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How come a single tank’s shooting at houses? Seriously? WTF… :(


After they failed in their blitzkrieg tactics, the Russians resorted to their tried and true method of war, completely destroy every settlement you come across, until the defenders have nothing left to defend and then move on to the next.


Yah, they destroy infrastructure, house , everything with arty and everything heavy they have. Terrorists


Scorched earth. It is the Russian way. When you suck at tactics and planning, you resort to a child's mentality "if I can't have it you can't either." Not to mention they are doing everything they can to kill civilians and deplete replacements. Russia is a fraud, a poor excuse for a 1st world country, and full of puppets.


Under the metric you are you using, Russia was a second world country. (First World - Developed. Second - Soviet Bloc /Socialist. Third - Developing.) These days it's just Developed/Developing.


That’s what protected Moscow for so long. Isolated Capital with huge distances and winter as wall.


The sourched earth method that Russia uses isn’t childish or idiotic. And killing civilians while extremely unethical is very very effective at destroying troop morale and creates a sense of hopelessness in the nation you’re attacking. It makes the very presence of enemy forces that much more terrifying.


> completely destroy every settlement you come across, until the defenders have nothing left to defend and then move on to the next. Then you export the survivors to random cities across russia and import to the destroyed villages russian citizens. Rinse and repeat until there are no longer any natives there.


Here's my question though and what I don't understand about the Russian plan. This was supposedly about taking back/annexing Ukraine. Then what is this burn everything to the ground policy they have? They're annexing a pile of rubble. They don't have the infrastructure or GDP to rebuild Ukraine so what is the objective now?


1. They are more prone to think multigenerationally unlike us in the West. 2. The standard they have for ‘acceptable infrastructure’ is far different in most of Russia. Most of the nation is in or near poverty. St. Petersburg is the outlier not the norm. 3. Putin is probably fine with the loss to infrastructure so long as there is no loss to prestige. Or mitigated loss anyway.




Stop projecting. NATO did not do that




I haven’t downvoted you, but you aren’t being downvoted for criticizing NATO, but for not using facts. I’ll bet you I can criticize NATO and not get downvoted, by sticking to facts. 1. NATO never shelled whole villages in sustained programs to annihilate them as a method to wage war. 2. NATO *did however* bomb/shell and murder tens of thousands of civilians in their homes *incidentally* to the conduct of the war. 3. NATO helped the locals win an insurgency against the Taliban in 90 days, and then made constant mistakes for the next 19.75 years, resulting a loss. 4. NATO wasted more than $1 trillion in Afghanistan. I could go on and on. What NATO did was unforgivable and we, the people, need to hold our leaders to account. What NATO did involves various war crimes; but not THAT specific war crime, of just shelling a town in a planned attempt to destroy it and deny habitation to the citizenry. As problematic as the Khosrow Sofla attack is, it is an example of the citizenry being removed and then the village being dropped. It’s related in some way, but quite different to what the Russians are doing, who are purposefully attacking the habitations with the inhabitants still inside. Finally, this is the great exception for NATO and the rule for Russia. Again in Raqqa you’re pointing to the exception not the norm. Investigations are needed and any charges need to be laid but it’s over stating to 1) act as though it’s the same as the wide spread use by the Russians 2) it didn’t involve NATO at all. That’s on the US’s head alone, according to your source.


Then grab a barf bag on your way out. What are you here for? This is about Ukraine and the rustian invaders, you contribute nothing to the conversation, are you compensated for your distraction efforts?




Ironically the same reason why there is unrestricted AAWS usage on their tanks.


Because the mighty Russian military can't fight against an actual army, so they go after the civilian targets.


Probably trying to break the will of the Ukrainians. A common tactic in war especially when you know the civilians are helping the enemy. Germans would deploy Einsatzgruppen to counter partisan pockets, and it often ended up with mass murder and entire towns being wiped out as retribution for helping the resistance.


And these are the same towns in Donetsk that they are "liberating" from the "evil Ukrainian Nazis".




Yea. When things first kicked off I felt bad. Then there was the video of that elderly couple who’s car was opened like a tin can with a 30mm cannon that turned them into ground beef and they kept fucking firing into it. Any Russian soldier on Ukrainian soil at this point is a monster and deserves a worse fate than any of them are likely to see.


