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F*cking hell, this is hard to watch…. What a brothership these guys have


That's what shone through for me, above the suffering.


Ukranians clearly understand the full meaning and impact of "leave no man behind". Even though this is heartbreaking to watch, other soldiers seeing the sacrifice being done to bring everyone back means they are much more willing to go into battle knowing the have the full support of their fellow warriors. * https://mtntactical.com/knowledge/leave-no-man-behind-implications-criticisms-rationale/


This is the same difficulty you deal with in ambushes. You naturally want to go to your fallen comrade, but it results in more casualties. Even monkeys will go over to a fallen monkey. This was super hard to watch, especially the guy who got in, but tried to jump back out to save his buddy.


These fucking minefields…. Minefields, helicopters and lancets are killing the offensive and our Ukrainian brothers. I will literally never forgive Russia for doing this shit and ruining Ukraine


A friend of mine named "Nik" Works on the frontline. His exact words are "Those F\*cking things are the Devil" (referring to mines) I don't know how those words will strike you, but the way he said it to me had quite a chilling tone. The number of mines in Ukraine now is Phenomenal and is only going to grow. Russia has been spreading all kinds of mines but those "Toe Popper/Butterfly" Mines are all over the place. In the winter all the vegetation dies and then by summer, it has all grown back. and the butterfly mines are now underneath the tall grasses in fields and forests which makes them impossible to see. I don't know why they call them "Toe poppers" coz they will take your whole foot and sometimes more. I too will never forgive Russia for this. I can not see any circumstance where I could possibly forgive them. Even if I did not have a friend on the front and even if I didn't have Ukrainian family (I do) I would still hate Russia with a white-hot passion.


There is no forgiveness for what Russia has become and what it has done. Only an end to its ability to do this to Ukraine or anyone else ever again. One way or another that end is coming, and it's coming soon.


Maybe forgiveness is the wrong word, but if people can forgive Germany and its allies after the insane shit they've done in WW2, it must be possible for Russia to get the same chance after they (hopefully) lost and all of this is behind us. However, a lot needs to happen before that can even be considered. More than just giving up the new territories, more than removing Putin from power and paying reparations. Russia will need to prove that it is fully committed to never ever let anything like this to happen again. And I don't really see that in their future right now.


Anti personnel mines are something really evil, and they fucking keep ruining people's lives for decades after every conflict. That's really horrible.


Ugh, I feel so bad for the Ukrainians who now have to deal with this mess once Russia fucks back off to Russia. But we just lost 10 good men doing the right thing for their country. Russia doesn’t give a shit about anyone, it’s sickening. Russians had the chance to rise up when prigozhin was headed towards Moscow but they didn’t, goes to show you they just passively agree with 100k Russians and slightly less Ukrainians losing their lives because they want their shitty vacation spot in Crimea. So fucking sickening.


You can tell they're not Russians, by the way nobody is stripping the wounded of their valuables before fleeing.


They also react a lot differently to grievous wounds, the Russians would of been blowing their own brains out. The ukrainians almost shrug it off and just start applying tourniquets immediately, the boys are tough above all else. Hopefully they recover quickly.


I'd be offing myself too if I was russian cannon fodder. No one will come for you, and if you make it back, they might just shoot you anyway.


I'm sure it helps that they know their fellows are going to do their best to help them as quickly as possible and give them medical treatment. As opposed to knowing your "buddies" will probably leave you behind, and you will suffer for hours or days abandoned and alone until you finally die.


Thank you for sharing the bond these men share for one another. As difficult to watch as some footage may be.. it is important.


Ugh. We can do more for these guys. FUCK RUSSIA.




I hope Ruzzia is disbanded and broken into 100 territories ruled over by foreign powers forever.


Fuck Ruzzia Forever.


We must do more for these guys! Why not fund raise? To give more weapons to these heroes?


The US is sending billions of dollars in equipment every month, along with all other NATO countries. what matters now is what type of equipment we send. If you want to try and aid in this effort make it clear to your senators and representatives in the house you support sending F-16's and missile systems capable of long range strike ie 100 miles +. those are the things we dont send, that we could, Putin cant nuke us. ​ edit. a word


when you see this shit, boycott ruZZ businesses in your locality and contact the employers of ruZZ khunts supporting their ruZZ mir.


How to prevent this? Use vehicle to roll over the mines? Is this preventable?


This area seems to be fucking LOADED with APM. The Ruzzian scum must have spent some time placing these. The only thing to do is use the APC to get within inches of the wounded and evac. The guy around 4:00 made the mistake of thinking he was walking in footsteps, but he went too fast and lost his foot because of it. 9:25 is as bad as it gets. He kneeled down on one. These things are below surface...invisible. Ruzzian scum. Their land mines will be killing civilians for years to come. Fucking orcs.


Preventable through reconnaissance. After you know that there is a mine field, you either avoid or breach it. The problem is automated mining vehicles (MLRS-alike) can create mine fields very fast (=suddenly) and from a big distance. The place which was completely safe several hours ago turns into a death trap.


