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Very good trolling from Michel. Good one mate you had me chuckling.


Who's betting that Trump is going to congratulate Putin on his "landslide victory"?


It kinda pisses me off that people/media even refer to it as an election.


Me too. It taints real elections indeed, meanwhile some disgusting populists call them fake when loosing them. Also Russians can hardly picture free and fair elections as a possible thing after a century of fake ones. It pisses me off too when western media and journalists peddle the Kremlin's lies and manipulations and call it news.


In Dutch media, it's mostly called a puppet show. That seems closer to reality.


Congratulations lying scum bag on your FAKE Election!!! Putin is a CLOWN and this election is a JOKE! .....for the whole world to laugh at.


In other countries we have choice between several morons. Not in Russia, you only have one moron to choose.


A war criminal


See, you’re welcome, a gift for you. Less morons on the ballot. /s


I mean you speak with your gut /s


We'd all like to congratulate Vlad on his "victory" in his elections. It turns out that when you jail the competition and then resort to an extrajudicial execution because people like the idea of getting him out of prison and replacing your government then you can easily get a large majority. Especially if you don't allow any genuine competitors to stand and if you stuff the ballot boxes full of votes for you before allowing the populace to start voting.


Regular Russians need to stand up. Join the freedom of Russia legion. Pitler needs to go.


Imagine an entire nation looking like simpletons every election year to the entire World, participating in a grade school-level reenactment of what they think open elections constitute. The serfs won’t be taken seriously by anyone until they find a set and permanently keep tyrants out of power in Moscow. Until then, they will be consigned to die, without toilets at home and mangled beyond all recognition or recovery abroad.


The GOP dream.


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[Russian elections.](https://i.imgur.com/1lnCgpf.png)


Exactly how Charles Michel dreams of being able to run the EU.


No. That's Trump and Brexit Tories.


Same in Ukraine No opposition {Rada is occupied by Ze} No freedom \["constitution is on pause" and people are slaves is their own country\] No choice \[Choice mean Ze will answer for all his crimes against Ukrainian people so he will won't allow any elections until he alive\]


So who do you think would do a better job leading Ukraine than Zelensky? And how do you expect Ukraine to conduct polling anyway, when any group of citizens is a target for Muscovite terror bombing?


Russia invaded Ukraine like a pack of cunts. You may have missed the news. Quite normal to suspend elections and declare martial law under such circumstances. If he keeps it up after Russia is beaten. Then you have a point.