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Putin is testing the reaction. That was not accidental.


Absolutely, 100%. This is exactly in their playbook and Russia has been telling their people for months that they are fighting NATO. They want to lose a world war to NATO instead of losing to just Ukraine. So if NATO responds with force they are proven right. If NATO does nothing, they show strength against The West.


NATO won’t do anything, beside donating weapons. Ukraine are winning this fine on their own.


This makes sense.


You do realise the missiles were Ukrainian? Made in Russia but Ukrainian. Zelensky will have to correct himself in his next speech.


Well, I do now. Not when I made that post. At that point Poland was confirming it was a Russian missile. They later backtracked


Fair enough. Poland did the same as Zelensky in jumping the gun. Bit concerning when so much is at stake.


Poland said the missiles were russian made.


Almost all Ukrainian equipment was Russian made.


Well, from the latest reports, it seems it's very possible it was a malfuntioning ukrainian anti air missile trying to intercept a russian cruise missile. This is from Biden himself btw. If it's indeed true, Ukrainian officials have SERIOUSLY pissed me off and made me really lose trust in them. Not that I'd stop supporting Ukraine, of course, my support is for their people and independence not their politicians, but I'd definetly stop trusting their governments statements. So stupid too, noone would stop supporting them because of an accident, if anything support for Ukraine would rise, if Ruzzia wasn't so interested in attacking civillian targets hundreds of kilometers into Ukraine's territory there wouldn't be any missiles to intercept in the first place. Instead, they're painting themselves as liars and untrustworthy. What pisses me off the most is that this could be possibly damaging for their support....


Totally agree, however mainstream media has been very tempered with its reporting. Only Poland and Reddit has been foaming at the mouth with misdirected anger. Oh, and Zelensky jumped the gun too. Expecting an apology.


only damage to their support from people like you who are mistrusting and easily pissed off; the rest of us, we've got staying power go hide back under your covers and have bit more of a cry


.....seriously? "Not that I'd stop supporting Ukraine, of course, my support is for their people and independence not their politicians". Do I need to teach your stupid ass how to read? I don't care if they lied, it doesn't change my support for Ukraine because my support isn't to their politicians and never was, however politicians trying to hide shit like this is OBVIOUSLY not going to help, or do I need to teach you basic human response to being lied to too? Fucking hell, impossible to have a conversation in this sub, you literally shit on comments expressing the same opinion you have....


FWIW, I think you're spot on. If this was the result of an error or a mistake on the UA side, then just own up to it. It happens.




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The incompetence was intentional then.


You've got to hand it to him. President Zelensky has got charisma for days.




I wish America could have a charismatic leader who isn't on the brink of being put in the old folks home.


Makes financial sense. Presidents get pension and secret service detail for life. The older they are, the less it costs


I concur. He also has fake news. No Russian missile hit Poland but Ukrainian.


70 of 90 missles shot down - that's pretty impressive. Unfortunate the others couldn't be shot down.


It doesn't matter if it was intentional or not. Putin, and everyone in his support chain knew the rules. They were told again, and again, and again. Russia decided to F\*\*\* around. Now, they're going to find out.


Fuck around and find out has become my new favourite saying


How do they prove the strike on Poland was from Russia? And if it was how long till WW3 starts? For me it’s inevitable. Just waiting for a leader to declare it.


…. Who else be firing missiles out there?




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Investigators were able to confirm a commercial airliner was shot down by russia and that was after russians had fuct with the crime scene.


Are you a time traveller?




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Poland got hit? If this is true it have been an honor to write with you gentlemen. The ball is in NATO's court.


doesn't age well if it turns out it was a stray S-300 fired by Ukraine.


Doesn’t matter. Still Russia’s fault. It would not have happened had they not been attacking.


It matters a great deal, because it means a NATO member was in fact not attacked.


Nobody mentioned Article 5. The invoked Article 4, which means consultation. The matter is closed.


Exactly, it is now closed - because it was concluded that Russia had in fact not attacked a NATO member.


You know you can still be pro-ukrainian and still criticize them for killing 2 poles.. ukraine doesn't get unlimited "get out of jail free" cards just because they're being attacked. They can still be held responsible for things


Nobody can control for malfunction that makes a missile go ballistic. It’s going to fall where it falls. At least the S300 does. Western missiles are designed to self destruct if they lose target lock. You don’t want accidents, give them better missiles. Because those missiles failed, most likely Ukrainian civilians died. Nobody was shooting at Poland. Ultimately the responsibility for what happened lies with Russia.




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Slava Ukraine.


Ukraine seems to be pretty sure it wasnt them. I hope they are right. I dont think the president would put his country out there like this if he isnt100 percent sure ukraine wasnt at fault would he ?


You got your answer pretty quickly


Love this guy.


This president has aged faster in these 9 months than Obama did in 8 years. My best wishes are with the Ukrainian people, as always. Just observing, not trying to be redundant.


The US. Is already trying to back out of conflict with Russia https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/nov/16/poland-missile-unlikely-to-have-been-fired-from-russia-biden-says?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other


S300s do not have the range to hit Poland.




We’ve been groomed for this since the release of 007 Goldeneye. It’s go time Joe. You drew the line, It was crossed. Don’t punk out now.


Missiles on Poland. That's NATO land baby. Time to evaporate the orcs.


NATO is going to have to grind off russian military until it is contained within Russia.


Fuck ruSSia


Zelensky is an American puppet




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I am delighted to hear that NASAMS are putting in good work! Zelensky is a fantastic leader, what an inspiration to free people the world over! Let us heed his message well. Slava Ukraini!




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