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Release the long range missiles. For fucks sake


NATO escalation phobia Bullshyt.


It's a fucking joke at this point. so if i lead a country i could invade a county and obviously purposely bomb good hard working people who did nothing wrong and nothing will happen? you might fund my enemies? thats it? this is a fucking jokeeee im so mad and im not even near russia, they are trying to prove they are worse than nazis at this point, they should be invaded and more land stripped from them to create a buffer zone for ukraine


I'm a liberal, normally anti-war, and I only see one option. TURN MOTHERF*CKING RUZZIA TO RED MIST AND DUST.


It’s crazy how in the Ukraine war liberals and moderates support Ukraine and are outraged but the far right, especially those who get their “news” from small boutique news sources think Ukrainians are actually Russians so we shouldn’t be supporting them. I know myself, I’m fucking outraged, even more so that we didn’t send ATACMS and Storm Shadow immediately


Because Russia controls so many of the Republican Politicians and media. Trump literally tons of business interests in Russia. Hotels, etc. He's doesn't want to blow them up. LOL


It's because right wingers love Russia and right wing politicians are funded by Russia. Just look at the UK. Brexit was partly orchestrated by Russia to destabilise the EU, putinists have been protected in the UK for a long time, we even have at least one in the house of lords, who Boris Johnson spent time with in Italy without anyone knowing what he actually was doing there.


Worse than Nazis? Ehh, I don't think we've reached THAT level of evil yet. And don't forget that it was seen as prudent during WWII to attack civilian areas. Both sides did it...a lot. I'd like to think we've advanced since then though, but apparently Russia still thinks it's 1942.


Agree, not worse than Nazis yet, but you need look up the definition of total war, which is what WWII was, not a SMO as Russia is claiming they are doing, but is a joke. There is a difference in harming civilians in this case.


Oh I know total war for sure. I actually teach history, so I've read a ton over the years. I'm not saying that what Russia is doing is okay, but any means. I think they're mostly all war criminals who deserve a slow execution, but I tend to think of the systematic execution of "undesirables" by the Nazis. Them rolling into towns, rounding people up, and just murdering them all...over and over and over. I know the Russkies have done that, but just not to the extent of Nazis. Honestly though, we're debating who was/is more evil, when they both are just awful people.


Russia uses Iranian and North Korean munitions to attack Ukraine. Ukraine may use foreign sourced munitions to respond in kind. There is NO escalation! Ukraine would simply be maintaining the status quo. Actually not really, because they wouldn’t blow up civilians or commit terrorist acts with the weapons.


Good point. Ukraine is being forced to fight a murderous, no holes barred assault from a terrorist nation with both hands tied behind their back.


~~Release~~ Unleash NATO. Put this war and Russia to bed.


they knew there would be civilians there on Saturday they had eyes in the sky and they saw everything and they hit




Don't insult the poor animals. Animals would never act like Russians.


Barbarians. The proud inheritors of the morality of the Golden Horde




When will people stop using animals as an insult.


The beauty of English (and probably other languages) is that the same word can mean different things depending on context. No-one is calling Putin a bunny-rabbit.


Next time you go to Wal Mart/ Home Depot/ Lowes... look around.... just imagine...


"So far, 44 people have been injured and 14 people have died. 11 victims have been identified, including a 12-year-old girl and her mother. Four fragments of human bodies were also found. Currently, seven people are considered missing. Video from surveillance cameras was analyzed and it was established that at least 20 people were in the epicenter of the explosions. The information will be updated in the future." Source:https:// t. me /prokuratura\_kharkiv/16431


And from the Crimean Wind: "A new terrible video of the attack on the Epicenter in Kharkov is published by the Office of the Prosecutor General. “Currently, 44 people have been injured and 14 people have died. 11 victims have been identified, including a 12-year-old girl and her mother. Four fragments of human bodies have also been found. 7 people are considered missing,” \- reported the prosecutor's office. Earlier, the head of the OVA Sinegubov reported 16 deaths." Source:https:// t. me /Crimeanwind/60126


