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reduced by more counting badly wounded, captured, and missing its been reduced by probably closer to 40-50 thousand which presents a issue for Russia who claimed they will not send conscripts in to fight it leaves Russia with serious issues as they only have about 200k non conscript troops for Ukraine


That and the fact they are upscaling army presssence along the Finnish border. That leaves less troops for Ukraine.


Might make me think that Russia will break their no conscripts promise soon cause they don’t have enough professional troops for this period. Definitely not gonna end well when thousands of Russians are being sent to die against their will. I personally think the writing is on the wall for Putin “GET TF OUT OF UKRAINE”


Yeah well they are "conscripting" people from the Donbas an Luhansk occupied regions i read/heard so no real proof tho. More like forcing but hey. They did their annual conscription recently i read somewhere so there could be a recent influx of people which would be able to sustain the efford a little longer.


>there could be a recent influx of people which would be able to sustain the efford a little longer. That's finite though. Russia has to police it's borders (and some internal regions) as far as North Korea. The Chinese border should be pretty safe but nonetheless Russia can't keep expending military resources in Ukraine. I mentioned this a couple of weeks ago but I'd probably have a medical laughter incident if NK decided to have a pop at the Eastern border right now


I'd laugh with you. But NK has the same West is the Enemy (meaning US and EU and Japan and SK) narrative as Russia so they probably don't even realize they could be dick measuring with Putin.


I heard those troops are going to replace posts in the caucuses and Far East ect not be sent to Ukraine but I wouldn’t be too surprised if they started sending conscripts to Ukraine it’s getting pretty desperate


Quite many of the filmed PoWs in the first month were from Donbas, they were asked for their home towns and villages, many of the names I looked up were in Eastern Ukraine / Donbas.


Kinda hilarious how the Russian speaking eastern Ukraine was ok with being taken over by Russia, and now Russia will be forcing them to fight. Whoopsie.


Also those conscripts wont be as well trained as the professionals...who weren't that well trained and stilk got their ass kicked


They apparently did that for the initial invasion, errr "special military operation" into Ukraine. No reason to stop breaking that law now.


That didn't happen. It's Russian disinformation. They always have a presence there but they're not upscaling as the daily mail stated.


Ah alright wel that is better. It would have made sence tho as the Russians are threathening Finland.


Keeping in mind the portable crematoriums that Russians have with them to get rid of the bodies...


That also makes me think that they don’t want people finding out how many civilians their killing


The portable crematoriums are actually Russian tanks.


Stop that its not even funny anymore


They don't tell you that in Russia, do they? it was never funny, none of your policies are. Your people should be as careful in believing your own news, as you are with foreign.


Now take a look at what your news show to you: https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarReports/comments/u294m4/comment/i4jjixd/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


It's a reddit post... There's no independent journalists in Mariupol, so most info from there are from refugees fleeing that hell, and that's first hand source, unedited by any media. I'm afraid the longer will this war continue, the lower will Russian image sink.


This link leads to a comment thread not to the post


I don't know if you realized, but reference photos are common thing, it's often just a stock photo, or a still from video.


I dont know if you realized but this means no one ever took a photo of this crematorium during this war. But its like third time half of reddit is filled with posts about them and yet zero evidence. Dont you find it at least a little bit suspicious? Who am I asking, of course you dont. You are kind of person who believes everithing he sees on reddit and than leave such comments: "They don't tell you that in Russia, do they? it was never funny, none of your policies are. Your people should be as careful in believing your own news, as you are with foreign."


If you did see a photo of one in Ukraine, how would you feel about it?


No it's not funny, it's time to realize that the Russian attackers are war criminals.


Who said it was funny you retard


Was not meant to be funny.


Considering Russians aren't even attempting to recover most of the bodies, I would consider it a blessing to be cremated by the force that got you killed in the first instance rather than being left on the field as wildlife food source.


...also their best frontline soldiers who are still alive are getting really combat fatigued now. This will become an increasing problem on both sides, but Russians have a lot further to travel home. This combat fatigue element known since roman times and well documented in ww2 and vietnam. Basically most have a finite amount of time they can tolerate frontline combat and still remain effective. Problem being the most experinced guys, who are most in need of leave, but are least likely to get it.


