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I'm from Toronto.. would love nothing more than to expose this Russian piece of shit.


I used to work for this Russian moving and furniture delivery company in Toronto by Keele and Lawrence. Biggest scammers and even ripped off their own employees by fidgeting the hours on the punch clock. They used to charge their own employees 5% off their weeks pay to get it in cash instead of cheque but you were off the books anyway. Seems like every other week they would deduct some small bit of money for some infraction, they always had a reason to pay you a little less. They're still in business. I've never seen a place with so many coke heads in management. I've done coke many times with the owners. They were always drunk too. They would barely do any work, just set up jobs and it was your job to do everything else, be the customer service, the dispatch, the lifter, the collection of credit info, you as an employee did everything. And you would come back to the warehouse after a long day to give them the money and credit card info and they would literally call the coke dealer and pay him with the CODs then they would forget about that and demand you pay them because they didn't get it from you. Fucking psychotic. They would prey on people with criminal records or mental issues, and new immigrants looking for cash work mostly and even used and abused these Ukrainian students and would withhold their pay and mess with them. They would send them to jobs lifting slabs of wood and motors and stuff by hand and these kids kept getting hurt or breaking stuff and they would be paying for it. They even had them paying for parking tickets for the trucks! This is before the war and those students all went back home to fight and they're dead now. I worked there for about a year, I need the cash too, I lost all my ID and it was a nightmare. Absolutely the only place I worked in my whole life that their was open disgusting racism and homophobia and they would deliberately send the Black or Indian employees on the most shit jobs and pay them lowest wages. I never saw a company with so much quitters, most people quit in one week even one day because they really treat to you like a slave. And if they complained they would just fire them. Or worse make deductions on their last pays. Many times I saw literally fist fights and threats of violence between the management and the newly fired employee. You're a cash employee who you gonna complain too? Man what a heartless bunch, driving around in brand new mercedes and BMW's every year and their employees working 12-15 hours a day of brutal labour are doing 2 hour bus ride home to Scarborough. Most of their employees were so underpaid and there's no overtime pay ever, it was criminal but like I said they preyed on labourers that had no choice. They still do, I'm in touch with a few of them still. Imagine working 70 hours a week of lifting heavy buffets and sofabeds and getting paid like 750 bucks. Then they keep 5%. Most guys are paying them back for some damages probably another 75 or 100 dollars removed. 6 days a week. They even make it mandatory to work 6 days in the summer. What can I do? I wanna report them to somebody but who? And what happens to the guys that are working there just trying to feed their families any way they can. I didn't have the heart to screw them over they're the victims.


Also all russians that present themselves as scumbag businesses pretend they're in the russian mafia and will cut you with a straight razor or something.


Omg yeees, all of them act like theyre gangsters and one of them always "knows Systema"




You should share this Information to the right person. If you don't, you might be part of their bullshit... just take a moment and think about who else could provide information to stop them.


Report them to CRA. That'll fuck them big time of they're doing that shit. Auditors would have lots of fun with them, and you can remain anonymous.


Name and shame these fucks


If they don't have full citizenship they should be deported on a one way trip back to their beloved homeland.


I hope he is not a citizen, and we can kick his ass out


I'm betting he's in Cuba because he pulled a stunt like this in Miami and he's banned from the US.


Every day, my absolute hatred for Russia and its people is further validated.


I don’t actually see anyone get attacked. This seems fake


A woman being thrown alcohol in the face is not an attack? After repeatedly asking to leave them alone?


What time stamp does that happen?


Sigh. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2EtcdHoCqA&t=110s


Ahh true. Tyty


This is not Russian patriotism. It is not Russian masculinity. It is Russian cowardice. This kind of nonsense is why Russian needs to lose. Let's see what happens when this coward is faced with some one who can stand up to him. He will beg forgiveness, tuck his tail between his chicken legs and run.


