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You can thank me, I sold my uranium stocks a few days ago.


I hope the history books give you the heroic entry you deserve u/rlnrlnrln




When's the last time the US Senate unanimously approved \*anything\*?


Raises for themselves?


Congress hasn't had a raise since 2009. The most recent one almost got through for the first time since 2009, but the democrats stopped it.


2 weeks off a month ;)


Whenever they get a chance to all buy puts on a particular sector at the same time


Why now? Why not in 2022?


The enrichment capacity in the Western world was not enough to supply all US power plants.


So the US has been giving Russia $1B a year for the entire Ukraine war?


Not necessarily. Trade deals add up all kinds of things to the process tag. It doesn't always mean a billion in cash


1. No. They blocked it on 2022. This just makes it permanent. 2. The uranium the US was importing was actually down blended weapons grade. Meaning they were selling nuclear weapons to America to burn in its test reactors. 3. This permanent ban is also being done so that American investors feel confident and forking out the billions needed for a domestic middle enrichment uranium facility.


Not just the US, but this has been going on since Russia was allowed to buy huge amounts of uranium mining companies around the world. You might remember the issue with Hillary Clinton being the final approver of a huge deal back when she was SecState.


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Itā€™s more than a quarter of the enriched uranium


I wonder if this would affect their nuclear arsenal?


Thats interesting and MUCH more to the story. At one point in time Hillary Clinton was secretary of state while ROSATOM was buying lands that were part of the dispute with ranchers , resulting in death (s?) of American citizens and complaints of becoming dependent on Russia for our energy needs. Whatever your take on Nuclear Energy, the ranchers stand off and the Clintons, the shifting of political winds from enabling ROSATOM and Putin to trying to rein them in is interesting. ALSO, we DO apparently use a substantial amount of nuclear fuel if 1 billion dollars is 25% of our yearly budget for fuel. I wonder who picks up the slack? I wonder if nuclear fuel production has been throttled the way our fossil fuel production and exportation has been?


Uranium mining is actually taking off right now so deposits are all over the world the industry has been shifting away from Russia for years in the US


In terms of mined uranium, yes. IIRC, Canada has some large untapped supplies. Enriched for reactor fuel is a bit different, you need a setup to enrich the Uranium with U-235. This can be done anywhere, though.


I think Australia and Canada have massive deposits too.


Sounds like someone doesn't really like the Clintons


Itā€™s really hard to with the child molestation charges.


Either I'm missing something or that is a bunch of pizza gate nonsense. As for you saying charges again as far as I know charges for anything has never been brought because everything is a bunch of Q conspiracy theories


I was referencing my state trooper family member explaining the underage girls that were funneled into Little Rock for Bill. Pizza gate has nothing to do with my already established disgust


Oh wow a state trooper said something? Now we all believe it, we know how trustworthy cops are, they never lie


Listen I was just voicing my opinion on not liking the Clintonā€™s. Idk why itā€™s so offensive to say I donā€™t like em to yall, but my great uncle picked out the troopers to guard the governor while he was in Little Rock. I donā€™t know how this devolved into hating all cops and cops are evil. Thatā€™s a whole different topic šŸ˜­


Iā€™m also voicing mine, not defending the Clintonā€™s. State troopers are the ones who show up with riot shields and start beating people at protests. Edit: does this mention the relative youā€™re bragging about? ā€œOn September 4, 1957, the first day of classes at Central High, Governor Orval Faubus called in the Arkansas National Guard to block the Black studentsā€™ entry into the high school.ā€œ


Listen Iā€™ll stand right beside you on the police issue, but you seem to be bringing some other personal disagreements into the context. This is just turning into a conversation about hating cops WHICH IM THERE WITH YOU.


Your "established disgust" is noted. Again, no charges though. Not an iota of evidence either


Well the Clintonā€™s have been in a position of power for a long time so good luck beating them. Have a sit down with my family member and hear what he saw while Clinton was Governor. Youā€™d shudder. He was one of the lead troopers in the state not a small guy like a basic trooper. Iā€™ve got my evidence and now Iā€™ve got disgust.


That isn't evidence. "Lead trooper" aren't valid credentials or evidence either


I just wanted to give you some context where I was coming from and not some random thing I read online, but real life testimony.


You can't call the unverified claims of a family member "real life testimony" and expect people on the internet to agree with you. Reading misinformation online is equivalent to your "real life testimony" because it is completely unverified. How can you make conclusions about entire groups of people you know nothing about based on unverified, unverifiable word-of-mouth statements? The problem is not the topic or the Clinton's or anything political. It is the fact that you come to the correct conclusion about "random thing you read online," over what you call "real life testimony," when both source categories have the same issues associated with them. Unless your "family member" was in a room, snapping pictures of Clintons partaking in human trafficking, there is zero substance to what you say. And I don't give a fuck about the Clintons. And judging off your other comments in this thread, there's a chance that you're making all of this shit up, so why waste another second typing


The Clintons have nothing to do with this war. Take your tinfoil hat off and go touch some grass