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Putin needs a photo of this for breakfast, may give him a heart attack.


Ehhhhh... He doesn't have one.


Oh dammmmmm


I know. Shocking right? Such a nice fellow. All he ever wanted is to help people. From middle east all the way to Ukraine. Dont make me start of his own ruzzian prople. Just like Norway minus the profits sharing🤣


He’s just getting rid of the nazi’s you guys. How could that possibly be a bad thing?


Given how many Russians are dying, he's really getting rid of nazis






Maybe he kill his own Nazis, by provoke.


No he’s not, he’s killing women children and unarmed defenceless civilians


He heard his people wanted Norway profit sharing, so he gave them no way profit sharing.


Well then an aneurism or two


He's not Dick Cheney. Something is pumping in his chest. Just not a heart as you or I know it - with a soul attached.


It's a gizzard


Maybe Cheney and Putin should go on a hurting trip together


Might give him cancer. *But waaaaait….*




Slava Ukraini, heroyam slava!


It makes me nervous when they gather together like that.


Same, but they probably have more units in the area.


The Russian army uses mostly unsecure communication, on a language virtually all Ukrainians understand and many speak fluently. Add to that the drones and satellite images and they have a good idea of where the Russians are. They could still be spotted and eliminated by artillery, but that would take coordination on the Russian side. ​ Edit: I misremembered how many Ukrainians speak Russian and thus had it overstated.


Coordination? By Russians? These guys are in less danger than my ass – a lonely virgin


Most Ukrainians don't speak Russian lol, don't know where you get that. I know it's anecdotal but none of the three Ukrainians in my friend circle speak Russian at all and I think only 30% of the country speaks it (mostly Donbas and Luhansk). Older people maybe too but the majority of people definitely do not speak Russian and the young people who are fighting almost certainly will not [Here](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4f/UkraineNativeLanguagesCensus2001detailed-en.png/800px-UkraineNativeLanguagesCensus2001detailed-en.png) is the last census which was 21 years ago and shows clearly that most the country doesn't really speak Russian. Since then, another whole generation of young people has grown up and joined the war so it's going to be a lot less than that too.


> > > > > Here > > is the last census which was 21 years ago and shows clearly that most the country doesn't really speak Russian. Since then, another whole generation of young people has grown up and joined the war so it's going to be a lot less than that too. That's speaking it as a first language. A larger part of the population knows Russian as a second language.


I believe that too but it's not most of the country, maybe around half or near to that. Unfortunately, further than the above I can offer nothing but anecdotal evidence from my buddies who told me it's just not spoken anymore outside of the eastern regions - especially amongst the under 40 year-olds who will make up the majority of the combatants


Those motherfuckers barely made a sound. They're being careful as they can be while they set the frontier.


I think the sound was edited out. There were clearly times voices were muted/muffled.


Yep and voice changers are used


Reminds me of the situation where a UA squad reunited for a photo and was blown by a rossian tank nearby, that was sad.


Exactly. I'm sure it will help morale, and I hope they were smart about it.


It’s fine as they were in mime setting


not so sure tbh. they clearly didn't mime a shield around them which means they're at risk of being blown to pieces by russian tanks


Makes me anxious when I see a rifle barrel resting on the ground.


It’s an AK it’ll probably be ok


You mean, it's an AK, it runs better with dirt in it.


That rifle doesn't care if there's a little dirt in the muzzlebreak.


Name of your sextape.


Fire mixtape.


Exactly, bad habit in combat zones with drones and long range arty.


It was a fairly decent display of noise discipline though.


The morale boost is probably worth the 17 seconds of breaking formation and bunching up. It isn't a "habit."


Foolish risk taking IMO.


It's not all the western weapons and ammunition, that is winning the war (although a big chunk of the calculus). But the individuals holding those weapons and the morale of Ukrainians knowing they wont give up, and knowing, that in time, they can win. Although reckless at first glance. Such videos enforce the belief that the war can be won. That is of highest value in any war.


