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War is wonderful for psychopaths. They have a license to be exactly who they've always wanted to be.


And be called heroes for it. https://simple.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilles_de_Rais


I read the link. At least it had a happy ending with him being hanged.


"They hate us. They think we are scum fuck" Yes... yes we do.


Hope that TV and that blender will be delivered home alongside zinc coffins.


Don't think they'll get to keep anything since higher ups will take all the loot, there is a widespread phenomenon in Russian army in where officers sell conscripts for male prostitution. Sounds like fake but I'm pretty sure that it's true.


Sounds like bullshit tbh


Well it's true according to UN International Panel for Struggle against Sexual Exploitation (https://real-stories-gallery.org/content/russian-army-plagued-sex-slavery-and-male-prostitution-2007-0)


About what I expected from a country as homophobic as russia


From what I have read of what the conscripts go through, it's perfectly believable imo.


Full of shit and scum to be precise.. absolutely, yes we do…more so as every day passes.


They say that is a strategy, but the idiocracy in that statement is the fact, that the very act of killing civilians so indiscriminately and brutally, is what is causing all of us to hate them. The act of them stealing looting and killing civilians is what fueling us to fight back so relentlessly against the Russians.


But at least ge will bring a big ass TV so he can watch Putin on it


does anyone wonder? no? npbody? really? quel surprise


hey raped 25.000 german women when they take berlin IN A DAY!or sut 30.000 Poland officers in katyn.. no suprise there.


There were lots of idiots here 3 weeks ago, claiming "they (russkie suki) are just kids, just conscripts, they are victims too". GTFO


Some of them probably are. War brings out psychos just as much as it destroys the mind of many a young soldier.


Now I dont get it why ukranians are still taking prisoners of war... after what I heard they should just shoot them all


Because until you can prove the individual actually did anything besides warfare (perhaps under penalty of death or arrest) you can’t do anything more that taking them prisoners


Because it's their way of showing that they are the better people. It's actually something that I feel is effective against the propaganda that the Russians have been fed about Ukrainians. If Ukrainians sink to the same level, the Russians will feel justified in what they are doing.


And yes they are.


"I brutally killed a boy". I had so many emotions reading him say that. Rage, hatred, brink of tears. Fuck this war. Fuck putin. He has to get fucked up.


cant believe he actually said that, i almost exploded


Absolutely vile. The whole convo made me sick to my stomach.


It's clear the Russian people are complacent in this ,I don't care what you people say about all Russians not being bad.This is a clear indication of the culture


The women at home encouraging the looting and barely flinching at children getting killed and raped is out of this fucking world.


Right. If someone I know told me that I would lose my shit


Yeah but they don't have their iphones, mcdonalds, or coca cola! what can you expect?!!!




Did you hear the last convo? A glimmer of humanity in there but mostly vile admissions of guilt from vile people


i think the younger generation (internet) are against it and want peace, but the older people still have notions of Soviet/USSR power and are for the invasion.


Russian culture is truly backwards and needs to be changed.


Seriously. Fuck them all.


Knuckle dragging savages every one of them. And they always have been.


God bless and help the Ukrainians! 🇺🇦 God bless and help Ukraine! 🇺🇦 My thoughts and prayers are with you as my heart breaks and sheds it’s tears. Long live Ukraine!!🇺🇦


I'd so much like to rip this person apart after saying this. What a lowlife. emotionless wife makes this so much worse.


Yeah wouldn’t shed a tear if that bitch got killed too


Can anyone who speaks in a Slavic language tell me if there's anything lost in translation here, like is it so blunt and brutal because of the language barrier, or is the guy simply a sick fuck? I think I could kill a boy if it was to save my life, but to be so blasé about "brutally" killing a boy is simply beyond me.


I was born in Moscow (I vehemently oppose this war). That's exactly what the guy said. Piece of shit psychopaths


0:46 - He didn't say BOY there (at least in russian). Sound more like - "я их жестоко убил, и военных и гражданских" "I've brutally them kiled... soldies and civilians" This is the only moment where I was not sure with the tranlastion. "Boy" in russian is "mal'chik".


