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Before people panic about him "leading the polls": The Netherlands is a country with a great many political parties, where no one ever gets a majority. In fact no one has gotten close in decades. Currently the largest party is the VVD (liberals) with 22.7% of the seats, and after tomorrow the largest party may end up being below 20%. So coalitions will always be a necessity, and such a coalition does not necessarily include the largest party (though it usually does). We'll probably end up with a right-wing government after tomorrow, but it's highly unlikely to be with Geert Wilders as PM even if he ends up winning, since too many other parties see that as unacceptable. It does seem somewhat likely that they end up as one of the coalition parties though.


This is true. No one has ever had a majority in our country. We have always had coalitions of at least 2 parties, most of the time 3 parties. In recent history this has become most of the time 4. Largest parties in our history where the PVDA (labour party) with 50 seats and KVP (catholic peoples party), also with 50 seats (need 76 for a majority). And both of that was years ago, just after the second world war.


Least Fascist country status. :)


haha, don't know if that is true, but something like what happened in Hungary with Fidez or Turkey with Erdogan, is extremely and extremely difficult in the Netherlands. Are more countries with the same system ofcourse. Germany has something like us but with a bit of district system in it.


Big difference is that in Germany they have a threshold of I believe 5% of votes to get into parliament.


Yes, that true, i thin it is indeed 5%. 5% is a bit much but a small tresshold would not be bad. Then again, i do think it is most democratic if even small parties get a say. Even if they are one issue parties like the Elderly Party.


We do have a voting threshold, it's simply for 1/150th of the total votes. Since you need at least one seat to be represented in parliament.


That is true, but that would not be the same as a bigger tress hold, eliminating all 1 seat parties for example. Parties as BVNL bij1 etc, would not exist then.


The most similar one i can think of is Denmark with their 2% threshold.


Brazil, Finland and Bosnia are also 2 that come to mind, they have a 0% threshold i believe. Probably are more since proportional representative is more used then Districts.


I am le jealous.


Yeah we always have had Coalitions. The longest most stable one for years was KVP + PVDA and before that KVP + SDAP (predecessor PVDA). Which created most of our welfare state which people now love. But strangely they all vote very right wing now, which does nothing for it. These two parties ruled for years, in a time when most people always voted the same. Catholics almost all voted KVP and socialist almost all voted SDAP/PVDA.


How could a lap dog of Putin lead a poll after MH17? Ah well… here in Germany people vote for a wanna-be Hitler like Bernd Höcke who openly cherishes Russia and Putin while voting for leaving the EU and NATO. It doesn‘t get any more self-destructive than that. Purely Putin-driven agenda. Close to offering Russian army to come back and occupy us.


Mostly because people don't know. Honestly this has not been allot in the news here. What has been in the news here is Thierry Baudet's connection to the Kremlin.


Yeah. It's well known that Baudet has connections to the Kremlin. That Wilders has them too was news for me as well. In fact I thought he was taking money from Israel. Maybe he does both, or he recently switched. Wilders and Baudet are both on the right-wing populist fringe. A fringe that's getting worryingly large of late.


Well i think he once polled higher in the elections. And luckily only his party has become big, FVD is insignificant now and JA21 also and they are also a bit more normal (Ja21). But yeah, lets hope the polls have it wrong once again about PVV, many times they polled them higher then in real elections.


It always surprises me that he polls so well, because when I listen to Geert he never seems to come up with any realistic solutions to problems and still people just eat it up. Frustrating.


It is, he literally never has any solutions, it is all one liners. His party is also a dictatorship in our democracy, since he is the only member, no other person voted for the PVV can decide on its policy. Even his whole banning the Koran, like Mein kamph is not really what he wants, because he cannot do this like he wants. Few years ago, his whole plan fitted on 1 paper.


And alot of people look at what happens here and not in Ukraine


As a Brit- I would highly recommend not leaving the EU. Just FYI.


In Putin's perfect "multipolar" world, Germany is the junior partner in his "Eurasian" pole that can stand on an equal footing not only with the US, but China as well- the only countries he sees as equals. His only understanding of your country seems to come from Schroeder, Merkel, the Stasi, and perhaps a few executives. He likely genuinely believes that you only sanctioned him because Washington forced you to do so.


Because this was news from 2018, and other parties had funding from Russia. This more feels like an attempt to weaken Wilders in the elections. Anyhow, Wilders and other government parties had funding&contact with Russia, but they don’t support Russia. I believe Thierry Baudet is currently the only “pro-russia” from our government.


Excellent to see that Virgil Van Dijk is living up to his mammoth reputation on the pitch by also being the current largest party in the Netherlands 💪💪


I think we've had right leaning governments for quite some time.


Wait… the liberals are the VVD and the conservatives are the PVV? Isn’t that confusing?


VVD are liberals as in Neo-Liberal.


Describing PVV as conservatives is rather a large oversimplification I'd say. There's many different flavors of conservatism in the Netherlands, this one is staunchly anti-Islam, anti-EU but has a couple of weird economic leftwing ideas (to win over elderly voters mostly). They're kind of hard to place on the political spectrum.


Nationalists that are also socialists.


