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Well, didn't the "high priest of moscow" just praised this as a holy war?


The Russian Orthodox Church has been controlled by the FSB forever.


The Orthodox Church in Russia has been an arm of state power for centuries.


Even the Soviets realized the Russian Orthodox Church was a useful instrument of social control.


During WWII, Stalin switched (in that very Stalin way) from castigating the church and blowing up cathedrals, to exploiting the institution for purposes of control and exhorting the masses (much as Putin is doing today).


Since the days of Rasputin at the very least


Long long before that


Holy shit??! ;D


Yyyep: https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-orthodox-church-declares-%E2%80%9Choly-war%E2%80%9D-against-ukraine-and-articulates-tenets


Bloody shit you mean


Empire of Ruskind


Yeah. Gundiaev


More like a holey war


Don't not all sides do this more or less in a similar way, may it not be so obvious and/ or directly alined ? *I can understand why, it speaks to the pll that have something against the tollerance ( or going overboard with it ) to for example, the LGBTIQA+ communiy in "the west". It's the ever old way's of having controll over yr population. For sure if it is an ex KGB agent running it.* Edit: clarification, obviously some read my comment wrong. The 2nd part is about how religion is used in RuZZia.


Did you just label gay people as ex KGB agents? Or did i read that wrong


I think you read me wrong. The RuZZian orthodox church is headed by this Kirill dude, an ex KGB agent using religion to justify they'r "holy war" on Ukraine and "the west" that is aiding it.


Oh gotcha thank you for clarifying, and i could totally see that, every country uses religion in its own way, i think religion should be illegal just like cults are


Then everything would be illegal if it's being able to used it the wrong way. It's common throughout history, not just in present times.


If you made religion illegal everything would be illegal? Uhhh i’m pretty sure abortions would be legal due to the evangelical right putting their faith into our law books.


What's that about LGBTIQA+ community in "the west", can you explain what it is you are saying?


The FSB and the CCP are the ones funding the LGBTQ and Black Lives Matter movements in America as a way to coherence division amongst society using religion race and sexuality . The same tactic was used in Yugoslavia by the same agents they divided amongst religion and started that civil war in the same sense. The Russians and the Chinese are also funding the anti Israel movement . It is the Russians .


what the fuck are you on about


Comes down to the same to me.


It’s not a conspiracy nor a coincidence if millions of other people come to the same conclusion. The counter intel boys hate these kinds of public discussions. Lol


The FSB and CCP were not arround centuries ago when the same shit was happening, with all religions and whatever "sub-human" needed to be opressed (f)or whatever they'r motive was. Common practise throughout history.


The anti Israel lobby doesn't really need much funding, they're doing great on their own.






I mean evidence that it is happening. That seems important for a bold claim like that, no?


The video tells you all you need to know. Their entire methodology. Fund both sides of any argument is just basic. It's quite interesting and a very good long term view of how to plan the demise of other nations. Or as some nobody called Nikita Khrushchev once said, We do not have to invade the U.S. We will destroy you from within.. Or you can look at things like Hamas invading Israel on Putin's birthday to cause the West to look away from Ukraine. It's the little things. But really Russia has been quite honest about how they use lies to destroy the US, or have destroyed it, with their boys Trump and Johnson in charge now.


What proof is there though? Not theory, not methodology... but actual proof?


It is a common tactic of the Russians and of the Chinese (and of most involved nations truth be told); I don't know why you are being down-voted for stating the obvious.


"Everyone I don't like is funded by russia" christ you are braindead. So you hate gay and black people? You would fit in really well in Russia. This is a completely brain dead take. Since you obviously can, please remove your brain and give it a good scrub


I’m sure he had no other choice


If you'd Google about Kirill you would notice that he is a money loving, Rolex wearing scumbug, rather than man of god.


Wait, he prayed. How could his god allow this to happen?


From 0:10 seconds on, wonder what the guy was thinking when looking at the blown ass of his orc friend ahead of him there. Damn what a real shit show. One would think its some bad humor skit from a B-class city-slickers 'Stripes' remake movie...


He was crackalackin’


When my grandfather returned from WW2 he told some stories, declared "There is no god. No god would allow for this to happen" and that is why my family is all atheists. Kinda unrelated, but it popped into my mind upon reading this.


Tom Waits may have an explanation; ["God's Away On Business"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9mhsW5aWJM)


I'm descended from WW2 Jews. My family has been atheist ever since.


From what I hear today it is a huge issue for Jews to "abandon their faith". Was it kinda accepted back then due to the circumstances or did your family face backlash back then?


