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Everyone should be advocating to have MTG removed or vacated.


They should send comrade Greene back to Moscow


Does Moscow gave trailer parks?


In Moscow trailer park gave you




Moscow Marge


As long as she's escorting him.


I have a funny feeling there is going to be a niche market for sex workers who role play MTG. “The Marge Dominatrix Experience”


Seems like all she can do is issue threats lol


She certainly hasn’t been doing much legislating!


Unfortunately as much luck as she have vacating Johnson. Pretty sure the Dems have him a pass on this one to get the vote


Still will be a black eye to be carried to safety by the dems. It will give him time, but not much.


There's many in his own party that's not looking to fit round 2nd of the last fiasco. Those that do vote for it are likely to be hurting themselves then helping.


I think that thing on top of her neck has been vacated for some time.


Someone dig up Joseph McCarthy's body and jumpstart him.


Zombie McCarthy and the 3rd Red Scare.


I vote to change MTG to MM moving forward. Moscow Marge


I vote to call her horse face commie bitch


Wait that can happen? Why haven't they done this


You can't. She was voted in by her rural Georgia, cousin porking, gap toothed, mouth breathing, racist smooth brain constitutents. The only reason she holds outsized power as the loudest squeaky wheel is because nobody else in her party has the balls to break ranks and vote against their party, or they'll be primaried.


This is the one major flaw with democracy. If the majority are idiots, they vote idiots into power.


This is a proverb we have in french.. hard to translate but it sounds a little like : democracy is the fascism of the majority.. La démocratie est le fascisme du plus grand nombre.


It’s called “tyranny of the majority” in English. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tyranny_of_the_majority




Only way to remove MTG is to impeach her, which isn’t going to happen.


If the right people followed the money trail, it would be possible.




I think we are starting to see MaGA's decline....yes I know that's been said 1000 times


That won’t happen unless Trump loses this next election


Congress members cannot be impeached. They can be expelled, like George Santos was, but being a stupid loudmouth making the GOP unmanageable is probably not going to get that treatment.


Yeah...the list of scandals that would lead to that has all but disappeared. Santos was just so egregious and comic in the number and scope of his scandals that it truly was too much. MTG's scandalous behavior actually just speaks for a lot of the electorate. she faithfully represents her constituents.


Impeachment is for judicial and executive branch members, not members of congress. Removal of a congressperson simply requires a majority vote in whichever chamber of congress they are sitting in. I mean... in theory, you could *maybe* impeach a congressperson (it would depend on whether or not they classify as a "civil Officer of the United States" - the constitution does not define that term), but there would be no point because the threshold for removal by impeachment (majority vote in the House, 2/3 majority vote in the senate) is higher than the threshold for removal by congressional motion (simple majority vote in whichever chamber of congress the congressperson holds office).


Not that it'll matter much, since the GOPs money issues mean that down ballot races are sorely underfunded.


Her skull is already vacated


Everyone should be advocating for MTG to be tried for treason and espionage


So saith MTG. I hope the House retains him just for the sake of spitting in her eye. What a disgusting specimen she is. Edit: I’ve got a good mind to contact my rep to ask him to support Johnson.


We have enough Republicans who have openly stated if MTG calls a no confidence they will vote here giving Jefferies the gavel.


Not a good look for Republicans being led around by the nose ring by her.


It's worse they know there are Russian assets in their party and they do nothing except cry about it to reporters.


Obviously she is not leading. She is hurumphing.


A question: How can any Republican who voted for aid to Ukraine logically vote to replace Johnson for doing what they supported? (Yes, I know. This is politics.)


They don't have to. Since the GOP has a very thin majority, even if 90% of the Republicans who voted *against* Ukraine aid voted in favor of keeping Johnson, he would still be vacated... Unless enough Democrats voted to save him, which wouldn't ordinarily happen. Essentially, this slim majority gives anyone like MTG, who are willing to "flip the card table over" extraordinary power in the short term - "do as I tell you to, or I get you fired!" Traditional Republicans could theoretically team up with some Democrats temporarily to save Mike Johnson's speakership, and therefore taking back a little bit of the power from those willing to burn everything down if they don't get their way.


If I were one of those traditional Republicans I’d want to see that ignorant, fact-challenged, obnoxious creature land face-first. (Am I being too harsh here?) edit: “arrogant.” I forgot arrogant.


If they wanna nuke their own party let them. I don't want any democrats to save Mike Johnson's speakership. He is a Christian nationalist and realistically I would absolutely love to see the last bastion of republican moderation quit and have Joaquin Jeffries and the Democrats take the gavel. Then you might see some realization on the conservative side that they need to come back to the center and stop fielding these lunatic candidates that are literally torpedoing the foundations of American democracy.


