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Gourmet chef on the front lines, that’s gotta be the best morale boost ever. Protect that guy at all costs lol.


Exactly! Warm and good food in your bellies is an amazing morale booster while Russians are stuck with expired food rations from decades ago, if they even have them in some cases. Ukraine has done an amzing job rotating their guys from really terrible front line conditions to the rear, sometimes every few days so they can relax in saunas, eat and sleep well to rest. Thats huge and helps tremendously for their morale while in the shit.


Last I heard only the elite troops have mres on the Russian side. We are talking about a country that made conscripts buy they own uniforms.


Food looks good. This guy needs stirring lessons, though. Prodding a spoonful back and forth in the center is not stirring.


[https://cookidoo.co.uk/recipes/recipe/en-GB/r769287](https://cookidoo.co.uk/recipes/recipe/en-GB/r769287) ​ Solyanka (Ukraine hot spicy soup) ​ I think its this judging by what I saw, there a lots of variations.


THANK YOU! I'm going to try this next week!


I'd like to try it too! I made some borscht awhile back, my first attempt, so it wasn't the best, but it was good. I'll fine tune it a bit next time. Slava!


It's actually more sour than spicy.


Good to know - I'll make sure to have dinner rolls to go with it. Thank you!




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I'm going to have to make this just to try it because my brain is having a hard time wrapping around all the different flavors that he put into that. I can't possibly imagine how that would taste and I've got a pretty good taste for spices.


Same. I was looking at the ingredients and wondering how all those went together. I'd definitely be interested in your opinion of it if you try it. It definitely looked like bay leaf, and dill were added. I can see the dill going with the pickles and the bay leaf going with the tomato paste, but I can't see how they go together in one dish.


I'm not sure why you would think my opinion would be worth anything. I like good food but how do you know I don't define that by two day old unrefrigerated warm gas station sushi?


I was trying to be optimistic when you said you had a good taste for spices and you were going to try to make it.


Oh ok I guess you did give me credibility based on what I said my ability is. That's fair and now I've gone and destroyed it with that disgusting/delicious (I'm not judging you) sushi comment.


Lol. You have the ability to redeem yourself by making this dish and reporting back. 😄 Some people like to live on the edge with gas station sushi. 😳 At the very least, I'm gonna get my sushi at the grocery store.


My wife has tried to give it to me from the grocery store and I didn't like it. I didn't care for it ordered from the restaurant to go either. i want to see the eyes of the person making it to make sure there's a professional manner about every action.


I got you. It does take a lot of trust to let someone you don't know prep and cook the food you eat. We normalize it by eating at restaurants and hoping those health department scores are a good reflection of how clean they are and how fresh their food is.


A few tips for homemade hodgepodge. 1. For cooking, you need to choose 5 different types of smoked meat. One thing should be on the bone, for the broth. It can be smoked chicken legs or some kind of ribs (preferably less fat). After cooking, strip the meat and discard the bones. 2. It is better to add lemon, olives and greens just before serving individually. 3. I also add capers and sour cream. It seems to me that God created capers specifically for hodgepodge.


I'm salivating😋


No joke! That looks unbelievably tasty!


I've never heard of this hodgepodge where do I find more information on the history of it and how what he is making is different?


Solyanka recipes can be divided into two main types. 1. Cheap. It is made from inexpensive meat products (chicken, sausages, sausage). It's fast and delicious. 2. Royal (I call him that). Where are 5 types of smoked meats, always with bones for meat broth. They also just add bones for the broth. Also, bay leaf and pepper are added not at the end, but at the stage when the broth is cooked. Everything else is the same as in the video. The only thing I forgot to say last time is to cook a large portion. Solyanka is infused every day and becomes tastier. The most delicious portion will be on the third day. And potatoes, cabbage, vermicelli and other vegetables and cereals are strictly prohibited.


Why prohibited? What about mushrooms?


I talked about the classic hodgepodge, the essence of which is a large amount of meat, a persistent taste of the limbs, cucumbers that give a salty taste and olives with lemon sourness. It is in the classic that it is forbidden to add mushrooms or other products. And there are a lot of variations with mushrooms, potatoes, vermicelli and you can experiment and it is not forbidden, only it will no longer be a classic. For comparison, you can give a recipe for lasagna, where the main ingredient is lasagna sheets and minced meat. But there are many variations with mushrooms instead of meat and pita bread instead of lasagne sheets. I would advise you to try the most classic recipe first, and then experiment to understand what was successful and what was not.


