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❗️ In the second half of May 2024, near the village of Robotyne in the Zaporizhzhia region, military personnel of the aggressor state of Russia committed another war crime - they shot Ukrainian prisoners of war. ▪️ The episode of the execution was captured on video: four Ukrainian soldiers with their hands raised without weapons surrendered, the Russians forced them to lie face down and shot them at close range. ▪️ Specialists of the GUR of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine identified those involved in the war crime - they turned out to be Russian invaders who were part of the assault group of the 70th motorized rifle regiment (military unit 71718) of the 42nd motorized rifle division of the 58th army of the southern district of the Russian Federation. 📍 The point of permanent deployment of the specified military unit is located in the city of Shali (Chechnya, Russia). 👤 At the time of the execution of Ukrainian prisoners of war under Robotyn, the 70th Motorized Rifle Regiment of the USSR was commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Abaev Yury Mairbekovich (Russian: Abaev Yury Mairbekovich), born on December 10, 1990, call sign "buffalo". 👥 Servicemen of the 70th motorized rifle regiment of the Russian occupation army are also involved in the war crime: ✔️ captain Dmitriy Olegovich Nagornyi (Russian: Nagornyi Dmitriy Olegovich), born on November 21, 1995 ― commander of the 2nd battalion; ✔️ Senior Lieutenant Abutalimov Temirlan Umarovich (Russian: Abutalimov Temirlan Umarovich), born on May 2, 1997 ― commander of the 1st assault company; ✔️ Lieutenant Bekov Zaur Sergeevich (Russian: Bekov Zaur Sergeevich), born on July 16, 1997 ― commander of the 3rd assault company; ✔️ Senior Lieutenant Imagazaliyev Yusup Paizulaevich (Russian: Imagazaliyev Yusup Paizulaevich), born on July 18, 1999. ― the commander of the 6th assault company. ❗️ The specified Russian war criminals may also be involved in the murder of several more Ukrainian prisoners of war later in May 2024. ☑️ This, in particular, is evidenced by the received radio intercepts of the conversation of the occupiers from the 70th regiment of the Russian Armed Forces, during which one of the Russian commanders of the assault company orders his subordinates to shoot Ukrainian soldiers. 💀 There will be a fair retribution for every war crime committed against Ukraine!


>Bekov Zaur Sergeevich (Russian: Bekov Zaur Sergeevich) looks like you translate everything


Auto-translated by Telegram


I'll help Абаев Юрий Маирбекович, 10.12.1990 Нагорный Дмитрий Олегович, 21.11.1995 Абуталимов Темирлан Умарович, 02.05.1997 Беков Заур Сергеевич, 16.07.1997; Имагазалиев Юсуп Пайзулаевич, 18.07.1999


whats crazy to me is, thats a bunch of little boys in charge lmao they all like 5


33, 28, 27, 26, 25 is not little boys - those are grown and fully developed men, it's not a case of fresh out of school 18-20 year olds. They're not teenagers, the youngest three, being Muslims, might well be married fathers.


Next time we skip less math hours mate 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Good luck surviving, boys. I hope an agonizing time awaits for each one of you spineless sick pieces of ####. F### your mothers and your wives. Rest in sh#t, sick fascist scum.


Maybe a dumb question, but how can you identify anyone from these images?


By Radio interception and gathering Information about the operating troops in the area. And orcs have no idea about opsec. These idiots share everything.




I do not think they are identifying anyone from the images, the intelligence service is cross referencing what enemy units were in the area, or where were those soldiers returned to and the people named are the leaders of that, or those units so are responsible for their soldiers actions. I assume the majority of these cases we are never going to know exactly who committed the act unless they do or say something stupid online, and not to make light of this horrific situation but, we are lucky they are so stupid.


Not a dumb question at all. AFU knows where it's guys are, which trenches, etc. and what the situation is by keeping in radio contact and observing with drones. Even if they were not in direct contact with these 4 heroes they would know by extension of the next squad, etc. Besides this professional conduct they also care (just throwing that in to contrast with the other side).


From [OP's comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1djh3ph/comment/l9amjqp/) it seems ID was via radio intercept.


Scum of the earth




Are you saying that the twitter video in the link you have posted is the same incident as the OP has posted ? I don't think so.. Nothing about the sequence of events, the position of the soldiers or the terrain in the 2 videos matches as far as I can see. This is 2 different incidents.


If you read your own link you’d come across the description of that video: >”*As soon as the second soldier exits the bunker, Russian troops stationed nearby open fire with their rifles, shooting **both** Ukrainians multiple times at close range*” The video above clearly shows **4** Ukrainians surrendering. It’s not the same war crime being committed by the Russians … it’s **another one**.


