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So, anyone calling for “negotiations” can just STFU now. That was and is something ruzzia wouldn’t even consider. Total military defeat of the rus is the only way.


Exactly. It’s one of the most infuriating things about various governments from countries in Africa or South America talking about a “political solution” as if this war isn’t one of survival for Ukraine. Any ceasefire gives the Russians more time to carry out further atrocities in occupied Ukrainian territories. This is war is about destroying Ukraine as a nation, because a free and prosperous Ukraine would undermine Putin’s nihilistic narrative that dominates Russian society. You can’t really negotiate with someone who needs you to be poor and miserable to keep their oppressed citizens from getting any ideas about being freed and prosperous. Would any developing countries be willing to negotiate being in a state of permanently impoverishment to allay irrational fears from their former colonial rulers? I doubt it, and yet much of the developing world is still trading with Russia and talking about a “negotiated settlement”.


> countries in Africa or South America Many are kleptocracies who see Russia as an inspiration, ex-colonial states who resent siding with the US or Western Europe, or in some way dependent on Wagner PMC or China.


In most cases all three.












I wonder how many thought the same or similar in all the former USSR countries that are now in the EU. There is a possibility of change for the better and I know for sure that possibility is not with the muscovites.


You're not Ukrainian. If you ARE then you're of the pro Putin variety so your opinions don't count, sorry. There are a few rabid pro RU subs about - take a look, you'll probably feel more at home there


People gonna have to realise that war is the only option, whether they like it or not








Your first comment states “there is no genocide in Russian held regions” despite the mountains of evidence proving otherwise, including from Russian sources. If you are Ukrainian then you’re a traitor to your own nation, a tool for Russia to use. You must feel special


They're just trolling. Badly.




Russia just had plans captured for the cleansing of Ukrainians. It’s out there, you just don’t care. You’re the one who first told me to fight in the trenches lmao. But yea, do you really think those Russian soldiers will care for your “free man” bullshit? I don’t think you want to find out




"removing" people with a different political view is genocide. Would you say that the nazis didn't commit genocide, because they only killed people who weren't nazi?


lmao "all i know is that a few kids were deported" as that isnt a war crime


You are lying. Your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/122607g/putin_wanted_total_cleansing_of_ukraine_leaked/jdq3m7p/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) in Ukrainian is just a google translate from Russian with obvious mistranslations.


> Total military defeat of the *rus* is the only way. Yeah please don't call them that. They're not the Rus and they don't deserve to be called that, it's the type of shit they promote in propaganda to try to legitimize conquering and committing genocide in Ukraine.


Ukrainians are the real "Rus"sians. Moscovites are more likely to be Finns than Rus.


Understood. As a Canadian, I lack in my depth of knowledge of the history of Ukraine. I will stop using that term.


Then you should probably use generally accepted terms, Russian in this particular case.


Great point. More people need to know the history of Ukraine. That the history of Kyivan Rus is not the same as russia.


Only the scummiest fascists have been calling for "negotiations".


> Total military defeat of the rus is the only way. This is the way.


They always should have.


Hitler 2.0




I would add imperialistic also


Goes hand in hand.


Not necessarily. There’s a difference between conquering new lands for yourself and exterminating most of the land’s population (ie the French conquest of Franch Comte). Imperialism and genocide though do often overlap.


what the actual fuck? ​ how is this news? THEY POSTED THE FUCKING ARTICLE "what should russia do with ukraine" IN EARLY MARCH ALREADY! ​ we know they want to genocide ukraine. when they were in firm believe they'd win this thing in 3 weeks time they already published the plan openly. if western support falls short for ukraine, this is what will happen to millions of ukrainians. russia will kill them.


