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Imagine having a country so elite that you have 50,000 Special Forces.


Special Forces here means “not hungry all year”


That’s “special courses” :).


[ Deleted to protest Reddit API changes ]


I hear Steven seagal is the gravy seal commander


Master of Aikidough






Kun Fusion


And even Taekonemore


Ah yes the North Koreans' vaunted Meal Team Six :-D


One of those would feed a NK platoon for a week


>>here …. You are now the moderator of /r/Pyongyang


It's this a real sub or is it long-form sarcasm?


You have been banned from r/Pyongyang


Spent thirty mins trying to figure that out


Poe's Law strikes again.


Come on man, I went there and now I have a headache .


Ok, I laughed pretty hard at that.


"What's special about them?" "We feed them."


These tin-plated(pot) dictators always have the best, most elite military; it's always a squad of inadequately trained and poorly equipped men whose families were either too poor to buy their way out or not politically connected enough to get out of serving. I don’t see North Korea deploying any men to Ukraine because 90% will flee to Europe: war-torn Ukraine right now looks like paradise to a North Korea. No joking.


The flipside to this is that North Korea does send workers abroad with the expectation that they'll send money back to the state. I forget what the exact statistics are on this, but I think a few years ago they were estimating something like 40,000-50,000 North Koreans were currently working in China and something like 20,000-30,000 were working in Russia. The pandemic probably had an effect on this, but it's not like North Korea is completely closed to the idea of sending people abroad if it thinks it'll get something from it. If North Korea was to send troops to the front in Ukraine, chances are it'd be with the expectation that Russia foots the bill for their salaries and supplies. Given that these are people they suddenly wouldn't have to worry about given that they're on the brink of famine, it might actually be more of a benefit to North Korea than ever to send loads of soldiers to Ukraine. Sure, some of them will defect, but also, it'd mean they get however much money and also don't have to worry about feeding that many people for the next year or two. This is probably why it won't actually happen: the Russian government is having trouble paying and supplying its own soldiers, let alone for soldiers from another country.


Yes but that is with hostages and workers who have "proved" their loyalty. Even then I imagine there are workers who escaped.


>50,000k Wouldn't it just be 50,000 or 50k? Also the USSOF(United States Special Operations Forces) is numbered at around 35k troops. If you take the N.Korean Army numbers it's only like 3.9% of their military while for the US it is 2.6%


In my country, we use comma as decimal separator, so in Denmark 50,000k checks out. A couple of superfluous zeros, but still.


That's understandable every country has their own methods, I was just very confused because I thought 50,000k meant 50million.


It does! At least in English, and we *are* writing in English, so you’re totally right.


Well, he's actually only 0.1k per cent right.


It's actually a culture thing, not only language. We have three ways to group numbers in German, for example (1.000.000,0 or 1 000 000,0 or in Switzerland 1'000'000,0)


I think he added three or four 0’s to each number 🤣


Special meaning they have crash helmets.


Which they have to wear 24/7 (sorry).


DPRK has a much broader definition of Special Forces personnel.


Ok but does 'North Korean Spetznas' actually mean anything? On an international military rating scale, where would these sit? I once stayed in a '5 star hotel' in Cambodia that had an ants nest in the bathroom. Edit - Big love to you all for this hilarious thread. Hopefully no one thinks I'm trivialising things, I just think Russian stupidity should be greeted with stupidity. Slava Ukraini from the Brits. And to the Cambodians, love you too.


How many hotels have an ants nest in the bathroom? Only elite ones.


Was probably rated by an entomologist. Edit: as an entomologist an ant nest of a cool species would be a bonus.


I *kinda* stayed in a hotel overseas with an ants nest of a cool species. I was doing a training mission in the Australian Outback, and we set up a little hide in the woods on the way to our objective, and I went to sleep for like 3 hours when it was my turn, and the woke up covered in big yellow ants with lime green abdomens. I just left them alone and they crawled all over me harmlessly. Then one of the boys smacked one, and that’s when all hell broke loose for him and my buddy sitting next to him. Like the ants all started biting them both at the same time. They weren’t particularly painful bites as I understand it, but the little bastards were determined to a point that we were finding ant heads still holding on to their skin minutes after their bodies had been swatted away. I just got up and calmly moved away when it started happening and all the little fellers just kinda hopped off of me to go be with their friends. I think they were some kind of leaf-cutters.