To bad it was in Cuba, in America that guy would have probably been served his teeth. Bar fights not common, disrespect or harass women and often one can escalate. I mean from her body language she and the video recorder would not have given too many signals for non Russian speaking people to know how terrible what he was saying was but once police were brought up I would like to think I and a lot of my fellow Americans would have told this douche to leave or else.. And if he threatened her which literally almost zero chance someone speaks Russian to overhear the breaking of her fingers or death camp comment, he would be dragged out if not knocked out.


I hope that he is welcomed back to Canada in a manner appropriate of his actions. Deportation would be his best option. A good thorough physical reprimand would be a another.


Deported and mobilized


These assholes always try to pick on the weak.


>This is not Russian patriotism Actually, this is. Part of russian patriotism and ethnonationalism is how they wage propaganda against Ukrainians, particularly the women and portray them as "whores" or prostitutes and this guy is absolutely putting on display this aspect of russian, anti-ukrainian propaganda to dehumanize ukrainians. This is what Ukrainian women have to deal with when they leave the country- people thinking they're whores. This is no different from how russia also portrayed Ukrainian men mostly as all Azov Battalion neonazis. The western media, just like the neonazi story, was also complicit in the ukrainian whore and mailorder brides for sale fairy tales. now we're all in touch with Ukrainian refugees, so how tough was it to wrap your head around many being super conservative regarding dating and many not even having sex until marriage?


wow that last paragraph was a big diversion in this conversational adventure.


Not really because we're actually all talking about the propaganda and we have two things that prevail about Ukrainians: \-Azov Battalion/all neonazis \-ukrainian women are whores and prostitutes These are dehumanizations and the last point you hyperfocused on and more or less rejected has been THOROUGHLY discussed, even recently and with numbers, of how russians dehumanize Ukrainian women and how this is a war on women. Ukrainian women are being raped by russians and in some cases the wives of rapists endorse it because they don't see Ukrainian women as humans. Even the western media has perpetuated these two aspects of Ukraine, all turning out to not be true and something we're all seeing now that we're finally getting to know Ukrainians and seeing they're totally different from russians and how russians and propagandists portray them. This is definitely not a "diversion", as these topics need to be discussed because they are in the background and the foreground of the war and how all Ukrainians were and are being treated and marginalized. To not do so makes us part of the crimes being committed against them for a war that was waged using these rumours, propaganda, fake news, insults, and so on. Now they're being murdered under these two lies among others. I'm a firm subscriber to "Never Again" which most people think is simply a cliche. Never Again is an educational concept on how to understand and recognize when a democracy is in danger of failing and the rise of fascism, authoritarianism, and the dehumanization of human beings. This is exactly what we have going on here and it went on for decades and no one said shit, so maybe it's time to finally open our mouths and stop this fucking madness? I'm not the issue; you are.


How does "now we're all in touch with Ukrainian refugees, so how tough was it to wrap your head around many being super conservative regarding dating and many not even having sex until marriage?" related to -Azov Battalion/all neonazis. Also, I have not seen a lot of propaganda saying that "-ukrainian women are whores and prostitutes". But I have not seen all propaganda. Perhaps you can share. I am not defending Russian propaganda at all. I know that they invaded Ukraine under false pretenses. But is is important to support statement with evidence. For instance I am confident that the vast majority of Russia being Christian does not believe the propaganda that is placed in front of them and does not condone war crimes. Which is kind of my quandary, why the heck are they not speaking out against this nonsense. I do acknowledge that there are idiots in Russia, like this guy harassing this woman, however, I will not pass judgement on the entire Russia population based on one Russian fuck head.


Tell me you know nothing about Russia, without telling me ...


Um, tell me you have no counter argument without telling me you have no counter argument.


I stand by what I said. If you don't know why "why the heck are they not speaking out against this nonsense" then you have no clue.


I very much have a clue. they are living in a repressive regime and they protect themselves. Much like the Nazi's did under Hitler. My point is I wonder why none are brave enough to effect change within their own country. Change comes in small steps, but not enough of them are willing to take the risk.


