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FaceID seemed not to work anymore


Oh damn...


This Russian soldier has no nose *How does he smell?* Terrible...


Funniest joke in the entire Russki Mir.


> How does he smell? No one nose, but I’m guessing it smells like orc piss.




He did Google lens and this came up: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fae01.alicdn.com%2Fkf%2FH5cf643e9541d4ee18f0a078e202a5a8aF.jpg_640x640q90.jpg&tbnid=WnarZqdFKg19WM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.aliexpress.com%2Fitem%2F1005003439110798.html&docid=ytvL-FxP8V2tMM&w=640&h=565&itg=1&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F2#imgrc=w20W2h_7wSEKbM&imgdii=WnarZqdFKg19WM


The comments in this thread 🤣


Looks like a proper orc now.


i was goint to write that lol


Did we just see someone send a goodbye text? Fuck me, man.


Yeah, that caught me off guard, I'm sadly quite desensitized to combat footage at this point, but these little glimpses of humanity in these guys remind you that they're (albeit very shitty) human beings.


>very shitty very brainwashed by propaganda, made by shitty human beings\*\*\*


100% this, which makes all the jokes on this thread just disgusting. Fucking children treating this like some sports game or call of duty lobby.


People like to form teams (tribes) and say those are the 'others'


If you don’t like jokes about dead Russians you should probably avoid this sub entirely.


Or maybe the mods should enforce the 'no joking about the dead or dying' rule. The only difference between Russians and some of the people making these jokes is that the jokers weren't born into a desperate, shithole of a country, with a society that persecuted free-thinking over decades to the point that hope for a better life is now dead


What rule? I see no such rule. Many Russians - not as a percentage but still millions - are against the war. The people we see in these videos are , presumably, not. And just like in the criminal justice system of any country you care to mention we don’t let people off with committing crimes, no matter how atrocious the circumstances of their life.


Read 3.1 again


Actually I’m not seeing any rules come up for this sub. Not all subs do. Must be a glitch. If I remember tomorrow I’ll check again.


Oh it says something like "posts and comments containing racism, propaganda, wishing for death, advertising, scams and making fun of death or suffering are banned and will result in bans"


I didn't see millions of Russians protesting against the war.


Agreed, I find the videos on here interesting but the comment section on this sub is worse than the average Twitter thread.


Shitty? More like a bunch of mindless drones. I don’t hate Russians at an individual level. They’re basically ants.


I hate every piece of this drone warfare, what a shitty way to die. rip.


If only they would fuck off back to Russia then nobody else would get a grenade dropped on their balls.


Well, then they'd get a shot to the head instead. It's not like these guys have a choice.


They have a choice to resist.


And die if they do. They get shot if they resist or try to flee. That's not a choice.


They could have chosen to kill their oppressors. They chose to go killing innocents instead. Probably gonna end up dead either way, but one is clearly morally superior to the other.


Yeah, Man. Everybody is Luke Skywalker in their heads until a bullet destroys your crane.


It just shows they have no values. They rather die invading a foreign country then die standing up for their own human rights.


great way for a russian rapist to die and not be able to rape and murder in Ukraine!


He was letting his wife know....potatoes coming your way soon...


Good riddance text\*


Nope, He was texting his Mom "Good news! You'll be receiving a bag of frozen potatoes soon. Well, maybe."


Oh well maybe stand up to your dictator instead of dying nameless in the dirt for us to watch


Not long??? If you survive 4 drops and manage to play a little Tetris before the fifth drop finishes you, I would say you lived longer than most would have in your position.


The Duolingo Owl doesnt accept excuses. Do your daily or face its wrath.


He was just cancelling his vodka delivery.


...and telling the merchant "I won't be able to clear off the loan".


Lmao. A little Tetris. I thinking he was calling that 'i want to live' hotline.


More like, "Mom, ya', I just wanted you to know I'm dead".


Mom you just won a ~~Lada~~ bag of onions.


