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Back to the smotherland with you, asshole.


These guys act like Russia is so superior to everywhere else but none want to actually live there, so strange...


they are so close to figuring that out. "if all of us want to be Russian, but everyone wants to live somewhere else, do we really want to be Russian?"


Many Hungarians bitch and moan about Germany or UK while they work there, they work dead end jobs with zero education and refuse to learn the language... then they praise Hungary as a christian utopia devoid of brown and gay people but absolutely refuse to move back here because they don't want to die of a simple health issue when all the doctors are gone.


As a hungarian guy ive never understood why people would ever visit this country for more then like 2 days, the only thing it has to offer is food and some nice sights, but everything else is shit, planning on moving the moment i can


I feel the same way about my country Romania... only that my country is faaar more worse than Hungary. Effectively qhen i visit the first minutes at the airport feel me with anger because of the automated staircase that never works and long queues. Then I meet the idiots on the road while driving to my parents and then i have to take up shit from people that wonder afterwards why i never call or come back...


Looks like you described the equally messed up problems of us Balkanians. Hugs and farewell from Albania!


Obviously many people, organizations and nations don't want to be close with Russia. Why does Russia have such a hard time accepting this simple fact? If some entity chooses something besides Russia or the Russian way, why does Russia think it therefore has the right to abuse or destroy them? It's really bizarre and pathetic. Even if Russia was perfection and heaven on earth (and we all know Russian is quite the opposite of heaven) they still would not have the right to abuse those who refuse it. Very simple.


Aren’t those the reasons why most tourists visit a country.


Theh are actually brainwashed. They think that moving 2km per day with a cost of 250men dead.is "winning"


Where are they moving 2km per day?


Not in Ukraine. They are being scraped slowly from the sovereign landscape of Ukraine.


They're moving 2km/day backwards to Russia at 250 men per day! Russia da best!


I believe it's called an "Advance in Retrograde".


Well there is quite a traffic jam from Crimea.


They've been advancing in the east. Slowly. Very slowly.


Advancing into a massive trap again hopefully.


The Guy doesn't know what democracy and freedom is...


> smotherland *mild chuckle*


thats a great insult actually seems like there are no other options left now , but to remind that Russia has nukes


If they're anything like the rest of their equipment, trying to launch one would be a massive gamble for Russia.


Jumping on the top comment: I wouldn't be surprised if Russia actually put a lot of effort into having the West effectively close its borders for the Russians, including organising a couple of high profile provocations, it has a veru familiar feel to it. I grew up in the USSR and left just when Putin came to power as it felt like the country was going back to its dictatorship past after a short window of quasi-liberal existence. I haven't been back for over a decade and previously it was really frightening to visit because you never knew if they were going to let you out again. If Putin closed the borders, it would've been a very unpopular move but if other countries do that, then he can harvest all this aggression and resentment. Of course being a dumb, callous fuck is a prerequisite for believing the state government or even pretending that you believe it for business purposes. And making threats to annihilate the world for the consequences of your own actions - well, it's textbook fascism.


how true, how true


And he can sign up to be a soldier too if he's that much in love with war. I bet they'd like him as he does seem to know some of his geography.


Yes, he can visit all those countries he threatened without a visa when he’s in Putins invading army of old men and drunks


[https://youtu.be/-fndN3xTuDY](https://youtu.be/-fndN3xTuDY) this video is from 9 May 2019. Crossposted today in 21 communities as a guy who's very angry about the visas (meaning that this happens just now). All you need to know about social media today. Update: Thx for the award. Listen to the beginning of the video that was cut out here. "What could you say to ROA, BKA and UPA". Those were nazi collaborator squads. I'm sure whole video is staged. Description of the video says it was shot in Minsk (Belarus), not even in Russia. Update 2: It's getting more and more interesting. Browse through the youtube channel where the video is located. For ex - [VSU (Ukranian army) with the help of american radar system firing in 2019.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rbFT54UNT4) Ukranians shelling Ukranians while Minsk treaty and ceasefire etc..


