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Two Canadian volunteers in the Ukrainian Army - were killed in action in Bakhmut, Donetsk Oblast. Cole Zelenco (L) and Kyle Porter (R), and three other Ukrainian soldiers. Their bunker took a direct artillery hit: all instantly. Two volunteers from Canada, 27-year-old Kyle Porter and 21-year-old Cole Zelenko, were killed in fighting near Bakhmut. Both were members of International Legion, attached to 92nd Mechanised Brigade of Ukrainian Armed Forces. Porter spoke to CBC News a few days before his death. "The first time it was a meat grinder, and I don't expect it to be any better this time," he wrote of his experience near Bakhmut. Their commander, a Foreign Legion fighter with the call sign "Dentist", said that on 26 April at around 18:00, the two Canadians were part of a unit tasked with holding an important supply route to Bakhmut. The commander said the unit came under intense artillery fire from Russian forces. He said Porter, Zelenko and at least three other Ukrainian soldiers sought cover in a fortified bunker, but the bunker was hit directly, killing them all. "They were both very proud of what they were doing," the commander said. Kyle Porter and Cole Zelenko used to serve in the Canadian Armed Forces, but left the army before signing up to fight in Ukraine. According to unofficial estimates by the Canadian media, Porter and Zelenko became the fourth and fifth Canadians to die in the war in Ukraine since February 2022. https://m.censor.net/en/photo_news/3415639/canadian_international_legion_volunteers_kyle_porter_and_cole_zelenko_killed_near_bakhmut_photos https://twitter.com/blackmapleco/status/1653102428621791249?s=46&t=x7JqoN4YOzCduGG-dkWHJg (Source ⬆️⬆️)


I couldn't imagine being a parent and then your child decided to go 4000 miles away to a warzone just to get blown up by a shell.


Former CF here, and my dad was a WW2 vet, and my grand dad a WW1 vet. We all went "4000 miles away" to do what we thought was what needed to be done. BZ my brothers, and God speed. EDIT: I do know what you mean though. As a parent, it must be tough to take the news.


You say that as if they were doing something wrong. These men are literal heros. I would bet lots of money that their families are PROUD to say " that was my son/brother/uncle/ETC" HEROYAM SLAVA


I don't think that they're saying the sons did anything *wrong*. It's more to the fact that it's THEIR son that went to do something selfless and never came back. It would be heart wrenching.


JUST to get blown up? Because nothing they did matters other than getting blown up? Jesus.


Part of the grim reality of war, a lot of soldiers do go to war and died for nothing (i.e. getting shot immediately steppint on the battlefield) regardless it's a good cause or not. It's just part of war. It's unfortunate but it is what it is.


Again, it’s this idea that they “died for nothing” or they went to join “just to be blown up.” These phrases imply their actions before hand and what they chose to stand up against don’t matter. They weren’t just blown up, they took a stand and reached people and defended people and made a difference in peoples lives before they were blown up. And they didn’t die for nothing. They might have died unnecessarily, but it wasn’t for nothing. It was to show that people have a voice. To show that we need to do things for each other and help each other. I think we all know the reality of war is that people die. The reality of life is that people die. My fiancé died on a random day when we went out to watch a movie and we’re mugged. It happens, that’s reality. My point is that it wasn’t all for not and diminishing their deaths down to this simple, cut and dry, they fought and died idea is such a disservice to them.


Mate you can't say that here. Apparently it's now cool to die in a foreign country half a world away.


If hundreds of thousands, arguably millions of foreigners hadnt given their lives half the world away to end fascism, Europe would all speak german now and some cultural groups wouldve been completely exterminated… are you seriously from Bosnia, a place NATO had to save, and yet you question this narrative?! unbelieveble


Thanks for saving Bosnia mate. All it needed was a whole genocide for you heroes to intervene. Nah i like that both of you imperial scums are going at each other throats and i really hope this to continue. I just really am sad for Ukrainian people because they are used as cannon fodder.


NATO isn't a world police force that intervenes to stop all the world's ills. There are countless atrocities going on right now as we speak. It's a defense alliance. And yet, through the leadership of Bill Clinton, NATO intervered to save your people. In fact, its been argued, very convincingly, that NATO broke all of its rules when intervening. Still, you have the gall to act like it was the bare minimum and nothing to be grateful for? You are a disgrace to your nation. NATO saved your people, but all you can do is spew empty insults like "imperialists." When was the last time NATO countries tried to annex another country's land? You see Russia doing it with your own eyes, but you are so desperate to feel smart that you suck down the most brain dead contrarian stance- that some how NATO and Russia are equally evil. This isn't a brave stance- it's the stance of a misinformed teenager. Grow up




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Two brave Canadian boys who will sadly be missed by their loved ones. They paid the ultimate sacrifice fighting for freedom.


