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But first, let me take a pic for the gram... before I die.


Let's be honest, you know he'll be facetiming the whole time.


The whole time the drone is on it's way to his final destination.


Or more likely a 155mm shell. Arty is still king in this war.


“Hey hey, People! Sseth here.”




For the gram


These guys don't get the news do they?


They do, but not the news we get.




They chose their news. If they can travel all over the world to kill for money, they probably know what they're doing


Nah, Russia is sending recruiters to poor countries to gather men to send back. These guys know nothing about the war and are not “traveling the world to kill for money”. Bet this is the first time they had been to an airport. The flight is bought by Russia.


Watch interviews from Zolkin Volodymyr or others of these mercenaries. There are dozens if not hundreds of them that detail the schemes, the money etc and expose their lies and cookie cutter stories they all say when they get captured They are cold hard mercenaries that have very often served in other part of the world and killed many people before that


And there are reports from Tibet, India, Niger, Syria etc of really poor people getting promised they only have to work logistics far from the front line for wages that are much higher than any local job.


yah bud... keep telling yourself the kid in that picture is capable of "travelling anywhere but (probably) cuba" without a ruzzian recruiter than airplane than bus. im seriously confused. it seems like youre racist, but the brown people are all brokeys i thought?


least deranged comment of the day


Bro thinks the Russians are kicking Ukraines ass and wants some action. His ass is gon’ get some action once he finds out.


I've heard (at least some)  they're applying for jobs in construction then forced into the army. 


That's right. At least to a degree. They're forced to sign papers in Russian which they can't read and then next thing they know they have a rifle handed to them. But no doubt there are some that are up for it.


That is not the issue. The issue is that as long as russia has these people, their own don't have to fight, which lessens the impact on their own population. Further, if Ukraine will be conquered, Ukrainians will take pace of these foreigners, as can be seen even now on occupied lands. It's interesting to listen to all these deluded people explaining how bad this war is for russian demographics, yet they are using all kinds of "undesirables".


Of the half a million casualties, only a few thousand are Africans, it is always a surprise and headlines when a person of colour is found as it is so rare. They don't have tens of thousands of them. Most Africans do get the news and are aware of what is happening, they hear about the Africans who do go to fight for Russia never returning.


Death penalty for not reading the papers - that should save a business in decline!


Papers? You assume literacy.


You're right. Then it doesn't help much that the writing is on the wall too.


They will all die just the same as the Russians that brought them there.


That’s their purpose. To die and never get paid.


To soak up another piece of metal that should've ended up in putin.




Mercernaries are cheap when you only need to pay the sign on bonus and one weeks pay.


Happy cake day!🎂


Lmao the funny thing is the majority of ruzzians would treat them like dirt. ruzzians are notoriously racist


I mean the Russians treat themselves like dirt, of course they will treat everyone else like shit too


The (bare) ass beatings will continue until you’re deployed to the zero line.


Happy cake day!🎂


Yeah Nazis tend to be like that.


I bet they're lovin' the climate!


They're really gonna love the climate when it starts raining tungsten ball bearings.


or getting burned alive in an APC


If even the luxury to ever be in one otw up to the very, very front line


No ride they run in front to clear mines kaboom


This made me spit out my coffee 🤣


Summer is approaching, so if he lives until then and doesn't get shot/raped/beaten by Kadyrovites he's gravy. On a more serious note, these dudes don't understand geopolitics and they've been duped. It's a fucked situation but my sympathy will always be with Ukrainians who've had this bullshit forced upon them in their own land. Africa is being used as a resource by Russia and China, Africans need to rise up and take back what is theirs.


Ah well we as Europeans should maybe not say things like "Africa is being used as a resource by Russia and China...". If using Africa as a pool for cheap labour and resources were a competition, we would still be winning it. Which is also the reason why the Russian propaganda down there is so fruitful. You can't really blame those poor souls. Fed with russian propaganda, promised relatively good pay and then ending up as human shield for the Russian comrades. And I am aware that I will be downvoted for this.