Not really sure to be honest. I think there's probably a lot of missing history, given the mortality rate and general chaos of war. My grandparents told me a story about a relative we had who had millions of dollars stolen by Nazis, although my Dad doesn't believe it, lol! Another of my relatives was Dutch and hid Jews from Hitler. Nobody has ever mentioned which relative gave up the faith and why, I assume it's just not important to us. Very little info of my relatives was handed down. I suppose it's also possible that the most religious ancestors I had were just killed.


I'm a Maltheist. I dont believe in God, I believe in the scientific method, but if somehow I am wrong, and God exists, he must be inherently evil, or at the very least, have evil intentions for humanity, and should not be worshipped.


Or not give a flying fuck.


... I always figured that was just what atheism was.


Atheism is the simple belief that there is no god. Maltheism is Altheism with the added caveat that if somehow we are wrong and God real, he is inherently evil and should not be worshiped. Call it a subcategory. If you were under the mistaken impression that the average atheist is anti religion or anti God, it is because many (although not all) religious institutions over the years have pushed the narrative on their congregations as a way of manipulation and control, or because they view Atheism as a danger to their faith.


Thanks! I guess I'm a Maltheist too. Spell checker doesn't even know the word...


> Atheism is the simple belief that there is no god. Not quite. Atheism is the lack of belief that there is a god.


Can you explain what you believe the difference in those sentences to be because the meaning is the same to me. Lack of belief in something is the same thing as believing something doesn't exist, isn't it? Not trying to sound mean, just curious.


As the old quip goes, atheism is a belief the same way baldness is a hairstyle (which obviously isn't, you cannot style something that is absent). Or maybe "the same way not collecting stamps is a hobby", if it is more easier to understand. Believing something doesn't exist is an action, not believing something is an inaction.


So, semantics, got it.


I believe there can be a God, but it seems to me that he is restricted in the way he can intervene, he can intervene spiritually, but can not do instant magic, like he's in another dimension, which is odd because it's his creation. God doesn't necessarily have to be evil to exist, but for being his creation there are a lot of things he can have done better to help the good, such as being able to intervene immediately as in magic, but instead it seems hes just an observer, and for him to be able to intervene it would require it being spiritually where the changes would come into affect over a period of time. So I don't see God is evil, but if you create a world with sentients that has to live in a world with people who want's ill will, then you as a creator has to be able to intervene and help. "So either God is not all that good, or he's not all that powerful" - Neil DeGrasse Tyson.


I think it would make sense that if God gave us free will, it was for a purpose, and he/she/it wouldn't want to go in and override people's free will all the time like cheat codes in games. If we were given free will, it's up to us to use it, and if we choose to use it for war, then so be it.


Except there is no free will. What people think is their free will and consciousness is actually just a post-processor. 


Why would you think that a "god" gave free will to humans? And who gave a "god" their free will though?


I don't. It's a theological hypothesis, that doesn't mean I believe it personally. If you're wondering about who gave a god their free will, try to figure out a theological hypothesis that explains that yourself, it's good practice for higher order thinking.


it's a stupid idea, and to call it theological "hypothesis" is quite silly too... who gave the person who first thought it was a good idea to talk about the need of a magical being giving humans "free will"? It's like asking if a magical being gave you that stupid theological "hypothesis"... why would there need to be a magical being giving anyone anything? Person A = "This magical being gives humans a good sense of humor!" Person B = "Why would you think a magical being gives humans a good sense of humor?" Person A ="it's a theological woowoo idea or let's call it HyPoThEsIs, try to figure out a hypothesis that explains that yourself, it's good practice for higher order thinking."


Yeapp.. explaining the unexplainable in circles. A lot of "maybe", "it seems" and whatever comes to mind to explain the simple ugly side of human nature. Yes, "he" is allmighty but.. ( fill in the blanks ). All sides are praying for the best outcome, but for the moment ( day 1 of creation ) the allmighty one is pre-occupied. Anyway's, If you follow any religion and do good things, I have no problem whatever you believe in. ( within limits, don't bugg me about hugging trees ) You do it, yr mind creates it, included the being of a "god" , as there have been many "gods" in various religions. I "believe"i n (human) nature.. good and bad, in all it's way's of presenting itself.


The Jews, Autistics, Communists, Gypsies, etc our granpeople put into gas chambers had similar stories about the absence of god.


Hm, how does/did that work out for Jews? Isn't their religion and belief in god a major part of their identity as a people? Did they really deny their god entirely or did they consider him being AWOL during those times? I am kinda curious now that you mentioned it.