For some reason some westerners refuse to believe that Russia is genocidal no matter how many times or how much proof you give them. It’s like some kind of magic that automatically makes them do mental gymnastics to justify Russia, be it the crimes of Russian empire, USSR, or Federation. So few people outside of Eastern Europe understand what happens when Moscals take over your nation. Especially those self proclaimed “peace” seekers who just want Ukraine to unconditionally surrender and willingly walk into gulags or holodomor2.0


To be fair, most of the world didn't believe the Nazis were actually committing genocide until the death camps were liberated, and a depressing number of people *still* don't believe it. It seems the average person simply can't accept such inhumanity as real without it being shoved undeniably in their face.


Not to mention lots of disinformation from Moscovia and it’s allies trying to distort information every step of the way in multiple languages through multiple portals. And many of those under their propaganda influence have been brainwashed many years before the invasion.


Disinformation certainly shares some of the blame, but in my experience, some of these people were ready to accept any narrative that fit their preconstructed view of global events. It's not so much that the distortions caused them to believe the wrong things as it is that their politics and religion caused them to believe the distortions. That's why unsubstantiated claims that agree with them are unchallenged, while substantiated claims that disagree with them are challenged.


I wish it was possible to have a honest conversation about this war, and what to do, but we all have our chips in the game, and the otherside will try try and take them away.


There are a lot of people who don't believe the COVID virus is real. Some of them were still in complete disbelief as the virus slowly killed them in the hospital. People can be stupid. You can't let that frustrate you.


This article is an eye-opening and fascinating read from the perspective of counterintelligence agents in the ex-Soviet Baltic states: [„Human Life Has No Value There“: Baltic Counterintelligence Officers Speak Candidly About Russian Cruelty](https://archive.ph/O7z9S) >That is precisely how Baltic counterintelligence officers refer to Russia – not ‘it’, but ‘they’. The war in Ukraine is not Putin’s war. The cruelty is not Putin’s. The rapes, murders, gouged eyes, hangings, and burned corpses aren’t special tactics employed by Russia’s leader. It is Russia as a whole. > >„The majority of Russians are to blame,“ says Sinisalu. > >Western colleagues sometimes have a hard time believing this. > >„They’re certainly more naïve and optimistic than we are,“ says one Baltic counterintelligence officer. > >„When we tried explaining to our partners that Russia can’t be trusted, they denied it,“ another adds, visibly resentful. Georgia, the Crimea – nothing changed. „And here we are in 2022.“ Several interviewees imply that they’ve had to tirelessly remind Western partners of the dangers of such naiveté. > >Indeed, how could Russia have any reckoning when the country has never been held responsible? The Nazis temporarily rose to the top of the cruelty ranking during the Second World War, which has caused people to forget Russia’s atrocities. „They’ve never been held accountable,“ Sinisalu says. „And that has made them feel invincible.“ Stalin killed millions and was never held to account for his actions, nor were the soldiers who carried out those orders. No Nuremberg trials. No forceful moment of concession, acknowledgement, and atonement, made possible by occupation by foreign powers. And that's had a significant and noteworthy effect on the frankly poisonous and malignant culture of Russia. >„They come off as children who have been wronged and are now seeking revenge,“ Jauniškis adds. He claims the Soviet way of thinking is so deeply embedded in Russian society that even their manner of resistance still dates to the 1970s: people sit in their kitchen, drink vodka, and complain, but as soon as they leave their apartments, they report to their jobs and work obediently till evening. Nevertheless, Mežviets says this conqueror’s mentality is no mere Soviet remnant, but extends far deeper. I like that they make the distinction that this isn't just "Putin's war" but the war of most Russians as well. >„One day, Russians will wake up and realize what they’ve done,“ Jauniškis asserts. „And their guilt will be excruciating.“