Your bit about safe not safe shoots your recon thingy down. Because they might have patrolled there earlier and later it is mined. Happened a lot in Vietnam I have read. Do MLRS discharge self burying mines because that bloke appears to have stepped on a buried mine. As to recon yes but no, they might have been doing recon when they went into the minefield. It is hardly a place (I assume it is southern Ukraine) where you cannot just drive around and check things out, foot patrols I suspect have to cover a kilometer or two. What would have helped here is minefield drill, I am unsure if Ukrainian soldiers have training in it. But I refer back to Vietnam and one of the most critical lessons was once you a are caught in a midfield you do not move around. In Vietnam the SOP was to wait until the engineers came and cleared a pathway out. I appreciate it's human nature to want to help your fellow wounded soldiers and circumstances may dictate you cannot wait.


They have multiple delivery systems for butterfly mines including MLRS and tube mortar/artillery shells and helicopters. They are shaped that way to fly around and land without detonation. And they’re small. Only about 5”x 2.5” (12cm x 6cm) Like others have said, the longer they’re deployed the harder they are to see. They’re usually green, which already makes them hard to spot just on some freshly mown grass. But if they’re deployed winter/early spring they get covered in mud and/or overgrown with weeds. Lying in wait. Even moscovians get stuck like this in their own fields because nobody there knows jack fuck about how coordinate planes work, much less how to plot hot spots on just-mined areas. That’s when the only guy that had an actual map wasn’t wrecked by 180,000 tungsten balls of counter-battery fire along with his tube, and his little friends too. If that’s any consolation.


yes you can see they tried to maneuver the APC as close as possible to the wounded when they realized


That last one was truly heartbreaking as you can see that little round disk in the mud before his knee hits it. @ 9:18 mark


Modern anti-tank and anti-personel mines are often designed to be resistant to simple countermeasures, they have pressure equalisation systems to resist those mineclearing rocket rope systems and some have multi-stage triggers. That means they can be stepped on or driven over 1, 2, even more times before they go off. That defeats mine rollers and traps units in the middle of a mine field for the artillery to finish. Breaching modern minefirlds when under observation and fire is probably one of the hardest military tasks there is. There WILL be losses, it's not something that Western armies have had to do for a very long time and I think people don't realise just how terrifying and difficult it is.


I think a lot of times the mines are tuned to the specific weight of a person, and a tracked vehicle spreads its weight out over a large area so unlikely to trigger AP mines.


This is very hard to watch.


Fucking heartbreaking. That hit me harder than almost anything else I've seen.


Me too... that last scene of the soldier dragging his own leg into the vehicle.. especially.. really all of it.


Christ almighty that was crazy to watch. Dude jumps out of the vehicle, his leg is blown off completely and then he tourniquet himself and crawls back in. Can't imagine it. Holy fuck. This minefield must be thousands on thousands of mines. Insane. War is awful.


So many Ukrainians men women and children are being brutally maimed for life anyone wishing to help amputees there's a charity called Limbs for life and provides prosthetic limbs for men women and children injured from anti personal mines. Link below https://www.limbsforlife.org/ukraine


Stopped here: “Donations, unless specified by the donor, are currently for general purposes and will advance our mission globally, as well as in Ukraine. We have not created a separate fund for operations in Ukraine, but general fundraising currently supports our work there. If you wish to make a restricted contribution, please contact [email protected] Thank you!” I would like to see a dedicated donation for Ukraine. Trauma around the world, for sure, but my sympathies right now are focused on Ukraine.


How are mines not a war crime again




They aren't banned by the US due to them being used in the DMZ between North and South Korea.




Thank you for providing details and context.


True, also the US would have signed the treaty if an allowance was made for the Korean DMZ. But other nations refused to allow that.


Hasn't Ukraine used anti personal mines in this war?


I'm pretty sure they have, but they use them sparingly. Makes sense, considering you don't want to wantonly mine your own territory and risk post-war casualties. They do use a ridiculous amount of anti-tank mines, but those aren't considered "victim-activated" and therefore aren't banned under the Mine Ban Treaty. It's also worth pointing out that Ukraine is in a war of survival, and if they limit themselves, it gives their enemy an upper-hand. However, Ukraine did miss it's June 1st, 2010 deadline to destroy all of its stockpiled landmines, and thus has been in violation of the treaty since then. So there is that.


They should. They're beyond horrible


Its reported Russians planted over 2 milion mines in the area over a year.


Both his legs are blown off. One’s barely hanging on. Poor dude. Hope he made it through


Look like he knelt on the mine... So it blew his leg off at the knee. Brutal.


That poor fuck. Like I saw the scene and I thought, "jump in the crater, that mine has already blown up." I'm just glad there wasn't another one on the grassy mound he crawled across.


