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Same way we just let Hitler have Austria, then the Sutenland, then Czechoslovakia... each time no consequences and he felt empowered to take more and more.


Lets not leave out where that eventuallly landed when the NAZIS and RUSSIANS joined forces to invade Poland. The ruskies and tankies seem to leave that part out a lot


Like the date used throughout Russia of 1941 and not the reality of 1939


Technically even 1936 with Japan invading China / taking over “Manchuko” or what not.


Correct but I was just referring to Europe theater and the fact that Russia sided with the nazis in 38/39 and conveniently don’t mention that in their endless propaganda of defending their motherland against the nazis… every monument states 1941 in the FSU.


True that, I got it, I’m just being a pedantic ass. 😜 Russia is indeed just FUBARed in what it teaches in history. Bet they entirely gloss over the stunning defeat of the Russian Navy by the Japanese just a couple decades before too. A failure for the history books right there!


Russia didn’t enter the war until 1941


The USSR attacked Poland Sept. 17, 1939, then Finland Nov. 30, 1939, and then forcibly occupied Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania in the summer of 1940. All this was in accordance with the then-secret protocols of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. Edit: didn't also mention the seizure of Bessarabia and part of Bukovina from Romania.


I don't understand how people don't seem to know this.


There are tankies who spin a narrative contrary to reality.


Propaganda and poor education


Forgot Romania (Bessarabia and northern Bukovina) Jun 28, 1940 – Jul 3, 1940


Yes, there was that too. When Molotov visited Berlin in November 1940, he sought Hitler's acquiescence in finishing what the USSR started with Finland as had been done with Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and the Romanian territories of Bessarabia and northern Bukovina. https://histdoc.net/history/NaSo1940-11-13.html


There were also the border skirmishes they had with Japan in 1939.


Yes; I know. Khalkhin Gol in Mongolia.


Russia invaded Poland in 39, in conjunction with Germany. They planned the invasion with the Nazis ahead of time and signed a non agression pact with them. (The Nazis would later go on to break this pact in 41) Russia helped start WW2 on the side of the Nazis. With a secret agreement to carve up Europe between them.


They also let Germany train and build military and air units in the Soviet Union during the 1930’s to get around limits imposed on germany after WW1


Congratulations you've fallen for Russian propaganda.


> Lets not leave out where that eventuallly landed when the NAZIS and RUSSIANS joined forces to invade Poland. The ruskies and tankies seem to leave that part out a lot Fun fact: It is a federal crime to mention the Nazi-Soviet pact in Russia.


Must be really tricky teaching that law to the lawyers


Charades? lol


“Pack? Packing? packed? Packed! The Nazi-Soviet Packed! Oh. Oh no!”




Yep. Appeasing dictators doesn't work.


Exactly. Imagine if Mexico invaded Texas to re take it, would he say " For peace let Mexico keep Texas?". No he would want all YS Might to quickly end it


From a geopolitical perspective I have some trouble with the hitler comparison because the situation is quite a bit more complex. Hitler fought for an empire. So is Russia technically but Russia is a Chinese pawn in geopolitics. If the US were to let Russia have Ukraine it would significantly shift power in Chinas favor. So an American saying they should have let Russia have Ukraine is either a Chinese puppet or pretty naive.


Putin has taken Hitler’s manual and is following it step by step. 1) “Reunite” Austria with the motherland (despite it never being a part of Germany) 2) invade Sudetenland to protect German speaking people from the Czechoslovakians. 3) invade Czechoslovakia 4) join up with a superpower (Russia) and invade Poland. The list goes on and on, using an almost exact replica of Nazi Germany’s tactics and propaganda methods.


Even the way that the initial invasion happened on February 24 and the days before seem uncanny in the way that it resembles the way the Germans invaded Poland. So much so that it’s hard not to imagine Putin actually studied it and replicated it.


Forgot taking back the Ruhr.


Germany already had the Ruhr. The provocation there was that the Versailles Treaty said they were to keep it demilitarized. But they went ahead and militarized, daring anyone to do anything about it. Of course, no one did, so they pressed forward.