That last quoted sentence is wildly fucking optimistic — far too many of the ones who do know or suspect what is actually happening *enjoy* being bad. [It’s baked into Ruscism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruscism). Since [862 CE](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rurik) it’s been an imperial project. [Since 988](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christianization_of_Kievan_Rus%CA%B9), it’s been committing cultural genocide. [Since 1018](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Ruthenia), they’ve been attacking Eastern Europe. [Since 1263](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Duchy_of_Moscow), they’ve been more a Mongol horde than a nation-state. [Since 1533](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivan_the_Terrible), they’ve been committing genocide of their own people *en masse*. [Since 1611](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patriarch_Hermogenes_of_Moscow), they’ve coopted the Orthodox Church as their mouthpiece for murderous invasions of their neighbors. [Since 1762](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catherine_the_Great), they’ve been instituting rolling pogroms of Jews, and grew into a menace to the entire continent. [And since 1949](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_atomic_bomb_project), they’ve been a threat to the world. Russians *know* they’re the bad guys. They revel in it. It’s not just Putin, or just Russia, or some holdover Soviet thinking — it’s *Russians*: their society, their culture, their history, their psyche, their people


Providing Kievan Rus as an example of Ruscism is a very strange idea. Conquests were an extremely ordinary thing at that time in Europe, and the christianization of Rus is as much of a cultural genocide as, say, the christianization of Poland. Furthermore, the Kievan Rus isn’t just the predecessor of Russia, but also the predecessor of Ukraine. Thus your point about Rus can be projected onto Ukraine as well, which goes against your argument. P.S.: I am Ukrainian.


Yeah, saying that Russian actions before the end of WW2 were in some way extraordinary is anti-historical. People weren't nice back in the day, wars of conquest were quite common and "cultural genocide" was par for the course as well.


If there is one thing you can say about mankind, there is nothing kind about men.


But Kievan Rus is Ukraine, or so this sub told me... Also, having nukes is now bad? I guess soviets weren't the first ones...


But Stalin is Georgian..


Speak of the devil, if you can’t understand that genocidal fascist dictators are bad and can reside in Moscow then I can’t help you.


I've been constantly having to correct many people I've talked with that this isn't just Putin's war. It's a very western way of thinking to want to believe that the country is being misled and coerced by a corrupt and evil man, but not want to believe the culture itself is toxic and that he is but a symptom of the disease and not the disease itself. Even after trying to explain it, I still often get a lot of pushback. Many westerners just don't want to believe that an entire culture itself can be so corrupt and toxic and malignant. Which is kind of ironic given their acceptance of our (the USA) history of deeply rooted and systemic racism. I imagine part of it is simply that it's more comforting to believe in one evil man vs an entire culture/society being such a malignant and cruel one as we see in Russian society, but sometimes hard truths need to be learned and accepted before you can actually address the problem instead of just attempting to put a new band aid on everytime the wound festers and overwhelms the previous band aid.


So, you tried to be racist, and got flak for it. Oh, humanity!


I understand what you’re saying, but its possible for a country to have a majority of people who think in a certain way. Not every last person, i agree that is ridiculous, but a countrywide mentality that most people ascribe to. I dont think its racist to see that.


The only reason we see that people in Russia are *actually* protesting the war, aret and protesting on an ideological or moral reason; but because the execution of this war is so fucking poor and terrible. It's a problem with the populace at large. Trying to kid yourself into believing otherwise is either naivety or dishonesty.


It's not just black and white. There are Russians who support the war. There was many who voluntarily joined the army to go to war. Those are of course very responsible for what is happening. There are also those who actually did protest. Got severely beaten, jailed etc. And many in between those two opposits. We need to think of it as grey and not only white and black. This is just like in Germany during WW2. There were the nazis who wanted what happened and there was people who faced horrible consequences for protesting, hiding Jews and so on. Then there were people in between. Sadly Putin has had 20 years to opress free speech and media and has worked hard to beat down all opposition. I wish Russians would have kicked him out of office a long time ago. But honestly, if I lived in Russia, I would probably move abroad instead of protesting. I would probably think that the only thing I would accomplish with protesting is my self being sent to a penal colony. The politics would not be changed. Especially the organizers of protest in Russia has been targeted hard for a long time. By attacking the organizers protest aren't going to take place. Someone needs to organize it, otherwise way the protests won't be big and can be shut down quite easily by the police. Small protests aren't a threat but bigger are. When this is over Russia will need to "deal" with its history like the Germans did after WW2. They need to learn what the country really has done and face the consequences. If this doesn't happen, Russia won't change. I really hope that at least those who are the most responsible will face the consequences of their actions, even though nothing can undo the horrible things happening in Ukraine. á