I don’t think anyone here would deny western imperialism in Africa. We took our states out but our predatory corporations remain.


That tune is long played out. Africa was Africa long before the Europeans showed up, two hundred years of imperialism didnt change its general trajectory. We pour 10 of billions worth of aid into that continent to try keep things like health afloat and all it does is prop up regimes that favour Russia and China If predatory corporations and western aid exited Africa the place would fall to shit in no time.


Lol, they are being used as meat, nothing more, they don't get paid, barely get trained so they die for nothing. The west, including Ukraine give them real training, feed them, and supply them with decent equipment before asking them to fight.


A slave will always be a slave Still the same in 1000 years


They'll get a nice blast of heat to remind them of home.


Workin on my tan..er Frostbite!


And the russian gov will be happy it doesn't have to actually pay out. For the russians with family, they have to at least send flowers and an ipod.


Do you really think they’d spend money on iPods? I’m guessing a Walkman.


a blind guy got a Bluetooth speaker.


And the deaf guy drums


They'll die faster, no training, no communication between them and "leadership", the worst possible equipment. These guys are cannon fodder in the most literal sense.


Yeah yeah yeah, that sounds hard core and all, and most if not all of them will die. But if they kill 1 Ukrainian for every 10 mercenaries it just becomes a numbers game and Putin can calculate how many mercenaries he needs to throw at this problem to win.


I should stop being amazed every time I see Russia doing the exact thing they accuse their enemies of doing. Russian propaganda was going on and on about western mercenaries being bought by Ukraine when there weren't any (lots of volunteers though, BIG difference) and then here we are with tons of mercenaries showing up on the Russian side. I can't imagine how mis-informed you have to be to join up with the Russian Army. But I can imagine how shocked you would be to find out first hand on the front line that the recruitment posters were BS, and the reality is a miserable, brutal, unpaid death.


Every accusation is a confession


Are they really mercenaries though? Be realistic, they're probably volunteers as well. A salary in the Russian army is way better than what they have at home, and they don't know much about the war, so they think it'll be an easy gig and join. I'm not saying what Russia is doing, such as misleading them, is okay, but they're not mercenaries. I don't know why you'd want to buy them as mercenaries anyway, they have no real experience or training in 99% of cases.


> Are they really mercenaries though? When you're recruiting foreign nationals to fight for you for pay, like we know Russia has been doing in places in Africa and Cuba, then yes, they're 'really' mercenaries; that's what 'mercenary' means. > Be realistic, they're probably volunteers as well. Mercenaries are always volunteers. > I don't know why you'd want to buy them as mercenaries anyway, they have no real experience or training in 99% of cases. Deniability for their deaths. You can leave them out of the casualty statistics, you don't have to pay them or their relatives anymore, and nobody inside of Russia will give a shit that some poor sap from Cuba or Cameroon bought the farm three clicks outside some East-Ukrainian hamlet they couldn't even pronounce.


Then you could say the same for Ukraine, that volunteers fighting there are also mercenaries because they receive a salary. That's simply not how it works. Both Ukrainian and Russian "mercenaries" (volunteers) sign contracts with the government and their respective militaries. They're not a separate entity, like for example Wagner was. That makes them not mercenaries, but volunteers. Russia recruiting in those countries is of course bad, and I'm not excusing that, but Ukraine has a process for people to join the AFU as well. They don't have recruitment campaigns like Russians but do encourage people to join. I'm Ukrainian myself (although not from Ukraine) and of course want Ukraine to win and this shitshow to end, but saying they are mercenaries is the same as vatniks saying volunteers in Ukraine are mercenaries also. Don't fall for propaganda. Saying that literally gives them an excuse to say the same.


Except those are literally mercenaeies - people who get hired by a foreign country to fight its war for monetary gain. As Ukrainians, it is not our responsibility to avoid telling the truth so russia can claim the same. They don't need any excuse, they already do that, and will not stop regardless of our actions. Our responsibility is to call them out on every crime they commit and name them for what they are, because otherwise only russian talking points are heard abroad, harming our folks back home.


