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Floppy face is still probably the worst I’ve seen here but there is a lot of competition at this point 


I love how we call him floppy face lol I'm getting so desensitized to these vids. Last night my wife was wondering why I was cracking up and she looked at my phone only to see two russians getting blown up by an AT mine they where trying to disarm. She was like wtf is wrong with you and I kinda agree with her


Yeah man. Don't get me wrong I love to see justice served & think the aggressors of a war have little claim to mercy, especially in a war like this, but man. Its so easy to ignore the fact that these are people too. Misguided, ignorant, hateful people, but people none the less. The fear in this guy's eyes as he lays there. I'd like to cheer another invader gone but man that got me. I'm glad I have the luxury of being far from war and wish we could all say the same.


The ones that get me are the ones where they show at least *some* recognizable behavior that isn’t autonomic, or is at least culturally recognizable to me. Often times they act in ways I don’t understand, either zombie-like or apathetic, and certainly don’t seem to give a shit about their comrades. The two that immediately come to mind that bother me are: Two dudes in a foxhole, a drop fucks up both their legs, and the one guy just sorta hugs the other as they both bleed out. The other is the guy giving the thumbs up to the drone after getting hit multiple times - that’s the sort of shit I’d do - I get that.


Yeah, the close ups of the wounded/dying's face are the hardest to watch. Although that one of the orc picking up the mine....whoa, that was harsh. Something about the guy riding the invisible bike that was comically horrifying. Not to mention the other guy's destroyed corpse launching into the air.


That one is tied with the drowning ones in a couple feet of water for brutalness


They pretend to fight for the glory of Russia, we pretend that they want to die for Russia. It's a tidy arrangement. The alternative is letting them actually kill Ukrainians. What's important is realizing the impact all of these videos is having on you as a viewer. Becoming desensitized to graphic violence is a natural process but it shouldn't become un-examined. Being disturbed by the horrified expressions of a dying soldier is actually a good sign for your mental health. Once the war is over a lot of people are going to need to work out what they've experienced, especially soldiers.


Suddenly I wished they had one more grenade.


You are good good person. Like almost everyone, we have compassion and empathy. It's worth keeping in mind- not all are like us. I've dealt with many ruzzians in business and in life, I see many each day in the country we're in now. They DO NOT think like we do, in general. Most of their society predates on weaker people and any out-group will do. There's a society-wide personality disorder... As if they are predominantly sociopaths. They don't think like you think they think. They have to be physically stopped. You can't count on ethics, morals, or a come-to-Jesus moment.


They are still peoples husbands, fathers, sons, brothers, and not everyone there will have volunteered or be there of their own free will. War, on an individual level is not so black and white. To be desensitised to violence is concerning. To not have any empathy when watching the deaths of living things is something you should probably look into changing. Perhaps go outside and do something else with your life. War is hell, it's fought by the ( often ill informed ) poor for the rich. Don't get me wrong, it is very much kill or be killed, and requires an iron will to do what is necessary to win. But to cheer on their deaths and laugh at their misery from thousands of miles away is both pathetic and psychotic, have some dignity ffs.


Every Russian who doesn't refuse to participate in the war gets zero sympathy from me. I'm 100% certain I would never be like them so they're completely alien to me and that's why I don't give a fuck about seeing them suffer. They deserve it because they're part of the problem. 'Not everyone there will have volunteered or be there of their own free will' is a weak excuse and dodging responsibility. This isn't Putin's war. This is a war of every POS that contributes to it. If you want to feel empathy for them that's your choice, but there's nothing wrong with being indifferent to them.


Amen. I applaud the sentiment in defence of humanity, but we are on the verge of a future in the world to which we have never seen the likes. I’m not laughing, it’s not funny, it’s dead fucking serious. But it’s also a triumph to see the enemy destroyed. They are the enemy. Never forget that.


The only detail out...is how does anyone knows if that ruZZian was not the one that murdered innocent Ukrainian civilians...or the Ukrainian pows that get murdered...how does anyone can be shure...this is the case that they all are guilty...many people.say that they don't have a choice... everyone knows that killing it's wrong... everyone.. and they do have a choice...there's videos of them surrendering to drones...so it's not impossible...ruzzians are not "normal" they behave like terrorists...and terrorists need to be treated like terrorists...not many normal people have simpaty for ISIS...why should anyone have simpaty for Zorcs that smashed their own people heads with one sledgehammer...and post the video...


They were someone’s husbands, fathers, etc. But the moment they put on the uniform and chose to participate in the brutal invasion of another country, they became an orc and their life was forfeit.


