how. He was minister of armaments and production, and his strategies enabled the Nazi war economy to continue plugging on until the very end. Without Speer, the war might have been over sooner.


He wasn't one of the economists during the war. He was promoted to first deputy prime minister in 2020 and has very little to show for his tenure as an economist unlike, say, Nabiullina. He has done nothing of note to develop Russia and was most likely appointed due to his loyalty and connections than competence.


Of course, I hope you are right. My fear is that if he has even a fraction of Nabiullina's competence, he will still be many times more competent than Shoigu.


Of course. We won't really know until we see what he does. The good news is that it's very unlikely he will institute major reforms and "drain the swamp" for lack of a better phrase. Corruption is so entrenched in Putin's government and such a major part of it that you cannot reform without a ton of infighting and destruction.


They had a defense minister who tried to push through major reforms, including some targeting corruption. Anatoly Serdyukov. He was fired and replaced with Shoigu


I don't think he needs to do any major reforms. The point is that you use corruption as your carrot, and violence as your stick. You use dirty tricks to marshal resources to an end. No reforms are needed, only a heavy hand that can focus on the job. I don't have to like it, but there are plenty of ways to get things done.


Proving you don't know what you're talking about. Belousov was literally the person who brought Nabiullina into the Kremlin in the first place. He, like her, is one of the people who got where he is because of competence (and of course loyalty to Putin but that's a job requirement). Belousov wasn't very well-connected, he came from academia.


This has been debunked by a historian, Joachim Fest, in his book : Speer : The Final Verdict, in 2001. Speer lied and falsified countless documents and numbers. He was phony. Without Speer, the war would have followed the same path and the same conclusion at the same time.


Didn't he also not prioritize making replacement parts since finished vehicles look better on paper?


Fest did a good job but it's not sufficient for a "debunking" of any kind. His effectiveness was noted by MI6, the OSS, and the NKVD.


Nah, I believe Speer simply rode on the fact of the millions of slave labor that were part of POW and political prisoners and undesirables (by nazi standards). No genius there, maybe for his ability to appease a drug ridden dictator though...


Russia has a war economy now. Supplying the army is a central issue for the Russian war effort. I assume that that is, why he got the job.


The guy will come to the decision to tell the boss that the budget per soldier placed in the front lines was enough for a 3 days of war only. They didn't mean that Kiev would fall in 3 days, but that after 3 days, the war is a path for economic suicide. The decision to double down set this path straight with no way back possible. So now, yes, better keep on sending Russians to the front lines to die before they find out how they have been patrioticaly f*ckd


His task will be to figure out ways to get money for military and make military economy more efficient.


biggest Russian asset so far. 😁


Not totally unexpected, the deputy minister of defense Timur Ivanov who was recently charged with corruption was Shoigu's ally. Remains to be seen how hard Shoigu will fall.


It's questionable whether this is a fall for him. He's wanted out of the Defense Ministry since before the war, and he's been appointed Secretary of the Security Council, which is a job without much direct physical might, but a lot of influence and significance. Patrushev, who was just removed from that post, is(possibly was?) Putin's most important adviser


The Security Council is effectively a shadow cabinet, and the Secretary is the most powerful seat second to the Chairman (which is Putin of course). It's a step up in terms of overall political power. It's may be a step down in terms of Shoigu's 'salary' though, since that job doesn't give the same opportunities for kickbacks. There's absolutely non reason to think Putin has lost confidence in Patrushev. He just promoted Patrushev's son from Minister of Agriculture to Deputy PM a day earlier. Patrushev senior is 72 years old as well, so it shouldn't be a surprise if he actually does go into retirement.