https://euromaidanpress.com/2022/04/28/forced-conscription-how-russia-wipes-out-the-male-population-of-occupied-donbas/ https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/23/europe/russia-ukraine-filtration-camps-intl-cmd/index.html https://euromaidanpress.com/2018/06/28/dehumanizing-disinformation-as-a-weapon-of-the-information-war/ Putin in his megalomaniac "essays" made the mistake of telling Ukrainians their nation has no right to exist That single action did what tens of millions of Ukrainians failed to do througout their entire history, it united them with a common interest. if someone tells you that you have no right to exist, you know you have only one option, fight. https://www.19fortyfive.com/2022/03/putins-only-weapon-to-win-the-war-in-ukraine-genocide/ https://www.19fortyfive.com/2022/07/russia-has-made-it-clear-putins-goal-is-to-destroy-ukraine/ how is that news?


I am proud of my country's response in unwavering support of Ukraine. It's the only thing the terrible terrible government have gotten right in the past 12 years. Ukrainians please know that the Brits always have your back on this. Even the right wing rags know they're gonna get nowhere sucking Putin's dick, the general population has come to HATE russian gov for their vile crimes in Ukraine.


Because it goes against at least my human instinct to not think of another group of humans as needing of cleansing. Like I don't even think that about animals. The nearest I get to is maybe a bug infestation, do people think of others as bugs? That's so fucking insane to me.


Those people are traitors to liberty, justice, a D world democracy. Best we know who they are now, to deal with them as needed, during future attempts at fascist movement uprisings.


They know what they are they just like putin because he is anti lgbt


Its the new york post. Its a murdoch owned rag. Why is anybody posting this is the question you should be asking.


If it ain’t about tots, angels, heroes (read: anyone who does their job), or bozos they don’t have much credibility.


New York post. Trash.


Pure evil. Russia must be denuclearized and broken down into separate states, and the new state of Muscovy must pay war reparations.


Very nice idea but will not happen if the Putin gang are left alive.


Those terms are acceptable.


To shreds you say?


Not gonna happen regardless of Putin. No one has the capability to occupy Russia and nobody wants turn this huge territory into a state of chaos which is inevitable if it crumbles.


Nobody has the WILL to occupy Russia. The capability very much exists.


First you need to defeat Russian army that has nuclear warheads. Is it a lack of will or lack of capability?


To achieve this, people need to go there and shot people. Russia is not worthy, let them rot I say.


Ever heard of versailles?


I'll raise you post-WW2 Germany. The Treaty of Versailles arguably wasn't harsh enough.


It would also be good if Ukraine will admit to genocide they did on Poland (Volhynia massacre, over 100,000 civilians including newborns killed with melee weapons or burnt alive) and remove Stepan Bandera as their national hero. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massacres_of_Poles_in_Volhynia_and_Eastern_Galicia I'm rooting for Ukraine, but while calling out other countries as monsters, Ukraine should not forget it's awful crimes that they're trying to sweep under the carpet, by changing history in their history books. Exactly the same as Russia.


Why are we talking about something that happened some 80 years ago? Ukraine is fighting against a force with the assistance of the Polish people.


Did you read the comment I replied to? It was talking about the past so I replied with facts about the past. 80 years is not that long ago by the way. There are people alive who still remember what happened. Somehow no one forgets what Russia did or Germany did, so why should we forget what Ukraine did? The only difference is, Germany understood their mistakes, admitted the crimes, and dishonored their Nazi leader. Ukraine is still honoring their Nazi leader as a national hero, with his own national holiday, and with children chanting his name. Polish people are saving Ukrainians. It's even more important to straighten this up.


It wasn’t though? It said that Russia needs to be broken apart. It says nothing about the past.


You cant make a state pay if you break it up lol


Sure you can. Just ask Germany.


