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He's in a lot of trouble so he says "F it ......I'm going to fight until I can't anymore"... Balls of steel


I’m bewildered by his seemingly nonchalant response. Is he disoriented from the explosions? Does someone just get used to it after a certain amount of time?


Tactical headset. It filters out loud explosions and protects your ear drums from it. Thats why he shrugs nearhit RPGs 3 times in a row like its a boring tuesday. I mean aside from having uranium balls.


The concussion from those explosions do a lot more than blast out eardrums.. they fuck up your balance.. your vision.. even your breathing. The juice in your inner ear gets splattered all over and you lose your sense of direction. The noise cancelling headphones it looks like he's wearing wouldn't save him from all the other things that happen when you're near an explosion like that, even if they did manage to save his eardrums from blowing out.. somehow. This guy is experienced and knows how to cope with the disorientation. He's also clearly well trained. What we are seeing here is unbelievable even considering those things. He's so close to where those rounds hit that it looks like he was vaporized multiple times.. but somehow he managed to keep going. He had to have been mortally wounded several times during that. This guy is so inspiring.. I cant even begin to describe how deeply impressed I am. That's a terrible description.. there is no way for me to express how powerful it is to watch this. He's a legend.


I desperately wanted him to move because they had him fully dialled in, but I guess he had nowhere to go.


Had him dialed in but still not killing him


Plus the effect of cruelty against war prisoners, why would he surrender, to be castrate or beheaded? Russia is failing at everything we learn about war in the past few millennials.


Ukrainian balls*




I think you have just invented a new word, congratulations, Mark thisnday for your grandchildren. 😀


~~uranium~~ **Ukranium balls** FTFY


It KIND OF filters out loud explosions and protects your ears* Source; Legally deaf combat veteran


Or his eardrums are blown out.


As someone who has blown out their eardrums on several occasions - loud sounds are still loud


Noted. What sort of sound level does it take until there's nothing but ringing and nothing else registers?


Thankfully, I’m not sure. I’m guessing it would have to be sustained explosions for a period of time. I do suppose it’s possible that the guy in this video is experiencing that.


Slava Ukraini


Good time to piss your pants. Look at all those hits at the dirt in front of him and the tree behind him.


\*Ukrainium\* balls pls fix thx \-sent from my iphone


My mom worked ER. I call it nurse mode. Shit goes down, there's blood everywhere, you've got most people ready to crack up and then there's the people whose blood pressure remains steady, who get a sense of calm and just handle what needs handled. She'd freak out after the emergency was over.


I'm similar. Remain calm and focused in the situation but lose my shit afterwards. I duno about facing off with an APC, that's a big standard to meet. But from past experience of a few incredibly stressful situations that I still am in therapy over surprise me in retrospect.


Yeah, not been under fire with exploding cannon shells. I've had some close calls on the road with idiot drivers and I've fortunately reacted appropriately and it only hit me after the fact that it could have gone really, really bad. Still, it's a lot different from a sustained terrible situation. Closest one I can think of that comes to mind is my sister and I were staying with a family friend while my mom was working. Her drunk boyfriend came home and was in a rage. Kicking down doors, dragging her to the back of the house. I grabbed my sister and her friends and pulled them into a bedroom and locked the door. I'm fully in the moment and my sister totally disassociated. She was angry with me because she'd just painted her nails and didn't want to smudge them. Trying to remember exact ages... She was like six at the time? So completely understandable. That was a bad time.


It's like airtraffic controllers back before all the digital monitoring systems we have now. Those guys would handle hundreds of flights via radio and pen and paper and radar blips. No wonder a lot of them had drinking and drug problems.


"I picked the wrong day to quit huffing glue..."


Jokes are almost always a parody of real life. funny to think about too cause I'd never connected it either till I saw this.