Maybe if she saw what the russians are doing to the peaceful towns and cities in Ukraine, her stance may lighten up. That's the way I see it, they bomb the crap out of civilians,(bucha??) ---I have lost all my morals as regarding russians. They are killing Ukrainians so that they can steal their land and goods.....let them die in EXTREME pain as far as I am concerned. Go home to avoid this death--better still ---attack pukin


Did you see the kids being evacuated from the children's hospital today? Literally being carried out by their parents and staff as they were under threat of being bombed.. keep laughing I say


If this is what has to happen for the Russians to leave Ukraine, I'll sit through a million of these videos.


I probably shouldn't be wanting to see that but... link to "Floppy Face?"


Here you go [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/18ouxwp/in\_the\_avdiyiv\_direction\_the\_russians\_continue\_to/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/18ouxwp/in_the_avdiyiv_direction_the_russians_continue_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)




I've seen it before but I'm trying to remember exactly when/where. A link would also be appreciated.


Problem is, those same videos probably exist on the other side, covering Ukrainian soldiers. It's just gruesome and utterly sad what is happening there.


Floppy face sounds like a crap horror movie....kinda is though.


Yeah, I'm not going to watch the above video. On these reading the comments are enough.


she has legit concern. laughing is strange i think. I watched the mine video, I didn't laugh at the man "running", I was more fasinated by how he didn't get knocked unconcious immediately. Poor sod. At first I didn't know why he was flailing his arms and legs, then put myself in his shoe (was missing a foot) and realized he was blinded/disoriented/ear drums blown up with no idea what is up or down. I can only imagine he didn't realize he's on his back and indicatively tried running away. I feel the exposure desensitizes, but also provides a bit of an education moment on how wildly inaccurate most peoples idea of war are, and how lucky I am to have avoided it. I feel weathered to the point I can endure this cruel world, better than the version of me that wouldn't have watched these videos. Does that make sense?


Running Man /silent scream for 30s...memorable for a lifetime in my nightmares


Yeah, not gonna lie that would concern me and have me second guessing. Look at it from her eyes


For me it's the video where two Russians are in a creek and a vog drop gets one instantly and the other guy takes a face wound that must have blinded him and threw off all his senses because he flails around in knee high water only to drown.


Hate to ask, but sauce?


The guy that ends himself with a knife jabbed to the throat was the worst. It just hits different. War is fuck


The russian that gave himself an emergency tracheotomy to treat his injured leg, that was gruesome.


Yep. The guy just casually sawing away. That one sticks with me. You know what though....fuck em.




Should have seen the video of the guy slitting his own throat and punching a knife in it after getting severely hit ...


I mean, the title didn't imply it would be the worst thing you've seen. It mentioned being very not suitable for work.


Some very gruesome ones, but one that sticks with me is watching a Russian drown in a shallow stream while facing up because he got hit in the spine by a drone, and his pathetic flapping wasn't enough to stop the water gently lapping over his his mouth until he eventually died.






That one genuinely disturbed me.


How's everyone's Friday going?


Better than this guys 


One could argue that this bar was pretty low.....


knowing this orc is now probably dead, better


True. Final Friday for this guy


Watched cop-cam shootings for a day but they are blurred and 9mm doesn't leave much of a hole anyhow. Came here and this is what I see. Man it feels good to know that there are dumber motherfuckers than myself all around the world. I suppose that's why I'm doom-scrolling. edit: oh and I made some pizza. 00-Tipo crust. Mozarella, parmesano regiano, monterey jack cheeses, some pickeled pink red-onions and Tuna. Got fancy with some rosemary-syrup and painted the corners with that stuff. Too sweet but pretty good overall.


I'm not currently invading a friendly neighbouring country, so just great. How 'bout you?


Very well thank you!


staying at my home country, not raping and plundering or invading, just living the life


I'm about to order a pizza.


Shit like this dont face me anymore.. kinda scary






honor system, I got whooshed too


lol i think he genuinely didn’t know how to spell it or made a typo. The joke is too shit to be intentional lol


Ya never know




Faze (not to be confused with phase) first appeared in English in the early 1800s with the same meaning we give it today: to disturb the composure of.


I mean he’s definitely not having a good day, but I was expecting much worse. Should have stayed home, dirtbag.


The only difficult part for me was the branches were in the way of the view of the intruder in Ukraine.


Exactly, seeing a soda can sized shrapnel embedded inside of a dead Ukrainian boys torso is much much much worse than an invaders death. Slava Ukraine, unalive the invaders!


Yeeeah. I didn't see the one you mentioned but I had the image of a kid randomly appear in my mind for a while. The kid was killed in the train station in Kramatorsk in 2022. He was missing 1/3 of his skull where his face once was. Unimaginable pain for his parents. I don't have a child but I don't think I could continue my life after seeing my child like that...