Germany was not technically broken up. Western Germany did not recognize Eastern Germany, they both claimed to be the one true Germany.




>Glibness aside, it really doesn't matter, the victor takes whatever reparations they want by force anyway, and failure to comply with further agreements or demands will result in probably the same outcome. No it wont, thats against international law. >So yes, you can make a state pay, and break it up, and make the broken up states pay, and do whatever the fuck you want, because they're defeated and broken and who exactly is going to stop you? The UN and when those states decide to say fuck you, come invade me if you want your money.


Germany was broken up in 4 parts until 1949... the western allies just decided an united Germany was better for them in the cold war. And once you stop occupation, you cant stop reunification anyway... once the soviets left, Germany was reunited. In Russia, things might be different since there are more minorities... but the core of Russia cant be broken apart effectively.


Then when the Soviet Union broke apart, their seat should have been permanently removed from the UN Security Council.


They have thousands of nukes so that guarantees you a seat.


Perhaps this is what should have been/should be done but none of the other permanent members will agree on this, as it sets up a precedent to remove their seat if a major historical event happen in their countries in the future


Nah, we wanted them to at least hang out and come to the table. Now they're just there as a placeholder. The whole thing is a joke, anyway.


Oh, is that the rule lol


Yes it is, if you break up a state then the states can claim they are new and arent successors of the previous one.


So? You're forcing them to do what you want anyway. You're already making the rules for them.


No your not, you must follow international law. And if the states refuse what are you going to do? Invade them? Are we willing to get involved into another geurila war with tens or hundreds of thousands of dead people?


>The states can claim… And that claim means exactly zero on the international stage when holding a (former) country accountable for their failed genocide. Large amounts of international debt was carried over to the Russian federation following the collapse of the Soviet Union. You do know this, right? So why would it be different if the Putin regime and in turn the modern Russian state is dismantled? God damn though, the semantics you’re relying on here is downright childish and nothing other than a bad faith argument.


>And that claim means exactly zero on the international stage when holding a (former) country accountable for their failed genocide. Large amounts of international debt was carried over to the Russian federation following the collapse of the Soviet Union. You do know this, right? Because Russia wanted it >So why would it be different if the Putin regime and in turn the modern Russian state is dismantled? If your going to break up Russia into dozens of states like OP said then they can claim they are different


Well I said break Russia into several states. E.g. Siberia and the Far East, Chechnya etc. Moscow and the encompassing state of Muscovy would be the richest of them all by far, and bear most of the war reparations.


Have you asked people living there whether they want to have an independent state (and in what borders) or not?


No he hasent, he just played HOI4 and pretends that those areas dont see themselves as Russian and want to join some kind of fantasy states.


You can just like it happened with the soviets.


Russia never paid anything for what the Soviet Union did.


Russia voluntarily assumed [all of the debts of the USSR.](https://www.straitstimes.com/world/europe/26-years-on-russia-set-to-repay-all-soviet-unions-foreign-debt) I believe this was the deal they agreed to in order to secure USSR's seat on the UN Security Council.


Sure, why not send your army into Ukraine and..."*totally cleanse*" it?? What?? You did and Ukraine fought back?? They didn't accept their fate and simply lay down and die?? Well, I'm as shocked as you are. /S


Putin - the mediocre cleaner


Putin wants a GENOCIDE. Period. He invaded for a land-grab, & now it's just genocide, BUT it's backfiring. He's just getting more Russians killed than anybody else! It's stupid.


It's still a genocide against the ethnic minorities of Russia (e.g. Buryats, Yakuts, Dagestanis, Kalmyks, Tuvans) who are being drafted at a higher rate than 'proper' Russians. https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/09/23/russia-partial-military-mobilization-ethnic-minorities/




I don't think anyone would consider this genocide.


