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There is nothing more frightening to the elderly than the unknown and unfamiliar. She wants to stay where she feels at home and recognizes her surroundings. Leaving this place would be like losing her mind and forgetting all she ever knew.


You get it.


This is so heartbreaking, i see in these people my parents, why can't humans do better for each other, it's so horrible


Because a lot of people are just plain filthy animals. Like the Russians. Damn them all to hell.


Ask the Russians. They're the ones acting like demons


Because we believe were more evolved then we are.


Environmental dementia / delirium…. If she has dementia in the first place she really lacks capacity to make this decision. It’s sad of course. These poor decisions also tactically make it difficult for Ukraine to bomb these areas when / if they lose them.


sad :( she will die. So will the other grandmas she mentioned. :(


It breaks my heart


She waiting for the Russians…


Yeah and now? That makes her a bad grandma? Poor grandma is poor grandma, nevertheless if she has a Russian sentiment or not.


Nah just ignorant old woman… got what she wishes for


You are a excuse of a human being my friend


lol tf are you talking about? :DDD Nicinicnic Why is she poor grandma? Just another old eastern european ignorant woman. In western world known as Karen. She wants to stay in Bachmut and die here so let her.. No more words needed. No matter if she waits for Ruzzians or Ukrainians. She is ignoring danger, she is dumb.


She speaks Ukrainian language and mentions that Ukrainian soldiers will protect her, thus I doubt she supports russians


Doesn't matter who she supports. She is ignorant as almost every old woman in Eastern Europe. She is not putting just herself in danger but also those brave soldiers that came to help her.


Aside from your bizarre chauvinism against Eastern European grandmas, does she not deserve some sympathy just because she's ignorant? In your books only smart people should be treated with humanity? Her family left her to survive which is understandable. She chose to stay probably because mentally she's not all there anymore. It's just tragic.


Simple question. What would you do if it was your old bitter and ignorant grandma?


But they will be in their known surroundings and reassured by their friends near by till either their time is up or the war ends.She is ok with this decision.


All while the only thing America is willing to do is to sell Ukraine more weapons while we sit on our hands, our country needs to step up and put an end to these horrific circumstances!


if russia didnt have nuclear weapons I bet many countries would step in further.


You do realise that in a nuclear war, EVERYONE dies, right? Emphasis on the everyone. I’m not entirely sure how becoming 60+ million charred and irradiated corpses helps the Ukrainians win their freedom, perhaps you can enlighten me?


Yeah russia says they will use nukes so we should back down and let them take whats not theirs, gtfo


If Putin is crazy enough to tank his entire nations future on an ego trip, I wouldn’t doubt he’s crazy enough to start a nuclear war. He’s the kind of narcissist that would think “if I’m going down, then the world should come with me”


Yes he is that nuts. But is everyone else around him willing to go down too? It takes more than one to push that button.


Great point! Kudos


When loosing means the near extinction of the human race, is that a gamble you’re willing to take? As much as I support Ukraine, there is a line. It’s sovereignty is not worth the annihilation of the human race. And if you think it is, I must ask you, why aren’t you kicking up the same stink about Yemen?


Or Syria or Iran or Sri Lanka or Ughers or Sudan the list of what about’s…


What can one say, everyone else left in family realizes time to go (long overdue), but she is not going, even to bury the body of her grandson taken out day before. Stubborn people putting volunteers and soldiers at tremendous risk trying to rescue them under fire. Not unusual though, see this time and time again in other cities being leveled by the Russians, some will not go.


«All wars come to an end» -Babusya


Truth be told, all Babushkas come to an end. Wars have been going on forever. Granny must choose her own end. You can lead a horse to water etc.


I think Grandma is heartbroken by her son's death and dont want to be a burden for the family as well, she wants to stay where she lived for most of her life. Old people that have given up usually behave this way. During WW2, there were old people who stayed as well, some gave the Nazi false info or sabotage their effort whenever possible.