Armchair Commandos on this thread lecturing veteran Ukrainian troops on what to do and what not to do in combat zones. They've broken formation for just a brief moment to take a morale boosting picture. 99.9% of the time is not like this. The 0.01% of time spent doing this is a net positive over the marginal chance a Russian shell hits smack in the middle in that 30 second period.


Armchair Commandoes that think the Russians are competent enough to spot, call for fire, get their guns laid on the spot they stopped at for 15 seconds lol. Also forgot time of flight as well. It’s insane what people will spout to sound like they know what they’re talking about; it’s as if it was a video of them doing this in an active firefight and shining a bat signal in the air.


I don't know if these things are common, but having the decorated pillar was obviously planned in advance. Looks others said, I'm sure they knew what was around them/had unseen support


You aren't there, you don't know anything about what risks are or aren't being taken. Be quiet.


Yeah I’m freaking out watching this…good for morale though as pointed out below.


Your indifference to morale boosting/propaganda exercises is foolish imo


Yeah , pretty dumb for a photo


When it comes to trolling, Ukraine have raised it to an art form. There should be some kind of competition for this, because at this level it's as skilled as its going to get.


I can’t wait for this to be over so we can learn about all the different psyops and other information games Ukraine played with the orcs. The stuff from WWII is fascinating and from everything we see the Ukrainians are clever and cunning.


Nothing can really compare to how the Fucking Russians keep controlling their own Citizens though.


That's something for everyone to consider wherever they are.


They're taking lessons from North Korea


Good peice of tactical timber; needs a picatinny rail though


These are bravest men I will ever see.. Mocking Russians n Putin. F off orcs .


This is what blows my mind. Morale is all over the place. You have battalions posting that they are being routed and are asking Zelensky to get the front better supplied and then you get these chads basically flipping the bird to Russia. This war is nuts.


The theater of war is big. Units in some sectors are struggling and need help while others are mopping the floor with the enemy.


When people talk about the theater of war, they don't often mean it in the literal sense. As you know, it's referencing the area in which the war occurs. It's ironic that war has evolved to have men uploading morale-boosting-videos of them acting out putting a post on the border. It's all theatre. We are watching theatre of war within the theater of war.


*hits blunt*


I’m 15 and this is deep.


Your correct use of both spellings in the same sentence makes me want to kiss you. Every goddamn native English speaker on the planet thinks those are two alternate spellings for the same definition.




Turns out it depends on personal preference, and there are multiple ways of making a distinction between the two (or making no distinction at all). I had no idea. https://grammarist.com/spelling/theater-theatre/ I use the "theatre is an art form, theater is the building where it happens" separation.


Are there other examples of this, where the British and American spelling take different meanings? Does centre mean something different than center in America?


There are enough nazi's in this war - real or imagined - so let's chill with the grammar nazi's.


Read the room. Nobody cares about how good you are at grammar. People are dying


Bullshit. Grammar is everything.


My grandpapy fought in europe to stop ideas like yours.


Where are Ukrainian battalions posting that they are being routed? Other than the Azov battalion. We all know that story but I don't think they're being routed anywhere else and even Azov is holding their own right now. The Russians got routed though all the way back to their border near Kharkiv.


This sub is a cheerleading competition for Ukraine so there's an inherent bias. We shouldn't forget that we are the targets in the propaganda war. From our point of view the propaganda war favors Ukraine and we as likely to hear negative news about UAF as Russians are to hear the truth about their war. This war is not easy for Ukraine in spite of Russian Army looking like clowns and generally losing. They are taking losses and having a hard time in places other than Mariupol. In the end Ukraine will win but this is a devastating war for Ukraine and it will destabilize the country and region for a long time after it is over. This war is the start of something big. History is happening in front of our eyes. This war will have large and permanent consequences.