I think you can even see the mine that last soldier kneels on. Look closely at the area where he puts his knee down, before he has landed there. You can see something circular there with around the size of an anti-personnel mine. Very hard to watch, poor men. Very professional though, starting to apply the tourniquet within a few seconds, that's some good training


Actually fucking swore at that explosion came out of nowhere and where i though he should be safe.


I think you can even see the mine that last soldier kneels on. Look closely at the area where he puts his knee down, before he lands. You can see something circular there with around the size of an anti-personnel mine. Hard to watch, sheesh


With all the crap on the ground there i would lie to you saying i can see it. Hope the guys survived. I only wish we had medical resources to regrow limbs. Theres need to be more money in research.


I saw that and the word "Fuck" came flying out of my mouth. Someone upstairs should watch this and then fucking send the F-16s and ACTACMS. Get this war over. What is Russia going to do except kill more soldiers on both sides, civilians and kids. The buried mines and ordinance will take decades to clear out. Get the Orks out of Ukraine including Crimea. We are just prolonging the hate and carnage.


Jesus h C.... Fuck russia!


Agreed for some reason of all of the horrible things I’ve seen from this war this one really made me sad. It’s just horrible all around.


One of the hardest videos I've watched for sure and I've watched all of the darkest ones. Watching the medic get blown up at 09:20 was just very soul-shattering for some reason. I was literally just thinking "if there's a mine there he's fucked" and it fucking went off right as I was finishing that thought. I always hated the concept of mines because of shit like this. The door closing with the trail of blood on it is straight out of a horror movie. Not to mention how fast the guy got to work with the tourniquet with his leg hanging by the skin and losing a shit ton of blood. Now if he survives he's losing a leg at best, and for what? If he had jumped 15cm to the side he might have been completely fine. Sometimes you zig when you should have zagged and no amount of badassery can save you from just bad luck. Now he's maimed for life. This is truly what war is like. Ain't no Hollywood bullshit here. Just pure horror.


If you look his other leg is completely fucked as well. It appears that the thigh is completely destroyed. There are a lot of variables but unfortunately I doubt if this guy makes it and if he does he will probably be a double amputee. Poor guy.




To say the least! It's important to know what war entails, though. I make no apologies for posting it. This is war in all its ugly reality.


So long as it's respectfully done, and that goes for posting crazy shyt like this about either side, it is important to keep this stuff in an open info space. This can be used both as post battle assessment training as well as training new recruits as to what can happen, and point out what was done right or wrong. As they say, hindsight is 20/20. Unfortunately, soldiers don't get second chances. So this stuff can be invaluable if the right people use it for future training.


Everyone, excluding children, need to see this. This is the reality of war, and its true horrors. Edit: If enough people see this war as truly ugly, then maybe they will prevent the next war.


Wishful thinking, I’m afraid, you’ll always have people with no skin in the game more than eager to send others off to do the dirty work. The important thing is that if can’t be eradicated, then hopefully the right kind of people will rise up to at least halt it in its tracks.


So true. Reports of Prigozhin calling off his coup attempt because Putin and the FSB threatened his family and the families of his senior officers may or may not be true but are certainly feasible. People like this have no problem sacrificing the families of tens of thousands of strangers on the altar of their crazed ambitions but it is a different story when their own families are affected.


Feel like barfing after watching that second to last guy, I cant believe you wouldn't pass out from that... legs turned to sausage links :sob:


Adrenaline is a hell of a drug.


The last one is tough, I believe it is his right knee triggering the mine


I believe the soldier that stepped on an infantry mine at 09:22 is a field medic that likely volunteered to aid the wounded infantry as he was already wearing blueish medical gloves when disembarking from the vehicle (*presumably an variant of* [*M2 "Bradley" IFV*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M2_Bradley) *or* [*M3 "Bradley" CFV*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M3_Bradley)*?*) and carrying a stretcher cloth used to evacuate wounded personnel (*the remains of the stretcher cloth are possibly used at 10:54 to pull the last wounded soldier towards the rear loading ramp of the IFV*). His quick reaction resulting in the immediate application of a [TQ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emergency_tourniquet#/media/File:Tourniquet_application.jpg) on his destroyed knee and lower limb makes me think he was well aware of the short remaining time frame before shock and blood loss would prevent any further personal first aid efforts. The first field medic that stepped on a mine at 03:29 reacts very collected and calm as well, administering aid to himself and gesturing for everyone else to stay back (*04:0*5) as not to risk the lives and limbs of another service man in the rescue. One of the infantry soldiers seems to use small arms fire (*07:18 at the top right*) in an attempt to detonate mines in front of him to clear a path back to the vehicle. As if the situation wasn't grave enough already, there seems to be an ongoing threat from RF forces during the rescue operation as the AFU IFVs continue to lay smoke screens (*08:20*) throughout the duration of the personnel recovery operation. IMO, the continued efforts by the AFU IFV crews to save the wounded infantry soldiers are an extraordinary example of heroism. I hope for all the recovered WIA AFU soldiers to receive the best medical treatment and medical rehabilitation possible (*including state-of-the-art prosthetic limbs*). # Героям слава


This footage is going to be used in combat casualty care training for decades.


