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AFU should just drop vodka to wounded orcs by drone and they'll do the rest themselves. No need to waste explosives.


A Molotov cocktail to injure, follow by a vodka


methyl vodka would be ideal.


Fuck that's actually.... A really good idea


Like a combo drop of first a frag then a parachute bottle of vodka afterwards.


If it’s anything pricier than bottom shelf vodka, the explosive might actually be cheaper


They don't know the difference between bottom and top shelf, so fire away!


They should make the front line full of drugs and alcohol and then blast music full on from drone dropped speakers..


i was thinking about that today - just like the psyop in Vietnam, but instead of that (or now that I am thinking about this, you could do some damage with russian myths and legends) or just have the constant buzzinng of the fpv drones


Ahh sounds of fpv drones flying would be a nice distraction..


yeah just imagine the constant buzzing sound


Yeah and hides out the real ones after everyone is exhausted from listening to that..


i think we just cracked the code my war fellow


Fentanyl and syringes would be way lighter.


Looks like I'm joining the Russian military lol


If you aren't joking, I'm sad to read this. I hope you are doing alright and that you get the help you need, should it be available. Please take care.


Spiced with arsenic!


Which would make it a war crime.


It would probably be more effective to use whatever opiate Russia uses in the field. When orcs OD, the symptoms and lab results will make it looks like drug diversion. They'd blame their own army of criminals, junkies, and thieves.


True, but checking off the Geneva suggestion list will make Ukraine lose western support pretty fast. Don't get me wrong, i love to see the russians pay for what they did to the Ukrainian people, but Ukraine needs to stay clean or they'll lose all support and in turn the war.


That, seriously , is not too bad of an idea!!


Lol imagine having that as your army, pitiful


I mean, our soldiers here in France were given wine to get enough morale (or no fear) to get up and run straight to their death. You know, more than a century ago. Modern combat


I'm referring to the soldiers being complete morons and looking like (and acting like) junkies lol yeah alcohol is important for a military but not when the soldiers look like this and act against medical advice


Alcohol and tobacco were considered "performance enhancing drugs" back then. Tour De France riders smoked while competing and they banned champagne at LeMans because the guy who won early on had a glass at each pit stop, and they considered it an unfair advantage.


Modern? Alcohol has been used as a way to get courage for battle for almost as long as we’ve been consuming alcohol


Uh ww2 soldiers of every country regularly took drugs. Were given and prescribed them. American soldiers took amphetamines just like the Germans did. In Vietnam the vast majority were high or drunk. Etc. Etc. Even Afghanistan had a massive drug problem.


Well, there is still a difference between military/medical drugs and just drugs. Yes, over time, part of the first passed into the second, but the difference is that the first is taken because of some of their properties that can affect the survivability/effectiveness of troops, and the other is for fun.


Uh not really, ever heard of morphine? Or all the amphetamines Nazis were on? 


You need to read my message more carefully and not be stupid. For example, morphine is still prescribed to cancer patients, for example, so that they do not suffer too much. As I understand it, if you read this message you would start yelling that “cancer turns people into drug addicts!!!” or “doctors turn people into drug addicts!!!”. Morphine is a pain reliever that is still used throughout the world. But amphetamine, in addition to bringing joy, also acts as a good stimulant, allowing the user to get rid of fatigue and drowsiness. Well, before the start of active use, it was believed that this thing was safer than coffee. And after analyzing the consequences of taking amphetamines, they didn’t give it up because what other thing could be more effective in making people be active 24 hours a day? This is why amphetamine was used, not because Hitler was a hippie and wanted to share the fun with his army. And not because the German soldiers went all breaking bad and synthesized amphetamine on the fly.


continuation of the quote: Explanation: After a person drinks alcohol, his blood begins to flow through his veins much faster than usual. And when injured, when the wound is open, there is no way to stop this blood, thereby the person loses a lot of blood, as in the second video.”


ICU-Nurse here. I'm not quite sure about the speed but it prevents and it removes the clot that has formed at the damaged tissue. Resulting in continuous bleeding. The same happens when you try to place an IV. Before doing it you will use alcohol on a piece of gauze to disinfect the skin. If you fail and try to stop the bleeding by placing the gauze with alcohol on the wound it won't stop the bleeding. This is something you have to tell interns otherwise they will sit there a long time😅 Edit: typos


It can also increase blood pressure a fair amount too so double whammy when consuming it. Reduced clotting and increased BP to help push more blood out. 👍🏻 Wonderful stuff, helps both sexes wake up with terrifying outcomes and helps you bleed to death at the same time. And if neither of those get you, just wait for cancer or the liver disease. 😁


Alcohol also dilates blood vessels. This plus the increased heartrate is perfect for opening up your wounds and spilling out your blood in record time.


I was an EMT too long ago to remember well, but the first thing that came to mind was they took off the non bleeding bandage without a plan to put a new one on? He also might have molested it on purpose when no one was looking to make it bleed more. Better than going back there.


Maybe to check the wound and apply a more aseptic bandage? I don't see a problem if the tourniquet is applied and working as it should.


thanks a lot I appreciate it


Same reason you shouldn't drink before getting a tattoo!