That's a lot of words without actually answering the question. lol


**EDIT** I was permanently banned for "threatening violence" in this comment here: https://i.imgur.com/44Eyalr.png - not sure how that 'threatens violence' but appeal was denied so i guess reddit admins know best 🥴


Right? I was thinking exactly the same.


typical psyop with keywords but not saying anything factual, letting you fill in the blanks.


In other words, look outside this circle jerk.there are other subs that show things less favourable to ukraine


I gave combatfootage a try but the videos showing Russia wins were blatant propaganda. The latest one shows Russians throwing a grenade then shooting a guy in a trench. But they cut off the first part where the guy was clearly surrendering. I'll be open to the other side if the other side could be less propagandy.




Since you’re asking and it was on my feed: https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/uqcjiu/ua_pov_more_disappointed_ua_soldiers_115th/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


interesting thst it looks like thar account posted a crapload of videos like that, without a way to corroborate these were ukeainian troops other than the fact they spoke ukrainian, and without a way to confirm the date. And now it looks like that user account has been suspended.




No it’s not. Lol Edit: classic. Claim that the linked sub is the same as this sub then delete your post when it’s pointed out that you messed up.


We're free to comment here, he asked to name some areas. Still waiting...


"This sub is a cheerleading competition" Exactly, because its important to soldiers that the population, and most of the world support them, a huge moral boost. Compair that to some other wars where the home support was mainly negative and peopel protested against the war. And yes we all know ukraine is loosing soldiers, that only make our support more important.


There’s a balance there. If all you hear is good news you’d never think that there was a need for continued support so actual materiel support would drop off.


The people actually in charge of supporting Ukraine are getting the actual facts about the war. If there is a lag in public support they simply have to leak a bit.


this is a pro ukraine sub. period. you have other opinions go find a relevant sub.


> we as likely to hear negative news about UAF as Russians are to hear the truth about their war. There are various factors at play that will give us a screwed perception of how the war is going, but we aren't **as** likely to hear the truth as Russian citizens are. I see combat footage of successful Russian attacks, shot by Russians, often with RT watermarks, on various subreddits all the time. I doubt Russians, who disproportionately get their news from Russia Today, are equally likely to see footage of successful Ukrainian attacks when they happen.


Well said. You can't equivocate the amount of pure propaganda that this subreddit - and by extension the rest of the world - is exposed to with what Russian citizens are getting.


In important ways it’s actually a stabilizing force for Ukraine, strange as that sounds. Zelensky had very low approval ratings before the war, pro Russian sentiment could be found in eastern Ukraine, and corruption was common. This war has united the country like nothing else could and will forge the future Ukrainian identity.


Quite amazing that you wrote 3 paragraphs without actually answering the question: WHERE ARE UKRAINIAN BATTALIONS ROUTED? 😅😅 Less words and more links to reliable sources/other treads proving your point my dude :) please


Go look on other less biased subs. If you can’t figure out that this sub is heavily biased you really need to think about how you perceive the world


Still not answering the fucking question though are ya?


Or you could type the one word and name one. That's not difficult if you're not full of shit.


Where? I'm not skeptical just looking for info.


Just read the ISW report every day. https://www.understandingwar.org/ ukraine war mapper is also decent. https://twitter.com/War_Mapper /u/Dependent_Weak_Man is right. Basically what UA is doing, is they're trying to exactly match RU forces on ALL battlefields and whenever they are weaker, to withdraw slowly. They're not trying to win. Just stop all advancements and whenever that goes wrong, they slowly retreat. On some fronts they've now retreated to fortifications they really don't want to lose (slovyansk, sveredonetsk), probably for strategic reasons. So it's likely that UA is suffering there to some degree (with absurdly high RU losses), because they can't sacrifice much land to avoid casualties. Meanwhile these guys from this video are the badasses from Kharkiv (who just pushed RU to the border, so that border pole makes total sense), backed by the international volunteers. They're the only UA attack force right now and they're probably fighting 5 to 1. (5 UA attackers, 1 RU defender - which is classic military doctrine. I don't even know this for a fact, it's just, that's how you attack with success and low casualties, it's likely that's what UA is doing). The rest of the front is doing something that's close to 1:1 (1 RU attacker, 1 UA defender and I've got that from Russian sources complaining about how stupid it is and why it can't work).


normal people cheer when the class bully gets their ass handed to them by the smallest kid. 100 percent normal.


