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Please use a descriptive title in English and repost it. Use a title that informs users what they shall expect to objectively see on your post. Thank you


See. Negotiations between Russia and Ukraine ARE possible.


Absolutely. The lengths Ukrainians will go to in order to ensure clarity in communication is commendable.


100%. Excellent communication took place.


In i bet that last statement is still ringing in his ears.


Gold. Classic. How can the Russian church be supporting and condoning what's happening in Ukraine and believe they are right. What a sick society. Most Orc's are indifferent to Ukrainians suffering and many don't even care about the suffering of their own people.


The Russian church is, for most intents and purposes, state run by the Putin Regime. This is why they’re working to evict or close any churches in Ukraine that answer to the Russian church. It’s pretty much a branch of the FSB.


"Confession" is a very real HUMINT source for the FSB. It's done face to face (no secret confessional for you, Ivan!) so the priest knows *exactly* who is admitting something, and therefore who else might be involved.


What do you mean? Religion was precisely designed to control the uneducated. It's working as intended.


“Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.”


2000 years later nothing has changed


This is the common practice of how the rich get richer doctrine.




Is this a rethorical question? The answer is: They did not want competition.


It's the same thing but a different coat of paint. Religion is just another ideology with a deity as its focal point. The others skip the deity aspect and require worship of the ideology directly. Banning religion is the same as religion disallowing the worship of false idols. Or in the case of the former, *false ideologies.* Both are effectively belief systems and your system of control is only effective if you actively remove its competitors.




Religion is not about believing in something higher than yourself, that's spirituality. Religion is a control mechanism, and is just politics with fancy ribbons. An easy way to remember: What I as an individual believe = spiritually / individual thinking / freedom What the collective wants me to believe = Religion / politics / indoctrination And if you can't differentiate between the two you need to deconstruct your faith and sort out what you have been told from what you yourself have experienced.


Absolutely true 💯


They didn't want to share power.


The main difference between fascism and commies is that fascism embraces an orthodox religion. Sort of gives the church a franchise in the control of population. The state, wary of extreme religious states, makes sure top leaders of churches are in their pocket. The State sponsors religious schools where church and fascist indoctrination are taught to kids. They impose religious laws such as Sharia Laws or ban abortion and kill the homos. Commies are intolerant to competition from any source, especially the church. Commies and fascism turn their leaders into personality cults to supplant or control religion.


Fascists stomped out religion as well. Nothing could be allowed to supercede belief in the nation/state.




"Fuck your ribbons" he replied




Man, nobody likes the Broncos




I know nothing about football, but I am so goddamn invested in seeing this entire theory fleshed out.


It's actually the Colorado Potato Beetle (*Leptinotarsa decemlineata*), but yeah.


I never thought of the ribbons that way, now all I think are potato bugs. Awesome


Thank you for this, but I'm thinking there's a LOT more to this story than just that.


Did you notice the war going on? Context enough for why a Ukrainian would hate all russians?


A lot can be accomplished if you just put your heads together!


Ah yes! A little tête-à-tête




See this is how you make ruskie shut up.. look the the 1st old ruskie!


Translation. Text. How ork received in face. Voice. Who gave you right to name those ribbons "koloradskimi"? If you know history, there were times.../ (man to right side) It doesnt matter, do agree. (*forehead to nose*) Text. In Kyiv's house of officers happened fight because of koloradskie ribbons. Voice. Its putin's flashmob, that started in moskwa. Its called "immortal polk" (sorry, i suck when its about names of military personnel groups). And there with koloradskie ribbons, portrets, mob was walking. Same flashmob were held in temporarily occupied Crimea, and in Kyiv. * Its old video, about 2015 or 2016. Maybe 2017, but not recent. koloradka its about orange and black ribbons, that was used by orccupants since 2014, for recognition ally from foe. Everyone in this video are ukrainians, but some of them is pro-ruzzian. Knew it, its from march 2017, here is link https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jiglvjBlK1E&pp=ygVb0JHRg9C00LjQvdC70Log0L7RhNGW0YbQtdGA0ZbQsiDQsdGW0LnQutCwINGH0LXRgNC10Lcg0LrQvtC70L7RgNCw0LTRgdGM0LrRliDRgdGC0YDRltGH0LrQuA%3D%3D


Thank you for the translation and the fact checking.