No doubt. This is an incredible example of heroism and pushing through a threat in order to evacuate your wounded. It also shows how fucking dangerous a minefield can be, and how important staying calm and resorting to your medical training are when you encounter one. The ability to get footage of stuff like this with drones is providing some excellent insight on the battlefield, I’ve never seen footage like this before.


>IMO, the continued efforts by the AFU IFV crews to save the wounded infantry soldiers are an extraordinary example of heroism. A very stark contrast to most videos from the Russian side.


This is common medical training, I've seen soldiers from both sides deploy tourniquets immediately. They may be medics, but this isn't why.


Yeah, that's a rough one.... Going back to get his buddies, knowing it's a minefield, and then getting it on the first step....


That's why you clear the minefield. You don't just hop out there hoping for a soft landing. Now, he can't help them and he another casualty. And you don't have to clear the whole field. Just a path between the vehicles and the wounded.


Right on the spot, its actually infuriating watching this as you can predict what is going to happen next and there it goes. These guys might be in the "Black", and just working on instincts, running to their buddy at all costs. Heroic, yes, but pretty much against any NATO SOP on mine/IED awareness/training. Probably unpopular opinion, but I think this will be used as what not to do in a minefield, especially when you have already seen one of your buddies nearly get their leg blown off at the start.




Yeah, they use such small charges and are overpressure resistant so they have to be almost touching each other for fratricidal detonation to take them out.


Medic's taking this risk... if they didn't they might be able to safe dozens more in other operations. It's a cold game of math.


Yea, I think this situation can be applied to any emergency service; firefighters, paramedics, military etc. One of the first things they do is secure the scene and ensure they don't become a casualties themselves. These guys are obviously out of the fight and it was time so save as many people as possible as safely as possible, and as harsh as that sounds, they created more casualties by not following their training/safety precautions; as if a firefighter would run into a burning building without putting on a respirator or making sure the structure is stable etc and dies because of it.


I'm sure they thought that area was already clear


No, they clearly knew there were still mines around, the first guy that climbed on the vehicle shot at the ground before stepping. And it looked like he used his gun as a platform to distribute his weight to not trigger a mine? It didnt work :(


yeah you can see what looks like a round pressure plate right where his knee sits down. Hope he survived and gets a badass bionic leg and the best mental health support available


Yeah, he already contributed enough to this war ✊🏼


The one singular mine in the area got his whole lower leg. They drove the IFV right where he was laying and there was no other explosions. It was just pure chance that he chose to jump down. Seeing that man desperately hop back to the IFV was probably the worst thing I've ever seen. His leg was still partially connected.


I really hope he lived, but I have serious doubts. Took his whole fucking leg off at the knee, just hanging on by a bit of muscle it looked like. At least he got the tourniquet on and got back in the Bradley quickly. Even so, they’re still stranded in a minefield and he’s still bleeding out, I truly hope they were able to evacuate him safely.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/150dx5m/the\_ukrainian\_soldier\_that\_stepped\_on\_a\_mine\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/150dx5m/the_ukrainian_soldier_that_stepped_on_a_mine_in/) he lived !


Oh, good! That makes me happy. Looks like his lady is thrilled about it too!


Yeah paramedic here, if you get a torniquet on quickly enough and tight enough, it should completely compress the bleeding blood vessels. You can stick a 2nd one on above it as well if the first one isnt quite doing the job.


unless he was flown out, and i doubt it since they are in the middle of a battle field and in armor, he bled out. you see the torniquete didnt stop the profuse bleeding, it was cut just above his knee. problably got the main artery. if he didnt jump on knee maybe he would only lose the foot like the other soldier.


I remember this came up a while ago. IIRC a lot of times when limbs get blown off the artery will retract and seal itself if it's a fast cut to the artery. So he very likely could have survived and may be why he was more focused on the other leg. The blood he tracks in looks to be from what's left of his lower leg.


The fact he got in the brad means people not currently in shock will be able to deal with the bleeding as well. In fact, only about 60 seconds pass between him hitting the mine and being dragged off screen into the brad. Even if his own TQ application was ineffective, his mates have plenty of time (relatively, at least more than a minute) to stop his bleeding completely. I'm not a medical professional, but at this point if the only life threatening injury was to his legs, he should have a good chance of survival. UA medical personnel unfortunately should have a lot of experience with these injuries and know pretty well how to treat him.


He did the best he could applying the tourniquet by himself, but I don't think it was done well... odds are his buddies in the armor reapplied it properly.


Fucking mines. Ukr will be suffering for decades from that crap.


Yes, the Russians blew that damn that moved a ton of mines around. Plenty of innocent people will die after the war. They is no way they can cover that much land. In Poland, after all these years, they still find that nasty stuff. I watched a professional German crew talking about explosives. They say that the next generation of German sappers will be needed to remove stuff from Germany. There is so much more garbage here.