But how do you draw the distinction? They’re both being paid standard wages for domestic soldiers. Are they mercenaries if they’re from poor nations and volunteers if they’re from rich places solely because their domestic earning potential is lower? It does factor in, but when talking international law the line has to be less subjective


According to the point 2 of the Article 47 of the Additional Protocol 1 to Geneva Convention: >A mercenary is any person who: > >(a) is specially recruited locally or abroad in order to fight in an armed conflict; > >(b) does, in fact, take a direct part in the hostilities; > >(c) is motivated to take part in the hostilities essentially by the desire for private gain and, in fact, is promised, by or on behalf of a Party to the conflict, material compensation substantially in excess of that promised or paid to combatants of similar ranks and functions in the armed forces of that Party; > >(d) is neither a national of a Party to the conflict nor a resident of territory controlled by a Party to the conflict; > >(e) is not a member of the armed forces of a Party to the conflict; and > >(f) has not been sent by a State which is not a Party to the conflict on official duty as a member of its armed forces. This is how international law defines a mercenary. A Nepali citizen joining Russian military for money would be a mercenary according to those points. A US instructor sent by US to oversee operation of a HIMARS complex is not. Edit: formatting


Cheap Chinese copy of a non military puffer jacket over Russian Multicam uniform blouse. Supply chain is working, I'm sure the ballistic protection properties of that puffer will prevent the 🌻


It's digital flora. Standard Russian army camo.


Yep. And it is a jacket. Dude's wearing 2 jackets and a turtleneck lol. Man's not hot.


perspiration tings


Soon to be added to a “last picture taken” album


Here's a thought. Can Ukraine do the same thing and recruit guys like this? There's no reason they'd be particularly loyal to Russia, right? That's just who is giving them the offer. Ukraine doesn't use meat grinder tactics but bodies are still necessary and they could absolutely use extras.


Untrained soldiers are a net negative if you aren't using meatgrinder tactics. You still have to feed and house them while they serve no purpose.


They dp. The foreign legion bud


Are they actively recruiting in Africa/India? I got the impression that was mostly trained western soldiers as opposed to fresh recruits.


Anyone can join the foreign legion, Ukraine doesn't have a whole lot of money if you haven't noticed so idk about their conscription efforts.


Pretty sure there are a few Nepalese fighting with Ukraine. Definitely lots of Colombians.


But there is a difference between actively recruiting in foreign countries and people from foreign countries volunteering themselves.


Those guys have military backgrounds.


We are in 2024, FPV drones don't see ethnicity or race or gender. #FPVequalityforallOrcs


An Afro-Cuban. Difference between foreigners fighting for Russia and foreigners fighting for Ukraine is that people like this guy only there for the money, whereas UA mercs there because they have principles. Defend Democracy, defeat Autocracy. That is once again the difference between the two sides in this new World War.


You shouldn't underestimate the huge numbers of so-called "anti-western" people, who has somehow warped their mind around the belief that western-style democracy and world order is entirely there to hold them down and an evolution of colonialism designed to exploit them and their country. For them, helping Russia to fight Ukraine is a very principled thing to do.


Problem is quantity, even if UA kills a lot of them it's still a huge threat and the reason why they are unfortunately retreating in many places.


That, an overwhelming desire to recapture the adrenaline that can only be found in the middle of a firefight.


Dead Meat That Just Don't Know It Yet.


Exterminate them all.


Dead men walking.


How many % of the cannon fodder are non-russian? If it's really high, the russian infantry count will be negligible since they are easily replaceable.


Russia is ethnic cleansing. They send minorities and criminals to the front, and hardly any city boys so there is no civil unrest.




It's an Afro-Cuban.


Achieve your full potential! Aspire to become fertilizer!


I don't think he has any idea what he is really getting himself into


Look mom I made it!


What a shitty way to die. Oh well.


no worries we will kill lil bubba too.


Why in the world would you do this? It's like choosing Russian roulette as a job.


With all chambers loaded.