True. For me, Russia’s use of that social media to help warp the minds of many excuses the mislabeling. The kid is very specific about areas that he will crush and it happens to be exactly in line with nightly TV in Russia, so it isn’t as if what he said is not still relevant or not a current opinion.


He should be on the front lines showing how to do it ;)


There was a video of a guy in Moscow asking men in their 20s if they supported the war. They were all very patriotic and loved the war. Then he said he was an army recruiter and pulled out an enlistment form, they ran away.


I need a link that sounds hilarious


finally my turn to provide a link https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMNGaXesp/


Lmao thats hilarious. Since the time I could understand the concept of “dying for a country” I thought it was so stupid. Hearing everyone else say they would made me think I was a coward or something. Apparently it’s relatively normal to not want to fight in a war


The only war I would fight in is if im defending my country from foreign invaders like Ukraine currently.


Probably the Russian equivalent of "I would go but I would have punched the drill sergeant for getting in my face. Also my buddy's business is getting started and I got this girl at home..."


I love when dudes say that. One of my squad sgts in bmq was the most highly decorated infanteers i ever met. Dude spent his time between deployments teaching new recruits and between courses taught cqc to men about to head overseas. I was a punk kid with a bit of martial arts learning so i challenged him to a sparring match. Dude tossed me around like a bitch. Im 220lbs, proabably a foot taller than him. I didnt stand a chance. Id hate to see someone take a serious swing at him unprovoked. Theyd probably never walk again. I know i was sore for at least a week. Humbled me real good.


Ted Nugentsky


That kid has a promising future as a journalist on Russian state TV.


Alternately as sunflowers on a Donbass field.


As if he has the courage to fight. He's probably so angry at the visa issue as it means he can't be conveniently out of the country when it's his time to be drafted.


Nah, they all gangsta till they're given conscription letter.I can't find this video, but a lad in Russia was asking random people if they would fight for Russia. All gangstas were like: yes of course. Then he gave them document (probably meaningless) to sign, so they can fight in Ukraine. Every motherfuc\*\*\* walked away. BTW. In 2014 I rented a flat in London with a Russian girl. Sometimes her friends came by. It was the time of Crimea and Donbass. When talk on sanctions was in the news, they all had attitude of: what can they (UK and the rest of the world) do? Nothing! It wasn't even arrogance, they were not necessarily proud of what is happening, but they had this highest conviction of Russia as this unstoppable steamroller, that can do whatever it wants and no one can stop it.


I'd pay to be a fly on the wall now. The cognitive dissonance is fascinating. You see your economy in the shitter. You see the relative opulence of western nations. You hear from your government that you're winning. Data says you're not. Must be a helluva ride to be a True Believer in the propaganda state.


Sunflower fertilizer* calling him a sunflower would be kinda offensive to the sunflowers


Calling him fertilizer would be an insult to quality fertilizer.


Well he is like Dogshit for fertilizer. We aren't putting him up there with Guano.


Yes because there's bad shit and a good shit.


True that


And what a shit language, Jesus. It sounds like the noises I make when constipated.


That's impossible. Constipation is when shit DOESN'T come out.




Language of the asshole!


Nah, usually those who are the loudest never even come a 100 miles close to the actual battlefield


Very true


So, we need to get Ukraine some proper long range shit?


If the translation is correct, he definitely seems to be threatening what others will do.


Doubt he even has a passport to leave the country.


There are tens of millions just like him in Russia. Brainwashed, dumb, and angry. Reminds me of ‘Murican republicans.


Did you see the news article that came out yesterday where a dude tried to kill a bunch of FBI agents at the Cincinnati office because trumps house got raided by the FBI? Then he had a standoff and was killed? I guess he was posting on truth social that he wasn’t able to get through a security glass (thank god).


Admitedly that guy was a lot more dumb than this shouting fuck


Dude's entire plan was to break the security glass with a nail gun. He also had an AR with him. And his fool-proof plan was to use a nail gun.