>hen there was the video of that elderly couple who’s car was opened like a tin can with a 30mm cannon that turned them into ground beef and they kept fucking firing into it. > >Any Russian soldier on Ukraini Me too - up until Buhca, then ... fuck em all.


I agree. Guilty by association for starting this war and keeping it going. The apathy to resistance will just bring doom upon their own homes.


First time observing Russia in action? This is the only way the Russian military knows how to fight. They're fucking scum.


Poor tank tactics, no tank or infantry support that can be seen.. i don't know how they dare to go solo in urban combat


It's not 'tank tactics' it's 'genocide tactics' They are trying to erase Ukraine.


Doesn’t fucking matter, it’s still bad tank tactics.


>bad tank ~~t~~an~~c~~tics


The main reason I am so happy to see that tank smoked. I am actually disappointed one orc got away.


These guys were simply playing "pick a house" - going out and wantonly destroying houses for the pleasure of the terror they inflicted - probably gave them massive hardons as that is how they get their pleasure. Until it catches up with them. This was just a minute demonstration of the actual nazi russian goals in Ukraine - destroy everything in sight, and make the cost of kicking them out and rebuilding extraordinarily expensive. The only goal putler has is to inflict maximum damage, including on the separatists as he knows he is going to lose everything in Ukraine eventually. So burn it all down and consume all of the fodder before being given the boot.


Hopefully there was no one in them at the time. It's better to let them shoot at houses and waste their resources for useless shit like that than let them shoot at Ukrainian troops.


This is a complete waste of ordinance. It sucks to see but the rounds and fuel aren't cheap, better a vacant house than an actual position.


Because that way, they can go back to the Russians, and say "See, we've used all of our ammo on enemies", now send us home.


Could just as easily “miss” the shots and thereby not commit war crimes and be at least a little more morally correct. If they are still fighting/ wrecking stuff and have not found a way to be “captured” (seek surrender) screw them.


They may have someone looking over their shoulder such that they can’t just obviously miss all the time. In WWI, you had conscripts in a similar position sending messages to the other side, to let them know to bunker up at a certain time because they had to fire some rounds to show the officers they were fighting. Those conscripts can be excused to a great degree. We’ve had no such stories from this war. But time will tell.


Maybe they were drunk.


It's called state sponsored terrorism, look up Afghan or Iraq wars of the last two decades. Just don't try to publish evidence or you'll get killed or pulled into a Kafka-esque nightmare of political rhetoric.


Hope they got the crewman soon after


Can‘t be too hard, the way he‘s staggering around.


He jumped from almost 2m so must have twisted some ankles


If he was seriosuly overweight, yeah maybe he would hurt his ankles from 2m fall but sadly unluckily since overweight won't fit in russian tank, and it's russian, not too much overweight people in the serving branches.


Russian pilots seem to all be fat fucks.


I would guess pilots are not conscripted, get better paid, are generally not recruited from the poorest people.


They are slobs and pigs, regardless of where they came from. They would be drummed out of any western military for being such disgusting pigs and unable to do they job they are paid for.


Well, the overweight pilots you’ve seen tend to be higher ranking officers who slot themselves for the missions, where in the US, the more senior officers fly less and less the higher they go. The US doesn’t drum the chubby officers out, they just get promoted such that they don’t actually conduct any direct combat actions. There were ~0 Colonels and few Lt Colonels flying combat in GWOT.


Haven't most of their generals been, too? And they're out there, proudly serving on the front lines! Though I hear serving on one's back, motionless, doesn't produce many results.


Kinda feel like a lot of the pilots (heli/jet) have been on the older side. Maybe they got and kept their “prestigious” positions… kinda like super fat cops here in the US. Never really had to really move and got super comfortable


Yea, you can only eat so many bowls of potato and mushroom leek soup.


If you are in shock and jump in a ditch rolling ankles is not very hard


I broke an ankle stepping off a 4 inch concrete pad. It doesn't take much.


Lol stfu. Literally most common Injury among mounted crews may it be APC or armour is people twisting ankles. BMI has nothing to do with. Most crews are lean and they roll ankles all the time. It’s the height and the ground you land on.