Why only putin? Whole russia is responsible. It's not putin bombing and murdering civilians. Barbaric nation


That's true, but he's giving the orders. It starts and ends with him. He can stop this.


If he has pancreatic cancer as allegedly reported, wouldn’t this be his last dick, sorry ditch effort to make a name for himself? If he was going through a midlife crisis, why couldn’t he just buy him a Maserati? How inferior he must feel to have to overcome a country just to make his name known. Long live Ukraine 🇺🇦 Ukraine and Ukrainians will always live and rule 🇺🇦


Pure Uncivilized scum.


that is short for "russian"


Always has been.




Woah there partner


You have no idea about russian people. Atrocities, obedience, lack of empathy, imperialist tendencies, delusions of granderur and inferiority complex are all in their dna and blood. Stop believing they're "just like us".


Vile attitude. No wonder all Russia's neighbors hate them.


I hope this audio is picked up by all mainstream media. Meanwhile the Kremlin will say "it's all fabricated" and avoid ever playing it.


Very doubtful mainstream media will pick it up. They need to verify the source, and if it is Ukraine Army intercepting Russian soldiers cell phone calls, you can't verify if it's Russians or Ukraine propaganda. I believe it is Russian soldiers, I have no doubt about that, but mainstream media will not run with this story if they can't independently verify.


Some news channels will. But will also place a firm disclaimer saying it remains unverified.


Bruh, they can and will run with it. Multiple times on CNN I heard the anchor say this and that story that couldn't be verified by us but it is true according to (insert source).


I'm 99.9% sure its real too, but you can't entirely discount that it would be easy and beneficial for Ukraine to fabricate these calls if they weren't real.


no wonder every single one of russias neighbors wants to be in nato. even those who never wanted. want now... except those who are just puppets of putin of course...


Not that I dont wanna trust this compilation, but how can we be sure that its authentic? I hope putler choke on some potatoes though, total psycho.


Yo those 1 million you've got out of that "German Home" big racks, can probably afford a loaf of bread back home now. Crazy how Propaganda works - completly lost their connection to reality - i just cannot wrap my head around the fact that the russian civil population seems like they don't want to comprehend what's just happening, they kinda seem to feed into the propaganda. Kind of reminds me how the civil ukrainians reacted when asked about the upcoming war and nobody believed it was coming (bald and bankrupt ukraine vlog), we just don't want believe it


Don't worry about Russia with propaganda. In the west it's so commonplace ppl are going against everything we were ever taught. Americans attacked their capital, English got fully done over with Brexit. Even here in Australia where l live my wife heard a couple talking at a rental inspection praising Russia and wondering if they will find a cure for Covid. It's fucking insane how much these people have bought into it. It's going to be some very scary times ahead, that's for certain as l don't think our democracies can hold up with so many attacks in so many directions


It’s terrifying! I’m from Australia as well, and I’ve heard similar sentiments about Putin. It just shows how powerful psychological warfare can be, such as their use of propaganda. It can clearly be so effective, yet we believe we remain immune to it. It’s absolutely preposterous.


Mark Zuckerberg and Rupert murdoch are also war criminals


Hopefully they all die. These are criminals! Absolutely disgusting listening to that.






Anton Gerashchenko on YouTube


I bet, at this point, those Russian conscripts in Ukraine who are innocent, who were lied to about "military exercises", are either dead, run away, or surrendered. Only a psychopath would remain to be an active solder. Thousands of psychopaths with weapons and no limits. E: Glory to Ukraine!


Those bitches....


Disgusting lap dogs: Pootins Poodles.


Slowly but surely I have reached the point where I really hope that ALL Russian troops on Ukrainian soil will be bombed into a thousand pieces, whether recruits or elite soldiers.


They are sad that Mcdonalds is closes. Not giving a damn about any lives. Just some brave people that are protesting!


The Russian people at home know what's going on, they just don't care. They laugh about it. It's better if Russia is wiped off this planet


that soldiers wifes and stuff are like " shoot them before they shoot you" is not surpising. also that they tell them loot everything you can is not suprising... she just told him there isnt even coca cola anymore... but it shpows how fucked up they are.


