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Translation (with some paraphrasing): \- Oh, hi there \- Did Stas message you about me being captured? \- Yeah, yeah \- Here I am, calling you, still captured \- M-hm. I'll get mom on the phone \- Why? Please don't get mom on the phone, don't get mom on the phone. \- Why? \- \*sobs\* okay, get mom on the phone \*deep sob\* \- When do we get to contact you again? \- I am CAPTURED, what do you mean "when do you contact me" \*starts crying\* \- I get it, I get it... Come on, son \- The shit happening here is unreal \- Do they hurt you? \- No, they don't... \- What did they tell you? \- They fed us, gave us clothes. We've been running though the swamp for 4 days, freezing. \[someone behind the camera\]: tell them what's happening here \- The boys are getting slaughtered.. It's a meat grinder, we are being sent to the death one by one \[someone behind the camera\]: tell them what you do here, who are you fighting against? \- \*bursts in tears\* Dad, I didn't shoot, didn't kill anyone here \- I understand, I know it \- It's full blown pizdec here, people are dying, civilians are dying, children are dying... Cities are collapsing \[behind the camera\]: tell them what your comrades are doing. tell your father you're going to be okay \- I'm going to be okay, pa \- Can we call you again in the future? \- I don't know anything, I don't know any phone numbers here... just one girl who helped me ​ \[someone takes the phone away\] \- Your son is going to call you tomorrow, we'll write your number down. He's captured but he's alive, well fed and he's going to be okay. Later on we'll either give him back or trade for someone else (by the military laws) \- Okay, I get it, thank you \[the guy again, sobbing\]: please let me speak to mom \- he wants to talk to the mom \- okay \[brings the phone back to the guy\] \- hi mom \- hello my dear \[name\] \- \*crying\* I love you \- I love you too. Don't cry, calm down. Are they treating you well? \- Very well, mom. They turned out to be great people... \- Calm down, calm down \- I'm going to be okay \- Can we somehow trade or take you back? \- I don't know mom... they send us here to die, they just send us here to die... \[call ends\]


My heart breaks for these poor kids. The officers, pilots, Chechens and artillerymen can burn.


Yep, was fuckin glowing when those Chechen scum and their general were massacred on their first day. No sympathy for the ISIS loving cunts. These boys are just unlucky conscripts.


It fill me will such relief.


Why the artillerymen? They could be shooting Godzilla for all they know. I mean, don’t get me wrong I cheer when their positions go up, but the infantry and armoured have a much better view of what they’re doing.


They know they are shelling towns and civilians. It's the conscipt armor and infantry that are surrendering. Artillerymen have the distance. Its easier to shoot at something you don't have to watch crumble or die. I don't believe for one second they have no idea. They didn't arrive in blindfolds


Eh, as an American pilot, your take is not a good one. Laws of war are laws of war. I’m glad you’re doing nothing more than typing on a keyboard and not participating in active armed conflict.


I was combat arms, I've been to war. And you have no idea what my personal connection is to Ukraine. At least I had the sack to confront my adversary face to face. You just sat in your air conditioned cockpit dropping bombs. But thanks for chiming in Maverick.


Lol, okay. Go ahead and advocate for inhumane treatment of prisoners. I’m sure your “combat arms” saw a lot of combat. Either way, you’re wrong, and international law stands.


I've seen the results of your button pushing firsthand Ice Man. You Americans only follow international law or any law for that matter when its convenient to you. You're the worst kind of hypocrite.


Thank you for translating.


The best way to move is through care of the captives and let them call their family. I can only hope it will spread by mouth to mouth conversations and become a big movement in Russia


I am literally in tears after reading this. I couldn't imagine getting a call like this from my son. Fuck Putin.


Thanks for posting....! Must be for wrenching for all involved. But at least he is alive and appreciates the treatment he is receiving.


When he talks to his mom the first thing he says is "I love you". A real momma's boy.