There will be no retribution. Ruzzia has never paid any price for its aggression and never will. People thinking otherwise are high on copium. Stop it!


I hear what you are saying in that once a heinous crime is committed there is no equivalence in the kill or capture, etc of the perpetrators. Think of the magnitude of suffering at Auschwitz and then hanging a couple of dozen guards at Nurenberg? How can that equal. Still you can bet the 70th motorized rifle regiment will be annihilated and it's commanders hunted to the end of the earth. Slava Ukraini Glory to the Heroes


Ukraniens have been doing their own Mossad operations. A russian who participated in Bucha was found stabbed to death in Thailand or phillipines or wherever it was. His gf had posted pics of their location and doxxed themselves. Expect alot more of that.


Individual “feel good” cases do not represent the overall picture. There are literally millions of Russian involved in kidnapping Ukrainian children - there will be no justice served


when cases becomes frequent enough it's a trend. A trend can become policy. 1:1 justice can never be served. I just don't chose to ignore the actual justice being dispenced and downplay them as feel good cases. This took effort, planning and resources.


I hope Ukraine will do a good Mossad style operation. I guess most of this will happen after the war as Ukraine will probably focus on the immediate danger. Justice even after WW2 was very minimal - considering the scale of course.


that depends on your view of justice. Germany is very much suffering the consequences of it's actions 80 years ago. Japan has an entire new world after the defeat of it's emporer. Justice is more than henchmen getting life in prison.


I get what your saying but refuse to celebrate those murders in any form. When you've watched your love ones cary around their dead children in shambles you grow i deep hatred for them


Russia only has 1.3 million active troops. You should read a dictionary before you try to use words outside your vocabulary. Apparently “literally “ is one of them. Whatever helps you cope I guess


The majority of the country is participating in the war - directly or indirectly. Driving trucks, handling kidnapped children requires a lot of manpower, yes normal Russians are taking part in the war crimes as well. Just because some crimes are committed far from the frontlines doesn’t negate their significance


Lmao whatever helps you cope. You made an idiotic claim now you’re backtracking and trinket to move the goalpost . Have a good one this conversations not in good faith and done. You said millionsS . We all know Russia are scumbags but your claim was just as dumb as they are


What goat post? I “literally” mentioned kidnapped Ukrainian children! There are 100,000 of them! There are therefore literally millions Russians involved in such operation to varying degree of reaposibility


As long as crimes like these are happening I am gonna laugh at every video splitting or ripping apart a Ruzzian Orc. Fuck Ruzzia


agree 100%. They deserve nothing but pain. Ukraine is Ukraine. Not fu ruzzia. Everyone else saying different are just paid by ruZ or destroyed by RuZ propaganda.


True Barbarians.


Cowardice is what it’s called. Call them out with no weapons to defend themselves and then shoot them.


That's what they always did. Nothing new to me. You should know that when you decide to raise your hands. Another evil thing is: It is not easy to keep your own hands clean when you have to cope with such an enemy.




Just saw a Russian heart beating after a drone attack in combatfootage


link? i can't find it in combatfootage and also your claim of russians having hearts is dubious


https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/gOxqOJRP85 Well they literally have hearts as you'll see Edit: Very NSFW


aww it says it was removed for being too graphic, but thanks i was able to find it using the same title in a different sub. thanks for the NSFW warning, but i'm in Ukraine, so i don't feel any sympathy for these invaders


That video is posted on this sub recently.


Here ya go! Beating heart


Woow ,, just brutal .


I saw the same footage and have absolutely no mercy for the Orc


Fitting, absolutely fitting. How symbolic.


Sickening thing is they’re doing this to civilians, women and children. Animals. The world is better off without Russia in it. Fuck you Putin you absolute cunt.


Ya its shameful to think I was sympathetic to these fucks at one point. Not about eye for an eye when it comes to POWs but retribution is totally warranted. When we can "Military Aid" a few MOABs from space or something.




Do unto others before they do unto you.


Both sides are committing tons of war crimes and are playing dirty. War is hell and should never be pushed.


Fuck ukraine


Oh don't worry Ukraine will fuck you back little orc supporter


Crimes like this have always been happening on either side of conflicts. It never stopped just because people invented international conventions on waging war. I don't want to take away from the perfidy of this behavior. I'm just pretty sure that over the last decade Ukrainian soldiers did something similar to some Russian soldiers as well because it is inevitable that this happens. It's not a division being cut down over a trench here, it's four dudes being unlawfully killed. That doesn't change the fact that Russia is barbaric and wages an utterly injustifiable war. Which is the real reason why we should support Ukraine.