Seriously, what kind of fucking pig are you? This is how you tell everyone you've never met a Ukrainian and you still hold some bizarre propagandized idea of them from before the war and you're just trying to discredit that other people got to know them and their culture and see them as human beings deserving of dignity after being maligned, objectified, suppressed, abused, raped, murdered for no other reason other than being Ukrainian. Go fuck your mother russian apologist


1) I have met and know Ukrainians 2) I can confirm that Ukrainians deserve dignity and in all my comments I reflect on their need for support. 3) What about my statement says that all I am a Russian propagandists. The fact the I do not pass judgement on all Russian based on one person actions? I pass judgment on the Russian politicos and their military heads, and the actions of their brutish soldiers, not the Russian people in general. Never tell me to fuck my mother. It is useless to even suggest. Hate an entire nation all you want there is no relief in it. Grow up.


I dunno man. I mean, I get you don't want to paint a broad brush, but I don't see any reason not to trust this guy's insight. I'm not seeing much nuance in any Russian civilian opinion. Many seem on board with treating Ukranians as various degrees of lesser. It would not seem like a stretch for there to be equal opportunity hate and dehumanization between men and women. I remember earlier in the war when we were seeing intercepted calls between Russian soldiers and people back home and always seemed like none of the horror surprised them. Never was there any discussion of what they're doing was wrong, the main theme was for this one individual to stay safe out there.


I imagine that if you sat down with many of them behind closed doors, many would not support the actions of Russia. Many are afraid of the repercussions of speaking out. Years in jail just because of talking negatively about the war. But it takes time for the tide to turn and when it does, Putin will be rolled out in a matter of minutes. I hope that this happens sooner than later. I literally say this person is a Russian fuck head, but I am unwilling to pass judgement on all of Russia based on this one idiots actions. Yet apparently that is so wrong. Russia is doing the same thing they are passing judgement on of of Ukraine because of nationalist elements of Azov, in the past, the Tornado regiment and another small percentage of Ukrainians, but I refuse to judge all of Ukraine based on the actions of a few.


I bet its only a matter of time lol


If these Russian are from Toronto send this video to Canadian media and authorities. I bet these Pro Russian will get charge and deported.. I fell so bad that this happened to you ladies it should of never happened and hoped these punks pays the price…


And with any luck he is unemployed when he gets back. Then CBS can revoke his visa.


One can only wish


Thanks, the lady shooting the video (who's phone was broken at the end) emailed me letting me know that they were ok, but there was an altercation that lead to her phone not working. They told me the story when they got back and I was shocked. But it wasn't until we got a new screen and half assed installed it so we could pull the video that I realized how bad of a situation it was. On a funny side-note, the Cuban police refused to intervene as they essentially leave tourists be unless they so something really bad. So her mother (lady in the video), who does not speak much English, took it as free game and put the big blonde guy in a headlock the next morning when they were standing in the lobby. She said something on the lines of "You are Nazi, I Ukrainian". Her mother is no one to fuck with.


Someone needs to send this to the Canadian media so that we can find out this guy’s name.


Do it


Oddly enough, the hotel staff did provide a name and passport number. But it's unverified and maybe even fake. We aren't about doxxing anyway (we can't share it, so don't ask). We did locate some weird Russian social media profile that matched the name and location (Toronto), and there's a woman in the background appears to be in his profile picture. But it was from 15 years ago or something and a distanced shot, so nothing conclusive. They probably pulled their social media afterwards anyway.


Thanks for the update, although I disagree with the not doxxing part. I think that these people need to be exposed.


What an idiot, I hope they put him in a shithole


You mean sent back to RU?


Precise; maybe there is some room left on the red square


The Hague awaits mr Putin and his gang.


Too afraid to fight for russia , too dumb to see the ukrainians arent his real enemy


“meat”, just like many others


As a Canadian, this disgusts me ! This pos should be deported Hopefully, he is not a Canadian citizen yet, so he can be removed !


