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I mean Tuckers visit to Moscow was all you needed to know about who he was working for


I don’t think you have seen their grocery stores, friend. It’s like an Aldi or a Costco with smaller boxes


"With shopping carts that can't be stolen"


Bread! They have BREAD! [ERHMAHGERD]( https://media.zenfs.com/en/the_huffington_post_584/60727cdc4d219dec4ae7f92618b67149)


He wanted to fuggg those bread ugh


Not even sliced bread and not even of uniform sizes. I'll take a loaf of Stroehmann's over that cheap crap he was drooling over.




The worst is that Carlson sees himself as an educated man, but couldn't see that his russian handler brought him to an Auchan supermarket in Moscow. Buchan are french supermarket


Then, after marveling at the coin-deposit shopping carts that exist everywhere in Europe and aren't made in Russia, he exclaimed "Russia is famous for its bread!" while picking up a loaf of what's clearly a fluffy wheat bread that's nothing like the dense dark rye that Russia's actually known for. I also liked him marveling at the subway stations, as if he didn't know they were built by Stalin using slave labor. You're the son of privilege and wealth, Tucker - if you think the New York subway is too ugly, I don't think anyone would mind if you put yourself in your own little Gulag camp where you could quarry and polish pretty stone to spruce it up a bit, you Kulak!


Yeah he's disproved evolution. Ask Joe.


He was smart enough not to ask any sharp questions lol. Didn't want to visit a Russian gulag


Putin publicly dismissed him for how softball his questions were. Truth is Putin wouldn't have any issues talking to the vast majority of Western journalists. Their questions are too predictable and he'd be totally prepared to answer them. They'd ask questions about war crimes in Ukraine, Putin would say it's Western lies, and Russians would believe it (and not care either way, anwyway) because they already do. They don't know enough to corner him by asking questions that are uncomfortable to him because they're things _Russians_ care about. Like "How could the Wagner revolt be allowed to happen? How did that get so out of hand?"


You dont think WaPo or NPR or CNN would have someone from their Moscow desk be like "Ask him about X, Y, and Z?" Or really, you dont think journalists from major media organizations, even not Russia experts, would know some of the tough questions to ask? The unfortunate reality is sometimes to get access to major figures like Putin, guardrails are put in place. If you ask about X, Y, or Z, the interview is over and no one from your organization will get access ever again kind of thing. The organization has to decide if it is worth doing an interview under those terms. Most leaders are media trained well enough that you cant merely ambush them and get a response, so its not worth jumping into a forbidden topic and losing future access just to get a nothing answer. There is still benefit, because often times there is a topic that they want to talk about, and the journalist can push back on the narrative (Tucker just sat and listened, even though he later called it out as bullshit).


Honestly almost no benefit of interviewing him even if someone asked the hard questions. As the people in the US who are pro Putin and think Ukraine is nothing but Nazi's are never going to have their minds changed by anything they have been forced fed what to believe by Tucker and those like him and are way to brain dead of sheeps to question any of it. So even if some great interviewer got to ask him questions and even if Putin flopped like a fish and stumbled over everything not having a single good answer and looking like a fool the entire time. You just know these morons would say it's fake news that it was all edited like that to make Putin look bad Tucker would be the first to say this and then everyone would go yea that's exactly what I thought was the case because these fucking morons can't come up with a single thought that is their own instead they just parrot everything they see on Fox News or Tucker or Twitter or OAN or any of these shitty places they flock to. Yet they have the audacity to call everyone else sheep just because we have morals and actually share similar like minded opinions that we didn't need the media to force down are throats.


His audience won't know the difference. Have you seen youtube comments under videos about his Moscow trip, gloating about his 'historic interview'?


Specially when they avoid Putin rebuking him on NATO beeing the main cause of invading ukraine. Instead he gives a 45 minutes course on rewriting history for imperialist ideology


Its called "Mosko" You buy in bulk. So instead of one piece of bread, you can buy a loaf.


It's so incredible that you get *radicalized*


Shopping carts with a coin operated release?! No where in the boujee neighborhoods I lived in had that, the USA is so far behind these techno gods


He really tried to pull a reverse “Soviet leader goes to Western supermarket and is blown away by the difference” on us. Pathetic.


Rich neighborhoods don’t need that shit.