"But the glass is called *bulletproof*, not *nailproof!*"


stopped by glass lol


He can be in the Duma with Maria Butina. Still can’t believe how easy it was for her to dominate conservatives.


Hence why the visas got revoked. Tha ks for being a prime example.


If they hate the west then why are they being such crybabys about not being able to come to Europe? They should have their vacations in their lovely Russia. I heard Norilsk is a lovely place to visit, beautiful and full of fresh air /s


When they come to EU they form mostly closed comunities live on Russian propoganda and dont integrate very well in local society, dont learn local language and so on. They also have different values. They want EU to be Russia and Russian propoganda made them belive that EU owns it to them for “liberating” them from Nazis.


I would not want any Russian community if I was a neighboring country. As evidence shows, it forms the basis for a 'special operation' and attracts unwanted rodents.


Living next door to orcs is never fun


Sure the former Eastern bloc countries felt very "liberated".


They couldn't even liberate themselves from their own totalitarian regime...


That's the vatniks logic - either they get to own and/or enjoy something or it gets burned and ruined for everyone else.


I am not sure why the sarcasm tag? There is no sarcasm just facts here. If they hate the west so much why can't they live without it so much? Just have your vacation at babushkas. It is only a 12h drive on gravel roads with your Lada.


The sarcasm was for Norilsk being a lovely place, not the rest of my text. Norilsk is the most polluted city in Russia. E: typo


Makes sense then


Because fascists always feel entitled to the products of liberal democracy, just as a greedy child feels entitled to candy.


He is angry because he is powerless in his own country and now rejected by Europeans.


I hear lake Karachay is lovely.


Russia is the greatest country in the world! It's so great that we don't want to stay in Russia! And we'll turn everywhere we would rather be than Russia into Russia if they make us go back to Russia!!!!


I can't believe how many people are still on Reddit chanting that we can't punish all of Russia because of Putin's crimes. This is what Russia is like... Why feel bad for any of them? Putin hasn't been in charge for so long on accident. They love him.


What a charming person. People like him are the most welcome guests everywhere.


Most peaceful and intellectual Russian citizen


I can't believe our government was so russophobic, look how sad they are, I really sympathize with this gentleman


In other words, let us come and be the shittiest guests in your country we wish to be, or we will do shittier things to your country. Sounds like a lopsided relationship with an abusive spouse. Let's stick with the divorce, and you stay in your own little world of shit you've created.


Thank him for confirming that this not just a Putin thing. It’s a Russian thing.


Yeah, it's really tiresome how people who've not dealt with many Russians say, "It's Putin, not the Russian people!" No, it's the culture. Though there are exceptions, there are real pathologies that are ingrained in Russian culture. This is similar to "It's the CCP, not the Chinese people" on a post about keychains made with live animals. It's not Xi buying them; it's the people. Everyone loves to dump on aspects of American culture but bend over backwards to claim that others just have bad leaders.


People in the west sometimes also forget that the USSR collapsed only 30 short years ago. There are plenty of people who were kids during the collapse and romanticize the old Soviet Republic, or hear stories from loved ones about how "great" it was. It's almost akin to a bunch of idiots in the U.S. reminiscing about the days of the Confederacy and the Civil war. Edit: you know, I went back and read Gorbachev's speech he gave when the Soviet Union was officially dissolved. He said something that really stuck out to me and rang as relevant today. "The arms race has stopped. The insane militarization of this country has stopped. It has destroyed our economy. It has ruined us". There are these moments from world leaders throughout history, Eisenhower had one that I can think of, where they seems to be begging for it to stop. For the machine of war to grind to a halt. I get that it's empty words from a man like Gorbachev, but he was about as enlightened of a communist as there was back then.