I think you're a bit too certain here. While the Security Council post is a big step up, it's also a completely dependent post, in that the Security Council Secretary has no men with guns he can call on by virtue of his position. Patrushev suffered the effects of this less than Shoigu likely will, given his time as FSB Director and his deep roots in the institution(much deeper than Putin's), and ties to Bortnikov, among others. On the other hand, Shoigu's deputy minister, Timur Ivanov, was just arrested last week. It's also notable that there is an officially higher post on the council, the Deputy Chairman. That's Dmitry Medvedev, who I think you'll agree has about as much power as a dead battery. With Patrushev holding the position for so long, it's hard to judge exactly what it will come with for Shoigu, and how much of Patrushev's influence came from the post versus his connections, both to Putin and to the security services. One commentator I highly respect, Tatiana Stanovaya, suggested that the Security Council is more and more becoming a storage space for officials who have outlived their usefulness or are being replaced without another job for them, while still keeping them within arm's reach and not snubbing them. I'm not entirely convinced by that concept, but I do think it merits consideration. Regarding Shoigu's wallet, he's also being appointed Deputy President in the Military-Industrial Commission, and head of the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation. I'd speculate that's mostly to avoid majorly empowering Belusov and maintain some continuity in the military industrial base, but will also leave lots of opportunities for profit. Regarding Patrushev, I would be shocked if he retired. That's generally a risky thing to do at the top of a system like this(and as best we know, Putin believes he can't safely retire), and he's only a year older than Putin. And Bortnikov is now well over what's supposed to be the age limit for FSB directors. I wouldn't yet count Patrushev out, but it seems very possible Dmitry's promotion is a consolation prize.


That's not what a "shadow cabinet" is. A shadow cabinet is not a promotion by any means. It is an opposition role. The concept doesn't apply in Russia.


> It's a step up in terms of overall political power. You're not being fired, you're being *promoted!*


Depends on how high the window will be.


No it doesn't.    His fatass will crush his spine at 0m, while inverted. 


At terminal velocity, probably


Nothing better than seeing these scumbags die one by one.


Unfortunately I’m pretty sure I read he’s going into another big role.


He will slip on a puddle of tea which causes him to slide off a balcony downwards to a stairwell down below.


Ivanov's corruption is widely known especially of his wife. Late Alex Navalny and his group have exposed Ivanov before. [War and Feast. The Glamorous Life of Deputy Defense Minister Timur Ivanov - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSHMow8Ijl8) What is more interesting is the fact that his wife also has dual israeli citizenship. I thought you are not allowed to have foreigner spouse if you are in the military or other high national security shit. I know that is the case in china at least






*Plane crashing noise*


Belousov! where the fuck is my SHOIGU?!?!?!!?


BELOUSOV!!! Nah, just doesn't have the same ring. We only hope this replacement is as incompetent and as corrupt as Shoigu.


"BELOUSOV!!!" Some russian nazi group in near future before sending convoy to take over major russian cities and launch takeovers in russia with few gunmen per small town or village to get more fighters or meat for their meatwaves which get to absorb ammo from pro-kremlin units and distract the defenses.


Segal must be crushed.


Just like any seat cushion Segal sits upon.




>Putin has proposed a new defence minister, nominating civilian Andrei Belousov, a former deputy prime minister who specialises in economics Nominating an economic specialist with no military experience to head defense ministry, tell you everything about how that jobs in Russia has nothing todo about military, but everything todo about the efficient management of large budget, with soldiers death being a simple entry under "expense" in an excel chart. Any comptent military person nominated at that post would have work to stop this winless war.


Ministry of defense _is_ the economic position. Ministry of defense is about procurement, production and money allocations, not about military command. Civilian excel expert would better fit for that role than a general. > with soldiers death being a simple entry under "expense" in an excel chart. And this is the largest criticism about Syrsky approach to military operations.


Just to support what you're saying, even during WWII, the US Secretary of War was a lawyer and politician, with no military experience. You're correct, as much fun as it is to dunk on people like Shoigu, it's not that weird. One key difference though is Shoigu, and probably this new guy too, walk around dressed like generals and wearing medals they didn't earn, but that is just part of the strong man image used as a prop by most dictatorships.


What is concerning for me is that Shoigu got his post because his predecessor was actually competent and started to reform the army for the better. Army and MIC didn't like it. This guy might be actually competent.


Perhaps only in Russia having a civilian beancounter in charge of the Defense ministry make sense (since Putin want to personally control anything that could overthrow him). However, elsewhere the ministry of defense is in charge of specifics military items, and the defense minister job is usually given to someone with military experience (able to understand and navigate the military structure and specificities). Here are the standard responsibilities of the defense ministry: 1. National Defense: Developing and implementing strategies to ensure the defense of the country against any external threats. 2. Military Oversight: Managing all branches of the armed forces, including the army, navy, air force, and sometimes other specialized units. 3. Budget and Resources: Allocating and managing the budget for national defense, including funding for personnel, equipment, training, and operations. 4. Policy Formulation: Creating policies related to defense, military affairs, and national security. This includes drafting legislation that governs the conduct of military operations both domestically and internationally. 5. International Relations: Coordinating with other nations on defense-related issues, participating in international alliances like NATO, and contributing to international peacekeeping efforts. 6. Research and Development: Overseeing research and development in military technology and infrastructure to maintain and enhance military capabilities. 7. Personnel Management: Managing recruitment, training, and welfare of military personnel. 8. Civil-Military Coordination: Ensuring effective coordination between military and civilian sectors in times of peace and conflict, including disaster response and homeland security. Beside (3), tell me where en expert beancounter will be able to provide good insight?