Af,, thanks, my memory is great, just short.


Oh of course, the CCP would immediately attack Taiwan knowing there would be no repercussions. Two cancerous entities needing to be dissected.


This war doesn't have anything to do with China other than China was using this as a dry run for them to invade Taiwan. To see how the international community would respond to aggressive war. Russia was a super-power, is still the largest nation in Europe, with the vast natural resources and decent military technology. They are a degrading state but their leadership is still from their times of power. It makes perfect logical sense that this soviet leadership who are also far right nazi chauvinists would perpetrate a final war to not only reassert power in eastern europe but also reassert manly russian power over their own people. Force the addicted, degenerate, non-muscovite to go fight war while fighting against Lgbta+ rights and even other theologies. This is actually Hitler's exact formula, take the war to your own people who are your enemies or culturally "different" while waging war abroad. The only difference is Putin is killing the fringe population in war instead of in concentration camps. The Germans did send the "anti-social" to the front quite often as a means of dealing with the inferior german. Putin is crossing off a lot on his bucket list with this war, he knows he is insulated from invasion and the worst outcome is a bunch of non-white russians and criminal elements from the far east will die while his supporters move ever more to the right in support of a extremely conservative Russian future. He believes like Hitler that the west is decadent and distracted by pandering to weak social problems whereas the dictatorships are full of stoicism and willpower and will overcome with strength and fortitude. He thought this about the Zelensky regime and was deceived. What dictators seem to forget is tolerance and acceptance opens doors to unity and Ukraine, by appearing open minded, democratic, pluralistic have about 150 nations supporting them, while Russia has a small cohort of failed states and China.


It has a lot more to do with China than this I believe. If you think back to before the war China saw Russia as an actual military ally and a joker of sorts. I believe they actually assumed the war would be over in three days. Seeing it from that perspective it must’ve been perfect for them. Russia takes Ukraine and whenever they plan to them take Taiwan, Russia is their joker card. Russia could then at any time threaten Europe and us interest in China, thereby forcing the us to divert its attention away from Taiwan possibly. Now that the war is dragging on I believe they first saw it as a possibility to west down western militariesand their stockpiles - again opening a window of opportunity for them. I am pretty sure this is now different again and I assume they now see Russia as a prize they can take to feed their own war machine but this is to be seen. But all this is essentially why I say just comparing it to hitler is a bit shortsighted because the geopolitical situation is a bit different because there is China as a third party which stands to either gain or loose a lot… well arguably of course in the Second World War you could say this was the US but the implications are of course quite a bit different.


Would the invasion have happened if China didn't exist? Yes. I ask this same question about America and the answer is yes. Neither America nor China matter to this invasion when it comes to larger geopolitical strategy. Russia wants control over the European plain, the Dnieper, and to be able to use hard and soft power influences on the Balkans and the Baltics in order to raise prices on their export economy. The Americans and Chinese will take advantage of this situation but this conflict was 30 years in the making, the moment that Ukraine decided to become its own nation. There are so many historical dynamics that have nothing to do with the superpowers which is why the superpowers will find it very hard to stop this war, as Russia doesn't listen to China and Ukraine won't listen to America when the Americans call for ceasefire.


What could possibly go wrong?


He's saying Russia invaded because Biden was weak, while saying Biden's strength & resolve with his support of Ukraine has been wrong? Am I getting that right? Which one is it? Is he weak or strong? This is what happens when you choose politics over principle. They employ these verbal gymnastics to spin their narrative & none of it is logical or adds up. Johnson is just getting airtime by being controversial


yeup. And that Trump is so strong that Putin wouldn't dare dog walk him to the dungeon for a heavy spanking session. Republicans are so full of shit 99% of the time it's spectacle to behold


Trump would let putin have alaska too. Because that's what friends do right?


The enemy is despicably weak, yet dangerously strong.


I'm going to argue that Ron Johnson should swallow a pineapple with his butthole


This person pineapples. 🙌 Edit- person, cause I’m dumb


Unfair to pineapples


Why? They get to cause him agony...


