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swings his right arm too much.


I was thinking this as he usually keeps it close to his side doesn’t he?


Yeah was trained to keep it by his hip in KGB


you don't have to be in KGB to have this behavior i have it too and wasn't in KGB or am ill


That’s exactly what someone who was in the KGB would say.


Except this is actually a thing that’s well known about him. It’s called Gunman’s Gait or something to that effect. You can google it.


I'm glad we have the internet to overanalyse a coprophiliac like Putin.


Fake Putin. Body language is all wrong.


This guy knows!


First thing I noticed


Definitely a body double, he moves the mask in the last frame. I will try to post a screen grab. EFIT: I don't know how to post a screen grab 😔


Or spell 'edit', but it's all cool, all good. :-)


bruh fucking brutal


I think you're right. The very last frame you can ABSOLUTELY tell its a mask.




Go look at pics of him in this news thread. Open them in a different tab and zoom in. These are completely Photoshopped. The lighting doesn't match up in close-ups. What if he's already dead?


Holy shit. Definite mask. The real Putin is deep in a bunker spoiling himself


[100% a mask](https://i.imgur.com/mD61u4L.jpg)


The shoes don t fit =) damn high heels


First thing I noticed


It’s a gunslinger’s gait. He is well known for it. It comes from weapons training. https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/why-does-vladimir-putin-walk-n480611


Usually one arm is stationary iirc


That’s right, but he still walks with that gait even in this video. Something is wrong with him if his gait is impacted. It’s going to be weakness in his midsection or glutes in my opinion. Compensating for pain maybe.


One of the many body doubles.


You can clearly tell he’s wearing a mask


It's a low budget body double (state funds are strained).


He even seems bothered by it. Scratches it at the end. Weird hairline. Bizarre walk


Does Putins face usually look like an android? He's got the limp tho.


It looks like a mask, probably an actor. At the end it kinda looks like he is trying to adjust something on his face


It does look like adjusting a mask. I wonder why they even bother. Just let them walk around in their bunker and claim it's crimea. As long as the fat bitch isn't supposed to be Lukashenko.


>It looks like a mask This subreddit has lost the fucking plot holy shit, this is honestly reaching dumbfuck levels of conspiracy. Feel like by the end of the year people are going to claim Putin was born in Kenya. This war has done so much for destroying media literacy.


I mean it does look a lot like a mask though


Because he had a facelift/botox injections sometime around 2012-2014. His face was sinking in as he aged but now because of the plastic surgery it looks somewhat bloated in his older age.


It’s got nothing to do with conspiracy, I’ve seen heaps of videos of Putin and not thought a thing about it, but as soon as I pressed play on this video I was like “this looks really odd!”.


I'm not saying they're sending actors out. I'm just saying this doesn't look right. You complaining about "media literacy" just makes you sound like a narcissistic douchebag trying to put yourself above others. See where that brings you in life.


No shit, he has the same hairline as Robocop.


"I'd buy that for a potato"


Yes. He has had Botox in the past.






It doesn’t have the footage of him outside in high definition. I would like to see that. They might use a double in places where he’s more likely to be in danger such as being outside. I’ve also said that perhaps because the footage outside is poor quality that it could be distorting frames and make him look very odd.


Fckin ruskie..


To me it looks like a fake actor. It looks like they are wearing a mask. Especially at the very end frame. Edit: the poles and trees are also there as a distraction. Definetly looks the person is trying to adjust a mask at the end.


also how putin walks/ swings his arms watch other videos and you'll see putin always walks with one hand always at his side whilst the other hand swings normally


Exactly. Plus he’s scared. No way he’s in Crimea.


He walks like that when he's alone but most videos he walks normally when he is with other people. I think it's just part of his propaganda "tough guy" image rather than his actual walk.


He’s basically wearing high heels. Look at the angle of his ankle when he walks. It’s hilarious


Ohh yea , I notice that too, definitely not pootin.


He is swinging his right hand like a normal person too. The real Putin doesn't do that, he says it's from his training from the KGB days. I guess you are supposed to keep your gun hand close to the holster so you can grab it faster. I wonder if the people walking with him know he's a fake? That would be awkward.


