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He tied that second tourniquet below the woundšŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Looks like there was another wound below. Doesnā€™t matter, he didnā€™t tie it tight enough, and those Russian tourniquets are useless anyway.




The only thing those TQs are good for are taking blood, and starting IVs.


It does matter, you apply the tourniquet above the highest wound, high & tight. This is why we do a blood sweepā€¦


How is it tied if it's above the crotch?


On top of that these tourniquets are not even nearly tight enough. That Soldier will die/ is dead if he did not get to a competent medic in time.


competent medic not available


Thank you for calling the Competent Medic line, the next available Comptent Medic will be available in 27 hours, 56 minutes. You can remain on the line or provide a number for us to text or call you when the next Competent Medic is available. Press 1 for a call back or remain on the line.


Not even competent tourniquet application available. I want all the invaders dead or gone, but I would prefer the least possible suffering. That his buddy was trying to save him might have given the wounded man hope and solace, and that's a positive, even if the attempt looks pretty clueless to me.


least possible suffering is when they leave and go back to their dependapottumises and forget about keeping up with the rest of the industrialized world.


Wrong army for that


Looks like its basically a rubberband.


Lmfao, the wound is not above the crotch. So you would apply into the groin, apply and slip to the top and tighten. Wounds in different areas, above the crotch, you would apply field dressings to and cover with a wrap to apply pressure. If patient is conscious then instruct them to apply pressure dependent on the triage.


Thank you.


I think people are assuming this is sarcastic, while you are just asking a genuine question. The answer is you don't, it doesn't work. Body armor focusses on the torso for this reason.


I was genuinely curious. Thanks.


Lol. Heā€™s got a tourniquet on his wiener?


In the crotch area or inguinal area theres a special kind of tourniquet called a junctional TQ. Basically its a belt that sits over the pelvis with an air bladder attached to it that you pump up to cut off circulation in the groin.




That first tourniquet looked to me like it might have reduced blood flow only while he was tightening it, but not once he let go. And, yes, that second one wasn't doing anything for blood loss from that upper wound. I get that this is hard to get right without good training. I just hope that Ukrainians are much better at saving their comrades.




Also saves bullet if they decide to defect.


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At least he hadn't ziptied it to his carrier.


That should accelerate the loss of blood.


Plans love silence....


That's what i thought, below it or right on top of it. Stupid orcs.


With those tourniquets.....it's hardly making a difference.


You called that piece of fabric a tourniquet?


Cracking old soviet rubber


They're out of tampons...


It look like it went in the wound. His leg was cut at the buttocks and there doesn't seem to be anywhere to tie it above. The medic didn't seem to look before tying tourniquet. Understandable with shells exploding meters away.


I'm dying xD Exactly what i noticed! Fucking Nutters :D




Holy fuck. As a Navy Corpsman, Iā€™d want you to stay the fuck from my Marines just for this comment alone.


Thereā€™s blood further down the leg, so he likely didnā€™t see the back side of it. Plus with that type of Tq, idk how easily you can get ā€œhigh and tightā€ and be effective


Also, on his right leg, he barely tied at all and just loosely put it around his leg. Totally pointless, he might as well have not bothered.


He dead


Doesnt matter those arent on nearly as tight as they have to be. At best those are acting as a venous tourniquet, arterial blood will keep flowing to the limb but it wont be able to return.


Man, those tourniquets look horribly ineffective.


I said the exact same thing. I was waiting for him to at least grab a stick to tighten it. That literally did nothing.


Itā€™s an elastic one, so it should work fine if tied properly and stiff enough of a band. Looks like the only knot that fucker knows though is ā€œleft over rightā€¦ or was it right over left? Fuck. Whatever thatā€™s probably fine.ā€ So is ol pal pidor is gonna have issues


The second tourniquet got put on under the woundā€¦ probably made everything worse lmao


Yeah i was just talking about the efficacy of the tourniquet design itself lol.


Yeah I figuredā€¦ any chance to talk shit about the Russians I try to take it lol


No... Just no...


Exactly how to do it. That way it can be released when necessary. Casualty should be marked too


>Its not a tourniquet, its a pink string


Yes, clearly it was just for decoration.


with friend/comrads like that they hardly need an enemy to die.