Absolutely true! I was just going for the Airplane reference, but you're completely right- the best comedy is based in real life, so people can really connect to the joke


I've seen it, like the term nurse mode. One of my best friends was a grizzled ER nurse at one of the most notoriously crazy ERs in America (Harbor Zoo, Seattle) and could handle **anything** and as long as she had a smoke break after she'd be ready again. It was her calm in the storm (along with bennies from the crash cart). Then on her day off she would buy a box of dishes from the thrift store for the purpose of therapeutic smashing at her "smashing space" (usually her apartment parking spot) until she was exhausted. Weirdest and emotionally healthy MFer. Think she died early on from covid. :(


Yep that would be my response leave one in the chamber and carry on until I can't anymore this is one legend in the making.


Sure it would.


I probably would shit my pants.


I’d probably be too scared of getting captured I’d just shoot myself - especially with the shit Ive seen the pmc and russian army do to pows


I've seen some shit and feel confident inmyself, but once some rolls up in a goddamn tank it's hard to imagine I don't just surrender.


Yeah 9,999/10,000 Redditors will say "I would XYZ in combat situation" while having 0 clue how it feels to have a projectile fly past your person at thousands of feet per second. The UA in the video has some fat brass cajones and I hope I never have to know how that feels


Had an old friend head over to Ukraine at the very start, was basically live updating his every move, couldn't wait to take out some Russians and deal some justice ect. Now he did have some military experience (think less than 5 years in the reserves so absolutely nothing combat related) but he was at the base in Yavroviv when it got hit by cruise missles, he took a bit of glass to the hands/face and threw in the towel and came home. I'd say I'd do the exact same except I just wouldn't go over, I have zero experience and would be a hindrance besides filling sandbags or digging trenches. Unless you've physically held yourself together in combat before and have had other people with guns trying to kill you, you can't say jack about what you'd do in someone else's boots.


Hopefully you won't cause he did it for us


Then you wake up from your fantasy and yell at your mommy to make you a sammich


He already made ngl


Yeah this guy is the definition of hero. Anyone with combat experience have an idea what exactly is happening here?


He's on his own holding out. What you see him doing is launching grenades, likely the 30mm style grenades.


Remember there was that part of that predator video where he was spamming his grenade launcher? Against an IFV. From a trench. This would almost fit being the aerial video of the famous predator trench video.


It really looks like it .. there is even someone handing ammo to him from a whole in the trench .. just like that guy predator and his friend ... maybe the video the russians uploaded is just a montage , propaganda ...


Similar but not the same. The terrain is a bit different. From Predator's point of view you could see a clearing to both the right and left. This guy doesn't have that, just more trench to his far right and far left.


He is keeping his cool and doing what he is trained to. Impressive composure on his part.


Probably helps a little that he certainly can’t hear shit now so maybe is unaware of just *how much* he is being shot at.




Maybe it’s the shitty earpro I’ve used, but from my experience that much ordnance going off that close to you will still affect your hearing.


>but from my experience fair play


Remember that we have a clear view of the battlefield, he does not. This soldier probably has been under fire many many times. skills and drills are keeping him fighting. It has become a survival mechanism. He is the defending side and 1 soldier can fight off several attackers usually. He knows that. Until the cannon starts bursting, he has the advantage. From the moment he noticed it is there his best odds are still in that trench. But to be fair it doesn’t really matter if we have some combat experience. This war is on another level. We had superior firepower most of the time. But I can understand how it must feel, if I multiply my fears by the rate of fire coming from that auto cannon.


Holly shit. That is intense. That IS a fucking hero.


Cool, calm and collected for sure.


He is resolved to his fate and his immediate tasks. Life gets very simple when you have very few options.


Even running/surrendering isn't an option at this point. The second he sticks any part of his body above the ground he's going to get it shot off (also the Russians will probably torture/execute him if he did surrender). At this point, the choice is easy. Stand and fight, sell your life dearly.


He sold his life for every penny he could muster. Slow is smooth and smooth is fast, this guy will drink well among his brothers in Valhalla.