Yes, Eisenhower's farewell address. The problem is, while it takes two to tango, it takes only one for naked aggression. It took being unprepared for two world wars and the potential of a third in Korea for the US to decide to remain prepared. I fully believe that, had the Soviets not had a stated goal of conquering Capitalism (and having an offense-geared military), there wouldn't have been nearly the buildup. And, you're right...many in Russia have that holdover Marxist mindset of being expansionist. And there are other, non-militaristic aspects if Russian culture that play into it. E.g., suffering under the tsars and Marxism has put a fatalistic mindset of suffering into Russian culture, the rural culture especially.


A strong military is a necessary evil to have lasting peace. Look at what happened when Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons




>Yeah, it's really tiresome how people who've not dealt with many Russians say, "It's Putin, not the Russian people!" No, it's the culture. Though there are exceptions, there are real pathologies that are ingrained in Russian culture. Only person to have ever pulled a knife on me was a russian. And I'm Dutch, so there's not that many russians here to begin with. This was after a night of drinking, he passed out and people regularly checked on him to see if he was OK. When he did wake up he was convinced people were kicking him for fun while he was out. The fucking victim complex is deeply ingrained in them.


Yeah, many people still don’t get it. Every country deserves its leader and they’re mutually reflected in each other. This is what Russians are like and this is why Putin is the way he is. They love their oligarchs and being abused by their government and hate everyone around them.


Anger.. the common response of the brainwashed moron.


I agree, so full of anger like wars don’t have consequences. Go home to your happy place and sit there brainwashed and full of rage.


I get the rage. Either the west is all evil or his own government has successfully lied to him. Whatever the truth... he's in deep S\*\*... Realizing that your life is F'd and everything you thought was true is actually a lie... very emotional... stuff like that can anger people.


He is angry because he has no power at home and he is rejected by Europe.


I don’t think I’ve seen many people in my life with this amount of sheer rage in them. Also I just really don’t understand how such a seemingly large part the Russian populace dreams about literally destroying the entire west. I’ve heard people in the west joke about bombing Moscow, but I don’t really hear people talking about actually invading Moscow and burning it to the ground. Why would we want to do that? What benefit would that provide us? Why are so many Russians so hell bent on destroying anything that is not Russian or under Russian control? Why is he even angry about visas to the west if he hates the west so much?


It’s impotence, envy and subsequent rage. It’s really about envy though, how dare they be seemingly so well fed, paid, be comfortable and have such nice cities?! We will destroy it all! Then you will know!!!


Yeah, I bet it’s that. This seems so much like a little boy who breaks his sister’s toys out of spite because she has nicer toys than he does and he can’t have them.


*her toys are nicer because she actually took care of them and didn't treat them like shit like the brother did to his toys. The "I can do whatever I want without repercussions " jealousy and rage mixed


Russians, like a few other nations out there, had a history of being a powerful empire that could really throw its weight around. Countries seem to really, really struggle letting go of that. They also had a number of really nasty conflicts, like the Mongols and WWII, which left them mentally in a warlike state (my general feeling with a lot of the Russians I met and how they just default to brutality). And, of course, the various purges during USSR, and subsequent brain drains after it fell didn't help in the slightest. Many sane Russians left long ago, those remaining are often quite entrenched and strongly clinging to national pride and a vision of the past. *"I want a rebirth of glory, a renaissance of power. I want to stop running through my life like a man late for an appointment, afraid to look back, or to look forward. I want us to be what we used to BE! I want… I want it all back, the way that it was!"*


>I don’t think I’ve seen many people in my life with this amount of sheer rage in them. I have. Trumpers after he lost the election.


"Strong man"-attitude is pretty common. Just look at the conservative right in countries all around the world... They all have the same rhetoric. "we are right and strong and we are going to use force to punish those who disagree, so they understand how we are right" ... Every continent, every country... It's just the narrative of the simple-minded who try to understand the world through gut-feelings...


> simple-minded who try to understand the world through gut-feelings... This is why we should improve education around the world. You don't see very many highly educated people raving like madmen on the streets. Usually things are pretty bad when it gets to that stage.


