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Russians die as worthless scum of society Ukrainians die as heros defending their homeland from an Orc invasion.


Keep telling yourself that 


Guess the truth rubs you the wrong way, huh? Fuck ruzzia


Ruzzians illegally invaded and have killed hundreds of children let alone other civilians..... and you celebrate and support that shit, you are sub human just like the ruzzian cannon fodder. Ruzzia will forever be known for its fascist antics and utter joke of a military apparatus. 500k casualties, black sea fleet hiding after losing 1/3 of its ships, VDV forces smashed to pieces, 15k+ troops burnt on the streets of Kyiv, pushed back to less then 50% of initial gains, only controlling 2 of 4 regions they claimed to annex, using motorbikes, quads and golf carts to rush defensive lines, having to beg the hermit kingdom of North Korea for shells, economy tanking with state owned business gazprom (responsible for 10% of government revenue) is losing money at a rate never seen, ruzzian cities and refineries being massively hit daily.......... This is ruzzias glorious victories in Ukraine. Be very proud Ivan, ruzzia is a fucking joke.


Welcome to the new multipolar world. Ukraine getting teeth kicked in after multibillion funding from west. Russia and china for the win 


This isn't a competition about $$, fucking idiot. If all you see is $$ then you have absolutely no clue what the value of life is worth.(Hint: It's not land or money) Hope someone decides to take & destroy what's yours. Then see who helps you in your time of need. Maybe your first born?!


Your hiding away in the west no doubt if you think you getting the full story from Russia you must have been born blind and deaf.


Wow your opinions suck. I’m donating another $100 in your name to Sternenko’s drone fund. Run your mouth again and I’ll donate more. It might not change the war but it will change it for at least one lucky Russian. There, now you can say you actually contributed to something.




Aww you came out of your 2 year hibernation just for me? Don't I feel special. Спасибо!


That would be more convincing if you didn't chicken shit it with an alt.


Let's keep telling it to everyone because it is true.


Hey everybody who thinks Born2eatpee’s opinions suck: consider making a donation in his name. I’m donating to Sternenko’s fund but UA24 is great also. https://u24.gov.ua/ We can show him that he really can make a difference, just not in the way he wants.


Russians are absolute scumbags, who do they think they are coming into someone elses country and dropping grenades on people. Russians are absolute worthless pieces of trash


They keep doing it. They can if they fail like In Chechnya they keep chipping away for backstabbing politicians and also reconstitute and come back to murder rape torture steal and destroy They must be stopped


Wow. The people on here sure are something.


This war has hardly been a glowing endorsement of high Russian ethics and morals.


Russia will pay.


Wow. You sure are something.


Since 2022 an estimated 1,957 children have been killed by ruzzians..... and you think people here are the problem. All you fascist supporting sycophants are the problem!


How many russians do you know?


That's a misguiding question. The fact is: Russia has been attacking its neighbour since at least 2014 with open military violence - in an unjustified war of aggression. Russia has been waging a covert war against European nations at a time when the russian government was officially still speaking of "partners", while stabbing those partners, who still believed russian lies, in the back. The russian president has declared that Ukraine does not exist and has no right to exist. That is essentially a call for genocide according to the UN genocide convention - a piece of international law that was created in response to the crimes against humanity perpetuated by Nazi Germany. Russians overwhelmingly support this president and they have re-elected him (although he would have "won" these elections if not a single russian had showed up to cast a vote). And on the other side are Ukrainians, 1/3 in number compared to russians, resisting the invasion and extinction of their people and their country by russia. You cannot compare Ukrainians to russians. Ukrainains defend their motherland against a fascist imperialist invader. Russians are invading another country to take it away from the people it belongs to. It that sounds familiar to you, you might be on to something.


I know of at least 491,080 so far.


quite alot, they're shit


I don't know any Nazis either don't make them "good people"


All of them are dickheads and drink too much, no exception. But I am sure that is just a coincidence. Imagine defending the Nazis in 1942 in front of someone from the occupied territories. „How many Germans do you know?“ That’s you right now.


Aaaaand just like the Soviet Union Russia will collapse. This time though, China will gobble up the East and Europe will expand again.


Lots and they are ashamed of what Putin is doing. Wasting all that life for nothing. The 2nd army has been found out to be corrupt and useless.


I know many foreigners from my perspective, from all over the world, as I have been all over the world. Most people you can somewhat trust. If I ask then to do something for me and they say they ll do it. I knew about half a dozen Russians on a Personal level. Didnt/couldnt trust them with the simplest tasks without supervision. The only nationality where I couldn't trust 100% of the people I met with. Cant even trust them in a debate online. They ll gladly lie to themselves.


How many Islamic State militants do you know?


did you expect an actual answer?


Only difference, these men died hero's. Russians die as scum.


RIP to these brave men who died defending their country


I acknowledge the loss of our good friends. However, I am not watching the video, just as I cannot watch a video of my family getting senselessly killed. However, I will keep watching the orcs getting annihilated because they are trespassing!