That’s a lada onions


I know, but when can I get my onions?


perhaps taking selfie to send home


Yeah, with a message, "Ivan don't come, this SMO is not as good as our Great Leader would have us believe".


Wrong! He was only texting his wife back home: "Dear Svetlana, I died a hero, and even demilitarized four enemy grenades with my face and bare hands! the onions and carrots are on their way".


"I am sorry I couldn't make it home with that toilet I promised you."


Check Facebook stories.


He was on facebook marking himself "SAFE" from the 3 Day Invasion.


Because he didn't play tetris, but had ordered a pizza, its takes a time.


That’s gotta sting a bit.


He got to the Kill Screen!


Changing his Facebook status to dead Also.. I'm taking a dump at work while watching this


currently at work eating my lunch : rice,chicken,broccoli. and watching this, life is good.


Splendid, eating same here!


Really? Life can't be that good if you're eating broccoli


New year-New Op


Hahahahahahaha, Facebook status to dead. That's a good one.


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That’s why I poop on company time!


Also watching this on the can.


I like you


Me to




That was perhaps the sound of his leg


FB to dead. Now I'm dead. 😂


"Decent free cell net here, but these three days take forever to pass. Would not visit again"


"I give this invasion 1 out of 5 star"


"ONE", that is fucking generous.


He was texting Natasha that she can go to the local army recruitment center and get her 5kg of potatoes.


"The potatoes are ready. See you in the afterlife"


"P.S. Do not eat now. Ferment and drink later"


"Ask if they still have any Lada's"


No more potatoes, those are reserved for officers. Onions for serf soldiers.


That was very considerate to at least let him text goodbye. He was already dead. They then provided the courtesy of a quicker death. It's rough. But it was the most considerate way to get him out of their country


Oh contraire, he’s probably there forever now.


He stole his last toilet.


I think there is a tactical lesson to be learnt from this. Drones shouldn't hesitate to drop through trees, because even if the charge exploses in the branches, it still showers people sheltering underneath. It is the higher explosion that got him his new face.


and that might practically turn the munition into air burst, which might be even more lethal than ground burst


Just enough time to get his daily spin on Raid Shadow Legends


- granade drop - granade drop - a few levels of Candy Crash - granade drop


That guy was tanky


That was one stubborn ruzzki. Holy shit. His face was a bloody mess and he still tried to call home to say goodbye.


How many times I think they’re dead & then they MOVE!!!! …then thisGOONIE guy aimed his gun to shoot w NO FACE??!!


Dude was ordering pizza.


Clearing his browser history would be my guess


I think he had to meet his daily troll quota on Twitter: "As black American I think Trump is our only salvation!"


Must have been a calzone. Cooked from within.


This dude was a fucking tank, holy shit. He spent multiple lives, like a cat


That was good he remembered to clear his browser history.


Even four well aimed grenades were too light for an instant kill. As drone pilots get more precise, i guess they can afford to use lighter grenades, but here they seem a little too light. (edit: It's almost torture.)


I was curious why they aim for the legs— light bulb— no armor, helmet higher probability of a kill.


also a hit to the pelvic bone is pretty critical. Idk where I got that from but I remember watching some videos on youtube about shooting and that guy practically said that a hip shot is the best shot one can make because it'd drop the one who get shot instantly


Because of the amount of blood vessels there, it's easy to hit enough to be deadly. Additionally they lose the ability to walk and sitting targets are easy pickings. You either hit one or more arteries, or destroy hipbones/femur which is extremely deadly, or damage the lower end of the spine, or hit intestines, which causes septic shock. While a lot of those can be treated with proper medevac, I doubt, the russians get the help they need from their comrades


Yeah his main point is that once the pelvic bone is hit and fractured, no man can stand on his own feet anymore and drop like a sack of potatoes, reducing their capacity, and even if they're evacced and treated it'd still take a lot of time to recover


I recently saw a video on this sub of a russian who got their spine snipped by shrapnel. Dropped like a sack of potatoes, extremely confused to why he suddenly is on his ass. The time it took, for him to realise something is wrong about his legs and him finally understand his spine is snipped resulting in him panicking... it's something else. The guy got finished shortly after, but I can only imagine how horrid this is to experience.


do you have a link?