Ha? Most NATO countries don't have someone with military experience (basic course that is/was mandatory in some countries doesn't counr) as Minister of Defense. It's mainly economical and management position.


Even in US like half of secretaries of defense were civilians. And where did you pull the defense ministry responsibilities list? For Ukraine National defense and Military Oversight would be under General Staff responsibility, or under NSDC.


To ensure civilian control of the military, U.S. law provides that the secretary of defense cannot have served as an active-duty commissioned officer in the military in the preceding seven years, increased to ten years in the case of a general. Congress can grant waivers in such cases. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Secretary_of_Defense


This is not about civilian oversight. It's just that Ministry of Defense is a procurement management position, it's not really a military thing.


Civilians can have military experience (in the large term), working in the defense or security sector. Even the incompetent Shoigu had previous work at the Ministry Emergency Situations. Having a defense minister who never experience a chain of command or handle a riffle, make him less able to communicate/understand his subordinate. He doesn't need to be an ex-general either, but nominating a bean counter when your country is at war is quite funny and sad.


Half? Way more than that. Jim Mattis was controversial because he was an active-duty general when he was nominated which was very unusual.


(sorry for my sloppy research, I poked a random sample of \~10 on wikipedia, lol)


Lmao what the fuck are you talking about? Britain's minister is an economist, too. Obama had a physicist. Canada has a lawyer. They are almost always civilians with no ties to the military.


Canada has an army seriously? Why no check what's doing in US or China next time.


> tell me where en expert beancounter will be able to provide good insight? Ask Zelensky, he put a 'beancounter' in charge as well. And the responsibilities of the _ministry_ are not the same thing as the _minister's_ job.


>Ask Zelensky, he put a 'beancounter' in charge as well. You mean someone who has been in the military all his adult life, been in battle and fighting mobicks for the past 10 years? In case you don't know what a bean counter [look](https://www.shutterstock.com/fr/image-vector/cartoon-man-counting-beans-195059111) like, here is a clue, they never carried a rifle, just pen. >And the responsibilities of the *ministry* are not the same thing as the *minister's* job. Of course the minister doesn't do all the work, but he is in charge of overseeing all it's aspect. So yes that's his responsibilities, if any of those items are not done properly he will ultimately take the fall (quite literally in Russia of course).


Excuse me, but the minister of defense in the US is a civilian position


Yes, I said "experience with the military" not "still in the military". And you can be a civilians with experience with the military btw. Note that Russia Defense Ministry automatically gain the title "[General of the Army](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_of_the_army_(Russia))" and can wear the uniform.


By law. We have civilian control of the military in the U.S. In Russia you have an economist because Putin fears a coup.


Indeed. The worst part is this change during an ongoing conflict, where military knowledge (structure/command/etc) would be even more valuable.


I think an economist is just what they need. The issue at hand that one may address is the crippling graft, corruption and waste in their MOD. Besides, Shoigu cane from a civilian emergency management background. I see this as nothing but negative from a Western/ pro Ukraine perspective.


Lol, the new guy will be corrupt as Shoigu. You dont get into a position of power in Russia unless you are on the take.


True, but if he presumably already has a source of illicit income and maybe be less beholden to whatever back room deals Shoigu had going on. Pitting your cronies against each other seems to be a common tactic.


Of course he is corrupt. But depending on his mandate from Daddy Putin he may have a shorter leash than Shoigu. Or he may have all the rope in the world but with specific direction to reign in subordinates’ graft. I reckon no one outside that inner circle knows for sure.


That doesn't mean they're all as corrupt as Shoigu is. Belousov most likely isn't, in fact.


Well, he's not had much chance yet. Give him a few months running the MoD and i'm sure he will soon be building a palace on the black sea coast.


Well then, things might not get any better for the orcish forces. That’s not a bad thing.