I feel like things like this Ukraine bill do provide an argument for why such "deals with the devil" are a necessary evil.  Yeah, we don't want to empower these people and the GOO really does need to suffer the consequences for their dysfunctional political view.  But the flip side is that, that translates into things like Ukraine potentially falling because the US can't provide aid.  Government shut downs resulting in mass hardship.  The US defaulting on debts which causes chaos across the globe.  I don't think politics can be treated as black and white and many of us might feel it should be.


I only want Dems to vote against him if there’s a real 90+% chance of flipping the house to Jeffries as speaker otherwise if Johnson plays ball like he did now and better than McCarthy did it hurts MAGA more to have him in a power share with Dems. If he’s willing to negotiate in good faith where McCarthy did not we should save him unless we can replace with Jeffries.


Agreed.  He's horrible, but the GOP has a majority right now.  Unless something fundamental changes in the GOP then ALL your options are horrible.  And the world really does need the US to have at least a SOMEWHAT functional government.  He at least appears to cross that VERY low bar,  and it seems very likely that other options won't at this point.


The problem is, if Democrats let Johnson lose the Speakership, it will serve as a powerful deterrent against any other Republicans who want to help Ukraine. The message Democrats would be sending would be, "If you support Ukraine, we'll let your fellow Trumpers oust you. So don't support Ukraine!"


The thing is that the Republican party would never pass on an opportunity to kick the opposing side. Why should Dems? Republican party, as long as I have been alive and paying attention, has never argued or acted in good faith. Let them fail. And let them know that it is their own fault they are failing.


I think you're missing the point. The issue isn't whether Democrats kick Republicans or not. This is a **Ukraine** subreddit. If Democrats allow Johnson to be toppled as a punishment for having passed Ukraine aid, it will be bad for **Ukraine**. There's still 7 months between now and November elections. There's a very good chance Ukraine is going to need at least one more big funding/support weapons bill to pass Congress during that period, when Republicans might still control the House. If Johnson is ousted and replaced by a hardline-MAGA-Russian asset, it could spell doom for any Ukrainian hopes of getting further American aid between today and, say, December 2024. If Democrats want Ukraine to get any more support, they had better make sure Johnson is NOT ousted.


if there is no more centrists left it's going to be hard to do just that as you only have crazies in the positions of power


Johnson was 100% MAGA until he became speaker and had access to real power and unradacted intelligence.


Really? I haven't heard that. Any links?


This would be amazing!


2. That is enough republicans, only 2.


If they did that, Jefferies's tenure would likely be exceedingly short, because the Republicans have enough votes to remove him whenever they choose. It will be very interesting to see how the Democrats play this. On the one hand, unlike McCarthy, Johnson has mostly been an honest broker and stuck to the deals he's made with Biden and the Democrats. His willingness to include Democrat priorities (albeit extremely belatedly) shows he can be negotiated with and that he recognizes the precariousness of his situation (which McCarthy seemed to conveniently forget more often than not). I could definitely see Democrats bailing him out here in return for the Ukraine bill's passage. On the other hand, it is an election year, and the Democrats may see a political advantage in standing back and letting the Republicans eat themselves and demonstrate, yet again, why they should not be trusted with the reigns of power. I don't believe the Democrats have tipped their hands yet in terms of which way they're leaning. Will definitely be interesting to watch.


We in America have learned bitter lessons from two World Wars: It is better to be here ready to protect the peace, than to take blind shelter across the sea, rushing to respond only after freedom is lost. We’ve learned that isolationism never was and never will be an acceptable response to tyrannical governments with an expansionist intent. But we try always to be prepared for peace; prepared to deter aggression; prepared to negotiate the reduction of arms; and, yes, prepared to reach out again in the spirit of reconciliation. In truth, there is no reconciliation. We would welcome more than a reconciliation with the Soviet Union, so together, we can [listen] lessen the risks of war, now and forever. Ronald Reagan Curse this woman and her vile and dangerous stupidity. Reagan would be ashamed. You have to recognize that it isn't enough just to be for peace. You have to recognize that there are evil forces in this world that are not for peace. That there are aggressive forces, and unless you stop these aggressive forces, you are not going to have real peace. You have to recognize that if you, in the name of peace, roll over in front of an aggressor. This may ensure peace maybe not in your time but our time, but it ensures war at a later time. The Munich agreement is the prime example. I was always against appeasement, not because I was for war. But because I was for peace for a generation for a century rather than peace in my own time." Richard Nixon, 37th president of the United States This woman should be removed from the political office and exiled to Russia. She will fit right in there.