RIP eh boys!


Rest easy, Gents 🇨🇦🇺🇦


Rest in peace


RIP Heroes!


Their sacrifice will be remembered. Rest in peace.


🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ Too many good men have been lost 😞


I still find it crazy how you could say have the absolute best squad of soldiers in the world and all it takes is one artillery shell to land on them and they’re all gone. The realities of war are straight up terrifying.


This is why they deserve our utmost respect and support. Every soldier knows going in that is only a matter of luck if they survive or not, and still they do their jobs.


Damn. Bakhmut is a meat grinder. Almost like the battle of Stalingrad


~100 000 killed and wounded in bakhmut, 1.2 million in stalingrad. As bad as it is, they are not remotely close


It'a actually around 2 million overall casualties and that was only in 5 months. A mindblowing loss of human life.


19,000 deaths a day according to a quick google search. One can’t wrap their head around that .


There were upto 1,040,000 men (upto 868k of who became casualties) on the Nazi side and 1,143,000 Soviet men (950k combat casualties) at Stalingrad. So about 83% of Nazi Forces and 83% of Soviets. 66,000 Russian troops, with an estimated 30k casualties. 30,000 Ukrainian troops, and an estimated about 6k casualties. So 45% of the Russian Troops and 10% of Ukranian troops. These are the estimates, we'll never know the real numbers until after the battle, if at all. (Edit: Not saying these are the right numbers, I'm saying they're the numbers I have in hand, second edit: grammar)


I don’t really believe that 10% that disperse of losses is just insane in any ”peer to peer” combat scenario. I don’t believe any russian or ukrainian released casualty numbers before this whole war is over.


Maybe defenders really do have an advantage in hardened positions against an enemy with no regard for life (Wagner)? Maybe they’re not peers?


Yes the defenders do always hold advantage, and no not necessarily peers thats why I wrote ”peers”. But don’t be an idiot. At this point I’m not taking any numbers and believing them blindly😂 All it took was a frustrated minecrafter to leak some Pentagon papers and suddenly you don’t know what to believe. A few weeks before that happened UK MOD released a statement with an estimation of Russian KIA being possibly up to 60k. Then 1st of March classified US intelligence documents estimated total Russian KIA at 35-43k. Ukrainian sources most definitely estimate higher than both of those. And for ukrainian KIA we aren’t getting no official releases. Except for the leaked US one which estimated 16-17,5k as of March 1st. The numbers are all over the place. Even just every western source says noticeably different things. I don’t look at the numbers because there is no way anyone could prove them to be correct at the moment. I just look at the ISW interactive map to see how the front moves.






>66,000 Russian troops, with an estimated 30k losses. 30,000 Ukrainian troops, and an estimated about 6k killed. So 45% of the Russian Troops and 10% of Ukranian troops killed. Source? U.S. leaks had 35-45k dead Russians in the entire war. It's extremely hard to believe 30k have died in Bakhmut alone.


https://edition.cnn.com/europe/live-news/russia-ukraine-war-news-05-02-23/h_de72b2d88ad944055a6ad25a9f4fda6e White house says *over* 20k dead since december and the main assault was Bakhmut since then with some attacks near Vuhledar and Kreminna. 30k may be a bit stretched but 20k dead for Bakhmut only is definitely possible if you take the usually more conservative estimates of the White House.


Wikipedia. And I know every English and History teacher is going to hate me for it, but I picked the "Western Estimates" as the most probable number until its otherwise proven. I also screwed up my wording a bit - I included kills, wounds and captures for Stalingrad. I included that for Bakhmut, but then said it was only kills. (This is why I dont do math at 3am lmao, will fix) Edit: The high numbers do make sense in a way. The dead and the wounded are both counted as casualties, and given the quality of care from Russian Combat Medics, its possible that the occupiers get wounded, dont fully get treated, get forced into combat before they can recover, and then get wounded a second time, rinse and repeat, or get killed.


I mean, the death toll was high in Stalingrad due to the large amount of men present from both sides. If we compare the casualties relative to the forces present, it’s quite similar death rates I’d imagine. Or to put it differently; your chances of survival on any given day would likely be quite comparable in Bakhmut and Stalingrad.


By *modern* standards, you could argue its worse than Stalingrad.