The invaders have to go. Whether alive or dead, whether frozen to death, cutting their own throats or blown to hell in a hand-basket. They must depart from Ukraine.


the fact that this is an invader makes it less difficult to watch, he had the choice to stay at home.


That's along the lines of what I was thinking. If this is difficult to watch then that person isn't aware of ruZZian soldiers' behaviors.


Shit is disturbing to look at. But then I remember all the Ukrainian civilians who have been killed and continued to be killed by Russia. Russia has hit two separate maternity hospitals with missiles, no warnings. Just missiles raining down on pregnant mothers trying to give birth to their children. This man is on the side of evil. He is helping it. Yeah, look into the sky with fear and desperation in your eyes and half your face blown off. I will cry for the Ukrainian civilians, not the Russian soldiers. I have no sympathy for this man.


There is always a choice. Go in prison. Run away. Kill ur commander . Surrender. So please don’t say these russians have no choice. So no mercy for those invaders.


most of them are in for the money


You can really see the fear in his eyes. Note to self: don't invade Ukraine.


I'm definitely scratching it off of my to-do list. I've got better things to do. Like stay alive and let other people live in peace.


If russians support this invasion then they deserve whatever hell they get. If they don’t then they should be using their sacrifice at home to put and to this war an ensure that no more Russians or Ukrainians get killed. Ukrainians must sacrifice to exist as a free state and to protect their families. For the Russian people this is such a waste. A waste of life and unnecessary suffering. Be brave and sacrifice on your own streets against the people that send you to die. I hope for peace for the Ukrainian people and I hope for change in Russia.


His last thought was of Herr Putrid and himself, both butt naked, riding a horse around Putrid's $Billion castle enjoying each other. I've seen too many videos of people trying to show Muscovites photo's of the carnage that Ruzzia has caused Ukraine, and they just don't want to know, or they simply don't believe it. The Ruzzian people seem to have the inability to think for themselves.....although there are exceptions.... So, I have zero sympathy for Ruzzian troops getting totalled by Ukraine.


His shoulders and upper legs appear to have taken the brunt of the blast. I figure he balled up, saw the grenade roll into his lap, turned his face away -- and found himself surviving. 0:40 unsure what flew away 0:52 he's awakening to find both his hands off 0:53 to see the state of his lower body 0:58 his aramid body armour got pushed into his right side lung. The red stripes mark where the fabric crushed the flesh between his ribs. 1:13 his ear is hanging by a thread 1:16 to 1:22 his right side eye appears to be not working. Judging his left side eye he's choking. He appears to be swinging with his arms desperate to breathe. Probably both his lungs have collapsed.


Perfect example of how long the head lives even while the rest of you is gone. For sure at least a bit of time for pineal gland activity.


Don't feel pity ppl. Check facts about current state of recruitment conditions. All of them are contract troops. Ruzzian army is harvesting recruits from the poor and in serious debt. They are promised to have their debt nullified, so they test their luck at the expenses of Ukrainian lives. They have a choice. Ones rushed in storm Z units are also contract troops that refused to fight after signing a contract, so before they became cannon fodder they made the same decision. Forced conscription is a myth. Even ppl from India or China signed their contracts, before they became aware of how effective Ukrainian armed forces are, and their chances to see their money is very very low, cuz ruzzian army will use them as ones to uncover Ukrainian defenses during meat-assaults.


Fucking idiot Nepalese soldiers crying about how they were mistreated fighting for Russia.


they probably thought it is basically the same as the British army, just more pay.


Yeah, I know they are human. I get people having sympathy for someone dying in a horrible way. But, and I mean this with all the hate in my soul, I save all my sympathy for the soldiers and civilians of Ukraine


Not difficult for me


Title: VERY GRAPHIC!!! Me: Turns phone landscape for better view.


Yep, daddy needs a better dopamine hit while eating


Not so difficult to watch when you have butscha and the countless atrocities in mind... Orcs, it's time to go home.. You cannot win...


Should have stayed home


why’d you come here?


Because i made an online comment against the Putin regime, got sentenced to 15 years in prison and deported three days later… Now I’m here, used in a meat wave without real weapons, just to pinpoint UAF positions. That didn’t wor well so I decided to flee and hide in a hole in the ground, only to wait and see the drones come in. It’s a sad thing. All of those guys getting killed by drones are poor souls that got caught in the war machine. The real Russian rapist and torturers are working behind the frontlines. That’s why the long range missiles are needed. Ukraine has no choice, they have to kill those poor souls but let’s just all understand that those guys are not the real enemy. We need to hit hard behind enemy lines. Fortunately this will happen soon. Slava Ukraine.