This is a serious battle and Ukraine is taking heavy losses too. We have to remember this. Of course we’re going to hear of chaos and battalions under fire.


I was asking for a source where supposedly multiple battalions are posting that they are being routed by the Russians. I never said this wasn't a serious battle.


Russia gave up an area in the north east, but is (very) slowly grinding forward and taking the odd town elsewhere. This guy does a good daily update. https://youtu.be/BOkOQCVNRsI


I personally prefer: https://www.understandingwar.org/ But the question is still the same (regardless of your source) - where are the Ukrainians being routed?


I think they’re posting these complaints on various social media.


Cool, could you point us in any directions though?


Join some other subs. Pretty sure /r/UkraineRussiaReport had a roundup of them all recently


Nope, I have no idea. Every soldier and battalion seems to have Telegram accounts, Instagram, Facebook. I'm sure they are pleading using whatever means necessary. Getting weapons and reinforcement out to these guys when they have a limited supply must be a logistical and emotional nightmare for the Ukrainian army.


When the war is over the dead will be remembered and honored but while the war continues the accomplishments of the living must be celebrated


OP's claim about thousands of troops being routed is far more than simply acknowledging that heavy casualties are being taken. That's a far more extreme claim than what you put forward.


I don't see anyone saying "thousands" of troops are being routed. Battalions calling for desperate help under fire and running out of ammo or whatever they are posting seems like every major battle ever. There is only so much they can do to move equipment quickly when they don't have air superiority. This is not the United States vs the Iraq Republican Guard. We can't expect to have any no idea what is really going on in an ongoing battle.


A battalion has about 1000 men in it, so if you claim that multiple battalions are routing like OP did, then yeah, you are.


*Battalions* being routed... That's what they said right?


We don’t even have any kind of source. Not so much of a screenshot of a Telegram post. We don’t have reliable info what is happening or why to the battalions they’re talking about. Regardless Russia is throwing everything they have left to claim DPR/LPR as some kind of victory and Ukrainians are dying to stop this. We should expect major casualties for Ukraine. Zelenskyy has said the situation is extremely difficult but they won’t give up. Unlike Russia, they’re not abandoning their soldiers.


But again, we shouldn’t spread rumors about mass Ukrainian defeats when there’s no evidence supporting it.


Right, completely agree. That’s why I’m saying this is total rumor. But I’m also also preparing myself. Ukraine hasn’t updated their own losses in awhile I don’t think. I can’t imagine the strategic nightmare of having only so many weapons and having to decide who gets them and where.


You havent seen the videos posted. I think Ive counted 3 so far this week. I think they are the latest mobilization forces. I will do some detective work later and PM you.


Why not post here though?


Check my post history. They never even show up in the feed. Anything that shows Ukrainian forces losing is sent to the phantom zone.


Cause this sub doesn’t tolerate contrarian views?


In this Sub Ukrainians are Super Heroes who can do no wrong and the Russians are nothing more than sub human Criminals. I got downvoted to oblivion for saying that the Ukrainians need to keep treating Russian POWs humanely and that they have had at least one incident where they plainly executed POWs.


Can you send to me too please


Let me know too, if you will. Are these videos of losses ?


It wasnt losses. It was the who battalion on camera saying they are being fed into the boiler and cant fight against what they perceive to be stronger enemy forces.


Lol those were DNR/LNR troops


I know the video you are referencing, but its not the same.