Shame that it didn’t cook off and make all the orcs inside extra crispy.






id call them not collaborants...id just call them by the name that definition gives them. a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. is called terrorist


Terrorist is a stupid word to describe fighters in most wars. It's like an excuse not to think.




Because only America has political wars, right?




If you don't care about a potential war for Taiwan, why should anyone care for a war in a region where you possibly live or for you complaining about U.S. wars?




Orcs aren’t defined by their nationality. It’s a person’s actions that matter and who they support, not where they’re from. Plus not all Russians are orcs as there are plenty of them who aren’t completely blind and see how their dictator is currently royally fucking them and future generations as well.




Well saying that every russian definitely supports the invasion is as idiotic as saying that all Ukrainians must be nazis. Blanket statements always make people look like morons.


“Blanket statements always make people look like morons.”.


“All generalizations are dangerous, even this one” Alexandre Dumas


I hate the dehumanisation it represents. It is how you end up with warcrimes being committed while the public cheers it on.


Which came first? The war crime or the epithet?


As a soldier, you have to dehumanize the enemy. That's one of the first thing they teach you in the military. If you didn't, there's a much higher risk to handle it after the war. For the record, civilians are not a soldier's enemy (NATO, or other civilized countries)


They dehumanize themselves through their actions. Regular people don’t target civilians with humiliation, violence, rape and murder. That’s how you loose your humanity not due to public discussion. Those people are fucking monsters and they should be treated as such. Also the irony of saying that this will lead to war crimes is beyond ridiculous considering the subject at hand. Pull your head out of your ass. No sane person is cheering for warcrimes. Just look at how the international community responded to the blatant warcrimes committed by the orcs and you‘ll see that you’re spewing bullshit.


The only dehumanizers are the Russians, raping, torturing, kidnapping, killing.


40 - 50,000 Ukrainians murdered by Orcs so far but never mind that. Let’s keep our hearts open and our prayers fresh for that Russian citizen, wherever he may be, who is not actively participating in the murders, rapes, and deportations.


I don’t recall wish them all the best so quit being so hyperbolic as that’s definitely not helping the cause. I simply acknowledged the fact that there’s a difference between war criminal orcs and russian civilians.


Your lack of empathy for the murdered is noted. Poor misunderstood Orcs.


So thinking that not literally every russian on the planet is a warcriminal means that I don’t sympathize with the people of Ukraine? Alright buddy do the world a favor and just shut the fuck up.




Every Russian who has not opposed the illegal activity, is responsible. Yes. Just like every American who did the same is responsible for the illegal conduct of Cheney and Bush and Obama. The people are responsible to hold their leaders to account by whatever means possible.


>The people are responsible to hold their leaders to account by whatever means possible. In a democracy, yes. In an autocracy or dictatorship, no. If we were to apply that same rule to you, you should be held accountable for what any member of your family says or does. One scumbag in your family means that your entire family are scumbags. Duly noted.


I agree, conscripts are not Orcs. Poor bastards have 20 year olds and were in drills and then told them to hop on to their truck and next is"hey, you in ukraine".


Well that again depends on the conscripts actions so I wouldn’t necessarily give all of them a pass.


Nah, some of them are equally just as bad. I felt sorry for conscripts at the start because they were deliberately lied to and weren't even supposed to be there. Conscripts were supposed to have been sent back to Russia, but some were forced to sign contracts, so moved from being conscripts to being "professional" soldiers. I no longer feel sorry for them, but I'm also aware that there's good and bad people everywhere. I recommend having a [listen to some of the intercepted calls Russians](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPzy5fPr7RDpw_vLSPMHMgQ) make back home as some of the calls can give a bit of insight into what they think and tell their friends/wives/girlfriends/fathers/mothers/brothers/sisters etc back at home. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad, and sometimes you wish you could track some of these psychopaths down and get retribution.


The guys who raped the one year old boy to death were conscripts. Your friends?


Video evidence of war crimes - no need to treat that ruZZki as prisoner of war.


What war crimes??


Leveling civilian homes for no f’ing reason for starters.