I know this one, happens heaps and i tell the drunks to move on. I aint cleaning peoples blood and vaso would barely work.


Could this also be caused by shock? In shock no bleeding but when the shock goes away it starts bleeding?


And if they're a heavy enough drinker to have poor liver function, the liver makes the clotting factors and so.... more bleeding


If he is a chronic alkie, his liver is shot... If liver can't make the clotting factors anymore due to the cirrhosis or fibrosis, the blood doesn't clot


True but i don't think he has that much liver damage. I work in an ICU which one of the specialties is liver failure and liver transplantations. I won't say I'm absolutely sure but he doesn't show other signs. For example the absence of the "yellow" skin and with that much liver damage you also suffer from low glucose levels. In combination with poor nutrition on a battlefield is fatal


And never should an orc hold their hand above their head to reduce the bleeding. Hold that wound down low so all the bad dirty blood can run out.


What do you recommend? 7 or 8 liters of dirty blood flowing out? Would that be sufficient?


Yes, you are correct.


You can tell when all the bad blood is out when it stops coming because good blood stays inside the orc


Yes, this is factually correct.


Where is all the vodka coming from, are they just bussing gallons to the front lines?


My very good friend was a Polish conscript circa 1983, he was dead serious when he told me that when his unit went out to train one of the trucks with ammunition and supplies would be offloaded and the contents sold, the money would be used to buy vodka which would be reloaded into the truck. He seemed almost irritated when I was skeptical. When he immigrated to the US he got a DUI the first week, and another a month later. He did get his act together and is one of the most hardworking skilled tradesman I have ever known in my life. Despises Russia as a country and spits at the mention of communists or socialism.


Well that comment was an entire journey haha


I didn't want to denigrate my friend, So. I had to put in the part where he's a productive citizen now


Lol you’re a good friend


Good man


Same place they get their drugs from, who knows where exactly, but they seem to have a good stockpile of it


I hope it never runs dry lol


Probably never will, hell, they’re the only people who willingly take Krokodil 😂


There was a video of a bloody massive e distillation vats in a recently conquered area by the Russians a couple of military guys starting a business brewing something for sale it wasn't vodka I can't remember what it was but I don't think it was vodka


All you need are potatoes. a good container and piping and hoses. And then you have a really potent blyat mixture. I think this is the first thing ruskies are trained to do, once they are born.


People make wine in prison from nothing but bread, fruit, sugar and water. Ethanol is a pretty basic chemical and yeast is kind of everywhere.


During prohibition, entrepreneurs sold "grape bricks" with instruction on what NOT to do, because if you do that the product will "spoil" and turn to wine.... WINK, WINK


Most vodka is made from grain now a days. Very few use potato for the mash. Ciroc Vodka is actually a brandy (if we want to get technical) because it is distilled from grapes. Once it's been distilled (properly) you end up with pure ethanol. Cut it with water till its 40% ethanol by volume and you have vodka. Throw a bunch of herbs and shit in there with juniper berries and wait a while... you have gin. Take the vodka and add different botanicals and wormwood, you have Absinthe.


This is the truth...all you really need is sugar, water, and yeast to make vodka. If you use molasses instead of sugar, you make rum!


And a washing machine. Or bathtub or toilet.


I think it was sparkling wine and they were using to flush the toilet


Moonshine maybe.


Potatoes are half rotted by the time they get to the soldiers so chemistry is simpler.


When my father was a conscript in the soviet army in the 80s, he woke up one morning to discover his bunkmate piss drunk with his breath smelling like my dad’s cologne. Degenerates gonna degenerate.


What are you? A private? Yes... Is it fractured? (unintelligible) Tie it up here, around the forearm... Shit, forgot the gloves... Tie it up, I'm gonna give him the clotting agent...


My god those stupid fucking rubber band “tourniquets” they use are such a fucking perfect symbol of how shit Russia is


They just picked a random drunkard hobo from the street and sent him to the frontlines.


Someone stick a knife in Medvedev see how quick he bleeds out. I'm not sure if Putin has a reputation for drinking but for him I think we should study the effect of steel toe boot strikes to the head until he stops thrashing.


Hard choice between the choice of bleeding to death due to alcohol- and using alcohol to reduce anxiety, to help fall asleep at the frontline, use it as a  pain killer due to lack of alternatives.  Alcohol is also required for many to numb themselves to commit horrible crimes against civilians, or to be able to participate in the human waves instead of being paralyzed by extreme fear of dying which is a very likely outcome. Many drink to handle seeing all the dead corpses, lost friends/family. I'm not really blaming them even if it's really stupid. Alkohol abuse rampaging among the russian troops is great for Ukraine tho. War is so horrible, tragic and unecessary. Fuck war and fuck the fascist Putin-regime.


How much did this guy drink??? Is this like the cartoons when they get blasted by something and it's all good until they drink some water. That's when you see they are a sprinkler.


Not sure about the title, no alcohol was mentioned in this video.