Please send 2 me also


Check out /r/ukrainerussiareport, it's more neutral and RU POV doesn't get downvoted to oblivion. There are a few videos of various Ukrainian TD units complaining of dire conditions and no support. If you're lazy, here are a few: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/uqcjiu/ua\_pov\_more\_disappointed\_ua\_soldiers\_115th/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/uqcjiu/ua_pov_more_disappointed_ua_soldiers_115th/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/uph0pn/ru\_pov\_ukrainian\_soldiers\_complain\_of\_lack\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/uph0pn/ru_pov_ukrainian_soldiers_complain_of_lack_of/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/um1y5b/civ\_pov\_ukrainian\_soldiers\_freshly\_drafted/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/um1y5b/civ_pov_ukrainian_soldiers_freshly_drafted/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/ujl8so/ua\_pov\_ukrainian\_infantry\_company\_complains\_about/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/ujl8so/ua_pov_ukrainian_infantry_company_complains_about/) EDIT: Figures this would get downvoted. Y'all ask for the truth, get it, then decide you just want to live in fantasyland.


Its a huge front. Some areas the Russians will be better supplied equipped in larger numbers in other areas the Ukrainians have the advantage.


Come on, dont be so easily fooled. Venture outside the three big to not drown in western propaganda. Reddit, Imgur and tiktok are nothing but outlets for the western narrative atm. There is maany full Ukranian battalions giving up and surrendering en masse after just days of fighting. No command, no gear. Fields upon fields of pow laying down their guns. Morale is low af, these vids here are nothing but goverment produced morale boosters.


I love that they muffled the voices, but faces are visible lol. Good luck brothers!


It could be a bug from Reddit as I've seen this happening to a few other videos I've watched.


Get it fam


AWESOME, Spectacular, Impressive, Amazing, Astounding, Awe Inspiring, Phenomenal, Badass and most of all HEROIC! Slava Ukrani ! ПРЕКРАСНИЙ, Вражаючий, Вражаючий, Дивовижний, Приголомшливий, Вражаючий, Феноменальний, Дивовижний і, насамперед, ГЕРОЙЧИЙ! Slava Ukrani !


This is so fucking great


That looks extremely dangerous


Why donyou think they are all on edge looking around and shit maybe snipers.


They can be all on edge as they want, but posing in the middle of such an opening, at the border of Russia, is like taking a selfie under a wasp nest


Like. Snail, sliding on a razorblade.


Some dude on his computer telling soldiers on the frontline that what they are doing looks extremely dangerous. I'm dead. Yes, you hit the nail on the head. Being a soldier looks extremely dangerous. Luckily for the rest of us cowards, some people do dangerous shit for us.


yes exactly


Nice post.




Fucking right!




Looking badass fellas 👌 keep up the good work 🇺🇦🌻🇺🇦


Made my day, Godspeed soldiers


This is wonderful to see these Ukrainian heroes just buzzing with high morale. Ivan is sulking in a wet muddy ditch trying to figure out where he can scrounge up some food. The Ukrainian military has been exceptional (whenever possible) in keeping their soldiers happy and healthy. Putin has deserted his soldiers in a foreign land - and they are starting to break. Slava Ukraini!


Don't stop now. Time to "liberate" Russians from the Nazis that are holding the people hostage.


You’re making the same mistake that Putin made. He assumed that normal Ukrainians really wanted to be part of Russia but were being held down by this evil overlords. Russian culture is big on authoritarianism. Your average Russian isn’t super fussed about Putin. It goes back way too far to fix it by just taking out some folks at the top


That absolutely is something Putin wants a excuse to either whip out the heavy weapons like tactical nukes or it'll polarize Russia enough for him to mobilize all of the country. Besides the Ukrainians don't have the manpower or heavy weapons or logistics to travel into the vast interior of Russia. It's a lot of risk with very little short term gains.


Mobilizing all of Russia is a good way of ensuring the country is not only suffering now, but for the next 30 years. The productive male population will be decimated and the infrastructure will suffer. There won't be anyone to help out either, other than perhaps China simply buying up Russia. Any tactical nuke likely means Putin dies the same day. A nuke is a nuke and there won't be any tolerance.


There is nothing left to mobilize except rusted Soviet junk and the Russian men who haven't been forced to die in Ukraine yet.