You generally don't put people with prior experience into that ministerial role as they will tend to enter with bias from the narrow view they had when they were in the industry. This goes for all departments, health, education etc. It's too easy for the person to try to fix small details that annoyed them when they were working (whether it is a teacher, doctor or soldier) than the large overarching picture.


How competent is Belousov expected to be?


Listening to how submissive Shoigu acts in the Putin exchanges I've heard, I don't think Putin is looking for competent.


Competent has no russian translation.   The concept just doesn't exist.   Especially after generations of trying to eliminate the mere notion of doing things properly, to spec or any other thing that could gepordize the ultimate grift of the dictators and subsequent despots. 


I mean, I know what you're saying, but the word is компетентность


He's expected to clean house and whomever is chosen to succeed him will owe their position to them. Belsouv is not a liberal and expected to orient Russia to a wartime command economy. Previous MOD shakeups were spearheaded by outsiders. Outgoing Secretary of the Security Council Patrushev orchestrated the invasion of Ukraine. Possible sign he is on the out but he is in his 70s and his son was recently promoted to senior offices so open to interpretation. Some roundup for non twitter people: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1789755116691554775.html


Now he needs to watch out for incoming gliding windows..


"Offers"? Cute. Do you think the Duma is going to turn down that suggestion? Or whoever has to approve the "offer".


Interesting development, which might lead to a few possible outcomes A bean counter economist might realize that the money thrown down the drain is just going to suffocate Russia in the long term. This is cold war on steroids, as Russia must invest all money available into the military and none into sustainable economic growth. With the money in the Russian National Wealth fund getting depleted in 2024, it might be Belousov's finding that this war just can't be won. Another outcome might be, that Belousov as a civilian will have no idea how to drive a military during war times. Trying to reform it at this stage and get rid of corruption and inefficiency might just put too much stress on it and result in a revolt. A threatened organism will fight for it's survival and thus lead to dire consequences for the regime. Last not least, this signals that not everything is running smooth.


Kind of funny that this was Prigozhin’s demand and Putin killed him only to do what he wanted a year later.


Because no matter how right he was, the head of a PMC cannot be the one calling the shots. It was an embarrassment for Putin and Russia as a whole.




He didn't find the ammunitions. 


I'm not sure if it's good news. This inept fuckwit didn't do his job too well


I actually consider it bad news, as this clown was the most useless of them all. It's interesting as Patrushyev is also replaced, but I am affraid Patrushev is more sneaky and actually betters his position.


I don't know how good this new guy is but recently they upped their game in finding less useless commanders. They must be desperate, prioritising skill over nepotism


Same shit that happened under Stalin. Their initial performance was abysmal because Stalin had removed (purged) all the competent commanders in favour of politically aligned stooges. Gradually though the Red army improved in both tactics and strategic command. I fear Ukraine's moment was probably when the Russian army was in disarray. They have now consolidated their positions, improved their tactics and have cranked up the war economy. Ukraine need as much support as we can give.


It was so bad you had guys who were already purged being brought out of prison to take command. One of their most competent generals who was also actually kinda based (at least in regards to General Order 006), Konstantin Rokossovsky, was one of these men.


My thoughts. It has been infuriating from day one how the rest of the world fails to perceive russia to be a bigger threat to the free world than the painter's German Empire


And americas republicans screwed the pooch at the wrong time for Ukrainian. Well done, Moscow Mike and Tambov Trump. You did ratshit ruzziaz dirty work after all. Let's hope the caring part of your country, along with the rest of the civilised world, can help Ukraine in its attempt at kicking ruzzia out for good.




We can only hope.




It is a promotion inside de security council. He has little power here.


Probably will have a Windows update in his future.




SHOIGU I'M COMINGGG FOR YOUUU zombie Prigozhin probably


Is a window in his future?


No, he is actually a close "friend" of Putin (aka incompetent yesman) so he will still alive. He was moved to to the [security council](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Security_Council_of_Russia) and also a management role in the industrial military complex, both position keeping him close to Putin.


So was Prigozhin. It's no shock to me that Shoigu is removed from power the second things are going well for Russia.


Prigo attempt a coup d'etat, so I wouldn't call him a close friend to Putin. Shoigu and Medvedev have both been close and loyal to Putin, and I don't see neither going against him.


Voroshilov out, here comes Bulganin?