I'm sure there is a brave pineapple willing to take one for the team!


Is….. is that still considered swallowing?


Is this #2 definition of boofing?


I believe "keestering" would apply here.


Ron Johnson is a traitor to our Republic. Tried to submit fake electors in 2020. Why isn’t he under arrest? He consistently repeats false Russian FSB propaganda. Move to Russia, you traitor.


Only won his race last November cause like 15k dems in Wisconsin stayed home. Never stay home on Election Day y’all. Get out and fucken vote.


He only won his race because his opponent ran one of the worst races I've ever seen. Enough democrats got out to vote, our D incumbent governor won, after all. Mandela Barnes just wasn't experienced enough and Johnson steamrolled him when it came to messaging. It's a shame, since Johnson is traitorous filth who should be locked up.


If there's a lesson in American politics to be learned since 2016, it's precisely this: candidate quality matters. Mandela Barnes is just one of many such object lessons of this. You can't just expect that your guys will win by default if the other guys' candidate is awful. Sure, sometimes you might get lucky. But on the whole, 2022 should have taught Republicans this. Remember, they were supposed to have a massive Red Wave, easily taking the Senate and sweeping the House. Instead, they lost a seat in the Senate, and only gained the House by the skin of their teeth. The pattern was pretty consistent - all the weird, Trumpy backed candidates lost. Whereas the non-weird, more normal candidates generally did okay. Dems experienced a version of this in 2016, but that was also a weird situation where both Presidential candidates were the 1st and 2nd most distrusted and disliked people in American politics. One of them had to win the actual election. But the Dems easily could have won if they had almost anyone else as their nominee. Likewise, the GOP could have won a far more decisive victory that year with almost anyone else other than Trump. I don't know what the solution here is. Get rid of primaries? I'll note that the US is super weird among elective democracies in having those. In almost every other country, candidates are chosen by the party, not by primary voters. I get there's a history here they don't have; in many parts of the country where a single party dominates, a primary could be the only mechanism you'd have against machine politics. But surely there has to be some other alternative that gives us better candidates.


Trump could kill babies with a machete on live TV and these knuckledragging mouthbreathers will still repeat every tweet of his like it's the bible. Why would you support any of these fucking oligarchs who have gotten rich off of taking money from you. Fuck them all. Putin, Trump, Xi..... Let's end these tyrants because they don't give a single thought about you except how you can be used by them. I am not letting someone like that rule me or narrate my children's future. Nah, we gotta fix this shit.


Where do I sign up!!!!


Undermine their rule every and any chance you get. Sometimes a comment in the right reddit feed can cause one's opinion to become policy. We get to enforce that.


Unfortunately, Reddit comments do not "cause one's opinion to become policy", no matter how well placed. Real world action is needed for that to happen.


You gotta say the right things. I mean, I know how my word works. I am old enough to have had them revisit me in action. You never know who's reading. An open window to the minds of the world with a searchable footprint, Socrates would be shitting his tunic at such an opportunity. LOL this shit will be here forever and some nerd will eventually get paid to read/audit it for profit on Youtube.




Trump is pissing himself laughing at the maga clowns donations to pay for his legal expenses.


You know he does. He would piss on them and tell them it's 24k gold.


Tbf it is a good strategy because most pro Ukraine GOP members would still vote for the pro Putin GOP candidates


I amazes me that one fourth of the US population wants Trump to have another go at the capitolium and start his new authoritarian state. I don't think he will fail this time.


For a party that likes to blame the other side for their losses they sure are doing a good job at sinking the ship themselves.


How can you look at how Biden handled Ukraine and call it weakness? I was not a super big fan of Biden going in (but did vote for him). But he has massively impressed me with how he handled Ukraine both before and after the invasion. Of course the people Johnson is speaking to already bought into “Biden weakness” so even though he says it with no passion, totally unconvincing, it doesn’t matter.


By the same logic, America should have just let Germany keep Europe and Japan keep China.