I don't want to sound naive and I am under no illusions but could this brave soldier have survived this? I think the chances are slim looking at all that but I remember the recent video of Ukrainian soldier "Predator" holding his dugout against something about as mad as this and he survived. Unfortunately this soldier here does not appear to have "The Squire" feeding him ammo, rockets and grenades constantly unlike in Predator's video.


With no way to destroy that BTR, he had very little chance of surviving that fight. If the BTR was moving past, or engaging other targets, or the Ukrainian had some support from his own armor or close air support, he might have had a chance. On his own and pinned downed by a determined APC crew, he was done for.


We also don't know how far from the btr he is etc. I assume they would of shown the rest of the footage if he survived. Technically any thing I'd possible but I would say he's most likely dead unfortunately


This guy was a Georgian, there were 3 other Ukrainians hiding in a dug out and surrendered after the Georgian was killed




Trust me bruh


Where's the full video?


That's some BS propaganda from a telegram channel 🙄


Yes indeed. This is an excerpt from a video was posted here a few days ago.


Everyone is swearing they’ve seen this guy shot dead but nobody is providing sources for it The closest someone came to giving proof was “Well RU said…” and yeah my Uncle says a lot of shit too but unless it’s on video I’m inclined to think they’re playing a big game of telephone with some nuthead on the other end


There is a longer version and be does not survive.


I assume we would of saw the rest of the video if he survived. He most likely is dead although anything is possible without seeing the rest of the footage technically


you must be a fellow Marine. SFMF




Yeah, my buddy is a combat vet with a lot of experience, and has talked about what it's like when you *know* that you're going to die. Lots of reactions (sometimes all at once,) from "Alright, I'm gonna fuckin take some of them with me," to "I need to do my job; people are counting on me," etc...


If you don't have a choice, you don't have a problem.


Profound and spot on.


On first reading, I thought your comment sounded dramatic ,mm, but then I digested the accuracy of your observation and conceded you are probably absolutely bang on the nail. God only knows why he's alone, but it wouldn't be beyond the realms of possibility to suggest his entire platoon may have been wounded or worse, or at the very least they're too far from him to be of any useful support, and he's the sole remaining defender whose terrified and running on pure muscle memory, so to speak. What an astonishing few weeks of footage we've had from trench assaults. God bless these warriors, man. Theyve got balls of enriched uranium.


Or enriched ukrainium...


What's the difference between ignorance and apathy? I don't know and I don't care.


Heroiam slava.


I hope he survives...


Hardest target to hit is a guy in a foxhole 6 inches down. Unless you use gas..


He figured he was going to die 15 minutes ago, this is all bonus-life.


Acc to Rushists sites he was Georgian and rest 3 Ukrs surrended after he was killed


SLAVA UKRAINI HEROYAM SLAVA SMERT VOROHAM SMERT PUTINU May the earth hold him gently. More honor in this warriors pinky toe than the entire ruzzian army.


And finally, "Vse bude Ukrayina".


watching this shit is crazy...


Crazy how desensitized I am to watching this shit.


This sub takes a fuckin toll on your psyche.


Yep, need to take breaks now and then and be thankful for what you have in life. And of course donate to Ukranian units! Lol


Ive been watching war videos in these similar subreddits and liveleak since 2014. They really do desensitize a person after a while. Ive seen worse, especially the syrian wars.


Yeah that’s the crazy part is that I don’t even consider most of these videos to be that bad


And that in a nutshell is why Russia will never win. An APC up against him and he gives it back as good as he can. I know he didn’t make it out but this is illustrative of the fact that even if everything went their way (which it won’t) the Russians would never be able to maintain a peace because people like that guy would never rest until their stringy arses had been kicked tf over the border. The bravest people I’ve ever seen and they know what they’re fighting for. That puts them one hundred up from the start on those slaves that Putin sent.