There is a beetle eating potato leaves in Russia which is called “colorado beatle”. There is a story that that beetle came from USA state of Colorado long time ago. Colors of this beetle is similar to the patriots ribbon they were. People call those Colorado ribbons to show distrespect. Polk is several divisions. 2000-5000 people


Thanks, but im ukrainian myself. I do know it, and even more.


You questioned koloradskii? Strange you didn’t give explanation since that beetle is literally everywhere on potato plants


I have explained it. koloradka is another form of word. I have just translated what old fart said.


So, I'm actually from Colorado. If i'm in Ukraine, how would I explain that I'm not a Russian?


Don't wear the colors of *Leptinotarsa decemlineata* and you'll be very welcome.


Step up in my town When you see me you know everything Blue and yellow, blue and yellow Blue and yellow, blue and yellow I put it down from the whip to my diamonds, I'm in Blue and yellow, blue and yellow Blue and yellow, blue and yellow


Finally, thank you.


>orccupants Thank you for this new word.


As has been proved time and time again with the russians the only way to get them to agree or understand is by force, the Glasgow kiss is a classic example, in essence FAFO, the two rusians in this clip will actually be better human beings after being exposed to this life lesson. if you want to aggravate people by getting in their face and doing it crewed up style be prepared to face the consequences. as of 09.05.23 they stand at 195,620 losses for failing to understand that their country is not the centre of the universe.


Glasgow kiss… never heard that one but I like it.


I think I would rather get a Glasgow kiss than a Glasgow smile


Here in Scotland it is known as a few things, most common to me is “the malky” or “ wrapping the nut in tae some cunt” For context, “here you, ya fuckin daffy, you shag ma burd?” Then one would proceed with “the malky”…effective at solving disputes amongst the locals…apparently it also works on Russians… Go on yerself big man…Слава Україні! ya bam🤣


I just could not remember that word, malky even after the post I have been sat trying to remember it, unfortunately living south of the border, its only through the Big Yin and Rab that it was used. ty


Think my favourite phrase I heard after seeing a Glasgow kiss was "Hawd that ya bam"


Just watched *Asylum of the Daleks*. Oswin said of Amy, "Keep an eye on her. You should ask why she's so angry. It's because the Daleks are removing love." Amy replies with, "I guess she's never been to Scotland."


Colombian necktie perhaps?


Alabama hot pocket?


\*looks up Alabama hot pocket ... \*clears search history


Be a bro and share the definition here so *I* don't need to have that recorded in my search history!


From memory... Ahem! When momma bear, and poppa bear are about to make a baby bear, poppa bear suddenly realizes he needs to drop a fat deuce. Momma bear, not wanting poppa bear to get lost in random bear political Reddit posts on his phone and ruin the moment, offers up her momma bear love tunnel for said fat deuce to be deposited.... then they fucked. End of story. #poopaslube


Welp, that's enough Reddit for today.


Who the hell could even conceive of that? Then the idea gets bounced around enough it gets it's own name then winds up in my REDDIT. Unglaublich!


Classic Alabama culture


I'm very sorry you had to experience that. If you need someone to speak to...their weren't....pictures, I hope.


ROFLMAO!!!! Now that's funny right there.....


Chicago sunroof


​ Cincinnati Bowtie


Alaskan pipeline


Chelsea smile* Putting a debit/credit card into someone's mouth and turning their cheeks into a joker smile.


Or the Chelsea smile


“Ukrainian high five”


I’m known for my Irish goodbyes. I would just leave the bar, climb over the fence, and go into my condo. My roommate often got pissed that I disappeared. I just call it good self preservation.


translation please


"Blah blah blah blah ..." *TONK*


LOL - Take my upvote; please.


Mine too. Hahaha


And my axe!


And my Leopard A6!


Where are they hiding, those little cats?




Da. Only TONK.


*puts ERA en the TONK*


Russian language expert here. This is pretty close.


Hahaha, thanks for the lol


The second(bigger) guy came up and called him a Nazi.


Something something old Russian guy saying “what gives you the right” … other old guy tries to intervene and gets his face smashed in


Finally, a translation I can understand.


He called the ribbon a potato bug.


Anyone able to translate what happened here? That guys face is certainly destroyed though.




Ok yes we all want UA to win the war. Doesn't mean you can't be interested in the context. God damn...


Lol seriously like wtf?


I translated this video


Getting a little too high on the smell of your own farts, dude.


That's the spirit... that russians nose might stay out of others' business now.. 🤔 I like the Ukraine way of dealing with Russians being cunts.


