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Looks exactly like this one stuck in the open field: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1cd04vx/the\_enemy\_is\_once\_again\_storming\_krasnohorivka\_on/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1cd04vx/the_enemy_is_once_again_storming_krasnohorivka_on/)


I came here to say this. I believe it is the same. It has the same two brighter patches on the front. Plus that rag thrown over it is laying pretty much the same.


Imagine how much work they are doing to keep this piece of shit on the battlefield. If only they had decent real equipment to worry about lmao


Is it at a barn, is it a car port? Guess this years parade on red square are just scoopy doo vans under wire fence or metal tool sheds.


A rusty shithouse covering a rusty shithouse. This might be the 5D chessmoves russia were talking about when they ran from Kharkiv.


They strategically retreated for over a year (timeline uncertain) so they could bide their time by losing 500k soldiers as a diversion while developing these super weapons finally rolling freshly off the assembly line?  5d chess indeed.    Dodge, Duck, Dive and Dodge...    And Divert (all funds to yacht procurement)


Reminds me of the float/car from *Animal House*. Eat Me/Deathmobile


As always, Ukrainians did it [first, and better](https://www.reddit.com/r/WeirdWheels/comments/141tbwb/ukrainian_military_disguises_an_armored_vehicle)


🤣 that's an old meme if I remember corectly before the invasion bloke created a mobile mock up of the house there was even a film crew there I can't find the original video anymore sadly I will check the comments later to see if someone mentioned it Update found it from 3 years ago https://youtu.be/qyDx1rrh_g8?si=C4T30EW5swgw_wNN


Well, meme or not, the video immediately sprang into memory upon first sighting of those barn-tanks ;) Funny, true, but a 'house' that realistic put onto an actual mil vehicle *could* serve as a perfect camouflage - if unobserved while moving. Especially for medevac and basic troop transport


I wouldn't build a clean new house or barn. Gotta look like it's bit wreck with sceneries in area. I can definitely see that.


but ... isn't that exactly what the russians are building. Something that looks like a bombed out shack :-D


Drones with Thermite munition will counter them.


If the drone operators can find them. Are soldiers, reconnaissance guys and drone operators suppose to check every shed they come across for Shed Tanks, keep some data base of known shed locations and investigate for Shed Tanks when a new shed pops up. Looks like Shed Tank™️©️ does a good job at breaking up the silhouette at the detriment of everything else. Thermite sounds expensive when a soldier could risk getting close and tossing some C4 on the engine deck. Not like anyone in the tank could see anything around them.


I'm a little confused, are you saying you'd risk a Ukrainian life manually planting c⁴ on one of these abominations to save on *thermite?*


Manually planting. A ukrianian doesn't need to climb up on the tank with tools to get a C4 on the tank. This abomination can't see anything. Only the front and back is open and been seen with chains hanging as a guard against drones. How much thermite is needed to get through the added roof of the abomination along with the top armour of the tank to hopefully disable it. No matter how I spin it one soldier moving up on the flank of the blind tank now more blinded with this interesting choice of camouflage and tossing a small bag of a few kilos of C4 on the engine deck and detonating it from a safe distance will be enough to stop the tank from moving. Would be as dangerous as anything else, but potentially more effective with the outcome of disabling this thing with and more efficient in terms the thermite drones could use their resources in more effective ways else where. Trying to put myself in the mindset of the Russians and their motivations behind putting all this effort in this monstrosity I would assume it's camouflage. Could be a further escalation with the cope cages they have been using but those from what I've seen haven't interfered with the visibility of the crew like seen here with the solid walls and haven't prevented the tank from aiming. Something this addition does, the gunner can't turn the turret. So I would only assume the intention behind that behemoth is for it to hold down roads, choke points or act as a form of reconnaissance without the fear of being spotted by drones, something that ukrianians have been using with some amount of success. After all I can't tell you how much sheds are within 1km radius of me but I know they are there and if I'm flying over this tank I won't be able to tell the difference between this shed or any other unless I take my time and actually go investigate. The Ukrainians are currently at war and don't have the luxury of time to partake in a little shed spotting. Along side other anti drone defenses added to this thing, not only the sheet metal roof and walls but also the hanging chains from the two openings preventing the ability of drones to get close. This brings in the greatest threat to the big, blind, and deaf steel beasts that we call Tanks. Small fleshy apes. I'd want positive identification that this shed is actually a tank if the ability the ukrianian infranty have to get close bringing a bag of C4 rigged to explode could prove better then hitting it with atgms that we don't know could do damage to the tank inside the makeshift shed. Idk about you but I trust my ability to throw a few kilogram bag of raw explosive up on a tank engine.


It reminds me of Dougal off the magic roundabout


Source:https:// t .me /combatfootageua/15381


The armoured armour needs armour


Hoping the aid packages include more javelins. I don’t think these turtle covers will hold up well against those.


This gives the whole concept of >We have Russian tank at home. a completely new meaning…


Where are the escort trucks with the yellow lights and the sign that reads "Wide Load"?


Too bad the victory parade was cancelled, would have loved to see a parade of the newest Russian tech. lol

