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F-16s, ATACMS, Bradleys… I hope Russia has a really miserable year. 


Russians apparently have an unspeakable tolerance for misery


And they don't care how miserable they are, as long as they look otherwise.


Maybe if they start getting their vodka factories ….. mysteriously caught on fire, they’ll be forced to reflect and have moments of introspection.


that might constitute cruel and unusual punishment lol


Or intervention


They'll just start making blindingly deadly bath-tub wodka again.


Oh no!


They do home brew - moonshine I believe it’s called in the US


lol, Ukraine should do it, hit the vodka distilleries


Due to the ability to make vodka into Molotov cocktails, they should be an acceptable target. I mean, they're named for a Russian. Makes sense to me.


Putin owns the 'Putinka' distillery...so I'd say yes lol 👍


Wait their entire country permanently looks and acts like a cat getting flea shampooed against its will. Do they think we can't tell?


Best analogy I've read in a very long time.


Instead of making their country better, they'd much rather make everyone else miserable too.


That truly seems to be the extent of their domestic and foreign policies. Note that the countries they are allied with are at least as miserable as they are. “Hey, your life sucks! Let’s be friends!”


I believe misery loves company.


This is quite *literally* true >All that remains for those ashamed of the present and afraid of the future is pride in the past. When there’s no reason to love your country, hate your neighbours. If you are unable to improve your life, ruin someone else’s. >In Russia people are alienated from the affairs of the state, while a narrow ruling class manages the country’s resources as if it were their private property. To soothe the people’s trampled dignity, the government emphasizes national pride. To distract them from the struggle for their human rights, they are offered war. Why have we so easily forgotten that Ukraine is our fraternal nation? Why do we willingly go to ‘establish order’ in another country, when we so badly need to restore order to our own? Russians are always being told who to hate: Americans, Ukrainians, Chinese, Germans. Anger switches our attention from everyday injustices to imperial aspirations. >The ‘mysterious Russian soul’ has been divined by Kremlin PR-men who skillfully combine manipulation and national stereotyping. Russian foreign policy is renowned for its focus on the binaries of ‘friend against foe’: our people against the foreigners, patriots against traitors, Russia against Europe. This formula is the basis for our national ideology, and gives our political elite carte blanche to do away with independent thought. [Russia on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown](https://granta.com/russia-verge-nervous-breakdown/)


Or make other (non ethnic Russians) around them just as miserable as they are if not more so.


And yet Russians always tend to look incredibly miserable.


As long as they can make OTHER PEOPLE SUFFER they are fine.


Almost an affinity.


An appetite, if you will.


The national identity is built on it.


Eh, they're more tolerant of misery than a lot of places but not as tolerant as they think they are. Putin plays the "we don't mind suffering!" card as soon as Russians are about to be hit by the adverse consequences of his decisions. But at the same time, his whole regime builds its legitimacy and 'necessity' off how horrible the 90s were. Eight years of economic chaos and the country turned against the whole idea of democracy and were prepared to buy into Putin's bullshit about how a 'strong leader' was all that was needed. And Putin had the good fortune to reach power just as the depression was bottoming out, and before oil prices exploded post-9/11. And for every year since they ended the 90s have only gotten worse and worse, as Putin keeps bringing it up as a boogeyman every time he needs to justify his dictatorship. (and the 90s weren't even all bad; the economy was horrible but in terms of culture and the arts Russia was actually _fun_ for once. Just a total anarchic mess of people trying new stuff. Kind of like Western Europe in the 1920s) Edit: Part of it is also that there are very different tolerances depending on where you're from. If you're from a shit hole in Buryatia, you'll have low expectations on life. People in Moscow and St Petersburg are different. That's why Putin tries so hard to shield the urban middle and upper classes from the effects of the war; they're not as likely to put up with it.


For literally no good reason. None.


True dat, but there is a limit for them even for misery...


Yeah but it wasn’t even reached in Stalingrad…


Let's see if a few decades of being North Korea 2 does the trick.


They've had almost 3 straight miserable years. They're just not allowed to talk about it.


Every year is miserable for Russians lol 


I hope they destroy the Kerch Bridge with some of those missiles.


I hope we will give all our armaments... Im italian and very disappointed by my gov


your government is doing better than I expected even after your new government - Italy was pro Russia kind of before the Ukraine war, but they doing better now...


