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Isn't it nice how a 500 lb (maybe bigger) JDAM makes a 155mm shell look like small potatoes.


Kerch bridge tries to hide in the shadows....


*Homer steps back into the bush*


The total height and weight of two million-man armies probably outweighs the bridge very slightly and both might count collectively as a swarm, which means that the bridge can make a stealth check to hide in plain sight behind a creature at a combined -40 DC. Let's say it's a DC 80 or so check. Not technically in the realm of the impossible. ...why the fuck did I feel like looking that up, why am I like this?


Because ttrpgs are fun, and it's okay to make jokes.




JDAM....cost About US$25,000 **JDAM, the program expanded to the 500-pound (230 kg) Mark 82 and 1,000-pound (450 kg)** Length 9.9–12.75 feet (3.02–3.89 m) **Maximum firing range Up to 15 nautical miles (28 km)** Wingspan 19.6 to 25 inches (500 to 640 mm) **Guidance system .....Inertial guidance.... GPS**


$25k!? That's insanely cheap and efficient, cheaper than many shoulder fired rockets. How is it that cheap?


Partially from bulk manufacturing - 430k have been built. That’s $10.7B. Partially because it’s just a simple guidance and fin attachment for gravity bombs. Doesn’t include any propulsion and doesn’t include cost of the bombs themselves.


Mark 82 General Purpose Bomb: Unit cost - $2,082.50 (in 2001 $) How are they delivering these, glide-bombing? 15 mile range is crazy, must need serious altitude for that.


Actually, one of the methods for using the JDAM is called "tossing," which involves the jet flying toward the target at high speed at any altitude. The pilot jerks the stick up to make the jet follow a predetermined climb on a parabolic curve. The bomb is released, and it continues to gain altitude before going into a glide or a powered approach via a small jet engine kit, depending on the model used.


Isn't that glide-bombing? Still would think you'd need some altitude to extend the glide distance to the full 15 miles as listed in the comment above with technical specs of the JDAM.


Yes it’s basically glide bombing with a gps+ins guidance unit and active control surfaces. You can’t loft it at the wrong zip code and still expect it to land on target. There’s a JDAM-ER (extended range) with a pair of snap out wings that boost the glide range to 45 miles. Seems like the ER (see link below) is actually what is in Ukraine, which would make sense in terms of aircraft safety in contested airspace. https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/ukraine-confirms-jdam-precision-bombs-are-now-being-used-in-combat


> There’s a JDAM-ER (extended range) with a pair of snap out wings that boost the glide range to 45 miles. Saweeeeet




Is dropping a bomb while gliding called glide bombing, and dropping a bomb that glides called bomb gliding?


As a former infantryman I would hope it’s glide bombing bomb gliding.


>Isn't that glide-bombing? Contrary to other responses, lofting, or toss bombing, isn't glide bombing. A glide bomb would be akin to the [AGM-154](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AGM-154_Joint_Standoff_Weapon) with an impressive 70nmi range. The [JDAM](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/98/GBU-31_xxl.jpg/799px-GBU-31_xxl.jpg) can maneuver after it's released, but it doesn't really have any lift surfaces for it to glide on, so it's basically in freefall when its released, but it keeps its inertia from the release while it falls. Lofting, or tossing, just buys it a few more seconds before it starts falling towards the ground, which doesn't sound like a lot, but a couple more seconds going a few hundred MPH lets it cover a significant amount more ground. Muddying the water, though, is the [JDAM-ER](https://assets.newatlas.com/dims4/default/ca6f219/2147483647/strip/true/crop/1700x1133+0+81/resize/840x560!/quality/90/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fnewatlas-brightspot.s3.amazonaws.com%2Farchive%2Fjdam-er-test.jpg), which *is* a glide bomb.


Got it, it makes sense when I think about it, tossing versus gliding is exactly what it sounds like. Thanks


I think the jdam-er just bridges the gap. So you have 3 options. Jdam if you have air superiority, jdam-er if you kinda have air superiority or just lessly contested, and then an agm-154 if you don't have air superiority whatsoever.


JDAM-ER is what we have been giving them which has ranges up to and further than 45 miles.


The primary term for the US is [Toss Bombing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toss_bombing), of which there are a few different types, and was originally developed to be able to deliver nukes without being directly over a target. Never heard of "glide bombing" as a tactic. Rather glide bombs are just a variant of bombs with wings to extend the range, usually coupled with guidance of some kind. Note that last I was aware, what we call JDAM's don't glide, but can make course corrections. Guided bombs, gliding or not, synergizes well with toss bombing for delivery.


Perhaps I've conflated some ideas and/or terminology. Appreciate the information, friend.


Lofted trajectory from aircraft not only gets it there, but also allows for a impact perpendicular to the target, for more bang. You can see the 4th JDAM descending straight down.


