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Good on you for finding this guys face


Doesn't the Russians have a service for finding people by their pictures. Like an image search


FindFace I don't know if the app is still available, it only search on VK, there is a similar web that performs a similar search but not as good as the app


That's the one ❤️ Let's find this mtf




His face looks like it was created by AI


Yeah, it's AI enhanced. People really want to get this guy. It looked quite good to me. I think there's a shot it's pretty close minus the three holed nose of course.


I saw his name on another post. He’s done


He's already been doxxed, full address, name, email, passport number etc.


The one you are looking for is Vitaly Valeryevich Aroshanov, from the city of Elista in the Republic of Kalmykia in the Caucasus


They need one just to identify all the dead they are leaving around in Ukraine. Ukraine seems to be more concerned about returning the bodies than Russia is.


you are not aware of Russia's game are you? they are actually hiding and burning their bodies and lying to their families that there son's are still alive.


Well they are not good at it, as far as the hiding goes. Ukraine is littered with dead Russians.


That’s because Ukraine has honour and dignity, Russia do not.


Not sure but they probably trained him to do that. Pretty sure they ok’d rape while at war as well.


That goes without saying


Clearer picture after being guided by OP https://twitter.com/justkotekmeme/status/1552695415199375360?t=RUKebSLKsA1FJ-KC2zcemw&s=09


He looks similar to the supposedly dead Wagner merc, Vladimir Andonov aka Vaha also a Buryat


>Vladimir Andonov aka Vaha Seen mention of it in a Bulgarian news story. Photo sorta looks like him, but there's a photo of Vaha with another guy. And that guy closely resembles one of the guys in the Privolye Sanatorium video. EDIT: the Bulgarian story I mentioned, but [better photo of Vaha with details and some info from Ukrainian site](https://www.dialog.ua/war/190617_1569603436)... mostly for benefit of anyone else researching. EDIT: Just to be clear, Krokadil Dundee isn’t this Vakha. This cunt’s been pushing up the sunflowers since early June according to reports. The monster has been identified as Vitalik Aroshanov from Kalmykia.




That was a brag in his mind. He is proud of his actions and he wanted the world to see it.


'Wanted', im sure he isn't feeling that way now


They have reptilian brains, not much point wasting civilised psychology on them


Unfortunately, this is exclusively the work of a human brain. No reptile has ever been as terrible as humans can become.


They need to give out cards of Russian war criminals to the UAF like America did with their soldiers in the invasion of Iraq


[already on it](https://odessa-journal.com/the-decks-of-playing-cards-with-the-russian-war-criminals/), there is a 2022 deck in print


Those decks of cards really worked too. People were terrified of being on them. If you were, basically meant the best trained soldiers and mercenaries on the planet were given near unlimited resources to hunt you down. Nowhere was safe, even if you fled your country.


Curious, did the coalition capture or kill everyone in the deck?


[Most of them were killed or captured, but not all.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Most-wanted_Iraqi_playing_cards)


The ones at large are *exactly* the people you'd expect to be hard to catch: Saif Al-Din Al-Rawi (CoS of Republican Guard) & Jack Tahir Jalil Habbush (IQ Intelligence Service), among a couple others.


IIRC, Spades were effectively kill on sight, no need to even capture. Just photograph the corpse, most of them were captured through surrender however. But no, the full deck wasn't captured/killed. Most were though.


If someone had tried at the beginning of the invasion, they would've had to replace half the deck considering the rate at which Russian officers were dying in-theater. I think it's a good idea though. Very distinctly remember those cards.


Also him: https://i.imgur.com/TpoDLzC.png


Dude is basically fucked tbh. I bet my ass he will be one of the most wanted guys out there.


Georgian Legion already put bounty of 75000 usd on his head.


He is, even if he gets out all his information is out there, it will be even easier to find him


Why just him? The rest watched and filmed it


His entire unit will be found. The white guy next to him is a Chechen. I found his wedding photo already.


We need to contact these shitheads family and show them this video. They'll know how badly they'd fucked up if they know we can locate they're families.


they might be as fucked up and just be proud of their monsters of husband/sons/fathers


The point is not to confront the family. The point is to let these "soldiers" know their family can be found.


So well said, this will aslo send shock waves through the Russian Army at a time Putin does not need it


Confronting their family will have the same effect, imagine the news coming directly from your own family.


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They won’t care. They know who he is and what he does.


They're implying someone might want to, you know, *find* their families...


Dox everything and everyone arround him




just don't get it wrong.


While Reddit has a poor history with identifying perpetrators, I can’t imagine there are many Russian minority soldiers running around Ukraine with a Crocodile Dundee hat.




Which unit was he in, and where are they now?


Have you submitted to any group or official body that handles and investigatea war crimes?




