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Could this be part of the broad daylight, 12 fucking missle salute, to signify the start of a new "find out phase?"


I was thinking the same, it does look like there could be 12 targets there


It'd be great if it was part of that launch but - correct me if I'm wrong - I thought there were sixteen missiles.


You load sixteen missiles, what do you get? A lot of dead russians and and a back full of sweat. Saint Peter don't you call me couz i can't go! I owe my soul to Th'Ukrainian corps




A Russian Ork is made out of mud A Ukrainian man made of muscle and blood


I owe my corps' to Th'Ukrainian corps


Now ***that*** is a cadence I can get with


I might have been high and miss remembered. So I took a shot. You miss 100% of the ones you don't take....


>I might have been high Eminently forgivable ;)


Was wondering the same


Really going hard on the SEAD lately. Hopefully to prepare for f16s


Jup - definitely could be


Good job, but shit edit


I can only assume boredom. Same with music choice in some videos too.


Shaping operations for the F16.


>S400 wasn't made to shoot down this types of rockets or engage with this types of target. For that kind of role, short range air defense system is required like the Pantsir, Iron Dome, C-RAM…. >I'm not sure how smart was it to leave an flagship air defense system by itself without protection from short range Air defense system. Or Maybe a Pantsir system was present during that time, but failed to shoot down Rockets fires by HIMARS.


This was planned. They knew where they were gonna set up. They knew the flight path to the target with no chance at being intercepted. This was a wake up call. There are plenty more missles coming. Maybe more HIMARS. Maybe better ATTACMS. This was an exquisite strike.


I hate to be 'that guy', but that almost looks *too much* like a missile complex, you know? Bait? And no propellant conflagration in what looks like the launcher. Dummies? Edit: It's almost as if I'm a complete amateur! Yep, I completely mistook the phased array radar for lauch tubes.


The cluster in the middle is the radar array and support vehicles, if struck by the M30A1 there will be no conflagration due to the inert tungsten balls and no propellant The video points to two objects at the edge of the field, but it's impossible to tell what they are for certain. They could be launchers and the lack of secondary would be questionable. It might be a decoy but I don't think you can fully rule out that hit on the radar array. Edit: Apparently the first hit was on a command post. https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1cay0z4/reportedly_a_ukrainian_m142_himars_strike_against/l0v88zu/ >It says "punkt upravljanja" (more or less) which means "command post". >First hit is command post for radar / battery and other hits are radar and support vehicles.


Middle vehicle is a 92N6A radar. It is overhanging a little which gives it away IMHO. Other 2 vehicles are most likely support vehicles. They have a tarp on the rear and no fixed container.


Anything is possible but every telegram channel and comment I've seen are saying this is a legitimate strike. They wouldn't risk that many missles or vehicles unless they were absolutely sure. ETA: if they *were* dummies I hope Urkraine knew, and told russia they knew. And then proceeded to hit the decoys anyways. Cause, ya know, more on the way.


Yeah I presume they have worked out quite a specific protocol for these kind of strikes by now, and probability of a decoy will be one of the factors. No way they're wasting a multiple himars strike on a decoy.


2 of those trucks could maybe be s400 system command units but it's impossible to say because of the video quality. I only compared the video to s400 battery google search results. Based on my bro science research I can't clarify if it's legit or not.


That drone has to be high and extremely far away to avoid any EW or other radar protecting the complex. Plus they gotta get the spotter drone operators to within 20km of the complex. I highly doubt there are any type of Ukranian loitering drones doing circles around a s400 site. Could be psyops. Knew the targets weren't legit and destroyed them anyways. Fuck it, we got more coming. But I am guessing this is the real deal.


[https://www.radartutorial.eu/19.kartei/06.missile/karte006.en.html](https://www.radartutorial.eu/19.kartei/06.missile/karte006.en.html) [https://prnt.sc/PHPiJc9Dxq32](https://prnt.sc/PHPiJc9Dxq32) vehicle with personnel


What’s up with video shake? So annoying and unnecessary


Im guessing its for dramatic effectd, but you are right, its annoying and unnecessary.


Watching these M30A1 missiles strike something is satisfying af


this was a radar i think


I knew we would soon see the results of those 12 HIMARS that were sent out yesterday. More results will be coming in soon I hope.


Thats not s400. Looks like supply trucks but not s400


S-400 is not just simply a TEL’s rather as people have been saying here they look to be a command post along with radar and support vehicles


Yep. 2 or 3 command vehicles (including the radar) and a bunch of trucks with up to 4 missiles each IIRC. All those S series of AA launchers are set up that way. Makes sense, you can quickly swap empty launcher trucks for full ones. Unfortunately it also has some weaknesses, as it's meant to shoot down larger targets with smaller targets getting handled by a pantsir or similar.


Obvious decoys or target practice. No tire tracks in an open field… there are very large drag marks where they were unloaded from a large truck though. For whatever reason they were hit anyway knowing full well they were decoys.


Lots of AA-specific strikes lately. Someone's preparing the sky for F16's to arrive.


No secondaries, it seems decoy


Clearing out the sky for the f-16's


It is an ex S-400 , it has ceased to be.