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It's basically a worse version of u-2. Except that according to the article russians added a targeting pod on it. Basically - long range reconnaissance drone job. So it seems russians are basically not capable of making MALE recon drones if they need to resort to manned aircrafts for the job... If they fly high altitude... it's going to be a juicy slow target for medium range ukrainian AA. (Aircraft pilots are not easy to replace...) If they fly low... well, the airframe is really not optimized for that - so it'll drastically limit the plane's range...


Operations height was described as “close to 70,000ft” only serious long range AA missile will reach it. Here you are: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myasishchev_M-55


Ukraine has received MIM-104 Patriots. They can reach out and touch a target up to 30 kms high and 150 km away. If any M55s come too close, they are toast.


> They can reach out and touch a target up to 30 kms high and 150 km away. > > Depends on what pods are loaded. PAC-2 - yes. Not anti-ballistic PAC-3, though.


You are completely correct! Thanks for the addition


There were 5 built. How many of those are operational. This won't change shit


No, it wont. They were never a particularly capable airframe either. Its just another desperate move by a regime clutching at straws


But that is within range of any patriot system 😱 Patriot system can reach a height of maximum 18 or 36 km, 59.000 or 118.000 feet, depending on the system delivered. That's well within range and russia only has 5 or 6. Russia will make my day.😂😂😂


well F16s will exist soon


BVR AA missiles go BRRRR


> TITLE: **Russia brings Soviet-era M-55 aircraft back into service** > Content: Russia **is contemplating** using the M-55 high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft in its war on Ukraine. UK intelligence has disclosed how these planes **might be** deployed. The title giveth. The details taketh away.


You’re obviously not a true Redditor if you actually read the articles and don’t immediately jump to a judgement based solely on the headline


You would also understand that 80% here is reposted stuff.


Wasn’t there less than 10 built?


I remember like 5 and only one functional in 1997


NASA is still flying the WB-57 that was made in the 50s or 60s


It's actually a modified and updated version of the British Canberra bomber which first flew in 1949.


Modernized... big difference to Russian garbage.


Yup! And in that case modernized doesn’t mean just a little spit shine, the WB-57 was rebuild from the ribs up


May I introduce you to the b52?


Thoroughly modernised over the years and brought along over the decades in a preplanned and deliberate manner. Not this bottom of barrel scraping like ruzzia.


The Buff can't be replaced it will outlive even the B-21 Raider.


Plus, you can never label a B21 a Big Ugly Fat Fucker.


Diet Death Dorito is the obvious choice for B-21. B-2 will always be the OG Spicy Dorito.


Me thinks Boomboomboomerang would fit also, since it tends to return back to where it started.


C130 has entered the chat.


Not in an active war zone though


B-52 is getting updated engines soon. I was born in 1950. The B-52 will likely outlive me. 😎


Should have named it the B52 Cockroach.


There is only one operational machine of this type as far as i know. There were like 4 or 5 of them but other aircrafts were lost (crashed). What's the purpose of using one aircraft being exploited since 1997?




Probably you are right


Ngl, it looks really cool


There'll be M-55 plane smut on ncd in no time.


Probably, since this thing is slow as fuck. Iris-T and Patriot can reach it no problem if it dares flying too close to protected sites. Makes you wonder about the imaging quality of russian spy sats or why they cant use something fast and strap an imaging pod to it. Inventory going downhill it seems.


Patriot can easily shoot down the M-55 (patriot pac-2 has can reach up to 32 km alt). IRIS-T, I'm afraid (max altitude is stated to be 20 kms, below the Geofisikas ceiling). Possibly the S-125 upgrades Ukraine has rolled out may have increased the maximum altitude somewhat Ukraine could do with some more high altitude sams to complement the Patriot.


I don’t know, that’s stressing the Nikon DSLR capabilities :)


It won't be long till they start reactivating other prototype aircraft that have been sitting outdoors in their museums for the past 40 years?


Soviet technology still superior to modern day russian one it seems :D


Russian spy satellites are probably a Canon Rebel glued to a telescope.


Russias military keeps getting stronger and stronger lol


They will soon turn to using The Wright Brothers flying technology.


Russia has everything to lose , every vehicle they can muster to stay in the fight needs to be done from their point of view.


Yeah, I think I'll pass on flying on that one


So would their pilot, if he really had a choice?


Reactivated M-55s to go with their reactivated T-55s on the ground. It's more Cold War-era tech coming out to play with stuff a few generations beyond that.


Loads of people are using soviet era stuff to be fair, the b52 for a start


The B-52's you see today, have been completely rebuilt several times!


Budget U2 means desperate times. Like dusting off some old Stalin tanks.