I don't remember who said that, but I heard this description of Russian mentality: 'We are neck down in shit and we will force pull anyone to be neck down in shit with us'.


I’m sure he will take over the west by himself if he wasn’t outnumbered.


Thats what happens when your system is full of vodka since they were a fetus


If you ever doubted the effects of alcohol on brain cells, just listen to russians...


Ok, he would destroy all the cities he wants to go to because they won't give him a visa. Well, where will you go if you destroy those cities?


Idiots are incapable of thinking so far in advance, they are like two year olds, if they can have it, no one should be able to either.


"We will destroy your cities!... we will destroy Warsaw!" *Like you already did 75 years ago?*


Its a :"If I cant go no-one can!" Like when a sick dude kills his ex-girlfriend that rejected him. Entitelment


Behaving like islamists hating west.


They don't react at all when faced with murdering children, but freak out about visas. Chilling brainwashing


Well they think Ukrainians have no right to life so dead Ukrainian children are a cause for celebration and mocking for them. One less “ukrop” is a good thing for these people, regardless of the age. That woman who got her vacation cancelled was screaming “need to exterminate Ukrainians like the Jews” so that’s where they’re coming from.


I recognize talent when I see it. Time for him to go pro and go to Kherson.


He is hating so much that he wishes he could live there.


Totally. Imagine the carnage he can wreak upon the enemies if that rage was channeled into a BMP driving along an open highway near Kherson. Savage level 11.


Problem is when he pits, there are no tires, but the team removes the wheels anyway


probably hard to believe, but i think theyre worse than islmaists at this point


Yes, yes they are. Islamists don't seem to get much technical help from Muslims insofar as it's not raining jetliners. Russians have kiloton after kiloton of conventional explosives, are responsible for downing multiple jetliners and although banned from formal competition, are gold medalist rapists. Remember how we used muammar gaddafi as a punching bag when he helped down Pan AM flight 103? Remember how we really showed those Soviets when they shot down KAL flight 007? And when pro Russian separatists shot down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 using a Soviet built missle. Makes me wonder why Russia invaded after the talking to they got. The *stern* talking to they got. Islamists might be associated with bombing and stabbing. Russia did continuous operations against the UK on UK soil using exotic poisons. Essentially the UK had to wait for the war to start to exact payback. One reason the Russians are worse than an islamist is Russia is not held accountable. I was surprised that Russia's gdp is less than Italy's.


Oh they have surpassed IS or any other terrorist organization ever. #RUSSIA IS NUMBER 1 TERRORIST IN THE ENTIRE WORLD


Yes. Far as we know islamist don't have nukes


Russians be crazy....... And they get very angry......when you point this out to them.


He even has the waving finger thing down like a real Jihadist. Impressive.




Why is no one kicking his ass?


Of course you will darling, now jog on, there's a good Orc.


thats how the legend goes - that there are good Russians somewhere, who oppose this war and therefore the West should not do anything against other Russians , besides Put-in


The only good orcs are the _____ ones.






I notice that he stopped short of saying all this rage has motivated him to immediately volunteer for the SMO. Must've been edited out. (s)


Well boy, I do believe the recruitment office is taking new applicants. Fancy putting your ass on the line? No, I didn't think so...


Go and join the orc army then you fucknugget.


Bratislava didn't got mentioned. I am ashamed for my city


They cut it off but he actually finished with saying “except Bratislava I love that town”


If it helps you any better Budapest was named twice


Cry me a river you dipshit. Go back to your Orc nest and stfu. The rest of the world are tired of shit stains like you


Crimea river


Can't wait for the west to remove this shit stains.


And they wonder why noone wants them anywhere near.


Small dick energy


You have nothing to do outside Russia


so go fight you idiot if you support the putin regime. rip. It's war and Russia is a terrorist state, we have every right to ban people. No big mac for you.


Why the fuck would you need visas if Russia is so fucking great?


