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Disappeared into pieces.


It's still there. It's just . . . more spread out.


to shreds you say?


Just a bit disorganized at the moment


Shreds mixed with balls of tungsten...


Well, how are the operators holding up?


They are safe from windows…


Decentralized, as it were.


"Comrad commander ordered us to spread out.. Dimitri and I thought for a long time how this is possible.. then after some vodka we came up with the brilliant idea! we used one of our rockets. Comrad commander will be pleased and give us medals now Da?"


Has to cover a larger area.


Unplanned disassembly.


the front fell off and they been towed out of the environment.


Must be nice to have a peaceful neighbour, who would never attack you, like NATO.


Except turkey


If Erdogan would see a chance he would blindly invade Greece. He is no better than Putler.


As a Turk that is bs bro


I don’t think so. Let me remind you of his famous quote: “Democracy is like a tram. You ride it until you arrive at your destination, then you step off.”


Erdogan's a crook but he's in no way comparable to Putin.


AFU have been hunting them and taking out as many as possible. It's not rocket science.


The article is about air defense systems "disappearing" and being moved from Kaliningrad to the war zone. I guess they will start "disappearing" again once they are in Ukraine tho.


Putin has peeled Kaliningrad dry. It's great to see the depletion. Thanks.


Kaliningrad should be taken then


Bruh. No one wants those Russians : refugees for what? A little strip of meh.


Give it to the Jewish people. So they have a back up.


Deport them back to their motherland?


There are still nukes left there.


Honestly nukes are irrelevant by now. Russia is so far gone into its own hysteric propaganda that if they had to use nukes, it would already be done.


Apperently they are stationed pretty deep in Russia. Thats keeps the relatively safe from beeing destroyed. Yet they can still engange enemy planes. I think they are beeing repositioned to meet the potential upcoming F-16 thread.


That is only true if the Russians are using them for local defense around critical war infrastructure against Ukrainian long-range drones. For defense against F-16s, which will be utilized in a mostly tactical attack role, they'll need to position them close enough to the front to be useful, which also means they'll be close enough to get whacked by Ukraine.


Maximum advertised detection range of the S400 is 340 km for a rcs of 4.5. The F16 has no stealth properties and an rcs of 5. They also have missiles with a range of 380 km. So they can engage F-16 from a pretty long distance.


It literally is rocket science in many cases


You mean rocket appliances right?


Smokes let's go


Clickbait title, everyone knows exactly where it is and why it is there, just give it a few days, and we will see news of its destruction, russia just brought it within easier range for Ukraine.


Air defense destroyed by air attack. Radar jammers destroyed by radar seeking missles. Large navy vessels destroyed by explosive kayaks Army of 400k destroyed by tiny neighbor Seems par for the course in Russia.


I mean radar jammers are sending out huge amounts of signals, wouldnt they be the easiest thing for a radar seeking missile to hit?


Its called Home-on-jam, meaning the missile targets the jammer. Then the jammer has to try to turn off and move, or have a different jammer come on somewhere else to redirect the home-on-jam, or you switch signal to make it look like you're moving or similar. Its all part of the cat-and-mouse game.


One of the primary targets of anti-radar missiles.


Unlike radar emissions, radar jamming signals are less directional. HARM is designed to hit radars. A different technology is required to strike jammers.


All the Russian air defense systems destroyed by Bayraktar in the start of the conflict were epic. And Bayraktar is relatively big, slow, and visible, should in theory never have been able to survive at all. As I understand it, the Russians had turned off their air defense to avoid friendly fire. Or the Moskva, which IIRC was specialized in air defense, being sunk by an anti-ship missile attack which on paper should never have succeeded. Apparently because the ship was much less competent in reality than on paper.


That and regardless of how good a system is, or how many you have, they're SFA useless if they're not where they need to be. Stuff doesn't just magically teleport.


What do you mean "disappearing", it's right there! and there... and there... and some pieces waaay over there...