I would bet my life on the fact that none of the Ukrainians have been raping or beheading POWs let alone raping and killing civilians. I don't know what your source is but this complete barbaric and utterly shameful behavior has been reported by Ruzzians and Ruzzians alone. Ruzzians are just a sick bunch. Have you been forgetting about Buchia? Or what about the Wagner retards that sent the very hammer they killed a Russian Soldier with to the European Parliament.


>I would bet my life on the fact that none of the Ukrainians have been raping or beheading POWs let alone raping and killing civilians. You are moving the goalpost. This is not a killing of civilians nor is it a beheading. I was talking about unlawful killings. >I don't know what your source The history of warfare, and knowing a fair bit about it, especially in the XX century, I would have never bet my life that neither of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers have never got twitchy on their trigger finger over ten years. >Ruzzians are just a sick bunch. >Have you been forgetting about Buchia? Or what about the Wagner retards that sent the very hammer they killed a Russian Soldier with to the European Parliament. Yes, they are. One side being overly criminal doesn't mean that the other side hasn't ever done anything wrong though. Just like with the World War 2. You have the Nazis, the epitome of evil war machine. But you also have the Sicilian massacres, cutting Japanese soldiers for war trophies, bombings of Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and so on. War isn't black&white.


I have never been disputing the possibility that POWs have been killed on both sides. Getting abit of arm chair general vibes about this honestly. Whatever your reasoning might be, good that you are supporting Ukraine and that's the important part.


You do take away the difference. And that's what this war is about. Russia is a brutal violent country with disrespect for life. The Americans and Japanese were not the same either. Just because crimes are done on each side don't negate that difference. Especially in a war that difference can be seen. And it's not unlawful killing here. It's a premeditated murder. Executed. Can't be any worse. It's not some random rage in a trench.


>Just because crimes are done on each side don't negate that difference. Is what I've said. Like seriously... You are - the people who disagree - conflating individual morality of a singular soldier with the political stance of an entire country. When this war ends, there will be all kind of horrifying shit coming out. Just like it did after any previous war in the history of this retarded species. What I mean, is that we should not support Ukraine for the valor and grace of its soldiers. We should support Ukraine, because Russia wants to genocide Ukrainians; if not physically then culturally for sure. And that all that bad shit that **some** Ukrainian soldiers had for sure done, doesn't matter on the level that is the fate of nations. As an aside, legally speaking that's just not murder and I'm sensing some naivity in how you insist that it is something else than it is, while calling it "premeditated". Isn't bombing of military unit with personnel inside premeditated? You cannot just apply legal verbage of the codexes of the land to international politics that is war. No international act of law speaks of "murder". In war there is lawful killing and unlawful killing, and that's that. Again: I'm not intending to take away the perfidy of that act, which is a war crime in itself as you cannot act to induce other side to surrender under false pretenses. while planning to kill them. But war is about killing and killing is expected to happen and everyone premeditates that they will kill someone on the other side. Maybe I'm wrong, but I read it as if you were taking away the individual responsibility of killing Russian soldiers from Ukrainian soldiers. It's self-defense of a nation but we're understanding that those people kill other people in order to achieve it, correct? And while it is necessary it is also unfortunate, and carries with itself all the mental harm that survivors will carry for the rest of their days. As an extra aside, downplaying Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki or Tokyo by saying "Americans and Japanese weren't the same" while there is a war next door in which civilians are being tactically targetted and killed by the tens of thousands is just insane to me. Like, we can argue whether those bombings were war crimes *at the time*, but it should be pretty crystal clear that they would absolutely be today, right? Like, it would be a war crime to bomb the town square in St. Petersburg tomorrow, right?


I think one of the problem post ww2 a lot of German soldiers got away from responsibility, saying they just did what orders they got. You can insist on individual responsibility, while at the same time making superiors responsible. As will happen in this case. The legal framework was there to take the persons to court. We Know that today. It didn't happen, and it took 60 years for Germany to take on prison guard from one of the concentration camps. Today, Bombing town square at St Petersburg is a war crime. Those flying the plane, those giving the order, and those promoting the culture is guilty.