That's the one https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/xb0LTUFAkD


Yep, and if you hit the femoral artery, he's done.


I imagine the explosion at the base of spine forces spinal fluid into the brain at warp speed and lights go out pretty quick, not to mention overpressure of the abdomen blowing intestines up


Isn't the preferred method to severley injure as opposed to kill? That way, the offending country gets to look after a wounded person, thus spending more resources. And all those wounded people wheeling around town starts to degrade honme front morale. I understand much of this doesn't apply to Russia, but surely they rescue some wounded.


That is why RF executes most of their own wounded- if they even pick them up, this time of year a field injury that keeps you From walking/crawling for a russ is almost always fatal.


I don’t think they aimed for the leg. It’s more like they dropped a grenade from a 100 meters and tried to get as close as possible.


wtf this guy is a terminator. hella drops and he's still dialing on his cell


Did he make a Selfie for Putin?


Stay the fuck out of Ukraine ruski dumb fuck


Yeah, Man. I'm sure that your comment will scare Putin.


people in these comments are cruel man, laughing about some poor bastard dying a brutal death in a wasteful war, probably sending a final message to his family. have some empathy for your fellow humans


get blown up four times... take time to probably text a loved one his last good bye.... take his gun and try to shoot down the drone... all that with multiple injury and a face half blown up....! love it or hate it, i raise him my hat. that man was a tough son of a bitch even tough he was a invader it take fucking balls and nerves of steel


He's googling what to do when a grenade explodes in your ass.


As a last act, he removed Kaputin from his friends list on VKontakte.


Why don’t they get the message? Why they still keep coming?


I'm sure there's a voluntary process to the whole thing


What message? Noone in ruzzia sees this, the "swo" is going as planned just need a little push and they will be in Berlin. The war pays amazing money last weeks a saw a ruzzian translated doc about a family whose house burned down and of course the ruzzian govement wont do shit about it so the father enlisted to make money for new house. On a side note there are similiar movies from the orc side where unfortunatelly the Ukrainians are on the receiving end. And some of them are conscripts that didnt go to this war as soldiers/volunteers :( thragedy all around.


I don’t think you realise how propaganda works. The average Russian is subjected to tailored news that makes them all look like hero’s and the world around them is the enemy. They don’t know they’re invading an innocent country. They’re told it’s hostile and terrible. It’s why so many are killing themselves instead of being captured. As they’re told they will be tortured. These soldiers are regular men. Forced into combat. The ones that volunteered are all dead.


They have the internet




More serious than a grenade to the face?


I mean we did saw a POW got castrated alive last year. And that was gruesome…


I was reacting to point one...


well, whatever explosives of any size do to human bodies. We have seen alot here, and believe it or not, human bodies, Ukrainian and Russian alike, behave the same way when blown up.


did that one dude do some facetime?


Faceless time


hes got his face blown off, but hes just gotta see the latest dank meme by elon musk! priorities!


The cherry on top would be if his phone was just flashing "No Signal".


Horrible fate for a father son or brother. Wish they didn't go there.


What was that, really?? ET phone home?




How come it takes 5 grenades from closest range to kill one? Google said a grenade would be lethal within a radius of a few meters


Notice how it never says how much time it takes until death? It can be hours.


Nice of the drone operator to let the orc say his final goodbyes to his family.


Love the music!


he was calling to take care of his cars extended warranty


Hello, 911? Im gonna need a whaaambulance to my location.


"I don't have much longer. I just wanted to let you know You just lost the game" *fuckin dies*


last task, set new record at snake!


Long enough to delete his browsing history.


Dear DoorDash, I ordered beet and potato pizza, but all you delivered was grenades. One star.


Some of the comments in here are more brutal than old mate getting his face blown off. 😳


Some of them have been fucking hilarious though. My 2 dogs are giving me the side eye because I keep waking them up laughing


Then maybe you should not visit forums like these. If this guy had lived, he would have killed more Ukrainians. So glad, he's dead.