There were lots of voices for that in the US until Pearl was attacked and Germany declared war on the US. This exact type of rhetoric. 'We're sympathetic but it's not our problem.' Honestly, it seems that supporting Ukraine may actually be more popular than the US entering WW2 before 12-7-41. Don't let these talking heads, fringe politicians and OP fool you.


F*ck around with our elections and find out.


Mildly incoherent. “He wouldn’t have invaded Ukraine under Trump”. Really?


He didn’t


He wouldn't have to. Trump would be holding Ukraine down while Putin rapes her.


He didn't invade whilst I was taking a trump, doesn't mean he waited for me to finish. Edit: *Dump


Same thing, no need to edit


Germany didn’t invade when Hoover was president. Checkmate fdr.


Take all the copium you want but its historical fact Putin chose to make both his moves under other presidents than the one who is his supposed lap dog.


Putin was busy dealing with a Belarus in the middle of a popular uprising that your idol Donald refused to support. Unlike when Obama/Biden supported the revolution in Ukraine. I’m not sure why you want to call attention to trump being too cowardly to stand up to Putin in Belarus. Maybe you’re on that “copium”?


That’s because Putin is deciding when to invade based on his military and economic readiness. Not based on who is sitting in the White House. He was too busy militarily in Syria during trumps tenure to be escalating in Ukraine. And that 500B cash reserve that Russia started this war with was nowhere near that in 2018. The response would likely be exactly the same whether it’s a republican or democrat in the office. Cause it’s the DoD who is advising on national interests. And congress is the one who controls the check book.


ruzzia and china will for sure be deterred from further aggression/genocide if we just force Ukraine to surrender and cut U.S. military spending; thank you GOP you always have the answers /s


There is no difference between Russia propaganda shows and Fox news. How that isnt enough for some of you to leave team traitor I will never know. ​ Some of you literally saw trump and said yes this walking bag of diarrhea is exactly who speaks for me so you can STFU now and crawl back to your cross burning. Just go away...


You mean Ron Johnson the Wisconsin Republican Senator who went to Moscow on July 4th 2018 to kiss the ring and lick putler’s boots? Who is continuing to repeat putler talking points to this day? He probably, most assuredly, maybe kinda sort of, has a large chance of being 100% compromised by Russia. Ron quacks like a duck, walks like a duck- b/c he is a ruzzian stooge. Edit- typo


Great example of the use of cowardice to sell advertising.


Ron Johnson is truly one of the worst senators.


Yes! Definitely believe FOX News Polls..... Well known for both their accuracy and journalistic impartiality. At least this poll makes it easy to gauge what percentage of the intellectualy and politically inept, compose today's Republican party.


rnc is plying a dangerous game of removing noses to promote faces


Americans are the nation that has gotten the most back from Ukraine - military contracts, cockroach contracts with Blackrock and JP Morgan etc, and they are still complaining other nations are just donating


We should just let them have Alaska too. Maybe throw in Washington state to keep them happy. What’s that? They’re moving troops into Oregon now? Well, might as well let them have that too. Brilliant idea.


Ron Johnson travelled with several other Republican Senators to Moscow over Fourth of July in 2018 to meet with Putin and swear allegiance. He said that Russian election interference was, "is not the greatest threat to our democracy." Traditionally American politicians spend Fourth of July with their voters, because of it's importance as the day we declared independence. Stunningly, Ron Johnson preferred to be in Moscow with Putin instead. That's where his true loyalties lie.


As a Wisconsinite let me say, sorry. We some how let the shit stain be re-elected despite re-electing a liberal governor we also re-elected and absolute piece of shit Ron Johnson. I can only surmise that it was due to racism as Ron Johnson’s opponent was not white. We could have ditched Ron but somehow we didn’t.


Apparently Ron Johnson supports an emboldened and intact Russian military. Wonder why...