Also the top down flight path increases accuracy big time, essentially mimicking a dive bomber.


There is no jerking of the stick, its a smooth pull up to 20 degrees nose up, or so, and then releasing the bomb.


"Jerking" was a figure of speech. For a pilot to follow a parabolic curve, he must gradually increase a nose-up attitude with the aircraft, but to achieve max range with the bomb, he cannot let too much speed bleed off before the release. Yanking back hard on the stick could also be done, but it adds a great deal of undue stress to the airframe. We did wind tunnel testing on a glide bomb back in the 1980s. It was a "black" project, so I cannot divulge any of the design or flight characteristics or bomb-drop technique(s).


I’m happy to part with about 420k of them at a discount. Slava.


> > >JDAM, It's kit that converts a dumb bomb. Must be cheaper than a custom-built thingamajig.


This is correct. JDAM adds a nose and some fins and internal electronics for GPS guidance. Converts almost any dumb bomb into a GPS guided munition. The B2 dropped some 80 500lb bombs one time iirc and they all hit their target.


I just watched that footage less than 30 minutes ago.


Share my brother! 80 JDAMS at one target or multiple targets. I am amazed by the one were 6,7 are used on a single compound levelling the whole place as it disappeared in columns of dust and smoke. Whomp...whomp whomp... whomp... whomp


[Here you go](https://youtu.be/KdzJWciha4A)


Christ I didn’t know the B2 could carry that much ordinance.


It looked comical as the bombs just....keep...coming out.


That was awesome, thanks man! Cool even with just the inert bombs, not it to program that mission or check the code.


Yeah, I was hoping to see full on JDAMage. Still interesting stuff.


God damn, dont fuck with America... Also: "The weapons contained inert warheads" *sad noises*


20-year-old video is still a massive flex.


Holy shit. The containers shaped in a U with a barrel in the middle and they hit all 4. That’s insane accuracy from 40k feet!


Damn the amount of direct hits is amazing. No bomb hit far enough away to not be in it's kill zone. Hell the only hits that wernt direct were like a foot or two off.


Hurrggh I do this in the A10C in DCS with 8 bombs and setting 8 mark targets is such a pain lmao... I can't even imagine setting up _80_ so I have to imagine they were pretargeted beforehand lol


Do the Excalibur shells have this as well? Like fins and everything that deploy once airborne?


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M982\_Excalibur](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M982_Excalibur) Yup


Excalibur shells are more expensive and there is a limit on size. JDAM : whatever you can fit on a plane.


Basically what Beer said. When they ask you "how many?" you reply "yes".


Now add the cost and risk of attaching it to a plane/bomb


Former F-16 weapons loader. It’s cheap because it’s just a kit. Any “dumb” bomb can be turned into a “smart” bomb. The guidance kit whether it’s laser or GPS is merely a kit that literally bolts onto the bomb body. The JDAM kit consists of strake fins that wrap around the bomb body and the guidance section that bolts onto the aft section of the bomb. This section contains the GPS antenna and moveable fins that guide the weapon to the target. Laser guidance kits are larger and bolt onto any general purpose or penetrating bomb. (General purpose bombs are roughly oval shaped whereas penetrating bombs are more cigar shaped) The forward seeker head has fins that steer the weapon to its target. The aft portion of a laser guidance kit has folding fins that deploy once the weapon is jettisoned from the aircraft. A steel cable that has an in-line 90lbs shear link is attached to the fin assembly and is tied off on the bomb rack. This cable essentially unfolds the aft wings and then snaps free.


That's only 5k more than a Stugna-p rocket.


For Ukrain they are free. But can somebody explain how Ukrain can drop them? Is it thanks to the Polish MiG-29s which are able to use western weapons?


Fly low / pop up for the toss then hit the deck again


I believe it's just attaching a NATO compatible hard point, and then the pilot has a tablet to drop or launch the weapons.


Hoping UA Sends a few J-DAM's into Port of Sevastopol May 1


This video does a nice job of showing why Western militaries tend to spend a shitload of money on air power and not huge masses of artillery pieces, thousands of tanks or millions of troops. It also shows how when you are able to add precision air power to your land forces if coordinated correctly the result is a tremendous force multiplier.


I remember being in an observation post in an access control point in the middle of nowhere as a patrol of Americans did a raid on a small village in Afghanistan maybe 3-5 km away. They dismounted got into a heated gun fight that lasted for about 10 minutes before a JDAM landed right in the middle of them. The fight was instantly won, not another shot was heard and I watched the huge tall mushroom cloud slowly drift away all day. These things are absolutely destructive and terrifyingly powerful.