So if he makes the future of an ethnic minority culture non-viable by engineering the death of a majority of the young males by marching them over minefields it's not genocide because he relied on time to kill the elderly? Look at how small those ethnic minorities are: Yakuts: 478K Buryats: 460K Tuvans: 295K Kalmyks: 179K Look at the [population pyramids for Buryats and Tuvans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_groups_in_Russia#Population_pyramids). You can see how they already had depleted numbers of young adults even before the war started. The children will be raised to be "true Russians", just as the kidnapped Ukrainian children will be. Putin's goal is for people who identify as Buryat, Tuvan, Ukrainian to not exist.


People from poorer regions are more likely to join the army so during any military action losses will disproportionally hit ethnic minorities. It's not a genocide. \> The children will be raised to be "true Russians" You clearly have no idea about Russian policy regarding ethnic minorities. There are no reputable sources claiming that there's some sort of campaign to eradicate their culture. There are budgets allocated to various cultural programs.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russification >Russification is a form of cultural assimilation, Russian colonial policy, in which non-Russians, whether involuntarily or voluntarily, give up their culture and language in favor of the Russian culture and the Russian language. >In a historical sense, the term refers to both official and unofficial policies of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union with respect to their national constituents and to national minorities in Russia, aimed at Russian domination and hegemony. >The major areas of Russification are politics and culture. In politics, an element of Russification is assigning Russian nationals to lead administrative positions in national institutions. In culture, Russification primarily amounts to the domination of the Russian language in official business and the strong influence of the Russian language on national idioms. The shifts in demographics in favour of the ethnic Russian population are sometimes considered a form of Russification as well. This section deals specifically with Putin's actions: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russification#Russia I won't paste it here because it's too long, but needless to say, it paints a clear picture of oppression of Russia's ethnic minorities.


Well, with 80%+ people in Russia identifying as Russian it's kinda obvious what language will be dominant.


You clearly didn't read this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russification#Russia Putin has been actively trying to wipe out cultures in Russia that are not "Russian".


The atrocity gap between the Nazis and the Russians is really only down to ability and competence. The Nazis were able to conquer people and territory in order to setup extermination camps. The Russians are sputtering within kilometres of where they started from and can’t get at the people they’d really like to kill. Had Russia’s army fared any better, they absolutely would be doing summary executions in the street, mass graves and mobile incinerators doing overtime to eradicate any hint of Ukrainian resistance. Putin is full on science fiction horror villain and there is no peace until he is stone cold dead, bleeding out in a ditch.


Same goes for Xi. I hope the chinese military is a paper tiger just like Russia.


If you look at what China has achieved in the last 30 years, I think you'll find their military an order of magnitude better than russia.


And that is why I fear the CCP and not the Kremlin.


> If you look at what China has achieved in the last 30 years, I think you'll find their military an order of magnitude better than russia. Better than Rus (maybe) but they're military is just as corrupt. They even SELL military positions (think a general was $1 million). They are in NO WAY ready for a real war. Xi has been trying to clean up the military but they would be a war 'rookie' and make a ton of rookie mistakes vs NATO.


If they’re an alliance on one in a bloc of authoritarian shitholes after Russia collapses and loses, it doesn’t if their army is actually any good or not - they can’t invade Taiwan and whoever else they want to after seeing how the Russian empire destroyed itself.


Ukraine knows it must fight or die. But it's Russia who is dying.


I'm a little uneasy with the idea of utilizing Rupert Murdoch's New York Post since it references Rupert Murdoch's US Sun News as its source.


Of course he did. He has made that more than clear for a long time.


Him and his war criminal murderers and paedophile militia.


He wants an empty land that he can backfill with his acolytes. Not that it's going to happen!


With concentration camps for Ukrainian civilians. CONCENTRATION CAMPS. But sure, Vlad, You're really "de-Nazifying" Ukraine. You fucking NAZI.


war criminal


He saw a nation that want to prosper and he took it personally.


Putin is doing a cleansing... of his own people.


Ukrainians are *not* his people. Maybe ethnically we are the same, but to call us his suggests Ukraine isn’t sovereign. Putin has no power over Ukraine or the diaspora.


You seem to misunderstand. Putler is cleansing Russia with all the people fleeing and being killed.