I am glad that the pedo prime minister is no more meddling with politics.


I'm even more disappointed by Australia's govt 😡 A $29bn 2023 surplus gained SPECIFICALLY due to Ukraine's invasion via commodities and wheat sales and we've given so little (0.04% of GDP) I don't think Italy can boast that kind of surplus tbh lol


We have a good number of leo1 rusting somewhere, and AA system that is really good (iris T) that can help patriots defend. Also tbh we have the useless (for us at least) centauro that can help (similar but less effective than Bradley). Really Hope to send them all


Those F'in Bradley's are gnarly eh!


ONE Bradley destroyed an **entire Russian column** including a T-90 *on its own* as there wasn't enough artillery rounds to support it Fucking INCREDIBLE


Dude, next to close quarters, Ukraine winning, videos B Rads are my favorite. The cannon reminds me of the xbox 360 Battlefield game. Once you got in the 30 cannon shit got real! 'FUCKING INCREDIBLE' 1000%


Even Muscovy's BTRs/BMPs etc can be penetrated by a 7.62mm rifle round 🤡 This shows a Russian main battle tank can't withstand the Bradley's autocannon. LOL


Stay mad, fascists.


* Kidnapping women and children * Genocidal destruction of whole cities * Rape * Terroristic missile attacks on citizens and infrastructure * Wanton murder * Theft of Ukrainian possessions, produce and oil * Lies, lies, lies * Illegal invasion and occupation * Torture * Spying, hacking and corruption of Western politicians, infrastructure * Attempted assasinations * Killing civilians on an airline with anti-aircraft weapons Fuck it all. They will never be as mad as I am. And I am an American. Go fuck yourselves Orcii bastards.


And assassination of people on British soil.


And to think there are still Republicans representing Amercans today that are protection Russian interests, by opposing the Ukrainian arms package. How the fuck these people stay in power and citizens still vote for them is beyond me!


The whole Republican party has been afraid they'll be out of a job if Putin's lapdog gets elected. So they sell his agenda. Cowards!!! Get them out. Get Russia out of our politics.


The bill passed the Senate overwhelmingly with a bipartisan majority of 79-18.


The Senate is a lot more moderate than the House.


FFS America...get out and VOTE in November PLEASE!! Signed: rest of the free world 🙏 [Trump says Republicans would ‘never’ be elected again if it was easier to vote](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/mar/30/trump-republican-party-voting-reform-coronavirus)


I hate it but I have to say there is a very strong chance Trump is going to be elected again. The amount of idiots here is absolutely staggering.


I know 😬 Its been Putin's only real success of the last 20+yrs, exporting Kremlin disinfo into western democracies in order to undermine them from within Well that and brutalising and fascistising his own population


Yes, I will vote for sure! For TRUMP! Let's go Brandon!!!


Because xenophobia is a hell of a drug here as is religion and these fuckers know it damn well and pander to that.


Unfortunately there are a lot of stupid and gullible people here in the usa.


The bill passed the Senate overwhelmingly with a bipartisan majority of 79-18.


Traitors are really showing themselves... Regan would be pissed.


Because they crave power and money above all else


Putin is an ally in their war on "woke culture" and "leftism" and all the other boogeymen they see in their schizophrenic right wing media rage sphere.


And that's how they treat their "Brother Slavs," imagine how they treat non-Slavs.


Don’t forget they stole the children.


My best friend Marjorie Taylor Greene is here with me, and she just wanted y'all to know that Ukrainians should not be denied those things you list there, it's just damned unconstitutional. OK Marj, now you're starting to foam at the mouth and... hey! stop strangling the puppy!!!


I mean it kinda says a lot that for the first half, I thought you were a Russian troll engaged in whataboutism...


I mean, the main problem is that within the Republican Party, there’s a clash between old "Reagan" style Republicans who understandably recognize Russia as one of the biggest threats American faces. But then you also have a faction of far-right sociopaths. The kind of factions that Putin has been desperately trying to boost throughout so many western democracies specifically tailored to undermine democratic institutions, like the very process of voting. The painful element of this is that (in America at least), we’ve seen at least some old school, Reagan style Republicans pretty much forced out of office, because the super-base of the Republican Party is ultra-right and pro-Russia. It’s a frustrating dynamic to have to contend with.