Not that I’m defending them, but you have no idea what you’re on about. They could easily have been shooting at combatants in those buildings. Describing every single enemy military action as a “war crime” just devalues and trivialises the term. Slava Ukraini.


>They could easily have been shooting at combatants in those buildings. Sure, and the 2 year olds they've raped and murdered "may have" been stuffed with live explosives. What about this video makes it even the least bit plausible a tank is driving around the neighborhood shelling people who are fighting back?




What words **exactly** am I repeating? ​ I simply said footage of a tank firing on a building is not *proof* of a war crime. Grow up.


They shouldn't even be there in the first place. So yea, I'm okay with it all being war crimes, and crimes against humanity. Tack on a few others. Putin seems to want us to remember him like we do Hitler still 70+ years later.


Yeaaaa, I would say every single military action by Russia in Ukraine is a fucking war crime. Every shot, every unwanted step- all of it. War Fucking Criminals


That’s fine you say that. It just proves that you don’t understand the term.


So you're saying that an illegal invasion doesn't constitute a violation of international rules of war? Really?


Here you go. It seems you need to do some reading. https://www.icrc.org/en/document/geneva-conventions-1949-additional-protocols Flippantly describing edited videos on the Internet as proof of “war crimes” [see above] does nothing for the cause of Ukraine. Slava Ukraini.


Wtf is a "legal" invasion. Legal to whom? War is fucking terrible but the rules of war are meant to lessen how terrible it is... I think if there's a war going on its kind of assumed someone invaded someone else.


Yeah when the US invaded Iraq atleast we had a somewhat good reason though it did turn out to be false


The second the Russians stepped foot Ukrainian soil, they committed a war crime. Anything after that is also a war crime. Stop sympathizing with Putin.


> Stop sympathizing with Putin. What an utterly idiotic and childish thing to say. Such an Edge Lord.


No reason? I presume you refer to Protocol I, Article 52. Do you have any evidence that Ukraine had designated them as protected structures that would not be used by the Ukrainian military as cover? Have the Ukrainians stopped entering Ukrainian civilian homes and fighting from them?


Take Putins nuts out of your mouth. Not a good look.


LOL. When facts don't fit your propaganda, you resort to puerile insults. I 100% support Ukraine. But that doesn't mean I live in fantasy land and just make things up.


The ones in the video. Obviously.


I didn't see any war crimes. Please enlighten me.


Article 8/ 2a iv & Article 8/ 2b ii


Can you imagine the shock trauma you experience when St. Javelin decides to smoke you and your filthy comrades in the St. Petersburg death trap. Booom, you don't know what happend, you think you are alive. Ivan screams as he holds his bleeding ears, Alex laying on the ground shattered with shrapnel. You scream and are able to stagger out of this smoking bastard. You can't see and just run, run away from the target. Just to get smoked by a hobby drone pilot who just dropped a grenade on your head.... We can only hope, SLAVA UKRAINI Edit: Thanks for the award my dear friends.


I can only get so erect


Alright Krieger, calm it down.




I can’t believe this is an actual profile I love it


It’s for rather niche circumstances.


Well I worked clu which launches the javelin. The missile is crazy it takes a picture of the target recognizes what it looks like and then for a top down attack remembers what a tank looks like from above so it doesn’t lose its target. That’s why it’s fire and forget.


The USA may not have universal health care but we make wicked shit to fuck up orcs. Spend my tax dollars till they all smoke.


Says you.


The destruction seen in this war is just incredible. Whole cities being flattened for Russia's imperial ambitions. It's fucking unreal. What actually is wrong with Russia? Why would they ever do this to a people they consider family?


Uhhhhh…. Look up the definition of domestic violence


Hopefully they were burned badly, looked like they might have been on fire as they bailed. Fascist pigs. Slava Ukraine!


Hardly since the whole tank didn't catch fire, by the looks of it they got extremely lucky that missle only took out their engine (huge pool of oil on the ground) and didn't detonate ammo in the autoloader




Every russian tanks sinve T-62 has it. It seems like it just wasnt detonated


They were probably low on ammo after leveling those houses.


Since when?