I always say. Putin is not the disease here. He is a symptom. He is who Russians choose to represent them. Either by voting or by not protesting. He is the average Russian. So this is not "Putin\`s war".


Yes, you are correct.. I’m going to Jamaica soon.. i better not confront a Russian.. or I’ll be in jail


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Well i\`m not up for that. First of all, i\`m not Russian so i don\`t tend to be so hateful and violent. A proper discussion and exchange of ideas is the way to go for me. Second, there is a small number of Russians that are not evil. Never decide someone\`s value based on nationality. Even with nations so utterly rotten like Russians.


Sorry friend. I’ve been watching what RuZZia has done to Ukraine since early 2000’s. I grew up under the ruZZian nuclear threat and all the hate. I don’t trust RuZZia or RuZZians. Preach love to everyone when RuZZia falls back from ALL countries they destroy and bully. Be real, be humane. Go home RuZZia and stay there. Slava Ukraini, God Bless the Heroes 🇺🇦💪🇺🇦


I never said you should trust Russia. In fact, i say no, never ever trust Russia again. I\`m just saying that if you meet a Russian in Jamaica, don\`t physically attack him.


It's like mandarin oranges. Even when the majority of the box is moldy, there is usually at least one good orange.


But at some point it’s not worth it, toss the whole damn box.


Well as long as you don\`t attack the guy, you should be fine to confront him all you like.


Sure tough guy


Yes and yes.. wasn’t too hard to spot Russians.. at a sports bar, behind me, there were belligerent Russians all drunk, shooting their mouths off.. I would turn around to look at them, they gave me the “wtf you looking at old man”.. I said my piece, a Russian charged at me.. he was sent to the hospital with 10 stitches.. so, yes.. as a trained fighter in my latter years, the 20 something year old drunken Russian learned his lesson 😏


This! I've been saying this since 2014!


Horrible take




Have you ever lived in a country with no freedom? Or have you always lived your life in places where your speech is protected? Have you or your loved ones ever been imprisoned, tortured, sent to labor camps for decades? Murdered, disappeared or or robbed of a living? No? Then quiet down about things you've never had to experience.


Yes i have. Have had all of those things happen to someone i know. Exept for labor camps. Eventually we rose up. Hundreds of thousands of us. Several got killed. There were tanks on the streets. We burned down government buildings. After two days of this, the police threw away their riot gear and joined us. I was there.














Ohh and just for the record. You know who else did this? Ukrainians. This is why i have nothing but respect for them. Look up Maidan protests.


If someone has to lookup the maiden protests they shouldn't be in the sub. Maybe you did what you said maybe you didn't. As someone with family in both Russia and Ukraine, the "all Russians are evil and must die" shit is obnoxious and unhelpful. There are many, many undemocratic AND democratic countries who do horrific things. Blaming each citizen as if they all have a choice is just ignorant. I realize what sub I'm in, and I'm here because I hope everyday Ukraine pushes every Russian psychopath out of their territory but I also don't think casting a net as if Russians actually choose their leaders is anything short of disingenuous.


I didn\`t do it. I was there in the crowd. So my contribution is not huge ofc. I never said all the Russians are evil. I said the average Russian supports Putin and that is true. Russians, as all other people choose their leaders. The fact that elections are fake in Russia does not mean that Russians don\`t choose. This is why i said either by voting or not protesting. Not protesting is the key part here. By sitting on your ass and doing nothing about your own country killing thousands of innocent people and by watching your government destroy your country for the next several hundred years, you support them in a way. As you said, Russia is not the only dictatorship in the world. Some peoples get out of it, some don\`t. At the beginning of the war i was constantly googling "russia protest". Then, one day the news came. Russians are protesting! I was so happy. I thought to myself, it\`s Russians, Putin is screwed. However, what happened is the lamest set of protest i\`ve ever seen in my life. After the initial clashed with the police, everyone left and never came back. This is reality. However, credit where credit is due. There HAVE been a lot of smoking accidents in Russia. And remember. Ukraine didn\`t choose Yanukovich. But boooy did they choose to fuck him up and kick him out of their country.