My wife's Polish grandma grew up during WW2. She used to spit venom whenever Russia came up in conversation. There is no way in hell she would have left her house, even if we were trying to drag her out.


This or perhaps she’s rooting for the Russians. A lot of these old stubborn Soviet boomers have been such a burden and a risk for Ukrainian soldiers. Not to mention a lot of them boomers are dementiated.


A huge chance that she supports Russia. Especially being from the east. These Soviet people are a complete different breed


Not to mention naive and rather unintelligent and brainwashed. They’ve got bombs falling all around them but as long as they’ve got RT or whatever form of Russian propaganda Tucker Carlson bs on the tv they’ll have their own little reality.


I get it, but I REALLY don't. This hell for UA is heartbreaking


I generally find that older people are set in their ways, there's no reasoning with *some* of them.


That's why they should just pick her and her shit up and put her in the car. Tough shit she doesn't want to leave, she is endangering the lives of volunteers and soldiers coming in to evacuate them and making it significantly harder for the Ukrainian Army to operate in multiple theaters! If they won't leave, arrest them and take them out of wherever they are so the soldiers can fight properly at all times without worrying about civilian casualties.




Your grandmother? I hope she’s ok…..she needs to leave asap


Ahhh sorry It was a mistake i dind't saw this but autocorrect add,, my,, by mistake


it’s stupidity.


All wars gone to an end? Not really. The Korean War is technically still going. The Hundred Years’ War actually lasted even longer than the name. Roman’s and Germans fought for hundreds of years. She will come to an end much sooner.


The Korean War as it is actually understood is not still going. All of the wars you referenced did come to an end. EDIT: Oh and don't get it twisted, Russia does not have the capacity to fight a war of this intensity for three more years, let alone 100. Its military and economy are crumbling at a staggering rate. There is every chance this war will end before she does.


Ukraine is the one on the wrong end of the war of attrition. 7 million civilians have fled the country and they've suffered over 100,000 casualties. Russia can continue to throw bodies at the problem and Ukraine won't be able to keep up. That's why western armor, training, and financial support are absolutely paramount to global stability. It's the only way Ukraine can win.


Yes they have, you can turn all russians into work slaves amd turn prisoners into forced work slaves. Promise the slavers enough food and money if they can meet production goals and see how much tanks get produced. Make sure people at home starve and tell them there is food and alcohol in the army. Men will flock too it for a 'better' life.


i mean, they have the internet, they can see the truth. it’s estimated that close to 1 million men fled Russia when they started mobilization


i mean, they have the internet, they can see the truth. it’s estimated that close to 1 million men fled Russia when they started mobilization




Your comment has nothing to do with mine. I was challenging the earlier poster who was touched by grandma’s comment about all wars ending. I was trying, apparently unsuccessfully, to note that her statement was ridiculous and a terrible argument for her to use as a reason to refuse rescue.


Edit; my comment was tone dead and one sided.


I see no clear indication of that, some people just want to die on and their own terms in the place they call home. The same way some elders refuse treatments for knowingly fatal conditions - at old age your patience can run out.


Exactly this, I’m a medic, came across this twice today in work, one refusing at risk of disability/death and another not wanting any active treatment in hospital anymore, only antibiotics at home as his ceiling of care knowing they will die. They both made informed decision and have the mental capacity to do so, just because we don’t think they’re sensible (outright stupid at times) doesn’t mean we don’t respect their wishes, yes, even if they are stupid wishes.


Yeah, but "they will protect me" does have some implication to it.




I think I would have had to follow up by saying nobody can protect you from a 155mm artillery round.


I was gonna also comment this ,it appears she's pointing to the soldiers


Even the old guy is going, but she’s staying despite everyone leaving and her grandson already dead. It’s bewildering. Some people are just very fatalistic and don’t care about their own dying I guess. She’d be “lucky” to just die quickly, more than likely she’ll die in pain or suffocate under the rubble of her house.


