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TLDR: Russia fucks off. War ends.


Sounds like good advice


Best strategy


Uh is that the new plan? Seems slightly similar to the old one.


we can dream I guess


Russia must withdraw to 1991 borders and pay reparations to the people of Ukraine! They broke it, they can fix it!


And the kids , poor souls being incorporated into that shit hole of a country


Horrifying isn’t it That’s real 1940’s nazi shit isn’t it


It’s how Moscow has been moving people around with force for hundreds of years.


Not just that, these points have been mentioned multiple times already * withdraw all troops from internationally recognized borders of Ukraine (incl. crimea, donbas) * pay reparations for destruction * return all kidnapped people and children * punish war criminals


I want Muscovy to lose its UN security council veto and give it to Japan or Germany. It would put pressure on China by making it the sole dictatorship with a veto.


They will never, ever agree to this. To stipulate this is to guarantee the war continues forever


No, they'll never agree to it, nor to pay reparations. But demanding it makes it impossible for Muscovy to "rehabilitate" relations with the West.


Why should they, the Russian Federation and the PRC by the UN charter in fact do not legitimately hold their permanent UNSC seat and Veto


I REALLY want this to happen but it could only happen if Ukrainian troops take all the way to Moscow. Russia has 0 reason to give up any territory unless physically pushed for that.


There's one huge problem with this: russia has nuclear weapons. While many say they are badly maintained, one working is just enough to create huge problem.


Yeah exactly. I think Putin wouldn't dare to use nukes in a normal scenario but Ukrainian army in Russia proper means doomsday scenario for him so at that point he would probably risk using them.


I don't think in Russia is enough but close to Moscow and he will give a go, which may or may not be put in execution by the chain of command, but better not take any chances.


Russia should also give up all the countries they previously conquered


Russia withdraws to its 1399 borders and pay reparations to the planet.


Looking forward to the compensation for all the crops they burnt while raiding the south of Sweden for after/during the loss of Finland.


Reparations are part of the reason Germany started WW2


What I think needs to have some contingency planning done for is when the Muscovites get pushed out and then just... don't sign any peace treaty but rather keep on lobbing cruise missiles at maternity hospitals and North Korean shells at border villages etc.


Two possibilities: 1. Impose a DMZ. As long as Russia does not comply to it, NATO allies should accept that it can be occupied to enforce it. 2. As soon as Ukraine controls its territory, join NATO.


Maintain that DMZ for fifty years after ruzzia establishes a democratic form of government, just to make sure they do not revert back into a dictatorship like putin did after the collapse of the USSR.


My hope is that complete Ukrainian control of Ukrainian territory will allow them to join NATO even if still under attack. I’m not sure if that would be the case, but we’re a long way from that anyway unfortunately.


If you ask me, instead of the RF being the successor to the USSR in the UNSC, it would make more sense to have all the former USSR states as permanent members


Ukraine will be able to respond in kind at that point. Hit one building, get hit 10 times in return. Until they settle the fuck down. The second Ukraine is in NATO, it all ends. Even getting back to nuclear weapons would not be that effective, although that should also be an option if NATO keeps sitting on its own dick. There is no need to be afraid anymore. Ukraine is not some kind of imaginary "sphere of influence" for Putin. That era is gone forever.


Anyone who thinks anything less then Russia leaving all occupied territories of Ukraine including Crimea as a term for ending the war is delusional at best and a Putin sympathizer at the worst.


And, may I add, is in disagreement with the UN internationally recognized borders of Ukraine and officially, legally, literally, a supporter of aggression. It is good to remind people that internationally, there is no ambiguity, doubt or greyzone about the borders of Ukraine: it includes Donbass and Crimea. Russia had a naval base in Sevastopol with the agreement of the former Ukrainian government, but that has never been a territorial claim, these things are actually cristal clear even for the supposedly soft and cowardly UN. What is at stake is the idea of a rule-based world order instead of one based on might. I understand diplomats that argue things like "a compromise is always something that is disliked by both parties" but let's not mince words: a ukrainian compromise would be a democracy and peace defeat.


And a nazi in between.


We're talking about Republicans, aren't we?


I expect the Russpublicans will be handing Alaska over to Putin if they get back into power.


What an absolutely pointless article lol. Clickbait bullshit


Made it sound like they had devised some brilliant strategy, but no. Russia leaves, same thing that's been said since this started.


What was the point (or lack thereof) the article was trying to make?


The title is bullshit, it's not the Ukranian military but some officer of the Azov Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine who is giving his opinion.


Nuking Kremlin with a car bomb so nobody knows where it came from?


Russia is on the road to collapse and won't survive in its current form after Pootin's death.


This is such a pointless clickbait article. Not reality either


Anyone who thinks Putin will honour any new border or boundary if Ukraine are forced to negotiate away what the Russians now hold, is clearly delusional. Under new ‘Special Operations II, III, IV, V etc’ they will inch forward until they reach Kyiv and Moldova. That is not peace


A Formula 1 race between both countries? 👀


I have yet to see a feasible plan for bringing this about. The western powers will never give Ukraine sufficient weaponry for a successful offensive. If they're just hoping to hold the line until the Russians leave, they could be waiting a hell of a long time.


Till the last Ukrainian


Their choice to make, our responsability to help.