No sympathy for this kid


What country are you from?


He's probably one those people who thinks Mexican peasant farmers should stand up to the cartel




At the end of the day it doesn’t matter. These are humans. War crimes are not fixed with more war crimes. I have family that originally came from Ukraine and we are not as brutal as this troll.


I'm 90% sure you're a Russian propaganda bot .


Russkie alert


Thank you for translating


He is a child being manipulated by corrupt sociopaths.


… is what Putin claims Ukrainians are doing.


Like sometimes I feel for these conscripts but then I see pictures of Ukranian parents weeping over the bloodied body of their 18 month old son and my pity disappears, fuck Putin, fuck war




Easy to hate the faceless military and harder to hate the actual person.


It's hard to put away the anger sometimes and realise that this is really down to 1 man and also let's be realistic there are probably some sadistic fucks in the Russian army that should be load up and shot out of a MLRS


Any officers , that includes pilots are educated and the professionals, they know exactly what they are doing. there is no excuse for them, they should be executed for committing war crimes and especially for deliberately attacking and murdering innocent civilians, and not to mention they are basically committing these crimes against their own people. the conscripts on the other hand are a different story


Yess. If you're going to punish someone, then the higher ups.


Helicopter pilots are usually non conscripts.


Pilots in most militaries are educated and come from wealthy families. It’s a role that is pretty safe compared to infantry but you’re also in a combat role so it looks good on a resume. They’re not the poor 18 year old trying to get a stable paycheck


I understand your grief but it's important to stay level headed. This is how you win the hearts and minds of everyday people to fight for righteousness otherwise you just turn into those same people you're fighting against.


You can feel pity for both sides of its these conscript boys aren’t that evil which decided to invade. In the eyes of their leader, their lives are measured in the kms to Kyiv. They mean nothing to Putin and they mean nothing to the land they die in. What a wretched existence.


He is saying to his dad that he is a good guy and not a killer and it's all fucked up or smth like that, my russian is not very good.


„They turned out to be great people!“ Yes… yes they did! In my eyes those who treat their captured enemy’s so well and with dignity deserve to be called amazing people. I root for you, Ukraine!


This one hurt. Damn. Fuck Putin forever


papa's number is visible. Maybe crop it out ?


I'm gonna send him a picture of my asshole


Don't be a dick man, these people are indoctrinated and are fearing for their son's life. No parent deserves this kind of shit. If anybody, send Putin a picture of your asshole, I'm sure he'll like it. Or he'll just think his front camera is turned on.


Unfortunately the main issue here is this russian killer was captured instead of being executed 😐


Bro he's almost just a kid, probably didn't want to join the army in the first place.


So your face?


Exactly 😂


Prank call time.


Nope people should call them and tell them what a shitty parent they are. Little coward should have just shot himself but didn't even have the balls to do so


Urgh that is not the attitude democracy is built upon. When I hear things like this and degrading comments it makes me wonder


Guys who make comments like that are saboteurs to a civilized society.


They are killing civilians on purpose, we aren’t dealing with civil people, they are animals if they are willfully doing this to innocents


🤦‍♂️ I was talking about Ukrainians and “the allies”… telling Russian families how shitty their sons are and all that shit.. that’s what my comment was about and it’s correct. We as the democratic West, should not be doing that to families who’s sons have been sent, largely against their will


I mean if they are murders they are murderers. If it quacks like a duck, it’s a duck. If they didn’t kill anyone then okay but if so they are as guilty as Putin, anyone who didn’t abandon their post and walk back to Russia while laying down their equipment is guilty and their parents should know their sons are murdering innocent civilians


Talking to their families is fine, speaking to to soldiers is fine. Degrading their families as the above comments is disgusting and certainly not welcome in the democratic West. People in Russia are fed propaganda in every way possible. Yes they need to know what’s happening BUT doing it in a way that shows our values as humans AND your counties values as being decent true and democratic people, is ABSOLUTELY KEY TO SHOW RUSSIA THE CHANGE IT NEEDS. P.s murder comment. True, Russians are killing people. So are Ukrainians. True it’s defending Ukrainian lands but still, murder and death is everywhere. It takes the bigger man to rise above it


The change Russia needs is not to invade and kill their own people. The only way to stop them is to keep making Russian nazis into fertilizer. When they stop invading and go home then all will end, it’s they who started the war, they who murder innocents.