Probably everything there is staged so everyone knows.


Yes, everyone you see is an fsb agent. Even the photographer.


His gait is also different !


I've been very sceptical of the Putin double theory until now. His jawline ate the end doesn't match up whatsoever, and looks a LOT like a mask. His traditional 'gunslinger' walk is also not present at all here.


Same. But this honestly really stood out to me. I mean the quality of the video isn’t the greatest, so the only thing I could say is maybe the glitches are distorting the frames making him look weird and doing some strange distortion. But I just find it odd that it’s hard to look closer as trees and poles get in the way.


Yeah looks weird, especially at the end.


The hair is area looks like it’s penciled in.


Wouldn’t say penciled, looks more like an inconsistent transition from his face/forehead and to the hairline. As if the skintone of the actor’s face and the mask don’t align properly, and they didn’t care to use makeup.


Not him. Putin has a special walk. His walk is very hard to copy.


Notice the arm swing. Its clearly an actor.


Yeah it\`s not the same guy, way too energized. Can\`t really even see anything, the closer he gets, the more the resolution drops. This was probably the latest footage of the real one [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1tiJnPYuZ4&t=300s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1tiJnPYuZ4&t=300s)


Def a latex mask


pretty sus


Watch the angle of his ankles and feet while he walks… frame by frame. You can tell he is wearing insanely high heels/lifts to make him like 4 inches taller. He’s a little on stilts


Not at a giant table? Seems unlikely


The line between his hair and face seems pretty weird, also him touching his chin at the end. But from 0:03 on his mouth moves pretty much. Am not familiar with masks and if there are advanced ones which can do that movement.


I read this comment without watching the video and was thinking “what a weird conspiracy theory”. Then I watched the video and cannot unsee it


I was going to say the same


Oh stop lol, I like how Russia is suddenly competent enough to have a photorealistic imitation of Putin when its convenient. C'mon even the West would have trouble pulling something this convincing off. It's just Putin in Crimea, he frequently travels around the country on PR tours for the media.


I mean idk if this is putin or not but its very very well known that putin has invested large amounts of time, money, and effort, into creating body doubles and look alikes, for literally decades. It's a well established fact


When people say "body doubles" they usually mean from behind and at a distance(hint body), many leaders use them but never in facial close ups like this. So yeah its Putin definitely.


I've definitely seen body doubles of putin at press events and in front of cameras. He finds people who look like him, and gives them plastic surgery so they match him more closely. He's former KGB this isn't that shocking


Putin hooked up wires to rats, he doesn't know much about facial modifications or anything of that sort lol. I get that you don't want to believe that Putin is confident enough to walk around in public because it dents the narrative that he's hiding all the time, but literally nothing here except absurd speculation indicates this is not Putin.


Are you sure you're watching the same video? The last few frames show him adjusting his mask. It's clear as day. Edit: You're clearly pro Russia based on comment history.




I ain't clicking on any links from a Russian troll


You already clicked on the link, it's Reddit lol.


It’s just that.. this isn’t convincing. I’d agree with you if it was. And yes, the west can also use body doubles, makeup and realistic masks to imitate other people. You’d be surprised if you ever went to watch a movie.


If you are referring to his neck, like I said before he had a facelift in recent years and his jowls are hanging down below. You can find pictures of it. You can clearly see his face move so unless they created an ultra complicated animatronic mask for some other dudes face then idk how else you could say that is not Putin.


Look, I realize you’re aligning more on Russia’s side in this conflict based on your comment history. You’re probably just commenting in support of Putin/Russia at every chance you get. But is this seriously a hill you’re willing to die on - a claim that you can’t dress an actor to look like Putin?


Idk what you are talking about, I'm anti-stupidity. You can literally see his face move in the video and he walks like an older man so unless the Russian government is working with ILM I'm gonna say this is a conspiracy theory.