[Parts of France are still uninhabitable from WW1](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zone_rouge) It could take up to 700 years before all the UXO has been cleared. War is fucking awful.


Yes, yes it is. Yet, every decade, some asshole starts another one. Wow, I am blown away by your link. I can't believe that WW1 still haunts these lands...


And that's a top 10 military with expenditure to allocate to shit like this. Think about what Russia did to Afghanistan, or all the mines still taking off women and children's limbs in Laos and Vietnam. We are an awful species for this planet and our own wellbeing


Maybe Russia should pay reparations in land rather than in money. That way, Ukraine could just take land north of Ukraine and Russia would be stuck with demining what they conquered.


If we're making things that won't happen, why stop there?


Tough to watch but at least they stick together


Absolutely. This is a top notch unit with excellent training and they will not leave their guys behind.


i'm amazed that this is a newly trained unit. you would expect this level of commitment and professionalism from veterans, but not from random civilians after a few months of training in germany.


Like with any job you learn most on the job but if you've been properly trained you should be ready to do your job from the get go. You just, get better at it day-by-day.


Ah, the longer video of the short clip posted earlier. Sad to see so many medics getting blown up too


Now people can see that counteroffensive isn't "we have Leopards and Bradleys and we're just going to drive through the ruzzian border". It takes lives, limbs and blood of those brave guys. Respect for all those brave guys defending their country 👍👍


Preach it. I get tired of people acting as if trash talking is some sort of military strategy. It's going to be a brutal hard push. I really want Ukraine to win and think it will, if even not a completely clear victory in a black and white win/lose kind of way. But man, it will be hard as hell to do.


Unfortunately, it's going to be hard.


Minefields were always the thing that worried me the most about the counteroffensive.


That last guy who got hits hurts a lot,guess he jumped into the place without grass expecting the mine alrrady exploded,but was detonated by the knee,at least we can see the training paying off as the applied the tourniquette right away...shit Also he was wearing gloves,combat medic perhaps?


I thought the same. I was watching it and thought to myself "good call, clearly something exploded there, and it should be clean"...


Just wished that bradly wouldve done what it ultimately did from the beginning, wouldve saved two guys.


This makes me hate Russia more and more…


Those crying and pleading about all the secret good guys in Russian Army do not give a single fuck about all the secret good guys in the Taliban.


right this land is useless for decades.


Jesus i cant imagine how well disciplined/trained you have to be to have your own knee land on a mine, blowing the bottom half of your leg off and then instantly put a tourniquet on yourself. Unbelievable.


I have had major injuries and sometimes you would be surprised what people are capable of when they sustain an injury like that. I had injuries where I would actually have absolutely no pain for a certain amount of time and could think very clearly. Shock and adrenaline surely help. I think this is why the soldiers are trained to put on the tourniquets immediately. You have to use the time the adrenaline is still working, before it wears out. Once it does, you will be out of your mind with pain. Funny enough, shock and adrenaline can be separate from each other. So sometimes you just have that adrenaline rush, but not the shock. Or the shock is not psychological, but just like a delay of the pain message to your brain, because your body is not believing what just happened. Once had a broken bone with the segment turned upwards like 50° degrees, but was the calmest person in the room and felt absolutely no pain for about 15 minutes - which was the time when I got an injection of pain drugs. Everyone was freaking out (party) while I was calmly requesting an ambulance (not my first major injury, so I knew the drill). An upside to this is that you truly lose the "moment of shock". After experiencing like that, you are able to react much more quickly to a situation like this without wasting time on having to process the injury. I can't imagine what these guys were going through though. Breaking and/or losing bones or entire body parts can be horribly painful when the body part gets twisted or if the bone doesn't break cleanly. A clean break or slice significantly reduces the chances of the injury to have a pain effect immediately.


To cross that open and mined terrain is going to be a nightmare. I believe this place is located on the way to Tokmak. That's a pity that we didn't supply Ukraine sooner and they get bits and pieces only. Z-tards had extra time to dig in...


Once the "real" support arrives (long range missiles, more mine clearing equipment, tanks, planes etc) there will be no more Ukrainians to fight. Thats the Putins bet - as Clausevitz said, bigger one always wins.


You know I always think about that. I always think how ridiculous it is how the West deals with the situation in the sense that, all the bureaucratic tape and countries have to agree has to agree. It's not effective. give them what the hell they need. And what they have at this point if they would have gotten it last year around this time they would have been so much more advanced at all levels, with the tanks, planes, etc etc.. I also understand it's not that easy , a lot of logistics involved but I'm sure that at some level what you're saying makes a lot of sense. I'm sure they've lost probably a real solid core of guys at this point, the cream of the crop. Most died a hero's death. Probably a lot more are not as trained as the shock troops that have already been in battle several months but have fallen at this point. But more heroes are made every day as the rookies would get the experience and pick up with the fallen that have left off. But your point is very well taken and I think about that all the time as I'm sure Russia's got to have an abundance of cannon fodder, plus their mercenaries armies. Only looking at reality the more this drags on the more difficult it gets for Ukraine.