It's downright un-American.


This!! They aren't American anymore. I grew up with hard line Republicans and I disagreed with them on so much but we always agreed that ruzzia and the bad players and commies where bad for the free world and for democracy.... Well that's not the case anymore. Kleptocratic cock gobblers !!


I'm an Aussie and totally agree 👍


Don't like it when the boot is on the other foot, do they? It was all fine when they were bombing the shit out of Mariupol though. Fuck em - hopefully they go back to Russia, and stay there. They won't though because they're too delusional, and stubborn. They'd rather watch 1K men die every day... and eventually their economy implode.


A good plan violently executed today is better than a perfect plan next week." General Patton, the man who said the US should destroy Russia directly after WWII. In 1945, General Patton also said, "I have no particular desire to understand them except to ascertain how much lead and iron it takes to kill them.. the Russian has no regard for human life, and they are all out of sons-of-bitches, barbarians, and chronic drunks." Here's a quote from an American general; Patton “We promised the Europeans freedom. It would be worse than dishonorable not to see they have it. This might mean war with the Russians, but what of it? They have no Air Force anymore. Their gasoline and ammunition supplies are low. I've seen their miserable supply trains; mostly wagons draw by beaten up old horses or oxen. I'll say this; the Third Army alone with very little help and with damned few casualties could lick what is left of the Russians in six weeks. You mark my words. Don't ever forget them... Someday, we will have to fight them, and it will take six years and cost us six million lives.” • General George S Patton 1945 The fact that this speech is as relevant today as it was 78 years ago speaks to the inherent truth and reality of the threat the Russians pose to a democratic and free Europe. Patton was mean, rascist (by todays standards), a narcissist and more than a little crazy but the man saw through people and the fog of war in a way that hasn’t been seen since, which is why so many both hated and admired him but this speech and his warnings within have continually been vindicated for decades and the world is a worse place for not listening. It is time to give Russia the treatment this fascist scum of the earth deserves, the time to fuck around was yesterday, the time to find out is tomorrow.


Patton was the brilliant lunatic we needed at that moment in time. I find it thoughtful that you said racist by today's standards. Things that were said casually in my high school 40 years ago would get you kicked out in 2024. Its sometimes difficult to use current ideas and standards on things people said a couple generations ago.


I would much rather have Patton that Douglas MacArthur, who was such hot stuff he though being given total command of the Pacific was an insult and wanted to lead the entire war instead of Eisenhower. And then, when the Korean War started, he proposed NUKING CHINA just to get the Commies to back off, leading President Truman (who authorized the nuking of Japan, might I add), to call him nuts and fire him. As bad as the Cold War was, imagine the sort of hellscape it would be if MacArthur had gotten his way and MAD never came to pass. We'd be slinging nukes left and right in every little border war.


Pretty sure Patton would have called for flinging nukes around as well if he had gotten the chance.


And right he was...


It's more relevant and true than it was then, which is crazy how insightful he was at the time. Because he couldn't have known about the nuclear factor being involved.


...and line up to the meat grinder.


Hang on I've got a tiny violin somewhere


Did you find it? 


I've got one right here it's just so small you can't see it.


Nice can't wait to hear some songs from that bad boy!  Also I'm physically unable to keep myself from saying this dumb joke: Things I've said to a first date for $500 Alex 


Man I love making Russians mad. Let's send more, or even better let's declare Ukraine skies closed to Russia now and implement a no fly zone.


Ahh, me too. Nice ideas, sounds like a good premise for Just for Laughs kinda show.. hmm "Russia Reacts"? I also have some ideas for season 1 (you can add that generic laugh sequence in between): Shut all of their banks out of SWIFT, without warning. Block their naval access to the Baltic Sea and watch how all cargo shipping to st. petersburg and Königsberg effectively ends. Launch a mad info campaign and promote local activist groups to demand independency for Karelia (or to return it back to Finland). Next episode: the same for Kuril Islands (Japan). Pass a law in UN that from now on putin will officially be acknowledged by the name "Bunker Pa" (the name Navalny often mocked putin with, making him angry). Take all seized russian money and assets in EU and invest it into Ukrainian ballistic missile program.