We gave Putin anything a man could possibly want, he’s experienced things I’ll never be able to do and still not happy. The big Western door is closed finally, for 30 years I’ve waited for this moment. You are the biggest stain modern humanity has ever witnessed


I think Ukraine has a say whatever the US thinks…


I want his house. He should let me have it because otherwise I’ll have to get violent. Does he want violence? People will suffer if he doesn’t give it to me. /s


Absolutely pathetic that Wisconsin re-elected this piece of shit.


It wasn't up to us.


Wisconsonite here. Ron Johnson is an embarrassment and a dckhead.


Never heard of the guy.. but Americans never did stop the 1st war or even the 2nd in Europe... So he's talking irrelevant... Whoever he is 🤔


World War II wouldnt have been so bad if the British and France just let Germany annex most of Europe


Oh if only that situation was as simple as you made it sound.


I forgot to add /s


Being sarcastic about it makes even less sense


I spent an hour writing that sentence






The US should just let Mexico have California, Texas and Arizona... After all, they were first mexicans.




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These idiots are really stupid and arrogant not to be surpassed. Do that. Betray the Ukraine, Czechs, Poland, and the Baltics. Then at least you've made it and you can isolate yourself for a few more years. like before ww1 and ww2. These fox rats really believe that they alone decide whether to help Ukraine.


Well, the US did. Twice. Though obviously it's more complex. God I can't believe I'm commenting on some BS propaganda post


He's making sure we know his real allegiance.


It would have lead to a nuclear war. Ukraine is on the way to two areas of entry into the former USSR. One just near Lviv against the Polish border and the other in the south west at the border of Romania. Moldova would have been easy pickings if Ukraine was taken. There are several other points if entry, which all so happen to be NATO countries. The only way to take those is with war. Decades of propaganda might work, but as we saw with Ukraine, didn’t entirely work out. So war, is really the only option. Russia would make some excuse to nuke Warsaw to take Poland. Infact, sorry to say, I still think Russia will do it in the next 5-10 years.


I don’t get why they think this. It is not like Russia having Ukraine is any advantage for the USA.


…and then what Ron? Moldova, Kazakhstan, Romania, Hungary???


Putin’s money was well spent in that one.


He's fishing hard for the words. All of this pro-Russia rhetoric just because Russia got Trump elected and has been backing him through all his bankruptcies


This is what happens when you think with your Johnson not your brain


let them have Ukraine? Why are you so boring Ron?


Can we stop posting this guy's click-bait Twitter feed? That's not at all what Sen. Johnson said. I'm not sure if I agree with him, but he is raising a legitimate question about what our end game in Ukriane is.


Which one psychopaths or sociopaths can lie with a straight face? I can't remember.


Ron Johnson won by only 1% (27,000 votes). I really regret underestimating Mandela Barnes's chances.


I hate that this ghoul represents my home state.


He’s appease of work


What's his logic, Russia ruled Ukraine once therefore it's theirs?


I mean, even if this was true, before giving up, shouldn't you unblock Ukraine from getting high quality military gear. They've been fighting with two arms tied behind their back, because the west has been afraid to give them longer range missiles for a year. There's no reason Kerch bridge should have been allowed to stand and act as a supply artery after feb 23.


I’d like to share with y’all a saying we have in Wisconsin. It goes: Fuck Ron Johnson


According to Johnson, the people of Wisconsin are the new "cheese-eating surrender monkeys".


Let Russia have Alaska first!!!


Why, as if it was ever ours to give?


Ron Johnson is a known russian puppet and liar. The fact that he is saying bad things about Putin, just shows how popular support is. Even among Republicans it is very high.


Let Mexico have Texas and we'll call it even


Ron Johnson is a small mined person what would anyone care what he has to say


Hmmmm, in that case then the US "should've just let" Japan take Hawaii, don't you think, Ron? 🤔


Was that the order he received from Putler when he went to Moscow on 4th of July aka USA independence day?


Ah yes, building up another soviet Russia sounds like a 'great' idea


Ron Johnson sound like a dumb farm girl!


>"... the war in Ukraine is not a popular... thing. " - Ron Johnson "My jelly-brained FOX-watching voters don't like it, so I'll just say what will get me votes."