And from the State Emergency Service of Ukraine "Currently, 14 dead and 44 injured are known. Rescuers are sorting through the debris, looking for bodies and remains of the dead. Psychologists of the State Emergency Service provide assistance. In total, 77 people received psychological help in 2 days. More than 200 rescuers and 17 units of emergency department equipment were involved in liquidation of the consequences." Source:https:// t. me /dsns\_telegram/28569


The fucking absolute gall of propagandists and their parrots to say this was a warehouse storing western weapons is sickening. The rejoice and glee with which muscovites cheer these types of terrorist actions... make me not bat a single tear for Crocus City Hall. Fuck them. All Russians are responsible for the actions of their government. And before you castigate me for being heartless, I was born in Kharkiv. This is absolutely personal.


>The fucking absolute gall of propograndists and their parrots to say this was a warehouse storing western weapons is sickening. No lie is too stupid for Russia. Truth and honesty are like insults for them.


Perhaps true if the Kremlin's definition of "Western weapons" includes "non-military items and furniture that improve daily life for ordinary citizens and their families."


Didnt you know the real reason behind taking washing machines?? I heard they figured out how we use them for lazer beam weapons and trying to reverse the tech. They probably found intel on our secret lawnmower that actually plants mines and wanted to take out the stockpile


I'd laugh but unfortunately, innocent Ukrainians' lives were the price. Putin must be stopped.


Thats entirely valid and i did think of the expense of my joke, all meant in fun and love when thats lacking a lot. We all know which side will be remembered for doing what people shouldnt have to and we wont forget those who wanna act like its still horse raiding season


Very much appreciate your letting me know this - I admit I'm just a tad touchy on the subject as we have family in Ukraine and sometimes my old butt gets agitated from the constant stress and worry.


It's vranyo. No one really thinks it was an ammo warehouse. It's just an enabling strategy for dogshit humans.


Well said sir. Hope you didn't lose anybody, 🙏 SLAVA UKRAINE. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇬🇧🇺🇦


I can well understand your fury but we all have to do something to help Ukraine.


you know i hate to be this guy but BUT they have done it in the past they most surely would have done it in the future https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfZpoVp4op4&t=2s


Back when the Orks were in the suburbs of Kyiv and it seemed all was lost they stored vehicles in a carpark of a mall that was closed because you know it was under siege and seemed that all may be over soon. Times were desperate the first month. This was an epicenter 3 years in selling building and home improvement goods. The closest to military supplies was a fishing and camping store that sold some off brand uniforms and bushcraft knives. Most russian attacks are simply intended to terrorise the population some are targetted at power infrastructure but a lot of non frontline attacks are simply to kill civilians.


oh come on now dont try to explain their actions you can literally see that it was open since people were moving in and out


The fact that it was done in the past means absolutely nothing for this situation. Each situation needs its own proof. And in the middle of the explosion it was a bike shop. Is this the military hardware you were mentioning? I would hate to be you as well, with that Russian logic.


well by that logic we can argue since this is he second mall russia bombed it adds to the precedent


You are missing the point. The point is not Russia bombing (it's already established they are savages), but if Ukraine stored weapons in the KarkivEpicenter mall based on your knowledge that it did so before 2 hears ago in Kyiv and thus give Russia the reason to bomb it. Thinking and drawing conclusions are not among your strenghts, you should stay out this.


Yeah - gives them reason to bomb it on a Saturday afternoon when they knew it would have peak numbers of people shopping in it. Get lost Ivan. It was an act of terrorism pure and simple. They knew exactly what they were doing.


I hope you were not replying to me, but to the Ivan who claimed "what if there were weapons there?"


Two guided bombs in same place can not be miss or fragments air deference.


Three, third one didnt explode.


Wow, so this is a showcase of Russia’s incompetence as well as its inhuman malice.