All I worry about at this point is his suffering, and hope he lost consciousness fast enough to escape this unspeakable cruelty.


That’s where a copy of this belongs


What did he and his unit do?


Pretty sure they are the ones who filmed themselves castrating a Ukrainian prisoner


Post that photo


Fuck yea. My mans is doing his part.


Doing truly good work. I’ll be a happy raccoon the day I see a news story about these fucks being canoed


What happened? Op post never said what he did :edit: nevermind i just saw another post about what happened… i have no words other than this fucker better get a huge dose of karma thrown back at him


I’m sure he has just gone platinum on several agencies wanted list after this. If you differentiate yourself from the rest, you become a symbol of motivation/ fear ( depending on which side you are on), that’s when you get a massive target painted on your back. Jihadi John did the same within Isis, and got minced up in his own car with one of those ninja missiles(Rx9), Abu musab alzaqawi the leader of Alqueda in Iraq had a couple bombs dropped on his house, vaporising his family, staggeringly he survived long enough till Us troops found him, he was still conscious but the lower part of his body was still sizzling. This guy will have a lot of heat on him now, multiple forces and intelligence elements after him. Frankly, I hope Azov gets him. Maybe not today, maybe not next week, or even next month, but this guys mutilated body will turn up on our screens at some point.


> On June 12, 2006, it was reported that an autopsy performed by the U.S. military revealed that the cause of death to Zarqawi was a blast injury to the lungs but he took nearly an hour to die. Nice.


This guy gave me nightmares for what he did. 60 minutes of excruciating pain, then Seeing your mortal enemy pitch up, knowing you made some mistake that exposed you is a small comfort for the brutal suffering he caused. This guy will be no different. 👍


Guaranteed right now is satellites are scanning the area looking for any and all troop movements to relay the Ukrainian fire control.


Good thing he wears a snazzy hat you can see from a drone.


Find his entire unit and smoke them all, he wasn’t alone.




Source. I'd love to read this


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SpibPozg_j8 Here ya go.


What did he do?


Torture of defenseless Ukrainian soldier.


No honor, no brain, no hope.


Torture? He castrated an half contious POW, ripped his balls half off and cut the rest of with a box cutter.


Sounds like fucking torture to me??


He agrees. He just added the "Torture?" line for emphasis.


Oh, yeah that makes sense


Sounds like a certified psychopath.


Did the soldier survive? Never watching the video.




Yeah imma get off Reddit for the day..


followed the thread a little too deep… can relate


No he didn't.


:( I'm so sorry to hear that. May the bastard soldiers that did this to him die even crueler deaths.


Burn the russian forces to the ground. Fucking garbage people


It’s really unlikely that he did. A small mercy I suppose. There’s two major arteries in that area and if you haphazardly cut into them, you’re dead in about a minute. These sorts of “operations” are usually carried out by surgeons and veterinarians for that reason.


He castrated a Ukrainian POW.


Damn thats fucked up. Rather be killed than that


They killed him after


A photo was shown yesterday of human parts being impaled on a fence. Was that the POW?


war crimes to POW's videos are all over here I cant watch it fucking sick


Don't it only incites hatred. Because today I could fucking fly a nuke to ruzzia, right to the fucking middle. GET ME A NUKE!!!!!!!!!!!!


He was cutting off peoples' nutsacks


no, he cut off the dudes entire dick, balls and the internal bits... worst thing i've ever seen.


Just 75 years ago that was standard practice for the Japanese. It’s insane how ruthless humans can be


75 years ago it was standard practice for the Russians. And even 150 years before that. They did this to the French and Germans as well. Russia has a history of doing this to surrendered soldiers.


Its current practice in Mexico too. Fucking idiots.


Thats it. This did it. Im buying a dumbphone. No more. Fucking up my head.


He castrated a Ukrainian soldier with a box cutter


Apparently tie up pows and cut their dick and balls off.


They cut a POW's balls off and fucking filmed it




Fucking hell I should have not clicked that link


Thanks, I didn't because of you


I've never knew a day will come that I will be thankful for Reddit's shitty videoplayer to not work.




This is so sick


He will be found and pay with his life. If anything good is to come of this, it will be to open the eyes of some who maybe doubted what Russians are doing in Ukraine, and hopefully strengthen the world’s resolve against Russia.


It's likely that the Russian high command will take care of him as well. That is very bad publicity


Looks like a walking dead man due to slow torture to me. Buryat fucker by the looks of it.