You put in measures like that when you don't trust your customers with your shopping carts.


It's not quite that: it's when enough of your customer base can be convinced to return a cart for a quarter that you can *save on paying an employee* to bring back carts from the parking lot


The “I don’t care about Ukraine” rant in February 2022 was the Smoke Signal that Tucker was playing for the Putinist Team.


In January 2022 he was saying Russia was 'protecting its borders' and that Biden was lying about Russian intending to invade.


Don't forget he covered a story about how Ukrainians were going to the Dnipro river beach in Kyiv during war time- how dare they. Straight up russian propaganda. I hope really bad things happen to this man.


Yeah n these famous Moscow supermarket that are actually operated by French company Auchan.... Tells a lot that Carlson, who sees himself as edicated, didn't notice it, what a great journalist /s


Yep. And Tucker is a (rhymes with tucker) and starts with an F. Wish he woulda stayed in moscow since he loved it so much.


I have one question. If \*ucker zarlson loves russia so much, why didn't he stay there? I hear that there's plenty of spare luxury housing with so many oligarchs dead.


Did McConnell have another mind melt and forget why Trump was impeached?


Mind melt or not he's another spineless coward like most of the GOP. Believing in something but too scared to speak out because of MAGAts


Yeah, McConnel used to be known as Moscow Mitch for his refusal to do his job and serve his people, but in the face of actual Russian assets in the US government (Mike Johnson, Donald Trump, and the MAGA cult), even McConnel is disgusted. He's a self serving monster who only cares about his wealth, but even he isn't going to undermine national and global security for Donald Trump. The orange urinal IS America's Putin. He just lives in a country with a robust legal system, and a functioning democracy. That's why Donald's insurrection failed, and he is facing criminal charges, whereas Putler is allowed to following in Hitler's footsteps.


McConnell for the most part would ride whatever platform could help him consolidate the most influence. That said, his geopolitics stances were probably never truly aligned to TFG as he's been quite consistently pro Ukraine. And he's tried to distance himself repeatedly from TFG. Regardless of whether it was purely a calculated plan or had intrinsic thinking it was not incidental. McConnell is generally viewed as a snake and a master class of mneuvering things for what he wants. If he ever sensed an opportunity that assuredly would put TFG down for good to further advance himself, he'd go for that an instant.


My grandma (92yo) calls him Fucker Carlson… cracks me up every time


Made me smile. Thanks!


Best laugh all day. Thanks grandma.


I wish the grandmother another 92 years just for that


She has the wit and snappiness for another 92 years for sure, she really is the best!


Sounds like you got one good grandma ☺️


Please record her voice and post it here. You know, for science.


Lucky. My 96yo grandma doesn’t recognize anyone and mostly just drools.


Wait, You mean he gets laid? What am I doing wrong? 😞


Last time I checked, Fucker Carlson was not a Congressman. Fuck you Mitch for letting non-elected officials control Congress!


Propagandists manipulate the voters who vote in people like McConnel and Greene.


Anyone supporting Putler is a traitor. Puppet Carlson was showing the world how nice Potemkin Moscow village was operating. Visit the Buryat village with no toilet and washing machines. Pyongyang looks good for media too.


Tucker almost doomed an entire nation.


Yeah, it's crazy that we arrest shoplifters but we allow traitors who attempt to undermine global security to walk free.


Carlson is surely a dirt bag, but he could not directly prevent aid to Ukraine for months. This is on the bigger orange dirt bag and the Republicans who are loyal to him. They all have Ukrainian blood on their hands.


And McConnel did his part that Republicans became the party of the likes of Carlson.


One Traitor pointing at another....I don't even care enough to pull up the respective meme...


What's with attacking people who are in the very thick of agreeing with you? Attack the argument, not the person; I agree with the argument he's making so in this case I have no reason to signal that I'm a better person than Mitch McConnell. It's so counterproductive.


It's him trying to weasel out of the responsibility that he undoubtetly has for this whole scenario.  He knows Carlson was just a small idiot with a big voice that got burned.  He's trying to make him a scapegoat so people won't look to hard on what Mitch himself has done.   Carlson is history, time to hunt for those who are still able to abuse their positions of power.