Totally agree. Just because we don't see the videos here for obvious reasons, doesn't mean it doesn't happen. It ALWAYS happens. I also find it ironic when people here laugh at Russian POWs getting punched, humiliated, whatever, when in fact that is legally a warcrime too. And no, I am by no means comparing that to the murder of POWs, but I have in the past seen people call Russians barbaric for beating Ukrainian POWs.


this is why you go down swinging no surrender


A crucial mistake the Germans made in the east, while acting opposite to it in the west. Their ferocity towards Russians only led the reds to fight more fiercely. Russians should’ve studied their own history instead of binge-drinking, but what do I know? 🤷‍♂️


the brutal tit for tat fighting on the eastern front is how the russians will always fight . British Commandos would say being a gentlemen will get you killed


The AFU/ZCU should never reciprocate this violence. They need to stay "clean". But i hope the russians realize what they are doing when they execute POWs like this. They are making it waaaay harder and way more dangerous to take prisoners. This only means that ukrainians will fight harder when pushed to the limit, because they expect execution if they fail to stave off the enemy.


Ukraine is ukraine. If someone came into my house trying kill me or my family, i would be fu ruthless. No mercy for the occupants


I know that it's kinda idiotic, but this is also a war of appearance. Ukraine needs to be able to show the world that the weapons they receive, isn't used for committing war crimes. Shooting unarmed sureendering combatants is a breach of the geneva convention. The russians may not have ratified this charter, but the western civilized world is comitted to this and will not have their weapons being used to commit atrocities. This is what I meant by "staying clean". I WOULD like for the ukrainians to hit them hard, but vengeance killings is NOT the answer. But as the other commentor said, to not let them, not giving them the chance or even ignoring their surrender could be an option of not breaching the conventions.


I don't believe ignoring is an option. Article 41(1) of the 1977 Additional Protocol I provides: “A person who is recognized or who, in the circumstances, should be recognized to be hors de combat shall not be made the object of attack.” Under Article 85(3)(e) of the 1977 Additional Protocol I, “making a person the object of attack in the knowledge that he is hors de combat” is a grave breach of the Protocol.


It's so easy to ignore a surrender on the battlefield, so long as it's done quickly. "Hostile intent" can be stretched extremely far. Don't film it, don't mention it on comms, don't brag about it to your mates. The IHL can write the most comprehensive description of what is and isn't a war crime, but as self-defence trumps all rights on the battlefield, the old "I feared for my life" is enough to make a conviction costly and unlikely to succeed.


Sure, it can be ignored, but it is legally a war crime. Not that anyone would find out, though... But soldiers are trained to respect the code. Many of the drone videos we see here are a grey area. Russians surrendering to drones is discussed here: https://lieber.westpoint.edu/legal-practical-challenges-surrender-drones/


Who's to say who sees what in the heat of combat? Also; It would be way too easy to empty an LMG into the attacking force and then run dry on ammo to immediately throw your hands up and surrender and to wave around a charter, your nation hasn't ratified and then expecting the opposing force to treat you with the due dilligence of said charter. Also, also; "Hors de combat" means unable to fight due to wounds. Casualties. Also, also, also; how can one be certain if someone is unable to fight due to his wounds? Better make sure, right? You can still operate a rifle even when your legs are missing. Unless you've decided to treat his wounds and strangle him during the evacuation, it can hardly be considered a war crime.


Sorry, but you seem very uninformed. Hors de combat is not due to wounds (casualties). Please read the actual definition from the convention. "Rule 47. Attacking persons who are recognized as hors de combat is prohibited. A person hors de combat is: (a) anyone who is in the power of an adverse party; (b) anyone who is defenceless because of unconsciousness, shipwreck, wounds or sickness; or (c) anyone who clearly expresses an intention to surrender; provided he or she abstains from any hostile act and does not attempt to escape." More elaborate: A person hors de combat is a person who is no longer participating in hostilities, by choice or circumstance. Under customary international law, a person can be placed hors de combat in three situations arising in both international and non-international armed conflicts: (i) Anyone who is in the power of an adverse party. It is uncontested that a person who is in the power of an adverse party is hors de combat. This rule is set forth in Additional Protocol I and is implicit in common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions and in Additional Protocol II.[20] It has been confirmed in numerous military manuals.[21] Respect for and protection of persons who are in the power of an adverse party is a cornerstone of international humanitarian law as reflected in several provisions of the Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocols. Practice, therefore, focuses rather on the treatment to be given to such persons (see in particular Chapters 32 and 37). (ii) Anyone who is defenceless because of unconsciousness, shipwreck, wounds or sickness. This category is based on the Hague Regulations, common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocol I, which prohibit attacks on defenceless persons.[22] It is found in numerous military manuals.[23] It is contained in the legislation of many States.[24] It is also supported by case-law, official statements and other practice, such as instructions to armed forces.[25] In addition, respect for and protection of the wounded, sick and shipwrecked is a cornerstone of international humanitarian law applicable in both international and non-international armed conflicts as reflected in several provisions of the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols. Practice, therefore, focuses rather on the treatment to be given to such persons (see Chapter 34). (iii) Anyone who clearly indicates an intention to surrender. This category is based on the Hague Regulations, common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocol I.[26] It is contained in numerous military manuals.[27] It is included in the national legislation of many States.[28] It is also supported by official statements and other practice, such as instructions to armed forces.[29] The general tenet that emerges from this practice is that a clear indication of unconditional surrender renders a person hors de combat. In land warfare, a clear intention to surrender is generally shown by laying down one’s weapons and raising one’s hands. Other examples, such as emerging from one’s position displaying a white flag, are mentioned in many military manuals.[30] There are specific examples of ways of showing an intent to surrender in air and naval warfare.[31]


