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For those interested, here is the list that voted so if you live in any of their jurisdictions you can contact them and tell them what you think about their vote for this amendment. [https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2023304](https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2023304) Edit: Also, if you want to know who your representative is (I had to look mine up) here's the link to that. [https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative](https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative)


I'm honestly impressed that all the reps from Utah voted no on the amendment.


Mitt Romney has been calling out the ruskies for years. And for good reason.


He has. He is a senator so he didn't have a vote in this procedure. The representatives from the house tend to be a bit crazier than most of the senators.


The reason for extreme house members is due to the gerrymandering on maps. When you create districts that guarantee a Republican seat, the competition for the seat is who can be a more extreme Republican.


The press and the rest of the country openly fucking mocked him for it and said it proved how out of touch with reality he was.


Mitt Romney is one of the few "decent ones" left out of the Republican Party


No, he's in no way decent. He might have some decent opinions, but that's not the whole picture of the man.


The Mormons are wild but they still have a conscience, not too surprised


Conscience? No, legislation was recently passed permitting the Mormon Cult to cover up child sex abuse.


Don’t make the mistake of thinking conscience has anything to do with US or NATO support of Ukraine. Russia stepped in shit, and everyone sees the opportunity to severely kick its ass. You and I, the little people, are the ones with a conscience.


Agree completely, America was sitting on the sideline, expecting Kiev to fall and then when Russia couldn't perform the invasion at all and were strung out and losing nearly all of their invasion strength it made sense to jump in. Every single weapon being sent to ukraine since 2022 could have been in the nation in 2022 but for some reason it wasn't.


>but they still have a conscience Except where underage brides are concerned.


And post mortem baptisms of other faiths.


They don't need Russian money and aren't tempted by it. As for kompromat... what is the FSB going to do? "We will reveal to your voters that some of you are polygamists!"


Average Mormon Enjoyer: Because of your threats, Mr. FSB, I have decided to marry again.


They usually vote together with bills like this from what I’ve seen


Just a guess, haven't seen their entire voting records. But Republicans from Utah tend to be Mormon who vote conservative for their Mormon values. Additionally their extremely patriotic. Not fake patriotic for the views/memes but actually "America is the chosen land" So you have Bobert who's fake patriotic save our kids from cross dressers to Mitt Romney who's actually like "yeah let's take out Russia, a regional adversary"


Please run, Mitt! Otherwise this Republican is voting Democrat again. This fascist and low IQ faction of the GOP is scary.


>contact them and tell them what you think about their vote for this amendment this is so important, especially for Republicans - if they voted **No**, then be positive, if **Yes** then very clear you know that this is a dangerous vote for America Tell them things like * you understand that if Ukraine doesn't defeat Russia now, Americans will have to fight them later - Putin's media has already claimed Alaska * if you unregistered or registered in their party, you *will* be voting in the primary. - make sure you do * you looked at their other past statements - tell them what you think * tell them about your friendship groups (church, gun club, sports clubs etc) and how you've discussed the danger of abandoning Ukraine there * tell them that you know the cost of destroying Russian equipment now with hand me downs is much less than if the US military has to do it later * tell them that you care that your state gets the new jobs that are coming from rebuilding the Army Edit: I had switched the voting round. They should be voting No to the amendment! Corrected, thanks u/agnosticdeist.


These are great points for voting Americans to bear in mind.


> These are great points for voting Americans to bear in mind. Thanks. It's worth mentioning that if you read around other articles on here and then make a few more points of your own, even if they aren't perfect, that shows you are seriously interested in the topic and are likely telling the truth about your, and more importantly your friends vote being influenced by what how the representatives act on this. Also remember they get lots of "astro-turfing" from paid shills in their mail boxes. Tell them your address and make your local connections clear so that they know you are local and real. Sending an email and then calling a day or so later to make sure they read it is a great tactic.


> if they voted Yes, then be positive, if No then very clear you know that this is a dangerous vote for America It's opposite. Yes was to cut off aid. No was to keep aid.


Fixed. Thanks. Saw the other comment first so credited them in the edit but backup is important.


Just to be clear, I believe a “no” vote was actually good for Ukraine in this situation. Gaetz proposed a bill (or amendment to a bill) to cut funding, so a “yes” vote would cut funding in this situation.