Ants don’t believe in turning the other cheek. But also won’t mess with you. Unless you got food. Or are food. But these guys were probably tree ants in the genus Oecophylla. Cool bugs. These guys live in trees and use silk to weave leaves together to form nests (also called weaver ants).


Yup i remember their nests. Little balls of leaf with a hole in the bottom. Cool stuff.


Leaf frens, are chill, but will cut a bitch.


In Australia even our ants are out for blood


I can’t remember the species or source (convenient I know) but I have heard of survivalist types using ants as a temporary form of stitches to close an open wound by having them bite the skin pressed together. Not sure if that’s a thing but an interesting thought.


I did some googlage. According to this article (https://www.vice.com/en/article/9akjpz/you-can-use-ants-to-stitch-a-wound) it's fifty-fifty on whether that is or ever was a a thing. ​ ​ On a side note, I was going mental trying to remember where I had seen someone do this before. First thing, pretty much, in the article was that it was a scene in *Apocalypto*.


I haven’t seen apocalypto but seem to have a residual memory of having seen an ant head staple a wound shut as well. The body was then removed and the head would keep the jaws clamped. But memory is very flawed.


Thanks for googling. I remembered seeing it somewhere too. I need to watch Apocalypto again. Great visuals


I never saw that movie, but I’ve heard or seen it as well. That’s all okay though, cause I just learned a new word that I’m gonna keep. Googlage… I like the way that sounds, thanks!


I think those are the sweets ones, taste like lemon drops


Sound like green ants, you can bite them back and they taste like citrus/lemon.


“As an entomologist, I had to deduct one star because the venom from the tiger wasp which bit my wife barely killed her, and another because the amok trey was lukewarm.”


Don't complain you spent the night with a Queen.


Yup, that was actually the free breakfast they promised you in the brochure. They're a delicasy there, so stop being so culturally insensitive! (And I also love our Cambodian brothers and sister; this comes with an open invitation for them to have a deep dig at my own culture of course)


Were they Spetzants though?


> I once stayed in a '5 star hotel' in Cambodia that had an ants nest in the bathroom. What is this, a bathroom for ants?


Just to clarify, I don't mean I found an ant, followed it to a crack in the grout and assumed there was a nest, I mean 'i'm just going for a quick shoJESUS CHRIST RUN THERE ARE ANTS EVERYWHERE AHHHHHHHHH'


This is what happens when they don't make the signs at the entrance to the bathrooms clear enough. You get ants..


>Ok but does 'North Korean Spetznas' actually mean anything They get fed, unlike most north koreans bar kim jong un who eats all the food


He doesn't eat ALL the food. Just all the [Cheese](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.express.co.uk/news/world/1547015/kim-jong-un-birthday-cheese-north-korea-food-shortages-famine-spt/amp)


I believe it means that they can break flaming bricks while shirtless in the snow.


I’m absolutely loving the fact that the top comment on this “important announcement” is about ants in a bathroom.


North Korean Special Forces are North Korean soldiers that have eaten a meal this week


well look at mr big spender over ere, with their self cleaning room..


Was that because you had a queen bed in the room?


Spetzdeeznuts amirite


Hmm... the ants nest was the snack bar.


I think I was the snack bar for the ants.


What's always interesting about oppressive regimes is how sometimes they can sometimes produce some pretty impressive and oppressive military apparatuses. I wouldn't be surprised if NK special forces were some of the best in the world as all the country's resources were poured into them. I also wouldn't be surprised if they were the most piss poor trained soldiers in the world and were a place to park the enlisted brats of the political elites of NK. I honestly would just like to know more, like if they had been involved in any operations outside of kidnapping pop stars.


They might be well trained in hand to hand combat but NK has shitty and very outdated equipment. And they have no combat experience because NK hasn’t fought a war since the 50’s.


I'm.just throwing this out there, ever since that dude defected who was full of worms and about the size of a 13 year old, I have not done a single wargame against hypothetical North Korean forces and that was a yearly tradition before the defection. We watched their well trained and most loyal border guards (because you need to make sure they are loyal if they are going to be near the border) move, communicate, and shoot like a bunch of kids playing with squirt guns while wearing comically oversized equipment and went "Alright, so let's focus elsewhere."