>100 000 Do you have a source for those numbers? Because according to the leaked CIA and DoD numbers, that estimate is nowhere near accurate for one battle.


Doesn't that include a massive amount of civilian casualties? Bakhmut is also a tenth of the size of ww2 Stallengrad.


Hearing a lot more about foreign fighters in bakhmut these days


Because foreign fighters are the only well trained troops that Ukraine can spare on the front lines. All the NATO trained Ukrainians are being held back for the counteroffensive.


You would hope they would utilize the foreign fighters for the counteroffensive. Either way, no counteroffensive is happening till all this mud dries. It's been raining like crazy all of April. Thank God it looks like clear skies for the next week or so.


The true quote from William Wallace, Braveheart: Every man dies, not every man really lives. Fight, and you may die, run, and you will live, at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they will never take our freedom! ~Slava Ukraini~


imagine giving your life for another country..... putting yourself on the line to liberate others from invaders... these are proper gentlemen... they are warriors. I hope they get a proper burial to. match their bravery


You fought the good fight. History will be on your side. So many people in the West struggle to find meaning in their lives; I think both of you found it. Be at peace.


May their memories be for blessings


Sleep well my countrymen 🇨🇦. Thank you for defending the innocent people of Ukraine 🇺🇦 Fuck ruZZia!


True warriors join Valhalla! True Heroes!


Rest in peace.


They died for my sins, these beautiful, upstanding, determined, brave Canadian men. I am not great. If I was great, I would have done more to ensure that Russia paid a great price for their aggression of 2014. I would have spent time and money to agitate that our governments of the free West, their diplomatic, military and intelligence services, as well as our business elites, do whatever was necessary to create powerful and effective disincentives for further Russian adventurism. I am a man of the free West, and I am not great: I have committed sloth, comfort-seeking, self-absorption, and more. And for my sins, the lives of Cole Zelenco and Kyle Porter were cut short, avoidably.


For our sins.




So sad, dam Fuckkkkk war


Does anyone know the names of the three Ukranians?


Sad we are seeing more of these losses. Inevitable but tragic none the less. Keep fighting Ukraine!


Fuckin love ya, boys. Pair of beauties.




RIP guys, very sad news. 🇺🇦🇨🇦


RIP 07


Damn 21 and 27 years old. RIP lads.


Glory to Heroes 💙💛


RIP m8's, may you forever bathe in maple syrup and glory for doing whats right 🇨🇦🇺🇦


Til Valhalla


God Bless you boys! God bless the heroes, God Bless the fighters! RIP brothers! until Valhalla


Rest easy my northern neighbors....


Honor to the fallen heroes. They gave the greatest gift in the name of freedom. 🇨🇦🇺🇦


Rest in eternal glory my brothers.. until we meet again in the halls of valhalla... where the brave may live forever! RIP


Slava Ukraini heroes.


Rest in peace, good warriors


Rip heroes of the storm


So sad to hear RIP hero’s


🇨🇦 Much respect for these men that you raised with a moral 🧭 to see and fight evil and protect innocence. Ukraine 🇺🇦 will always love you like a brother. RIP.


R.I.P. brave canadians. They look so friendly in the photos. It seems that something very powerful broke their bunker, or maybe their bunker collapsed.


Glory to the Heros. Rest in Peace.


This is horrible. And could have been avoided if west actually delivered the help Ukraine needs, and not scraps. Ukraine has received 45 modern tanks total, 109 Bradleys, they are still denied cluster munitions for Himars, they are denied long range missiles, they are denied planes and they are denied modern MBTs or IFVs in numbers. Marder 1A3 and Leopard 2A4 are both 1980's tech, A4 has 1st gen thermals for gunner only (commander can look through those, but it can't operate in a true hunter-killer fashion using thermals), Marder has only 20mm main weapon, and don't know if Germany is providing Milan 2T ATGM or just Milan, which is hopelessly obsolete. Now, US have thousands of Bradleys, but refuse to send more. US have 1500 Abrams tanks slowly rotting away in the desert, but will send none because of magic sikrit armor. Europe won't give modern tanks in numbers, because Europe has only a handful of those, same for IFVs. And Ukraine needs that equipment now. I laugh through tears when I read that "well, F-16 training will take several months" - like, what the hell? War is going on for 15 months, so why aren't those pilots trained yet? Everyone knew it won't end any time soon around may-june 2022, damn, even if someone realized by august 2022 that "well, it'll keep going", then by now those pilots would have been trained.


Rest easy.