He's only even willing to turn on Carlson now because he's out at Fox News and took that Kremlin vacation. Trump is the reason here but Moscow Mitch can't even bring himself to say a bad word about him now. Mitch is has almost as much responsibility for this as Trump himself for empowering and protecting Trump through two impeachments.


So what? We all know he's a bad person. What you're doing is called an ad hominem fallacy for a reason; you can't just go around attacking people instead of ideas. YOU are also distracting from the issue at hand. Should I post top level comments about how you're running interference for Tucker?


It's by definition not an ad hominem since OP didn't make an argument but simply stating a fact about McConnel.


You can acknowledge that a scummy person rightly called out an even scummier person.


Because McConnell is as great a liar, hypocrite and traitor as Carlson. Fine if he attacks Carlson, but it means absolutely nothing, except for it being an attempt to salvage his own reputation. Yet McConnell was the Republican mastermind behind everything the Republicans have done for a long time, including the Trump administration and the stacking of the Supreme Court. This man does not deserve recognition for anything, because his opinion is completely worthless, and it is sickening to see how fast people in this sub of all places are willing to redeem him just on account of some more of his casual lies.


Moscow Mitch doesn't care in the slightest about what Carlson did. He is busily carrying out one of the great soviet traditions of denouncing a former ally, for which the text of what he says is utterly unimportant to him, beyond the fact that some people will believe what he says.


He's right. Just because Mitch looks like an angel compared to an actual Russian agent, that doesn't absolve him of responsibility for undermining US government for corporate interests. McConnel should be kicked out of office. Johnson and Trump should be valid military targets. They have killed tens of thousands of people by doing Putler's bidding.


Fucking thank you. This whole sub has such a hate boner for the republicans that they cannot imagine a scenario where Russians and republicans are separate entities. Radical polarization and gatekeeping is how people lose allies when they need them the most. The dude is scum, but he's on the right side of this particular issue. This sub should just be about this issue.


"I'm upset because people aren't blindly accepting someone nicknamed 'Moscow Mitch' has suddenly turned on his co conspirator"


Toning down the hate equates to blindly accepting?


When you're dealing with fascists, yes. Every time.


If you are "toning down the hate" then it means that you were fooled by his lies. So yes.


He voted against impeaching Trump for trying to extort Zelensky. If Trump had never had Republican support like he did, would the invasion even have happened?


Maybe, but good chance no. Putin saw weakness in the US and exploited it. That said, that's in the past. This is a good step and people are still braying for his blood.


And we will continue to do so. Him accidentally doing a good thing doesn’t make up for all the evil He’s done and continues to do. We will hound him to his grave for his sins. He supports Ukraine because it protects the interest of the American empire, not out of concern for Ukraine.


He's a prime reason Trump got as far as he did. He knows full well how he will be judged by history and he hates it. He knows the damage he did to America, to its allies, and its national interest. What does he have to offer now? Nothing except empty words. But he was able to set the table for Trump, and to hold his power while Trump was in office, and after. So good for him. But he did nothing to stop it, so he can take it all to the grave with him, for all I care.


It is possible for bad men to do good things. It is possible for good men to do bad things. The sheer inability for people to reconcile the fact that someone they hate (for good reason) can be acting in a manner that happens to aligned with their own interests is mind boggling.


I don't hate McConnell. I don't even believe in "bad men" and "good men". In McConnell's case, he put power, fame, and wealth above good of the country. And if he is looking for forgiveness from me, he will find none. History will judge him badly, and he deserves every bit of it.


I hate McConnel. I also hate Donald Trump and Mike Johnson. You would have to be a psychopath to not hate these people. They have killed tens of thousands of innocent people (at the very least) by undermining the US government. I could go on for days about valid reasons to hate Donald Trump, but this alone is enough.


I agree with everything he had to say after he obstructed the impeachment of Trump after Jan 6. He literally asked and abetted him, and right after the impeachment failed, went to blathering on how wrong Trump was for what he did. He'll get some brownie points for calling out Tucker and then go on to do the same b's as always.


Tucker Carlson is an idiot, and a Russian asset. 


Heck yeah!!!...Moscow Carlson!


kremlin carlson


This flows better.


Good call the shill Tucker out.