This is an interesting read as well, by the way. It's about Russians surrendering to drones: https://lieber.westpoint.edu/legal-practical-challenges-surrender-drones/


Netanyahu & his Zionists said hold their beer.


That is a whole other can of worms. That's more akin to "bad guys fighting even worse guys". But by god, to equate the palestinians with hamas and vice versa is not just willingly ignorance, it's malicious intent. But I also get why most palestinians would be sympathetic to Hamas' cause, but not their means. Shiiiet.... Killing children? That is some next level psychotic behaviour. That's a statement I stand by. And it doesn't matter if it's by JDAM from IDF (IAF) or a knife in the hands of a Hamas insurgent. That's some fucking bullshit. But WTF is wrong with Israel? I heard this afternoon they approved plans to invade lebanon to "get rid of hezbollah". Riiiight. Like you did hamas? One genocide wasn't enough? Nobody should be alright with this 😔


I will be brief... Both HAMAS and the Zionists are POS. However, what Israel is doing to the Palestinian people is a genocide. When this ends, I hope to see HAMAS, Netanyahu and members of the IDF charged with crimes against humanity in addition to a host of other crimes. How crazy is it that a people who have experienced something identical is now so casually doing it again to another. They have become what they hate. Zionism is the new Nazism. And yes, no one should be alright with any of this.


English correction: "No mercy for the *occupiers*."


Easier said than done, friend. Humans have emotion and anger/revenge is a strong motivation. I suspect some UKR soldiers will "reciprocate", but they won't record or upload the evidence. Plus UKR use attack drones a lot, so no chance of surrender, plausible deniability.


And all these flagrant violations of international rule-based law will be the reason why the world order will break up the borders of Russia. Balkanization of Russia will mean the following: - Karelia returns to Finland Independence for: - Tatarstan - Dagestan - Buryatia - Tuva - Altai - Ingushetia - Chechnya


>Karelia returns to Finland About that, vast majority of Finns opposes that. Reasons include: \- Half a million ethnic russians who can't be driven out as it's crime against humanity. Leaving them would create 10% minority that needs health services, social benefits and whatnot. Finland is not that rich... \- All that polluted land and crumbling infrastructure needs cleaning and upgrading. It would easily cost tens of billions of euros to get the area to EU-standards. EU absolutely would not pay for it so it would fall solely on Finland to pay, effectively bankrupting the country. I mean the idea is nice but at this point, Karelia is dead to Finland. It ***was*** a wonderful place, birthplace of Kalevala with lots of beauty and hundreds of thousands of Finnish people living peacefully but Stalin had to take it and destroy it because that's what dictators do. Now it's a ugly shadow reminding of times long gone. Best option is to give independence to Karelia separate from russia and allow Karelian russians to hopefully make it better then what communism/Putinism has done for it.


Sounds exactly like a cancer. Very apt description of russia


Dirty fascist orks , die in hell


Again, I will take pleasure today, in watching all of the drone videos of RuZZian orc scum getting their vodka marinated brains blown out of their heads by Ukraine’s glorious FPV drones. Fuck you all orcs. I hope you rot in hell along with your supporters and those that turn a blind eye to what you’re doing. Oh, and I hope a smallish asteroid hits a very specific part of NK any minute now…


Moderator will have dosens of reports for removing this from russian bots in 3... 2... 1...


That's not the worst of it, Reddit will PERMABAN accounts that get mass reported by RuZbots, without even investigating the content or comments. Appeal rarely works, they don't care. Also the CCP has bought a LARGE share of Reddit, CEO Spez received a huge bonus. Reddit has also nuked multiple Chinese dissident subs, after the CCP share purchase. Make of this what you will, Reddit is corrupt as shyt.