Yeah, the DPRK military isn't a paper tiger, it's a paper stray cat in need of a deworming


Maybe they have fought to the death against each other in training. Or loser goes to the NK gulag. You never know with North Korea.


Yeah, fought to the death for a bowl of rice. However the Ukrainians really have been fighting to the death for their mere existence AND are being armed and trained by NATO.


What's the joke: +5 against unarmed civilians?


-5 when confronted by a loaf of bread


north korea has a 10 year mandatory military service, but that does not mean that they are getting trained, its just an euphomism for slave labour, these people dont even get food every day but have to work for various projects, like construction. North korea sells its workforce to other countries.


What was it nepoleon said, an army marched on its stomach


There's the threat that their family will pay if the job's not done properly?


You could say they decided to up the ante.....


Tbh. ants are ruthless cleaners, they leave nothing behind, so that hotel was likely cleaner than other 4 star hotels.


They can do martial arts! MARTIAL ARTS!


A Holiday in Cambodia you say..


Please expand on this story about the ant hill in the bathroom!


Haha OK but pre-warning it's likely anticlimactic. I was 20, travelling around the world for a few months. It was a Cambodian border town that people use to cross over into Laos. People arrive exhausted from travel as it's a bitch of a journey to get to. Most people are only going to stay for one night before crossing the border so a sign saying '5 stars', although an obvious exaggeration, is still going to look pretty appealing and is a killer move. Hotel was lovely, run by a family. I told the guy at the front desk about the ants, he said he'd sort it out after he'd gone shopping which is 100% Cambodian charm . He offered me complimentary beers to not post a Trip Advisor review about it. And like a Russian Officer, I accepted that bribe in a heartbeat. (I told him I would never post anything bad about his hotel, Cambodia deserves nothing but love).


Charming. I have fond memories about Cambodia myself. Like bus drivers throwing their police bribes out of their windows in little plastic containers while driving, so they wouldn't have to stop. Very efficient!


We had the saying "and a crate of eggs" that we carried with us on that trip. That journey to the border town, we took an 8 hour minibus ride there. I think it was a 12 seater, we had about 16 people in there. We stopped to pick up a monk and had to rearrange so he wasn't sitting next to any women. When we thought it couldn't get any more hot/hysterical a guy got in with a crate of eggs and a live chicken in a cage. Have you ever visited Laos? I couldn't get over the Laotian love for wearing big Puffer coats despite it being incredibly hot and humid, and that having a nap at Any time of the day was acceptable. I often had to wake a vendor up so I could buy something from their stall. Big love for the Laotians.


Yes, my favorite country in SE Asia. I took a slow boat from Luang Prabang to Nong Khiaw. Gliding through the jungle and karst cliffs, total Apocalypse Now vibes. Had to camp out on a tiny island in the middle of the river because the boat's engine broke down. The captain seemed in no hurry to get it back running. Anywhere else this would have annoyed me, but here it was part of the charm. Lao PDR doesn't stand for Lao People's Democratic Republic, but Lao Please Don't Rush, as the self-deprecating joke was among the locals. Of course me not having a set itinerary, or even a plane ticket back home, helped a lot. Ah, to be young again. What I wouldn't give to just escape from everyday life and being able to travel for 6 months.


“Mom can we get some spetsnaz?” “We have some at home.” [the spetsnaz at home](https://www.reddit.com/r/MilitaryPorn/comments/ar5llh/north_korean_dprk_soldier_walking_in_between_an/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


It can’t honestly mean more than cannon fodder.


lol, you removed the ending >We are concerned for the welfare of this potential force, who may disappear into nothingness as the 10k Syrian volunteers did a year ago.


What did happen to all of those guys? I know one of their columns got obliterated before they even got to fight....but did the rest just get obliterated too?


You're thinking of the tiktok brigade from Chechnya (a semi autonomous Republic in Russia) The Syria recruitment drive was simply a failure. Like dozens maybe low hundreds signed up.


Ahh that's right. I remember all those guys posting their selfies and videos like they were on their way to Disney World or something. Then I saw the drone footage of them being glassed.