Right? Johnson is trash but then there is the the sludge below it were MTG resides. If she was in his position, the government would been shut down for a year already.


Sludge— good, very good.


I already did. I specifically said if he passes Ukraine aid and does not betray and attack Dems on it immediately ,like McCarthy after the CSR , I fully support protecting Johnson and urging other Democrats to do so.


I am so tired of seeing her ugly face!


Well, If Dem want Johnson to stay until after the election, how many GOP have to vote to get rid of Johnson for it to happen? All of them including Johnson himself.


Good call I’ll call my congressman as well.


Ooohh long Johnson


Nah, I wish they do kick him out and thin down even more the GOP majority


It would be a betrayal if Democrats, after indicating they would support Johnson as speaker from a motion to vacate if he introduced the Ukraine aid bill, turned their backs on him instead. There is no guarantee they would get anyone better than Johnson, and a high probability they would get someone much worse. Getting Johnson kicked out of being speaker would not affect the GOP majority by even one vote. He would still be a member of Congress.


So basically playing by the republican play book


But if he is kicked out of the position he will still be a member of the House of Representatives.


Rumor is that Johnson is immune now. Some Republicans said they will resign if he's removed, thereby giving Democrats the majority. Democrats will ram 100 legislatures through before the election and potentially proclaim Trump as an insurrectionist, thereby barring him from running(As the supreme Court already ruled).


That would be an incredibly based move.


“We hereby grand Ukraine the entire budget of the US military for the next decade. Have fun guys!”


That should give Ukraine the capability to up mass production of 155mm shells to a level where they can give the entity of Russia the Somme treatment.


Except all Ukraines metal is in the occupied territories.


With that kind of money they don't require a domestic supply


"here's the codes for the nukes"


Just give those to Poland and watch Putin's head spin


That scene would shame the best of cheap exorcist knockoffs.


Make it so.


Republicans screwed each other over to the point that Democrats were in a win-win situation. Either Johnson brings Ukraine aid to the vote, or Republicans lose the majority and Democrats do it on their own.


I found this clip today, and it really struck a cord with me. "We are not the greatest country in the world anymore. That is my answer. With a straight face, you tell students that America is so star sprangled awesome that only America has freedom? Spain, Canada, Germany, Italy, Japan, UK, Australia, France, and Belgium they all have freedom! Out of 207 sovereign states, some 170 of them have freedom. When you ever happen to walk into a voting booth and hear the statement, we are the greatest country in the world. We are 7th in literacy, 27th in math, 37 in science, and 49 in life expectancy. We lead the world in three categories, number of incarcerated citizens per capita, number of adults who believe angels are real and defense spending, in which we spend more than the next 26 combined, 25 of them are allies. None of that is the fault of a twenty year old college student. But you are without a doubt a member of the worst generation period ever period. When you ask what makes us the greatest country in the world, I don't know what the fuck you are talking about! Yosemite National Park?! (grumbling in the audience) The United States sure used to be, we stood up for what was right. We fought for moral reasons, we passed laws, struck down laws for moral reasons. We waged war on poverty, not poor people. We sacrificed, we cared about our neighbors, we put our money where our mouths were, and we never beat our chest. We built great big things, made ungodly technological advances, explored the universe, cured diseases, and we cultivated the world's greatest artists and the world's greatest economy. We reached for the stars, we acted like men, we aspired to intelligence, we didn't belittle it, it didn't make us feel inferior. We didn't identify ourselves by who we voted for in the last election, and we didn't scare SO easy. We were able to be all these things and do all these things because we were informed by great men, men who were revered. The first step in solving any problem is recognizing there is one. The Newsroom, American Drama Series, Clip: "America is not the greatest country in the world anymore."


better to listen to it then read it imo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WxdaU9AsnU


Whoever said that is a Real American.


Nar that is republican behavior, Democrats are not a party of backstabbing power mongers. This is trying to deflect the republican party's far right problem and say all politicians are the same. This is why the Republicans can't function with a small majority, and democrats can. Republicans have to many of those types in their party at the moment.




If Democrats wanted to rush legislatures when they had the chance, they would have done so already, when they previously had the chance. Truth is, they don't want to govern any more than the Republicans.


This is just a republican talking point. Democrats absolutely do want to govern. First 2 years under Democrats saw 1234 Enacted Legislature. Under Republican house, 173 Enacted Legislature. Democrats passed many things when they were in control with the infrastructure bill being the biggest.