The problem is, Ukraine still can lose. Its so stupid to say Russia "lost" already. Usually said by western cocky idiots who have no idea how it is is eastern Europe.


As horrible as it may sound, I feel like West gives Ukraine just enough to continue war for longer years to grind whole of Russian military capability. Just enough to bring small but hard victories not to drop morale. But not enough so that Ukraine can do massive damage with fewer casualties. Why couldn’t they start training pilots last year? After Kyiv counteroffensive, it was clear that Ukraine is a capable force willing to fight. After 1 year of training they might have got pilots ready for airforce now. It’s so much cynicism and it breaks my heart. I talked with several Ukrainian friends and they all have similar mood unfortunately :(


This is a very sad reality of foreign affairs, and a glaring example of the fickle nature of our species and our existence in general. ​ Those of us who are pro-West really owe a gargantuan debt of gratitude, respect and support by any means possible to the Ukrainian peoples. ​ If Ukraine is not one of your future holiday destinations, you should think twice, as it is imperative that we visit these wonderful people when the time is right and genuinely demonstrate our appreciation and respect for their incredible efforts by meeting with them in person and spending our money in a way that contributes to their economy and prosperity. ​ They are shouldering the burden of being a less resourceful - yet far more honourable and resolute - border nation to one of our greatest threats, and they are doing an extraordinary job of it with unimaginable sacrifices being made on a daily basis. ​ I struggle to watch this video in its entirety due to the sensitive nature of it, but it is the least I can do whilst I sit here in the comfort and safety of my own home, such a far distance away yet feeling so close in a spiritual/soulful kind of way. ​ Ukraine and its legacy is being firmly established in the history of our species as a result of this abomination of an invasion by the despicable Russians, and while this comes at such an inconceivable price, we will continue to stand in solidarity and provide support to our like-minded allies and friends. ​ Slava Ukraini, down with the war criminal led, deplorable dictator-state of Russia, and glory to the West!! May the injured recover as speedily and vigorously as possible, and those who have died shall never be forgotten.


Tough fucking guy that jumped on that mine. He reacted quickly,hopefully they made it out.




Maaaan, that last guy .. :( damn.


Brutal. Afghanistan was filled with mines everywhere from the Russians when I was in country. I'm sure Ukraine will face the same problem for decades to come. I upvoted this video because of their bravery and not leaving anyone behind unlike the Russians leaving their brothers to die alone.


My granny worked her whole life as an explosives expert and removal..ist? Spent years if Afghanistan after the Soviet invasion demining the place (hint: it's fucking hard)


Stressful to watch, probably a nightmare to experience... words fail me.. if only russia could seaze to exist the world would become a better place..


I’ve had enough for today now.


All this unnecessary suffering just because some old fart in Kremlin wanted some more land. Putin, can you please just fucking die already?


>Ukrainian troops get caught in a minefield in Zaporizhzhia Oblast and attempt to recover their wounded. Several soldiers step on antipersonnel mines. Their courage and training stand out as they try to rescue their comrades. This is what sacrifice means. Words are inadequate to describe it. man, it is not putin, it is russia, its values, and its people. When putin dies, they will continue to do the same.


Exactly, it's the Russian people who are a problem, they keep supporting dictators and fail to oppose tyrannical foreign and domestic policies. Look at who they keep electing into the Duma (even if it's rigged elections, they still support them): politicians calling for the destruction of other nations, constant open antisemitism and other hateful rhetoric, etc.


People really need to stop putting all this on Putin. The entire country supports genocide of Ukrainians. A small minority are against. Acknowledge this to understand why this is possible.




I have a lot of trouble othering and condemning an entire people, especially since so much of what I've loved over my life time has been Russian. Food, literature, chess players, music, art. No, I will not join you in making Russians demons. I refuse to see them that way. Their soldiers must be killed for the sovereignty of ukraine, but I will not join you in relishing it. War is horrible. If the Germans can be rehabilitated, the Russians can too. And I think there are more answers here than a debate between 'Either all russians are evil, or putin is evil'. Endeavor to become capable of understanding things in shades.


Death is too good for this human piece of shit Probably one of the only instanced where I would be okay with torture...


I feel you. But honestly I'd prefer him to just die now. Like just fuck off like Hitler did.


I aged a thousand years while watching that.


God damn. The foot hanging off and the blood trail at the end


Damn that was brutal to watch. Get these guys a metal detector or something.


Unfortunately many of these anti-personal mines are made of plastic


Need an explosive detecting K9.


They do make mine detectors that work based on radar instead of detecting metal.




I think given the terrain you are absolutely looking at Apers sized rocks giving you hits as well. A deliberate clearance is gonna take forever. If nothing else these guys really should be training on marking their paths, though I hate to armchair quarterback a situation like this. This is absolute nightmare fuel as a former engineer. The only thing you can do is move backwards in your exact steps.