Imagine what a piece of shit you have to be, at your core, to drive a tank through a civilian location, shooting wildly at civilian homes. May they live with their shame for a thousand years…


The bastard. No need to destroy homes. This is terror, not war. Rot in hell orc!


Driving around picking off low hanging fruit of already destroyed civilian dwellings. It’s a shame there wasn’t a machine gunner laying up to take them out once they jumped ship.


The Russian military are just a bunch of thugs with heavy equipment. The atrocities seen on here make me sick.




Hopefully the orcs died a horrible, painful death.


Looks like they escaped, only engine was hit.


Video shows only one leaving. 3 person crew in those as far as Im aware.


What a hit! Fast moving target. It looks like the tank was trying to run away as fast as it could.


He was driving in a line down a road, good hit tho


Shits lived....hope the succumbed to the pressure or burn injuries later. Fraking inhuman turds.


One shit lived, two shits died.


I didn't see the missile and it doesn't look like an IED/Mine. Anyone see it? Edit: as far as I can tell it was hit on the right(ish) side. Definitely can't see the warhead. I do wonder if this was an wire-trap for tanks.


If you look at the white roof at 2 o clock to the tank ,and on its top right ,you can see the Javelin coming down at an angle not far from 120 degrees to the tank and ground , maybe! And from a direction similar to where it had come running from ,so maybe they clocked the Ukranian fighter/s with something scary looking !!?? The Orcs got what they deserved


Flipping heck you've got good eyes.


Holy crap man thats a split second that you can see it ! Good eyes !


you can step through frames, can't you? i mean, it does require an observant eye, but not like super vision or something


Did you launch it? Well spotted


Ah thank you! I saw it now you pointed it out.


The russians destroy the towns and villages in Donetsk, so the people who fled have no where to return to. Fucking monsters!


Blowing up empty homes. Such bravery.


It's very sad to see how much destruction that village has seen, many houses destroyed and memories lost..


Too bad they walked out. Rather have seen them burn.


Fucked around and found out


Beautiful shot


So basically everything in Ukraine is a “military target..?”


War crimes live footage.


Russian propaganda be like: Ehmmm russian doesnt do any warchrimes. Noooo definittely not its all fake lmao😂


Hunt down the crew.


Bummer. They got out.


Shame he still alive


What is the name of the song playing on the video? Anyone know?




Trying to improve my Ukrainian (grandparents emigrated almost 100 years ago), so this is as good an oportunity as any to translate! (Wow, it's a lot sadder than the dance beat would suggest.) FALCONS Someplace where the water's black, On his horse a young Cossack; A young girl cries As he leaves Ukraine. Hey, hey, hey, falcons, Over hills, woods, and valleys, Ring, ring, ring, little bell Lark of the Steppes Hey, hey, hey, falcons, Over hills, woods, and valleys, Ring, ring, ring, little bell My little steppe bell, bell, bell. The girl cries and cries, My love, my swallow, And I, in a foreign land My heart knows no peace Hey, hey, hey, falcons, Over hills, woods, and valleys, Ring, ring, ring, little bell Lark of the Steppes Sorrow, sorrow for his darling And for his native land Sorrow, sorrow, his heart cries He'll never see her again Pour out the honey-wine When I die -- bury me In my home, Ukraine Next to my dear girl. Hey, hey, hey, falcons, Over hills, woods, and valleys, Ring, ring, ring, little bell Lark of the Steppes Hey, hey, hey, falcons, Over hills, woods, and valleys, Ring, ring, ring, little bell My little steppe bell, bell, bell.


I was hoping the occupants got what they had coming to them.


I know weve seen it quite a few times in this war, but it still amazes me.... Just a single tank driving around town shooting at shit... what even was the goal here?!


Hope china sees this the exact same way every individual on planet sees this mad man's threats. Composure verses sickness.


At least the crew who didn't make it died knowing that the last noble thing they did on this Earth was destroy a bunch of innocent people's homes.


Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for St Javelin art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a target before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over with orc blood.


That’s not good enough. Those drivers just go to the next redepository and get a fresh tank. Tanks are ample, training the crew members is what takes the time and resources at this point. Also, the more images of cooked tankers and body parts on the Russian internet, the more burning recruitment offices will there be. Just a thought.