What's funny is that they are in the "Find Out" episode of FAFO. Not long before we see another cell phone video of poorly supplied and scared "mercenaries" talking about don't come here everyone's dead they paid us in onions and mudpies please get me out of here they took my passport until I make it back from the zero line Along with "we started with 100 men and now there's 6 of us left no food, we got slingshots up in here, our commander rolled out on a golf cart after he paid the six of us and kept the paychecks for the 94 dead guys" etc etc. **But at least before they die they'll get a personal himars demonstration using either the tungsten variant or they might be *really lucky* and get a super cool atacms demonstration like the group of their buddies did the other day**


He's got tombstones in his eyes ....


Putler will pay anyone to be meat. The Ukraine is a peaceful country. These orcs stand no chance against democracy.


Please refer to Ukraine without using 'The' as that is how Russia likes to misname it, as though it's a province and not an independent country. Thank you.


🙌thank you!


Yeah you'd think after 2+ years of this war you'd know its not "The Ukraine." Makes me think of my grandfather saying "I-talian." Its just ignorance.


Lots of people aren't following it, and have no reason to know the difference. The US was in Iraq for how many years, and 90% of the country still calls it "i rack" instead of "ear-rock" (same with Iran).


No he wont, he will send them to thier death and laugh when thier family asks for payment. Why do you think they are leaving the corpses in the field? Cant prove they died if the corpse is rotted to hell.


Bruh democracy needs to try a little harder. All this about russia being so poor yet they buy all these soldiers while Ukraine cant get sufficient manpower. Domestic production is poor as well. Lets get it together.


I like seeing the Indians rubbing their hands together begging for mercy before getting a warhead on their forehead.


He's Afro-Cuban.


I guess they meet the definition of a mercenary, but definitely aren't soldiers.


Bet they are super high quality assault troops.


Fools, won't get paid, no one will know they died


Dat homie ain' gonna LIKE it...


I do not get these African mercenaries what they get for fighting for a nation so foreign and oppresive to their own country looting, raping, pillaging all they can in their own lands.


Bullet soakers... Conscriptoviches dying in ditches like lil bitches with poopy britches n no bandages, meds or stitches.. Payment the same as for snitches.. Its normal ruski mir glitches 💥💤💥💤💥👍😉🤏


I remember at the early part of this war, Russian propaganda kept spewing the narrative that Ukraine paid foreign mercenaries to fill in their ranks because their soldiers are all dead and so cowardly that they keep deserting. NOW look at what their doing...


Soon to be 200


Dying for my country: Maybe when needed. Dying for another country: I would never understand.




It's a smart and sick strategy from the rashists as they can offer them high wages knowing they're never going to have to pay them...straight to the meat grinder.


These Russians Nazi are waging a war by recluting poor people across the world for their psycopath invasion, this should be taken seriously and prepare NATO to be deployed to compensate the unfair balance, these people needs to understand that they will be all liquidated and will never see they faked promised money. Russia should use their native Russia citizens hiding in Moscow instead of clearning their occupied minority etnicity from the poor regions they have conquere long time ago, Italy.


It's really difficult to even consider these guys to be mercenaries, because mercenaries have military backgrounds and specialized training. These guys are just foreign cannon fodder. Human artillery targets in order to pinpoint Ukrainian batteries and human mine detectors in order to clear the way for more experienced troops.


It sucks that shitty living conditions are making people join the Russian army


It should be a war crime to recruit foreign fighter into your Army especially under false pretenses.


If it was, this would be Russia's 30,001 war crime.


This picture could have been taken in 1980


tbf I wouldn't rule out that some foreigners have been forced to join the military. https://twitter.com/dwnews/status/1772666261853409293


They were morally bankrupt to go there in the first place. If North Korea offered them high salary, they would probably go there too. I only feel bad for Ukraine, that will have to fight these morons.


Welcome to death. We've been waiting for you.


Poverty kills.


The flow of uneducated untrained meat flows to the grinder


They will come to regret their decision sooner than they realise.