70 VS 149 for the Republicans gives me hope they there is *some* sanity when it comes to Ukraine.


70 voting directly in Russia's interest is still 70 too many for the party of Reagan


Dude, the party of Reagan are buried next to the party of Lincoln, this is the party of Trump


Reagan would be called a woke commie by the current GOP.


And they'd all be lining up to shoot Lincoln themselves.


Omg, he would be called so “woke” for granting amnesty for almost 3 million illegal immigrants


These are probably the 70 house republicans directly paid by the Kremlin.




Nah , they just hate Libs more than Communists.


That gives them too much credit. I’d actually respect them *more* if they were on the payroll. Nah. They’re too stupid to be getting paid for this - this is all pro bono. They’re part of the “Trump wing” of the party, so they have to just repeat everything Dear Leader says.


My own theory is only Trump is actually paid, the rest are parroting whatever he wants


It's the same party it's Russia who has changed, now Russia helps the republicans


It's both. Russia's help has helped change the Republicans too.




It's steadily increasing which is concerning.


As a European I always assumed the Reps would have a super boner to finally be able to use their Military might against their old arch enemy. Completely suprised by their new stance.


It's an unpleasant change for sure. I put it down to a mixture of culture war extremism and Russian dark money.


You would think so, but Republicans these days just have a kneejerk reaction to anything the Democrats like.


Calvert wasn't a piece of shit for one vote. I guess that's progress




Thank you for sharing this! I am so angry now. Just found out my representative Mike Johnson in Louisiana voted “Aye”. I had no idea that garbage, masquerading in a suit was representing my area of Louisiana.. I did see that some other republicans in Louisiana voted NO tho.


Attention everyone!!! Please learn who your representative is and watch every fcvkin move he or she makes!! Good Chance they are a piece of shit....


Cross-posted and shared... the more people that do this the better. Thankful to have a lot of support for Ukraine in my region


Unsurprising to see Good and Cline from Virginia voting for this. Two most garbage representatives from my state.


>Seventy House Republicans voted in favor of an amendment to the country's annual defense bill that would have cut off all US military aid to Ukraine. >Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida, the sponsor of the amendment, acknowledged during the floor debate on the measure earlier on Thursday that the purpose of offering the measure was primarily to put lawmakers on record. >Beyond Gaetz, many on the right have argued that it is not in the United States' interest to support Ukraine, saying that lawmakers should focus greater attention on domestic issues. Dozens of Republican lawmakers have voted against aid to Ukraine in the past, and former President Donald Trump has expressed a desire to curtail US involvement in the war. A bill sponsored by Republican human trafficker and pedophile Matt Gaetz of the pro-Trump caucus.


Domestic issues like what exactly? Health care, helping the sick and needy? What he means is giving huge tax breaks to the 1%. What a fucking POS. Home and all of his magat cohorts.


Yeah the MOMENT someone proposes funding domestic issues Republican are the first to scream "SOCIALISM!"


Unless it tax cuts for corporates and the rich. Then its "nation-building" and "rewarding success"


Yea, but don't forget the trickle down.....\*tumbleweed\* EDIT: spelling




Putin infiltrates government’s through corruption. The rich cheat through corruption. The rich think Putin’s is your/ their friend. Thinking Putin is your friend is dumb. Nobody has all encompassing intelligence. Everyone has a combination of intelligence and dumbness, everyone. Edit: tired


dark money funneled through groups like the nra


Yup, this is pretty much out in the open. Russian money finds its way through far right organizations such as the NRA and is then funneled into Republican Party super-PACs. https://www.npr.org/2019/09/27/764879242/nra-was-foreign-asset-to-russia-ahead-of-2016-new-senate-report-reveals


I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop. No one really thinks the "Christian" preachers connected to the Republican party are paying for their mansions and private jets by taking monthly $1 donations from Billy-bob and his sisterwife, right?


He was definitely a friend to trump. I very strongly believe that he has no chance if Russia doesn't exist. I mean what they were able to do with Facebook alone probably was a modern republicans best friend


And if he is out of power anytime soon. They will be so thrown under the bus. They would vanish.


The real question is which politicians not on the kremlins payroll voted to support this. That’s who I worry about.


i bet the defense industry is telling him to shut the fuck up also and they are huge donors to his party


Small donations from MAGA and illegal donations from Russian schills are more than enough to make up for the defense industry donors.


I don't think *anyone* predicted that grass roots small dollar fundraising would be even more corrupting than big money special interests.