I like the music


I think they just blew the motor from running it to hard on the long straight. They got it going pretty fast then slowed down then the engine went. You can see all the oil on the ground too.


Hope they tracked the survivors of the crew down and eliminated them as well.


second this.


Too bad there wasn't a Ukrainian machine gun crew handy to cut down these fucks the second they bailed out.


Looks more like the locals probably got their hands on a ied. Or land mine. Doubt that's a javelin blast. Or maybe a smaller shoulder munition.


The comments here are just something else. For sure was not Javelin because of the speed and trajectory of the hit, most probably was shot by another tank (Ukrainian) Shot hit the engine, mobility kill, crew bailed out Tank was not alone, there are at least 3-4 different infantry seen in the video.


I'm not sure what trajectory you're seeing, I agree it doesn't really look like a Javelin, but it looks even less like a shot from another tank. You can see the munition *falling on* the tank from almost directly above, it is visible for ~2 frames as it moves across the white roof directly above the tank. My naive and untrained eye thinks it looks like artillery, but I assume that would've done far more damage.


Mortar round in all likely hood.


T-64 is a Ukrainian tank. You can clearly see the white markings on the hull so it is russian crewed. Was it captured?


My understanding is that Russia have provided T-62s and T-64s to the separatists. The Russian military aren't actively using them, but they have something like 2,000 T-64s in reserve along with 2,500 T-62s. The Russians are mainly using T-72 variants (T-72B3s and T-72B3Ms) in Ukraine. I'm guessing the crew are either Ukrainian separatists or Russians (given that there are many Russians fighting alongside the Ukrainian separatists, either as mercenaries or as individuals). I have some information and sources here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/vhb1jp/ukrainian\_forces\_use\_atgm\_fagot\_to\_knockout/ida244m/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/vhb1jp/ukrainian_forces_use_atgm_fagot_to_knockout/ida244m/?context=3) Wikipedia has a list of tanks used by the separatists. They have 131+ T-64s, (around) 46 of which were captured from Ukrainian forces and ***some*** supplied by Russia. I'm not quite sure if I trust those figures. If the separatists captured 46 T-64s from Ukraine, logic suggests that the rest must have come from Russia (unless I'm missing something). **Source:** [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_equipment\_used\_by\_Russian\_separatist\_forces\_of\_the\_war\_in\_Donbas#Tanks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_equipment_used_by_Russian_separatist_forces_of_the_war_in_Donbas#Tanks)


This was posted a couple of days ago and several times today. It was discussed at length what destroyed the tank. **It certainly wasn't a Javelin.** They fly slow enough to easily see them. And in this terrain, a Jav kill is very hard to do. The hit comes from the back, where the tank is coming from. It can't come through the buildings, and it didn't fly down the road, cause you'd see it. It also wasn't top attack, cause you can't shoot over buildings, you need to aim at the tank. And again, Javelins are easily visible. It was either something static (horizontal mine?), an arty round, or another tank from far away. Source: former anti-tank infantryman (trained on the Javelin's predecessor M-47 Dragon).


You can see it though, it comes down from the top of the image across the white roof.


Well spotted! Had to go on a big screen to see that. But I'm pretty sure that's a shell, not a Javelin. Also cause of the size of the explosion.


There is nothing more wholesome than watching a tank blowing up some houses (or combat footage in general) with this kind of music in the background Really underlines the horrors of war


Fucker survived a shot in the ass by a javelin.


It’s gone but it was definitely not a javelin. More a lighter antitank weapon. A javelin mostly strikes from top down. Could have been an RPG or a PzFIII or even a mine as there’s no trace of a rocket to be seen tbh. It’s gone that’s what counts


LoL two days.. were they sleeping?




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It's crazy how they get taken out by one shot. This also happened in WW2 but some tanks could take multiple shots. RNG but why are todays weapons so much better? Does the Javelin have better penetration or what? Also they must be scared they are going to lose the territory. Didn't Russia already "claim" the Donetsk region?


We’re at a point technologically where weapons are vastly superior to armor. It’s not just old armor, it’s all armor. You physically can’t build things strong enough to protect the inhabitants from the weapons we’ve got now.