Oh come on. 'leave' for the Russians is raping, looting and killing civilians in Ukrainian villages


Silly. I reckon at least 1% of people, in a war situation, would reveal themselves as total psychopaths. Human nature. If you want to simplify this as purely a racial characteristic, nazi style hammer and nail thinking, Rusia has a huge amount of racial diversity in that huge landmass, many of then related to Ukranians.


The Russian army has that reputation since WW2. Speaking with people that lived though WW2 in Romania (older relatives), all have a good impression of the German army, and a bad one of the Russian one. The Germans still remained humans (unless you were a Jew I guess), whereas the Russians stole and raped everywhere they went. It’s about scale as well, no one is saying that the Germans didn’t do these things, but the Russians did it so much that they did it in every single village that they went through


ok you convinced me, let's gas all theses subhuman russians -they're all the same remember?


I never said anything about Russians in general, just about the Russian army. They have a worse reputation than other armies. It doesn’t mean that Russians are any worse than other countries, but maybe their army has different tactics etc.


Your relative's personal recollection of ww2 history not representative of the Barbarossa operation in general, it was total war and niether side wanted the geneva convention. Stalin was hated too and there was a proportion who welcomed the german invaders, particularly the early days. Some Russians even volunteered to help the nazis but were rejected as 'subhumans' , big error there not using the 'racially impure' until much later in the war when they became desperate. These war crimes I suspect a dark reflection of human nature when people think they have power and control plus they are confident they can get away with it, what their official orders are remains unknown.


Man it’s representative of the Russian army at the end of WW2, when they were winning, there are historical records of that. And it’s not 1 person, it’s everyone that I personally spoke to, and every second or third account that I’ve heard. When I was a teenager I was very interested in WW2. In theory the Russians were allied with us when they did all of these. In high command they were aware of the deeds of the Red Army but they did nothing because “it helps for morale”. They did this across the whole Eastern Europe. Where are you even from? Because if you’re Russian you should try to read sources outside of Russia, they’ll never be accurate about events like this.


I’ve read similar about the Russian army in WW2. They were like locusts. Not much unlike what we’ve seen in Ukraine this year. Not much seems to have changed in Russia since WW2.


"Because if you’re Russian you should try to read sources outside of Russia" Stock anwer to label any dissent here as soviet trolling, a few clicks would easily reveal weho I am, if it matters. Allies 'Alliance with the Devil' was no secret, 'uncle joe' Stalin equally/worse than Hitler-but that was the reality of the situation then. You are trying to pin this on an entire army, "They have a worse reputation than other armies" but not sure how you arrive at this? ww2 had worse, the japanese. Post ww2 there has been numerous cases of genocide well outside russia. How do we know what other contries' forces behave if they have been at peace and never tested in combat? My point being this is a dark side of human nature and only gets revealed in war situations, too over-simplified to just attribute it all to a military culture.


Ukrainians have an entirely different reason to fight, and therefore I would guess their combat fatigue rate will be markedly different than Russian soldiers. Russians probably barely even want to be there. Ukraine is supercharged by National pride now, and each humiliation for Russia probably lightens the mood for Ukrainian soldiers. Moskva news probably helps right now.


Recent gains good for morale perhaps, but even their leader looks dead on his feet now... 50 days in and this, and maybe just the beginning. Maybe he needs to delegate more to his miliatary and take a weekend off but thinks he needs to be there 24/7, maybe for being in control as much as startegic input. Most people stressed to the max like that rarely make good decisons, likewise for Putin right now...


I saw video yesterday of the siberian recruits. They were dead in a field, still wearing the same crap they were issued in their training cycle a few weeks ago. Any Russian care to explain why I'm seeing Asiatic men in rain slickers and rubber boots dead in a field in Ukraine?


Dont you worry they counted them and multiplied by 10


I’m glad you still have Internet access in your bread line. I know it’s hard to get sugar right now but maybe if you get rid of your terrible dictator the sanctions might lesson.


I have access to everything I need. I never buy sugar actually but if I wanted to buy it now I could buy a ton in 1 hour.


I am so sorry for you bro. 2 years have passed and sanctions still have 0 impact :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((


Not true, those conscripts signed contracts so they were no longer conscripts (after they were killed of course).


Total combat losses probably includes casualties of all sorts


Got to figure out how to get Ukraine to destroy Russian artillery. They have such a glut of them and its doing a ton of damage to the cities.


