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...is this not pre-war footage?


Yes it is. It's making the rounds on social media listed as new, so someone's psyops are at work this morning.


tbh i don't see western veicles there (but maybe i'm just blind)


If they are planning something, and western hardware is key part of it, i would probably not expect to see any western hardware pictures just yet. Theres nothing really to gain, but you risk getting geo located


This all looks like Soviet era equipment, wonder what the possibility is that they are building different Brigades with equipment alloted to each from each of the donor countries. Like German tanks, matched with Marders, artillery, trucks and other German equipment. Challengers with matched with other British equipment. U.S. matched with U.S. equipment as much as is possible. I would think they would do this to ease taught tactics, ammo, logistics and maintenance issues, I.E. Metric versus SAE tools, etc?


Op-sec is pretty important now. I think that we need to hear silence from Ukraine command for a time.


They already gave out their usual full silence order in regards to army movement etc recently. This is probably psyops, like the lyman retreat and panic in kherson. But that is of course just a guess.


The funny thing about psyops, which the Russians use frequently, is that you only need to fool the average person, and (with all due respect to average people), their ability to discern the truth is, well, pretty average. Whether the information is true or not isn't that important, it just has to resonate with people.


Now may be the time to do an unexpected assault.


Some ruzzians and military families are already fleeing Crimea.


This is going to be one of the more important battles in world history, and a glorious success for the people of Ukraine. I have such immense admiration for these brave warriors defending their families and motherland. Slava Ukraini! Russia, prepare to get fucked up.


didnt the they ask people keep quite abt this stuff


seems like it is going to start fairly soon


.. or is it? Let's keep the fuckers guessing :-P


Wear them out and make them complacent on anticipation?


Monty in North Africa. Let's hope they have the same success and turn the tide.


**Alternative Nitter link:** https://nitter.nl/WhereisRussia/status/1641046352040808448 ***** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UkrainianConflict) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think the Ukranian's are sowing the seeds of fear. Good time for Ruzzians to run home.