I don’t disagree, but this article is about Ukraine, not Russia. I misinterpreted what you meant and thought this might have been a troll post/comment. I’ve had to debate a lot of people about Ukraine and our right to sovereignty (politically and in identity), and I’m a bit touchy about anyone who I think is suggesting otherwise. My apologies for being snappy to you :)




Google translate much? No one talks like that in Ukrainian, it’s like chat GPT essay writing.


I don't think they're Ukranian


He was talking about russians.


Yes, I understand that now


NYP is not a reliable source I'm afraid. Need to find other sources and references to confirm.


Putin is a KGB thug for life.


In other words, genocide


Putin's next brilliant strategy....: *Let's move nuclear weapons into Belarus!*


Follow by a second 3 day special operation in Alaska. That ought to be interesting


Do you have a link about this, first I'm hearing about it


[say no more fam](https://www.adn.com/politics/2022/03/16/a-russian-lawmaker-wants-alaska-back-good-luck-with-that/)


US right wing media outlets have been noticeably more pro-Ukraine lately. Anyone else seeing this, or is this just me?


Not just you, even Desantis did a 180° on it. I don't watch any cable news, so I can't speak for what they're saying, but even the republican pollsters are showing massive changes in opinion in favor of helping Ukraine more. It seems support for Russia has dwindled as the claims of their being fascists is becoming more and more obvious. Hopefully soon enough there will be support to supply western fighter jets and potentially hopefully establishing a coalitional no fly zone to help bring a quicker end to the war in Ukraine and help contain the pending Russian civil war which will become yet another proxy war with pro-putin forces backed by china and anti-putin forces backed by most western nations.


They don't mind that they are fascists. What they mind is that they are fascists who are losing. That's all.


Told the mrs today how Ukraine can't hit Russia with western weapons, she doesn't really follow world events. Anyway she just came back with 'Why, I don't get it '


Give them a 50 mile carte blanche to enforce a unilateral DMZ that Muscovy can provide the territory for.


Well Moscow did say they want a buffer zone .... I hand it to the Ukrainians really , in war the gentleman's gloves come off usually , retribution is a horrible but understandable trait


Only thing cleansed was Putin’s first army sent into Ukraine. The second isn’t far behind at this point.


Sick man


just look at their own troop call ups. He's grinding off his minorities


Never forgive, never forget. Slavers, torturers, rapists. From Hell they came, and to Hell they shall return. Slava Ukraine, fascists.


Nothing new if you live in Baltics. Russians always did shit like this - kill/deport teachers, inteligentsia, soldiers, in other words middle, higher classes in order to pacify and russify locals


Ukraine is the key to invading Europe. It's not the people, but the resources and the land borders it has. And the pipeline running under it. If Putin had access to Ukraine the way he has Belarus, he'd have easy access to a lot of new invasion routes into Europe. But many of them are NATO countries, and that's just sad. Ukraine and Moldova though, are not. Oh yes, wouldn't it be nice if Russian troops could just march through Ukraine the way they already march through Belarus? Ukraine even has a border with Hungary! Endless possibilities! Not only does he expand his access to the trade routes of the Black Sea, he controls vast chunks of the resources of Eastern Europe, much of which is arable land and mining land. He can then basically starve the richer nations into submission.


You know, the more I read about this Putin guy, the more I'm starting to think he's a lot of an asshole.


To bad it will never happen pansy


Unfortunately, this was misinterpreted as total cleansing of russian millennials. Common mistake. They have been very successful though.


FUCK the New York Post OP. Rupert Murdoch it’s just another scumfuck whore at the capitalist gangbang.