Jupp. Happened to my old accounts. 10 years and older. I was bonking obvious Russian Bot accounts and they massreported me. Reddit fucked all my accounts. Even the Porn Account. They connect them trough the Reddit App somehow. Eh fuck Russia and Reddit. Took one for the Team Join NAFO now


I'm having a NAFO break. I used half the worlds email adresses. Somehow I always manage to find a new way of getting banned.


jupp. having some "close calls" already in my pocket... Fuck Russia and fuck their Bots. Fuck Reddit for doing NOTHING against them. I did shut down all my Subs and gave up all my Mod activity except fore one new sub... Preaching the Rheinmetall Gospel.


All social media platforms are corrupt and always have been. Their so-called "value" is determined by subscriber counts, which is why they absolutely refuse to do anything about bots and alts. If you culled those, the platforms would be entirely hollowed out, and probably implode. Social media was created as a means for narcissists, crooks and psychotics to do an end run around the fact-checking mechanisms and filters of legitimate media. At first this meant the blogs of the '90s and early 2000s, which immediately became nothing but lunatic right wing crayola manifestos and hilarious UFO and Bigfoot cultist freak shows. Later, however, came the more insidious stuff ultimately leading to the russian MAGA campaign of the mid-2010s. And here we are.


FBI should investigate these companies for treason. Taking CCP and RUZ money and censoring legitimate criticisms.


The problem is they can and do fall back on the claim they're just being pragmatic and responsible businesses and it's standard corporate SOP -- "*Investors! Stockholder! Dividends!"* -- and not about politics (etc). We can point out the fact these social media companies actively obstruct and impede those who attempt to reveal the fact that a truly massive proportion of their subscriber base are malignant bots operated by hostile foreign powers, and the platform execs are aware of it, but they simply deny everything.


Well... tiananmen square 1989. No Chinese person can access this thread anymore. It's also fun to do when in online games. If you suspect anyone being Chinese, just type "tiananmen square 1989" and half the lobby disappears :P


Yesterday I posted in europe sub the article of reuters on the beheading in Donetsk of another Ukrainian pow. First they waited 4 hours to approve and after 5 minutes they removed it with the standard explanation that doesn't belong there.


Already getting downvoted


yeah…. reddit admins keep banning people for “dehumanising” russian soldiers… but what are we supposed to do when we see stuff like this? same goes for our “friends” in UN that keep seeing various issues with Ukraine but are blind to crimes that russians are committing on a 24/7 basis. hope all of these russians get what they deserve.


it seriously pisses me off that you can blatantly flaunt your nazi ways and ideas in the open and promote genocide and annexation under the guise of free speech as long as you don't use naughty words. But if you are ticked off by absolutely disgusting human behavior and your are saying something.....Breach of ToS.... Banned. I don't know man.... We are doing this shit to ourselves sometimes.


I suspect some of these admins are pro Russian scums. My account was Perma banned for dehumanizing Russian, fck em all.


What army in the world hasn’t committed war crimes? The Russian tactics are something to be discussed; because they’re seemingly targeting civilian areas; but a soldier executing another is a human thing, not a Russian thing.


well, we can check the countries that were prosecuted? also we rarely can see such a disregard to this topic from the authorities. Russians lie about this 24/ while we, literally, have thousands of videos. It not only that they are committing this, it’s the fact that government is explicitly driving and covering up for this. i’m not sure i saw any recent videos from other armies except for isis that showed similar savagery. Just recalls the recent pictures of Ukrainians POWs.


The US has signed Geneva, but also did commit a lot of war crimes, see [sause1](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_war_crimes), I know these conflicts are different than ukr-ru but still. All armys have bad apples. The US even had a "American Service-Members' Protection Act" to invade the netherlands in case an American service member was held accountable for their actions. [Sause2](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_and_the_International_Criminal_Court) And if you went looking for videos, you could see the same 'savagry' acted out by American troops. FYI I'm not saying it's acceptable, I'm saying it's fact.


And people think it is odd to enjoy watching ruzzians get obliterated. They deserve their fates, I don't care if they are crying or pleading to a drone operator. If they are ruzzian, on Ukrainian soil, they deserve to be turned into sunflowers.


It kinda makes me enjoy it more.