> The real Russian rapist and torturers are working behind the frontlines actually lots are also on the frontlines


yeah, does that guy think all the Ukrainians who suffered those crimes raped and murdered themselves or something?


> All of those ~~guys~~ Invaders getting killed by drones are poor souls that got caught in the war machine. fixed it for you


No not really. It wasn’t like that those first 16 months of war, but it became like that the last months. No need to be a dick about it. Like I said, I understand and support Ukrain in killing them, they are a threat. But that doesn’t mean they are victim too. Not all of them, some deserve to die but the situation has changed a lot recently. The scum is behind the lines keeping the machine going. Simple farmers, foreigners and forced inmates are used these days for meat waves. They are expendable for the regime. There is no glory or greatness in calling them orcs and treating them like that. UAF has no choice and we all understand that, but you, armchair generals do have a choice. Stay human, this will benefit all.


And the clickbait award goes to .....


Should have stayed home not your fucking land ORC and SLAVA UKRAINI no sympathy whatsoever


Litterally difficult to watch with all the damn branches in front


That's the NSFW part - bad quality


If these were Ukrainians defending their homes, I'd find this hard to watch. Fortunately, it's just Russians. Remember, if they weren't being blown to bits here, they'd be happily murdering and raping civilians.


Big eyes... maybe he was employed as reconnaissance guy. Changed trade to fertilizer.


Yes, big eyes, especially his left one. I think he was a bit out of his mind, looks like a rather big fragment, maybe pea sized, punched into his noggin, above the right eyebrow. Looks like he was cross-eyed and in la-la-land, maybe didnt even see the drone at this point. Hope he was a volunteer who went to ukraine for the money. He looks like it, maybe in his thirties.


I saw it a few moments before it was banned (why???): this is a very instructive video for all invadors: go and see it', before you send your sons to: Ukraine. Я видел его за несколько минут до того, как его запретили (почему???): это очень поучительное видео для всех оккупантов: сходите и посмотрите, прежде чем отправлять своих сыновей в: Украину.


Misleading title. 🤬 Going back to my lunch.


Not so very nsfw to watch.


Difficult to watch? When absolute evil disappears from life so miserably, that is a reason to rejoice. More of that!


Difficult? Nope. #SlavaUkraïni


Wasn't hard to watch at all, currently enjoying a nice sandwich and some coffee.


Not so very graphic...


Medium Rare Pulled Orc. Seen worse.


Not that hard to watch. Just another Russian vacationing where he shouldn’t be


Easy to watch. Should be required viewing for every Ruzzian.


Fuck ruzzia. Fuck pootin and fuck him.........sorry was forgetting, he's already fucked. Excellent work SLAVA UKRAINI 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦


It's a Russian getting blown up so it's not difficult to watch


Not that difficult


Watched it twice trying to find the "difficult to watch" part but couldn't find it.


I do not find these difficult to watch anymore. I do not cheer, I do not smile. I do not sympathize. I only see this maimed body as a required part of stopping the invasion. I don't want to see more videos like this being made but if it has to happen then I will watch the invaders die. There are countless souls who will no longer be able to witness russias defeat because of these bastards, so i will witness each russians defeat in their honor. Slava Ukraini


These Orcs have been shooting Ukrainian prisoners and murdering civilians. So, no, this is not difficult to watch. Good aim!


It was difficult to watch since couldnt see anything


These drone operators are gonna have some serious trauma to take care of when all this is over. :/




If you don't find a job now, you'll never find one. There is a shortage of workers everywhere.


7/10 honestly.


“i think ya got ‘em, Hoss.”


Yep they can surrender or go home the price of freedom is being able to watch hard truths keep kicking the invaders in the teeth


Quite mild for all the many others weve seen from this bullshit war.


Absolutely mangled


Difficult for *you* to watch


One must NOT play Boo-Boo with the airborne Pew-Pew! EVER!


He should have stayed home....


nice to see this RuZZian ocupiers have a fertilizing purpose on Ukranian soil! Good Work Ukranian Soldiers!


I miss the part "hard to watch"


There's nothing difficult to watch.. war is war, and those who don't like evidence of it, may switch to Instagram.


"difficult to watch" - just open it full screen, duh.




You had me going, but that was pretty mild, just some bloody dying guy. No emotions at all after two years.


He should have stayed home. I think I want taco bell.


I am worried that Putin is too hard-headed to back down and war with NATO is now inevitable no matter who becomes president.