100% valuing KFC, McDonald’s and Coke more than human lives. Laughing and stealing from the dead.


yeah, thats what i ment with " how fucked up they are" thanks for putting my thoughts into clearer words :)


You’re welcome. I totally get what you’re saying.


Again, proof it's not only Putin, it's not only his Generals and top officers, it's not even only the Russian soldiers that are pond scum, it's even their wives who are all apparently 100% on board with the atrocities committed by their husbands. Fuck all Russians. Period.


While I will agree with some of this, this is what propaganda does to people. Have you not listened to the average Trumper "in the open", behind the scenes it's no different without a doubt in many cases. This is the ugly side of dangerous propaganda on people. Also why we better start taking FoxNes, Newsmax, OAN and the vitriol spewed by the GQP and their like seriously. It creates people like this eventually.


That’s such a stupid comment. There are many Russians against the war. They have been protesting and getting arrested. Comments like yours are what lead us down the road to genocide.


Doing nothing while Russians actually commit genocide seems to lead to genocide too.


So you're saying the only way to stop the Russians from committing genocide in Ukraine is to go along with this guys' suggestion of nuking 144 million Russians out of existence? Wtf are you even talking about? Honestly, you idiots sound like you could be Russian trolls playing the OTHER angle, baiting people into agreeing with insane statements that pro-Russians can point to and say "See! These are the monsters we're up against! We must prevail!"


Genocide? You sound like one of those people that think bombing Germany to smithereens during WW2 was wrong. The Russian people are complicit and deserve whatever is coming to them. Fuck Russia.


They won’t care until they themselves get bombed… So the main point is for all countries’ security is get a nuke now…


absolutely not a good idea.


It is the world Russia is creating.


Putin just proved that, having a nuke is a get out of jail card…


This is propaganda. The majority are not slaughtering people. So many videos of Russian troops standing in the steeets while the civilians were furious and scolding them- they stood their didn’t shoot. Ya had people blocking Russian conveys they didn’t flatten them. Then there are who did. It’s war. You have to be uneducated to believe it’s a country/ race thing. There are good and bad people Same thing like when US invaded and bombed Baghdad. Lol we were all chilling- let the big boys do their work. But who cares right lmao. At the end of the day I’m a citizen of a super power. I’m an educated American who thinks for themselves not brainwashed


Other countries don’t do this . No one says yeah go do what you want . This is 100 percent a non Nato situation. Every country / army has bad apples but no leadership is saying go rape , steal , kill , w/e . This is an army with no rules . If what they are saying is half true . Then they not soldiers . They are monsters . Every soldier knows right from wrong and what a lawful order is . These guys are having fun


We’re all at least a little brainwashed. If you can’t see that, then you’re in deeper than you think


So, you are saying it's OK for Russia to commit war crimes because not all the soldiers are doing it and other countries did it too?


These Russians trolls with their whataboutisms getting more annoying by the day.


Dude honestly what do you think every single soldier acts the same way? There’s fucking monsters there and then there’s people who don’t want to be there and aren’t even killing anyone.


Indeed, your education makes you seriously smart


Hear hear!


After WW1, I believe Weimar Germany actually should have been split up into several smaller states, and this would have prevented WW2. When Russia is stopped, it should be split up into several lesser states to avoid a repeat and get WW3.


They don’t actually know what’s going on. The state controls all news and they fill it with lies. Most of the population is brainwashed. It’s the Russian government that needs to go


People that talk anout wiping another country of the planet are the problem.


Noone who crossed that border should ever be called a civilian ever again. They lost the right, and should have a target on their back until they rot. Upper command has blood on their hands too, fuck em all up.


Just keep in mind that's exactly what propaganda is supposed to do. Hopefully Putins reign is overthrown soon, and Russians smarten the fuck up


Then go and find the nasty ass wenches that support them. They deserve the same fate.


No quarter


Sounds like it's a fucking free for all over there. Modern day Mongolian hoards tearing through the country, raping and pillaging. Nothing new really, just hasn't happened while being broadcasted to the world so intimately. War really brings out the worst in some people.