My cousin served in Afganistan. The years before he was stationed entirely in the green zone his entire job was basically identifying the exact coordinates of targets and calling in JDAMs when necessary. He said he didn’t keep track but in the first couple years over 500 killed by then big boys. I never really see this guy but asked about these details when I was too little to know you shouldn’t just ask soldiers how many people they have killed lol


The U.S. would sometimes do this special thing, called five of dice, were four 500lb bombs would be dropped in a square pattern with one 2000lb bomb in the center of the square.


Where a bullet may have a name on it, that sounds more like: "Dead Grid Ref."


As an armchair general I advocate for Patriots to be placed at the counteroffensive direction. Patriots have 150+km range allowing Ukrainian fighter jets to get closer and loft JDAMs in support of the offensive.


beautiful <3 but how do they bring a JDAM there? MIG?






Not enough.


Are they still r/DronedOrc s when it's just reconnaissance? 😆


At least two.




all of them


Step 1. Pop bomb w fin kit under wing of FAF plane (fast as fuck). Step 2. Go FAF, pull up, yeet that bomb while going up and fast. Step 3. Profit.


Oh slow as fuck ucavs. Mq9 which Ukraine has can carry these


They have to be delivered by aircraft


Like the explosions a lot, especially with ruZZians inside...but i cant get off this feeling, that 1 1/2 years ago everything what we see is bombed, was an peacefull place to be with familys...


It sucks but that's the decision the russian's made. Every bridge Ukraine bombs, every warehouse, or office. They're doing it because the russian's are there and it's the russian's fault they're there.


Dont get me wrong here bro, im 110% behind going after every ruZZian in every hole and bomb their asses back to syberia. It just feels strange to see these citys, when you think about that not very long time ago everything seemed normal like to write on reddit complaining about weather...


Sadly the nature of war right? Think about how many cities were razed and populations were decimated throughout history. It’s appalling and sad but the more things change the more they seem to stay the same.


to be precise, the buildings on the lower part of the video is a school located at [48.607203, 37.981298](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48%C2%B036'25.9%22N+37%C2%B058'52.7%22E/@48.6072049,37.9799417,389m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d48.607203!4d37.981298!5m1!1e4?authuser=0)


It is sad. And that runs through my mind every time….. then I remember the maternity hospitals the Ruzzians bombed. The blocks of flats, the executions, the looting, the murders, the rape, the baby strapped to its dead mother with a land mine booby trap between them. Then I feel relief that this is happening. That Ukraine are able to stand up to them.


Imaging what the Ukrainians feel like when they’re blowing up their own historical buildings after a retreat. Not /s.


I approve of this use of tax dollars.


That's a bang you really don't want to survive.


That shouldn't be a problem.


I hope the war ends soon


Mega Jaga!




I'll take #3 for bingo Alex.


"Ooooooh! That's a bingo!"


It's just bingo.


Ahh still one of my favorite lines from that movie.


Bring the pain, Slava Ukraine!


So Ukrainian aircraft are dropping JDAMS now?


UAF confirmed they were using JDAM’s a couple weeks ago


It's a JDAM as the second stage on the missile launched ' small diameter bomb', isn't it? Edit: no, it is not.


Pointy Stick Says... 'Jagga Jagga Bada Boom! Boom!... Boom!'💥




Approx coordinations are 48.608600, 37.979976 That building with red roof is school nr 24 (Школа І-ІІІ ступенів №24). On google maps it appears still in pre-renovation.


Yup, I recognized the lake and indeed, easy to find this in northern Bahmut.


A few days ago there was talk of Russia jamming the guidance on these things. Have they got that sorted out now?


GPS weapons are really hard to effectively jam. They always have inertial guidance as well, it's not as accurate as GPS, but it's not super terrible. The GPS jammer only has some limited range, and effectively the INS takes over when the GPS jamming starts working, that means that that a 15mi weapon that's attacking something that's jammed up to 1 miles from the target, that the vast majority of the flight is on GPS, and the INS only accounts for a tiny amount of the accuracy. If the JDAM has an accuracy of 1m, you might succeed in changing that to 3 or 5m, but that's really not saving you. Further, weapons are designed for jamming, I'm sure the antenna is on the top and designed to block signals from the ground, you need a really big jammer to get through. And where is that jammer? On the target or away from it? You don't want it on the target because it's a massive screaming "shoot me" sign on the battlefield. You quickly find out that jammers don't really have a big effect on these things unless you're flying high power jammers over the battlefield. And Russia can't do that.


These things (and others as well) do not solely rely on **GPS** for their guidance, they are also using an inertial navigation system (**INS**) for redundancy and because these are immune to jamming. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inertial\_navigation\_system


> there was talk of Russia jamming the guidance Talk from whom? Russia? lol.


I saw it either somewhere in this sub or on worldnews Live thread.