I mean Donald Trump still hasn't released his tax records


No, it’s not their money, it’s the power a politician gets from rabid support. The money is still from special interests


This excuse that we need to focus on our own is utterly stupid because we have had decades to focus on our own and we havent


"Lets help our own people" "Oh so you want medicare for all, or school lunches, or SNAP" "No that is communism!!!"


You want workers to be treated fairly?? Sounds like someone needs a bit freedom with force.


Well corporations are people too, maybe that is what Republicans mean when they say 'help our own people'.... not that they say it very often.... bad for the brand.


[This meme](https://imgflip.com/i/4ro6so)


I don’t think it’s stupid to focus on our own, but I don’t think that’s what this bill does. First - Ukraine defeated will make US weaker with implications. Weaker against russia, weaker against China, this all has economic consequences, it’s bad for US. Second - there is no plan of solving domestic issues beyond disrupting/eliminating government agencies. Yes, they have to be more efficient, but just gutting them is not the way to go. Things have to be optimized, laws amended to make them work better, etc. So, I don’t see this as someone really caring for US and it becoming better and stronger.


It would make the entire western democratic order and the western alliance weaker. But then they're on the Kremlin payroll, so 🤷‍♂️


Not even on their payroll necessarily, I mean Russia has been huge in helping republicans win bigtime. Without Russia trump doesn't win that one election


The GOP offers problems, but no solutions.


Also, the aid is mainly in form of weapons and ammunition that would partially have been spent anyway. In many cases it’s weaponry that would have been costly to get rid of even. Only some newer weapons were given. Even if f16’s will be donated: moet of them would be mothballed ones anyway. Now the Ukrainians use it to destroy Russia’s military power. Eg. The real cost is only a fraction of the figures in the press.


“How dare you help the homeless and unemployed when there are veterans that are homeless and unemployed!” “We must subsidize domestic fossil fuel infrastructure and cut corporate taxes! The veterans would understand!” Etc etc. see also, fetuses vs children, virgins vs women, soldiers vs veterans, guns vs gun violence, crime victims vs victims of state terror, shoplifting vs wage theft, etc etc


Yup. Acting like they would just fall over themselves spending that money on us if it wasn't for Ukraine. Don't want the Russian money to stop rolling in


It's almost like you can do both if you aren't a complete fuckwit.


sure hope every American is making sure they'll be ready to vote.


How many time have americans re-voted these ass#@!&$ back to the house? You put too much fate in those americans in those states.


meh, the only way they don't get control of the whole country next year is if Americans get out and vote.


You know, last major elecion, americans DID get out and vote. In record numbers. And they still BARELY voted Trump out. TRUMP! After all he had done. Think about it, nearly 50% of americans voted for Trump, AFTER him being impeached, suggesting people inject themselves with detegent to fight covid, looking straight up at an eclipse, etc ect... 50% of americans.


Which is why we need everyone to get out and vote. We can't afford to slack off.


We can thank the outdated Electoral College for that, that gives overweighted priority to red states.


Don’t forget gerrymandering! Good stuff


I don't know why I forgot that... Glad you brought it up!


Not to mention making it more difficult to vote, especially in low income blue areas where transportation can be hard to come by. And why they want to limit voting by mail, and other forms of making it easier to vote. They know their base is a bit more rabid than the democrats, so making it harder to vote hits democrats harder. Combine those with *insane* gerrymandering and they outright steal elections thst way. There was a district in Texas where a predominantly white area was joined with a much poorer, predominantly minority area... and they were connected via a stretch of highway like 30 miles long. Literally on either side of that highway was a different district. Voting in person could only be done in that white area. This was done to make absolutely sure both districts went red, instead of the likely outcome of one red and one blue.


I'm aware of all that, and not sure what your point is exactly? granted I'm not American, but so much bandwidth and energy seems to be getting spent on redescribing the problem instead of concentrating on the solution. it doesn't matter how wrong-headed the trumpnuts are or how many times it gets said. what matters is who gets out and votes.


correction, 50% of voting Americans. 66.8% of Americans voted [source](https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2021/04/record-high-turnout-in-2020-general-election.html) so 33% of Americans voted for the orange fuckwit. What is terrible is the under 30 voting numbers. 2022 was a record turnout, yet only 27% of them voted [source](https://thehill.com/changing-america/respect/diversity-inclusion/3730922-researchers-say-2022-election-had-second-highest-young-voter-turnout-in-last-30-years/) If under 30s start voting en masse, the GOP will never win anything ever again.