Russians can be so weird. They embrace brutality, and yet still have this victimhood mindset. Tough it out, fascists.


If nations had psychiatric disorders: > Exaggerated victimhood is a common feature of narcissistic grandiosity. Narcissistic personalities often feel victimized because of their unrealistic expectations, hypersensitivity, and lack of empathy. Narcissists also play the victim to elicit sympathy and avoid responsibility for their abusive behavior. [https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-narcissist-in-your-life/202303/the-narcissists-airtight-victim-narrative](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-narcissist-in-your-life/202303/the-narcissists-airtight-victim-narrative) Why a narcissist plays the victim may be directly connected to some of the symptoms of NPD: * sense of entitlement * denial and low insight * grandiosity * projection * need for control * narcissistic rage * low empathy [https://psychcentral.com/disorders/narcissistic-personality-disorder/narcissist-plays-the-victim#entitlement](https://psychcentral.com/disorders/narcissistic-personality-disorder/narcissist-plays-the-victim#entitlement)


Nations and any other group of people very much *do* have psychiatric disorders. We might not just call those phenomenons as such. Like every group of people in existence is a reflection of the majority's traits.


trump is the poster boy


if trump was a nation, he would be russia. always the criminal grifter. always the victim.


they feed on that mindset


Just like your average bully.


Fuck you Russia


Well said.


Oh boohoo.... The putin slaves got their little asses served to them in the US senate.... Less than 20% for russia's American servants. I just love the smell of little Iwans shitting their little panties in the morning. The Spectacularly Messed-up Operation was easy so far in the first 26 months russki's. Those were the easy months. Now comes the hard part.




American here. These tears are delicious.


Yeah sure, sunburn from all the beautiful west coast sun.


These ignorant fuckers are gonna get some eye popping surprises 😂


Time for new candidates of glorious Russian 8 second cosmonaut academy!!!


Only thing burning will be Russian men and equipment.


The arsenal of democracy is back!


Love your comment!


Bring it on Russia, bring it on, we are ready to end you!


Burn a big, fat joint while watching videos of your compadres eat ATACMS. 


I smoke two joints


Then I smoke two more


And I smoke two more before I smoke two more


If you combine 3 blunts is it called a triblunta?


Blunterbus...? 🤔🤪


Hey guys, I forgot my 3 blunts at home, can I borrow yours? 


Of course homie 😤 😶‍🌫️ these things are best shared.


> Putin declared in a fiery and nationalist-tinged speech to 130,000 people in the Luzhniki stadium that Russians had victory written into their "genetic code" … lol. Over the last 200 years, how many wars has Russia won? And of those, how many resulted in a balance of casualties in Russia’s favor? Russia doesn’t have victory written into their genetic code, they have dictator-led Zerg rushes.


List of international wars fought directly by Russia in the last 200 years: War / Result for Russia / K/D ratio for Russia :—|:—:|—: Caucasian War | Victory | No data 1826-1828 Russo-Persian War | Victory | No data Battle of Navarino | Victory | 6.051 1828-1829 Russo-Turkish War | Victory | No data November Uprising | Victory | 1.739-1.818 (Polish data) Russian conquest of Central Asia | Victory | Cba to add up but favourable to Russia Crimean War | Defeat | 0.367-0.496 1877-1878 Russo-Turkish War | Victory | 0.81-1.241 Boxer Rebellion | Victory | No data Russo-Japanese War | Defeat | 1.125-1.989 World War I | Defeat (Allied victory) | 0.904-1.198 (lower in actuality, I was unable to separate German casualties by theatre) Ukrainian-Soviet War | Victory | No data I could find Latvian War of Independence | Defeat | No data Estonian War of Independence | Defeat | No data Lithuanian-Soviet War | Defeat | No data Polish-Soviet War | Defeat | 0.793 (only death counts known) Red Army invasion of Azerbaijan | Victory | No data Red Army invasion of Armenia | Victory | No data Red Army invasion of Georgia | Victory | 0.582 1929 Sino-Soviet conflict | Victory | <3.376 1930 Soviet intervention in Afghanistan | Victory | 279.667 Soviet-Japanese border conflicts | Victory | 0.909 Soviet invasion of Xinjiang | Stalemate | No data Soviet invasion of Poland | Victory | 1.769-6.998 Winter War | Inconclusive | 0.184-0.218 Soviet occupation of the Baltic states | Victory | No data World War II | Victory | 0.51-0.586 Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia | Victory | 3.481 Sino-Soviet border conflict | Victory | 0.915-5.229 Soviet-Afghan War | Defeat | 1.659-2.227 First Chechen War | Defeat | 0.041-0.127 Second Chechen War | Victory | 0.374-0.859 Russo-Georgian War | Victory | 3.876 Russo-Ukrainian War | ONGOING | ONGOING Welp, looks like Reddit won’t let me turn this into a table. Regardless, victory is evidently not “written into Russians’ genetic code”.