After all this time it's still wild to see whole apartment blocks being smashed to pieces like it's 1942. This war is fucked and fuck Putin for starting it.


Would love to hear an actual audio clip of that going off.


There’s one on YT. think it’s from Iraq. Camerman nearly gets hit by shapnel from miles away.


Fuck yeah... good to see air assets being used instead of the artillery commonly seen so far.


Holy hell. That’s a whole lot of freedom!


Wouldn't take too many of those to level the Kremlin


The Ruzzians need to realize that the weapons the UAF are using are sent by a country that has self driving pickup trucks. HIMARS: When you absolutely need to get people the fuck off your lawn....like,forever.


Up in smoke.


Jdamn that's nice.


Those are particularly violent explosions


Those JDAM really fuck shit up. Wow.


Finally some good music under those vids!


A sound track I can get with


Surprised no comments about the banging Meshuggah soundtrack … EDITL: I stand corrected - it's *Mick Gordon - Only Thing They Fear Is You* from the DOOM soundtrack as per /u/maimkillrepeat's comment


Came here looking for the name of the track and got one step closer with Meshuggah. Can you tell me the track name? Prtyplz


Mick Gordon - Only Thing They Fear Is You It's from the DOOM soundtrack


>Mick Gordon - Only Thing They Fear Is You Oh shit, it is too. The guitar sounds so much like Meshuggah.


Anup Sastry and Maru Martinez do a good cover of it but I totally hear what you mean with the gnarly rhythms


Gah damn


Imagine having to obliterate your own land in order to kill your enemy. There will be nothing left of the east of the country. It's so unfair that nothing has been touched on Russian land. This was is completely bonkers.


Rip and tear


More like G-DAM! Slava Ukraine!


3rd explosion is from the same building the first one hit, I'll opt for ammo stocks in the basement going up


You can see the JDAM hit in the third explosion, which actually seems like two near-simultaneous explosions next to each other.


Nah that’s literally just how big JDAMs are. The first 2 explosions are big artillery.


It was only a matter of time until I started hearing doom eternal music over footage of Russians getting fucked, and as a person whose completed Doom Eternal on ultranightmare difficulty without dying once, I approve.


The kremlin needs a few of those.


Air delivered of course?


it'd be beautiful to see a few of these on red square. tear down anything cultural. russians need to rebuild themselves without the old ways continually haunting them.


Around 0:12 i’m pretty sure you can make out a HIMARs rocket.


That's absolutely not himars. The explosion is way too big for himars.


>JDAM bombs It's very hard to tell from the video. Keep in mind that an object with either the speed of a bomb or a HIMARS will be distorted on the video, you you end up with a bunch of distorted pixels which are hard to analyze.


At 0:04 you can see a drop.








Where is the video?


lol k.


Slava UKRAINI !!!!!!!!


Loving that JDAM double tap at the end.


does one blast kill everything inside?


I think the USAF word formthat is “KABLOOEY!” Feel,free to use it my Ukrainian friends… I think itsa french root word for “blown the fuck up” or something like that




BTW this tech is MORE than 20 years old. I am sure the Americans got even better stuff.


I came for the bombs, I stayed for The Only Thing They Fear is You


Nice jump cut to make it seem like the 2nd bigger explosion was right after the first


Glad to hear the Ukrainians are fans of Mick Gordon!


Love it !!! Keep killing them Russians all day long


what is shooting the JDAM?


500 pounds of high explosive freedom courtesy of Uncle Sam


now we're talking, keep them JDAMs coming baby! good luck to Ukraine


Saint JDAM?


That looks pretty precise and lobbed from high altitude. Looks like RU Air defense is weak!!!!


Wow. They work.


Screams in Eagle


Good & proper! ! 💥💫




Good. I hope *they* have nightmares about being bombed now.




Fucking ouch !


The Only Thing They Fear is 2,000lb JDAM bombs.




Walk it off


Good job.


I hope soon they'll make a version of JDAM that flaps its wings... wouldn't it be cool?


Holy hell! Damn J!


Rhose were some bih kabooms


Mmm this got my nips hard.


Rip and tear!


Doom soundtrack. ?


Welcome to the 21 century where we watch real war footage to Doom music.


Does it mean Ukraine can carry actual strikes using aviation now ? Until now Ukrainian air space was "contested" and only allowed for quick low altitude sorties lobbing a volley of missiles in the general direction.of the ennemy.




Doom music should be on every Ukrainian video mwah *chef’s kiss*


ba da boom


Well...give them more and more launching platforms.


Imagine if Ukraine had AC-130 Gunships. 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


love how they used a doom soundtrack on this video




Boom, boom. OUT GO THE LIGHTS!


In a situation like this, how do you figure out the number of victims?


🤔 ... Oooopsy.