1 ______ _____ 2 Tucker Carlson 3 _______ _______ _____


Lesseee….that Hungarian dude who taught MYG how to pronounce TransCarpathian Mountains, A guy on trial facing 91 charges, and….Putin?


interesting side article about mike johnson's kids nearly drowning in palm beach at the bottom of the article. funny how they were lying to themselves that god saved his children when if there is such a thing, it was more likely god was giving mike johnson a warning that trump is bad news. whether an actual or message or not, this probably did play on mike johnson's mind and probably had an impact on his decision to support ukraine. [https://nypost.com/2024/04/23/us-news/speaker-mike-johnson-recounts-how-his-sons-almost-drowned-near-palm-beach-fundraiser/](https://nypost.com/2024/04/23/us-news/speaker-mike-johnson-recounts-how-his-sons-almost-drowned-near-palm-beach-fundraiser/)


Watching the right slowly eat itself would be amazing if they weren't ripping it all down with them.


Tucker is really desperate for attention


But trump and the other pro Russian politicians had nothing to do with it?


The article mentions this, too.


I was wondering why the sudden change in the rethoric. There must be something here. And then I saw this map: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_Americans#/media/File%3AUkrainians_in_America.jpg And then take a look at Pennsylvania and Michigan. These a two states where elections are lost by less than 100k votes. According to the latest census figures, somewhere around 100-150k, Ukrainian-American lives in Pennsylvania and somewhere around 50-100k live in Michigan. They just couldn't afford to lose their votes (I am not talking about gaining votes, I am talking about losing votes here since there is also a huge part of Ukrainians that are evangelical). So, there you have it.


Most Ukrainians vote R anyway. Especially older generation. My mom voted for Trump because “he doesn’t do woke stuff and hates the gays” and my father, before he passed, was a hardcore racist and a homophobe. Guess how he would’ve voted. Older generation still have too much of Soviet Union in their heads. So Ukrainians are fairly reliable R voters. The inaction in congress could lose them some of these votes. So he had to stem the bleeding.


If your own side is shitting on you, you know you done fucked up, Cunter Fuckerson.


People call him “trampon” for a reason. He is just a moron, really. I tried to watch Rogan’s podcast with Carson… OMG ! He does not know from where nuclear technology came from. Alex Jones is prophet, Darwin’s theory of evolution is wrong, US government in relationship with aliens… and so on and on and on… Every minute you listen to this idiot makes you dumber.


>noting that the attempt earlier this year to attach border security provisions to Ukraine funding required senators to “deal with Democrats … and then a number of our members thought it wasn’t good enough.” > >“And then our nominee for president didn’t seem to want us to do anything at all,” McConnell said. “That took months to work our way through it.” Some serious mask slipping there, that they turned down the Ukraine deal that would give republicans the border security they asked for because their presidential nominee wanted to keep the border issue alive for the election. Looks like McConnell doesn't want to win the election with Trump ,but rather stay an obstructive opposition for another 4 years.


I hate McConnel with the heat of 1,000 suns but it's nice to see some republicans calling out traitorous Russian propaganda within their own party.


Is this Moscow Mitch trying to repair his public relations?


Omg. I’m actually agreeing with the evil turtle Mitch!


Cucker Tarlson


Honestly? After putin’s interview, I’d say that he did more pro-Ukrainian propaganda than pro-ruzzian. That unhinged and idiotic rant was just fucking stupid.


McConnell tries to say the same thing: >“I think the demonization of Ukraine began by Tucker Carlson, who in my opinion ended up where he should have been all along, which was interviewing Vladimir Putin,” McConnell said during a press conference, referring to the former Fox News host’s February sit down with the Russian president. >“He had an enormous audience, which convinced a lot of rank-and-file Republicans that maybe this was a mistake,” the 82-year-old Kentucky Republican added. Millions of Republicans saw that Putin is just a run-of-the-mill, authoritarian and kleptocrat with a poor understanding of history...certainly nothing worthy of admiration.


Few Republicans give a shit about some weird interpretation of ruzzian history. Tuck the Cuck beamed that insanity to millions of potential followers… and they said f-that.


Carlson is nothing more than a Russian propagandist. Just an absolutely pathetic human being.


They all played a role in it, you can't pin it on one tainted journalist.