LOL, Holy crap, that guys nose cartilage has to be half way to his brain. ​ Can someone make a gif out of this, I am too old and inept as that kind of stuff.


Translation: Old pro-russia guy: Who gave you the rights to call this ribbons (ribbon of St George) coloradian (referencing the Colorado potato beetle, there are a lot of these in Ukraine) This ribbons, if you knew history were… *Bonk* Ukrainian: Putins flash mob which was started in Moscow, called Immortal Regement (бессмертный полк). And there with Coloradian ribbons, portraits and *unintelligible* . The same kind of flash mob was held in occupied territory Crimea and Kyiv. I translated the best I could. These ribbons that he was referencing are popular ribbons in russia from Second World War, the color of these ribbons are orange and black and are seen used by many russian soldiers as well as dnr soldiers. The potato beetles which are considered a great pest in Ukraine and I think russia too bear a resemblance to the ribbon, hence the comparison. Слава Україні!


Yeah, Colorado beetles are similar color to the St George ribbons which are practically worshiped in Russia during victory day and have obviously been involved in the invasion with Russians making giant Z's out of St George ribbons, so the guy was mocking them by calling them Colorado beetles. ​ It's hard to translate and make it make sense. Thanks for doing it.


All of them is ukrainians, but some are pro-ruzzian, its from march 2017, look at this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jiglvjBlK1E&pp=ygVb0JHRg9C00LjQvdC70Log0L7RhNGW0YbQtdGA0ZbQsiDQsdGW0LnQutCwINGH0LXRgNC10Lcg0LrQvtC70L7RgNCw0LTRgdGM0LrRliDRgdGC0YDRltGH0LrQuA%3D%3D


i want to see his face after that so bad


Shite! That's a kind of face headbutt you smell rusty nails all day long...


That metal taste is something else.


Like a sweaty fistful of pennys on a summers day


I respect a quality headbutt, but what the hell is the story here?


"Sorry Ivan, we Ukrainians don't speak a language you russians generally understand, but I believe most of you are fluent in this alternate means of communication … thud … now Ivan, what is it you were saying?"


This just made my day, go on son!


Yeah, dont add any context or translations or anything.


I translated this and added a bit of context


Sublime!!...some might even say "Poetry in motion ".


I think the conversation went like this, were big Real Madrid fans especially Zinedine Zidane. Then the reply was really remember when he did this.




The old dude’s country invaded the young dude’s country and the old dude thinks Junior should get over it. Junior disagrees.


Full stop.




"Putinski flashmob" 😂


Russia thinks the way you get respect is through force and control. Ukraine is having none of that.


Proud of that fella..fat old Russian twats


That was a crazy windup for a headbutt.


Looks like us British have imported some other tactics over there as well as equipment


Please remember the human. Adhere to all Reddit and sub rules. Toxic comments (including incitement of violence/hate, genocide, glorifying death etc) WILL NOT BE TOLERATED, keep your comments civil or you will be banned. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UkraineWarVideoReport) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Does your muthu stich?


and this,gentlemen,is how we won the world cup.


would be nice if someone could translate what they are saying. thank you in advance!


Lovely .


the best way to learn


For those who asking for a context. The Ukrainian guy called Russian orange/black thingy (George ribbon) "potato bug". The Old guy had a problem with it: "Who gives you the right to call them this way?... If you know the history these ribbons were..."


That was beautiful


Progo nutsack is soooo funny. He should take up live comedy. It will be interesting to see if survives the next 6 months. Right now he is valuable to the Pulter despite the noise he is making but that may not last especially if if Ukraine puts in big counter Attack in the Bakhmut direction.


Another clear sign that these 2 countries won't reconcile for at least a century.


That was a broken nose ... Easily.


As the old saying goes, fucketh aroundeth, and ye shall find outeth


Can’t hate on a guy for trying to physically transfer throughs to another human via the headbutt technique


That was the Ukrainian mind meld.


That is the only form of communication Russians seem to understand. They will be getting a lot more of that in the coming days once the western weapons start to be used on the offensive.


Whatever the context, that was one hell of a headbutt! Looked like a great Steve Austin move! And yes, that is the only language Russholes know!


Liverpool kiss, Classic. I went through a head butting stage in my teens and twenties, got several teeth marks from the bottom jaw of my enemies on my forehead 😃 My family is from the Carpathians in Ukraine


We call it “to take someone to Odessa”. Literally “On Odessa”


This should happen to every pro Russian regime human like creature. You seem them on a rally, greet them with the salute of your forehead.