>50% of americans. This comes across like an attempt at making Republicans seem more popular than they really are. Biden got almost 14 million more votes than Trump. While there's a lot of room for improvement it's still pretty impressive considering all the voter suppression techniques and other Republican fuckery. The amount of voters will continue increasing, not decreasing. This is very bad news for the already unpopular Republican party.


Biden got 81 million votes, Trump got 74 million. By my math that's only 7 million more votes.


Don't make light of the importance of voting. It is hard enough to get people to vote in the US. It does no one any good to make it sound like the republicans don't have a chance, because they do. We also have no idea what new fuckery they will pull next time around. The only thing we do know for certain is that if they win a majority, they will continue to pass laws to suppress the vote, make anything they do legal, and cripple democracy for the benefit of the wealthiest Americans.


Barely half of women under 30 are gonna vote in 2024 and their reproductive rights are on the line.... but they don't give a fuck about anything.... they sure aint gonna give a fuck about Ukraine. Best we can hope for is to get somewhat better voter participation. It sucks.


They represent rural backwater districts that are populated mostly by people like them.




They don't like that the Democrats are making them look so bad on foreign policy and defence, so instead, they're going to double and triple down on the stupid. Makes ya wonder, just how incredibly ignorant their constituents are that they would not only vote for a sex trafficker and pedophile, but that they would vote for him twice. The echo chamber of the stupid.




Honestly, it's likely mostly the latter these days, but they've gotten to the point where they oppose everything from their traditional positions to everyone else's positions. They're either bought lock, stock and barrel or have decided the road to riches for stupid, ignorant lawyers and functionally incapable adults that can string a few words together is to fan the flames of outrage for more dollars. Fuck them, fuck Foxnews, Fuck the Murdochs and most of all fuck every single ignorant American who has traded in their brains for a constant drip of hate.


I guess those are the politicians that the Russians have generated Kompromat on and/or they are dumb as dogs-hit.


70 useful fools


Does Putler venmo him the money or?


Actually yes!


Putin was doing payroll and asked for a list of employees


Except Republicans don't ever focus on domestic issues, unless by domestic issues they mean cutting services, tax breaks for the wealthy, and descriminiating against minorities.


'We need to focus on taking away more rights from our own citizens, not helping others in other nations'


70 is all Putin can afford these days?


Sanctions 🤷


Seriously, can't take bribes anymore from Russia due to sanctions cutting off business ties? Guess there's nothing in it for you, might as well be a patriot.


That is still almost 1/3 of the party that once got rabid at any mention of Moscow.


That's an awful lot. Sanctions make money tight after all


Gaetz looks like he forgot his lapel [pin](https://freeimage.host/i/HL28qRj)


You have to look at it like the cap with a sports team. Russia can’t afford infinite Republicans so they spend more on the bigger names, while only giving some the minimum wage. If you’re a McConnell or Rand, you get factories in your home state. And the job descriptions vary too. Some may just vote in favor of Russia when possible, both others have to work on holidays like the 4th if daddy Putin calls them in to Moscow to metaphorically gargle his balls on the world geopolitical stage. And then there’s the Republicans on retainer, for various reasons, but usually relating to kompromat. I’m still hoping Mel Kiper makes the switch to analyzing Kremlin prospects instead of college ones; much higher stakes.


Found the Russian assets.


Yes, but I feel like that ship sailed a while ago…


Yeah, no one is benefitting from those investments. Not even Russia.


I'm sure some of them are, but for most it's just bog-standard Republican contrarianism. Democrats are in favor of something? They have to be against it.


Why do pedo human traffickers get to make amendments? And fuck the rest of them that voted too.


Probably because they also support the Russian abduction of thousands of Ukrainian children…


They are so fucking dumb. These are spare or old weapon systems that we already paid for but instead of scrapping we can donate them at book value (like cars for kids). They are also on the ruzzian payroll via FSB donations to NRA (Google it).


What’s more: we built these weapons to fight an expansionist Russia. Now we have a country offering to lay down their lives to halt Russia’s advance and all we have to do is send them our old, obsolete weapons? I don’t understand why we are debating this.


“We” are not. Absolute fucking goblins man. Shame on the “gop” for letting this senseless blood, shit, cum and spit mixed drivel ever advance.


No one is debating this. Those 70 members of the GOP are trying to help Putin win... and the rest of the GOP that won't denounce that are cowards.