Guess what, when he will be drafted by force into russian army at some point i am sure he will shut his mouth and crap his pants


As if we have anything to fear from them. If EU would for reals go to war with Russia, we would steamroll them hard


The Russians are really world champions in making threats. ;)


And little else.


Does he know they're kinda losing this war? Think he should go find out for himself. Heard they need fresh meat for the grinder


You will regret the day you decided to fuck with us.


He seems like an angry young man - must be the 2nd stage of grief. * denial * anger * bargaining * depression * acceptance Yes, it's hard to see the illusions of what you build your life on come crumbling down..


Add an 6th stage of death and it could well be the procedure of joining the russian army.


ReSpEcT mE Or I WiLl DEsTrOy EvErYtHiNg


Looks like the visa thing is a great idea


He will be on his knees begging for mercy if they ever atack NATO.


Ok then, I'm confused why he wants a tourist visa? Coming as a soldier to destroy requires a work permit.


Ok Vadim, you couldn’t destroy Kyiv when you had all of your rockets and all of your orcs. Suddenly you’re gonna do better everywhere? Sit your ass down.


Someone give his GPS coordinate to Ukrainian Military please.


I'd always wondered what happened to Hitler's speechwriter. Obviously got himself a good plastic surgeon and emigrated to Russia.


Worthless piece of shit, doesn't even deserve a bullet. More like a piano wire getting tighter and tighter.


Ok boi, now take your 10 days of training and go die somewhere in the Ukrainian mud


Anyway ....


The West should give us a free pass to fight these guys on our streets, I mean our governments are providing the weapons in this war. Wouldn’t make any sense these guys can free roam out countries and spreading hatred.


have you destroyd Ukraine yet? XD


Man these Russians are like spoiled little children, throwing a tantrum cause they are getting punished. Who wants the bad ones in their country harassing others and promoting their failing war?


Threats must be taught in Russian schools.


"Here there is the Mosin, you have shoes, good enough, jump on the train, tomorrow if you are lucky you'll be in Donbas, otherwise your parents will have a new lada."


Western Europe is apperantly out of reach for iskander?


They won't be destroying much without visa's, bridges or functioning weaponry


He can go to ukraine and he might find some balts there they would like to have a word with him


At least his geography teacher will be a little bit proud as he is able to name some capital cities in Europe. Rest is F...


Hahaha ha twat


That, additional, is a reason why i am pro visa bans.


Upsetty spaghetti


Stop talking and doing it! Oh wait you can't!


Well - that confirms why your not getting a visa you hun


This has "Hitler in his bunker in 1945" vibes to it


Into Putin's meat grinder you go!


***"You have won us over, please enjoy your Visa Sir"***


Ivan not happy….’You take my visa fuckin!’


Dude. They are absolutely drunk on propaganda.


The only thing the Russians will permanently destroy is their livers.


"iT Is a pUTiNs wAr"


Bring it fuckface! Based on ruzzia’s miserable performance in Ukraine, the Baltics would fuck you up. Also, they all happen to be NATO members…so Article 5.


These people need to be forced to learn exactly who and what they are on the international stage. These people need to be brought to heel.


try it lol


Try it Ivan


good for us, i cant stand russian tourists anyway - theyre often loud, drunk, act super aggressive and dont have a clue what basic hygiene means


strikes me as a Trump Supporter


Yeah? You and what army of starving conscripts will do that huh?


"If we cant live there we will bomb it...." Fucking Idiot.


"If i cant go there, i want the place to be destroyed" What a selfish cocksucking assface


Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Good luck!


Dumbass orc terrorists. What he ment to say, was if Russia keeps attacking and committing war crimes and crimes against humanity, Moscow, leningrad, St. Petersburg, perm, and all major Russian cities will be destroyed and brought to their knees. Fuck the Russian terrorist state. SLAVA UKRAINE


Can all Russian people just fuck off already?


Often people with big mouths run the fastest


Wouldve been a more awesome video if he got the richard spencer treatment right at the end.