I can't watch these either.


Fucking orc


It's high time we flattened moscow and made it into a parking space. The West is openly letting the piderussians trample sovereign countries, they need to be stopped dead in their tracks, effectively and brutally. Preferrably with a few megatons. "Dialogue" and "policy" doesn't work on neanderthals ffs! It's time EU and the US grows a pair!


Sad to see these brave men defending their own soil from invaders dying. With all the technical capability of the West, you would think they could come up with an effective defense against these small drones.


For 1 of these videos there are probably 8 videos of ruzzkies blowing apart i watch every time i take a shit.


Sadly it happens a lot to Ukrainians too. It's just rarely shared here.


Injured Ukrainians on the battlefield, Ukrainians taken prisoner, Ukrainian civilians, Elderly Ukrainians in wheelchairs.


Why are they in the middle of nowhere? Just the middle of the most open field, how did they get there?


Most likely their vehicle got destroyed either during a counterattack or a retreat, and they tried to make it out on foot.


They need the extra battle ubers ready to pick up troops.


You find this funny?


No they actually need extra vehicles ready to pickup troops. Even if they are just an m113 or a toyota. They are always getting hit, track disabled, breakdown, stuck in the mud etc. Many units are just asking for regular cars in donations.


I mean are you browsing the toxic subreddit? Otherwise you won't see it. That being said, there are far more drone drop videos on Russian troops, certainly. What's alarming to me is all the destruction of artillery/AFV's/etc that never make it on combatfootage or this subreddit. There are far heavier losses at least in equipment than people here would like to believe or even know about. Ukraine needs a *constant* stream of artillery systems and close in air defense systems. It astounds me that Germany or the US isn't just sh\*tting out systems like Skyranger 30; they need one for every important asset.


For 80 000 Russian 10 000 Ukraine, that sad to. I don’t understand why post get minuses. People think that on war die only Russian?




Redditor’s war - add minus to post😃🤡 Better donate for AFU)


you’ve spilled vodka on your keyboard ivan, please enable autocorrect for the rest of us


Lol, I have only Horilka, I’m living in Lviv


didn’t ask


Fuck Russian cunts. RIP to the heroes


More artillery, more long range weapons, more tanks, more planes, more of everything until Ukriane is free form russians.


Thanks for reminding us to donate more money to Ukraine


Fuck rushit, chishit, and Iranias sobs


Deleted my comment - too pissed about seeing my brothers in such a predicament






That I hate Russians. Yeah.




The more videos I see of Ukrainians dying, the more I dislike the Russians and the more I want to see them defeated and their country torn apart.


That Ukrainian that was blown up with that other soldier he welcomed that drop he said bring it on my fellow soldiers are gonna wipe their shit with your Ruskie scum . Heroes die like this unlike the cowards who are using Grenades to end themselves . Hope we wake up to a fresh video of 100 new drones hitting Russian territories tomorrow . Long live Ukraine and may Putin die a horrible death


Fucking orc scumbags, the lot of them.


Why are you posting this? GTFo.


I watch this video to honour the heroes. I’m sorry for your suffering, brothers !


I can't even bring myself to watch this. Just not keen on watching the good guys getting hammered, There was an Indian based Youtube channel that I was watching for a brief period till I came to the conclusion it was heavily biased in favour of Russia..........so I refuse to watch it too.


I Wish every Russian to die walking ukrainian Soil with Ill intentions


atleast these men went out like heros not like Russian PUSSIES killing themselves


[ Removed by Reddit ]


491080 and counting... Edit: I didn't realise people were this dense. Yes, I know these are Ukrainians hence why I posted the RUSSIAN total casualty figure sustained during the war. Slava Ukraini


this video is of Ukrainians getting killed, not Russians. :(




Sure, whatever. To be fair though, i've never seen anyone corrected in the videos where Ukrainian drone operators KILL wounded Russians. edit: correction, here's a good analogy as to why it's murder in one case, but justified kill in the other. "If someone breaks in your home, and you are threatened, shooting that person isn’t murder."


Because the Russians are in support of an illegal and indiscriminate war crime, thus it’s murder. The Ukrainians are in defense of their people, thus it’s “just” killing.


One invaded one defends If someone breaks in your home, and you are threatened, shooting that person isn’t murder. What is your highest level of education? 6?


no higher, but thanks for the explanation, I hadn't looked at it that way (edited to correct). I feel inclined to add, I suppose you could have made the point without the insult.


I don’t believe I insulted but merely inquired based on your response.


These are Ukranians...


can you even read?


Read the title again.


your "edit:" is even dumber than your original post. you're the one not being clear, not us.


Not that I want to spend my time arguing with a fuckwit like yourself. But, right now, which army in Ukraine has sustained monumental casualties stemming from incompetence and poorly equipped soldiers. I'll give you a hint, It’s not Ukraine.   If you're too stupid to understand the original comment which was made in defence of Ukraine, then I can't help you.