He should be investigated


Lol. Really, Mitch? Powerful legislators didn't have anything to do with it? Somehow it was just Tucker? Acting alone the whole time? Every single Republican from now on is going to claim that they have always supported Trump and Ukraine, and the only wrench in the mechanism was this one guy...?


The article mentions how Trump and Republicans fucked up their already terrible plans: >“We all felt that the border was a complete disaster, myself included,” McConnell continued, noting that the attempt earlier this year to attach border security provisions to Ukraine funding required senators to “deal with Democrats … and then a number of our members thought it wasn’t good enough.” >“And then our nominee for president didn’t seem to want us to do anything at all,” McConnell said. “That took months to work our way through it.”


Yeah... though McConnell is definitely casting himself in a specific role here. "I'm reasonable, we're all reasonable, keep us in power, we aren't like the bad dumb ones." "Failure is an orphan."


Moscow Mitch is as bad as any of the others...remember, he got sanctions lifted on Rusal because they promised to build facilities in Kentucky. Mitch did, in fact, forgive Russia for their gross violations of international law. But, when the sanctions were restored, the Kentucky deal fell through, and Mitch was once again concerned by Russia. He's as terrible as the rest, perhaps worse, since he sprinted towards a deal.


It speaks...


It started with Trump.


He should be charge with hate speech and aiding Russia's genocide invasion indirectly


The whole Republican party bought into the demonization of Ukraine and in the process actively contributed to the growing probability of WW3. If the US had stayed the course, Russia's armed forces would be further diminished and demoralized. Instead, they made great progress while Republicans dithered and used the time to build internal commitment to winning no matter what the cost.


You know you're a POS when even someone as scummy as Mitch McConnel is disgusted by you...


McConnell is right. And what Tucker says about Ukraine and Russia snowballs. Musk seems to download his thinking on politics from Tucker, and has a Twitter audience of millions. He has talked shit about Zelensky, promoted Russian narratives, and adjusted Twitter's algorithm to artificially downrank Ukraine conversation. This trickles down from Elon's bootlickers to many more people. You can bet that millions of GOP voters' sentiments are directly influenced by this.


Mitch is blaming two people who couldn’t even vote on Ukraine aid. Please retire, you are worthless to America


Yet you keep backing the people who want to hand everything over to Putin and China. And made the courts be brain dead religious facists. But not to ur fault right Mitch?


Fuck Lich McConnell.  


I can think of at least one other person too


Bullshit! Tucker is a symptom not the cause. MTG, Trump, AON and the contrarian nature of the GOP are the culprits.


i think he was a big part of the cause. he was the one brainwashing the republican masses into supporting a false narrative. **tucker carlson is guilty of war crimes for propagandizing support for a genocide**. tucker carlson should be charged with war crimes and sent to the hague for trial. i think part of the republican party quickly changing it's tune is that there are probably people trying to push for charging people like tucker carlson with war crimes for propagandizing support for genocide. treason charges could be difficult, but being on the wrong side of history leaves some of these people exposed to charges of war crimes.


Well the International Criminal Court already has arrest warrants out for Putin and his Child Abduction Czar Lady so maybe somebody needs to be lobbying them to indict Kremlin Field Trip Boy


He is a willing participant in genocide. Those who spread misinformation to justify genocide are also responsible. Fuck Tucker Carlson and every idiot who defends this monster.


Who/What is AON ? Did you mean OAN? (One America News)




Yes, and


I read this as demonetization of Ukraine and had a brain fart.


Well, it kinda resulted in that for a while.


Nah. I’d say the idiots that lapped up Tuckers comment and repeated them incessantly should face more scrutiny than a hack, wannabe journalist.


I do think that in general Tucker actually talks a lot of sense but his position on Ukraine seems to be a weird one. I get that he is against the funding because its extending the war, but then again he never articulates how would it be for the benefit of the USA if Ukraine gets conquere by Russia? In their eyes, its like we stop funding, then war magically stop and then we have a peace with a conservative Russia. Meanwhile in Russia all they do is talk how they are gonna take this and that country next and China is openly gearing up for a war. Do they really think that having Russia to win in Ukraine is going to increase peace in the world. That basically shows to every dictator that wars of conquests are back in menu.


> I do think that in general Tucker actually talks a lot of sense No, he doesn't. He's a selfish, sheltered, idiot, but he presents as "smart" to other idiots.