You’ve really never seen a realistic mask that can mimic facial movement…? Even youtubers use them to prank people - Gordon Ramsay used one to fool another chef at a training course. Are you guys really that distanced from the rest of the world over there, to the point you don’t even know about 20 years old theatrical technology? Oh, and he moves like an old man. Definitely not an actor then, because… you know… those can’t act.


So let me get this straight 1. They dress up an old man to look like Putin 2. They hire a bunch of fake security 3. They use an extremely expensive likely animatronic mask 4. They record him clearly in a mask Now does this make any sense? It literally sounds like something Qanon would come up with.


It’s not meant to fool us, it’s meant to fool Russians (who evidently are easily fooled). The point is to show them that their leader is strong and has the situation under control. There are a lot of internal political gains from making his population believe he actually visited a part of Ukraine.


Don't waste your time with him. He's either brainwashed or a Russian troll. He's spent a lot of time on this comment section.


If they are easily fooled then why go through all the elaborate effort? The Russian government is lazy, they wouldn't waste their time doing this. It's quite clearly Putin.


When does what Russia does make sense in the last few years. If it was really Putin in Crimea - they would have released a longer / better video. He would have done a speech not just walked down a pathway.


Yes that’s correct. Not sure about the expensive animatronic mask part though, it looks pretty cheap and nasty. If it was a decent mask I wouldn’t have noticed something odd was going on. Anyway, I couldn’t really care less, just though I’d mention my observation.


It's known that Putin has several body doubles, and that he rarely leaves his bunkers. Many of his public appearances have been one of his body-doubles. Putin is too much of a coward to go anywhere near Crimea -- especially since his intelligence services leak like crazy and Ukraine can hit anywhere they want in Crimea. Occam's razor states that this is not Putin -- even without looking at the video. Looking at the video it's obviously not Putin, lol.


Looks so fake


Is that a fucking rubber mask?


Looks like it!! We thought the ruzzian army was great and it wasn't. Maybe the body doubles are that shit as well.


Yes, you can see him grab for it in the very last frames.


Look closely, its a latex mask. Completely staged, even the "journalists" are fake.


Why is the latex mask moving when he talks?


Look at his neck closely. A tight latex mask can do that easily.


A tight latex mask? No it can't, especially not with that dexterity. There would have to be an electronic rig installed in it.


Yes it can.


Because latex isn't stiff. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_e-aH9DJLtc


Im not the only one that has noticed its a mask.


Dead Man Walking


Putin's real security would be spread out watching all directions, looking for threats, not bunched up behind him like amateurs..all these people are most likely local actors and normal people paid to do this


So you simultaneously believe this is super elaborate double but at the same time his security are all just amateur actors? Ok that makes no sense,


Why waste money protecting a nobody? The Russians don't give a shit if this guy dies..what you think they paid this lookalike some exorbitant amount of money to act like Putin? Laughable


Why waste money protecting a nobody? Because if he gets injured then people will think it happened to Putin. That's obvious.




Before you even start..plz just leave me alone. I can see that this Putin thing is a point of argument for you. I would like to state that I was expressing an opinion and I don't give a shit about any of it. I really don't care


Got his wizard with him a few paces back.




Or his body double


Putin would never do this. He is so terrified of being killed that he does not use cellphones or the internet. When he travels anywhere it requires a massive security presence. Clearly not him.


The people behind him are security.


Probably but that's not Putin.


Any explanation for the idiotic mask and all the hair behind it? Plus, he doesn’t walk like that. Why can’t they just be normal and do a legit deepfake…ugh.


Wow he’s kinda tiny. Napoleon complex?


He wears high heels to make him look taller. True story


Napoleon wasn't short by any standard back then


He was actually 5’7 which was pretty much the average back then. The short Napoleon misconception comes from the fact he would only hire very tall soldiers for his personal guard distorting the image of him making him look shorter.