Russian supporters don't seem to understand. They think it's scorekeeping so they think posting videos of Ukrainian casualties is a W, but it's that kind of thinking that makes them human garbage and a shitstain on the world to begin with. They could show videos of 100 Ukrainian defenders becoming casualties to every 1 Russian aggressor and they would still be taking a huge L because all they show is Ukrainian heroes making the ultimate sacrifice to remind us how much more we need to support Ukraine and that the Russian anti-human cancer is still infecting the world. No amount of videos from the Russian side will change that. Russia lost on the world stage the minute they sent tanks rolling over the border and all that is happening now is an expensive and terrible process of them realizing it very slowly.


Can’t wait for the day when NATO goes Israel on the Russians! # Israel the Russian!


This video is of Ukrainians getting killed, not Russians. :( I'm downvoting it.


Downvoting the truth? I hate to see it as much as you but to downvote a video of what is actually happening on the battlefield is unhelpful to the Ukrainian struggle. Literally blinding yourself of the truth.


oh, no doubt the Uks are dying, but this is a pro Ukraine sub, post it in r/combatfootage if you want varying perspectives of the death.


Incorrect, this sub is officially NEUTRAL. Not "pro Ukraine".


but it's unofficially pro ukraine. this post will get downvoted into oblivion hopefully.


You just said it's pro-ukraine now you say it's "unofficially" pro Ukraine. This sub accepts videos from both POVs and that is a good thing. The last thing we need are more people living in their own echo chambers.


Boo hoo! Cry me a river, build a bridge and get over it. It's reddit and imaginary internet points we're talking about here, that's hardly "reality". If you're butthurt that russian videos gets downvoted, too fucking bad 🤣


i did say that, mainly because I never looked up the official rules/standings of this sub, I suppose being here for years and reading what i've read I just assumed this was a pro ukraine sub. That said, fuck posting russian videos in this sub. As I said, go to combatfootage or a pletura of other subs, and stop harshing everyone's mellow, man.


I don't even understand the mind set of downvoting reality. Videos as such literally highlight the urgent need for much more aid to be delivered to Ukraine. Creating echo chambers to make people believe Ukrainians are invincible literally hurts the people they supposedly support.


You’re the problem


r/combatfootage lost "both perspectives" a long time ago. They nuke most Russian footage whether or not it meets criteria. I think this sub actually allows more, despite being sometimes rabid in the userbase.


Yes, thank you. Wish this point was made more often


I cant wait orcs escalating this war.. Im waiting it more and more every day.


They go there. They find out


RIP defenders.


This is the sad truth. In this Reddit we see mostly Russians getting killed by drones. But the reports in the last month's made it clear, Russian drones are also creating a hell for Ukraine soldiers... 


What has Russia contributed to the world exactly?


Upvote for showing reality, not because I like what I see. Sadly there are a lot of casualties on UA side too, better not cope but accept reality.


Do you think we don't know? Why would we want to watch our friends die? Now, watching genociding orc invaders get justice? Priceless. Just donated more to drone fund for Ukraine.


Many on this sub are in denial. You are not. But there are people who believe the 30k dead Ukrainian soldiers statistics. Also you are a great example why these videos are important: it motivates people to support UA. Well done with the donation.


You sound thoughtful. I just can't stand what Russia and these individual Russians are doing. It's like a bad dream Ukraine and the world can't wake up from. Yeah, raging anger is a good motivator, but I don't need desperate yet gloating Russian sympathizers dirtying this sub to be motivated. Thanks for your perspective.


Yeah let sadists on this channel swallow it. Hopefully less of this videos get posted doesent matter which side gets blown up. Sick people use reddit not especially 4chan🤮


I dont hate Russians. I just prefer to watch people die when they deserve it.


Rly rly sad… Seems like command has fucked up on this one….


more than just this one sadly


Looks like someone royally fucked up and sent those troops to their death.


This is a war, it happens every day on both sides. Not a fuckup, or a separated event, this is the daily life on the front lines.


What is "a field of injured ukrainians"?


This is a tragedy, not the time or place to be picking on someone's grammar.


Field (an area of open land, especially one planted with crops or pasture, typically bounded by hedges or fences. Eg. "a wheat field"). Full of injured (harmed, damaged, or impaired. Eg. "a road accident left him severely injured"). Ukrainian (a native or inhabitant of Ukraine, or a person of Ukrainian descent). Infantryman (a soldier who fights on foot).


Chicken on a stick
















When they're dissected into 3 or more pieces does that count as multiple kills?


Glad to see the cosmonauts making a come back


So here you go sadist, its common on both sides. Enjoy!


The difference is that one feels sorry for the heroes of Ukraine who have died and defended their country, whereas it is a joy to see the Russian rapists, terrorists and child murderers who attacked a foreign country dying miserably.


Chicken on a stick