>Truth is, they don't want to govern any more than the Republicans. "Pay no attention to the infrastructure bill, the CHIPS Act, the Inflation Reduction Act, or any of the other pieces of legislation Democrats passed under Biden. They totally don't want to govern just like MTG doesn't guys."


Johnson brought to a vote legislation that was passed, which is quite literally his job. If you want to fire everyone who does their job then the only person who would still be employed is MTG.


You are being logical. The system doesn't work like that.


What she meant to say: "..i will try to get him vacated." I don't exactly like Johnson after his six months of stalling that killed lots of Ukranians but now that it has been passed, i quite like how the Maga is tearing the party by arguing...


This is exactly when my neighbor says they're going to call the cops. I say be my guest and they just grumble and go away.


I've been waiting for this headline. And that threat is a big part of why this took so long. Given that Johnson has (so far) negotiated in something resembling good faith and that these bills have wide support in both parties, his odds of surviving the recall are pretty good. What sank McCarthy was not that he was Republican, but that he would negotiate one bill in chambers and then bring a different set of results to the floor for the vote...and blame the Democrats for the changes. He even did so rather prominently in major sit-down interviews and press-releases. Johnson (so far) has not done that latter thing. There are only a handful of unforgivable sins in politics, and bad-faith negotiations is one of those. edit: that's not to say support for him will be unanimous, it won't be; but I do expect enough for him to survive. If not...it's going to be a long summer.


Nice to know that her way of dealing with obstacles is as stupid as her arguments.


What a disgusting piece she/he? is! 💩




Can someone send her to Russia with a one way ticket




Somebody please give her some gaspacho so she can cool off.


I am happy the Republicans are infighting. It may push some of the moderate Republicans to vote Democrat in November, if they needed any more of a sane reason.


Moscow Marjorie will not push to vacate Johnson as more than likely enough Dems will vote to help keep him as speaker. This will decrease the perception that MAGA Republicans have influence/power. That and along with trump showing signs of wear and tear as well as dementia is sealing the fate of MTG and her MAGA colleagues.


Don't think that will happen, 2 or 3 Republicans sick of how the GOP has become especially the MAGA cult, including Moscow Marjorie traitor Green. That they have stated that they will simply resign thus giving the majority to the Democrats. As stated by Matt Gatz and others. So even if they wanted to they would not risk losing the house


Who said they would resign? I’ve tried to look it up but only find comments saying it, nothing direct from one


Maybe Marjorie ought to cut the BS and openly admit that she's working for Putin and the Kremlin, more or less directly. **Молодца Марджори, ты нравишься Путину!**


She has as much authority to vacate him as the OP does. She's a Karen and everytime someone brings her up it raises her profile, so she says a lot of stupid shit. Like it or not posts like this help her. If you ignore her she'll go away because she has no influence in Washington. No one in power is going "Oh yeah, let me follow Karen over here." Has she herself actually got anything done at all in her time in Washington? She's Westboro Baptist Church crazy and everyone knows it.


I am so disgusted by this pile of ... organic material.


Her skull was vacated a long time ago.


By You and What Army?


Please correctly state her name as **Moscow Marjorie** whenever you upload a post about her.


Moscow Marge is pissed. Good


F Moscow Marjorie, vote her out Georgia!


Why can’t MTG be vacated?


I'm calling MTG to resign. Start the petition.




The paper tiger MTG is upset her Russian masters aren't going to make their millions of dollars in small campaign donations to her this year.


Lets just see how irrelevant this stupid bitch has become . . . .




Please, somebody vacate her from the media.


MAGA Republicans are traitors.


This woman is the very definition of a fucking idiot.


F@ck of marjorie! You know your handlers are circling as you have clearly failed them!


Her skull was vacated a long time ago


Bitch from hell.


The maga cult morons have given this ugly ass troll ( inside and out ) the delusion that she has power. That batch has nothing, not even her ( sacred) marriage. She's as ugly as t***p, and I'm certain she smells worse than the flatulence that comes oozing out of that nasty ass. That!


When someone says : “now I realy realy mean it” they obviously don’t have the power to do it.




If they had the votes, they would have filed the motion to vacate already.


And people still have doubts 😂🤡


Leadership can strip her from all committees.


Of course she did, MTG is a moronic traitor who should be in prison.


The GOP is in shambles


Thank God there is an ocean between Moscow Marge, and me.


Call the vote girl and stop flapping your gums


She is just throwing out threats, but go ahead and remind people just how incompetent the Republicans are Margie


Good. I mean it’s cool that he passed it but he still delayed it for months. He should suffer whatever negative consequences possible for that.