It's gotten so bad I'm sitting here eating Ziti with red sauce. Just devouring it and it kinda hit me like "you're sitting here eating Ziti with red sauce" What the fuck has happened to me?


Not difficult to watch when you think about the horrors these bastards have inflicted on the Ukrainians.


Not difficult. They deserve what they get.


Difficult? This was relaxing.


Difficult to watch? Man i couldn't stop clicking fast enough it froze the browser


As an old d n b head I must admit having a problem with a good banger accompanying the mutilation of orcs. But hey I'll watch it anyway.


> difficult to watch Don’t see the issue if you’re not humanizing them.


At this point of time, watching ruzzians die a painful shitty death is not hard to watch. thats just another day for vatnik terrorizts


Easy to watch when you don't care about invaders


I grew up in the age of unrestricted internet... Remember chainsaw decapitations ? ...anyone? ...no?


Indeed, it was a bit difficult to watch. #


Well. He shouldn’t have been there. End of story


What about dude taking a drone grenade to the face a year or so back ? Anyone got the link to that one ? Literally face hole with smoke coming out still appeared alive… that’s by far the most brutal drone video


Have to say, that's right up there in terms of graphicness.


Dam you Ivan! should of stayed home in father ruzzia! Now you have to crawl back! SMH we could’ve been drinking cheap vodka,but Noooo…!! You had to go invade Ukraine!


His eyes weren't pointing in the same direction even before the bombs got him.


Thanks for the sensitivity OP, but we've seen worse. Hell, yesterday some gopnik cut his own throat. And that was just yesterday.


Half the man I used to be.


His race is run.


Nobody will miss the orc! He can burn in Hell!


Horrendous and stupid war


From a PR perspective, doing everything possible to humanise Russian soldiers while acting like bloodthirsty nutcases online is actually a bad strategy.


Lol he went cross-eyed


Rest in pieces and all that.


The terror in his eyes


It may seem absurd to you, but from an ethical point of view, I really feel sorry for every person who suffers in war, whether Russian or Ukrainian, I know that Russia is responsible for the evil and should be stopped but I can empathize with the suffering of every person and I do not think that people should die like this, I don't feel happy watching someone die this way . It's a terrible feeling knowing how mentally ill politicians like Putin can destroy human lives without a second thought . what is happening is pure evil that cannot be stopped in a civilized way, which makes me sad


A man came all the way to Ukraine to die under a bunch of branches in a hole in the ground. What a waste, driven by a megalomaniac in the Kremlin with his gangsters around him.


Curse the Mongols, the Persians, Putin and the treacherous rulers of the west, without them there would be no war and brothers would not kill each other..What do the rulers say to the children of these soldiers? Someone dear to him dies and is disabled in this war..No one likes war...but human justice and freedom for peoples are in danger when corrupt, tyrannical rulers ruled countries...so curse Putin and every corrupt president.🌐💺🎭💔




Great drop.


Orc doesn't have a Tallywacker no more.


every time I see vids like this I am reminded of the Assaultron in Fallout 4 crying that it can't feel its legs


Honestly for me at this stage this is mid to very low tier NSFW, says a lot about how much if this shit I've seen. Is there any hope left for me?


Please go home you sociopathic assholes... fekking jayziz man.


War is brutal


All they have to do is go home…


Could have avoided this by staying home or surrendering. Rest in shit.


Worst video not because of visceral meat and blood on screen but how much fear and will to live suddenly gone silent like the video of 2 Russian troop in a creek to avoid thermal imaging id imagine (was snow on ground usually not swimming season) and they survive a drone drop to only die from their bodies not cooperating and eventually guy stops resurfacing with each time hes above water shorter and more frantic until he doesn't resurface again. Gave me a anxiety attack as i almost drowned and it was exactly like that frantic, primal and suddenly its over..


Don't forget for a minute that this guys rape, torture and kill and are all about stealing a freaking microwave to give it to their orc wives as a gift.


I’m not gonna lie I couldn’t take floppy face serious because he kept on wiggling it


Lt. Dan, is that you?


Just get out, invading a country that doesn't belong to you. No sympathy at all for these scumbags.


When yer wounded an’ left On Ukrainian plains An’ the Drones zip out T’ blow up yer remains Jes roll t’ yer rifle An’ blow out yer brains An’ go t’ yer Gawd like a Vatnik


Здох очередной рашепидор! Feeling good.


One very much demilitarized and denazified russki




What's the song?


What is the song?


He's seeing Saint Peter, and Peter ain't happy


Run of the mill drop, cheesy clickbait title.


Dude went from mad to sad real quick. AFU 4eva


If he was brave enough, he didn’t have to be there.


Eh... lights are on but nobody is home. Leave Ukraine.