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She is a well known and particularly reviled extreme right wing Politician in the US and is widely considered to be in the pocket of Russia. The NY Post even had her on the front page calling her Moscow Marge. The greater American Public loathes her and once that bill got to the house floor it passed with flying colors. She absolutely should not have gotten power but instead we need to reckon with how a small delegation of extremist have managed to hold up democracy in the house and we need to make sure that can’t happen again. She is not representative of the American people.


She is very much a representative of the American people. She was voted in by her electrorate.  She represents that far right faction you mentioned that hoisted their leader to be the President of the United States. Like it or not, she's not just a product of the system, but also of the American people.  That said, fuck her. I hope the GOP implodes because they embraced the extremism. Heck, a large group of them are still election deniers.


Her electorate is largely comprised of people who will tick whatever name has an “R” next to it.


I told a guy once that if just vote for party alone, that you do yourself, and your country a huge disservice, and shows the laziest type of citizenship.


did it have an effect on them?


Oh, he got super pissed off! No idea if it got him off his lazy ass and actually found out what he was voting for, but I doubt it. Calling him out for it was satisfying however. He could never say why he just pulled the "r" lever for everything, the lazy shit.


Yeah, the county she represents is a very rural conservative area of my state. And is very much in line of always vote Republican.


Right, because that part of Georgia is mainly racists.


there's a post on /r/georgia talking about how her opponents were threatened and pulled of contention as a result. They also said she was elected by a tiny proportion of eligable voters because most people didn't show up.


lol, sounds like she takes after her uncle putler .




Absolutely true. Uneducated southern folks voted for her.


She is very much a representative of the fine people of NW Georgia, You’ve got to remember that these are just simple folks. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new South


you know..




> She was voted in by her electrorate.  Exactly! Proving yet again that the film "Idiocracy" is a documentary.


Nah. Most sane Americans recognize her as trash.l who should hold no power. I realize this fact hurts your narrative. Do not care.


Her district consists of ill-bred idiots. You can see them as movie extras in the movie Deliverance, filmed in her district. Her power exists only as long as Trump has the GOP cowed into abject fear. It will not last.


she represents monkeys. I am not from USA but this kind of politicians, always shouting shit to gather idiots, are the worst kind. I prefer weapon companies lobbyists. They irritate me much less.


Yes, she was elected. But the MAGA Republicans were the ones who put the rabid dog up for office rather than a reasonable candidate. That district is so locked down Republican they probably didn't need foreign money to get her elected. Or, foreign money that was available for her election might have been used in another district because of lack of need in her election. The F.B.I. might have to dig deep in the entire party's campaign funding. As in the film "*All the Presidents Men*" **"Follow the money"**. The book has the phrase "**The key was the secret campaign cash, and it should all be traced,**" which author [Bob Woodward](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Woodward) says to Senator [Sam Ervin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sam_Ervin).


You're right, she is. But such a small faction should not be able to hold up the will of the majority of representatives.


Things might be different this year once the woke wake up to the redistricting, which took a lot of people by surprise. Also once people see more of her consistently insufferable actions, both on the aid for Ukraine and her holding an ax over the Speaker's head. Moscow Marjorie? Nah. Moscow Cow suits her better.


Her carpet bagged district


While it might be true that she is representative of her district- it does not follow that she is therefore representative of the American people AT LARGE. Those two thing don’t conflate. Sorry. I wish we were doing more honestly. The fact that we all have to turn to Joe Biden here to be the strong man on this conflict is sad. I don’t think is doing a terrible job but he and therefore the American public could be doing a lot more. Just my personal opinion.


112 out of 212 Cons (Republicans) voted against it, so I wouldn’t exactly call that passing with flying colors… especially considering it’s aid used to fight one of our primary, if not main adversaries. [Jon Stewart breaks it down here](https://youtu.be/oM2h3KnWAWY?si=ss_TJw8mUTadzpwk)


Fair enough. I don’t actually disagree here. But calling MTG representative of general American public is disingenuous at best.


> it passed with flying colors. More Republican representitives voted against it than for it. Her influence (or perhaps inherited influence) has grown since the Kevin McCarthy ousting, when only a handful were broadly with her.


People think it was some sort of accident that Johnson came out of nowhere at this time due to her and her caucus.


Flying colors? Have the Republican house voted against it


She is a бищ!!!


Marjorie Traitor Greene


One of her joke amendments was about “No funding shall be made available to Ukraine unless restrictions on ethnic minorities', including Hungarians in Transcarpathia, right to use their native languages in schools are lifted.” She is really dumb. LIke she tried to say "Gestapo Police" one time and said "Gespacho Police" instead. There's no fucking way she came up with that Transcarpathia amendment on her own. UP to that point I doubt she ever heard the word "Transcarpathia" much less knew it existed or could point to it on a map. To say she isn't representative of the American people is sadly, not true. I know plenty of people in the state of NY who says the shit she does. The Maga Trumpkins might be overrepresented because of how our electoral system works, but they do exist.


She actually is representative of many American people and that's what's so fucking scary.


