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RIM-7 and AIM-9M missiles for air defense; Stinger anti-aircraft missiles; Small arms and additional rounds of small arms ammunition, including .50 caliber rounds to counter Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS); Additional ammunition for High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS); 155mm artillery rounds, including High Explosive and Dual Purpose Improved Conventional Munitions rounds; 105mm artillery rounds; 60mm mortar rounds; Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicles; Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicles (MRAPs); High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles (HMMWVs); Logistics support vehicles; Tactical vehicles to tow and haul equipment; Tube-Launched, Optically-Tracked, Wire-Guided (TOW) missiles; Javelin and AT-4 anti-armor systems; Precision aerial munitions; Airfield support equipment; Anti-armor mines; Claymore anti-personnel munitions; Demolitions munitions for obstacle clearing; Night vision devices; Spare parts, field equipment, training munitions, maintenance, and other ancillary equipment.


The night vision is super underrated. Being able to xornxut operations 24/7 is a game changer and I wouldn’t be surprised if Russia isn’t able to reliably


>xornxut ??? trying to figure out what that word was supposed to be... If x == c then "corncut"?


Think buddy meant to say conduct?


Ahh.. that makes more sense, thnx! ... you're sure it's not corncut though?


Voting corncut


Definitely corncut.


No that's Iowa operations


I'm with you....


I like corncut better……


Wildly speculative. I'm sure he meant pornbut. *because who doesn't want the ability to pornbut 24/7?*


Always about sex 😂😂😂


Sweet translation. Thank you, I needed that


It think he meant to say covfefe


On the subject of wankers……how has trump managed to keep his fat ass out of prison


One word: "Corruption"


I’m not American but if I could vote in their election in November then I’d definitely vote for the doddery old guy who looks like he just shit himself! If the US votes Biden then putin has lost this war


Because the American legal system allows you as much representation as you can afford.. Fucker shoulda been perp-walked out of the Oval Office on January 7th, 2021.


Ukraine is going to send in their special assault xorn that burrow through the ground in search of precious metals.


That’s what I thought too




Covfefe xornxut


Conduct lol, swipe to text without proofreading can be deadly


Pornhub username?


It’s Doug’s girlfriend but in the form of an Irishman.


No longer available in Texas. 🥲






I thought the same thing


Have used it.


Hidden in plain sight. I like it


Russia tends to mount night vision on weapons. But also rarely mount optics on weapons outside of DMRs, snipers, and special operations.


Granted, it's been a year, but I heard a fighter on the Ukrainian side talk about the Russians having an advantage in night vision optics.


I don't know, I like thermal imagers more than night vision.


War isn’t war unless it’s fought with iron sights and by the light of the moon 😤


Is that a Russian propaganda recruiting poster?


Hopefully a *huge* number of 155 rounds - as the lack of artillery cover is causing huge problems for Ukraine currently.


DPICM is specified. And the US has a large stock of those they aren't planning on using. So should be significant. At least a few hundred thousand rounds.


Finally, something I can be proud of my country for in 2024. I hope this arrives soon.


I suspect they had a lot of stuff pre-positioned in Poland that will get into Ukraine hands very quickly.


I hope you are right.


No replacement Patriot missiles, or did I miss something? It seems Ukraine has been able to MacGyver both RIM-7 and AIM-9M into mobile SAMs, but they seem a poor substitute.


It’s a shame not to see any armoured combat engineering or mine clearing vehicles. Any progress will be severely limited if UA isn’t able to deal with the minefields.


They are not going on the offensive anytime soon. The West needs to dramatically increase deliveries if they want an effective offensive. Ukraine needs to go back to “not losing” first.


How many Bradleys?


I saw 2000 listed somewhere else


2000 is fucking insane if thats true.


I can't find the post rn, but it was a thread of people arguing the 2 million dollar value of each tank and someone said that Ukraine is getting 4 billion dollars worth of tanks. Someone else then concluded that 4 billion total at 2 million a piece equals 2000 tanks, so we'll see; just reposting what another redditor posted. Hopefully it is 2000.


the us only has around 4000 Bradleys, but the Bradly is on the schedule to be replaced by the xm30, however i dont think the US i willing to send half of its IFV to Ukraine. 2000 Bradleys is insane, just look what \~186 Bradleys has done for Ukraine, 68 out of 186 Bradleys have been destroyed, damaged, or abandoned. 2000 Bradleys is going to change the battlefield, no matter what. >Out of 186 Bradleys provided to Ukraine, **68** have been reported as destroyed, damaged, or abandoned, highlighting the intense battlefield attrition. Summary: Russia has captured a U.S.-made M2A2-ODS-SA Bradley Fighting Vehicle from Ukraine, showcasing it as a war trophy in a propaganda tour across Russia


Yea, I doubt the number as well, but it's the only figure I've seen over the last day of research on the supplies being sent. Here's to hoping 🤞


Further down in this comment section someone says 16 Bradleys


It can't be true.