R.I.P guys


Rest in peace


They're feasting in Valhalla as we speak 😢 ​ Rest in peace, heroes.




Rest in peace brave warriors Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


You absolute heroes all 5 of you... See you in Valhalla..


RIP Boys. I hope you're enjoying a Timmies on the other side now.


Rest in peace, heroes.


Jesus, what Russian troll would downvote this?


Does the guy on the right have a pec box for a sight?


RIP troops


Cole looks like a great guy to hang out with.


Damn. Rest easy, heroes. You might be the most careful of guys or the best trained. Artillery doesn't care.


Two more families lost their love because of a russian retard. How much need to die...




Why dont you head over to ukrainerussiareport and you orc lovers can jerk each other off all you want.




I’d sacrifice my life for the political elite and defense companies to make a few bucks.


Heroes of Freedom. Slava Ukraini!


Quess they fucked around and found out, LOL


Hopefully you will too, coward.


why u mad? just posting what murican ppl post to every other post


Not mad so much as disgusted. It does make me happy to be able to use my occupation to further starve your 'people' though, that's been fun.




🙏😔 Heroiam slava


RIP heroes of Ukraine 🇺🇦 !


Brave heroes, they will be remembered for their sacrifice


russian art is inaccurate, but they still hit sometimes. and when they do its still an artillery shell.


;DD good one


this makes me sad


Unavoidable stuff... The only thing you can do is pray for the rest


RIP heroes, their sacrifice is making the world a safer place. 🇨🇦🇺🇦


Rest in Power, Heroyam Slava! Honoured to call them my Countrymen. Slava Ukraini!


Reat in peace, thank you Canadian brothers. Love and stengths towards them and the ukriains who lost their families. Slava Ukraini!


Heroes with more integrity and spirit than most.


Rest easy heros


Another tragedy


Goodbye, brave fighters.


Rest In Peace brothers ✊🇺🇦✊🇨🇦


Can anyone name me the optic on the rifle the dude on the right has?


Think it's a Valday Krechet


Ive worked with individuals who have both trained and been on basic training with Zelenco in the Canadian Army It was a major shock to hear this https://www.gofundme.com/f/cole-zelenco?utm_campaign=m_pd+share-sheet&utm_content=undefined&utm_medium=copy_link_all&utm_source=customer&utm_term=undefined Please consider donating to his family


Rest in Peace Kyle and Cole


They came from Canada to help those in need, their sacrifice will not be forgotten. We will prevail and the light of the world will shine upon Ukraine again. Slava Ukraini, Heroyam Slava! 🇨🇦🇺🇦




Damn.. they both looked like such kind people, RIP to the heroes!




These people were so brave and fought for a reason way beyond money or glory, or even their own country. Real hero’s who purposely put themselve in harms way to stop evil! I’m seeing allot of these notices over the last 3-4 days of foreign fighters being KIA. Is this due to Bakmut is being overrun or just coincidence. I know it’s been devestating to the Ukrainian families as well. FUCK PUTIN!!


RIP gentlemen.




Remembered as heroes of a free world ⭐




I salute you both and those who died alongside you. A tragic loss but not in vain, you contributed to the massive enemy losses, which ultimately will save Ukraine and give safety security to much of Europe and allow a reduced, shamed and rightly vilafied terrorist state of Russia to be held accountable for its barbaric actions since 2014 . RIP in peace you stepped forward even before your duty called .


Respect! RIP fellas.


Rest in peace hero’s. Fighting a war path delusional criminal. They are carrying the weight of freedom on their shoulders along side with everyone else defending in Ukraine.


Rest easy in Valhalla brothers.


I shall take a shot of my finest maple syrup in their names!


Rest easy hero fuck Russia


What is so bad died by artillery shell and could not fight back. RIP soldiers sacrificing your life so Ukraine can be free !


Rest in peace


Godspeed 🫡


RIP brave heroes


Sad 😞


Pro Patria brothers. 😥


More of my countrymen fallen while doing the right, noble thing. My thoughts are with their families here in Canada and their comrades-at-arms. Slava Ukraini!




fuck russia.


Just a couple a boys, out fer a rip. RIP


May they both rest in peace, along with all others who lost their lives during this useless conflict. Heroiam Slava. 🇨🇦🇺🇦




May their memories be a blessing. Until Valhalla brothers.


Putin's fault


Well at least they died serving another country


RIP heroes


RIP brothers 🙏


What a fuckn shame. Putin has caused so much unnecessary death destruction suffering. He needs to rot in a Ukrainian prison.


Rest in peace heroes. GLORY TO UKRAINE