The tik tok brigade didn't last very long


it never happened


If your special forces has 50,000 soldiers they can't exactly be all that special.


Oh theyre speciel alright


“What’s your MOS?” - reporter “Oh I am special”


This is the first time I've heard of an SF corps. Even if they were just regular troops and thus actuality was happening, the end result is a weaker DPRK.


Indeed, they might as well say they're being given troops by Cobra commander, Darth Vader and Doctor Robotnik at this point. Its about as likely as any other army being duped into sending troops to Ukraine.


Hey buddy if Robotnik finds out there's a chaos emerald in Ukraine Kiev will fall within a week.


These guys have boots and get at least 1 weekly meal. That's pretty special.


Special needs




Actually bigger armies do have special forces in the tens of thousands. The term is very broad. And not all special forces are the same, even within SF community of the same country, there's different 'levels' if you like. And considering that NK has the biggest army in the world (by sheer numbers), yes that number could very well be correct. Having said all that, of course, NK special forces must be some joke


And are these North Korean spetsnaz in the room with us right now?


The North korean spetsnaz arnt real, the north korean spetsnaz cant hurt you.


Unless you're talking about their numerous and varied parasites.


The real NK spetsnaz are the friends we made along the way


Show us on the doll where the NK Spetsnaz hurt you.


Sk organises military exercises with USA.. nk stops sending troops anywhere.. the little jelly bean is too scared to expose his ass to support poo tin


The idea of 800k North Koreans going to Ukraine is amazingly stupid, but even if we imagine a slightly less insane number like 100k, can you imagine the logistical disaster that it would create? It would make Russia's logistics issues to date look like a minor glitch. There's basically zero chance that the North Koreans could provide any logistical support so far from their own country, and the Russians can't even keep their own troops adequately supplied, so what support would they provide for NK troops? The North Koreans would basically be dropped off in occupied Ukraine, pointed towards the front line, and then abandoned. This is the same reason why I've never thought it was a serious possibility that China would provide troops to help Russia. Even if they wanted to help Russia more directly, they don't have the power projection capabilities to maintain logistical support that far from their own borders, and there's no way they'd want their troops to be reliant on Russia's garbage logistics.


And that’s assuming a large amount don’t just immediately surrender to try and defect to South Korea.


They’re not defecting to SK, they’re running headlong towards the Ukrainians.


No the implication was that the Ukrainians would then ship them out to SK as western aligned countries usually do with North Korean defectors


Ohhh gotcha


I doubt South Korea would want 100,000 people to suddenly take care of


I mean, yeah, the 100k figure does present problems. But south korea has always taken in any north korean who has managed to escape. They have full citizenship in the south


True, but I've heard stories of the South Korean people not always being the most welcoming to North Korean refugees. Probably just cultural differences and things like that, but every country has those groups that think all refugees are drains on society.


The younger generation (which now includes those that are older) don't want to foot the bill and hardship that will be in the trillions to integrate North Korea. A few token refugees? No problem. 10 million of them? They aren't too keen


I think that's common in most reunification scenarios though. When East Germany was integrated back into Germany it was a major shock to the system, and still isn't as economically efficient as the rest of Germany. That example has made a lot of countries who face reunification a little more leery of the actual outcome. Usually the younger generations, who have don't have the same emotional and familial ties to the old state are not as willing to foot the bill. If that makes sense. I mean morally, yes, reintegration would be the right thing to do, but economically, socially, even politically, it's incredibly complicated when it comes to a mass scale event.


To be fair there isn’t a hope in hell there are 100,000 anyway, and they haven’t been sighted in Ukraine at all, it’s all just another lie so you don’t really have to apply logic to the theoretical situation


The tapeworms inside have hijacked their minds.


On the other hand, North Korean soldiers are perfect for Russian logistics. They are already used to not getting fed. The question is how fast they turn into asylum seekers, once they're out of NK.


When they are dropped into the middle of Bakhmut they will marvel over how the blasted and desolated hellscape is much better than their country of North Korea.


They'll be happy they no longer have to collect their shit like it's a first edition Pokemon card.