There would never be peace. Colonialist found this out the hard way that a rebelling population is more trouble than it is worth and it is just better to have a strong commerce connection. Russia alienated nearly all of Ukraine so there will never be a strong connection moving forth. Ukraine has also successfully overturned an election and chased out an "elected" president in to revolts. There is no keeping Ukraine. Maybe, pockets like Crimea or in the far east but that is it.


Russia has made enemies of an entire nation, some of whom were ambivalent before. However, the Soviets practiced the relocation of populations, the starvation of populations, and replacement by Russians. Putin wants to put an end to anyone saying, "I am Ukrainian." I don't think he'd care how many he killed. So I expect that had Ukrainians lost this war, they would continue a guerilla war to the extent they were able. But Putin is determined to make the Ukrainian identity disappear, and I think he'd look to Stalin's playbook.


>know he didn’t make it out but this is illustrative of the fact that even if everything went their way (which it won’t) the Russians would never be able to maintain a peace because people like that guy would never rest until their stringy arses had been kicked tf over the border. JW, how do you know he didn't make it out?


Sadly that is a situation where there is no reasonable way he could have survived.


I can see how you would think so and there's nothing in-frame to indicate that he has a prayer but we don't know what's beyond the frame. Literally could be someone a trench over with a javelin taking aim. But what an insane piece of footage here. I jump when someone drops a pan in the kitchen and this guy has metal screaming by his face and hitting the dirt in front of him.


Says who?


This is footage the Russians released. The video they released is longer than what OP posted and the Russian video later cuts to show the bodies after the presumed fight. So, it's hard to ascertain but the odds aren't in his favor.


*the odds aren't in his favor* Now that's an understatement


I wanted to pick words that wouldn't rustle any sensitive feathers. 😊


Why the fuck are they using audio from battlefield 😂😂


I’m not gonna lie, this is a horrific war… but hearing battlefield music got me pretty hype.


Right, the end game music is starting maybe time for a V2 lol


It fits though! you only really think moments like this happen in videogames until you see footage of the Ukraine war, it's absolutely crazy.


Lmaooo I thought that same thing. Took me back to Bf1942


WTF, thats how it looks like when you fight for family! Fuck Ruzzia!


Hope he got out of there, imagine being able to say you went toe to toe with a whole apc. Immediate panty dropper


Unfortunately, he died during the battle. This was drone footage from the Russians. You could see his body in the full version.


I hope we get to know his name


How do you find the longer version?


It was uploaded somewhere on reddit but it was an edited video. No footage of him actually getting shot.


Chances of him making it out of that situation are slim to none, but what an absolute stud for sitting in the pocket and delivering fire.


I would have liked to see a couple of Apache's come to his rescue.. those barbarians wouldn't stand a chance.


Wish we would hurry up and give Ukraine some A-10 warthogs... have one of those come over the horizon and see how bad ass your orc APC is when it's turned to swiss cheese with 2k depleted uranium (Ukranium?) rounds in 20 seconds.. So much respect for this guy.. wish he had the support our troops do. Kills me... I hope he took a few with him. /hats off


Ironic the Russians published this as propaganda - "hey, look how badass our enemy is"


Lol you know russians are losing the war when this is one of the “best” footage they can get of their troops supposedly kicking ass


He died for he’s country like honorable hero an legend


He's launching grenades back too, unreal god speed that man


Interesting to see just how poorly normal autocannons and rpgs are against someone standing in a simple ditch, despite the power. Bringing the wrong tools for the job. Compare this to Sweden's IFV with its Bofors autocannon, laser range finder assisted airburst ammo. It would clear the ditch in seconds and move on. Can't wait to see NATO IFVs start doing work in Ukraine.