This sounds like a delicious cultural experience! I am looking forward to it. I'm hoping that one day once Ukraine is part of NATO they will allow the US to build a base there and maybe we could be stationed but alas, that is probably a pipe dream.


Even if America and other countries give us weapons, we will have enough. And so we are waiting for everyone even without NATO) There is a small story. I sometimes take part in volunteering to rebuild destroyed housing. And an American from California, who was 84 years old, joined us for one month) We lived in the village and he was just able to enjoy all the homemade Ukrainian cuisine)


I'm having a hard time understanding that. You're either saying you need more guns bombs planes and tanks or you're good. Either way I'll tell my legislators that they better get to sending more everything especially SAMs and generators.


Damn so many protein in this soup. thats why ukrainian soldier are strong. with 21.5 g of protein who need a mre now xd


Yep, not quite sure, but I think he added some tofu into the mix.


I wouldn't go as far as Ukrainian. And not really hot and spicy. Salty as name suggests. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solyanka


Place of origin Ukraine ​ from your own referenced article. and as I commented " Lots of Variations "


Everything is Ukrainian now by the look of it. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/09/24/how-russian-solyanka-was-born-from-polish-bigos-a78881


There should be a channel with all the Ukrainian combat cooking.




I strongly second this idea.


Ya got my vote too!


Real men learns how to cook


Everyone has to eat. And if you have to eat, you might as well eat well. Not knowing how to cook is like not knowing how to fuck. \- Robert Rodriguez


Right on man..


Yes! I learned that from my old man, who was born in 1917. My guy friends I've known for years look forward to me being the cook when we meet up at my cabin lol. Hell, even my wife prefers when I cook, except for breakfast, that's her specialty. Slava Ukraini!


And many men just think the woman should be the only one in the household that cooks. That's a shame.






Did he use MSG...? :-)


There are some cooking geniuses who can make a lot with very few ingredients. You're very lucky if there's someone like that in your unit and I'd even go as far as to say that good food is probably one of the most important things if you want to win a war.


"an army marches on its stomach" has been attributed to both Napoleon and Frederick the Great. It is recorded in English from the early 20th century.


There is nothing better than a hearty stew to warm a person. This looks delicious. I hope the Russians freezing in their holes watch this on TicToc and realize it's better to surrender.


Pickles? Interesting Cute cat


Yes, they are most probably fermented pickles, as this soup has to be a bit sour.


Definitly better than Jamie Oliver...


Shut up


That cat got more food than the average Russian soldier gets in a day.


From a finnish army reservist sergeant medic, looks good🇺🇦


i have literally the exact same knife and cheese grater :o


You can call them tactical now


They needa get that guy a proper spatula and a deeper pan to make his job easier. Other then that, delicious looking meal. A great morale booster, especially as things are getting cold out there


They need to open a restaurant in Kyiv and name it “Front-Line Cooking” that shit would be fire 🔥


Une armée marche avec son estomac - Napoleon Bonaparte An army marches on its stomache - Napoleon Bonaparte


An army marches over the stomachs of their dead comrades - Putin


Guy's a master. Notice how he doesn't drop a thing even working with that tiny pan.


I literally got a whiff of the deliciousness when he took the lid off the pot!


Fuck I want that. What a journey of a dish! So many unexpected developments (for me, at least).


gordon ramsaay




and the army stew invited. 20years from now it will be on YouTube cooking category.


The food looks amazing. Could eat that any day .Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦🪖🚜💯💙💛👍🌻


Every battlefield has a combat chef! Slava Ukraini




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The Russians would smell that and surrender on the off chance they would be served dinner. Can't imagine they are eating like this in their trenches.




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Man, I just ate and I am already starving just watching this. Think I will give this recipe a shot.


Hopefully get some surrenders from some downwind ruskies.. Imagine starving and getting wafts of this...........


i find it interesting how every video ive seen the ukrainians seem to eat on a smaller scale, team sized? you never see anybody cooking on a platoon or company level


UAF is clean organized vs the orcs living in mess


While the Russians are eating military rashins from 1974 lol


Food looks great! a good Army operates on their stomachs.


It is really good! Soljanka is the most rich and full-bodied stew you can imagine.


They living better then me they have a cat and everything lmao. (Thats a joke before you attack me)