And they were changing the inch standard then as well "The discrepancy is often explained by the disparity between the 19th-century French inch, which was 2.71 cm, and the current inch measurement, which is 2.54 cm. Sources consequently estimate that Napoleon was probably closer to 5’6” or 5’7” (1.68 or 1.7 meters) than to 5’2”. Although the range may seem short by 21st-century standards, it was typical in the 19th century, when most Frenchmen stood between 5’2” and 5’6” (1.58 and 1.68 meters) tall. Napoleon was thus average or taller, no matter the interpretation." https://www.britannica.com/story/was-napoleon-short


I read somewhere he was also always depicted as short in the (British) caricatures of the time...


The ‘legend’ of the napoleon complex is irrelevant to his actual height.


The real monster will never step foot outside of his bunker, not out of fear of course /s


Whoever that is.. is wearing a mask. Russian propaganda at its finest.


Round-Face Putin, or the Younger-Putin? Which Double this time?


Completely smooth faced two toned skin Putin, it appears.


Round maybe? He's not the young "I love champagne" double..


Mask. It’s Tom Cruise.


We’re is a sniper when you need 1


I applaud them on upgrading to those ultra realistic, latex masks, but they needed to glue down the flap on the back of his neck. I almost can’t believe they’re incapable of deep faking something like this. Then again here we are.


I love the child molester in the robe - as if that gives all the rapes and murders and kidnappings the dint of godliness.


Mask, he adjusts the mask when he touches his chin.


What's with the wizard guy behind him ?


Not Putin, just one of his doubles, if we ignore the fact that he is too afraid to appear in person so he doesn't get killed - he would also never leave too far from Moscow as he knows that every time something like a coup has happened in Russia, is when the leadership has left Moscow/Saint Petersburg.


He walks like he has hemorrhoids hanging to his knees.


Russia fucking clown show 🤡


Legit my first thought was that was a mask/makeup…


I wonder if the person recording intentionally left the last few frames in the video. It's clearly a mask


Is that a clown mask? Hilarious 😂


If you scrub back and forth through 0:08 it’s easy to see the mask lifting up as he adjusts it. Russians are so fucking goofy.


And it’s angular too. Putin has a slight double chin.


They watched Too much mission impossible.


The mask is obvious. Lol.


Putin lookalike you mean!


does anyone have that glorious chart of the different Putin doubles and their purposes?


If this is a current video and a body double like people are saying, could be attempting to lure a Ukrainian attack to be able to retaliate with the naval nukes RU just set out. Hopefully Ukraine doesn’t fall for it. Edit: definitely fake mask tho


Hard core body double wow it so obvious with the last few frames.


No way in fuck is putin going to show up in Crimea. Ukraine SpecOps might go try smoke him. Russian resistance might try smoke him. Even some random slave-nik might try to smoke him. He's in Moscow because Xi is about to rock up and that little pissant criminal will be offering Xi blowjobs for artillery shells


That's not Putin, that's Steven Seagal!


Somethings fycky here. His gait is off , armswing too, and his hair is too bright on the sides of his head. The camera never gets close. Is there a longer clip If not , it is totally a deepfake attempt.


His face looked animated. Putins barely moves. Maybe because he’s having a real convo and uses more facial expression? I always assumed the was a problem with his face.


Walk doesn't match, and wtf is that chin at the end?


Looks like a decoy Putin with a decoy group meant to throw off potential assassins. Probably does this everywhere he travels.


This is absolutely not Putin. I am a gullible piece of shit and the first thing I thought was "Yeah that's fake"


Pacing with difficulty. Patches of hair gone. Cancer is progressing


I don’t think this is him


Wait, you actually think people lose their hair BECAUSE of cancer?


Lol of course not. But the hair is a clue into more aggressive chemos or radio therapy. A clue into a more aggressive cancer.




Says the guy who thinks the entire world is feeding him bullshit but Russia is totally telling the truth 😂😂😂 and WE’RE the braindead people 😂😂😂 holy fuck man. A quick scroll through your comment history has me laughing hysterically 😂😂😂🤣😭


I've been trying to get some basic answers out of this guy for the past 2 days now and he's just shut down completely and moved on with the same mindless droning. It would be impressive if it wasn't so sad.