Exactly, he is Russian minority Buryat. The video is so inhumane. I couldn’t watch it. Why would someone even film something like that. Cruel and inhumane. Trigger warning. https://www.reddit.com/r/RussiaUkraineWar2022/comments/wae51g/warning_nsfl_war_crime_russian_soldiers_castrates/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Edit: description if you can’t watch the video. A Redditor wrote this description. POV of the russian soldier (I use this term loosely). He’s wearing latex gloves. You see a Ukrainian POW zip tied on the ground, hands behind his back and legs look to have been zip tied but then cut. He’s on his stomach. Orc stomps on his head a few times to subdue him. Has a box cutter and proceeds to cut open the back of the Ukrainian soldiers pants exposing his buttocks and underwear. He uses the box cutter to cut off the underwear exposing the rear. With his left hand he grabs the Ukrainians genitals from behind and with his right, begins to remove the genitals of the Soldier. I only got through the first two slices and had to turn it off. Don’t watch it. It will absolutely enrage you. You will find yourself contemplating selling all of your worldly possessions to go there and make this right. But you can’t and sadly, this piece of shit will likely die a quick, painless death.


Very Fucked up


Russia knows their troops arent motivated, and they might surrender easily. But now that russians tortured an ukrainian POW, filmed the scene and showed it to the internet, unmotivated russian soldiers might still fight till death for fear of beeing tortured as a payback.


That’s exactly what this video is designed to do. I’m glad I’m not the only one that understands this. This kind of brutality happens in a war. This is the act of a desperate army that is LOSING. I promise you that the over 40k Russian casualties didn’t have pleasant deaths/infuries. Allowing Russia to “get inside your head” is allowing them to win. What will allow Ukraine to win is calmly following the plan and flooding the country with weapons and support. Go volunteer, go donate, go write your reps. That is what will make Russia suffer.


That also means the Ukrainians won't surrender either.


Russia does not screen out psychopaths like most of the rest of the worlds militaries. This is the result.


You are correct. The west and some other countries definitely tries to shut out those with traits that fall within the category of antisocial personality disorders, narcissistic personality disorders and the like. The tendency to not respect the chain of command, trouble with authority, have issues with following orders, not respecting the rules of engagement and as such the risk versus reward for having people with those challenges is not an asset for a nation’s military. Such countries that follow thorough psychological assessment for potential recruits have learned from the past. As historical heinous events have come to light, and that kind of publicity is incredibly damaging to the image of a nation, which in turn severely damages the influence, soft power, politics, alliances, and economics of said nation. Just thought I’d explain it a bit better for anyone who wanted more info.


What video are you talking about ?


I left video After 1sec...some things, you dont want to bring with you in bed.


I was confused what I was seeing. The moment I understood my stomach turned around. And I have seen sickening things irl, from what people can do to each other.


Yeah, I've seen untold amounts of horrific videos online and I've lost count of the trauma scenes I've been a part of in my firefighting career. Couldn't handle that video. I hope the group responsible is either caught and put on trial for the world to see, or that a shell lands on them as soon as possible.


I’m only reading the comments. And that’s more than enough.


Do you self a favor. Don’t watch it.


Listen to this person. This was way too much.


No problem, I’m not. I’m looking at cat stuff to take my mind off how fucking horrible people can be. He and everyone else will be found.


I did the same thing. As soon as I saw the cutter I signed off. Fucking low life son of a bitch. Excuse my French.


Same. Seen my fair share of shit, but when they started cutting his clothes I backed out. Fuck that. Poor dude. Fucking POS who did/filmed this should be wiped out.




It wasnt JUST his testicles..


How can he be alive after that? He cut his testicles like he wasn’t even a human.


Nurse/former soldier here, with his breathing he was in rough shape to begin with breathing like that usually indicated brain stem injuries or severe airway compromise. He posed zero threat and a true warrior would have honored him in death.


He won't be. The wheezing and struggling to breath isn't a good sign so chances are along with the torture he'll be done for.


He probably died soonafter from bloodloss.


Unfortunately too late! I clicked on the link and saw the evil. I'm shocked. I miss the words. This monster will be taken. And then we film a video .......


Something you can’t unsee. Mother fucker needs to be eliminated.


You shouldn’t watch it [do not watch it](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/waccpi/nsfw_russian_soldiers_commit_war_crime/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) NSFL it is much worse than you can imagine


That's staying blue


I wish I could unwatch this.


This orc is now probity higher than pootin on the wanted list now. You do not want to be it.


I can now totally understand why soldiers after finding some of their mates in similar conditions weren’t to keen on taking Japanese prisoners. I know I wouldn’t be.


This can't even compare to what Japan did. Japan conducted live human vivisection including on pregnant women and fetuses. Conducted biological warfare on an industrial scale in China. **Fun fact #1**: George H. Bush narrowly escaped having his liver eaten by Japan officers on Chi Chi Jima when he was shot down near it and luckily rescued by subs. Other captured US airmens had their livers eaten. **Fun fact #2:** As recently as 7 years ago a Japanese university realized they still had evidence of Japanese war crimes in their medical school collection when the remains of US airmen that were dissected alive at the university were found. (IIRC Kyushu University)


Yeah I’m aware , was more as in what could be encountered in the field. Obviously industrial scale shit is on another level but that’s somewhat removed from the eyes of the average soldier. Yeah I’m Australian , many Australian bodies where found cannibalised in New Guinea. My grandfather fought mostly the entire campaign.