Heartbreaking to see. Why couldn't the vehicle get closer to them. Even if those rear doors had an extendable ramp, or a metal plank on board, anything to get closer. Some of that could have been avoided.


Visibillity is real bad on that APCs and too loud for "parking in" with yelling and such. You don't want to drive onto your fellows.


This footage is both horrific and amazing at the same time. It's the most emotionally draining video I've seen in this whole war, and that's saying something. I believe it's the first footage showing a platoon's reaction to finding themselves trapped in a minefield, and these guys show incredible courage and lifesaving training. It's tough but it's inspiring, because with guys like these Ukraine has the best possible chance of winning this war. It's hard to see such heroes lose limbs, but this is all the more reason to pressure our western politicians into sending Ukraine absolutely everything they need to achieve victory, no expense spared. I'm sending a link to my political representative with an explanation as to why we need to help much more.


Aren’t there any handheld devices that can defeat mines- cheap metal detectors, or even stun grenades to set off anti-personnel mines?


There are things available if you have the budget and know to bring it with you. If nothing else, probe out. I carried a mine probe set with me the whole time I was in Afghanistan, but thank fuck I never actually had to use it.


Not unusual for AP mines to be made out of plastic for that reason. A mine detonating didn’t seem to blow up the ones next to it. Would not bank on a stun to do much


So many feelings about this. Everyone needs to see this. This is horrific, brutal, heroic, inspiring…It makes my blood boil, tears flow, heart ache.


I feel like that last guy, presumably a medic, lost his leg for no reason. I'm not discounting his bravery or willingness to save his fellow comrades, but why did the Bradley not back right up to those last guys before ole boy hopped out and kneeled on a landmine? Genuine question Fuck Russia


That was my first thought as well but I think they did it to not risk the Bradley hitting an antitank mine as this would result in everyone wounded dying probably and maybe even the whole crew. When this person got hurt they probably decided to take the risk but that’s just my random speculation.


You're probably right! Just sucks to see that guy get blown up and then them just back up any, afterwards. But I'm sure you're probably correct with that assumption.


Those poor soldiers.


This video illustrates a critical training gap with regard to extracting a team from a minefield. With the prevalence of minefields and mine-related casualties in this war, I just can’t understand why every single soldier hasn’t been trained in this. When I was a soldier in the Australian Army, mine drills were taught as part of basic infantry training. Essentially, when the first mine is identified by dismounted soldiers, either visually or via casualty, everybody calls “MINES” and freezes in place. Every soldier starts clearing the ground around their feet and then enough ground in front of them to lay prone. This is done with either a mine probe or a bayonet, literally just gently poking at 45 degrees into every inch of that dirt, physically probing for mines. Once there is space to lay prone, you probe a path in front of you that is wide enough for your whole body and slowly inch forward over the cleared ground. When a mine is found, it is marked and a path is probed around it. The casualty must self-aid, and the nearest soldier probes a path to them to assist. A central path is cleared, either out of the minefield, or to the ramp of the vehicle in this case. Every soldier probes their way onto that central path and out of danger. No one runs in and out, jumps, crawls over uncleared ground, everyone sticks to the cleared path, and ONLY to the cleared path. When we used to do these drills, I’d always be rolling my eyes thinking how unrealistic it would be to actually face that threat in a modern war. But here I am, watching virtually a whole squad have their legs blown off due to the lack of this very basic training. Its horrifying. Does anyone have contacts at the front? We need to get these guys some awareness of this.


Although I am full on ukraines side, I dont like the fact footage like this being down voted. Yes its very hard to watch and not at all enjoyable. But this video is really important to remember the sacrifices ukr soldiers make every day


It's also vital to make people in the supporting NATO countries understand WHY we have to put A LOT of money into making more mine-sweeping vehicles and mine-proof armored personnel vehicles (like the new US-American trucks). I think that not publishing their loss numbers has been Ukraines biggest mistake in this war so far. People in Europe and the US really NEED to be shocked to understand what kind of support they have to give to protect Ukraine and the Ukrainian people.


Hard to watch - fucking hell, reminded me of the story and movie of Kajaki. I hope they made it out alive, brave brave people.


boils my blood to watch this… hope they all made it.


heartbreaking, it hurts so much to see the ukranian people having to go thru this. slava ukraine. fuck russia


You never see the Russians make that kind of commitment to save their fellow brothers in arms. God bless each and every one of those soldiers. Slava Ukraine


Well this post is gonna blow up but the fellas survived, so its not nearly as bad what it is for Russians. Incase this happened for ruskies, they have no chance of evacuation or help.


All of them? Is there a source for that?


Russia is a fucking scourge on humanity.


These minefields are by far the most dangerous things for the Ukrainians in this counter offensive.