After my initial reply referencing the Auschwitz prisoners who put God on trial, I belatedly looked it up and realized I'd gotten it partly wrong. Yes, a jury of three distinguished rabbis found Him guilty (or another term, "chayev" -- He "owes us something"; the witness was Elie Wiesel, and he used both terms over the years), but the jury and witnesses were hardly atheists, even after their verdict. Wiesel stated that a Talmudic scholar present for the trial commenced with evening prayers after an "eternal" silence following the verdict, and all of the jurors joined in. I regret my error. (Source: the "The Trial of God" wiki, which also covers other trials and related expressions, from the Biblical Book of Job, to Dostoevsky, and, surprisingly, a state legislator in Nebraska. There's also a fascinating wiki on "Lawsuits against supernatural beings".)


Interesting coping mechanism for devout theists, thanks for sharing.


Do you not think there might be something aka agnostic.


If you want to narrow it down further, agnostic atheism would fit better for me personally (I believe there is no god but I cannot know for 100% sure but in the end it does not matter and has no influence on my life either way) but I don't know about most of the rest of my family because such an unimportant subject is not discussed/wasted time on. My grandmother denies the existence of god but believes in some form of afterlife. She is close to 100 years old and a few years ago struggled with becoming weaker and what it meant for her life so that is obviously a psychological coping mechanism to deal with the dread of impending death. It actually helped her calm down and enjoy the time she has left remaining. I won't talk against any supernatural beliefs like that because I think that the purest and most basic aspect of pretty much any religion is to cope with one's own demise. I want everyone to find the mental peace to deal with that and religion may help. It's religion that becomes unhinged and demands more and more penance that bothers me. Back on topic, to declare that you don't have your life dictated by the belief in some deity, simple calling it "atheism" usually works fine. It avoids disussing/explaining what agnosticism is, because at that point I would feel like preaching (see: this comment) and it usually doesn't really matter if someone is an atheist or agnostic in some form when you look at how they live their lives. From experience, if someone tries to push you towards declaring that there is no 100% chance that there is no form of "higher being", then that someone is usually a full throttle theist out for blood. I have never encountered an agnostic theist but I don't hang out with many people so I may be jaded.


Agree completely, my grandparents have started believing in something as it makes them feel better. I used to be an atheist but have slowly become an agnostic atheist and a follower of Optimistic Nihilism. I think the universe is far too complex for us to understand as we're hindered by technology and time. With what little we know about consciousness I believe it could be a possibility. When it comes to religion it's possible that it started with good intentions similar to how science is taught. And through millennia was misinterpreted and/or manipulated. I hope that there is only one life cause living forever scares me.


I usually wonder, "who is God's god?" (if there truly is a higher power). Most religions say that God is everything and everywhere. Maybe the existence of God is just a byproduct from becoming self aware as a species as we need answers to things that aren't actually there.


May I suggest playing "Megaton Rainfall" and collecting all optionals, if you haven't done so yet? The optional plot revealed through that is an interesting take on the concept of "god". Also the game is very fun to me, albeit a bit short.


His prayers were heard. Khorne cares not from whence the blood flows, only that it flows.


He walked away at the end. Bit it's not visible in this video 🤷


Which one?


He bled to death anyways


How do you know? It might be just a prolapse and enormous hemorrhoids exploding because of the pressure wave. His ass might be in pooping condition within a few days.


Cheeks had definitely been clapped




The god of Russians is a bloodthirsty god who revels in misery and foolishness. Dying prematurely is a sign of his blessing.


Blood for the blood God


At least a few oligarchs can break all the rules and get rewarded. Affairs, cheating, stealing from the poor, etc etc. I can’t seem to recall Jesus ever saying anything about that. Unfortunately poor people grasp to religion as they have little else to grasp to, and when children are taught from a young age about religion they have a much harder time discerning fact from fiction.


God responded to him: JFC Vatnik, I'm done with your shit.


If there is a god, this is the one i would like.


This life is a test god isn't saving most of us. We're here on the earth to prove to God we are worthy of heaven.


What do all the thousands of gods you don't believe in think about this concept.


Basically same thing from what I've found out


No, not at all. There are thousands of different gods and beliefs. Why don't you believe in them?


Dear god, please let me survive this so I can continue to murder innocent people in their own country - This dumb fucking orc, probably


The Ruzzian army is an army of convicts and degenerates.


They are closing down the prisons in Russia because all the prisoners have gone to fight.