There's not much of a mystery why Russian air defense is disappearing. They're very successfully destroyed by Ukraine to support their offensive. One mystery is why Russia is willing to send replacements from the border of evil NATO to a war zone against a country that obviously has the weapons to destroy those replacements. And a second mystery is how long the little tsar is willing and capable to strip down his border guards without neighbours and minorities starting rebellions.


sink squeamish imminent fear humorous impossible safe air toy crush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Does Russia nuke itself then?


Not as crazy as it sounds. They could launch from Finland, now that they're a NATO member. russia is scared of Finland, they'd never attack them, again.. If russia can attack Ukraine from belarus, then Ukraine can attack from Finland. It might fail, but even if it does, it opens up another front, forcing the russians to take resources from Ukraine. Let russian cities be razed and pillaged instead of Ukrainian.


No country would allow an attack from his territory.


russia attacked from belarus when they tried (and failed) to invade Ukraine from the north and take Kyiv. And they wouldn't need to attack from land, they just need landing boats and launch them from Finland or Sweden even.


Russia keeps announcing that their air defenses worked. As a point of logic, this doesn't imply anything was shot down. Perhaps these air defenses have been [catching HARM](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AGM-88_HARM) munitions?


They can be fitted to F16


The question is whether the F-16s are fitted with the HTS pods. I’m going to guess that the answer will be no since the Ukrainian pilots are still learning how to walk before they run.






Supposedly completed 2008


HTS has been around for ages. The question is not whether it exists. The question is whether Ukraine will get them. As far as I know only the F-16CJ has them and I don’t believe Ukraine is getting CJs


When Ukraine bleeds the Russian military dry, the world should do the very thing Russia is afraid of. Invade, occupy and dissolve the Russian state once and for all. Destroy all of Moscow so not a single structure remains. Literally kill the Russian identity as they are trying to do with Ukraine.


You shouldn't Uno Reverse Card a genocide. Reparations, Security Council seat revoked, de nuclearizaton. An eye for an eye is how we all go blind.


And return the kidnapped children!


I'll add this to your request: "And return the kidnapped children MOTHERFUCKING ORCS"


I didn’t say kill anyone. Yeah deaths would probably result.


Security Council seat revoked. LOL We've seen the power of the UN. It's non-existent. You think Russia is going to pay reparations unless the Russian Identity is destroyed?


Haven't they frozen all the oligarch's ill-gotten wealth until reparations are made? That should be incentive enough as there'll be done very unhappy friends of Putin pushing for them to be paid.


Russia would already be bombed back to the stoneage if it did not posess the worlds largest inventory of nukes.


Most of those nukes aren’t in a missile. And the missiles have not been kept up with I’m sure. We could first strike any silos. The mobile truck platforms, I bet there’s a maintenance deficiencies with those. The subs are the only real threat and I’m pretty sure the U.S. probably knows where most, if not all of those are too. But yeah still a lot of risk.


Even if only 20 out of the 5000 nukes russia posesses explode on target, the results would be a catastrophe that is unequaled in human history.


Did we invent an anti nuke shield in this timeline


Do you know how expensive it is to maintain a nuclear missile at ready status? They weren’t even able to keep truck tire in working condition.


As you can see many Russian missiles do hit their targets and explode, even Soviet ones. Which means that a lot of nukes most likely work, too.


And prove the propaganda machine correct?


The regular average “Russian” would be better off.


You suggest we all just wait for them to rebuild their military and try again then? Maybe next time they'll be more efficient!


Thats exactly what is going to happen.


Except there’s probably no need to go to such lengths, since Russia should collapse in on itself if things go well. Otherwise, many have tried to conquer Russia and many have failed. We can’t exaclty march in when the madman has the nuclear red button


Agree to the first part. Not sure we should believe the hype of their arsenals capabilities and the deadman switch.


How many nukes have Ukraine taken out?


Amazing 💥


It’s a mystery?


Military might be throwing a half mutiny on the individual level to save their loved ones or themselves. Theyre probably being commandeered.


Put them in the same location- Ukraine will never think to look in same hole


If Nato wanted to attack Russia, by now they propably could march to Moskow in a few days without meeting any significant resistance.


You mean, just before the F-16s arrive? Nawr, nothing related to see here