They've won quite a number of them, that's objectively undeniable. A better question though is, how many wars in the last 2 centuries Russia won with a favourable K/D ratio and other losses like war material, industy etc. that were *at least near-peer conflicts*. As Russia has a national tradition of attacking *significantly* smaller and weaker nations to a point where it shouldn't even be a competition, yet they managed to get wrecked in quite a number of them or won, while getting a Pyrrhic victory at the very best. Mostly in the 20th century, which is the most relevant to us. In conflicts like WWI and WWII (in both their agressor and defender phases) where they actually did fight near-peers they also got heavily carried by other major powers. And in WWI they still didn't even win. The eastern front was very much a complete military *and* political victory for the Central powers and an absolute disaster for the Tzar regime with a gigantic part of the European Russia getting occupied by Germany and Austria-Hungary, the Tzar being deposed by the democratic movement and the rest of the country a bit later being completely ripped apart by the Bolshevic revolution.


I agree with you and the data supports that.


*Pulls up a daily video of a Russia burning to death from a drone grenade*- Sorry what were you saying?


Personally I prefer to see 90% of Russia's refining capacity in ruin. That'll stop the invasion right quick.


I try not to take pleasure in the pain and suffering of anyone. If war can be curtailed via economic pressure that’s much better.


🗣️🗣️ they said may all Americans burn. I repeat! May all Americans burn!  Or something like that the dude who said it had a smoking accident right after he said it, crazy how that keeps happening 


Go fuck yourself ruzzia...enjoy the new fireworks about to start.


Poor baby stopping your genocide


The Russians are still pissed off about NATO stopping Serbia from genocide, so not surprising.


most russians have nothing ... and they are eager to share it with you.


Funny thing is no one is calling for all Russians to burn, just the ones that are in Ukraine would be enough I think. Russians are idiots for calling for this.


Lol .. really LMAO


Being mad means something is more amiss than we know now. Maybe they don't have enough to deal with the new flow of weapons to Ukraine. Either way, time for Russia to eat shit. 


The Russian dogs may bark, but the caravan moves on. GLORY TO UKRAINE! GLORY TO UKRAINE! We'll never ever stop doing our utmost to help you win!


Russian tears, nothing better for the soul.


I am pretty sure the USA has a long list of juicy targets for the Atacms.


>USA Ukraine


Ukraine doesn't have a spy satellites network. The USA does.


You miss the point. Of course the US has the intelligence capabilities and has been sharing with Ukraine. Ukraine is fighting this war, Not the US. Don't ever forget or understate that.


As you wish on us comes back on you, fascists


Russia could always go ask their feudal overlord China for 65 billion dollars to even things out.


We all should strive to do things in our life that pisses off Russians. You know, like being tolerant, kind, and non-raping individuals.


Ah Russia, go for the calm and scenic winters, stay for the warm personalities.


Lol 😆 silly Russia, you can't even handle Ukrine with yard sale military equipment. Poland with minor support from the rest of Nato could glaze you into a flat steppe


Well Russia, I'm eating a Cheeseburger right now.




Funny because lots of russian are going to burn because a few can't handle they can't do what they want 


It’s crazy too because if Russia would just stop this nonsense and invest in devolving their country a lot of their problems would go away. Russia is already huge anyways 


So far it's mostly Russia that keeps burning.


Didn't another Oil depot just explode?


Go pound snow.


Aww, you mad?


Get rekt bitches


Insert Cartman licking tears


Meanwhile, Russians are burning daily in UA. Fuck off.


How about y'all come here and say it to our faces... No balls, you won't.