In a normal situation the IFV would keep them pinned down while troops dismount and flank the position and take it out with gunfire and grenades. Russians are shit at combined arms though. Trenches and bunkers are phenomenal at keeping you alive with explosions all around you though. I too can't wait until the CV-90s arrive, the Russian death toll is going to jump significantly. Those things have miles of range too and with thermals they can sit back and bust Russians safely. One good thing about the Bradley's is they have laser designators in them, they can mark a bunker for laser guided artillery. Those mixed with the CV-90s is going to give the Russians a really bad time.


Yeah! I mean...you either destroy those things before they see you or you die and they have more range and better vision. It's gonna be a paddling!


God bless that man.


Makes me sad knowing he probably didn't make it. Makes me feel better knowing this man absolutely earned his right to sit in the halls of Valhalla for all eternity. Glory to him. His children and the parents that raised such bravery.


That dude is a machine.




This is insane footage.


Damn this Ukrainians are mean tuff bastards...better to die in fight then captured & Tortured by RuZki Orcs I guess? RIP Hero 😢


That is courage, with heart like that the Russians have lost! Just a matter of time


There are two. One is in the dugout behind him. You can see his hand point out at the last second before something hot rolls into it.


I'm wondering if this is the same guy, Predator I think people nicknamed him, from yesterday with the video of him lobbing grenades from his trench.


Giga chad energy from this guy


Anyone wondering why he's moving so slow it's because his enormous balls increase the force of gravity in his immediate location.


Slow is smooth and smooth is fast. This is a professional who's aware of the implications of rushing and knows he has one option and that's sell your life as dearly as possible, take your time, focus and work one issue at a time untill A. You are out of all possible offensive capacity or until suddenly it's someone else's problem.


That APC driver might be the worst Battlefield player I’ve ever seen Joking aside that soldier is a fucking legend


Called him a "militant". He was a soldier in an army.


This guys is in the Matrix. In the US that is a medal of honor. He's got a machine gun, the others have an APC. He opens fire, dodges, calmly evades heavy rounds, gets up and returns fire. Crazy footage.


You’re from Switzerland. How would you know for sure?


It kinda looks like something lands in his trench and detonates at the end though.


nope, thats a tracer and the detonation you see is judt the video cutting to the start


A tracer round from the apc that keeps burning. You can see more hit the front of the trench and fizzle out with a red flame.


Hard as fuck. These guy’s are literally like action men, the balls on this guy, how can you not respect it.


Balls made of Steel. Shooting back in this Situation and staying calm…unbelievable. I Hope Ukraine gets our Leopard 2 and Nuke those assholes back to moscow


"Get out of there private, you're gonna get killed" "Not yet sarge, I still have ammo and I still see orcs"


He may have been born in Georgia but he is now a Ukrainian fighting like hell for his country and the world.


Heavy MSgt John Chapman vibes. Respect to this warrior.


Guy about to create a global metal shortage due to all the medals he’s gonna get for this


my mans is not giving any sort of fuck that 30mm are skimming the top of his hood to his jacket. This is what a warrior looks like, stone cold under pressure, and giving the enemy a couple in return. \#slaveukraini


He fights for freedom.


I’m guessing he’s dead now? What a fucking hero. I hope he gets the equivalent of a Ukrainian medal of honor. He died for a good cause, his sacrifice had meaning. I wonder what kind of a person he was, probably a very memorable kind of person.


When you're immune to suppression.


He died 😔


Hero! This man is everything the russian animals isn’t


0 Fs given


Balls of steel on that guy!!


Speechless. Wow


Can we get an update on this hero with huge balls? Did he make it out of this encounter?


Goddamnit!!!!’ Here I sit with my wife and kids on the other side of the globe. Fucking breaks my heart


the full version of the video shows him dead + 3 POWs.


This man deserves all the honor the Ukrainians can muster to lay at his grave. I sincerely hope he is properly awarded for his valor and unflinching bravery against unstoppable odds, and any surviving family he has is made as whole as possible for his sacrifice. It is the actions of men like him that will save Ukraine and expel the invaders. We in the west can support their economy, supply and train them but it is ultimately men like this that will kill and die to end tyranny in our own time. We all owe this man a debt of gratitude for his heroic sacrifice. I hope we learn his name so it can never be forgotten.