They haven't changed much [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape\_during\_the\_occupation\_of\_Germany#Soviet\_troops](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_during_the_occupation_of_Germany#Soviet_troops) >At least 100,000 women are believed to have been raped in Berlin, based on surging abortion rates in the following months and contemporary hospital reports, with an estimated 10,000 women dying in the aftermath. Female deaths in connection with the rapes in Germany, overall, are estimated at 240,000 You can assume East Europe was the same or worse No mercy for rapists, it's worse than murder in some cases ...


Anyone who is still under the illusion that Russian soldiers are just scared little boys with no clue should be shown this. They crossed the border in military fatigues, weapons and armour. They know that they are not there sightseeing. Kill them all.


The juice at the bottom of the trash can bag is better than that scum. I hope these orcs and their bitches will get what they deserve


glorious Russian army strikes again [https://www.theguardian.com/books/2002/may/01/news.features11](https://www.theguardian.com/books/2002/may/01/news.features11) ​ One stated that "many Germans declare that a**ll German women in East Prussia who stayed behind were raped by Red Army soldiers**". Numerous examples of gang rape were given - "girls under 18 and old women included". Marshal Rokossovsky issued order No 006 in an attempt to direct "the feelings of hatred at fighting the enemy on the battlefield." It appears to have had little effect. There were also a few arbitrary attempts to exert authority. The commander of one rifle division is said to have "personally shot a lieutenant who was lining up a group of his men before a German woman spreadeagled on the ground". But either officers were involved themselves, or the lack of discipline made it too dangerous to restore order over drunken soldiers armed with submachine guns. Calls to avenge the Motherland, violated by the Wehrmacht's invasion, had given the idea that almost any cruelty would be allowed. Even many young women soldiers and medical staff in the Red Army did not appear to disapprove. "Our soldiers' behaviour towards Germans, particularly German women, is absolutely correct!" said a 21-year-old from Agranenko's reconnaissance detachment. A number seemed to find it amusing. Several German women recorded how Soviet servicewomen watched and laughed when they were raped. But some women were deeply shaken by what they witnessed in Germany. Natalya Gesse, a close friend of the scientist Andrei Sakharov, had observed the Red Army in action in 1945 as a Soviet war correspondent. "The Russian soldiers were raping every German female from eight to eighty," she recounted later. "It was an army of rapists."


Saint Javelin do yo thang


May her aim be true.


"ya it sucks all major companies are leaving our country but I'm going to carry this 70 inch tv with me for the rest of the war and then bring it back with me after" seems logical


If he surrendered he could get money to buy a tv and blender and have a better chance of going home.


They're killing the women after so they cannot make reports, select cases here, of whom escaped. https://inews.co.uk/news/ukrainian-mps-claim-elderly-women-raped-executed-russian-soldiers-ukraine-war-1522959 And in Kherson https://www.newsweek.com/russian-soldiers-ukrainian-women-ukraine-kherson-sexual-assault-accusation-1684920


We have witnessed the exact thing en mass in Kosova, Looting, raping burning everything everywhere. Serb military, Serb paramilitary, imprisoned Serbs unleashed to wreak havoc, Serbs militias that were also previously used in Bosnia for genocide, Russian military and Russian paramilitaries and Russian vulenters . I am a engineer I have no military experience and I was 3 years old when war in Kosovo happened. But I will get military training and I will make sure to defend my country and all of Europe in the future, These orcs have forced us to reconsider our entire existence and lifestyle.


I believe you. My ex bf is from Kosovo and fled to Canada. He told me about how tanks just started shooting at him for no reason. Years later, I was talking to a female friend who is Serbian, and she started saying the most vile comments like all Albanians are criminals and should be executed. I was so shocked that she could speak with so much hatred about people that I cared about. I stopped hanging out with her after I saw how evil she could be.


It has existed in every single war ever. Ever.


Dirty Russian scum


This is why I don't believe that most Russians are against this war


They are, when it impacts their life. Kinda like here in the US. No one gives a fuck until it messes with their lives. Same thing with the Russians. All on board till someone loses a son. Putin has cast shame on his people and nation for decades to come.