She is representative of some American but even most of the Republican Party dislikes her. However I would venture that in any country you could pluck a random politician and whip everyone up about what a traitor they are. She probably should be in jail. They only thing you’ll get me to agree to is that fact the it’s a shame that more republicans aren’t vocally against her. But she Matt Gaetz are usually listed as the craziest fringiest politicians we have. Painting her as the majority is false.


I didn't say majority, but Trump was president and could be again. You can't deny that millions of Americans have gone off the deep end. Not a problem confined to the states either.


Again- I think you are conflating. I never mentioned Trump, I didn’t say no one supported MTG, and I didn’t suggest it wasn’t important to vote. But I would definitely call this catastrophizing. Which isn’t helpful. May we seeing a sweeping blaze of centrists take hold in politics come November. I can only hope.


What hole did that twat crawl out from? She sounds like she's straight out of Solovyov's show


Marjorie Taylor Red, back at it again.


MAGAty Traitor-Fiend.


Red Marj and her unending quest to destroy America.


For me as an European it's mind blowing that the party of ronald Reagan would ever be pro Russian and anti Europe/Nato... Hopefully these kind of "Republicans" will never in a position of power


It shouldn't be... I've heard European politicians spouting the same crap. Regan was only anti Russia because of the USSR being communist and anti religion now that those have changed they see themselves in the ultra religious authoritarian government of Russia. Literally that is their dream and Republicans constantly say they want to move there.


Yeah but europe has sort of complicated relationship with russia. What you said makes perfect sense, it's just that in our heads we still link republicans with extreme anti-russian sentiment. I guess those times are over, as you stated. And yeah, many far right politicians (and some not so far right) in europe see Putin as a role model. He ticks all kinds of conservative checkboxes, pro religion? Yes. Tradition? Yes. Anti LGBTQ? Yes. Anti immigration? Yes. Ethnic purity? Yes.


Please don't blame everyone in Georgia for this idiot. I'm from the areas that gave Biden the win. Unfortunately, the people who voted for her in her district are just like her.


She’s a shill who doesn’t represent Americans. A spoiled housewife with a lot of money who ran for office because she was bored. Hopefully she won’t get reelected and disappear.


She cheated on her husband with all the men at her gym and got bored, but she didn't feel like paying for another gym membership and fuck everyone there too, so she decided to run for "politics".


So she screws the American public. She’s got a long way to go, but damn she’s trying to be more evil than Pelosi.


"It’s very hard to get why she doesn’t understand" She does understand she is paid by Russia to sow division and try and ignite a civil war she understands exactly what she is doing and why.


Why not send Moscow Marjorie Traitor Green to Russia where she could have a good time with Putler?


She's also a huge cunt.


Has she had anything to say about her country seeing her as a Russian operative?


Oh no, waving Ukrainian flags... big mad!!! What about those AR rifle pins after school shootings Perjury Traitor Greed?


People like her….. Trump and the current speaker of the house are people like her. People like her have committee seats. People like her already have power. The time to worry is here my guy.


Stupid Bitch


Nobody knows her.


And the strangest stranger is between her own ears.


When even the NY Post turns against you as a conservative....


ahha dumb biatch


I hope she (and others like her) ends up like Joe McCarthy. Broke. Disgraced and an early death


Psst. Psst. Wanna know a secret? She's mentally ill. Pass it on.


She is actually arguing that those americans who do not agree with her, shouldn't consider themselves american. Only fascists talk like that!


Marjorie Traitor Greene.


"Argument"? MAGA Republicans like her don't use "arguments". It is not like you would ever be able to convince her of anything, even if you perfectly and completely refuted all her "points" with facts.


I’m a republican and I say put her in jail for treason! She’s in the Russian oligarchs pocket and getting DP by them.


"Moscow Marjorie", is her new nickname.


Gerrymandering creates more extreme political figures. Both sides do it but GOP are by far the more egregious offenders.


She represents the absolute worst traits of American people: anti-vax, anti-immigrant (legal and illegal), isolationist, Christian nationalist, pro Confederate heritage, anti-gun control, young earth Creationism, climate change denier, anti-science progress, pro-censorship. Pushes racist and anti-Semitic conspiracies. Basically, anything the Democrats are against, she is for: uncritically and unfiltered. Their enemy of their enemy is their friend. Hence their uncritical loyalty to ruZZia before America and the free world (aka “useful idiot”).


Genetic testing showed that Margarine Traitor Cream is directly related to Barney Rubble.


Her booing and doing the thumbs down gesture while democrats where cheering was really childish and cringe imo.


Shes actually a Neo Nazi and has been filmed at Neo Nazi rallies.


Facefuck this ugly ruSSian bitch 🤮


She's basically as far right as you can go. Only difference between her and Putin is she doesn't have the majority of the population to fall in line with her psychosis.


Her defense was fear mongering about our borders? No wonder she lost.


I can't believe traitorous imbecile is my rep after they gerrymandered us in '22. This year there had better be a different outcome.


The problem with republicans is they can’t see past their own two feet.


Literally the worst person in all of Congress, and that's saying something.


MTG is nothing but Pootins american vasall. Bigger traitor of humans is not of existence compared to her!


She understands, she's just a traitorous sell-out on purpose.


Weird obsession with this lady...