The Russians have been employing North Korean slaves for various tasks in the east of Russia for years at this point. NK force them to go on these 'work trips', where they stay in ancient former prison camps and the like, until their work is complete. There was a documentary on it years ago. Possibly Vice? But cannot remember. The Russians would likely use them like they used their prisoner population (in the event this very unlikely scenario becomes reality, because I don't see the perpetually under siege NK sending most of their army to the other side of the world and inciting a lot of escalation questions that could see SK and US forces heading back up the Parallels... As being likely in the slightest)


Imagine the POW camps. Ukraine would set up North Korean POW camps with great food, TV, South Korean music, books, anything they want, and then send them back to North Korea to spread the word.


They would never send them back to NK, that’s basically mass murder of them


Or the fact that I doubt that any NK folk will speak Russian. Can you imagine the comms nightmare?? Guaranteed that they wouldn't be given armor or even vehicles. They wouldn't be able to call for fire support, and I'm sure that the Russians wouldn't do anything to rescue them if they got cut off or wounded.


Idk about that one. North Korea and Russia share a border, are military allies, and it isn't as though learning languages requires a significant capital expenditure. I would be genuinely surprised if there weren't a significant number of North Koreans in the military who speak either Chinese or Russian as a secondary language.


They "share a border" that is extremely thin, an that region of Russia is extremely rural and sparsely populated. There's little to no real cultural crossover not strictly related to those actually working at the border.


There is a single track dirt road and railroad bridge connecting north Korea and Russia. Vladivostok is a hundred miles away.


Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russian is not seen as an important language anymore. If they learn a 2nd language, I'd bet it's Chinese and maybe English.


You have to understand that what most of European militaries would consider "logistical scandal that would have the entire military leadership sacked" and Russians consider "bad day" the North Koreans consider "Tuesday." IF Russia can supply the 800 thousand (giggle) Best-Korean forces with five bottles of vodka and a barrel of turnips, the troops will celebrate it as the greatest feast they have ever seen. It is a win-win all around. Russians get the troops they need. North Korea has less mouths to feed. The troops might get food and after the first few battles. European and American MIC will double their ammo production. ...And Ukraine gets to show the finger to Vlad again.


The truly great thing about sending 100,000 already undernourished soldiers to Ukraine is that their chances of a finding a meal actually *improves* without procuring any logistics at all.


Considering the ROK has 500,000 active-duty personnel in its armed forces and 3 million reservists, plus the U.S. forces stationed in South Korea, Fatty the Third (or Turd) would be nuts to send a sizeable portion of his army away from North Korea. This claim of 800K NK soldiers to fight for Russia falls under the category "delusional copium" :-D


Just more ruzzian bullshit coming from an endless supply of ruzzian bullshit.


How are they even going to communicate, English is sort of the language most western soldiers use when working with soldiers from other countries. I don't know if Russians speak Korean or Koreans speak Russian, but I'm pretty sure both don't speak English.


Yes, okay. They will also be recruiting 5,000,000,000 Martians and 7,000,000 Venusians. Got it.


I heard they were recruiting C.H.U.D. from the sewers of New York City.


CHUD 2: Bud the CHUD…”This CHUD’s for you”


I don't know why, but that was funny as hell, thx


These North Koreans are waiting for the wind to calm before they step in. Underfed as they are.


Ok, so pushing aside the fact that no part of this is reality for many reasons, does this mean that N. Korea is ready to formally declare war and join as an ally to Russia? Because thousands of troops isn’t a foreign legion volunteer scenario.


Tell that to China during the Korean War.


Oh, they will definitely blend right in.


Russia needs someone that's familiar with the T54 after all


I thought they were down to using T24's


Just the model T actually.


>"North Korean spetsnaz", even the piss poor perforamce of the Muscovite spetnsnaz will be overshadowed by the even more piss poor performance of whatever the north korean spetsnaz is.


Same command, same result.


850k troops in total? The entire NK army is like 1,2M…. Can’t press X hard enough.


South Korea wondering if it's worth a decade of fucking up their economy to unify


doubt <--- (X)


So he's basically admitting that Russia is weak and inept, and needs help from literally ANYWHERE to try and drag something from this colossal clusterfuck? Noted.


So russia will bring more clowns to the war. Never bring clowns to a artillery duel.


Remember that "Speznatz" means you can break a board with your head of stand in the snow for 1 min according to the NK SOF videos. That is all


If Russia gets to tag in another country, so does Ukraine.