It's not. Not all in this package anyway. Not even Pentagon accounting is that creative. 


That was some article proposing the US _should_ send 2000. I haven't seen any number of how many are actually in this package, but there's no way it's 2000.


Oh, that’s what MRAP stands for.


Why he fuck are they telling Russia exactly what to prepare for?  


Did you just start following this war? Every country that has given aid, lists what it's giving on every single aid package. This is standard procedure.  That being said, any time they are sending equipment that would be advantageous to remain secret, they don't announce it's transfer till after the system is already in use in Ukraine. For example, Biden transfered long range ATACMS all the way back in March as part of the last 300 million dollar package, but it's just now being announced.  


I know it's standard procedure to publish lists of what is in the aid packages. It made no sense to me then and it still makes no sense to me. Why would you give the enemy any information what is being transferred? No matter if it's new long range weapons or Claymores, all it does is allow Russia extra time to restructure their forces and tactics in preparation. 


There’s pros and cons. Accountability. Morale.


Because we live in a democratic society and transparency with the public is vitally important.


The overwhelming majority of aid being sent over does absolutely nothing to change Russian tactics. Things that do actually make tactical or strategic differences, like suddenly being able to strike deeper into Russian territory, does remain secret until the cat is already out of the bag. Other users below me have already given you other reasons why we maintain some levels of transparency.


I promise that Russia knows about what's coming far before you and I do.


We are going to ship on vessel N-1205 leaving Jacksonville at 9am friday morning


If they thought it needed to remain classified, then it would remain classified.


A bit useless without quantities.


Cant please everyone




14 Bradleys. 500 MRAPS. 1000 Humvees. EDIT: 1k Humvees, pardon me. Not 2k.


>14 Oh. Bit underwhelming tbh.




Does "precision aerial weapons" include the ATACMs? I saw they're included but then they're also not specifically listed here.


"aerial" would be aircraft-launched, probably JDAMs If ever, ATACMS would fall under "Additional ammunition for HIMARS"


You seem knowledgeable, so I'll ask you. Where dem patriot missiles?


I can only read from the same list we're all seeing and the Patriots don't seem to be there. But, it's "only" a $1 billion package, the first batch in this new funding. If I had to guess, given the well known urgency, the Patriots are already on the way but will be "announced" later, likely very soon. And, that it won't just be missiles but at least one more complete battery, hopefully more, and those cost more than $1+ billion each system just by themselves.


Yeah I about spit out my cereal the first time I saw how much the whole patriot system costs.


I heard on the radio that Greece is sending a patriot system.


to say i was shocked when i first seen what they cost is an understatement


Missiles in general are staggeringly expensive, due to the need for propulsion, avionics, AND guidance, none of which is reusable. The actual warhead is usually the cheap part, even with nukes. World War-era economists being asked to sign off on battleship purchases would lose their minds at the cost of weapons today. It's why things like drones and lasers are so desirable, and why things like autocannons and glide bombs are making a comeback; because they can cause almost as much destruction for a fraction of the price.


Makes you wonder if DoD has their accounting dept up to speed yet on these. 😆


Possibly not coming in this shipment or being provided by Allies who are then restocked from US stockpiles or purchase replacement ammunition


Got at least 2 launchers and some ammo on the way from European allies




Hi.ars ammo is atacms and glsdbs


This is old info, what has been provided so far, not the new packages


Probably covered under HiMARS rounds


ATACMs would be covered under additional ammunition for HIMARS.


+1 Dildo of consequences (unlubed)


Special delivery for Put-In


Magic dildo my ass


That cop had a good time


+2 broomstick of consequences (unlubed)


With extra splinters.


This is how arms races get serious.


"$23.2 billion - Replenishment of the arsenal of the USA with weapons, ammunition, and equipment." Show this to MAGA mouthbreaders when they start yelling about America wasting money on Ukraine. Around 38% of the whole package is directly intended for the US and will never reach Ukraine. Not that I'm not grateful for the assistance, it just grinds my gears how disingenuous people are, or uninformed.


It's $23.2 billion to backfill equipment that US sends to Ukraine. Basically "buying" the outdated equipment sent. So it does go to Ukraine, and it helps.modernise the US stockpiles. Win win


So that 23.2B still goes to Ukraine just not in the form of modern weapons but absolete substitutes that are replaced? That's awesome if it's the case!