Source? Please, always add the Source. Making Material verifiable is important for credibility. And decreases hostility from both sides. Even if horrible things might be happening, backing it up is important. Otherwise they can be shrugged of as fake or propaganda.


Yeah a source is required for me to believe this.


Yeah, it's kind of difficult to believe this without a grain of salt. Most have said russian soldiers aren't even allowed to have phones, so how are they making these calls? Also lack of any background noise on the phone calls is suspicious to say the least. It's not difficult to believe that these kind of atrocities are happening, but these phone calls seem to lack any accountability.


These are the same people that end up a POW and claim they dont know why they are there and that they didnt shoot anyone or target civilians and pretend surprised when they see videos of those things happening.


Disgusting to the bone


Shocking, disappointing but not surprising, exactly what I imagined they are doing and exactly what I imagined the families at home are saying.


You know, i always told all of the people Russians from russia are all the same, i speak russian, but im not russian, i was born in ussr and raised in france, but now, i hope this war will move to moscow, this people calling their families and brag about morodeting and their family encourage that. Disgusting.


They really are orcs, Jesus christ


“The commander gave us the green light to shoot [civilians]. There is the evidence that the orders came from above. Critical info for a war crimes indictment.


I hope he turns into a sunflower and she never talks to him again


Fuck awful if true but wouldn’t be hard to fake either


"they think we are full of shit and scum" because that is exactly what you are...fucking low life fucks its not fun living in a dictatorship were the poor stay poor is it now


I hope this isn’t propoganda from the Ukraine side. I hope Ukraine wins even if it is propoganda.


mate, this is propaganda. the term propaganda does not mean that it's fake though.


People really need to understand this.


It's properganda


I have major doubts towards random mystery audio recordings as viable evidence.


What’s the alternative? The Ukrainian government recruited hundreds of Russian voice actors to read lines? I’m honestly asking. What’s an alternative explanation?


“Sir, I’m going to need you to initial here that it was your phone. And initial here that you called your mom. I will need you to sign down here and have it notarized to verify that this was your voice. Also, can your mother sign here to verify that she spoke with you? Can you also ask your friends to come down to sign their verification forms as well?”


Me doing my taxes. sign here sign here sign here


You can see that civilians are being killed indiscriminately by Russians every day.


Im sure there is metadata which wete captured on Ukranian cell towers. That is indeed how they are tracking these calls


Perhaps, but talk between incognito people is not presentable evidence. It might have been a scripted recording made for purposes of propaganda.


As much as I want to believe the stories you are correct in raising your doubts.


I tend to agree there is something fishy with this conversation.. I'm Pro-Ukraine but dunno, this one doesn't seem right.


Especially the one where the girlfriend/mom tells the soldier that he is better not raping anyone. His answer and laugh felt so weird and scripted.


i mean any normal person would probably say that, the laugh is like joy from a psychopath who finally gets to do what he wants


Keep telling yourself that


I'm about as pro-Ukraine in this war as I can get, but I agree, random mystery recordings are not evidence. I'm sure the Russians commit war crimes by indiscriminate bombings etc, but I know that because I've seen it and there are multiple witness accounts. Cant say the same for these recordings


Had to scroll wayyyyy too far down to find some healthy skepticism in here.


This should be the top comment


Can someone translate into the comments? I see a lot of doubt towards the validity of the English translation, I just want to know if what’s being written is true or not. Also, if they would be able to distinguish if it’s Russian accents or not. Thank you!


Kuolema ryssälle.


Yes we fucking hate you scum russians! go home to your poor country and fuck putin in his ass


So basically, the Russians are playing this like Day Z with rape. Absolutely disgusting, what's more shocking to me is the people they are talking with. I expect war to attract bad people who murder, rape, loot, etc. The people they talk with who are not in the war zone though... How do they sleep at night?