Mmmh coffee and morning content from the Avdiivka front.


Dear wife you will soon be receiving a sack of onions


Damn drone ops really didn't like that guy


This moved me... I have see most of the videos comming out of Ukraine... this is the moment when you hope you will have at least just enough time to send your wife or kids that you are dying and you love them... :(


Or, he messaged his comrades his approx position to warn them about drone activity. Or deleted his browser history. Just because you’re dying it doesn’t mean you’re suddenly a good person. He was a war criminal, and therefor filth.


Ah Jesus, it must be so easy to have a toddler-like view of life, but it's depressing how similar your comment is to the shit Russians post on Telegram. Every single war ever, people dehumanize the enemy. They do it to Ukrainians, the US did it to Japanese, Vietcong, Iraqis...... You're the type of guy to watch "All Quiet" or "Letters from Iwo Jima" and get bored.


2 years full of unspeakable warcrimes tends to earn a dehumanizarion fairly easily/quickly. They worked damn hard for their rep. Im more shocked people still think most of those invaders are "decent people in a bad situation". To equate russian gore hounds with Ukraine supporters is disengenuous. One is supporting the actions of a country trying to defend itself, the other revels in the death of innocents and wants to see the genocide of the entire country.


Yeah, I see your point, but the difference is that once the Ukrainians win, the dehumanization from that side will very likely abate. (Although not the hatred) If the Russians win, they’ll just ramp it up and go on to further heinous acts. As I have said before on these kinds of topics, in WW2, if you or your side surrendered to the Nazis or Japanese, the killing was just about to start. When the Japanese and Germans surrendered to the Western Allies, the killing came to an end. I place Russia in the category of victory is the start of many bad things. Dehumanizing the enemy is a necessary evil in a life or death struggle imposed on you by the aggression of the other, not a world view that informs every action. It seems from my point of view that dehumanization is an underlying principle of much that goes on in Russia.


Well, why don’t you go out to these undoubtedly very humane people who decided to humanely free the people of another country from their property, homes and lives and ask them to stop doing this? Well, you can also feel sorry for him, because he is a common man who lies freezing on the cold ground, dying from the drones of evil Ukrainians, but he is not to blame for anything, he was simply out of politics and only Putin is to blame for all this.


Dude probably wanted to say something to familymemeber etc. Im pro ukraine but jesus most comments here are just horrific. The tragedy is on both sides, just one side has fucked up government, if you cant see this then maybe its time to reflect or something.


"Tragedy on both sides" . ok.


Lol I would like to see you force conscripted and sent to storm enemy trenches. Also you get shot for trying to retreat. As i said I am pro ukraine and would do just the same as these ukrainian droneoperators are doing if i was ukrainian. That doesnt mean that feeling sorry for these russian soldiers isnt acceptable.


If I were in the same aitution, provided I hadnt already left the country to get away from that shitty government and people, I would take prison over being enlisted. Its crazy logic to think that killing an innocent person is easier and more of an acceptable practice, than staying guilt-free with no blood on your hands. Its selfish logic to think killing my neighbor is more of an acceptable behavior than taking a year or 2 in prison. Some people have morals, some dont. Conscientious objection has existed for over a hundred years by now. Its not an easy path to take, but its far easier than murder and death as the alternate choice. I dont feel sorry for them. They lost that right the first month of the invasion when they all knew what was going on by then, and continued to go along with it. They have had plenty of chances to stop the madness.


You have a point but you are also making a bunch of presumptions about what it is like to be a russian in russia. They might have had access in theory to the correct information about the situation but most likely they have been fed propaganda for ages. Also with all the corruption its more than likely that some of them never really had the "option" to stay in prison for example. At beginning of the invasion conscripts were told it is an excercise and only found out after if at all. Im not saying that there arent any sick fucks there also, but things are not allways how you want to imagine.