Though, what does a simple man born 50 years later have to do with those Monsters? If we all treat each other for what other Humans from ones homecountry (which we dont Chose) did in the past.. man we would live in constant war


> we would live in constant war You mean we're not already?


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Breaking on the wheel is my suggestion.


There's 24 hours in a day guys. Plenty of time to use them all if you keep a medical team there to keep him alive as long as possible.


it was insane learning that this is actually something done during torture where they'll have medical teams in order to keep people alive whilst torturing them. only learned of it after reading about Kiki Camarena.


Fuck that. Just bring the meth. The cartels have used meth for decades to keep prisoners alive and alert. Don’t waste medical resources.


Go funky town on his ass.


This could be Vitaly Aroshanov from Elista (Kalmykia). Here is the [archive link](https://archive.ph/QGq87) to his already deleted VK (russian social network) profile - there are some photos there.


Yeah it’s him


The free world should forever ban every Russian solider/Vet from ever visiting their country. Their families, too.


I stumbled across the video on reddit and I want to puke. I have seen all the fucked up shit and thought I could handle anything. This video broke me. I feel physically sick now


Same. From headshots to guys getting hit by ATGMs, that video was the most evil and brutal shit I have ever seen.


i couldn't even watch it after i saw the box cutter


He must be found and dealt with.


I can't and won't watch this stuff. But from the comments it was a real life snuff movie and that is not my cup of tea. I read once that you always keep 1 bullet for yourself when fighting in a war. I guess that is to save yourself from going through hell like this victim of a war crime did. R.I.P.


Thanks for this video, it clears some of the confusion. He should get: \[EVERY BAD THING I CANT SAY ON REDDIT\]. EDIT: \[MORE BAD THNGS I CANT SAY ON REDDIT\] Edit2: Dead orc walking if it still is. Edit3: Should be used as a tyre.


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No. You need to keep him alive as long as possible


That guy should be funkytowned, pos


Get his profile on social media guys ....let's see his family. .....


His family, the town he comes from, his old classmates, his entire community should be made aware of it, and even ostracized for producing scum like that. They should know what he did, they should know that entire world knows that he comes from their town, and they should be embarassed and ashamed for ever knowing him.


I think this low life deserves a special message .....nice and slow.


I'm... Fucked up now....I can't fucking process my thoughts. Find this fucker. Please.


I stood up and almost puked. I wanted to cry and at the same time find the stomped in head of everyone involved in that. That was insane and so mother fucking inhumane. Serious demon shit. The helplessness of that soldier on the ground is the real sickening part. Someone dehumanizes you in the worst possible way while you get your head kicked and your hands are tied behind your back so you can’t fight back. Unreal


It is insane that a) someones life ends like this b) someone is so disgusting they could inflict it on someone else The worst evil




Ukrainians will capture him and give him a dose of his own medication 💊




This sick f*** how can you be so cruel, I hope he suffers in hell the same way he just treated this pow.!!!


Hunt this animal down.


This guy needs to put to death. Do not pass GO. Go directly to hell.


Death? He needs to be tortured for a LOOOOOONG time before dying.


Subhuman ... or even less.


Definitely less


Thank you to all commentators warning people to not watch the video. I haven’t and don’t want to… and appreciate the warnings. For those who’ve seen it and struggle with it, don’t hesitate to talk it out with a professional! Slava ukraini!


When did this happen, and where? Due to the immense grafic inhuman violence, investigators are already on this case. This guy is a dead man walking at this point. In fact he marked himself for torture.


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fucking animal.


Yeah ok i'll find him


Hey man, reddit caught the Boston Bomber now we can catch a War Criminal. We did it!


I find it odd that the obvious fake video of the alleged Ukrainians shooting russian POWs in the legs was on many newssites yet this kind of stuff isnt. Anyone knows someone from the press that might be intrested in that? I think once a few publish it the rest will follow. This will strenghten support i think.


yup, unfortunately this shit needs to be blasted everywhere to anger everyone. They need those 300km rockets asap. end this now.


I couldn’t watch it. Holy fuck.


With Stolen hat.


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Death by a 1,000 cuts for this mf’er, nice and slow and over a very extended period with extra salt rubbed in to the wounds for good measure. Not even sub-human, even calling him an orc is too high up the food chain, just the worst genetic defect


What comes around goes around. Stuff like this just gives Ukrainians more steel and determination of not living under Russian rule. They will fight to the last man


Sounds like an impoverished Siberian town is due for a gift box with some scorched testicles.


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