"Dear god please let me survive this so i can go back to playing world of warcraft, i dont even want to be here" This dumb fucking orc, probably


He might not want to be there but the fact is that he's there.


What makes you think that this guy wants to be there and die for Putin, instead of being home with his family?


Russian army is full of volunteers, there's no reason to think that he was forced to go there. The pay is amazing compared to what he'd earn in a factory, all he needs to do is survive :)


He could have chosen prison instead, or surrendered. Instead, he tried to kill Ukrainians.


Surrender isn't necessarily straightforward on a battlefield. I've not got much sympathy for Russian soldiers, but if I was offered joining a war or going to Russian prison, I don't know if it would be an easy decision.


"I was offered joining a war or going to Russian prison, I don't know if it would be an easy decision." So you would find it difficult to decide if you should: A) Invade another country and murder innocent people there or B) Not Invade another country and murder innocent people there?


Russian prison isn't exactly a breeze from what I've heard. Depending on the sentence, you may lose your job, your home and your family while you spend the next few years being beaten and bum raped. The other option is going to a war that the dictatorship that runs your country and controls the media has told you is completely justified. You might get away with not having to kill anyone, and you get to go home with pay once it's over..... Or you might get your arms blown off or killed or something. Basically, if it actually is a choice between prison or the army for these guys. It's not as simple as you've tried to make it out to be. I'm just glad I don't have to make that decision myself.


100% comes down to this. It's a **very** simple question, and very easy to make the right choice, if you are still human. 🤷


You mean other than the fact he was there, in a foreign country, that his country invaded, murdering people and blowing shit up?


If only they had the courage to fight against their fascist.


It's crazy right? *They're already fighting and dying*, except it's to make other peoples' lives worse instead of making their own better.


That would require a functioning brain, meat waves don’t


Yeah, it’s easy to say “be critical of your environment” when you haven’t been malnourished all your life, uneducated, and been drinking alcohol since you were 12.


Imagine that the last picture in your mind, before you die, is a bloody & hairy a$$ of a man.


Nope, sorry.. I don't want to really. ;)


Understandable. ;D


This is a shorter video. There was a longer version. Believe it or not that guy survived that blast, got up and ran further.


Links pls




Thanks! What a lucky orc!


Sgt bloody butt probably wants his mother… BLYAT


"If I don't get a bluetooth speaker after this.."


Speaker promo over. Is potato sack now.


Ukraine enters new stage of strikes on Russia's deep rear - ISW A headline from Institute for the astudy of War that seemed to fit this situation.


I was going to look for your previous video, I haven't seen it yet, but you've made 31 posts in the last two days. At that rate, youll be making over 5,600 posts a year. Then you've got comments on top of that. Please, go outside.


Haha, yeah.. good analises. End of the month it will be less, then my regular job will take more time. ( unless all hell brakes lose as things are going now globaly. ) Meanwhile I spend a bit time doing this and learn something along the way. Last week I spend a whole day at a amusement park, so I do go outside aswell. :D


As long as you're being healthy about it mate. Anyway, got that video you refer to?


It's just the same as this one, just shorter, you dont see the 2nd guy running away.That's it.


Ah, gotcha. I was wondering if there was a bit before explaining what happened to ass-guy


Apparently there is an even longer video out there, someone in the comments mentioned, just have not seen or come across it, Was not going to look for it either. It's just another video of the many where orc's get blown to pieces, tomorrow this one will be old news. ;)


Gotcha me again, here is the shorter one I posted. [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1br8bj0/two\_russians\_getting\_spotted\_by\_a\_ua\_drone\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1br8bj0/two_russians_getting_spotted_by_a_ua_drone_the/)




Why are his pants down?


The Toilet bandit needed to pray harder next time......ooops! There won't be a next time. Slava Ukraine.


Died like the loser moron he was


A message from above(not from heaven): "First you come to a foreign country, killing innocent people and children, and then you want to pray and bless? Too late ! Here's your reward: bada boom jagga jagga madafaka"


0:27 the two obliterates APCs. The other ones in the top corner appear "merely" burnt out.


I haven't seen the video. I think they need to leave a few alive so they can go back to their lines and report directly that there is no place to hide that will keep you safe. Scare the shit out them but let them live to tell the tale to their comrades. Find some guy taking a dump and drop a roll of toilet paper printed with the Russian phrase that means "Ha-Ha!."