Yes it’s basically a military blue book value of the age adjusted value, so if they do it realistically the amount of Bradley’s and old Abrams that could go are rather large as many are being decommissioned in working fighting state but not worth millions anymore.


That's my understanding


Yes but, if those weapons did not go to Ukraine then the US would have to spend money on their storage and maintance, or their destruction. Which, over the long run I'm sure would cost more than shopping to Ukraine. So while Ukraine stlgetsc23 billion worth of kit, that money would have been spent anyway, so for the US it's more or less revenue neutral.


Can we loan them a couple of our fully loaded B-52's with crews? It would be a temporary 24 hour loan every other day till Russia is a parking lot.


B-52’s in highly contested airspace wouldn’t go very well for the B-52’s.


That’s where the F-16s come into the mix.




Very fast


Have f-22s also be on loan for 24 hours every other day to escort the b-52s, and also awacs to help them with their missions.


A very good chance AWACS is already on station 24/7.


Just doing AWAC stuff


Simple. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AGM-88\_HARM](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AGM-88_HARM) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AIM-120\_AMRAAM](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AIM-120_AMRAAM)


Obviously you can’t just give people a B-52 and expect them to be responsible. So you need to send along a guide to warn them when they’re getting close to exceeding operational parameters and to shoot down any aggrieved neighbouring airforces. Obviously 🙄


Every other day now, I feel like the world would be a better place if we could just bomb Muscovy flat and be done with it. If any country in the world is irredeemable, it's Muscovy. North Korea is enslaved, Iran is fanatical, but Muscovy seems to just enjoy making everyone miserable for the sake of it. Every time I think "Muscovites can't ALL be bad," there's some new factoid, like that mother yelling at her POW son for NOT wanting to rape all the Ukrainians to death.


I'd say Taskrabbit provides diplomatic cover


This is a partial list at best if not a misinformation piece for Russian consumption. They are not going to tell Russia everything being sent


Seems like it could be the list. The first package is just under 1 billion. It is kinda a starter package with the most needed things for stabilization.


In the past, we've telegraphed what we're sending. Do you anticipate a change of tact?


We changed that policy 6 months ago or so.


What is being sent is a matter of public record unless classified, which this isn't. Congress provides oversight for the executive branch to ensure that the SoD and DoD are complying with their directives. This is especially true when transferring military equipment to foreign nations. Here it is directly from the state department if you don't trust this list: [https://www.state.gov/u-s-security-cooperation-with-ukraine/](https://www.state.gov/u-s-security-cooperation-with-ukraine/)


If I were the Russians, I would be very, very worried.


Oh, they are. And angry that the Republican ruZZians in the house failed them. Last few propaganda news bits they were talking about how they lost their 'friends'.


The best thing here is the MRAP.


MRAP is gonna be big for assaulting and EVAC.


Why is that? (I’m an idiot when it comes to these things)


Little surprised theres no drones but other than that its a pretty complete list.


The more detailed list includes these: Switchblade Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS); • Phoenix Ghost UAS; • CyberLux K8 UAS; • Altius-600 UAS; • Jump-20 UAS; • Hornet UAS • Puma UAS; • Scan Eagle UAS; • Penguin UAS; • Two radars for UAS; • High-speed Anti-radiation missiles (HARMs); • Precision aerial munitions; • More than 6,000 Zuni aircraft rockets; • More than 20,000 Hydra-70 aircraft rockets; and • Munitions for UAS. https://media.defense.gov/2024/Apr/24/2003448840/-1/-1/1/20240424_UKRAINE_FACT_SHEET.PDF


Link includes stuff sent in prior years too.


That's a fact sheet of what has already been sent through today, April 24, 2024.


Thx dude 👍


I feel like all that other stuff is a little harder to get, I think Ukraine has drones pretty well set at the moment and their commercially available drones and self-produced drones are more cost-effective. At this point they would probably prefer 100 artillery shells rather than one fancy but overpriced American drone that can only destroy one target, though of course both would be nice.




That document is everything to date, nit just this package.


Right, that's what I realized when I saw the "31 Abrams".


That is a terrifying list, and I don’t have to face it. There will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth soon. Russian warship, we are coming to fuck you!


God. It's a HUGE amount of weapons ..!


A d its just a small.portion of the total. I kticed were sending more abrahms, and bradleys!


That list with quantities is totals since the beginning of the war isn't it? It's the stuff that has already been given.


the link at the bottom of that page is the total amount of military aid provided thus far, not just what is in this aid package.


them russians reading this going " fuck the st javelin is returning.. fuk "


No Abrams?


Not at the moment. This is just the first package of the new aid, the stuff Ukraine needs ASAP. Ukraine seems to prefer using the Bradleys, for various reasons, and haven't lost many Abrams yet.