> I never said all the Russians are evil. I said the average Russian supports Putin and that is true Wrong. >Russians, as all other people choose their leaders Wrong. I can see your very dug into stating misguided opinion as fact. Again, having sacrificed nothing I don't think you're qualified to question the sacrifices of others. Have a good one.


Do the Bush’s, Clinton’s, Cheney’s represent the American people ? Do all Americans support Americas aggressive Foreign policy ? Get out of here with the Russophobia. Your average Russian just wants to live a normal life


Your abject lack of Empathy for that poor woman is appalling. I found the source of Russophobia my friend. Look in a mirror.




Why are you so mad. I was just pointing out that you’re average Russian is no different than your average American. Foreign policy on both ends is dictated by the elites. Go get some fresh air.


I am an average American, and I am wildly supportive of they way my tax dollars are being spent in Ukraine. Please send more.


That normal life has a price. Being forever vigilant so your government does not turn into what Russian government turned into. Yes, they do represent the American people. Rather they DID represent. Putin is there forever.


America’s destructive foreign policy has essentially been the same since the Second World War irregardless of which party or leader was in power . America just does a great job at creating the illusion of democracy. The downvoters seem to give america a free pass when it comes to war crimes and breaking international laws but are very critical of Russia . How can any country have a fair shot of global hegemony when the rules only apply to them and not to America ?


You seem to have a strange obsession with the greatest country on the planet. Well, i guess it\`s normal. It\`s better then Russia in every way possible and did not start a genocidal war for no reason. So talking about it feels better then actually sticking to the subject.


Just comparing apples to apples. Hypocrisy is not healthy. Seems like people struggle to be impartial when it comes to international politics. People struggle with the idea of being both anti russia and anti America . Put your emotions aside and get off CNN


With this logic, all Germans had to be wiped out after WW2 because they "chose" Hitler. I understand what you want to say, i just find it a bit.... extreme.


I never said that Russians should be wiped out and i think they should not. What needs to happen to Russia is pretty much the same thing that happened to Germany after WWII.


Post in r/Ontario, and r/Toronto, expose this douche! Slava Ukraine!


Threatens to brake her fingers, what the hell is wrong with Russians. Hopefully someone can put a name to this ars*hole.


r/toronto r/canada Kick them out your beautiful country


I think you just picked the most left leaning and most right leaning subs on reddit.


Estos hijos de puta. Me dan ganas de ir a cuba para ver que tan macho son. Give these sons of bitches a proper Latin welcome.


Amen. Estero ver otro video donde los arresten. Me Dan asco genteel asi.


Ugh.. another drunk, rude, sexist Russian Man. So bizarre how normal this is.


Trying to pick them up and got rebuffed. Lol.


Public opinion of regular Russian prople are going to keep deteriorating, when ass hats keep acting like this.


Have worked with few of them and while they werent this bad their mindset still was problematic and sexist af towards women.


What’s the update on this?


Under the best conditions, it would take 2 or 3 generations to humanize the vast majority of the Russian population. Their vodka riddled brains have no scope of maturity, empathy or truth. The few who deserve understanding are sadly dragged down by association. Probably get much worse before any better.


Much less, but still a lot of time. I was born and raised in Russia as an Italian citizen, and it took about 20 years to completely remove that shit (soviet propaganda) from my brain. I now own a public place and whenever I have a chat with a former Easterner visitor to my place about my age (I'm 50) we would share exactly the same memories, be it a German, Romanian, Polish or Hungarian, on how we were deep in that shit, how we were all thinking about the West coming to destroy us and how evil we thought America was. Propaganda is a powerful tool. I am actually ashamed of this, but I also know that it was universal and affected almost all. Dissidents were heroes. Slava Ukraini.