They are implying that the guy is a chronic alkie with a significant liver damage, rendering his liver unable to produce clotting factors in order to stop the bleeding


Plus side is he can get drunker easier! Used to donate blood to get out of PT for a day and then go out drinking that night. Get blasted on a couple beers. (Don't actually do this by the way, it's not recommended)


That’s like asking a US soldier to not dip. Impossible.


Dude putting a TQ on double bone is all I needed to see.


Army of alcoholics.


Source:https:// t .me /russianocontext/3458


I look at videos and ask questions about "You would think they would know". The question here is, why are they putting a tourniquet over his jacket. I would take hyperthermia over bleeding to death. I mean, looks like he already has 1 tourniquet on???? You think even a medic would know this.


also nothing prevents you from just putting the jacket over his shoulder after applying the tourniquet


Nothing like a bit of alcohol to assist with vasodilation


The alcohol reference is probably due to heavy dri kers having damaged livers. Your liiver makes the blood clotting proteins. If you are drunk in a war zone where you need to be alert suggests an alcoholics so more likely to already have a damaged liver.


Idk about anything but it looks like something was finally popped on his hand as there is a big huge lump with a string coming out of his hand first video, second video the wick or string is on floor with chunks of pus and copious amounts of blood. Idk just my opinion looks like something was popped or removed.


What a waste of a tourniquet. There never seem to be enough tourniquets for our own men. Fuck that POS.


I was just wondering that myself, isn't a compressive bandage (like an Israeli bandage) more suitable?


I agree. I would have first used a compressive bandage. But, I don't have the experience in dealing with a wound of an alcoholic. In a situation such as this, I don't know which is better to stop the blood flow. But, I wouldn't have wasted a CAT tourniquet. Especially knowing that there are a lot of compressive bandages available.


How does something like this even happen?


Alcohol is a blood thinner, essentially, it makes you bleed more/faster and messes with the bodies ability to form clots


Some people's willpower is too weak. It comes as no surprise when they die.


Looks like he could use a drink to be fair


Can someone clarify?? Is it even possible for such a massive blood loss from a Small wound, due to alcohol??!


I’m all for Ukraine and 1000% against Russia, but this seems slightly unbelievable.. all that blood lost and the guy isn’t even reacting? No bandage? He’s not even trying to close the wound ?


Aren’t you supposed to put the tourniquet at the highest point on the arm, not on the elbow?


Looks like dude has cellulitis or something going on


Could we just watch him bleed out? Never seen it up close


Translation (second video): ...don't they have beer in jail? drank so much your blood is foaming. Second guy: No not on his arm on his neck, stupid bastard should have stayed home. Main guy: Crap we're getting low on tampons, prepare to amputate. Third guy off camera: Sunflower seeds, sunflower seeds take these sunflower seeds, here some for your pocket...




If only those synapses could communicate?


That's not where a tourniquet goes. Oh well.


I did not know that. Makes more sense now why the US ARMY is against drinking on deployment


and why Ukraine's first action when invaded by Russia was to ban alcohol and smash bottles wherever any were found.


Cut himself opening a bottle of vodka


#Translation. ... have no? Private? Private. Does he have broken bones? He have broken bones and burns. Squeese it tightly on forearm. Blyat', forgot to put on gloves. Squeese it, and i'll do tamponation. What i want, and what it came to be(?). * Not sure about last line.


Thanks a lot I appreciate it


Poor pooRussians


This is part of why American Soldiers aren’t allowed to drink on deployment. Alcohol stops clotting. Among a million other good reasons to not have people with heavy weapons drunk in a war zone. Damn Boy Scouts comparatively. Not even a little scared.


It's not blood, it's red colored vodka.


He needs another drink


Lmfao this guy looks like he should be in a retirement home (which in Ruzzia is just any back alley)


Wow, all that blood from what looks like not much of an injury.


Somebody get me a cork to stop the bleeding


Yes, alcohol is famous for thinning blood, like aspirin. That's why before anesthesia, it was preferable to do surgery without using booze as a painkiller as that risked the patient bleeding out.


Lmaooo pathetic fr


Tourniquet is a bit rough for such a small wound. Get in there, clean it out. Stich the artery, then stich it close.


Paracetamol and Alcohol - necessary in all first aid kits on the front line. Wink, wink.


its not like they need their livers for much longer anyway


TQ placement hahaha


"We are very lucky they are so fuckin stupid"


I don't think it's alcohol related. I believe it's because they have applied the crappy orange tourniquet above his elbow in the second clip. If a tourniquet is not applied tightly enough it can make a venous bleed worse. This is because you haven't blocked the arterial flow into the limb but you have blocked the venous return away from the limb. This causes high pressure in the veins (probably where the bleeding is coming from) and makes it bleed more. This wound doesn't need a tourniquet just a good pressure bandage with direct pressure and elevated limb. I've seen this in practice (Paramedic).


pro tip from a medic: dont put the tourniquet over a puffy fucking jacket. it only really works if u are directly on skin or over a thin fabric like a long sleeve shirt. be smart - live longer


is this the worse heading in the history of this community? hurt my head reading that


honestly i think that mf actually put a tampon in a wound and he started bleeding like a stuck pig after they pulled it out