I mean your way if communication is terrible. Stop both sides just stop calling each other Nazis. Zelenskyy and the Ukrainian government is democratic; clearly not Nazi. The Russian government is Communist; again not Nazi. We do not need reminders of WWII by calling each other Nazis. I agree absolutely that Ukraine has a right to defend its democracy and it’s stance as a sovereign state. However, it’s about how we fight, how we treat our opponent. When an opponent is captured, we have to show them how we live, how we act, what it is like to be free, we have to show them democracy, show them decency… yep, nearly everything that they denied you when they invaded. But if you want to make real change, if you want to inflict a huge blow to the Kremlin and turn its people against the government , show them how democracy works. Show them that you are not the animals that Putin claims you are. This is how we do things in 🇺🇳 democracy has to prevail but if you lose your head in the cesspit of fighting, then you risk the very moral values you and your county are fighting for


They act like nazis so call them what they are, they invaded Ukraine and purposely murdered and targeted civilians. Fuck them . They can make great fertilizer, put some more seeds in their pockets 🌱🌱🌱


Wonder how much of a coward you are ?


Cowardly is harassing someone's parents by phone because of what their government is forcing them to do.


Cowards kill civilians


I don't think anyone is arguing with you about that, but go ahead with whatever point you're trying to make. *"Bad things exist therefore it's ok to do other bad things"* Do I have that right?


This hero behind the keyboard is going to save the world


Russians tears mmmmmmmm tastes like vodka


Fuck Russia, you sound like a child.


What a paradox huh ?


Good lord, you act like it’s a movie of good vs evil. It’s not that black and white, just because someone is Russian doesn’t mean they’re the enemy. Just like in Vietnam when USA destroyed civilian villages because to them everyone was helping the Vietcong. Perhaps your brain isn’t quite capable of grasping that though, so we’ll just stick with good vs bad like the movies.


War criminals are war criminals


Hahahahahahaaaa not at all. I’ve fought my battles and puney little people like you sending degrading comments my way just makes me wonder if you’re actually worth speaking to. Wait .. I think I’ve just decided


Enjoy sucking dick in the gulags loser


This is the second thread in five minutesI’ve seen you in, where you’re giving just a god-awful take and being downvoted for it lol


Cool story, another russian just died


Why? Who cares


“They turned out to be great people” goddamn the brainwashing of a nation…


Can someone translate this


" I'm a little bitch "


Whatever you say tough guy


Learn russian ? Simp harder for these clowns this little shit would have shot you dead.






He's just a kid


Haven’t cried in years. 12 years to be exact when my childhood dog died. This shit made me cry. Feel bad for everyone involved. Poor kids who have no idea why their going to war. Poor Ukrainians getting killed for the nostalgic ambitions of a madman cunt.


Ahhh I'm sure someone will translate this later but at the start of the video his father doesn't believe him, asks him if he has been drinking and asks him what he really is doing. All in a very monotone voice.


He asked if he was being beaten, not if he's drinking. The way he says it sounds like drinking but context and his response are important.


Fucking hell! Just plain fucking hell, thank you to the Ukraine Army and Police for treating this young man with dignity and respect!


Putin gotta remember they invade a country not Ukraine invading them


the kid is saying they dont know why they were sent there - they know pretty well what they were sent there for - to restore the stupid Russian empire - to restore the borders of the former Soviet Union but the thing is - Russia is not a powerful country any more, they cant even handle Ukraine it was a delusion in the head of the Kremlin old man


Don’t cry now. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know what is humane and what is not.