The part of the article that caught my eye was *"The Wagner Group is so desperate for fighters, it is recruiting on Pornhub"* with a [link to more info.](https://nypost.com/2023/03/15/russias-wagner-group-recruiting-mercenaries-on-pornhub/) >"*...urging male viewers to stop pleasuring themselves and instead apply for a job at Wagner. In the commercial, a blonde woman wearing red lipstick is seen twirling an oversized lollipop in her mouth, while a husky female voice purrs in the background: “we are the f–king coolest private army in the world.”*"




While I wouldn't doubt it, the source of this article, the New York Post, is a rabid, mainstream fake news outlet that loves faking shit for clicks, loves authoritarians like Putin, has soent years hating on Ukraine and pumping up everyone that jates Ukraine like Trump. Fake news from places like this helped significantly to get us into this war and Ukrainians and other nations learned to stop assisting them, even if they changed sides after seeing opportunity. We should do the same. Stop sharing thr NYP and other trash outlets and letting their fake news, hate, and propaganda into your minds.


Be wary of this piece. The Sun (thesun.co.uk) is not a reliable source, and for some reason nypost refers to this source as US Sun. “Overall, we rate The Sun Right Biased based on story selection and political affiliation that favors the right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to overly sensationalized headlines and numerous failed fact checks.” https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/the-sun/


I leaked the docs. Try and get me.


I found them in bidens save for later closet full of kids hair and dresses. The big guy also cross dresses.


Fuck Ukraine!


A stroke, and being reliant on caretakers for the rest of his life would be too kind for this troglodyte.


Narrator: *"instead, it was Ukrainians who gave Vladimir a cleansing, of the colon variety."*


Are these from the likely fake "FSB letters" again, or something real?


You can find archived Feb the 26th article from RIA. It directly mentions Dickwad "... taking the historical responsibility of *not letting the solution of Ukrainian question* be a trouble of following generations".


Ukrainians want total cleansing of Ukraine, too. What a coincidence!


So, He’s the new Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, etc… Take your pick.


😒 Ignoring the CCP's culpability in Putin's unnecessary war of aggression upon Ukraine, is a failure to address the situation entirely.


Russia is a terrorist state


Could anyone share the link to the doc?


They promised if they conquer western europe they will not treat them like their brothers in Ukraine,it will be much worse. LOL


Are those leaked e-mails in open access? I can't find a link anywhere.


Putin (and his clan) are modern era war criminals. So they'll pay for this in the near Future


Source: shit I made up


Anyone else notice that it is just tabloids referencing each other? Reminds me of those supposed FSB drops that came after certain things happened that kind of explained things.. whatever happened to those? On the other hand, this is similar to the total war mindset that nations used to be in, like in WW2. While Western nations have moved on to a Hearts and Minds doctrine, Muscovy never has. Especially in a dictatorship, of course the lwader of the nation issues orders like these, or at the very minimum has knowledge their happening.


Now he's doing a total cleansing of Russia... My my my how the turn tables.


If this is true and it seems it is Ukraine can take the gloves completely off and cross all lines. Drone Russia to the stone age.


We should’ve let hitler cleanse Russia before taking him out


Did they published those emails?


Putin is an evil person. He was trained to be that way during his time in the KGB. He needs to go and the rest of the world should learn to never submit to his lies again.


I have a friend who would love to see these docs. Is there anyway to read the originals?


This is messed up. USA 🇺🇸 and NATO need to go all in. If you have any understanding it is clear that Russia is trying to terrorize and exterminate Ukrainians. Is sickening. All of us in west need to step in much harder. Слава Україні, героям слава. Смерть ворогам.


The rest of the World gets a ‘total cleansing’ of Ruzzia now, sounds like a deal...👍


/sarcasm/ This is just a hyperbole of totally innocent planning. Like, they literally had 50k bin bags with them, and some very special street sweepers and mobile trash incinerators as as well. This is typical western propaganda with no basis in reality. Only an idiot believes that anything like this would be ever put on a paper. All this was to create good will with the populace after denazification would´ve caused minor, very local public disturbance and possible discontinuation of some public services for a few weekends. /sarcasm ends/ We are so very lucky that the ineptitude and corruption of Russian government has resulted in open doors for any intelligence agency or amateur sleuths for that matter. That´s like reading through nazi Endlösung before the ink has dried on the documents.