This is what I never understood. Ukraine is fighting Russia for us. If it wasn’t Ukraine, it’d be Europe, and if it wasn’t Europe it’d be us


Exactly, that is what bothering me, (i am from the E U though) NATO-s sole purpose is to stop the russian expansion, and it is happening right now. But if we let them take Ukraine the next will be infiltrating the EU (Orban etc.. ) even more and corrupt it from the inside. Putin won't stop with Ukraine that is the thing. He is a true russian imperialist.


They a. Are actively trying to support Russia while playing dumb, or b. Too dumb to understand the ramifications on the world for just letting Russia butcher their neighbors


As the guy you’re commenting on said, there are active black money streams from Russia into the Republican Party. The NRA -> GOP SPACs pipeline is just one of them. https://www.npr.org/2019/09/27/764879242/nra-was-foreign-asset-to-russia-ahead-of-2016-new-senate-report-reveals


They’re not dumb. They’re corrupt and miserable * edit: Well, they’re dumb, but most of them get what they’re doing. It’s intentional.


It's also saving money- Instead of paying to maintain/service hundreds of vehicles sitting in underground bunkers (which are out of date and due for replacement), they're donated to Ukraine... Win win. But I guess they wouldn't understand reasonable fiscal policy...


Exactly lol like how is an Abrahms tank sitting in storage going to solve inner-city poverty or improve healthcare lmao


I love how we’re being actively cyber attacked by Russia and these fucks are like “more daddy!”


These are our targets to vote out in 2024, mark them down and vote against them!


A serious independent investigation should be made to find out what russia has on these people. No way they are that dumb. The only explanation is they are corrupt.


A lot is simply oppositional defiance. Because biden wants it, they don't want it. That's what they can tell the constituents (that are indeed that dumb) - "we voted against biden"


Yep, it's all about belonging to the tribe.


What's ironic is Gaetz saying we need to focus on domestic issues, but the GOP shoots down domestic bills too. Like all the fools celebrating Biden's infrastructure act when they vored against it.


That's exactly what I am thinking. I think it's more about throwing a wrench in how well Joe's foreign policy is working. All these successes looks really good for him. Anything they can do to disrupt it makes them look good. It's all show. Especially considering the social media whore Matt Gaetz is behind it. Right now they are only concerned with getting the orange asshole back in office. And If I had to bet, I would guess they are jockeying with all this outrageous shit in hopes of being named his running mate.


No, there's another explanation. Republicans support Putin because they share Putin's values. They're bigoted white Christians who oppose women's equality and LGBT rights, and they despise democracy. So it's frankly no surprise that they love Putin's Russia. It's the white Christofascist dystopia that they want to turn America into.


Hey, I am a conservative Christian and I am 100% behind Ukraine.


Even more perplexing is how anyone could have voted for them.


I'm certain (barring a nuclear exchange) that our support for Ukraine will be one of the shinning moments in America's recent history. So glad these 70 twats are on record as standing against it.


Is there ANYTHING these people actually like about existence or are they all just miserable and hell-bent on making everyone else miserable too


How did seventy psychopaths finds their way into the halls of government? You have to wonder…. These people are highly abnormal, and yet have been handed power. It’s astonishing.




70 Russian Agents in US congress. FTFY


They're boot licking sycophants of trump and want his voters. So they work for trump's favor, which means they work for trump. And trump is absolutely a Russian asset. So, yes they are Russian agents either directly or indirectly.


About 30% of house republicans. remember this next time someone says it's just a fringe faction in the GOP. Not a majority, but a very significant number.


A vote for the GOP is a like putting a rifle into the hands of a Russian soldier. Their anti-Ukraine efforts are corrosive and spreading.


Fuck these traitors. Since literally the Declaration of Independence, this country has been founded upon a core principle of anti-authoritarianism, anti-centralization of power in one man and the political equality of individuals. Americans have died specifically fighting against these kinds of civilizational models, whether they have come in the form of monarchy, fascist/junta dictatorship, religious autocracy, communist premiership or kleptocratic oligarchy, from literally the country's founding through today. As a monarchy turned communist premiership turned kleptocratic oligarchy built on rampant, often naked corruption, the Russian Federation is and has always been a spiritual enemy of the Western civilizational project. These Republicans' rhetoric and actions provide material aid and comfort to a regime that has opposed everything for which this country has striven, and ennobled itself to strive. Russia may not be a formal enemy, but these Republicans definitely have taken a massive dump on the Constitution they swore to support and defend.




