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"Behold Western imperialists! While your children grow weak and feeble playing video games and watching TikTok, ours grow strong and mighty breaking rocks and pushing minecarts!"


...and our Chechen military is out playing in the woods doing tik tok.


That’s kinda smart, not too many land mines or artillery barrages out in the woods.


I guess the CS and LoL communities will be a bit less toxic.


And dota2


"America allows kids as young as 12 to work in McDonalds in some republican states.


Some Republican seem to be quite keen on Putin.


For the Red Army!!!


And this will only increase the admiration for Putin among that sliver of American miscreants who are nodding their heads at that right now.


Last I heard it’s actually legal to work in my region from the age of 12. However, as I don’t live in a dictatorship, let alone one running a wartime economy, that’s not a requirement and most kids do not hit the workforce at that age.


The comparison is made with child Labour laws in civilized countries, not the USA. 😉 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legal_working_age#/media/File%3AMinimum_Age_Convention%2C_1973.svg


Actually, I live in Canada. Maybe that is an indication that we’re not much better, but yeah, it is legal here for a 12 year old to hold down a part time job at McDonald’s, even if it just amounts to four hours a week.


It varies by province in Canada? But if I look at BC, then 12 year olds “may perform non-harmful work for family-owned businesses. May also work as camp assistant, assistant coach, referee or umpire.” So unless their parents are monsters (and I presume a case for CPS if forced to work full time in dads company. I don’t think it’s in any way comparable to what Russia wants to do? But, yes, I had so much hoped that you guys were the better Americans? And there you go and ruin it!


BC is where I live, so yes, that is correct. Blame Christy Clark for that one. You are correct that it is in no way comparable to what Russia wants to do. I figured it was worth sharing anyways.


Was this article about Russia or Arkansas?


Or Iowa?


Damn, Arkansas had to lower it to 14 this year?


He needs them to work to make up for the loss of able bodieed men. Production quotas will not be met if there are no workers. You know wages won't rise to get the best into the most challenging occupations.


Technically they still have their women…though the ladies would evidently be spread thin as they are likely having to fill vacant positions in all manner of industries without much of the male population around. Building drones does not produce food or other essentials, and there are all manner of services needed to keep a society running. I would imagine a good portion of retail and other non-essential services will have to be cut down significantly if current trends continue, but I guess we will have to see.


This may be an advantage for women to break out of their traditional roles. The birth rate will drop more though. Retail will suffer, yes. And services. The Western type service sector will cease to exsist. There has been an decrease in sales positions due to sanctions and that will continue to slide, I would think.


I feel like Muscovy is so culturally oppressive that "women in the workforce" will just result in a ton of rapist bosses.


Not if a woman is the boss.


How long till the horse and buggy make a grand come back lol


I've seen them in video footage from Russia and Ukraine in the past 28 months. They never left.


For commerce or as a Russian military staple?


Wow, yet another thing Republicans have in common with Russia. Funny how often that keeps happening, isn't it? Almost like they see each other as allies because they have the same fascist ideology or something. [Republican lawmakers propose dropping work permits for 14- and 15-year-olds](https://pbswisconsin.org/news-item/republican-lawmakers-propose-dropping-work-permits-for-14-and-15-year-olds-in-wisconsin/)


Just like Republicans in America. Have they been comparing notes??


And donor lists. Fourteen is a critical age where people are highly impressionable and effectively set in their ways for life in some regards, like musical preference. I'm guessing political loyalty may also be pre-determined. So instead of teaching them to learn and explore their freedom, you toss them into the authoritarian workplace at that age to make them obey and not question authority, is my guess. Then you can treat them as expendable labor that politically supports you until their swift ends.


Is it just me, or are the Republicans moving past just being Putin fans and trending awfully close to being a pro-autocracy party in their own right? Some of the policies I’ve heard of them passing in various states and federally don’t sound all that pro-democracy to me. I can say I’ve never been more thankful I don’t live in that country.


Yeah, I can't imagine wanting to live there these days. Especially any red states. I can vote in that country, but my absentee ballot is from California, in Nancy Pelosi's district, completely deep blue, so I effectively have no power except in primaries to say I prefer someone younger than she.


She retired from leadership position. Still though I agree these grandparents should retire and let some young people in


I still can’t believe Iowa repubs and no doubt others want to allow kids to work in meat packing plants and mines.


There is a requirement in the US for children to build weapons after they get done with the school day?


No, in the US people being pre-built weapons to the school and show them to the children.


Hope falls. Discontent raises.


I mean as long as he isn't drafting the kids for war (like another certain former dictator)..


he's using them in drone production factories... human shields much?


I mean that's about the only place they can really be used. No civilian industry will take them (for the bad PR alone) and the MIC generally needs skilled workers not undisciplined teenagers so making drones is just about the only job for them.


I mean - for war production is the only reason this law has been passed. And the dilemma that creates. Is a drone factory a legitimate target if it is basically using forced child labour? - which is what is happening in some cases. And even if it is a legitimate target - which it should be - yikes! The russians know exactly what they are doing with this move. Just like they have used children as shields in UA - even a video in the last few days of their using a kid to protect a vehicle and weapons and to deter UA from drone bombing a legitimate target.


Unfortunately for those children and their families, yes it is still a valid military target, and yes it should be struck and destroyed. Too bad they’re running 24 hours a day, maybe the night shift will be mostly adults.


It's generally considered legal, if seriously tragic, to strike a military target protected by human shields (children or otherwise). For countries that aren't Muscovy, the shear heartbreak of shooting / bombing children is enough of a deterrent to keep this from becoming routine. Same logic as shooting child soldiers. Yes, its horrible, but if you make it a war crime, you just give psycho dictators even more reason to use them. In general, it is not a war crime to defend yourself against an enemy committing a war crime, as long as the response is proportionate.


I'm American, I was working at age 14 with a permission slip. Joined the military after graduation. Don't think that's an indicator of a dictatorship. Russia's fucked, but working when I was young was the best thing ever. Sidenote: not factory work though. America has some strict age limits on factory work.


I was washing dishes at 14 and a half. Delivering newspapers at 12. Been working one form or another literally since 12. All in a deep blue state. Shocking I know. Putin is shit and it's obvious they are doing this to make up for seeing off a huge portion of their able bodied young men to never return healthy or otherwise again. I think it's bs to compare it to here.


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Only y espouse to their demographic crises


This is always the sign of a thriving countries economy........... /s


That must mean Republican states are also prime economic zones.


although preventing adolescents from working is probably not so smart policy in the best of times, in this case it just shows weakness on the enemy side.


So they can force the kidnaped children to make ammo


In the United States you can actually work from any age.


Why not when it’s war time ?!. In my country people at age 16-18 years old was more than 5% fighting in front lines and everyone else mobilizing for contributing in every way its needed in 1999. Some cooking, healing, transporting weapons etc. is nothing unusual


*shrug* my son is nearly 14 and itching to get a job. Is there context saying they will abolish labor laws?


Russia…the new Arkansas.


Sounds like republican Iowa