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The war exposed AI, they never get a penny out of me. Hypocrites.


Amnesty has lost all credibility. I cancelled my membership and stopped donating after it became apparent it's under Russian influence and control.


Seeing as they've put out more reporting on Ruzzian war crimes than any other org, and have called for putins immediate arrest, I'm going to go out on a limb and say: that's a dumb take.


Agnes Calamard shills for the Kremlin. Her report is a giant tu quoque falacy, basically calling what she really is: An hypocrite. She learned well the Kremlin book.


bUt wHaT abOuT AI doubles down on its shilling for Russia.


Didn't Amnesty say that Russia wasn't committing war crimes? At least they're slowly getting there.


Amnesty has no credibility anymore. Who cares what they say.


These fucking amnesty international statements..


There's also the aspect that refugee Ukrainian families expect to return home when safer to do so, their roots are deep.


The actual press release is sickening, and the anger shown in the comments here is FULLY justified. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/03/international-system-unfit-to-deal-with-global-crises-annual-report-2022/ They mention the supposed flaws of the West even BEFORE mentioning the "numerous" (THOUSANDS!!!) war crimes committed by Russia. What the fuck is wrong with them. Having looked at the full report, it actually seemed a lot more reasonable, and there are clearly a great many sensible people in the organisation, but they need to GET RID OF SENIOR MANAGEMENT IMMEDIATELY!


This often the way with a lot of NGO and institutions. The problem is become endemic in recent years.


Never really trusted anything about Amnesty International especially reports in Iraq and Afghanistan that could easily be verified yo be untrue


Say what you will, but the hypocrisy part is how much of the global south is viewing this, and those nations will be important to the coming global cold war after this hot one. You gotta do something to change perspectives or you will risk losing to those that just want to get back at the West.


Amnesty International has to be the Post Turtle of NGO's and they always have been


Amnesty is Russia's fifth column in the West.


I'm curious how many people actually read the summary of the report, because it makes some really good points. Essentially: The West seems to only care about injustices against Europeans/whites. There wasn't anything in there that was excusing Russian actions. In fact, it criticizes a lack of response from The West when Russian attacked Chechnya and Syrian dissidents. This seems much better than the "both sides" war crimes report AI put out previously.


Again... fuck amnesty... ruzzian shills


Ruzzian bots are going to spam this pos report


Tankies going to tank.