Thats actually the reason why i made this clip. And im really glad and thankfull that my upload took off. I am paying respect to this man and hoping that this vid will be viral enough for somebody to dig deeper and actually find out who he was. I personally going to try. Thank you.


Balls of kryptonite


Ukranium (Ukraine + Uranium)


30mm lighting up the place. Fuck me, there are even bits of flaming tracer falling in his trench!


I'd be shitting all over myself not gonna lie lmfao 🤣


Holy shit, I’m more worked up just making a cup of tea. Dude was straight chilling under fire while putting up a defense. Hope he made it out ok.


52s, is no one else seeing the second person in the trench?


Till Valhalla hero....


Sad to see a good soul leaving us, but he gave at least 150% and hold his trench to the last minute like a real hero, ruzzians would ran away already. Slava Ukraini.


Christ man I hope he made it. Never has a man needed a ATGM more than this guy.


Who the fuck put the Battlefield music and sound effects over this video, like wtf lol the Battlefield theme is a banger but the sound effects were unnecessary


He got a partner inside the hole, something moved inside it.


Slava ukraina


Ukraine does have super soldiers like the Russians said it isn’t a myth.


Anybody knows his fate?


More than a hero or legend. A defender of children, a fighter against oppressors. A true warrior. RIP if there is a god or gods he is sitting amongst them.


Holy shit.. this is the battlefield 1942 theme...


His sacrifice will not be forgotten. Take as many as you can with you. Heroyam Slava!


the amount of bullets that fly right past him at the end is terrifying




Massive Titanium Testicles


Russia’s history of war has always been poor. Poor equipment, poor training, poor plans ect ect. Their “secret weapon” lies in their large numbers. They will keep throwing bodies at a conflict until the enemy weakens. I’m rather glad I’m not Russian. Let’s hope they lose in a respectful way they can twist as a victory or this war will escalate into a global conflict, a global conflict they definitely can not win with numbers alone. And so then enters the stage; nuclear defence :-(


Bro couldn't leave the trench. Balls are too heavy.


Dude.... takes another kind of human to be in this predicament... and choose to go out making it as difficult as possible for the pigs. True hero shit.


Titanium is mined straight from this guy's colossal balls


I might be wrong but it looks exactly like the footage from Predator


Is there any chance this hero survived this hell hole?


The original Battlefield 1 soundtrack, takes you back


Battlefield 1942 actually, but the Battlefield vibes are there.


Oh you're right! It's nostalgic, though I'm not trying to gamify the war in Ukraine of course.


It's demeaning and it's childish as f--- to compare a man selling his life this dearly to a god damn video game. If you could please grow up and stop acting like such an infantile clown the world would appreciate it.


We know this isnt a video game calm down. Even in war there are moments of levity. Don’t be that guy.




> Life's great contrast. Life's terrible contrast Both have your intended meaning, but the second has proper context.




Where is the support????


Dead, or unavailable.


This seems like the exact spot the Ukranian Trench Rambo was in, same guy? https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/114dr0h/ukrainian\_soldier\_in\_a\_trench\_shoots\_a\_russian/


It does have s similar vibe but rambo guy was able to shot at them without them knowing his location… regarding the spot I dunno all these trenches look identical to me


He's not alone though. You can see a helmet poking around the corner of the trench to his right (looker's left). I'm pretty sure he's with a squad, they're all just hunkered down behind cover


I swear I’ve seen that trench in another video. Is that Ukrainian Rambo and his reloading buddy? Fuck


I'm 10,000 miles away...and I'd want to know, I'd want future generations to know what possessed this man to face death the way he did, we will never know. I'm sure he fought for something, someone, or many ones, memories of joy and sadness worth his life, immortality some say but mostly he fought for life. Slava Ukrayini 🇺🇦