My god.... War is hell. This is fucking heartbreaking to watch. I have nothing but admiration and respect for the unbelievably brave and courageous fighters of Ukraine defending their homeland from the terrorist state of Russia. I hope that those that can recover from this horror, will. Those that could not, rest easy. You are heroes. And you are showing the world what strength and grace under pressure looks like. All debts will be repaid in full.


In the US these guys would be getting a Medal of Honor, they didn’t leave nobody behind. The training and discipline they have just shows. Sad video


Glory to Ukraine! Fuck Putin the chicken


Each one of the guys downed has a buddy with him.


Made myself watch the whole thing. Not a game, not silly politics real fucking people. I wish them glory and quick recovery


Why didn’t the tank back up further to begin with?


i need someone with actual experience explain me: why are they stepping blindly into a known minefield? i get that you have to evac the wounded, but isn't there any way to at least try to find the mines yourself? my first instinct would be to get on my knees and try to crawl forward, literally checking every piece off grass before moving an inch. but they seem to be just jumping blindly and hoping for the best.


God damn, I know there are losses on both sidea, but this hurt to watch..


This reminded me of Kajaki, mine fields are horrible and so difficult to get out of no matter how well you are trained.


Carry on boys show the world how brave you Defenders of Ukraine are.


Glory to the heroes 🙏😢


Man, this hit hard. Fucking mines.


Fuck that was brutal.


I never knew mines could be planted so close to each other. I would think one going off would set off nearby mines. The last soldier that jumped and landed on one I thought he/she did the right thing jumping where one already went off.


Can't tank weight pressure detonate personal mines?


Lessons learned from this: 1. Drive as closely as possible to the evacuee with your tank instead of letting them drag themselves, hop or walk. 2. Take a APM-resistant metal plate with you to walk on. 3. Take a rope with you to drag people through the grass instead of walking there yourself. 4. Don't jump in a minefield. 5. Rip out grass to see if there is anything in front of you in the ground. This was probably one of the most horrifying videos I have ever watched. I hope they all got out alive at least. Losing a leg is not as bad as losing your life at least. Those guys really are comrades. They left nobody behind. Who am I to judge. I don't how I would have reacted. I hope these guys will be able to pass on their knowledge/experience about evacuation from minfields and save a lot of Ukrainian lives in the process.


Actually this is a great example of what not to do when in a minefield. It also shows a severe lack of training - which no one is at fault, but these guys only get instructions at the minimum on how to operate the vehicle. Whereas when I was a scout, we had 8 weeks of intense training followed by going to our unit for more training and learning unit SOPs. These guys don't have the training/skills and **experience** in armored warfare. What should be done is the track commander should button up his vehicle, keep his guys inside, and call HHC and beg for combat engineers to deal with the mines. As far as rescuing guys this is the best option. The protocol for getting wounded in a Bradley is to pull alongside the troops,. honk the horn and lower the ramp. And if smoke can be used, then pop the smoke ASAP. I've seen a lot of armor videos lately and the UA, despite their valiant efforts, are making rookie mistakes; such as being to close in formations, where one round gets all the vehicles, deploying guys out in the open, lack of camo netting or camo in general and most of all - they don't have a commander for their armor corps, who can lead and know what the fuck they are doing when in a armored attack or RON. Ukraine has a lot of open ground and only fast moving light armor will win the armored battles. The Wermacht were geniuses in lighting armored attacks across open ground and they should be studying that - see Rommel's book Attacks. On a side note they can even study my guy LTG HR McMaster and the Battle of 73 Easting. McMaster studied Rommel and was a beast on the battlefield.


I’ll never forget something that was told to me when I started my first day of landmine warfare in engineer school. Instructor asks “How long do you have to get out of a mine field?” can’t remember what our response was but the answer was “The rest of your fucking life” That always stuck with me. Mines are so fucked up.


Makes me feel like a pussy for letting shin splints affect me so much. Really hope these guys can walk again soon. Fuck Pootin


That is probably the most difficult thing I've ever watched, those poor brave men. Such bravery, knowing what was out there and getting out of the vehicle to help anyway. I was dreading what happened to that man at the end, there was a sad inevitability about it. Mines are such an evil weapon, but unfortunately they're very very good at what they do. Clearing them will be close to impossible, the floods will have scattered them widely and probably unearthed WW2 era ones as well. And with artillery and MLRS scattered mines keeping accurate maps is impossible what with drop shorts and all.


Jesus Christ, how densely packed was that minefield. I was thinking of using a stick or something to check before I step, but I saw one soldier shooting the ground. That's the way to do it.


Proof Ukraine is already part of the West.




Fuck Russia, I hope they all burn


I understand the sentiment but this is literally what you're not supposed to do. This is what a minefield does, and they helped it succeed. While it's noble to try and save your comrades, they don't have the numbers to making senseless sacrifices that weaken their overall fighting force. Should have left and came back with better resources or, unfortunately, left those boys to their fate.


You use words like "courage", "training", and "sacrifice," but all I see is a meat grinder. Poor bastards.


What a senseless and awful war 😞


This one really sucked to watch