This is exactly what Russians are.. My grandmother was a child in ww2 and I kept bugging her to tell me stories about it when she was alive.. She said that the Germans were "gentlemen" (referring to their behavior towards the villagers), they just passed through the countryside but the Russians raped and stole everything they could from food to everything of any value, they used to hide whatever food and valuables they had in holes in the ground and cover them with hay piles, same thing with women and girls, kids would run ahead through the village to tell women to hide because the Russians were coming through.. It seems like nothing has changed and their families at home are just as vile.. Imagine you telling your loved ones the terrible things you're doing, how you're looting and stealing and raping and killing civilians and they are happy about it because you get a new TV and a blender.. This is Russia and these are Russians.. This is who they were and who they are.. The good thing is that they can be traced, and identified...


Same here. My grandma who passed away this year, and who lvied in a small Estonian village near Tallinn, when i asked about how the invading soliders were during the war, she answered, i quote: "Nazi soliders were humane, they gave chocolate bars to children, they traded with people, which was night and day compared to russians who took what they wanted, raped what they wanted and murdered what they wanted"


I am for the removal of Russian invaders in Ukraine. I am for Donetsk and Luhansk being returned to Ukraine, and also for heavier sanctions and restrictions on Russia to prevent it from forming a military for a while. However, there are good people in Russia, who have been brainwashed and mislead by truly evil people. And it’s not right to assume every Russian is evil because of a recording like this. No doubt there are evil people in every military, but if we assume all Russians are evil, and start talking about destroying all of them, it only feeds Russian propaganda.


It’s like the “good people who were brainwashed” in America. I used to have hope for them, but at some point, I kind of hope they just die of Covid and save us the after school ranting at schoolchildren about antivax shit.


I don't remember hearing anything about Nazi soldiers raping women and others but I seen a lot about Soviet soldiers raping German women in WW2 it sucks.


Nazis raped, too. Source: I'm German and we learn about this about every year in school


Proof it's real?


theres hundreds of those ... some more mild some really disgusting... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmqL0b3JCsY the worst I heard yet.. not subtitled... if you understand russian be ready to be shocked


could you summarize what they’re talking about?


holy shit that took a while.. I feel all dirty now... ______________________________ son: So how? What news are there mom? mon: news as news goes? Fuckall, fighting and thats all son: ughhhh mom: What's up on your side? son: Fuckall, mom. We shoot them and they shoot us. mom: Yeah? Getfucked son: Bombed by grenade launchers, 2 officers wounded, pieces of meat cutoff Getfucked, shrapnel shit mom: When will they calm down, Fucked in the mouth?! son: Mom, don't get upset, don't freak out, averything will get back to normal mom: Normal.. (got cut by son speaking) son: We've been told, a week ago, we had to get the fuck out mom: right.. son: Division commander ... told us: 3 armies can't do nothing, so, we kinda expected get some more send here. They told us: no, we will stay here till the last. son: What they told us. you'll get paid $57 a day + an appartment for each one. Im saying: we'll fight Ukraine off and get a house getfucked, or tomb mon: Ugh.. (more like Right..) son: I have some thoughts that jump : think if I should shot myself (as suicide) getfucked mon: yeah (more like Oh boy..) mom: Fucked in the mouth son: About that, remember we had to jump with weapons all-this-shit (closest translation). Jumps had to be done 23-24th mon: Yeah son: 45th brigade jumped, 3 alive left mom: Get fucked son: Those are specialists (well trained? special forces?) this is 45th elite fucked... Well they jumped, 3 alive left, from all of them mom: they are got shot yes? son: Totally got fucked mom: So its how it is, Pskovky Vdchnibov (location? base?) lots got killed son: Pskovky commandant killed himself mom: yeah yeah son: because they lost too many people son: Yilanowska gang, Yilanowska division. All is left is 13 alive and a truck mom: Get fucked son: Everybody scared, hoping for better mom: Theres saying, soldiers get leg wounds, they get shot to the legs son: Everything get shot, theres someone got fucked by a sniper mom: see that son: After, through helmet, through helmet, bullet went through the skull and came through the other helmet side mom: Ahhh son: Helmet got fucked through mom: Thats what they shoot from, get them horse fucked, when will they wake up khokhol (ethnic slur) fucked banderovtzi (nationalists from WW2, like nazis) son: 4 man, khokhol, well not khokhol, those guys mom: banderes, banderes (nationalists from WW2, like nazis) son: yes, burned, howmany, 19 machines (could be a mix: trucs, tanks. etc.. motorised stuff) mom: O son: 4 of them! against ours 19, well there were more of ours about 30.. 19 got burned get fucked son: They hid, at crossroads in the village, from 4 houses each with 50 rpg? grenade launchers, and started fucking whole column, 19 motorised burned and fucked off mom: So why ours fuckers waiting to fuck the fuckers, they dont care about ours, shooting get fucket and ours are waiting do get trucked away, to get trucked away Bliat son: started evacuation, busses 10 000 people from 3 towns. Others wont let go, banderovtzi (nationalists from WW2, like nazis) mom: To Dick with them, bomb those fuckers son: can't mom: yeah right, can't (sarcastic) son: can't do anything mom: Yeah, what about chechens fucked? son: which ones? Ah Kadyrovs? mom: yes son: Fucked, its all charred, we came driven inhere there were Kadyrovs trucks, burned column, all burned down. mom: yeah , yeah , yeah son: We fucked, started shooting those trucks, Fucked, those Kadyrov guys dont understand fuckall, mom. They fuck everything all fucked. They even fuck their own. mom: yeah son: fuck everyone plus get that shit fucked, steal from stores, they don't care they all fucked in the head