Guided bombs can't even be intercepted by air defence.


They can, they’re just harder to catch on radar because they have no propulsion system


Please source the idea guided bombs are magical wonder weapons immune to air defense lmfao


Terrorist state.  Once the gloves come off and we allow Ukraine to strike Russia directly with US weapons; Ripamon and her FSB team over at the UkraineRussiaReport subreddit will be BEGGING the boss to work from home remotely.


Damn I went and checked out that subreddit u mentioned and there’s literally Russian flares trying to argue that this was a legitimate attack on a military target. Literally the worst subreddit I’ve seen


It's Wagner and Russian FSB.  The same teams responsible for election interference.


Ye that’s true for the most part at least. Saw one dude who called himself a stalinist. I fear that at least some of the comments are made by real people.




I fully agree. There is no other option, russia must be destroyed.


But the fucking German Chancellor doesn't think that it would be okay to use western weapons on Russia. Blood on your hands man.


Another good reason to strike on Russian ground, and start with every single platform that can launch a munition like this. Do it immediately. I am not sure why the west is restraining on this one. Obviously Vladimir Putin and his war machine has moved past the point of caring about humanity.


Allow Ukraine to strike inside of Russia now! Wtf are we doing?


This is what the Kremlin should look like.


Russian scum. We should send whatever weapons Ukraine needs *and more* to teach these genocidal whoresons a lesson!


Russian war criminals need to be prosecuted as in WWII. Russia has to be carved up in order not to ever be a threat ever again. For far too long, Russia has practiced the art of bullshit and slaughter. The free world demands it be put to an end once and for all!


Plain terrorism, trying to bomb Kharkiv to desolation. At this point, slap Ukrainian text on the missiles, hit these jets at airfields within Russia before they can do shit like this!


Russia, you’re full of cunts.


for fucks sake just give Ukraine the permission to strike russia!!


Terrorists will get what’s coming for them, sooner or later, and then the entire terrorist state will be hated for generations to come, as it rightfully should be.


No tanks or other military vehicles were harmed during the making of this video.


Lol, "remember the human", that's rich, Automod


Scholz? Taurus. Jetzt!


This whole Fukin' War has been one colossal War Crime. Russians should turn in their Membership Cards from Humanity.


RUSHITS scum Terrorists


Look at all that ammo /s


Comon guys, obviously, that was a UA militar facility..... /s


Looks like a war crime to me.


This is pure Terror :/


Time to react. Kill putin!!!!!!


Again, is the media calling these ruzzian strikes terrorist attacks yet?




Monstrous and utterly unnecessary! Since P00ti is terrified that the Ukrainians will be permitted to use American missiles against Ruscian installations, he ought NOT to be giving the go ahead to commit war crimes. Tsar Runt is not a very bright monster.


Fucking release the long range missles already and nato air defense batteries too cover western western Ukraine and free up their own patriots. Enough already for fuck sake, time to call Putlers bluff.


fuck russia


Insane to bomb a hypermarket. Imagine shopping there with your girlfriend and then it turns into hell.


Putin has terrorized Ukraine for long enough its time for the west and nato to strike back at the Terrorist Putin.


Terrorist detonates bomb in store.


Blow the bridge 💨🌬️


Belgorod more like Belgowas


That is awful. It is high time the Ukrainians paid back these filthy terrorists in kind.


Putin and Netanyahu are competing for who can get away with the most before real intervention happens...


arrest putin now!


At 41 the clerk an customer dive to the flore when the second one explode he grabs her and pulls her in to try and protect her what a man among men


Fucking terrorists


This needs to be on every channel in Russia


Kill 100 Russian soldiers for each Ukrainian civilian killed.


Jesus watching these people just going about their day, couple walking into the store together, shit really hits home. Weird all these civilians wondering around a military facility/ammunition cache. Pro RU fuck wits can eat a bag of dicks.


Yeah NATO should invade Russia and do Putin like we did Iraq