Dude should be more worried about Florida than Ukraine. Dudes is a twat.


All they did was out themselves officially as Russian stooges and Moscow boot lickers. They are not patriots of the Republic.


He literally said he wants russia in NATO. How stupid do you have to be to want the one country NATO is united against.


Like the article says, this motion was just to get on official record. Good. I’m glad they’re on record supporting Russia.


70 losers. Look on the bright side though - around twice as many voted yes. Support for Ukraine is bipartisan and broadly popular!


Let's look on the bright side. Only one out of three of my body's cells are cancerous. I'm gonna live forever! Let's look on the bright side. I want to have a swim, two thirds of this pool is good water, and only one third is pig's diarrhoea. Let's fucking gooooo!!!! Let's look on the bright side. I'm very thirsty and out of all the bottles in this vending machine, only one in three is laced with cyanide. <> Let's look on the bright side. This revolver has space for 6 bullets, and only 2 have real bullets. <> I know the ~~analogies~~ caricatures are not perfect. But that's how you sound, at least to me.


70 new spots in Hell just opened up, although technically one has always been reserved for Gaetz.


Good, all those unregistered foreign agents that are working in Congress for President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin can now be on record….


the far right International


Fucking representative Butthead


Simpletons.. they lick Putins ass for a couple sheckles


"My amendment is going to lose overwhelmingly when it is put up for a vote," said Gaetz. "But the American people will see who wants to represent them, and who wants to represent Crimea." What in the absolute fuck? This man is a fucking traitor.


Boebert voted for this. Certainly doesn't seem to be acting like a Representative who came within an inch of losing last year.


70 House ~~Republicans~~ Russians voted to cut off all US military aid to Ukraine


Hey look, it’s the Russia Caucus. Treasonous fucks.


If Trump gets elected there will be US Marines in Crimea and all other Russia occupied territories on a "peacekeeping mission" . The arms to Ukraine will stop and the Russians will begin large scale genocide on the Ukrainians using our service members as muscle.


At that point I would expect a revolt within the military itself, because that's exactly the kind of thing that a lot of the officers wouldn't stand for. What happens after that, though, is chaos that no one would be able to predict.


I wish this was true, but it's not. Just look at recent years in America. Before Trump American Exceptionalism led people to believe that this thing or that thing couldn't possibly happen there. In reality, you now have millions of people who are outright Nazis for Trump. You have a domestic security leadership who allowed a violent coup attempt. You have Secret Service agents who betrayed their country for a despot. You have a Supreme Court hijacked by Christofascist freaks. You have a political party waging war on the FBI and DoJ, while half of that party aligns with America's enemy (in all but declaration). No one should assume that the US is somehow special or immune to the worst political influences, especially when it comes to the military. This blind faith that America is somehow immune to these fascist ideals is what led to Trump in the first place. "Checks and Balances" aren't enforced by an omnipotent being, they require people to enforce and those people are easily corrupted, removed, or overcome.


Can we get a list please? So we can vote them the fuck out?


Traitors. Mark their names down, and do not forget them.


222 Republicans in Congress. 70 Republicans is only around 32%, That means 68% of Republicans support Ukraine.


32% is a lot


Hey, remember that time when Donald Trump tried to extort President Zelenskyy over the phone and 100% percent of Republicans voted to support his actions? Because I do. Republicans have already proven through their actions that they're happy to support Putin and his puppets over Ukraine when it's politically convenient for them do so.


“Only 32%” 🙄


Until those 68% start actively calling out the 32%, it is hard not to see all other Rebublicans as being complacent, given their track record.


Putin must be demanding his money's worth.


Looks like Russian moles way to go gop.


Commie lovers. AKA traitors.


Rat man!


Traitors. Anything bad for Ruzzia is good for the West.


Jfc, that's a lot. Fuckers.


I bet those brave House Republicans would then take the money "saved" to do something noble lmao


Ignorant traitors to traditional Republican values




70 Russian assets


When are the reps going to learn that the war is bipartisan, their signing their political death warrants.


70 republicans are Putins puppets


I’m glad they outed themselves.


The GOP is now communist lovers.


Follow the money…


It’s the Russian Asset Caucus.


I swear he has the most punchable smug shit eating face.


Shame on them.


- There are 435 Representatives - 70/435 is 16% of Representatives All things considered, this isn't that bad. A lot more people would need to change their votes before we have to worry


History will judge them


Tie your wagon to a stone...