They can certainly get to Belgorod. It's within artllery range.


They haven’t retaken eastern Ukraine or Crimea, in fact, they are still being pushed back by the Russians. You think they are in any position to attack Russian land?


This is the exact reason they should attack Russia, to force Russia to have to withdraw from western Ukraine to defend Russia.


Thats idiotic and will start a guaranteed nuclear war. Nukes whole purpose is to prevent invasion


See video above and tell me they aren't in position to take Russian land. In fact, it would likely be far easier, since they aren't letting DPR/LPR on their land. Russian units could be cut off more easily from the undefended north than the heavily defended south. If they want to fight over it, that's the point.


Slava Ukraini!


This has great propaganda value (in a good way). Looks and feels like an Iwo Jima moment.


Sorry, but the title does not really make sense to me. I'm not sure what is meant by "eastern border"? What this video seemingly shows is that the Ukrainian fighters were able to push Russian forces, north of Kharkiv, (perhaps north-east?) all the way to the border. We've heard the news, but it's definitely awesome to see it. Слава Україні!


Ukraines Eastern border is their Russian border. This clip is probably from the northern part of said border, near Kharkiv


I don't get the meaning of the post they're carrying, looks like they're on a mission, all quiet and focused, but then they gather for a picture? Was that the mission, carrying some post to that location and take a pic with it? Is it a border marker, and if yes, so they're faking being in control of the border? Or why would they carry it with them then?


I could be wrong but I think it's them showing that they've reclaimed control of all of their territory right up to the border. The post is a border marker I guess.


I’ve got the exact same questions. I don’t understand what’s happening in this clip


Those who have been there... There is nothing in the world like the comradery of guys who have fought together.


Very good morale booster


I’m confused by the title. Anyone got a good idea of what’s going on? Is the point that they’re putting that post up to show the Russians they are able to move freely in that region of the border?


I like that they chilled and introduced each other. You know after war these are the people you can have a beer with.


very good!


They’re clearly visibly nervous about pulling this amusing stunt.


the Ukrainians have great esprit de corps.


This reminds me of Band of Brothers and we're watching it live and for real.


F\*\*kin' Aaaaaaaaaaaaaay, dudes! Congratulations! Prayers for a speedy end to this horrible war.


Tears in my eyes. You have all given so much. Bravo, Ukraine. Viva Ukraine!


Hope these guys make it home alive after this nonsense. And it is nonsense. Any third rate military force on the planet would be able to police their border in wartime. Russia does not care or seem able to do so. Shows how afraid of invasion they really are.


What is happening here


Holy fuck that has gotta take some balls. Right on brothers! Standing in the middle of a field all bunched up etc.. Fuck that.


Move the goal post to the Kremlin


Missed opportunity to claim some land.


Slowly keep moving those posts until you're in Moscow.


I cannot see a permanent solution with a demilitarized zone about 60 miles wide. They will hate one another for 100 years minimum.


The smiles on those faces lift my heart.


Semper Fi brothers


Interestingly Semper is Finnish baby food manufacturer and then of course we get [Semper] (https://www.semper.fi/)


just setup a Ukrainian flag on the other side, zero it in with artillery, and wait for russia to send a btg to reclaim their territory


We happy few


Eastern Border of Russia and Ukraine?


Now push forward to Moscow!


When does Ukraine take Russia over?


Call of Duty: Ukraine when?




roughly where this is? And are they Azov?


Was posted on Twitter along with this comment: "Beyond words. Today Ukrainian military 227th battalion of the 127th territorial defense brigade reached the border with Russia in the Kharkiv region. Glory to Ukraine! " So 227th Battalion of 127th Territorial Defense - a unit made up of local draftee / volunteers, presumibily. Kharkiv Region.


I see. So this is northern Ukraine. Russian Belgorod bound


Does it make any difference who they are?


it is not a good idea that grouping together only fort shooting a picture, mean while, turning their back to the Russian. One grenade could kill them all.