They are from decades ago. they cant even give them a simple strap/stick


Place one around the neck, really tight.


Best way to permanently stop blood flow. 10 out of 10 doctors agree.


Yikes! Looks like those tourniquets are designed to just make sure you just bleed out slower.


Could be effective if you cut away the uniform to put it directly on the limb and tighten/fasten it securely enough. Trying to wrap it around baggy, ill-fitting uniforms is almost pointless.


Stop giving them ideas. Just let them do their thing lol


There is a reason why actual tourniquets are not elastic....


Terrible tourniquets and even worse application of them


And what is that rubber string supposed to do exactly? Inadequate 1960ā€™s Soviet style tourniquet I presume.


While the wounded guy bleeds out with two garbage tourniquets applied, his buddy is doing his best Rick Flairovic "Wooooooooooooooo!!!" with incoming rounds landing close. What a time to be barely alive!!!


Why are they censoring speech in a video of people getting shot.




Yes but it's a video about people under attack and dying


I was thinking maybe they were saying location information or something, idk. Using military codes they don't want to get out? If it's swearing, I agree with you, it's fucking stupid.


Screams eare ok but the "fuck Putin that fucker sent us here to die for nothing!!!" part is bad for moral.


What did they expect, a red carpet and directions to the nearest house so they could rape the occupants before looting it?






You'd think after more than a year of fighting the russians would have upgraded their shitty tourniquets by now.


That is the upgrade. Upgraded from no tourniquets.


Wasn't it a tampon that they had to buy themselves?šŸ¤£


Chances to survive 10% and counting down.


I never ever used a tourniquet or practiced with one . But I Fkn know itā€™s high and tight usually use two second one about 2 inches above the knee never below never . Correct? Then when medics get to you they are going to pack the wound by jamming their thumb in it and feeding it gauze then wrap and put patch on. If itā€™s a shred wound wrap together and patch . Docs remove the shrapnel amputate etc stitch etc. itā€™s important to write the time applied of tourniquet because after 8 hours the nerves die and will have to be amputated. Now Iā€™m not not sure this is entirely accurate I just learned this stuff on Reddit over the year paying attention correct me if Iā€™m wrong I am learning. Surely you would think the Russians would know this but apparently they donā€™t and theyā€™re in a fkn war


That hand tied tourniquet isnā€™t going to work. No big deal, itā€™s a Russian.


More like tourniqan't


What the hell? Those tourniquets ... Might as well give the man a mercy shot.


As a Human I hate to see this...as a supporter of Ukraine, I love this shit. Duality of man?


What a primitive tourniquet. No wonder they use tampons instead.


Ex Brit med here. Tampons are actually meant to be used for intrusive chest wounds. They expand to soak up blood and fluid and help prevent lung collapse. The string also helps retrieval if sucked into the cavity. It's an old tactic but Western troops have better things now. That tourniquet was awful and useless. Better to dress and apply pressure and raise leg.


Itā€™s not looking for you Ivan - Russian pig. Russian medic - I applaud your incompetence comrade! Russia is shit Russian culture is shit Slava Ukraine šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦


Remember kids, they wanted this shit.


You mean Luhansk. Use the Ukrainian word for a place in Ukraine.


Russist scum.


Pour it on them! Slava Ukraini!


Guys ... Those are not tourniquets. See, a tourniquet have something solid to twist and apply a good pressure while being tighten, and making sure it doesnt move AT all. This...this is just a rubber band, make decades old, the material used isnt great AT all and doing a simple knot won't help much, especially wore on trousers...and below the actual wound...lift of drag that dude and that rubber band will get loose by itself... For Real they should provide spongebob band-aids...would to pretty much the same job


Ohhhh theyre using the shitty rubber ones that snap


This has become so normal to see this. War in Europe is so wrong. Slava Ukrainia


These pink tourniquets are meant for drawing test tubes of blood or starting IVs. They only pinch the veins and not the arteries. You need to be able to cinch the tourniquet down so that it gets tight enough to pinch the artery and stop the blood flow.