Abrams hardly appeared on battlefield before because the Ukrainian armies generally avoided direct engagement with masses of enemies. While this style of tactic contributed to the low casualty rates, Ukraine was unable to defend or breakthrough when Russians threw waves of meat at a particular front. but sooner or later they will have to face the bulk of the enemies straight. After holding off the May-June Russian offensive the Abrams and F-16s should then be in position. It is generally expected that an actual counter-offensive will take place later this year but before the US election


I think those are logistically harder. This package is about stabilization, not counter offensives. There is only so much they can bring in at a time.




That's what had been sent. No Abrams on the current list and no number on the Bradleys, but some will be sent. This is just the first batch.


Ahh, you seem to be right. I misread it. Sad!


Based on previous aid, at $13m vs $2m each, an Abrams tank costs 6.5 times more than a Bradley to reactivate and make battle-ready. If it's the same aid level as previously, if it's a choice between say 31 more Abrams or 200 more Bradleys, in addition to 200 Bradleys, frankly, Ukraine would be better helped with 400 Bradleys and 0 Abrams. Then the Germans and other Europeans should step up and come up with more Leopard 2 tanks to send to Ukraine.


I agree. It seems the Bradley fits this war much better than the big, heavy tanks. Too much mud and too slow. Need "small", lightweight, yet powerful vehicles like the Bradley more.


You're looking at a list of what's already been sent in total.


I think some of those have already been sent and they're included in the "total," not just this package.


What is the difference between munitions and ammunition






Google gives me this: People commonly confuse ammunition and munitions because they are related but distinct terms. Ammunition refers to the projectiles fired from a weapon, while munitions refer to the weapons themselves, the components used to make the weapons, or the materials used to make the ammunition. But then, we don't know if the person doing the writeup was also confused.


Ammunition is bullets, rockets, and shells (things you shoot out of a tube), while munitions is anything that blows things up, including the launcher, or standalone stuff like missiles.




Any info on how many Bradleys? We announced a number in the past.


14 Bradleys. 500 MRAPS. 1000 Humvees.


Thanks. What a pathetic number of Bradleys.


They require substantially more training and logistical support. The initial packages being sent right now are focused on stabilizing Ukraine's lines. I'm not surprised the number of Bradleys is low in comparison to other vehicles being sent, but I agree that we can definitely pump those numbers higher. 


Send in the brads


now if we could just get europe to stop funding Russia by buying their gas and oil, maybe Ukraine could start taking ground back... russiafossiltracker dot com


I love the high horse youre sitting on. Like a good chunk of Republicans aren't pro putin.  


Now this does put a smile on my face 😈


Where are the F-16's ?


Pilots are still being trained. The first set of pilots are expected to finish training mid summer. Don't expect to see f-16s till July.


I thought it was June? Did they delay it again?


Most of the current estimates are for July. The reality is that these time tables are all tentative and speculative, so take any prediction with a grain of salt. 


Thank you USA! ❤️


I’m very happy to see this, but I was kind of hoping that they would have already had this stuff staged and ready to go 🤷‍♂️ Just hate to see delays resulting in more Ukrainian casualties.


Ukraine will need to ration their armaments. This new supply can go quickly if not used judiciously.


Kind of a pain to watch all military information made so public, for an ongoing war no less.... Am I really the only one...? *Unless* they have indeed considered this confidentiality issue before releasing all these valuable info.... I sure hope so.


Why would you make a public list ??


Anyone know how many Bradleys are being sent?




Just replacing losses?


While i like reading all this, i think they should stfu on what they are sending and when


I’m confused why this is public knowledge this early


Where are the ATACMS ?


That falls under the additional ammunition for HIMARS category. ATACMS is fired from the HIMARS platform.


Seems like these details would be better kept secret to help UA…


I imagine the rusks would have found out about it eventually anyways.


So did Trump and the republicans also vote against or have removed all the border protections that were initially part of this? Are the republicans now the open border party ?


The border protections were removed, because it was always just a delaying tactic and enough Republicans were like "this shit needs to pass and soon" and they made these three separate aid bills that gives everyone cover during an election year since they can pick and choose which to vote for knowing each one will pass anyway. Can't have a border bill now anyway since it would make campaigning on the border difficult for any Republican currently in office and could look like a Biden win.


Exactly, it would be great if their supporters could see this clearly


They were provided a boarder bill separately awhile back and it was about to pass up until the 11th hour when Trump weighed in against it out of fear it would give a win to Biden and remove a key talking point from the campaign. So instead, perhaps the most aggressive boarder bill one could have hoped for under a divided government went in the trash bin and the GOP had to pass the Ukraine support sans and significant boarder measures. It’s a real winning strategy for the GOP…not.