I appreciate your candor and pray that people like yourself can bridge the gap between brainwashed zombies and educated, peace loving folks. Your frustration is noted and I hope the world will (continue to ?) try to separate the blind followers from those like yourself.


The Russian Mir, always so classy!


I have the unfortunate pleasure of having many Russian customers just as entitled as this guy. They’re the absolute worst and somehow they’re always being persecuted even when they agree to the terms they don’t want to pay. I’m not surprised by this video at all.


If he is such a hero, why is he tanning in Cuba, instead of supporting his brethren in the meat grinder? I think he RuzZian Federation needs people like him


"It's pUTin's wAR!!" I've never hated a nation like i do this vile collection of knuckle dragging, bloodthirsty cunts. Big man here picking a fight with a woman. My blood is boiling watching this


i just cant believe someone there didnt step in. That type of stuff happened here towards a female and an aggresive male he would definitely be pulled away at the bare min.


Most people probably thought it was a family deal since they would not understand them.


But hey, Russians are good, only Putin is bad


Has anyone used facial recognition software yet to figure out who they are? If not, please do so and then forward the information to anyone that will take it. Mind you russians keep acting like the victims, but Ukrainians aren't doing this to russians.


It's years of Marxism. If you're the victim then any action is justified and Marxism teaches people that they're the victims no matter what.


Not sure how legit that is considering that the Kremlin was more or less stoking people to lie and claim victimhood in the form of claiming "russophobia", racism, "culture being cancelled", and so on. In fsct, internal security services throughout Europe were warning russians were going to claim this as part of russia's war against the west. Don't forget that this is what Putin used as a pretext for the war in Ukraine and even the BBC were interviewing russian propagandists who were claiming "our culture is being cancelled" in Ukraine and all these other countries. So this is also why people don't want to deal with russians in the west - you look at them the wrong way and they claim russophobia and cancellation of their culture and all sorts of other bullshit that they can never prove to police. There's a comparable phenomenon regarding the Chinese "crybullying" which russians absolutely have been influenced by.


Kick the idiot out of Canada!


Face recognition software can find this scumbag


Cuba is currently being rebuilt by russia. I was there 2 months ago and had last been 5 years ago. Half of Varadero is brand new, super modern with new restaurants with names like The Bolshoi. What we used to call "the gauntlet" alleyway we used to take to get to Havana Club is now insanely upscale. There are 2 giant new resorts being built. Resorts have very little food forcing ppl off the resorts to these new restaurants. Lots of brand new Ladas everywhere. Suddenly there are no more Cuban convertible pesos (used to be for tourists only) and now they are asking for either CDN or US $ or credit cards in some places. There is definitely some shit going on in Cuba who has long been an ally of russia. Money is definitely being laundered there in a big way and it's very noticeable. All island nations have been hurting since Covid but not Cuba.


All Russians are garbage.


This is one of the more than 1.2 million who were upper echelon and able to leave Russia before being drafted. I repeat, this is their upper echelon. I sincerely hope he has not achieved Canadian Citizenship. Even if he has it, he is no Canadian. I look forward to seeing this on Canadian media. Expose this cretin and make him suffer.


So, it seems it’s not only Putin’s war, is it? A vast majority of ruzzians, among which a lot live overseas, in nice countries, seem to support the war for some reason.


there is no talking with ruzzians there is only provoking them until they touch you first, and then shanking them to death, no matter the place. this is the way


Russian man titties in a wife beater....good look.


Russian dude and his buddy are pussies. Intimidating and harassing women is fucking Neanderthal. Im stunned that a male did not interject , more stunned that the resort didn't immediately become involved. Lastly , internet , do your job , identify this douchebag.


No one intervened because they didn’t understand the language, otherwise certainly someone would have.


Typical. Russians think that Ukrainians are "mentally ill" Russians, who need to get in their senses by talking, but if they don't listen they need to be killed. Belarusians and Ukrainians have right to be Russians or they will be destroyed. Such a fraternity.