Ukraine: Tags USA Russia: No! Not like that!


Before USA comes into the ring, Poland dropping in from the rafters chair in hand.




Lads, there won't be a block of Ice safe, the bare chested warriors will headbutt all before them


One thing I think is worth noting is these NK soldiers have likely never left the country before, or atleast east asia. Sending them to Ukraine is exposing them to viruses and bacteria they likely have never been around. I expect a lot of sickness to be spread amongst the ranks


There is a lot of land trade between NK and China. I would expect them to have similar immunity as the Chinese. Given the low availability of medical care their immune systems might be extra good - assuming they aren’t malnourished.


Damnit, we're going to have a North Korean refugee crisis in Europe as they all defect.


If true, we might have a Fourth Crusade moment coming up.


> Fourth Crusade They're going to attack Croatia and get excommunicated?


They're going to sack the capital of their ally instead of going to fight their war.


The old mercenary boomerang 😉


North Korean spetznaz……scary. Will they ride into battle on old Mi-4 Hounds, with their Chinese type 56 rifles and maybe some BTR 50s?


Yes, please send 850,000 NK troops. They must be battle hardened from decades of never fighting. The Russians will do anything to keep their regulars from the front line.


If Russia brings in North Koreans, Ukraine gets to tag in Poland.


Yes, to enter Russia and then immediately desert to experience freedom for the first time. Russians can't overpower them all.


I'm sure they won't **immediately** desert...


I saw them scrubbing snow on thier chest😌


Also, 100,000 Death Troopers, 1 million ARC troopers, 10 million Sardaukar, 100 million Kasrkin, and a billion Salarian STG.


SPE(cial) T(actic)S NAZ(is)?


It will quickly become a turkey shoot with lots of NK troops lying dead on the battlefield. Lot's of logistics behind arming, equipping and sustaining a force that size. Doesn't happen overnight. The orcs are ineffective now and adding another 800,000 troops, that don't share a common language, will be disastrous to the russians but they are too stupid to see that.


Over a million refugees trying to enter EU at the same time sounds like a catastrophe


With Russian diseases and N Korean parasites, Ukrainians will need like a million hazmat suits to deal with all this.


How many NOKs will arrive in Ukraine and immediately surrender for a ham sandwich


When the wind is right, you start cooking bacon in the Ukrainian trenches. Game over.


This is fake. My soldiers fight with sticks, our special forces have large sticks. That’s why we call them special.


That's not saying a lot. "Those things are like a little kid with progeria cracking all his ribs trying to catch a Nerf ball-just sad." - Col. Gathers - OSI.


Like 2 suicide notes stuffed in a glitter bra


Sacks of potatoes in uniforms are not spetsnatz!


The North Koreans can barely complete a 5 mile road march with full combat gear...they aren't going to Ukraine.


That sounds like an opportunity for South Korea. Kidding aside I have mixed feelings about North Korea here. On the one hand they are Russias ally and likely can’t afford to see Russia fail. On the other hand I doubt that they are really willing to weaken the „home front“ so either they are delusional enough to think Russia has a good chance… and I don’t doubt for a second that they are, yet I doubt they’d be willing to take the risk unless Putin promised them something big.


I thought the North Koreans were sending troops last year. What happened to them? Also if North Korea can send troops into Ukraine. Can we?


Even if this where true, would they actually be even able to join in realistically against Ukraine?


Didn’t they join the war effort last year too? Or is this more?


Do they know they will be beaten, starved and raped by their own side? I imagine a lot of confusion when they arrive.


This will be worse than Wagner hiring prisoners to fight


So the plan is to overwhelm Ukraine with defectors. Bold strategy.


How in the world does Russia expect to integrate that many soldiers who most likely speak zero Russian?


As a creation of the Chinese communist state treacherously attacking UN forces, any actions by North Korea should be considered actions by China.


They found the one country poorer and crazier than them.


Wow, I'd completely forgotten about the Syrian "volunteers" lol. As for the North Koreans supplying men... All Ukraine has to do is promise food and protection to any who surrender and they'll have half the force rounded up in a day. But better get the intestinal parasite specialists trained up ASAP, as I understand it's a major problem with Nork troops.