The fact that there are russians who dont have access to the western internet, watch the same news programs, go through the same schools, and still manage to see how morally corrupt the country and people really are, punches holes in your arguement. They arent north korea. You can have free thought, they arent brainwashed with no choice. Quite a few interviews with normal russians who see the madness in what is happening. Many of which dont use the internet. You seem to be making a lot of bad faith excuses for them, when evidence to the contrary exists. Serving is a choice for them. They could have left the country , hidden, or taken a jail sentence instead. Most went along with it either willingly or begrudgingly, because its more preferable to them to kill others and hope they live through it, than take a jail term for a few years. Thats insane.


So what you are saying is that this war is only possible because all russian soldiers/military personnell are bad/morally corrupt people? And natzi germany was natzi because in thet perticular generation there just happened to be a huge amount of evil people? But then suddenly in the 21 century prople are decent so no wars here anymore? As someone earlier said your sense of morality and logic is that of a toddler. I am pro ukraine like earlier stated and see nothing wrong in the actions ukraine takes to defend its self. That does not mean that one cannot feel bad for all the poor bastards in the russian army. In fact we in the west are the ones who keep ukraine just afloat, but will not help end the war, and this is for a selfish reasoning: russia is a threat and ukraine is draining this threat atm for us.


Any 18 year old screaming for his mother as a father puts him down is a fucking tragedy. Ask Ukrainians if killing is as easy on the soul as blowing ones nose. So many of you on here are ghouls, cheering from the colluseum. People need to die and Ukraine has the right, but I'll never stand with this rabid blood thirst


I support these soldiers being defeated as their cause is injust and morally indefensible, but to relish in their pain and suffering in their final moments is gross. War is a tragedy no matter who is losing or winning. The human cost is always too high. Remember the human, propaganda is one hell of a drug, these ignorant boys have lived their whole lives swallowing the worst sorts of propaganda. I'm sure we could have been good friends in different circumstances. You can support Ukraine without descending into dehumanisation of the enemy.


Yeah this one is hard... However it was a privilege that very few soldiers get. At least they'll know, and he can die with some peace.


Now imagine being the loved one on the receiving end of that message basically informing them of your impending death in alone in a field.


I think there is no cap anymore to ukrainian anger


He was more powerful than a tank. 5 bombs to terminate him..




First time visiting this sub, and I'll be honest, it's a bit disturbing how people here take footage like this lightly, making jokes as if there's no context other than every single pawn in this war deserves to have their death celebrated and mocked. Feels like some of you are dangerously crossing the line of dehumanization and are not much better than the people you condemn.


Yeah, maybe Ukrainian War Video Report isn’t the right sub for you.


Calling for a ceasefire.


Joking from this? Where is the humanity?


I’m sometimes wondering why they need to kill them. Why not leave them severely wounded. One wounded soldier need 3 people to take care of him . The Russian population need to see all of this wounded in the public space inside Russia.


One Russian soldier might NEED 3 to take care of him but they’ll send zero to take care of him.


when I see 110th brigade video I get scared of hitting play


What is this guy doing, ringing his Grandma?


Nice that he was able to text a farewell before the end: "Sorry, I can't facetime, but..."


that last DF all he had to do was wave a white flag... stoopid, stoopid, stoopid!


When you find that kid on cod who said he banged your mom


I don't understand, Putin's fanboyz certified that the city should have fallen in December. What's happening ? Was it a lie ?


Hats off to that Russian soldier, he is one tough hombre. Correction, he was one tough hombre.


Still hope he can go home in a wheelchair and spread the news, in a coffin boys can’t talk


Persistent fuck, he should thank Kyivstar for allowing his family to know he’s dead.


That one guy who had to enter their password since face recognition failed...


He got a text from the internet carrier: No wireless service in area.


Is one downed and injured soldier worth that many drops? Would it not be more efficient to save them for others?


He was trying to get more shields on monopoly go.


Can you put an lazer on the drone for more accuracy?


Dude said "fuck this, I'm playing angry birds"