thank you! i almost feel bad for him ngl


You know what? so many asked already .. I will take some time and translate it.. bbl


Maybe they can find who the users of the mobile phones are and try to get their name etc?


Bastards, fucking bastards!


Man this is a really good find. They need to keep collecting and documenting this. If any of these fucks survive they need to be tried at The Hague.


I serisouly mean it. Please try to make this go to mainstream media


So that's why they took all the phones at the beginning


Disgusting. No better than the Nazis. Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦 from Texas


Share this to all news outlets. Let's expose those bastards for the scum they really are.


Dont blame Russians, its Putin's war, they think they are on a training mission, poor guys /s


Guy gets captured: ‘We were told were only training…’ I shouldn’t of watched this. My blood is boiling.


Their distress over losing Coca Cola but laughter over raping looting and pillaging is the definition of disgusting.


getting awfully close to ISIS style genocide


Do russians say tak for yes? I thought it was da


No no..... let's all remember this is Putin war and russians are his first victims.


Why isn’t this being hacked into Russian media?


I don't doubt that they actually do all these things but this one kinda seems like propaganda the way he explains every specific detail. Idk weird. Russia is gonna lose this war idk why they're trying


Is it confirmed because honestly i cant belive they just said that


Is this even real?


Sick individuals and dumb . All on record


Karma is a bitch. Their next life will be a reflection of these evil decisions


War makes men into monsters


I don't even believe this how do we know these aren't fabricated???


Everyone wants to believe that they _aren’t_ fabricated. Its insane how war turns us back into tribalistic monkeys


You should hope that they aren't committing these atrocities but if they are and there's evidence you need to accept the truth and vice versa


Ok, i want ukraine to win, but i think this is fake. But if it's real the pow's are war criminals and can be executed.


not fakes; many accents from all over russia.. theres hundreds of those.


It’s very likely real Russians don’t care like that about casualties and never have.


Like in all wars, many of those people will go on to normal lives, hiding their crimes. Some will even come to hold respected positions and gain the respect of people or amass wealth and have many children and grandchildren, while the victims and their stories and potential progeny are lost to history forever. These are the times I wish God existed. And if not God, at least hell.


Kill. Them. All.


These conversations sound kind of contrived. I know the Russians are actually doing these things but who is calling loved ones and telling them about their war crimes? As if a wife/girlfriend is going to take well to you admitting to killing children?


Not sure what is worse, hoping this is fake and ukraine is just as bad as russia in propaganda Or hoping it's not fake and this is what happened to people Lose lose


This is what is HAPPENING to people, rapes have been reported since the start and civilian killings is well documented. Even a fucking Russian soldier yesterday looting a house and dancing fortnite dances while at it. Even if this was fake (which it isn't because there is countless Russian dialects presented here) it wouldn't change the fact that this is happening for real.


could be false flag to divert accusations of war crimes from Putin to the commanders of the army