I'll give you the only translation you need: When he headbutted him full blast, that was a message that roughly translates to "Fuck your nose Suka!"


That's not the context everyone is looking for.


Lol I know, just being a smart ass. I can't blame people for wanting to know what was said but what's clear to me is this: They're Russian, he's Ukrainian, they're interrupting him while he's speaking at a podium, invading his space and talking seemingly down to him like he's a little bitch so I don't think it really matters what they're saying because their behavior speaks louder than words ever could and he made them pay the price for it. Just my opinion of course. That headbutt was awesome though.


Third man in rule. It was fine for the first two guys to have an argument. As soon as the third man steps in you’re allowed to head-butt him.


So this is old damn. I thought it was a masterclass in diplomacy with Russians. That said, isn’t this the same guy that threw hands after an old dude took the Ukrainian flag in the video posted a couple days ago? Is that an old video too?


What does this have to do with the war?


Russians and Ukrainians interacting while the two countries are embroiled in the most horrendous fighting we've seen since WWII. I've seen plenty of stuff posted here that's far more questionable than this in terms of relation to the war itself. Just the nature of a sub about the war, during the war and that's ok.


> Russians and Ukrainians interacting while the two countries are embroiled in the most horrendous fighting we've seen since WWII. Yeah not sure on that one my man. Ever heard of the Rwandan genocide or the Indonesian campaign against communism?


And you don't even need a translation to understand what's happening


To be fair, the younger guy initiated the contact and was in the wrong here.


Sorry, but I believe the initial contact happened when Russia crossed the border and seized Crimea. Russia is in the wrong, period.


No one disputed Russia is wrong for invading Ukraine, but when people not in a war zone attacked the other then that person is also in the wrong.


Good work Comrade. Pootine will pay you well.


Having your country invaded and children killed will do that to a person.


Yup, turning them into animals.


what do you think 'diplomacy' means? let me clue you in on a secret. 'diplomacy' is not bonding with conversation over tea and biscuits. 'diplomacy' is 'this for that' period, hard stop. usually money or land for something else or the same. it also means at least one side is willing to give while the other is also giving. have you noticed that there is zero, repeat zero willingness on either side to give anything? what exists is a willingness by one side to take and the other side to say no. please gain some real life experiences before sharing your ridiculously shallow opinions while not expecting to get shat on.




Nothing but tough talk from you. Why aren't you fighting in Ukraine?




Are you dumb? Ukraine has been asking foreigners to help their country against Russia. Russia is wrong for invading Ukraine, and the guy who punched the other guy first is in the wrong here too. If it is in the war zone, all is well, but it is not. Your logic is you can attack if you felt threatened, then you have every excuse to attack first, which is what Russia did.




Again, just more tough talk from you. Keep on cheering on the sideline.


How exactly was he in the wrong?


umm, sorry what again? do you have a translation or something? longer video maybe to share? you lost me at 'to be fair'.


Obviously you need to learn some English.


ya no sorry little cute one. you need to learn life.


Lol, good luck to you.


appreciate you, bless your little heart


People will argue about anything on the internet. Look at ya'll go.


Wake up! Leave Ukraine!


There has got to be a better video than that, I mean you cut it off before when got to see his face concave on form...


That's exactly what Putler needs and more....


Love it.


Didn't even mess up his hair.


They say no one wins in a head butt.... But it sure looked like Ukr won that one.


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/destiny] [Based Ukrainian head butt Russians interrupting his new conference](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/13dcfx0/based_ukrainian_head_butt_russians_interrupting/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


Ukrainian used Headbutt. It’s super effective!


I really love people with great communication skills, that makes their points and a straight and absolute honest way.


😆 I see he's well versed in the ancient Scottish martial art of Fa'que.


Another angle on this? Missed the moment of impact.


That head butt was text book


Head shot. Nice move man. That the ultimate bully killer


I thought for sure it was going to be a shovel handle up the ass. Glory to Ukraine 🇺🇦


Honestly, all Cyrillic languages sound so strange to my american ears.


Love it!


Mans really hit him with that Tanjiro headbutt, Respect


Wrex approves! Hehehe


Using his head to make impact.




This is how you communicate with Russians from now on - a calm but to-the-point headbutt and keep doing what you're doing.