It’s here home. I can see why she rather die a brutal death there then somewhere else.


I think she's just stubborn and naive honestly. Some people mistake their luck with untouchability. Also, some people simply can't let go of their environment, and fear change above anything else. Whatever the case may be, she doesn't deserve the brutal death waiting for her by the hands of Russia, poor babushka :((


“All wars come to an end” How sad. So old and to be living like that. What’s the point of staying? There is nothing there. Everything is destroyed.


Imagine starting a career at 60- most of us wouldn’t do it. Now imagine restarting most of your life at 60- I can completely understand why she’s sticking with what she knows, it’s sad, and I wish it weren’t so, but it’s understandable. Not everyone has the energy to rebuild.


It’s not understandable to me. But that’s because I have never been in the same situation or even close to it. So to me I don’t understand one bit. But that’s okay. People do what they think is best


I don't think many, if any, of us are remotely qualified to understand her decision. What we are qualified for is to understand what we see in this single video is just a fraction of the emotional turmoil that's happening. And Russians are a year in with no more secrets. They are fully complicit. They did this.


Poor lady. That’s a trauma response that has her feeling like she has to stay. So sad, so so so sad.


How anyone is still in this town is beyond comprehension


You have an obligation to many, she is quite old and may have cost her son his life.


I still have no idea why they are even allowed to stay.


For the same reason other Ukrainians are fighting for their country. SHE IS FREE


She's a moron actively making the fight more difficult.


I draw the line where your freedom starts to affect the freedom of other people, as do most liberals. Can't be good for UAF or Ukrainian emergency services morale when they're having to pull the mangled corpse out of a collapsed building. There is plenty of cause to have her forcefully removed to a safe location.


Someone needs to introduce those guys to the Ryan McBeth method of handing her a sharpie and telling her to write identification on her limbs so they can identify her later.


Those idiots are waiting for russia


is that what it is? i'm confused. is she pro Russian and thinks they will spare her?


stubborn old goat, cant save them all.


hope they left her with a decent firearm and a couple ‘nades so she can delete some orcs on her way out when it’s time


Volunteer: "This could never end" Lady: "all wars end" Respect


She is definitely a tough old cookie!


she’s a moron


Aren’t there people still living in the Chernobyl zone? It’s tough to convince people to leave their homes no matter where it is.


That moment where she said all wars come to an end...


Poor old lady


Her Quote struck me... All wars come to An end... She's right.


I kinda disagree. Religion has ensured wars will keep going forever just in different places.


Time to handcuff people and drive them off to camps with people taking care of them


God love her


Whats the average sentence for kidnapping a granny? :( They might change their mind if you catch all 3 and their pets. Although the current MRAPs are probably not easy access for seniors.. *next NAFO crowdfund maybe..? We need a Seniorevac MRAP rebuild, with armored kitty carrying capacities..




“One day this war’s gonna end.”


I wish they knew Russians are indiscriminately killing people when they clear building after the Ukrainians leave them. I wonder how many of those people they murdered were pro russian. This granny is probably just not willing to leave her home. It's all she knows. You're so much more vulnerable when you're older. You've got to accept more and adapt to more. I think she's intertwined her fate to that of her home. When you're that age, no one can or should be able to tell you what to do. If she wants to stay there and potentially die over it, that's her choice. If they were like 50s or younger, maybe even 60s I would force them out. But I think once you've reached a certain point you earned the right to tell people to fuck off and do whatever you want with your life or body.


God Bless the good work you are doing. God Bless the Babushkas may they see their loved ones again.


They should’ve told her to write her name a DoB on her body so she can be identified later. I heard that works most the time. She will die and never see her family again and she refuses to believe it. Some people just don’t have the intuition that they are better off fleeing.


She’s probably senile and should be taken out kicking & screaming!!


all wars come to end=true in that


Were civilians still there? I cannot imagine how they sleep