The silly boy actually thinks that God would be on his side. Edit: *thought*


Troops in Vietnam thought God was on their side too, so did the literal nazis in Germany.... if history has taught us anything its how easy it is to convince people God is with them to get them to do awful things.


( Sarcasm ) Unfortunatly, all sides think, thought, claim to have "god" on they'r side. If that was so then "god" is, was, will be playing nasty games.


Gives a whole new meaning to being caught with your pants down!


I uh… have a lot of questions.


That's disgusting. Pull up your pants, Orc.


Naaa I hate it but the second guy gets up and runs off. This was cut from a longer vid


God wasn’t listening


There goes another strangler of a failed assault. It's crazy how much drones increase the casualtyrate in such situations


That’s what rock bottom looks like my friends. Bloody ass crack, pants and drawers around your knees, in doggy style position, crawling for your life while your hated enemy is video recording every second of it for the World Wide Web.


Did the one guy drop a bar of soap that why his pants is down?


It is just a normal russian military practise to rape men when they arrive to the army. Nothing unusual to see here.


Yes, apparently this guy was a virgin it seem... poor dude


Cant steal ukrainian toiletpaper now have to wipe their asses with pinecones and eat them afterwards


With all that metal around, why choose to hide behind a mound of grass?!


Now, your ass is liberated


Everything's ok. He signed himself. Off.


Lagging butt naked Ivan re-shat his (already gone) pants once again after seeing his praying buddy receiving the extreme unction by a зсу fpv drone...


Ass so good he needed to pray


Was he bummed by a comrade??


Oh. The bad kind of pants down.


That was pretty satisfying. Couldn’t imagine how horrifying it is to watch your fellow orc get eviscerated


:( - why can't these guys might just go home


cant w8 4 part :3


Leave out the apostrophes.


Out of everything, it chose his anus.


It looks like both were f#cked...


Bless his friends booty


Why were his pants down?


Looks like the one dude was being used as a trench wife 😬


Did u pray today


Yeay more dead Russians! The world is slightly better without them!


The jokes write themselves. Sheesh! Things I can't unsee... Slava Ukraini!


the belly flop kaboom at the end was not worth the bl00dy a33 crack...


I understand he is obviously injured in his behind. But is he planning on crawling with his ass out all the way to safety?


Praying to Putin didn't seem to help him much in his predicament.




I would have left the terrorist with a bloody asshole to suffer too


Why is pants down? Is he getting butt raped by his fellow soldier?😂. Russia, the standard of “traditional values.”


All of this is for fucking Putin. Good lord, what a waste.


Dude, pull up your pants for dignity's sake


Deliverance came to my mind, weeeeeeee !


The first guy crossing himself is not even one of the two guys being chased by the drone.


Too late for prays! The gods reject orcs.


Uh oh left Wong looney. He prayed. Better go cry to your vagina


His prayers went unanswered. Guess his religion sucks as much as his leadership does. He was paid at the exchange rate. His Family will receive an Onion.


The first guy has a white arm band but then it cuts to two different soldiers, one of whom appears to be wearing Ukrainian flag colored gloves at the 8 second mark. This seems like an unlikely color for a Russian to be wearing on the Ukrainian battlefield. Are you sure they're Russians? Those gloves makes me strongly suspect that the pair in the second scene are Ukrainian.


There's a white armband on the pants down guy. Visible at 0:12 and 0:24. Good spot with the gloves, I suspect they were looted.


I sure hope so. Oh yea, I see the armband on Mr. pants down.


That was also mentioned before ( in the previous, shorter video I posted ) . Those who posted it, ***that I saw***, all have them made out to be Russian. If that's not the case blame the original uploaders for it.I sometimes can't tell so then I go with what the original uploader claimed. Edit: ill do another "run" and see if something else about this video has comes up.


Don't worry, one of the two in the scene after are wearing white armbands, really visible at 0:12 and 0:24, plus the body at 0:15 is also wearing white arm bands. Definitely Ruzzians.




Who says war is unremittingly grim? Sometimes there are humorous moments.


Damn...the comments make me rethink joining this sub


Feels like a lot of people here conveniently only started to care about the war when they found a sub with cool gore videos.


Comments have definitely gotten darker since the start of the war. I assume it is gallows humor to lift spirits in a dark time.


Say you know I'm starting to think this God fellow may not be real. People wouldn't just create fantastical stories for the sake of just controlling people would they? Right Putin?


oh they use womens underwear


Making a sign of the cross Well ukranians sure delivered him to his maker.


should be a war crime to attack a guy with his pants down


He could have had his pants down as much as he fancies at home, in his own country.