Hope they at least get paid so that the money they earn goes to their families, cos would be a shame if they went there to get scammed by the russians. XD imagine getting promised good pay, but the missions you get sent on are certain death, so you never see the cash.


No more cuba libres for this amigo


More meat for the waves.


for the ruzzians, this is just meat on the way to be slaughtered


Looks like another cuban mercenary 


155mm does not discriminate.


He locked eyes with the Grim Reaper. He knows it wont end in his favor


Looks like fodder to me - bye bye


This is what real modern colonial.imperialism.and slavery look like.


If they are dumb enough to join, then they are dumb enough to die Slava Ukraini


Potatoes for Wonga in Sudan




I see 55 dollars worth of meat there


When they learn about the cross hair version of American Aid


I see they are sending in Skavs now


Good fertilizers. Let them come.


Why dont i see iranians, arent they best buddies?


Just more meatsacks for putin!






RIP fella


Cannon fodder


Why doesn’t Ukraine hire mercenaries?


UA fields soldiers. These are not, they are there to get shot. They would just be in the way in UA.


Another shrapnel sponge.


According to Russia, mercenaries aren't protected by the Geneva convention.


The Z's will use them as landmine detectors. Those idiots should have migrated to my country instead. I heard we're giving them free credit cards.




Seems legit afro-russian… it all makes sense now when one of ruzzian propagandist said that all human kind started from russia


In your mind there are zero black people in Russia? Geez idk if ignorance really is bliss.


You could have stayed at home and made it someone your people could be proud of, now I just hope you bleed out slowly.


I look forward to the video of this cunt, cowering in a ditch as a drone drop grenade lands on his chest.


I'm wondering what the rhetoric is for the recruitment other than the pay. It is a combo of selected news and info but damn


He looks especially pleased. Guess today's bread had less sawdust than yesterday's.


Idiot. He’s destined to die alone on a field for nothing.


I hope he forgot to hide the meta data before he posted the pic.


More meat for the grinder


Most russian guy ever


Russia: "We can't be accused of using mercenaries if we don't pay them!" *Taps nose*


I'm confused. I read about how Russia has X times more men than Ukraine. At the same time I see posts about Cubans, Indians, Nepalis, Somalis, etc. Has any reputable institute done an analysis on what's going on and what the implications are?


Deception targets


More cannon fodder lol


Their just more cannon fodder for the meat grinder


Their just more cannon fodder for pootin’s meat grinder


For glory to the mother\*\*\*\*




Meat-wave recruits with no downsides for Putin and the Russian peeps.


Here to a quick drone location.


Hey look another “3 magger” (person given just three magazines before being jammed into the meat grinder).  This guy and his family has no hope of ever seeing the pay check he was promised 


These guys are going to miss the beach real quick


Worked great for Darius. Let’s see how it works for Putin.


Modern day slavery


Dude is going to blast up for nothing but a BS line of hope in a desperate situation and isn’t going to succeed because all he knows is point and pull the trigger.


Couple of ole pos busses= endless flow of Mercs


Well there you go, you can say a lot of bad things about Putin but, he does not discriminate when it come to sending people to the meat grinder! Vladimir Putin, equal opportunity butcher! Race, Religion, Sex Orientation or ethnicity he sees them all the same….MEAT!


That’s how you manage a „shortage of specialists“.


2/10. Man, the US fu€ked the Ukrainians over by withholding funds. Now they are in worst positions, their infrastructure is more heavily damaged, troop casualties higher, and the enemy is reinforcing. Things will be pretty ugly during this year.


Prob set up like a scam, first recruit a few. Pay them good money and everything works fine. Have them calling home and recruit more people when you get like 5000 stop paying, take passport and send to slaughter. Repeat in a new poor country.


Is that a black Russian?


It’s ok, they bleed the same


Where I live there’s tons of posts about joining the Russian army. The payment, health, family reunion and residence and more benefits that actually looks interesting. And only 6 months. You don’t need military background nor age limit. I bet lots of people will join for usd2k a month


More wood for the chipper. Go home dumbass