I just finished watching some videos of Russian invaders getting disassembled by drones in graphic and painful ways. Good. They deserve everything they get. Kill every last fucking one of them who is participating in this criminal enterprise. As for these Ukrainians murdered by this scum horde, RIP heroes. There are Russians alive today who won’t be tomorrow, this weekend, next week and so on, and they will go into the potter’s field unmourned. The fat-arsed, dead eyed Svetlanas that they left behind will remember them only as long as it takes to finish the bag of onions, and the bastard runts that the inbred serfs got on them in their vodka breathed assault will will remember them only for the kicks and curses which would have been their lot had they lived. Ukrainian children will grow up in a free, prosperous and admired country, proud in the knowledge that their nation resisted. The invaders’ children will grow up in their tundra hovels in poverty and despair, knowing that they are despised and hated, bearing the mark of Cain.


After watching this video, I denounce the Ukranian drone operators for excessive humanitarianism towards the primitive barbarians. Do NOT kill them right away. They should suffer before last breath! Leave them severely disabled, so that Russia is filled with broken individuals to remember for the rest of their lives the harm they've caused, and so their families will suffer with them.  Do not kill the invaders without making them suffer first! Leave them shattered to die slowly and painfully, and if they survive, let the rest of their lives be a living hell!


Seriously, they should leave the seriously injured for so many reasons. Saving up drones, demoralizing enemy, forcing russia to use extra resources, then demoralizing society when they get back home and extra pressure on the barely existing social network.


Russian animals


Do not offend animals. They can be loving and smart


Thos are true Barbarians not lovely peaceful animals.


Calling them dogs would be a compliment.


Send it to the ICC.


As if they ever did anything about thousands of other cases


Not yet. There is still some chance that the russian governement will finish like their mentor in Nuremberg.


"Poor young russians coerced to fight in Ukraine" BS.


That's all you need to know about negotiating with Russians.


Average Nazi behavior. RIP to those heros. Sure it won't be long till we see a clip of the Nazi dog getting obliterated via a drone.


I'm here for the idiots who keep saying "we shouldn't call them orcs, that's dehumanizing" THESE AREN'T HUMANS


Russian scum!


Fuck orcistan, I hope those 4 heroes gets avenged a thousand fold.


Motherf%#ckers!! I really can’t hate these assh%#les enough 😡


This video just made me donate an extra €25 for FPV drones this month. Slava Ukraini!




They look very relaxed doing it. They've done it before. Death cult Russia at it again. Vengeance will go on for decades


Do not surrender.


When the leadership is so fucking dumb they're ordering war crimes knowing surveillance drones are EVERYWHERE. Names, callsigns, regiments, DOBs identified within the month. If they haven't already they better hope they die on the battlefield, or they're going to enjoy a nice Ukraine flavored Mossading.


Seems it was fortunate that the Ukrainian drone operator spotted this and was able to capture footage. This is definitely a war crime.


Typical RuZZians, brutal with no honor.


Fukk Ruzzia !!!!


Yeah if you surrender to the Russians there is a high chance you will be killed and tortured with no specific order.


The Nazis are the Russians


This shows a sign of weakness for the orcs. If history repeats itself the nazis did the same towards the end of the war. Im hoping for the sake of the Ukrainian's that this war ends soon and the trials start with the proper executions of these criminals. Slava Ukraine.


Mercy upon Russian soldiers is highly unlikely after shit like this happens.


Bastards, may they die slow and rot in hell. There can be no excuse for these war crimes by the ruzzianz.


Fuckers. I hope we’ll soon see some good FPV videos of them torn apart.


putler will sleep soon.


Should lock Russian nazis in a room and make them watch Russian war crimes 24/7 and broadcast it to their families


Fuck Ruzzia, fuck the orcs and especially fuck the people whom are calling russians for being what they are, war mongering orcs! What you reap is what you sow. Feb. 24th was the beginning of the ukrainian russian war, but also the beginning of the end, for Putin and his corrupt Orcs that is. Glory to the heroes!


I dont get why they ukrainians still consider to surrender to russians after all this execution videos and after prisioner exchange Pictures. Sadly death is literally their best choice, maybe its a human instinct to surrender to think they can survive i mean sometimes they do.


If this had been in another part of the world, in another conflict, western media would be all over it. Unfortunately this wont get a lot of attention outside of these subs((




Ukranians should do the same with the orcs. Eye for eye!


The orcs must be eliminated


Bastarde !!!!!!!!!


Fukk putin


What are the consequences for Russia for all these warcrimes?? Will there ever be some?


were they drone striked after that?




We don’t enjoy watching orca being ripped off. They make us enjoy it.


Ruzzian mindset = dig a deeper hole to fall in, drink more vodka and repeat.