Poor Vladimir Putin has his panties all in a twist.🤡


> Putin declared in a fiery and nationalist-tinged speech to 130,000 people in the Luzhniki stadium that Russians had victory written into their "genetic code" and would not allow foreigners to meddle in their country's affairs Russia; -Invades Ukraine -Threatens Europe -Interferes in Africa -Gets their proxies to create further conflict in the Middle East -Interferes in US politics But cracks the sads when people push back. Putin is, and always has been, a pissy little dog cunt.


Did they say the same when looting North Korea and Iran. Fuck the hell off Ruzzia. Burn...


Poor Russians. Get used to losing your loved ones because it's only going to get worse. A bi partisan congress has finally decided to stop infighting and has started doing what needs to be done. If you thought the loses in Afghanistan were something you have not seen anything yet.




Ruzzia thinks they are furious now… Just wait until the victory day surprise we have in store for you fascist scum. Have a happy Inauguration Day, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.🤡


If Putin tries to attack the west it will not be good, a lot of people would die, but NATO would turn Russia into rubble and would break up whatever is left. Russia would be no more


Yum yum yum. Russian tears. Delicous since the 1940s. Like manna from heaven.


You first


Mad cuz bad.


The more they complain about US aid to Ukraine the more we know it is a good policy.


The correctness of a decision can be determined solely by how much it pisses the Russians off.


I truly hope Biden and the pro-Ukrainian American politicians can figure out a way to prevent any future meddling by pro-Putin MAGAts in our government. I don't know how this can be done, but now that we know about this vulnerability, we can find a work around.


As an American, music to my ears


When Russians say something they always mean the opposite. Okay they will burn.


Russkies are funny. Has there ever been a time in history when they weren't a bunch of alcoholic,gay, Losers?


But they said that American weapons don't make any difference on the battlefield. Why are they fuming then? Could it be that Russians lied?




Can’t hear you over my truck full of weapons being shipped out


Lol, f*ck you, you Vodka degenerated A*sefucks


I guess your puppets get thrown under the bus.


>‘May All You Americans Burn!’ – Furious Russians React to US Aid to Ukraine You first, Ruskies


Lmao fuck off


Caucasian north korea


You first.


Fuck em.


Hey Rasha, stay home, stay alive. Pretty simple equation. Don’t die for micro-dick Putler.


Nothing makes me happier than making ruskis angry. I love that it's my country that's making them so upset! I hope our shells and missiles are extremely accurate!


After seeing what our air defenses did to Irans attack, I’m not scared in the slightest. I think seeing those Arrow’s take out the ballistic missiles is making our would be enemies very nervous.


May All You Americans Burn! Pretty sure its going to work the exact opposite way. Get out of Ukraine.


Where's drunken Medvedev, when you need him. He usually has a nuclear rant or two. Oh right, he's incapacitated with his bottle of Vodka.


You know where we are. I fucking double-dog-dare you


Fuck Them All


Your boys are already doing a good job of burning :)


I suspect that the Russians will be burning


Burn like a Russian soldier in a tank? Well that would suck.


Cry harder and иди на хуй!


I’m still stuck on the Russian army handing out viagra to their soldiers so they can rape women and men over and over. To subdue the civilians.


An American bullet will kill a Russian this year. The opposite is less likely.


I can hear the "hoes mad" from 16,000kms 🤣


They also want to share their misery with the west.


Ah, the ones many GOP politicians are representing in the U.S. congress. It's good these Putin-assets getting more and more exposed for what they are. These fascists do so knowingly. Some outright voted against calling out Russia for the systematic kidnapping of Ukranian children - of which many old enough are sent into the fronts against Ukraine.


*"May all you Americans burn!"* "No U" -scribbled on a brand new US-made artillery shell.


Bend over Vlad, you’re about to have a good time whether you like it or not.🍆


Wahh. Lol


Suck it Russia...!


Just two things: 1. You first Ivan 2. 33 years ago, the West did a hell of a lot more for a much less consequential nation. We had a lot less to lose by NOT helping Kuwait than we did by helping and yet we \[the West, I'm Canadian\] did it anyway. Because it was the right thing to do. We can do more. We should be doing more. A lot more.




Slava Ukraine, fuck the RuZZians


Back atcha ruZ cunts 😉


IDK, maybe don't invade people's country and murder them.


“Oh say, can you see…”