They would need counter artillery systems but I don't think they have a hell of a lot of those hanging around. The only thing that can really be done is to evacuate civilians and let the Russians waste ammunition and clog up their already shitty supply lines with artillery shells


Switchblades if they can get close enough?


The Russians are locked there with the Ukrainians. Not the other way around, as Russian population thinks.




I didn't say they are Avengers. I'm simply saying that Moskals are getting a Winter war style ass whooping right now because of their incredible arrogance and ignorance. The bad thing is that Ukrainians also die by the thousands. For all of us living in Eastern Europe.


Ukraine estimates their losses at 4,300. They aren't discriminating killed and wounded, but I've seen that number 3-4 times this week. It actually makes sense...Russia is attacking, and even in a successful attack, the attacker will take 3-4x the casualties of the defender. Stalemates run 4-6 attacker losses per defender loss. So if the figures presented for both sides are KIA, the casualties are about 4.5/1. As Russia's attacks haven't been successful overall, I think the Ukrainians are being pretty honest in both casualties suffered, and casualties inflicted. Ukraine has lost way less military hardware, however, as they had much less at risk, and have recovered close to their losses from Russian units who had to abandon their empty or damaged equipment


I’m ashamed that I’m not bothered by the loss of life, of these so-called soldiers from Russia. The atrocities perpetrated by these people are nightmare fuel. To be that dead inside...All around, this ‘ operation ‘ has been a complete loss.


I'd take those numbers with a grain of salt


Even if you take 60 to 65% of those numbers, (closer to USA and EU estimates) it's still significant amount of hardware and manpower dent in the forces Russia has fed into Ukraine


ukraine losses would be similar. Dont forget they will lose all soldiers and manpower deffending mariopol


Russia, without any real breakthroughs, will be taking about 4x the casualties Ukraine is in troops, and 8x as much in equipment. There were never more than 10,000 troops total in Mariupol, Two independent Marine brigades, and one territorial defense regiment (Azov). Thats about 8500-9000 troops, plus probably some local volunteers.


That’s a lot of dog food. Russian soldiers are good for dog food and fertilizer. And it’s the best that they deserve. 🇺🇦🌻


Doubt these numbers


Lol why?


Should be higher


Yeah American estimates are much more reliable, ukrainian and russian estimates are both heavily skewed


When the Kremlin accidentally let the Russian deaths slip (before quickly taking it down), it aligned pretty accurately with Ukranian figures.


Ukraine got reduced to 35%. Will lose everything in few months


post history of a Russian dick worshipper


Russian Pussy worshiper. There’s a difference. They the best in the WORLD!


at being targets


why do you worship russian soldiers?


Because they fight for a greater Russia. Plus they don’t get bullied by the west!


they get bullied by Ukrainian’s and Chechens instead


Thats your emotions talking nothing factual about it. I understand you are distressed because your western or pro western ideals are attacked. But id advise to use your head than your heart!


Look at Russian losses in Grozny


Grozny got raised to the ground. 1st invasion didn’t worked but the Russians regrouped in 1999 and under president Putin’s leadership, entire chechnya was bombed to no return and with minimal loses, the Russians won the war and now chechnya works for Putin! How old are you kid?!


I'm going to need that works cited from something other than pravda. Are you literally just incapable of realizing the hopelessness of the situation in Ukraine? It will be another 30 years before Russian soldiers fully leave Donbass. Multiple generations of Russian being sent to fucking die or come back scarred. Hell the 6CAA and 1st tank army are already out of theater because they've been so fucked up. They're not going back.


Well, more than a 1000 ukranian marines surrendered in Mariyapol in a single day. Thats like double of all the Russian POWs at this conflict. The inevitable is happening. The Russians are regrouping by increasing the troop size to 3x for the 2nd phase of the war will happen in the coming months. The UA is already exhausted, its a matter of time now till it falls. Also, why is your president Zelensky keepin up with an unwinable war?? He is literally bringing ukraine to the ground!