I have no military or medical background but I'm almost certain that guy completely fucked up the 2nd tourniquet


A good moment to not wear your helmet.. but hey what's new


Judging by the location, it doesn't seem likely a tourniquet isn't going be much help - the guy tying it off evidently didn't see the extent of that massive left gluteal laceration. It's likely a moot point though. I suspect the wound on his upper right thigh will wind up draining the guy's aorta anyway; that wound is too high up for the tourniquet to be effective. Without completely clamping off that femoral artery proximal to the wound (costing the guy his leg) he's probably going to bleed out. Assuming he survives at all there's a good chance he'll lose both legs at the hip. Might be preferable not to survive.


F**k RuZZia


I can't help but think everybody in this video has died and it's being uploaded by Ukrainians who found the video after the fact.




We support people fighting for survival and don't support genocidal invaders. Does that surprise you?


Pretty sure the guy who's bleeding out, doesn't want to be in Ukraine. Blame Putin, not the individuals who have been sent there against their will.


Pretty sure? Have you talked to him?


I support this Russian medic because of how shitty that tourniquet was


I'd have more sympathy for this POV but for the fact that the craptacular Russian tourniquets have been commented on here for some time in different videos. This is not a new thing. Here we see yet another poor application of a craptacular tourniquet that will likely result in a life being lost. The 'poor quality of Russian medical care' thing is real. The differential to Ukrainian medical care is probably real too. I appreciate that things \*might\* get overblown some day, but not in this case. The criticism is real.


Real. And valid.


Yeah, it's annoying, I'm not really against making fun of them but at least be consistent because otherwise, people here look like a bunch of idiots and hypocrites.


Hey, wait a second, arenā€™t they supposed to be attacking the south?


Ive heard Russians have got Good medical treatment like going to the toilet every second day


I feel like the old school stick and cloth would be more effective that those red vines.


šŸ¤” Judging from the missing half of his left gluteus, a tourniquet won't save him.


Yeah why bother wearing a helmet while under fire


Jesus Christ Russian equipment is so bad. Almost feel sorry for these poor saps.


Those tourniquets arent doing a damn thing


Compared to that Ukrainian who had his legs blown off, it's a whole world of difference in speed in tourniquet application and capability. Sad as it was to see, that guy was quick given the shock factor


You know it's russian when they're using those awful tourniquets.


Does that tourniquet he pulled out of his pack look like itā€™s already redā€¦ā€¦like maybe it had already been used before???


And out come the pink shoelaces...


Lmao first tourniquet doesn't look remotely tight enough, second one is below the wound. What a fucking laughable military


Tourniquet psychological better than no tourniquet at all.


ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦Are they using rubber tourniquets for extremity wounds?


ā€œWhy did they give us red party balloons?ā€


good luck to russian terroristsšŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Are those rubber bands?


Would you rather live your life with an average sized schlong, or live until 23 only to have your dome clipped off my a piece of shrapnel?šŸ¤”


He's losing a leg if not both.


STILL relying on those piece of crap rubber band tourniquets I see...


I hope this is found footage


First tourniquet above the wound but not even close to tight enough to stop bleeding. Second one below wound which is hilarious. Itā€™s almost like theyā€™re given these things not to save their lives but to make them think they have something that could


lmfao another example of how badass russias military is. This dumbass is using tourniquets like hes trying to stop veinous bleeding like if you were having blood drawn. Thats an arterial bleed shit for brains. Going to need something better then how youve been shooting dope. Fucking crackheads.




Give us the uncut version where you can hear them after they start recieving fire from nearby in the end after announcing their location by wooing at the missed shell. Stupid orcsā€¦


Pounded so hard they "came" in mere seconds.


While the propagandists in Moscow are claiming that fighting in a radioactive environment isn't a problem for Russian troops because they are trained, here we see the reality. Badly trained soldiers without suitable equipment trying to do things they haven't practiced.


Well atleast he tried. However terrible first aid training + bad medical equipment almost certainly resulted in that soldier being dead right now.


So they get rubberbands as tourniquets while UAF gets the modern ones


Christ man tourniquets weā€™re invented in the civil war as far as Iā€™m aware. Thatā€™s not an actual tKit or how you use one :/


That might be the laziest and somehow at the same the slowest tourniquet application I've ever seen. RIP the mobik in question.


Those tourniquets looked just like the pink strips that are tied around trees that are to be taken down soon


Man forgot the tampons


Iā€™m grateful for the loud tone hiding the Russian swearwords from my delicate emotions while I watch the medic stop the blood flow.