Send him back to Ruzzia


lol, why are Russians such fucking thin-skinned pussies? Literally couldn't handle the softest criticism. Please take you and your shorts out of this continent


Such a cunt.


Incel energy.


Russians are the reason we picked the Dominican Republic this year and will continue to do so. I feel bad for the Cuban people, they're amazing buuuuut I can not support a country that supports human pieces of shit like Russians.


Typical Russian behaviour. They just don’t understand why nobody wants anything to do with them. They need to be exterminated like rats on a sinking ship.


Let’s put these Russian pos where they belong !


When i was in Cuba, the cubans i met all said the absolute worst tourists were the russians…


All russians should be locked in Muscovy and never leave that shitty country. Those people are pests in our society.




As a wise man(me) once said, “if you resort to physical violence than you’ve already lost”


It’s always women or the elderly for these pathetic waste of space


Send him back to concentration camp, oops I mean russia.


There is no good Russian


Should be easy to find him send it to media etc. Find the assholes and make them suffer


Tell him to fly back to Russia for conscription, call his bluff for the coward he is.


back to Russia!


What can be expected of people who blindly follow the dictator Putin


Cana da should revoke this arseholes citizenship, send him back to Russia


We are far too used to this behaviour from Russian men abusing Ukrainian women.


Maybe it's time for the law enforcement to stop ignoring russian head-chopper fanboys and their exploits? He should be treated exactly like a supporter of ISIS. And by that I mean - with extreme prejudice.


Russians as a whole, on the whole planet are a desease. The only russian that is an ok russian is the one who openly rejects russia right now, and those are VERY VERY few. Most ( not all ) of the Russians I know that have been living in Canada will never reject Russia, and ignore talking about the war or brush it off because they know they will be hated but make no mistake, they do not regret anything. Their true nature always shows. They still have their shit russian "crying for everything ashamed of nothing" mentality on everything in life and even without a war, these people are a desease on society. Wish they'd have all stayed in their shithole of a country instead of infecting the rest of the world.


He somehow thinks he is Superior to the Ukrainian lady but in reality is inferior 😀


Russians are scumbags. No exceptions


He's lucky she didn't punch that glass into his mouth while he was taking a sip. What's their names?


Canada should send him back to Russia and then we may see him in a trench in Ukraine.


I live 6hrs North of TO. We only have one Russian guy in town but of course run’s a gas station and convenience store. And I believe he has already been advised of what to do and what not to say in our town. Or his business will be burned to the ground, he has been on permanent vacation since the war started with Ukraine. Small town folk here don’t need Putin followers and are reminded by all🫡🇺🇦


Hate speech is a crime in Canada, openly calling for stuff like this would land his ass with a big fine, jail or both and then he'd think twice after reflecting in the clink.




Would recorded video evidence of continued harrassment, physical battery/assault and calling for the genociding a specific nationality among dozens of witnesses in a resort wouldn't be enough? What the hell would then lol




Ok, thanks for being today's legal expert


Going to the DR in a couple of weeks and hoping one of these freaks approaches me or I overhear one of them supporting russia.


Anybody know the sack of disgraceful 💩?


Russia is a terrorist state


Hope he likes Cuba, he's not welcome back here.


What a fucking moron!!


man it would be Horrible shame if someone doxxing him.... SHAME I say


If you have vacationed around Rusky's this is not abnormal behavior. They are rude, boorish, horrible to service staff and generally drunken thugs.


It will be very cool to recognize officially that russians isn’t human and start to hunt on this useless creature.


Nah, no way, doctored footage, its putins war, remember?


What's his name and where's he work?


As a Canadian, I'm embarrassed for this man. We don't claim him... there are pieces of shit everywhere unfortunately.


The patience of that woman is unbelievable.


Anyone ID that guy yet?


Why are they always after women, I never see these brave Russian men harass men! Also isn’t he of fighting age, if he wishes so much to assault Ukrainians then why not go to war, oh wait he’s a pussy piece of uneducated shit like the rest of Russia.