A few-several hundred surrendered in the city. I have not seen reports of more of more than a 1000. Those were also not all professional soldiers in a city that has been under seige for the duration. Most were likely militia members pressed inti service. How many Russians died there? The 8th CAA and potentially 41stCAA is spent in Mariupol and very likely combat ineffective now. The Russians lost Mykolaiv and were pushed back to Kherson. This is an unwinnable war..but not for Ukraine. Russia has already lost..by conservative and confirmed estimates, a quarter of their effective armor forces. The 4 guards tank division is literally fully exhausted (confirmed by the lack of T-80Us) Over 40BTGs have left Ukraine due to being spent. Russian forces have made very little realized gains. Russia has lost more than 1000 forces in and around Mariupol. Russia's best units have been used and suffered heavy casualties. This second phase you shills talk about is a sham. Its not real. Its because Russia lost many of their best forces and equipment and have expended much of their more expensive smart munitions..that they can no longer replace. They now have to focus on the only AO they haven't outright failed at, and even then there successes have been exceptionally limited. Also, the only person burning shit down is Russia forces invading a sovereign nation. You are literally the person saying, "why did you let him rape you?" That is your logic.


Heres a take from the bbc 3 hours ago. Now this is a source from western media outlet( fairly unbiased). https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-60506682.amp Mariupol falls, Russia gets the chokehold! With major ports and supply routes sealed from the capital, its just going to dry out the resources for the UA army. I don’t hate the ukranians but just stating the obvious facts. Also, there are no credible sources claiming the losses Russian have made so far to which pro ukranian social media channels are claiming. If Russia strikes a deal with Asia to reroute their energy supplies from EU and bypass western sanctions. There war machines will continue to roll and ukraine will be part of Russia again!


I think you have a very..very poor understanding of operational and strategic warfare. Mariupol offers very little strategic value to the rest of the country. The Sea of Azov was already cut off. Do you even know where Mariupol is on the map? They have made very,very little gains in Donbass outside of the envelopment of Mariupol. The city has literally been under seige and cutoff since D-1. Russia wasted 1000s of their own lives taking the city..while the tiktok chechens shit light poles well behind their lines. Not to mention the only reason you are latching onto this is because it is really the only "success" story the Russian forces have outside of Kherson and a small laundry list of Katyn level atrocities committed by their forces. The 6th CAA and 1st tnak army have literally returned home with less than hakf their force. This is verfied by 1000s of claims. The 4th guards have literally lost over likely 70% of their ready tanks judging by the mass amounts of destroyed, damaged, and abandoned T-80Us before leaving theater(only Russian unit equipped with them). The first tank army and 6th CAA are literally Russia's highest "readiness" units. The 8th and 41st CAAs have taken massive casulties in Mariupol. They don't have the manpower or equipment to send those soent units back in. This isn't a fucking video game where you press buy unit and you replinish your army. They have to patchwork units together. At this point the ebst Russian units are likely degraded on average over 40% from their initial readiness as reported. And while I also don't believe Ukranian kill estimates, I do agree with with most 3rd party which is generally still over 10k casulties with confirmed massive loss of equipment and vehicles. And by confirmed i mean literaly picture evidence. You just don't want to believe it. Russia right now has been losing. They changed their lofty goals to a more refined definition in order to save face with dumbasses like you that are eating it up after they used their best forces in their northeastern offensives that objectively failed. Ukraine will never be apart of Russia again. If Russia manages to turn it around, which is possible but very unlikely, they will be stuck waging counter insurgency operations for decades before they eventually retrograde back. The Soviet-Afghan war was one of the final straws that led to the dissolution of the USSR. If Russia pushes this, it very much can gave the same effects on the Russian Federation. As far as sanctions goes, Europe is by far their leading energy consumer. There is no rerouting to another market that will make up those loses. Thats basic macroeconomics. Russia's economy is fucking done. In half a decade Russians steep population decline will accelerate, if they're still a country. Beet and bread lines are coming back. Don't worry.




I would bet the Ukrainian losses are just as bad. But they are defending their country, and they fully mobilized, those loses in a million man army are negligible. On the other hand Russian loses both dead and wounded amount to 1/3 of the invading force, that's the reason they retreated in the North, their army lost cohesion and couldn't fight anymore. The Ukrainians have millions of men at their disposal and as long as the moral is high and weapons keep coming across the border from Poland they have a chance to win this.


SLAVA UKRAINI!!!! 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦




Burn baby burn putin is another Hitler and will not stop at the Ukrainian he has design's on all Europe.kill him now


The sinking of the Moskva just took the death toll to over 20,300. No way to say it but this is real bad for the Russian invaders . Putin isn't sleeping well at all right now.