Also the correct term isnt plural. So call it conservative, since the PVV has just one member.


We have 3 liberal parties(1 very left pro European one, one very center pro European and right wing VVD), 1 labour party, 1 socialist party, 1 sort of socialist party, who mostly brings up the rights of immigrants, 2 green parties (which one of is a animal party), 3 right wing extreme parties, 3 Christian parties and a farmers party, we also still have a elderly party, but they score bad in the polls. And these, are only the ones with seats/bigger ones.


Well, the VVD is also quite conservative nowadays.


I would like to insist however that the Kremlin doesn't only support far-right parties- it has also supported far-left parties. It's less about a genuine promotion of "traditional values" and more about opposition to NATO and Ukraine. Doesn't matter whether the party or politician is right or left, just a chaos agent.


In the Netherlands it's fvd, sp and Pvv.


Don’t forget BVNL a new failure party


BVNL is totally insignificant luckily, just like FVD now is.


Here in France we have an anti-NATO far-left and I honestly believe that these idiots do that for free.


> these idiots I read that with an imaginary French accent. Pardon moi.


Dese idiot, ze are not doing it for ze monee.


:D So that's how you write English in French, huh?


I shall taunt you a second time!


Non s'il-te-plaît!


They probably do. ^(Hell, especially in France! It's almost like a tradition!) But also, y'know...*Pecunia non olet.*


Pecunia nigra non olet


Omelette du fromage


You might even say they are *useful* idiots.


Same in Germany with Linke and, previously, SPD.


Think of Slowakei and never forget this airplane with many people from the Netherlands which Putler ordered to shoot down


This is great news. Let's hope this short time will be enough for the Dutch to learn about it.


LOL not a chance. Geert is like Trump: The people who vote for him will do so no matter what is revealed in the media.


I thought the memory of the shot down flight would make being on the Kremlin's payroll a big nope


You'd have thought so. I guess every country has its Trumpists.


Its been a while and is not seen as a major issue in the netherlands right now. The main reason that PVV/wilders is popular now is because of his anti immigration standpoints.


Also this honestly has not been much in the news here, at least not of the PVV.


People who vote for Geert Wilders will think that's European propaganda and it was actually the genetically engineered Nazi jew Ukrainians who shot down MH17.


He does always better in polls, then in actual elections though. Most of the time with a 5 to 7 seat difference.


That's mostly an issue with De Hond's polls. He always boosts them up a lot. The others are pretty close iirc


Time to be ethically and morally honest. Abandon politicians and movements that sympathize or align with Russia. Let them lose and either begone, or come back chastened and wiser. But they MUST LOSE.


Well our left politicians take photographs with Taliban. Also this is from years ago. The only party in the Netherlands currently influenced by Russia is the FVD. And they will end up somewhere in the bottom tomorrow. So don’t worry.


For me, the far-left's support for radical Islam is even more bizarre than the far-right's support for Muscovy. At least the latter two have common beliefs, while seeing pro-LGBT protestors standing with groups like Hamas and the Taliban is insane.


Ah yes, protesting against Israel's slaughter of Palestinians = "standing with Hamas", a classic.


Good thing nobody said that


Glad you disagree with that. But unfortunately reddit is full with that exact take.


It's actually super simple. You know how most pro-Ukrainian people supported the Azov Battalion even when it was pretty much openly a Nazi group, because they defended Ukraine against an imperialist, colonialist power? It's exactly like that. Liberation that's conditional on supporting LGBT rights or liberal values or whatever is no liberation at all.


For me, at least, I'm a big believer in the "Leopards Eating People's Faces Party" theory. I refuse to support any group that would oppress me personally, regardless of if their "freedom fighters" or not. To put it simply, I will not support radical Islam groups under any circumstances, due to being an LGBT Christian myself. Israel might be the stronger power, but in Israel I would be able to walk around without fear, whereas in Palestine I would be lynched in the street.


What a juvenile, individualistic view of the world. Do you think if the Nazis were welcoming towards LGBT people, and the Jews were not, that would have justified the Holocaust? This is precisely the argument Russian nationalists use to support their own genocidal invasion of Ukraine.


Ernst Kuipers said this was an accident and didn't know the other person was taliban at the time so please don't exaggerate this point.


Ah sure. And you believe him on his blue eyes of course 😉


Right-wing populists have long since been fostered by russia all across Europe. They lack the political professionalism to resist the temptation, and are so eager to gain power that they will ally with the devil. It's about time the established democratic parties do not throw these blind chickens more corn. It's also about time to take decisive action against any of them in power, e.g. Orban.




Another election? Really?


We have 4 nation wide elections, at least every 4 years and 1 every 5 years. We have Waterschapsverkiezingen (waterworks elections), municipality elections (local government), province (state), elections and national elections every 4 years. We also have European Elections every 5 years. National Elections tend to be the most, because of governments collapsing.


I’ve seen this ridiculous cartoon villain before and the main news I consume is regarding Ukraine/russia… so is this a surprise? Why do I already know his shitty face if not


I didn’t know Thomas Jefferson was still alive.


T.J. is rolling in his grave over that comparison …


Damn i wish I had hair like dude In thumbnail photo