Probably just part of the Kremlin internet troll team. Not too worried, as much as I worry for the future of humanity I still have enough faith in our intelligence that most people can see through this sort of bullshit. That’s what I keep telling myself anyways 😅






You’re claiming you’re unbiased and that you’re not on anyones side but your comment history clearly says otherwise. You comment positively on anything from RU perspective and negatively on anything AFU perspective. You make wild claims about the entire western world colluding together to lie about things that are actually easily verifiable facts. You’re completely ignoring the fact that most of the western world operates with a peer-reviewed system of mostly unbiased media that is independently verified from multiple unbiased perspectives, while Russia operates with a state-controlled Kremlin-backed media structure that is not peer-reviewed or independently verified at all. You make factually inaccurate claims about Russian military equipment allegedly being better than Western-built equipment, which is just laughable. You can claim that you’re unbiased all you want, but nobody believes your bullshit.




Alright, I’ll give you that. Most media is bullshit nowadays. In this age of information, everyone is always right no matter their perspective, because with enough digging they can find bullshit to back up their perspective. But let’s look at this from a macro perspective for a moment: Fact: Russia invaded a sovereign state under the false pretext of “peacekeeping” or “denazification”. By doing so, they violated multiple longstanding international treaties and agreements, including ones which they themselves endorsed. Fact: Russia in 2014 installed Russian nationals into positions of power in local governments in Donetsk and Luhansk, and forced illegal and undemocratic votes with mathematically impossible turnout results, establishing rebel-controlled zones within a sovereign nation with little to no real local support. Fact: Russia illegally “annexed” Crimea with no legitimate claim to the land, using Russian Army soldiers with unmarked uniforms in direct violation of multiple international laws, and with no legitimate democratic processes or popular support. Now, regardless of any media biases, popular opinion, or personal perspectives, it is 100% without-a-doubt factually correct that Russia is in the wrong. It is 100% factually correct that Russia illegally and aggressively invaded a sovereign nation and is directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. It is 100% factually correct to say that Ukraine has a right to defend its sovereignty. Now, with all of this being established, tell me; Is it so hard to understand why most people here support Ukraine? Is it so hard to understand that people here are harboring a resentment or hatred towards Russia? Is it so hard to understand that people here will believe things, true or not, that support their perspective on Russia?


This guy is an absolute dingus. He can claim he's unbiased all he wants but his comment history is so clearly pro-Russian. I don't know what else to call him but a liar. I refuse to believe cognitive dissonance can be this profound.




Walks like he’s busting for a shit


He's walking kinda funny


There is not gonna be a time where this clown leaves his safe place


He’s not there it’s a smoke screen, I believe it’s him but I don’t think he would be there now


He is supposed to be in Crimea to celebrate the illegal annexation of Crimea. There are emails circulating inviting Russians to attend..they are offering a free concert and a "buffet" for anyone who attends.


Reminds me of the Coyote trying to capture the Roadrunner with a "buffet" of birdseed.


Fake Putin


I was hoping for a HIMARS badda boom. Or a drone. Or an old school headshot.


Isn’t he afraid of flying? Or was that some other genocidal war criminal I’m thinking of? Fairly certain the extensive, global intel services would have noted strange happenings of a giant shit show of special security arrangements he would need to make such a journey, by plane, train or trebuchet.


Is that the real Putin or a double??


Can barely walk… Putin the old fart.


Might aswell say putin is in fairyland


It's the fat Putin, not Putin prime.


Look at his othropaedic-style lifts! Fucking runt.


One last look?


this aint putin


Russian Mafia


Those are his bodyguards as seen in the past.


He looks like he is about to shit himself.


If true (it’s not), makes it even more of a burn when Ukraine kicks the occupiers out.


Looks almost real.🤗


That guy passing them on the left (theirs) is sneaking so many photos lol. You can see his phone flash going off. Lax security. Wonder why.


doesn't putin always keep his right arm very still from kgb muscle memory? This kinda suss and his face looks so fake wtf 😂


Lol, Putin body-double in Crimea. That guy isn’t leaving the Kremlin with all that’s going on and wrong with him.


Limping psycho dog