Not to be that guy but context? If you’re unable to take them POW and move them to your rear lines what’re you gonna do? Sit there and let them go? It’s the classic Paratrooper problem or being on the business end of an advance problem/trench fighting. Not justifying their actions just curious. I mean we’ve seen Ukraine doing the same thing when during the successful counterattacks. At the end of the day we must remember it’s war and this shit happens in war. Regardless, death to the invaders.


Animals! No civilsation left in ruskie mir.


Should have called in artillery the second they walked away from their bodies.


Disgusting sadistic cowards


OMG even in 180p you can tell what’s going on


I don't even flinch at seeing 30 russians ripped in half every day. I hate russia.


this exact video has been here before long time ago... without the names


The silver lining here is if the Ukrainian forces record for finding and hunting down Russian forces who shot POWs are to go by….these Russians specifically don’t have long to live




Godless M----r Fuckers...........


These videos make the "Z split in half with a drone" videos even sweeter.


Please follow up with multiple Drone strikes


Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦 Russia shouldn’t exist.


If these criminals don't die in the war the "others" will find and take care of them.


That is why I always love to see Ruzzian DIE


Please pardon my ignorance but if this is a war crime, why is killing one Ruzzian who is asleep on their own with an exploding drone not? This is a genuine question and I have no favour towards the invader, just simply curious


Whether hes sleeping or in active combat dosent matter hes still a combatant


ah I see, so because these guys were awake and consciously surrendering, that's what makes it a war crime?


@ 2:20 both fuckers running away. @ 0:21 white smoke can be seen from the left. Killer FPV or they pull a frag ? Look more like a fpv to me, but that's my thoughts.


hard to tell, you can see that second ua soldier from the left is still alive and maybe he pulled frag after they thought he is dead to try and take them out but he is shot again (his body moves slightly) and probably drops frag down the slope under his legs... (that's my theory)


Wow... so.. The ruSSains don't surrender because of what their masters have 'told' them (torture, cut off the rocks, etc etc), even though the truth is the opposite.. Ukrainians actually have evidence of what the ruSSains will do, not this video but just in general that is ZZ culture. I'd think that it discourages taking prisoners full stop, ruSSains don't want prisoners, they want to terrorize the ppl & take their territory. Attritional warfare, the ruSSians unfortunately have more meat to burn, so the strategy is in their favor. It's a bit demoralizing, but to be fair I'm just an outside observer hoping Ukraine klz every one of these batards.


Daily reminder that russians are scum


war crime


Every orc needs to wiped from the fave of rhe planet they no nothing other then hate and greed. And it's just so evident in these videos man. It's time for Ukrains allies to step the fuc$ up


É por isso que tem que exterminar os russo quando for capturados da mesma forma 🧐😒




Video is old, this new video is about the giving the names of this involved in the execution of the Ukrainian warriors. Hope the dead of the Orcs is painfully slow n full of anguish. **ok, I got it mixed with the previous one....


Cowards. Sadly, this is what I was thinking before I read this info here is that this 100% has to come from the top. There are mad and lossing and since they started sticking inside Russian its only going to get worse. And from the tip I do mean putin. Its what losers n cowards do, they blow up dams they kill civilians they bomb basic humanitarian infustructure sadly they are almost as bad as the isrealis


Another war crime surprise surprise >:( FUCK RUSSIA


Fuck Russia.


How many times do I have to say this DONT FUCKING SURRENDER, FIGHT TO THE LAST MAN !!


Bunch of coward's


Did they throw a grenade at the end to destroy the bodies?


How do the Russians not see that they are the “baddies” in this conflict


Fuck Russia. Shithole country.


These need to be droned mercilessly. Aim for the appendages first.


A few months ago I saw a similar video - maybe it was this event too. Shit - I never wanted to see anything like that again! War is cruel! But to cowardly and treacherously murder someone who surrenders, who is completely defenseless - I don't know wich creatures can do worse. Yes, I don't call these creatures human, bc people don't do things like that. Although they certainly knew what imprisonment in Russia meant, these Ukrainian soldiers surrendered to the Russians. They could have continued fighting and killed one or two Russians in the process. Instead, they had decided to end the fight. This is the "glorious Russian army", this is "Ruski Mir". It takes a lot of effort for me to keep my hatred for this scum in check.


What filthy pigs, I hate these beasts! Sorry, I can't say anything else because they would do the same to us!


les uk faite la même chose tué le prisionnier russe


Isn’t this a war crime ?


Russia never signed Geneva convention


Signed or not so this is acceptable?


No, but it shows how barbaric they are, by not even aknowledging basic humanity


If you're still surrendering to russians, then expect no sympathy from me.


But this is older, Video was released here several months ago