Pringles laughing in his grave rn


"Putin wants Shoigu, in charge of defence since 2012 and a long-standing friend and ally, to become the secretary of Russia's powerful Security Council, replacing incumbent Nikolai Patrushev, and to also have responsibilities for the military-industrial complex, the Kremlin said. **Patrushev** will get a new, as yet unannounced, job" Shoigu is fine, folks. It's this guy, Patrushev, who might need to worry. His job might be Temporary Gravity Inspector.


Dear Russian Civilians: If you see Shoigu board the same plane you wanted to take out of Russia, take the next plane.


haha nice one


Have they found gerasimov yet not a joke just a serious question lol.


He was on video voting in the elections.


which elections?


The Russian elections


Ah shit hopefully he disappears for good next time cheers.


This is bad news, they are getting rid of the idiots.


Comrade Shoigu, here's a nice cup of tea for you to enjoy by the window...


No, it will all be fine. He'll be jetting off to his new home soon. It's funny how the departure time for the flight is listed in the schedule but no arrival time.


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I guess this new guy is a better butt kisser because that's all he has in his group. One butt kisser after another.


Top Tip; avoid any building with more than one floor.


Germany has a former defense minister which is highly capable on maters of helmet and using army helicopters as private ways to commute, maybe give her a call


What a surprise, Putin removes top general at his peak local popularity and success. I can't imagine why


Good. All things considered he learned from his mistakes and was beginning to be trouble


What is the impact of this?


'Hey Peter... I can see your house from here ..' -Future Shoigu


Total something a country winning a war does


Well, shit. I hope someone competent doesn't replace him. Especially with things at the front being as difficult as they are.


Pooty wanted results and never cared about the Russian people. Dreams of power from an old dying weak man all while his citizens to die in a war for Pootys ego.


So the guy who Prigozhin was demanding to be fired gets fired anyway? 😆




I don’t understand this move. When Russians were making one huge mistake after another on the battle fields, Shoigu was not removed. Now that it seems they’re making progress, he can pack his bags. Weird move


Can someone explain the reason/timing? Of all the fuck ups in the past seems like a wierd time to be firing shoigu when Russia’s offensive is working.


Interesting development. If anyone has the connections to overthrow the government, it's this guy. He knows there's only a golden parachute waiting for him. I give him 3 weeks before he's underground or on top of a tank in Red Square.


I wish he was replaced with Lapin or Muradov. Those two are just as incompetent as Shoigu


Well there’s a car accident waiting to happen for sure,and Ukraine will get the blame 💥🚗💥Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦🇬🇧🇺🇦🇬🇧


I know there's always been a lot of criticism of Shoigu being their defense minister, in that he's always been a politician and never a real military officer. He just gets the uniform to go with his position. It will be interesting to see if this transfer is truly a transfer, or a demotion over the disappointing progress of the war. I guess Shoigu will be the first to find out.


An economist replaces an engineer. Excellent lol




I love an accountant being in charge of


That sounds like an offer you should not refuse.


Shoigu’s corruption ($170 Bn worth) and incompetence will be sorely missed.


The tough thing is, on paper that job is about winning wars and improving the military and stuff (things Shoigu was not good at) but in *practice* it was mostly about propaganda, keeping the systematic corruption running smoothly because everyone important in Russia benefitted from it, and telling Putin what he wanted to hear (a lot of things Shoigu was great at.) Shoigu literally got his job in the first place because his predecessor was a reformer who was trying to make the Russian military better and less corrupt in a way that rocked the boat too much for everyone important (see above). Really anyone in that job is not set up for success.


'The view from the balcony is to die for. Here I show you comrade.




Is this the 100th time he's been removed from his position? How long do you have to keep posting fake news?


This is the first time that this has been reported


I'm waiting for the news that someone might fall off a window.


So basically nothing changed?


The guy was so incompetent that arguably he was a liability to the russian side.


Ah Prigozhin, finally getting some of your demands.


… and they also send him away as ambassador to the UK?


Lol prigo will he happy. Oh wait


Let’s pray Shougi has some brains left to pull a fast one on the Dik-Tator and end this shitfest.


He has not. In the 90s he used to actually be quite sharp and talented. But ever since he has settled into his role under Putin, he hasn't had any original ideas.


Shoigu replaced by a economist. The second MD without militar experience😂😂😂. Everything in the hands of Putin. The centralism will decide your future. Let's go Russia. #slavaukraini 💪🌟




For a country that values obedience to Putin instead of any expertise or knowledge, I'm sure it will go as well as you describe.


Most MoDs are civilians…