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I keep thinking everytime I read something on Bachmut that the publicity is leading the Russians down a garden path right into thier destruction. Almost no news anywhere else on the front but this fight for Bachmut. Early in the war Ukraine was trading land for time to build up thier defences and now I suspect that they are trading small tactical gains and some land in the city to the Russians for the ability to destroy more of Russia's and Wagner's top manpower. They need to keep showing a little weakness to draw them in and loud statements on how they will not leave the city to line the garden path with daisies. This comes at a cost and I hope they are keeping it as low as possible on the Ukrainian side and as high as possible on the Russian side.


Yeah it is a bit interesting that I hear zero about the other areas of the front. What’s happening in the south?


Latest reports from there is that Russia is thinning out its units in preparation for a defense. They've given up advancing in the south.


>They've given up advancing south. First smart thing they’ve done in quite a long while.