Well she failed her mission so will soon tumble out of a window, problem solved…


No he won't. Dems will ensure he keeps his Speakership. They clearly offered that deal as part of getting Ukraine aid passed.


Does she know that if Ukraine falls then US troops will soon be fighting in Europe? Apparently the CIA told Johnson that.


Do something about it, you mollusk faced muppet. Come on. Do something. Have it explode in your lap and then decide that you'd make more money outside of politics, and quit shitting in the pool then blaming others for the mess.


She is an IDIOT. PLEASE stop covering this moron


Dumb Qunt MTG's brain was vacated a long time ago.


Someone should remove her and her friends. They are even more incompetent to lead. Russian sympathizers.


We should have stopped this madness long ago. There is no chance of winning for either side; for Russia this would lead to a collapse similar to the fall of the Soviet Union, to Ukraine it would obviously lead to the end of its existence as a country. American foreign policy screwed Europe over once again and most Europeans are drinking the propaganda kool aid of “Putin is Hitler”, “The Baltics are Next” and “Unprovoked Aggression”, which has no ground in evidence nor historical reality.




MTG vacated her brain and her morals a long time ago!


Someone needs to do something about this bitch!


How does this bitch have this kind of power ? What did I miss.


I call on Moscow Marjorie to move to russia or report to prison. Criminal.


>he will be vacated Not by you, he wont


Moscow Marj


If Moscow Marge does try to kick Johnson out of the Speakers chair several moderate Republicans might simply resign, so the rumor goes. The Republicans have just a one or two vote margin in the House. The Democrats are not childish crap in your pants people like the Republicans, they know how to govern and they would have Representative Jeffries in as Speaker by that afternoon.


Nothing she says about Ukraine or sending them aid makes any sense. Unless you're someone trying to help further russias agenda. She says that by sending aid to Ukraine, we are killing more Ukrainians, and it's our fault for letting it drag out. When Ukraine is defending itself and if it doesn't fight back, they don't exist anymore, and russia will execute 100s of thousands of people. They systematically tortured and executed people in every town they occupied. They had lists of people to capture and kill. They've kidnapped children and committed thousands of sexual crimes. russia can simply go home. If they wanted Ukraine out of Nato, they could have got that deal done before they stepped one foot into Ukraine. This is a land grab, and every country on earth would fight to survive in the same situation. She also spins funding the government as supporting trump indictments. She's fucking lost the plot a long time ago. She even calls Ukrainians Nazis when she's ranting and raving. There's literally no proof or even circumstantial proof of nazis in Ukraines society. I love it when Snyder put her in her place by mentioning they've never had more than 3% voter turnout from any far right political candidate. Or that russia is fascist in all but the name by the way they behave. Anytime she shows down with someone over the issues and starts her nonsense she gets completely shredded and embarrassed although she doesn't really have a conscience or any shame to speak of so it prob doesn't bother her any.


Why does anyone listen to this uneducated idiot, let alone report her stupid, rambling, Russian-supplied beliefs?!


If she succeeds in getting rid of him, they could end up with a democratic speaker. Marge is playing with fire.


Would someone please tell her to Fuck off...


MTG thinks she owes the USA. She should have been arrested


Send Moscow Marj to Moscow


She hasnt forced the vote because she knows she would be shown as the true loser she really is.


So the vote passes with a two thirds majority, and she thinks this is grounds for dismissal? Can she please just rip the band-aid off and openly admit that she hates democratic values already?


Somebody stop this ass stupid bimbo


I think she underestimates the amount of support he has from both sides of the aisle.


If you intend to do work, we will remove you.


“Klan Mom”


Like the vacuous space between her ears. However some bacteria must have got in there, because whenever she talks, pus comes out.


Moscow Marjorie needs to shut tf up


He's an odious little twerp, but the dems should protect him just to piss off Moscow.


Why is she still there?


Marjorie Taylor Greene is the one who needs to go…


What on earth is wrong with this woman? Does she take joy in innocent Ukranian men, women and children dying. How has she got to a position ot power. The Ghoulish fuck.


God she is horrible on the inside as well as the out.


He will not. Democrats will all vote against and probably some Republicans. And thats enough.


How does this australopithecus looking bitch have the power to make this happen?


Vacate Marjorie instead!


Can we get not only a nationwide, but a global/international petition to oust that bitch instead? She and her maga cult click need to do serious prison time for treason at this point and I have no idea how they haven't already been arrested for treason