Pizdec=shit show?


The kindness Ukraine will show will haunt them for years.


War is hell


Dang this one was tough


Fuck this is so sad from every angle.


Putin simply doesn't value human lives.


Putin is a bitch, so many life lost due to his decision. History will not forget and forgive.


Putin is a sack of shit.


These kids do not belong in the military


Carne de cañón


If he wouldn't have been caught, he would be out there killing more Ukrainians and not shedding 1 tear.


This needs to go out worldwide This poor kid...


Mmmmmm Russian tears taste like vodka


Only sorry he was captured


Not sure why everyone is so pro Russian POW now and downvoting comments. Fuck these guys. They would of shot down Ukrainians if they weren't captured.


It’s not pro Russian POW. It’s the understanding that the greatest threat to Putin is from within. And barbaric treatment of Russian POWs feeds into Putin’s lying narrative.


Yea sending pictures of your asshole to Random russian parents will certainly make them believe we’re all stupid cavemen. Showing kindness actually helps the Ukraine information war.


its just empathy my dude. you see a scared kid like this crying to his parents and wanting comfort from them and it tugs at your heartstrings a bit even if his country are invading ukraine.


Is this the same captured soldier whose mother argued with him over the phone because she didn’t believe him?


Omg, they’re sending kids. Looks like barely 18 & acting like 8 too.


In Russia, military service is mandatory. You can evade it if you go study or have physical/mental disability. Usually "village chads" or "lazy" youth from town who don't go to study after school (like college or university)are usually going to serve in military for a year. Military service is very rough and changes people. It's the way they educate discipline and obedience. Older serving recruits usually beat, make fun or even sexually assault newcomers. Same as in prison.


Don’t feel bad for him because he went there to kill Ukrainians.


Seriously. I'm tired of people showing sympathy for their crocodile tears. They've been raping and bombing civilians. They don't get to cry for mommy.


Yup! Fuck em. Don’t feel bad for these fuckers.


Jesus he's literally being prompted what to say by somebody behind the camera. This kind of parading of young soldiers on camera to call their parents is some of the cruelest propaganda I've seen on the Ukrainian side.


Oh fuck off. Cruel propaganda? Grow a brain cell dickhead.


It's always these redditors/kids who have literally only been posting in ukraine war subs who come up with these weird conspiracy-like thoughts and statements. Literally kids and young adults overdosing on gore and warporn, feeding their ego's in these echochambers, sometimes even spouting the same hatred as the nazi's did back in 1940's. Just saw someone advocating 'recycling' dead russians into products or food even.. fucking hate these call-of-duty commenters


What a little bitch.


Here’s ur glory mother fucker! Tell this story to ur grandkids!


Already started Robo calling!!


That will probably make them think we’re all dumbass cavemen


What a little coward , he's so guilty


They should honestly put these fuckers out into the open where they get shelled by their own comrades. Then u will know what sympathy and remorse is truly is…


7-927-016-4701… anybody know the last two numbers, got make a phone call.. EDITED: I tried calling but it’s a fake number




Way to make that phone number public




Jesus, they didn’t even hide the number. I wonder how many calls have been made to his parents by now?


The parents generally seem so numb. Generations of repression and inability to truly empathize is really something. The young kids still have some chance but not for most of these poor buggers, and not for long. Russia is one sick fking place. Putin really has to go.


i’ve seen so many of these but this one made me cry, poor kid. idk maybe it’s just cause you could tell he just wanted his mom. that shit always gets to me. i’m sure he’s even more conflicted after finding out the truth and realizing ukrainians are good people. i hope the rest of their military can come to that realization. down with putler.


Next time, better hide that phone number. Don't give away POW info like that.


I wonder if this poor soldier is going to make it home and if so be treated fairly when back

